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Acta cir. bras ; 39: e392224, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1556673


Purpose: To evaluate, by quantitative and qualitative methods, the glomerular ultrastructure in Wistar rats fed a cafeteria diet. Methods: Male Wistar rats were divided into two groups at 21 days of age: control (C, n = 10) and cafeteria diet (CAF, n = 8). The animals were followed up until 5 months of age, followed by euthanasia. The blood, kidneys, and fat deposits­­epididymal, retroperitoneal, and subcutaneous­­were extracted and analyzed. Data were analyzed by Student's t test, and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The cafeteria diet promoted glucose intolerance, hyperglycemia (p < 0.0001), and deposition of retroperitoneal fat (p < 0.005). Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the length of the foot process was similar in both groups. The quantitative analyses by transmission electron microscopy revealed that the cafeteria diet reduced the thickness of the glomerular basement membrane (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The intake of lipids and simple carbohydrates were found to be associated with alteration in the glomerular ultrastructure. However, more studies are needed to evaluate not only the effects of high-protein and high-fat diets on components of the glomerular filtration barrier, but also renal physiology.

Animales , Ratas , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Ratas Wistar , Dieta , Riñón
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(4): 391-397, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527715


Abstract Objective: The objectives of this study were to evaluate an automated device for ventilatory support based on AMBU manufactured in March 2020. Methods: The ESSI-1 INC was evaluated through pulmonary mechanics and physiology parameters through compensatory spirometer tests (TISSOTs), and an artificial lung Model5600i Dual Adult PNEU VIEW SYSTEM; it was also compared to the anesthetic ventilatory support equipment (AEONMED 7500) in porcine models, measuring ventilatory, hemodynamic and gasometric parameters. Results: This equipment (ESSI-1 INC) was successfully tested by mechanical and biological models, such as pigs in which its performance was evaluated in terms of variability of tidal volume, ventilation frequency, and I/E relationship versus the manual performance of two medical interns. All the results turned out as expected and were satisfactory. Conclusions: It is safe and effective equipment and should be tested and used in diverse clinical conditions to standardize the ventilatory safety and care of patients who require it.

Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar un dispositivo automatizado para la asistencia ventilatoria basado en un AMBU manufacturado en Marzo del 2020. Métodos: El ESSI-1 INC fue evaluado por medio de parámetros fisiológicos y mecánica pulmonar a través de pruebas de espirómetro compensatorios (TISSOT); pulmón artificial (Modelo 5600i Dual Adult PNEU VIEW SYSTEM); así como su desempeño comparado a la máquina de anestesia (AEONMED 7500) en modelos porcinos, midiendo criterios ventilatorios, hemodinámicos y gasométricos. Resultados: Este equipo (ESSI-1 INC) fue exitosamente probado por modelos mecánicos y biológicos, tales como cerdos donde su desempeño fue evaluado en términos de la variabilidad del volumen tidal, frecuencia ventilatoria, y relación I/E versus el desempeño manual de dos médicos. Todos los resultados finalizaron como se esperaba de forma satisfactoria. Conclusiones: Es un equipo seguro y efectivo, el cual debería ser probado y usado en distintas condiciones clínicas para estandarizar la seguridad ventilatoria y cuidado de pacientes que lo requieran.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 158(6): 380-386, nov.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430367


Resumen Introducción: Las bioprótesis de válvulas cardiacas son el estándar de oro para el reemplazo quirúrgico de la válvula aórtica en pacientes seleccionados. Objetivo: Evaluar la seguridad y eficacia de la válvula cardiaca bioprotésica del Instituto Nacional de Cardiología (INC) en humanos. Métodos: Estudio unicéntrico que incluyó 341 pacientes que se sometieron a reemplazo valvular quirúrgico único de válvula aórtica con válvula INC. Resultados: Se realizaron 318 implantes de novo (93 %) y 23 como segunda cirugía (7 %); las puntuaciones STS fueron de 1.4 y 1.8 % y el seguimiento de 42 y 46 meses, respectivamente. No existieron diferencias en las complicaciones ni en la tasa de implantación de marcapasos. Ambos grupos mantuvieron una FEVI normal. Se observó mejoría global en la clase funcional con empeoramiento solo en dos pacientes del grupo de novo. La disfunción de la prótesis INC que ameritó reintervención quirúrgica se observó en ocho pacientes (4.65 %) del grupo de novo versus un paciente (7.69 %) con segunda cirugía. Conclusiones: La válvula cardiaca INC es eficaz y segura, se asocia a baja tasa de complicaciones y mejoría de la clase funcional durante el seguimiento a largo plazo. Se necesitan estudios prospectivos comparativos de esta válvula.

Abstract Introduction: Heart valve bioprostheses are the gold standard for aortic valve surgical replacement in selected patients. Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the of the National Institute of Cardiology (INC) bioprosthetic heart alve of the National Institute of Cardiology (INC) bioprosthetic heart valve in humans. Methods: Single-center study that ncluded 341 patients who underwent single surgical aortic valve replacement with INC heart valve. Results: 318 implants were performed de novo (93%) and 23 as redo surgery (7%); STS scores were 1.4 and 1.8%, and follow-up was for 42 and 46 months, respectively. There were no differences in clinical complications or pacemaker implantation rate. Both groups maintained a normal LVEF. Overall improvement in functional class was observed, with worsening only in two patients of the de novo group. INC prosthesis dysfunction requiring surgical reintervention was observed in eight patients (4.65%) of the de novo group vs. one patient in the redo group. Conclusions: The INC heart valve is efficacious and safe, and is associated with a The INC heart valve is efficacious and safe, and is associated with a low rate of complications and functional class improvement during long-term follow-up. Prospective, comparative studies of this valve are required.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(1): 223-239, jun. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360490


