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Mongolian Medical Sciences ; : 7-9, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975635


Background. Most people infected with Cytomegalovirus (CMV) have no signs or symptoms, but newborns andpeople with weakened immune systems are more at risk of developing signs and symptoms. CMV remains in thebody throughout a lifetime. Infected people may spread infection.Goal. The main aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of infection of cytomegalovirus (CMV) by enzymeimmunosorbent assay.Materials and Methods. In this study included subjects, age range of 17-60 years (total of 716) blood donorswho were served by the National center for transfusion medicine. Screening for Cytomegalovirus CMV IgG andIgM specific antibody concentrations determined using DIALAB ELIZA kits.Results. CMV-specific IgG antibodies were detected in 99.2% (710) of the studied subjects and, specific IgMantibodies in 0.1% (1). IgG antibodies positive individuals are compared to 4 blood groups and (p = 0.01) differencewas not statistically significant. IgG antibodies negative 6 individuals are included all in blood type B(III). IgMspecific antibodies positive (1) individual was in the age group 26-40 years, female and type of regular donor.Conclusion. We can conclude from our results of the determination of CMV IgG and IgM specific antibodiesshows that a number of risks of transfusion transmitted infection cytomegalovirus.