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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186745


Background: Intermediate uveitis is a form of uveitis localized to the vitreous and peripheral retina. Primary sites of inflammation include the vitreous of which other such entities as pars planitis, posterior cyclitis, and hyalitis are encompassed. Intermediate uveitis may either be an isolated eye disease. Involvement of the corneal endothelium during uveitis has not been extensively studied even though it might participate in or constitute a target of ocular inflammation. Formation of keratic precipitates (KP) is a characteristic finding in several forms of uveitis. Aim: The aim of this prospective study was to examine the vicinity of keratic precipitates in infectious and non-infectious uveitis by specular microscopy. Materials and methods: Patients with infectious and non-infectious uveitis in any activity level and presence of keratic precipitates were enrolled. A noncontact specular microscope was used to capture endothelial images in the vicinity of keratic precipitates. The automated morphometric analysis was done for cell size, cell density and cells coefficient of variation. Statistical comparisons were made between the infectious and non-infectious groups. Results: Totally 50 patients were enrolled in this study, 30 (64%) eyes presented infectious uveitis, 20 (36%) non-infectious uveitis and 1 (3%) eye were excluded due to the impossibility to obtain a specular image. The mean cell density estimated was 2,628 ± 204 cells/mm2 in the infectious group and 2,622 ± 357 cells/mm2 in the non-infectious group. The mean cellular area in the infectious and non-infectious group was respectively 385 ± 31 µm2 and 390 ± 60 µm2 . The coefficient of variation (%) of the cellular area in the vicinity of keratic precipitates was 26.36 ±3.44 in infectious and 27.69 ± D. Sundararajan, N. Sathish Kumar, S. Veluchamy. Specular microscopic study of cornea in infectious and noninfectious uveitis in rural population of south India. IAIM, 2017; 4(10): 111-116. Page 112 4.61 in the non-infectious group. The differences between the groups were not statistically significant (P<0.005 / Mann-Whitney test) for the three morphologic variables. Conclusion: The clinical applicability of specular microscopy in patients with uveitis can be a useful tool to evaluate the corneal endothelium in the presence of keratic precipitates, however, the handicap of the specular image formation might not be discarded in some cases. The differences found were not clinically meaningful between the infectious and non-infectious groups, however the uveitis in various degrees of intraocular inflammation

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186744


Introduction: Refractive error is the most common visual impairment seen worldwide. This is one of the main cause for which patients come to ophthalmologist. This can occur at any age of the patient. Automated refractometer has become popularised method for doing refraction because of the busy practise of ophthalmologist and due to heavy patients load in screening camps. It is an easy method to learn, to operate and also time saving procedure. Patients are also very comfortable with it because of this easy procedure done in short time. But Streak retinoscopy which is considered as a Gold standard technique for refraction, has some difficulties like time consuming, dilatation of pupil and discomfort to the patient. Aim: Comparing the effect of the conventional method of refraction with computerized automated refraction in various refractive error patients. Materials and methods: It was an observational, cross-sectional study done in a 50 refractive error patients who attend Department of Ophthalmology OPD. Results: According to the statistical analysis done to compare the refraction values of the auto refractometer and streak retinoscopy with the patient's acceptance value, results came as streak Deepikadevi SN, Sundararajan D, Namitha Bhuvaneshwari K, Murali Krishnan. Comparing the effect of conventional method of retinoscopic refraction with computerized automated refraction in various refractive error patients. IAIM, 2017; 4(10): 105-110. Page 106 retinoscopy values had no significant difference with the patient's acceptance value. This study also shows males were more affected by refractive errors than females and the mean age of affection in myopia was 19- 20 years and hypermetropia is 33-36 years. Conclusion: Since reteak retinoscopy values are accepted well by the patients, it is the better method for refrection than auto refractometer

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186742


Background: Myopia is a common pathologic change of the eye, especially in Asian countries undergoing rapid development. It is known that Asian people have a higher prevalence of myopia. High levels of myopia are associated with increased risk of cataract, posterior vitreous detachment, retinal tears and retinal detachment, increased risk of choroidal neovascularization, and myopic macular degeneration. Aim: To describe the corneal endothelial density and morphology in patients of low and moderate myopic in rural south Indian population and the relationship between endothelial cell parameters and other factors. Materials and Methods: Totally 100 patients were included. Noncontact specular microscopy was performed after taking a history and testing the visual acuity, intraocular pressure measurement, Schirmer’s test and routine eye examination by slit lamp microscope. The studied parameters included mean endothelial cell density (MCD), the coefficient of variation (CV), and percentage of hexagonality. Results: In low myopic eyes the MCD was 2892. 0±146.2/mm2 , the mean CV was 38.4± 0.4 and the mean hexagonal appearance of the cell was 53.9± 0.9%. In moderate myopic eyes, the MCD was 35716± 142.0 mm2 , the mean CV was 37.9± 3.4% and mean the hexagonal appearance of the cell was N. Sathish Kumar, D. Sundararajan, S. Veluchamy. Assessment of corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in low and moderate myopic eyes in rural south Indian population. IAIM, 2017; 4(10): 93-96. Page 94 59.83± 3.6. There were statistically significant differences in MCD (p<0.000) and hexagonal appearance of the cell (p<0.005) between low and moderate myopic eyes. Conclusion: The normative data of the corneal endothelium of eyes indicated that statistically, MCD decreased significantly with age. Previous studies have reported no difference in MCD, the percentage of CV, and percentage of hexagonality between genders. Nevertheless, significantly different percentages of CV between genders were presented in this study.