Resumen El personal docente cumple un rol clave en la prevención de la violencia de género (VG) en el ámbito educativo. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo validar al contexto local dos escalas para indagar cómo el personal docente y directivo valoran los obstáculos para abordar la VG y conocer su valoración respecto a las medidas propuestas para mejorar la prevención y la forma de abordarla. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y multicéntrico con personal docente y directivo de escuelas públicas de Córdoba, Argentina. Para ello, se utilizó un cuestionario autoadministrado que incluyó dos escalas, una sobre obstáculos y otra sobre medidas. Se realizó análisis descriptivo, bivariante, factorial exploratorio y alfa de Cronbach y se construyó un modelo de regresión múltiple utilizando cada factor como variable dependiente. La escala validada de obstáculos se compone de diez preguntas y la escala de medidas incluye trece. Los resultados de regresión múltiple indican que los vínculos y prejuicios funcionan como obstáculos importantes para el nivel primario. La importancia otorgada a la ayuda especializada, como medida para prevenir la VG, se asocia a los equipos educativos que han manifestado necesidad de formación en este tema. Quienes han realizado actividades de prevención en las escuelas de nivel primario valoran más la transversalización de la perspectiva de género como medida. Las escuelas con personal en situación de VG consideran la formación en VG como medida de gran relevancia. Las escalas validadas en este estudio son fiables y recogen dimensiones empíricas de las valoraciones sobre obstáculos y medidas en relación con el abordaje de la VG en las escuelas.

Abstract Teachers play a key role in the prevention of gender violence (GBV) in the educational field. However, studies evaluating the opinions of teaching and management staff regarding the necessary measures to prevent GBV or the obstacles they must face when addressing this problem in the educational field in our context are incipient. This work aims to validate two scales to know the opinions and evaluations of the educational personnel on the obstacles and the measures they consider necessary to tackle and prevent GBV in schools. A descriptive, cross-sectional and multicenter study was carried out to an intentional non-probability sampling. The study population was the directing and teaching staff of schools in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina. The study variables were: sex, years of experience in the position, age, educational level of the center (initial / primary / middle / tertiary), area (urban / rural), locality where the face-to-face training was carried out, prevention activities carried out in the educational center focused on: students, families, and the educational team; GBV training activities carried out by the educational team, women and/or families identified in GBV situation, families with judicial restraining order, team interventions education before GBV of the students and/or families, staff of the educational team that has lived or is experiencing a situation of GBV, meetings of the educational team with local community organizations to articulate activity to prevent and/or address GBV, need for training on GBV manifested by the teaching team. To measure opinions on the obstacles and measures necessary to address GBV in schools, we applied a self-administered questionnaire with two scales, one on obstacles and the other on measures, based on Spanish scales. A descriptive, bivariate analysis of the relationship of all variables with sex, exploratory factor and Cronbach's alpha was performed. Finally, a multiple regression model was constructed to test the convergent validity using each factor as the dependent variable. The first scale of ten items identifies a dimension of obstacles related to family ties and existing prejudices in the educational community. The second dimension, values ​​aspects related to the scarcity of resources. For its part, the thirteen item scale of measurements has three dimensions. The first dimension, groups measures related to specialized help to address GBV, such as prevention programs, materials, and coordination with external organizations. The second groups the measures related to the need to have gender mainstreaming measures in the approach to GBV at school. The third dimension reflects the importance of staff training on these topics. Bonds and biases function as major obstacles for the elementary level. The importance given to specialized help, as a measure to prevent GBV, is mainly associated with educational teams that have expressed a need for training in this area. Those who have carried out prevention activities and primary schools, value more the mainstreaming of the gender perspective as a measure. Schools with staff who have lived or are experiencing a GBV situation consider GBV training as a highly relevant measure. The scales validated in this study are reliable and include empirical dimensions of the assessments of obstacles and measures in relation to the GBV approach in schools.

Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(1): e019921, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365759


Abstract A total of 132 flounder specimens (60 Paralichthys isosceles, 36 Paralichthys patagonicus and 36 Xystreurys rasile) were collected off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The fish were measured, necropsied, and had their organs investigated for hemiurid and lecithasterid digenean trematodes and camallanid and cucullanid nematodes. Taxonomic identification of the parasites was based on morphological and morphometric characters and was conducted using bright-field and scanning electron microscopies. The trematodes Lecithochirium monticellii and Aponurus laguncula were found parasitizing P. isosceles, P. patagonicus and X. rasile while the nematodes Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) halitrophus and Cucullanus bonaerensis were found parasitizing P. isosceles and X. rasile and P. isosceles, P. patagonicus and X. rasile, respectively. Parasite indices of prevalence, mean intensity, mean abundance, and range of infection, as well as infection site, were evaluated for each parasite species. This study allowed to evidence the first occurrence of P. patagonicus by L. monticellii; X. rasile by A. laguncula and P. (S.) halitrophus; and P. isosceles and P. patagonicus by C. bonaerensis in the Western South Atlantic Ocean.

