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Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2018; 31 (1 Supp.): 291-297
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-192927


Plasmodium falciparum is the most well-known reason for extreme and life-debilitating malaria. Falciparum malaria causes more than 1 million deaths annually. Malaria remains a noteworthy reason for major morbidity and mortality in the tropics, with Plasmodium falciparum accountable for the mainstream of the disease weight and Plasmodium vivax being the geologically greatest broadly dispersed cause of malaria. The controlling of severe malaria comprises quick direction of suitable parenteral anti-malarial agents and initial acknowledgement and treatment of the complications. This clinical trial was piloted in 100 patients, in which 50 received the test drug [Malarina] and 50 received the control drug [Quinine Bisulphate]. The age range of patients was 12 years to above 50 years. The sample paired t-test was applied to evaluate the significant level. Malarina was very effective in treating malaria sign and symptoms. The new treatment Malarina was safe and well tolerated in all patients

Hamdard Medicus. 2017; 60 (1): 67-81
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-197052


In Unani system of medicine the diet therapy [Ilaj bil Ghizd] is an important part for managing many diseases. Diet is one of the most important factors that keeps the Akhlat [humors] in equilibrium and ultimately maintains a balanced mizaj [temperament] on the other hand modern medicine also puts great emphasis on this aspect. PCOS [Polycystic ovarian syndrome]-insulin resistance-obesity are interconnected. The modification[s] in dietary patterns in PCOS patients improves metabolic and reproductive outcomes by reducing insulin resistance. No such article was there which accurately enlist appropriate food items for such patients. PCOS is due to Sue Mizaj-Barid Ratab [Mal temperament due to cold and moist]. Mizaj of Foods with hot and dry are the best, while cold and moist are the worst. On the other hand food with low glycemic index are best while high glycemic index should be avoided with respect to the concept of modern medicine. This review article focuses on the most healthy and unhealthy food for PCOS patients with respect to the concepts of Unani and modern medicine and enlist appropriate food items for such patients with a distinct view?

Hamdard Medicus. 2016; 59 (1): 5-16
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-185884


In Unani System of Medicine, since centuries cupping therapy [Al Hijamah] has been an integral part of regimental therapy to treat various human diseases. The present study focuses on the therapeutic effect of wet cupping therapy [combination of suction and controlled medicinal bleeding] against various diseases. It is the oldest form of alternative medicine in which a suction is created locally on the skin, physicians consider that this act trigger blood flow in order to support healing process

The patients [n = 65] aged between 20-65 years, enrolled in this study after obtaining their informed consents at Eastern Specialist Clinic, Karachi

They were clinically assessed and diagnosed on the basis of their past history, clinical observation and temperamental assessment grouped into: chronic constipation, dyspepsia, knee joint pain/arthritis, migraine, shoulder pain/muscular spasm/cervical pain, sciatica, stress/anxiety/depression and varicose vein. The cupping therapy was applied on the back and front of the body over different points [5-6] for a period of 3-5 minutes comprising 3-10 sessions with an interval of 15 days. The wet cupping was effective in 72% of patients which showed improvement in their corresponding symptoms in order of chronic constipation > migraine > sciatica > shoulder/ cervical/muscular pain > varicose veins > dyspepsia > knee joints pain > tress/anxiety depression. The relief from symptoms depended on temperamental evaluation and its effectiveness appears to be: Sanguineous temperament harr [hot] and ratb [moist] > phlegmatic temperament band [cold] and ratb [moist] > bilious temperament harr [hot] and yabis [dry] > melancholic temperament, barid [cold] and yabis [dry]

It is concluded that wet cupping therapy is effective against diseases of various origins and its efficacy is dependent on temperament and severity of the disease

Hamdard Medicus. 2016; 59 (1): 34-40
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-185887


