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Motriz (Online) ; 26(1): e10200153, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135290


Abstract Aims: To analyze the effects of physical therapy procedures in reducing acute pain in runners. A second aim was to investigate the impact of weather conditions on the number of physical therapy visits during the Ultramarathon Rio24 h. Methods: This retrospective study was performed at the Physical Education Center Admiral Adalberto Nunes (CEFAN). Medical records were analyzed. The participants were athletes that were attended by the Physical therapy team during three editions of the Ultramarathon Rio24 h. The variation in the Visual Analog Scale score (VAS) before and after each treatment were analyzed. After the evaluation procedure, another professional had decided the best procedure for the assessed athlete: massotherapy, cryotherapy by immersion, or stretching. An ANOVA was performed to assess which procedures produce pain reduction immediately after the procedure. Results: A total of 1,995 care services (228 in women) were performed in 602 athletes (84 women). Analyzing the treatments that used only one modality (n = 512 visits), the final pain decreased significantly over the initial pain for the three treatments. It was verified that massotherapy, cryotherapy, and stretching promote significant intragroup differences, with no intergroup differences. The environmental conditions were not associated with the number of visits. Conclusion: Massotherapy, cryotherapy, and stretching are effective treatments for acute pain reduction during ultramarathons. The weather conditions are not associated with the number of physical therapy visits.

Humanos , Traumatismos en Atletas , Carrera/lesiones , Modalidades de Fisioterapia/instrumentación , Estudios Retrospectivos , Escala Visual Analógica
Motriz (Online) ; 23(3): e101720, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-894996


Aims: To investigate the home advantage (HA) in the Copa Libertadores da América (CLA) from 2005 to 2015. Methods: A naive analysis was applied considering how many times a team that played the second leg at home qualified for the next round. To verify differences between home, away and draw results, the Chi-square ( χ2 ) and the Full Bayesian Significance Test were applied. For the binomial variables ("Home" or "Away"), the probability of second-leg knockout occurrence was calculated. Results: The probability of second-leg HA varied from 27.27% to 63.64% suggesting fluctuations of second-leg HA during competitive phases (round of 16, quarterfinals, semi-finals and final matches) and decision forms (full time, goals away rule or penalty-shoots). Conclusion: The results counteract the common belief that there is a large advantage to playing the second match of a two-leg tie at home during all competition phases. Penalty-shots seemed to affect positively the second-leg HA. Despite the causes of second leg HA in CLA need to be better investigated, soccer coaches could to use these results to think better strategies to win your knockout matches.(AU)

Fútbol , América del Sur
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-666368


Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar as principais atividades comuns às rotinas ocupacional e de condicionamento físico dos militares do Centro de Educação Física da Marinha do Brasil e estimar a demanda metabólica (DM) destas atividades. Cento e sessenta e um militares (n = 149 M e 12 F) com idade entre 19 e 47 anos (30,6 ± 7,8 anos) foram divididos em três grupos diferentes: marinheiros, soldados e cabos (G1), sargentos e suboficiais (G2) e oficiais (G3). A estimativa da DM foi realizada através de uma lista de atividades adaptada do Compêndio de Atividades Físicas. O questionário foi formatado em uma plataforma na WEB ( para que os sujeitos respondessem digitalmente. As atividades de condicionamento foram classificadas como moderadas (5,8 e 5,9 MET), para G2 e G3, respectivamente, e vigorosas (6,1 MET), para G1. As atividades da rotina ocupacional também foram classificadas como moderadas (2,7 a 3,8 MET). Foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as médias de DM das atividades da rotina ocupacional dos três grupos. Observou-se uma relação inversa entre a DM das atividades da rotina ocupacional e o avançar da carreira militar. Nas atividades de condicionamento, a redução da DM foi relacionada à idade, mas não necessariamente aos círculos hierárquicos dos militares. Conclui-se que o avançar da carreira militar leva a uma rotina ocupacional mais sedentária, o que pode contribuir para o aumento do risco de desenvolvimento de doenças induzidas pela hipocinesia.

The purposes of this study were to identify the main usual activities of the occupational and physical fitness routines of militaries from the Physical Education Center of the Brazilian Navy and to estimate their metabolic demand (MD). One hundred and sixty one militaries (n = 149 M and 12 F) aged 19 to 47 years (30.6 ± 7.8 years) were divided into three different groups: sailors, soldiers and corporals (G1), sergeant and petty o?cers (G2) and o?cers (G3). The MD estimate was performed through a list of activities adapted from the Compendium of Physical Activities. The questionnaire was available in a web platform ( so that individuals respond digitally. The conditioning activities were classified as moderate (5.8 and 5.9 METs), for G2 and G3, respectively, and vigorous (6.1 METs), for G1. The activities of the occupational routines were also classified as moderate (2.7 to 3.8 METs). Significant differences were observed among the means of the MD for the occupational routines of the three different groups. There was an inverse relationship between the MD of the activities of the occupational routine and the military career advancing. In conditioning activities, the reduction of MD was related to the age but not necessarily to the military ranks. It was concluded that advancing military career leads to a more sedentary occupational routine, which may contribute to increased risk of developing hypokinesia-induced diseases.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Persona de Mediana Edad , Necesidad Energética , Equivalente Metabólico , Esfuerzo Físico
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 14(2): 192-201, 2012. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-618223