Resumo Um total de 132 espécimes de linguados (60 Paralichthys isosceles, 36 Paralichthys patagonicus e 36 Xystreurys rasile) foram coletados na costa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Os peixes foram medidos, necropsiados e tiveram seus órgãos investigados para o encontro de trematodeos digenéticos, das famílias Hemiuridae e Lecithasteridae, e nematoides das famílias Camallanidae e Cucullanidae. A identificação taxonômica dos parasitos foi baseada nos caracteres morfológicos e morfométricos, usando-se as microscopias de campo claro e eletrônica de varredura. Os trematódeos, Lecithochirium monticellii e Aponurus laguncula, foram encontrados parasitando P. isosceles, P. patagonicus e X. rasile, enquanto os nematoides, Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) halitrophus e Cucullanus bonaerensis, foram encontrados parasitando P. isosceles e X. rasile e P. isosceles, P. patagonicus e X. rasile, respectivamente. Os índices parasitários de prevalência, intensidade média, abundância média e amplitude de variação da intensidade de infeção, bem como os sítios de infecção foram avaliados para cada espécie de parasito. Este é o primeiro registro de P. patagonicus por L. monticellii; X. rasile por A. laguncula e P. (S.) halitrophus; e de P. isosceles e P. patagonicus por C. bonaerensis no Oceano Atlântico Sul Ocidental.

Animales , Trematodos/patogenicidad , Infecciones por Trematodos/veterinaria , Lenguado/parasitología , Brasil
Rev. patol. trop ; 50(1)2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223706


A single dose of simvastatin and of artesunate monotherapy cause damage to the reproductive system of schistosomes as well as severe tegumental damage in male worms recovered from mice fed high-fat chow. This study aims to investigate whether treatment with multipledose regimes may offer more antischistosomal activity advantages than single daily dosing in mice fed high-fat chow. For this purpose, nine weeks post-infection, Swiss Webster mice were gavaged with simvastatin (200 mg/kg) or artesunate (300 mg/kg) for five consecutive days and euthanized two weeks post-treatment. Adult worms were analyzed using brightfield microscopy, confocal microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, presenting damages caused by simvastatin and artesunate to the reproductive system of males and females as well as tegument alterations, including peeling, sloughing areas, loss of tubercles, tegumental bubbles and tegument rupture exposing subtegumental tissue. The overall findings in this study revealed the potential antischistosomal activity of simvastatin and artesunate against Schistosoma mansoni adult worms, in addition to showing that multiple doses of either monotherapy caused severe damage to the tegument.

Una sola dosis de simvastatina y de artesunato en monoterapia causa daño al sistema reproductivo de los esquistosomas, así como daño tegumental severo en gusanos machos recuperados de ratones alimentados con comida rica en grasas. Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar si el tratamiento con regímenes de dosis múltiples puede ofrecer más ventajas de actividad antiesquistosomal que la dosis única diaria en ratones alimentados con comida rica en grasas. Para este propósito, nueve semanas después de la infección, los ratones Swiss Webster se alimentaron por sonda con simvastatina (200 mg / kg) o artesunato (300 mg / kg) durante cinco días consecutivos y se sacrificaron dos semanas después del tratamiento. Los gusanos adultos se analizaron utilizando campo claro microscopía, microscopía confocal y microscopía electrónica de barrido, presentando daños causados ​​por simvastatina y artesunato en el sistema reproductivo de machos y hembras, así como alteraciones del tegumento, incluyendo descamación, desprendimiento, pérdida de tubérculos, burbujas tegumentales y rotura del tegumento exponiendo tejido subtegumental. Los hallazgos generales de este estudio revelaron la posible actividad antiesquistosomal de la simvastatina y el artesunato contra los gusanos adultos de Schistosoma mansoni, además de mostrar que dosis múltiples de cualquiera de las dos monoterapia causaron daños graves al tegumento.

Uma única dose de sinvastatina e de monoterapia com artesunato causa danos ao sistema reprodutivo dos esquistossomos, bem como danos graves ao tegumento em vermes machos recuperados de camundongos alimentados com ração rica em gordura. Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar se o tratamento com regimes de múltiplas doses pode oferecer mais vantagens da atividade anti-esquistossomótica do que uma única dose diária em ratos alimentados com ração rica em gordura. Para tanto, nove semanas após a infecção, camundongos Swiss Webster foram inoculados com sinvastatina (200 mg / kg) ou artesunato (300 mg / kg) por cinco dias consecutivos e sacrificados duas semanas após o tratamento. Vermes adultos foram analisados ​​usando campo claro microscopia, microscopia confocal e microscopia eletrônica de varredura, apresentando danos causados ​​pela sinvastatina e artesunato ao sistema reprodutivo de homens e mulheres, bem como alterações do tegumento, incluindo descamação, áreas de descamação, perda de tubérculos, bolhas tegumentais e ruptura do tegumento com exposição de tecido subtegumentar. Os achados gerais deste estudo revelaram a potencial atividade anti-esquistossomótica da sinvastatina e do artesunato contra vermes adultos do Schistosoma mansoni, além de mostrar que doses múltiplas de ambas as monoterapias causaram danos graves ao tegumento.

Animales , Ratones , Schistosoma mansoni , Simvastatina , Hiperlipidemias , Ratones , Microscopía
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 29(1): e018119, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058016


Abstract Currently, there are 21 species of Angiostrongylus that parasitize the pulmonary or mesenteric arteries of wild and domestic rodents, felids, canids and human. Species of Angiostrongylus have cosmopolitan distribution covering tropical, subtropical and temperate regions. The procyonid Nasua nasua (coati) is a reservoir host for a wide variety of parasites that may be harmful to its populations or may contain etiological agents with zoonotic potential. In urban areas, coatis are usually found in close association with humans and domestic animals. We morphologically and molecularly characterized a new species of Angiostrongylus found in N. nasua in a protected area within Belo Horizonte, Brazil. The new species of Angiostrongylus differs from other species of the same genus in terms of the length and bifurcation level of the lateral and ventral rays, the length of spicules and female tail morphology. Molecular phylogenetic results based on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene suggest that the newly identified species belongs to a genetic lineage that is separate from other species of Angiostrongylus. This new species was collected from the mesenteric arteries of N. nasua. It was named Angiostrongylus minasensis n. sp..

