Analysis of T-lymphocytes by flowcytometry, estimation of serum TNF-alpha level by solid phase enzyme amplified sensitivity immunoassay [EASIA] and IHAT were done for chronic schistosomiasis mansoni patients without hepatic fibrosis, with hepatosplenomegaly and 20 healthy controls. The sensitivity and specificity of IHAT in schistosomiasis mansoni were 85% and 90% respectively. Chronic schistosomiasis mansoni patients showed increase in CD8% [27.3 +/- 5.3] and decrease in CD4% [44.2 +/- 4.68]. Hepatosplenomegaly cases showed increase in CD4% [46.5 +/- 4.1] and decrease in CD8% [23.2 +/- 2.18]. Serum level of TNF-alpha was significantly higher in cases with hepatosplenomegaly compared to either cases of chronic schistosomiasis mansoni or controls. No significant difference was between chronic schistosomiasis mansoni patients and controls. A correlation between hepatosplenomegaly and increase of CD4 and/or decrease of CD8 and significant high level of TNF-alpha indicated TNF-alpha role in granuloma formation