Observa-se, nos últimos anos, um importante crescimento do número de praticantes de corrida com proporcional aumento da adesão destes às provas de rua. Nesta população, a identificação dos determinantes do desempenho parece ser necessária para otimização do tempo dedicado ao treinamento. O objetivo do estudo foi estabelecer a associação do consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2máx) estimado, da velocidade crítica (VC) e da velocidade do VO2máx (V VO2máx), com os desempenhos nas provas de 3,6 km em subida e 10 e 21,1 km no plano. Doze corredores amadores (9 homens) com 36 ± 5 anos de idade foram submetidos a quatro testes: 1 e 5 km de corrida, no plano; 3,6 km de corrida, com inclinação (≈8 por cento); e um teste para determinação indireta do VO2máx. A VC foi determinada através da relação linear entre a distância e o tempo de corrida dos dois primeiros testes. Os sujeitos participaram de duas provas oficiais de 10 km e 21,1 km. A V VO2máx foi estimada a partir do VO2máx, através de equações metabólicas. O VO2máx apresentou a melhor associação com o desempenho da corrida em 10 e 21,1 km no plano. Já na subida, a V VO2máx apresentou melhor associação. Considerando todas as provas, a variável com maior média associativa foi o VO2máx (0,91±0,07), seguido do V VO2máx (0,90±0,04) e VC (0,87±0,06), respectivamente. Este estudo demonstrou elevadas associações entre variáveis fisiológicas estabelecidas por métodos indiretos, de baixo investimento e alta praticidade, com o desempenho da corrida em 10 e 21,1 km, no plano, e 3,6 km, em subida.

In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in the number of runners, with a proportional increase in their involvement in amateur street competition. Identification of the determinants of performance in this population appears necessary for optimization of time devoted to training. The objective of this study was to ascertain the association between estimated maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), critical velocity (CV) and VO2max velocity (V VO2max) and athletic performance in the 3.6 km (uphill) and 10 and 21.1 km (flatland) events. Twelve amateur runners (nine male), mean age 36 ± 5 years underwent five tests: 1 and 5 km race on level ground, 3.6 km race with slope (≈8 percent), and indirect VO2max measurement. CV was determined from the linear relationship between distance and run time on the first two tests. The subjects then took part in two official 10 km and 21.1 km (half marathon) races. V VO2max was calculated from the VO2max through a metabolic equation. VO2max showed the best association with running performance in the 10 and 21.1 km events. For the uphill race, V VO2max showed a better association. Overall, the variable with the highest average association was VO2max (0.91±0.07), followed by V VO2max (0.90±0.04) and VC (0.87±0.06). This study showed strong associations between physiological variables established by low-cost, user-friendly indirect methods and running performance in the 10 and 21.1 km (flatland) and 3.6 km (uphill) running events.

Rev. bras. hematol. hemoter ; 32(2): 141-148, 2010. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-553483


O presente estudo tem como objetivo o estabelecimento de fundamentação teórica atualizada baseada em revisão bibliográfica sobre a leucemia de grandes linfócitos granulares (LGLG), doença onco-hematológica, que, devido à sua relativa raridade, é pouco conhecida e subdiagnosticada. A LGLG é caracterizada pela proliferação clonal de linfócitos T ou NK na medula óssea e/ou no sangue periférico. Dentre as manifestações clínico-laboratoriais, podem ocorrer citopenias (anemia e/ou neutropenia e/ou plaquetopenia), linfocitose (não costuma ser acentuada), linfadenomegalia, hepatoesplenomegalia, alterações imunológicas e sintomas constitucionais (emagrecimento, febre e sudorese). O curso clínico da LGLG é bastante variável, sendo que no subtipo T costuma ser indolente ou oligossintomática, enquanto no subtipo NK a evolução costuma ser desfavorável. O diagnóstico é firmado através de imunofenotipagem por citometria de fluxo e estudo de clonalidade por métodos de biologia molecular. Seu tratamento é bastante diversificado e é definido de acordo com a apresentação clínica da doença.

This is a literature review about large granular lymphocyte leukemia (LGLL), a rare and misdiagnosed oncohematological disease, characterized by a clonal expansion of T-cells (T-LGLL) or NK-cells (NK-LGLL) in the bone marrow and/or peripheral blood. The clinical features of LGLL include cytopenias (anemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia), lymphocytosis (usually discrete), lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, immune abnormalities and constitutional symptoms (fever, night sweats and weight loss). The diagnosis is based on the confirmation of the clonality of T-cells or NK-cells (polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot are the two methods most commonly used) and typical findings of the immunophenotypic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes (flow cytometry analyses for specific surface antigens). In contrast to the chronic and indolent course of T-LGLL, NK-LGLL has an acute presentation and poor clinical outcome. There are different current treatment options, depending on clinical presentation.

Humanos , Leucemia Linfoide , Linfocitosis , Neutropenia