Resumo Existem 21 espécies de Angiostrongylus que parasitam as artérias pulmonares ou mesentéricas de roedores silvestres e domésticos, felídeos, canídeos e homem. Espécies de Angiostrongylus têm uma distribuição cosmopolita que abrange regiões tropicais, subtropicais e temperadas. O procionídeo Nasua nasua (quati) é hospedeiro de vários parasitos que podem ser prejudiciais para suas populações ou conter agentes etiológicos com potencial zoonótico. Nas áreas urbanas, os quatis podem ser encontrados em estreita associação com seres humanos e animais domésticos. Nós caracterizamos morfológica e molecularmente uma nova espécie de Angiostrongylus encontrada em N. nasua de uma área protegida na cidade de Belo Horizonte, Brasil. A nova espécie de Angiostrongylus difere de outras espécies do mesmo gênero pelo comprimento e nível de bifurcação dos raios lateral e ventral, o comprimento dos espículos e a morfologia da cauda da fêmea. Resultados moleculares e filogenéticos baseados no gene mitocondrial citocromo c oxidase subunidade 1 indicam que a espécie recém-identificada pertence a uma linhagem genética separada de outras espécies de Angiostrongylus. O presente relato descreve uma nova espécie de Angistrongylus coletada das artérias mesentéricas de N. nasua, denominada Angiostrongylus minasensis n. sp..

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Procyonidae/parasitología , Angiostrongylus/anatomía & histología , Angiostrongylus/clasificación , Angiostrongylus/genética , Filogenia , Población Urbana , Brasil , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 28(3): 346-359, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042519


Abstract Flounders are commercially and economically important fish. A total of 120 specimens of flounders (60 Paralichthys isosceles, 30 Paralichthys patagonicus and 30 Xystreurys rasile) were collected off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The fish were measured, necropsied and filleted, and then had their organs investigated for acanthocephalans. Taxonomic identification of the parasites was based on morphological, morphometric and genetic characters. Paralichthys isosceles and P. patagonicus were parasitized by juveniles of Serrasentis sagittifer, Bolbosoma turbinella, Corynosoma australe and C. cetaceum; Xystreurys rasile was parasitized by C. australe. Genetic characterization confirmed the identification of specimens of Bolbosoma turbinella and Corynosoma australe, as demonstrated by phylogenetic analyses using both ITS and cox1 molecular targets. Parasite indices of prevalence, intensity, mean intensity, abundance, mean abundance, and range of infection, as well as infection site, were evaluated for each parasite species. This is the first report of S. sagittifer parasitizing P. isosceles and P. patagonicus, and B. turbinella parasitizing P. patagonicus.

Resumo Os linguados são peixes comercial e economicamente importantes. Um total de 120 espécimes de linguados (60 Paralichthys isosceles, 30 P. patagonicus e 30 Xystreurys rasile) foram coletados no litoral do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Os peixes foram medidos, necropsiados, filetados e tiveram seus órgãos investigados para a presença de acantocéfalos. A identificação taxonômica foi baseada em caracteres morfológicos, morfométricos e genéticos. Paralichthys isosceles e P. patagonicus estavam parasitados por acantocéfalos juvenis de Serrasentis sagittifer, Bolbosoma turbinella, Corynosoma australe e C. cetaceum; Xystreurys rasile estava parasitado com C. australe. A caracterização genética confirmou a identificação dos espécimes de Bolbosoma turbinella e Corynosoma australe, como demonstrado por análises filogenéticas usando ambos marcadores moleculares ITS e cox1. Foram analisados os índices parasitários: prevalência, intensidade, intensidade média, abundância, abundância média, amplitude de variação da infecção e sítio de infecção de cada espécie de parasito. Este é o primeiro registro de S. sagittifer parasitando P. isosceles e P. patagonicus, e de B. turbinella parasitando P. patagonicus.

Lenguado/parasitología , Acantocéfalos/aislamiento & purificación , Enfermedades de los Peces/parasitología , Filogenia , Lenguado/clasificación , Brasil , Acantocéfalos/clasificación , Acantocéfalos/genética
Int. j. morphol ; 37(2): 477-480, June 2019. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002246


The renal glomerulus is coated by fenestrated endothelial cells and externally covered by specialized epithelial cells, known as podocytes. Scanning electron microscopy becomes an important and effective tool for its studies. Normally, samples destined for scanning microscopy are covered with a thin metallic layer. However, this step can be dispensed for some analyzes. We aimed to compare coated and uncoated samples for evaluation of the glomerular morphology of the Wistar rat kidney. Cortical region of the kidney of the 5month-old male Wistar rats were used. The fragments followed the routine procedure for scanning electron microscopy processing. Half of 10 fragments were coated with palladium gold and the remaining were not coated. Auriga Compact FIB - SEM scanning electron microscope was used to observe the samples. Different increases and voltages was evaluated. For the uncoated samples, when using voltages of 2 KV (or higher) a great charging was observed, impairing the use of such voltage. Thus, these samples were always observed under voltage of 0.5 KV. On the other hand, in the coated samples, the use of 2 KV was adequate. Almost as a consequence, in the coated samples, the podocyte structures were better characterized, generating better images. Inversely, in the uncoated samples, it was possible to visualize the desired structures and to detect the morphological characteristics of these. The results showed that it is possible to use kidney samples without previous coating to evaluate the glomerular morphology at the ultrastructural level, serving as a tool in the study of pathologies.