Tinea capitis [TC] is a dermatophytic infection of the scalp this infection most commonly affect children usually under the age of 12 years and frequently seen in boys. This is a case study of an 11 year old boy nai've patient who presented to the OPD with a history of severe scaly, crusting, bald patches on scalp from Smonths. The clinical diagnosis was confirmed to be TC and the causative organism is Trichophyton violecum. After treatment with polyherbal formulation [Nuskha No. 9 and 10] for a period of 8-weeks with follow up the sign and symptoms of the patient resolved completely with healthy normal hair growth pattern. This case study confirmed that nuskha No. 9 and 10 are effective against TC and it is cost effective. However, more data is required to justify its efficacy, safety and its mechanism of action

Hamdard Medicus. 2016; 59 (2): 54-71
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-186730


Polycystic ovarian syndrome [PCOS] is a disturbance of reproductive, endocrine and metabolic functions. There are multiple clinical features including menstrual cycle disturbances, hirsutism, enlarged polycystic ovaries, abnormal biochemical profiles, obesity and acne. It is the most common endocrine disorder of women in their reproductive years with a global prevalence of up to 17.8%. While its incidence is highest in women from Kashmir Pakistan -Indian subcontinent [37.3%] followed by Pakistan [20.7%]. In Unani concept polycystic ovarian syndrome has not been defined as a disease however, descriptions related to its manifestation have been reported. According to Unani physicians it is predominantly due to excess of khilte balgham [phelgmatic humour]. The line of management is based on correction of this temperament by using herbs of the opposite temperament such as Aloe barb adensis, Cinnamom zeylanicum, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Linum usitatissimum, Mentha spicata and Nigella sativa which help to increase the expectoration and purgation of phlegm from the body. In modern medicine an ideal therapy is lacking that fully reverses underlying hormonal disturbances and treats all clinical features. There are symptomatic correction available for polycystic ovarian syndrome most commonly used are oral contraceptives pills and metformin. However, they cannot reverse the hormonal imbalance completely justifying the use of alternative treatments

Hamdard Medicus. 2016; 59 (3): 52-63
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-188688


The present study, describes the effect of cupping therapy on variations observed and assessed in the biochemical parameters such as total cholesterol, triglycerides [TG], low density lipoprotein [LDL], glutamate pyruvate transaminase [GPT], alkaline phosphatase [ALP], total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, urea, creatinine and uric acid before and after cupping therapy. Wet cupping therapy was undertaken in patients having 4 hrs fasting and after taking consent. The first session of wet cupping therapy was performed on both genders [n=69] aged between 20-65 years for 20-25 minutes on their first visit to the clinic followed by the second session after 1 week and all the biochemical parameters were recorded. Different symptoms were assessed considering biochemical parameters. Results of blood samples before and after 10 days of wet cupping treatment was statistically analyzed by applying paired t-test in this study. The values of serum total cholesterol and triglycerides were significantly lower except that of LDL. Thus, the results indicate that cupping therapy of 2 sessions is effective against high cholesterol and triglycerides levels but not for LDL indicating that probably more sessions are required. Regarding temperament the cupping therapy was most effective in patients having temperament sanguineous harr [hot] and ratb [moist] temperament and phlegmatic temperament i.e. barid [cold] and ratb [moist] whilst moderate improvement in bilious temperament harr [hot] and yabis [dry] and least in melancholic temperament that is barid [cold] and yabis [dry] was evident

Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2014; 27 (2): 381-388
en Inglés | IMEMR | ID: emr-138641


Shigellosis is communicated when the pathogen is swallowed down through the factors like stool or polluted hands with dust. Inappropriate hygienic conditions may reach such clinical manifestations. Shigellosis is frequently originated in crowded places and where hygienic conditions are insufficient and sanitation is poor. Infections easily transmissible from person to person like family members or infected playmates. The disease can easily transmit through infected food handlers with inappropriate hygienic conditions, crops nurturing in contaminated water with sewage line system, swimming in contaminated pool water. Similarly houseflies can also form an important vector for its transmission. In this study, Ecological factors were also the causative indicators for the disease. The issue was the water contamination of the different areas of Karachi mainly the Pehlwan Goth, Safora Goth. Then another area we focused was Patel Para in which Salmonella species were present. Other indicator was the individual-to-individual transfer that was common in Safora Goth