El glomérulo renal está recubierto por células endoteliales fenestradas y cubierto externamente por células epiteliales especializadas, conocidas como podocitos. La microscopía electrónica de barrido se convierte en una herramienta importante y efectiva para sus estudios. Normalmente, las muestras destinadas a microscopía de barrido se cubren con una capa metálica delgada. Sin embargo, este paso se puede dispensar para algunos análisis. El objetivo fue comparar muestras recubiertas y no recubiertas para evaluar la morfología glomerular del riñón de rata Wistar. Se utilizó la región cortical del riñón de ratas Wistar macho de 5 meses de edad. Se realizó el procedimiento de rutina para el procesamiento de microscopía electrónica de barrido. La mitad de 10 fragmentos se recubrieron con oro paladio y los restantes no se recubrieron. Se utilizó un microscopio electrónico de barrido SEM Auriga Compact FIB para observar las muestras. Se evaluaron diferentes aumentos y voltajes. Para las muestras no recubiertas, al usar voltajes de 2 KV (o más) se observó una gran carga, impidiendo el uso de dicho voltaje. Por lo tanto, estas muestras siempre se observaron a bajo voltaje de 0,5 KV. Por otro lado, en las muestras recubiertas, el uso de 2 KV fue adecuado. Como consecuencia, en las muestras recubiertas, las estructuras de los podocitos se caracterizaron mejor, generando mejores imágenes. Inversamente, en las muestras no recubiertas, fue posible visualizar las estructuras deseadas y detectar las características morfológicas de éstas. Los resultados mostraron que es posible utilizar muestras de riñón sin recubrimiento previo para evaluar la morfología glomerular a nivel ultraestructural, que sirve como una herramienta en el estudio de patologías.

Animales , Masculino , Ratas , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo/métodos , Barrera de Filtración Glomerular/ultraestructura , Ratas Wistar , Glomérulos Renales/ultraestructura
Rev. Soc. Argent. Diabetes ; 51(1): 26-26, Abril 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-904922


Mientras que el síndrome de pie diabético (SPD) se define como "una úlcera del pie y/o tobillo, asociado con neuropatía, isquemia e infección" (Organización Mundial de la Salud), se considera pie de riesgo a aquel con características que aumentan la probabilidad de desarrollar un SPD, presente en el 15% de diabéticos durante el curso de su enfermedad. Pinto et al. demostraron mayor prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular (FRCV), de marcadores subclínicos de enfermedad CV, eventos CV y cerebrovasculares previos y nuevos en pacientes con DM y complicaciones de pie (vs DM-pie sano)

Enfermedades Cardiovasculares , Pie Diabético , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 25(4): 492-496, Sept.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-830031


Abstract In November 2014 and May 2015, a total of 44 specimens of the South American silver croaker Plagioscion squamosissimus were collected: 30 in Marajó Bay and 14 in the Tapajós River, state of Pará, Brazil. The aim was to investigate the presence of anisakid nematodes and determine their parasitism indices and sites of infection, because of their importance regarding health inspection. Sixty-nine Anisakis sp. larvae were found; among them, 16 larvae in seven fish collected in Marajó Bay and 53 larvae in four fish in the Tapajós River. The parasitism indices of the nematodes collected from the fish in Marajó Bay comprised prevalence (P) of 23%, mean infection intensity (MI) of 2.28, mean abundance (MA) of 0.53, range of infection (RI) of 1-4, and infection site (IS) in the mesentery. The fish from the Tapajós River showed P = 28%, MI = 13.2, MA = 3.8, RI = 1-22, and IS = mesentery and intestine. To assist in taxonomic identification, images of the specimens obtained through optical microscopy with Nomarski's interferential contrast system and scanning electron microscopy were used. This is the first record of Anisakis sp. parasitizing P. squamosissimus.

Resumo Em novembro de 2014 e maio de 2015, foi coletado um total de 44 espécimes de pescada branca, Plagioscion squamosissimus, sendo 30 na Baía de Marajó e 14 no Rio Tapajós, Estado do Pará, Brasil, com o objetivo de pesquisar a presença de nematoides anisaquideos e fornecer os índices parasitários, assim como os sítios de infecção, devido a sua importância na inspeção sanitária. Encontrou-se um total de 69 larvas de Anisakis sp., sendo 16 em 7 peixes coletados da Baía de Marajó e 53 larvas em 4 peixes do Rio Tapajós. Os índices parasitários desses nematoides coletados dos peixes da Baía de Marajó apresentaram prevalência (P) de 23%, intensidade média (IM) de 2,28, abundância média (AM) de 0,53, amplitude de variação da intensidade de infecção (AI) de 1-4 e sítio de infecção (SI) o mesentério; e os do Rio Tapajós P = 28%, IM = 13,2, AM = 3,8, AI = 1-22 e SI = mesentério e intestino. Para auxiliar na identificação taxonômica foram utilizadas imagens obtidas dos espécimes por microscopia ótica com sistema de contraste interferencial de Nomarski e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Esse é o primeiro registro de Anisakis sp. parasitando P. squamosissimus.

Animales , Perciformes/parasitología , Anisakis , Larva , Brasil , Bahías , Ríos
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 32(2): 290-299, abr.-jun. 2016.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-844964


El Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) es una metodología docente centrada en el estudiante siendo este el protagonista de su propio aprendizaje, facilita la adquisición de conocimientos y ayuda al desarrollo de competencias profesionales específicas y genéricas. El presente trabajo pretende compartir la experiencia que se ha tenido en las Facultades de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad de Colima, enfatizando las habilidades y competencias que requieren. Los atributos necesarios para integrar las competencias están organizadas en tres rubros: el saber hacer, el saber teórico y el saber ser. El ABP es una metodología de enseñanza-aprendizaje muy enriquecedora que puede potencializar las capacidades de los alumnos, sin embargo, requiere compromiso por parte de ellos, aprender a desaprender los vicios antes adquiridos, madurez de los alumnos de tal forma que aprendan a manejar adecuadamente sus tiempos. Es fundamental mencionar el papel tan relevante que juega el tutor académico para que el alumno potencialice sus habilidades y destrezas. La falta de capacitación como tutor académico de los profesores limita el desarrollo de los alumnos. Si bien es cierto que el modelo favorece el desarrollo integral del estudiante, es importante considerar que el esquema mental sobre el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, las experiencias previas, así como las habilidades adquiridas en los niveles anteriores impactará en el éxito del estudiante en su proceso de formación profesional, sin olvidar el papel importante que juega el tutor para favorecer el aprendizaje en los estudiantes(AU)

Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a educational student-centered methodology in which the student is the protagonist of their own learning, facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and helps the development of specific and generic skills. This paper aims to share the experience you had in the Schools of Medicine and Nursing, University of Colima emphasizing the skills and competencies required to have and cultivate students with this methodology. The attributes required to integrate competencies are organized into three categories: know-how, the theoretical knowledge and know-being. PBL is a teaching and learning methodology which can potentiate enriching the capabilities of the students, however, requires commitment from them, learn to unlearn previously acquired vices, matureness of the student so they learn how to properly manage their times. It is essential to mention the important role as the academic tutor for the student strengthens their skills. Lack of training of the teachers as an academic tutor limits the development of pupils. While it is true that the model favors the development of the student, it is important to consider that the mindset of the teaching-learning process, previous experiences and skills acquired in previous levels will impact the success of students in their process vocational training, without forgetting the important role of tutor to promote student learning(AU)

Humanos , Aptitud , Aprendizaje , Estudiantes
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 110(6): 739-744, Sept. 2015. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-763103


The aim of this study was to analyse the infection dynamics ofAngiostrongylus cantonensisin its possible intermediate hosts over two years in an urban area in the state of Rio de Janeiro where the presence ofA. cantonensis had been previously recorded in molluscs. Four of the seven mollusc species found in the study were exotic.Bradybaena similariswas the most abundant, followed byAchatina fulica, Streptaxissp., Subulina octona, Bulimulus tenuissimus, Sarasinula linguaeformisand Leptinaria unilamellata. Only A. fulicaand B. similariswere parasitised by A. cantonensis and both presented co-infection with other helminths. The prevalence of A. cantonensisin A. fulicawas more than 50% throughout the study. There was an inverse correlation between the population size ofA. fulicaand the prevalence of A. cantonensisand abundance of the latter was negatively related to rainfall. The overall prevalence of A. cantonensisin B. similariswas 24.6%. A. fulicawas the most important intermediary host of A. cantonensisin the studied area andB. similariswas secondary in importance for A. cantonensistransmission dynamics.

Animales , Angiostrongylus cantonensis/fisiología , Especies Introducidas , Caracoles/parasitología , Infecciones por Strongylida/transmisión , Distribución Animal , Angiostrongylus cantonensis/patogenicidad , Brasil/epidemiología , Ciudades , Cambio Climático , Vectores de Enfermedades , Modelos Lineales , Moluscos/clasificación , Moluscos/parasitología , Lluvia/parasitología , Caracoles/clasificación , Infecciones por Strongylida/epidemiología
Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. (Online) ; 24(2): 241-246, n/2015n/2015. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487846


Paratanaisia bragai is a trematode parasite that reaches sexual maturity in the kidney collecting ducts of domesticated and wild fowl and whose intermediate hosts are the snails Subulina octona and Leptinaria unilamellata. There are some discrepancies in descriptions of the pathology of this parasite in bird kidneys. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the kidneys of rock pigeons (Columba livia) naturally infected and of chickens (Gallus gallus) experimentally infected with Paratanaisia bragai, by means of macroscopic observation and by light and scanning electron microscopy. Both bird species showed significantly dilated collecting ducts. In addition, lymphocyte infiltration was observed in the kidneys of C. livia and metaplasia in the epithelial lining of the kidney collecting ducts of G. gallus.

Paratanaisia bragai é um trematódeo que atinge sua maturidade sexual nos ductos coletores de rins de aves domésticas e silvestres, tendo os moluscos Subulina octona e Leptinaria unilamellata como hospedeiros intermediários. A patologia descrita no rim das aves apresenta uma série de divergências. Dessa forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar rins de Columba livia, naturalmente infectada, e de Gallus gallus infectados experimentalmente por Paratanaisia bragai. Através das análises, verificaram-se alterações macroscópicas, por microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura, sendo caracterizada significativa dilatação dos túbulos coletores. Essas alterações foram observadas nas aves infectadas naturalmente e experimentalmente. Por outro lado, foi observada infiltração linfocitária nos rins de C. livia, naturalmente infectada, e ocorrência de metaplasia no revestimento epitelial dos túbulos coletores dos rins de G. gallus, experimentalmente infectados.

Animales , Columbidae/parasitología , Enfermedades de las Aves/parasitología , Enfermedades de las Aves/patología , Hígado/parasitología , Hígado/patología , Infecciones por Trematodos/patología , Infecciones por Trematodos/veterinaria , Trematodos/aislamiento & purificación
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 24(1): 72-77, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-744660


Between February and August, 2012, thirty specimens of Atlantic moonfish, Selene setapinnis, were purchased in local markets in Niterói, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with the aim of analyzing the presence of anisakid nematodes, establishing their rates of parasitism and infection sites, due to importance in the sanitary inspection. A total of sixty nematode larvae, belonging to at least two species were found: nine larvae of Terranova sp., Anisakidae, with prevalence (P) of 13.3%, mean intensity (MI) of 2.25, mean abundance (MA) of 0.30 and range of infection intensity (RI) from 1 to 6; and 51 larvae of Hysterothylacium fortalezae, Raphidascarididae, with P = 26.7%, MI = 6.40, MA = 1.70, and RI = 1-17. The infection sites for Terranova sp. were the mesentery and liver serosa; and for H. fortalezae, the infection sites were the mesentery, abdominal cavity and liver serosa. New morphological data from scanning electron microscopy, on the external structures of H. fortalezae (mainly at the posterior end), are presented. This is the first report of H. fortalezae parasitizing S. setapinnis.

De Fevereiro a Agosto de 2012, trinta espécimes de peixe galo, Selene setapinnis, foram adquiridos de mercados locais em Niterói, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, com o objetivo de analisá-los quanto à presença de nematoides anisaquídeos, estabelecendo seus índices parasitários e sítios de infecção, devido a sua importância na inspeção sanitária. Do total de sessenta larvas de nematoides, pelo menos duas espécies foram encontradas: nove larvas de Terranova sp., Anisakidae, com prevalência (P) de 13,3%, intensidade média (IM) de 2,25, abundância média (AM) de 0,30, e amplitude de variação da intensidade de infecção (AI) de 1 a 6; e 51 larvas de Hysterothylacium fortalezae, Raphidascarididae, com P = 26,7%, IM = 6,40, AM = 1,70, e AI = 1 a 17. Os sítios de infecção para Terranova sp. foram o mesentério e a serosa do fígado; e para H. fortalezae, os sítios de infecção foram o mesentério, cavidade abdominal e serosa do fígado. Novos dados morfológicos das estruturas externas, principalmente da extremidade posterior de H. fortalezae, são evidenciados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Este é o primeiro relato de H. fortalezae parasitando S. setapinnis.

Animales , Ascaridoidea/fisiología , Perciformes/parasitología , Anisakis/fisiología , Brasil , Larva
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 110(1): 145-147, 03/02/2015. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-741613


Trichuris trichiura is a soil-transmitted helminth which is prevalent in warm, moist, tropical and subtropical regions of the world with poor sanitation. Heavy whipworm can result either in Trichuris dysenteric syndrome - especially in children - or in a chronic colitis. In heavy infections, worms can spread proximally and may cause ileitis. Here we provide first microscopic evidence for a T. trichiura adult worm embedded in the rectum of a post-Colonial Brazilian adult mummy. During Colonial and post-Colonial times, many European chroniclers described a parasitic disease named Maculo whose symptomatology coincides with heavy helminthiasis. Based on our findings and on comparison of ancient textual evidence with modern description of heavy whipworm, we feel confident in considering that the two syndromes are expressions of the same pathological condition.

Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Ratones , Suplementos Dietéticos , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/dietoterapia , Hiperglucemia/prevención & control , Hipoglucemiantes/uso terapéutico , Liriope (Planta)/química , Tubérculos de la Planta/química , Polisacáridos/uso terapéutico , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/sangre , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/metabolismo , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/patología , Suplementos Dietéticos/efectos adversos , Etnofarmacología , Regulación Enzimológica de la Expresión Génica , Hipoglucemiantes/administración & dosificación , Hipoglucemiantes/efectos adversos , Hipoglucemiantes/aislamiento & purificación , Resistencia a la Insulina , Glucógeno Hepático/metabolismo , Hígado/enzimología , Hígado/metabolismo , Hígado/patología , Medicina Tradicional China , Páncreas/metabolismo , Páncreas/patología , Extractos Vegetales/administración & dosificación , Extractos Vegetales/efectos adversos , Extractos Vegetales/aislamiento & purificación , Extractos Vegetales/uso terapéutico , Polisacáridos/administración & dosificación , Polisacáridos/efectos adversos , Polisacáridos/aislamiento & purificación , Distribución Aleatoria , Ratas Wistar , Pruebas de Toxicidad Aguda
Medwave ; 14(1)ene.-feb. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-716753


La región vulvovaginal es una zona muy compleja por todos los elementos que la conforma y puede ser origen de un gran número de tumores benignos y en menor frecuencia de tumores malignos. En las últimas décadas, los tumores vulvovaginales han tenido un avance significativo en cuanto a su diagnóstico y tratamiento, dado por las aportaciones de la biología celular y molecular. El presente artículo pretende ser una referencia práctica para el diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico de estos tumores benignos así como en el tratamiento ambulatorio de algunos de ellos y su vigilancia.

The vulvovaginal region is a very complex area because of its anatomy and the fact that it can be source of a large number of benign tumors and less frequent malignant tumors. In recent decades, there have been significant gains in the diagnosis and treatment of vulvovaginal tumors, thanks to the contributions of cellular and molecular biology. The purpose of this review article is to serve as a practical reference for clinical and pathological diagnosis as well as in the outpatient treatment and monitoring of these benign tumors.

Femenino , Neoplasias Fibroepiteliales/cirugía , Neoplasias Fibroepiteliales/diagnóstico , Neoplasias de la Vulva/cirugía , Neoplasias de la Vulva/diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Neoplasias Fibroepiteliales/patología , Neoplasias de la Vulva/patología , Pólipos/cirugía , Pólipos/diagnóstico
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 15(3): 9-9, May 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-640553


Background: Consistency is one of the main traits that define commercial quality and price of tomato paste. Pectins are partially responsible for consistency in tomato paste, therefore enzymatic pectin modification could be used to increase paste consistency. Results: This work reports the effects of a commercial enzymatic preparation of pectin-methyl-esterase (PME) (NovoShape™) on tomato paste consistency taking into account variables as enzyme/substrate ratio (0,1 percent w/w - 1 percent w/w), reaction time (0 hr - 3 hrs) and reaction temperature (40ºC-60ºC). The results indicate that NovoShape™ increased consistency when reaction temperature ranged from 40 to 50ºC with an enzyme/substrate ratio of 0.5 to 1 (l PME solution/g tomato paste on dry base). On the other hand, enzymatic treatment was not effective at 60ºC with an enzyme/substrate ratio of 0.1 percent. Conclusions: Based on these results, addition of NovoShape™ is a good technological approach to increase tomato paste consistency.

Hidrolasas de Éster Carboxílico/química , Solanum lycopersicum/enzimología , Manipulación de Alimentos , Pectinas/química , Temperatura , Viscosidad
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 107(2): 186-193, Mar. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-617063


Taking into account the difficulties of taxonomic identification of larval anisakid nematodes based on morphological characters, genetic analyses were performed, together with those usually applied, in order to identify anisakid larvae found in the flounder Paralichthys isosceles from the littoral of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The analysis of 1,820 larvae revealed a new species, similar to Hysterothylacium MD, Hysterothylacium 2, Hysterothylacium KB and Hysterothylacium sp regarding the absence of the larval tooth, an excretory pore situated below the nerve ring level, and slender lateral alae. Moreover, the new species differs from Hysterothylacium fortalezae and Hysterothylacium reliquens with regard to the number and size of spines present on the tail end and from Hysterothylacium patagonicus by the absence of interlabia. The maximum parsimony and neighbour joining tree topologies based on the 18S ribosomal DNA gene, complete internal transcribed spacer region and cytochrome oxidase 2 (COII) gene demonstrated that the Brazilian larvae belong to Raphidascarididae and represent a unique genetic entity, confirmed as a new Hysterothylacium species. Furthermore, the new species presents COII genetic signatures and shares polymorphisms with Raphidascarididae members. This is the first description of a new anisakid species from Brazil through the integration of morphological and molecular taxonomy data.

Animales , Anisakis/anatomía & histología , Anisakis/genética , Lenguado/parasitología , Anisakis/clasificación , Anisakis/ultraestructura , Brasil , Tipificación Molecular/métodos
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 19(1): 25-28, Enero–Abr. 2011. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1031134



Introducción: en la enseñanza resulta importante que el docente considere en su práctica a los Sistemas de Representación Mental (SRM) como vías perceptuales de acceso de la información visión, audición movimiento, favorece en el estudiante un aprendizaje significativo.

Objetivo: caracterizar los sistemas de representación mental utilizados por los estudiantes de enfermería con modelos pedagógicos diferentes.

Metodología: estudio transversal descriptivo que compara dos grupos de estudiantes de enfermería procedentes de la Universidad de Colima y del Centro Universitario del Sur Universidad de Guadalajara, a los cuales se les aplicó un instrumento de 15 preguntas de opción múltiple, elaborado y adecuado a partir de otros instrumentos previamente validados, para determinar los SRM más utilizados en su formación. El instrumento fue piloteado con 30 alumnos de dos facultades diferentes. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva y χ2.

Resultados: el SRM más utilizado en la población estudiantil de ambas instituciones educativas fue el visual con 48.80 %, seguido del auditivo 31.42 % y el kinestésico 8.80 %. Analizándolos por institución (UdC/ UdG) se tiene lo siguiente: visual (50/47.66 %), auditivo (30/32.71%) y kinestésico (9.2/8.4 %).

Conclusiones: la utilización de un sistema de representación mental que favorezca el aprendizaje y adquisición del conocimiento no es determinado por los modelos pedagógicos en los cuales se forman los estudiantes de enfermería.


Introduction: in education it is important that teachers consider in their practice the Mental Representation Systems (MRS) as perceptual access to information channels (vision, hearing, movement), this helps better in effective student learning.

Objective: to characterize the MRS used by nursing students from the University of Colima and South University Center of University of Guadalajara than to educate under different pedagogic models.

Methodology: sectional descriptive study comparing two groups of nursing students from the University of Colima and the South University Center, University of Guadalajara, in which we applied an instrument of 15 multiple choice questions, drawn and appropriate from other instruments previously validated to determine the most commonly used MRS in its formation. The instrument was piloted with 30 students from two different faculties, doing minimal modifications. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics and χ2 square using the Office Excel 2003.

Results: the most commonly used MRS in the student population of both institutions was the visual with 48.80 %, followed by auditory 31.42 % and kinesthetic 8.80 %. Analyzed by institution (UdC/UdG) we have the following: visual (50/47.66 %), auditory (30/32.71%) and kinesthetic (9.2/8.4 %).

Conclusions: choice of a mental representation system that promotes learning and knowledge acquisition is not determined by pedagogical models where students are trained nurses.

Humanos , Aprendizaje , Recolección de Datos , Enfermería , Estudios Transversales , Modelos de Enfermería , Procesos Mentales , México , Humanos