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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829924


@#ary phytochemical screening. The resultsshowed that the ethanolic crude extract of the leaf containhigh phytochemical activity hence B.oleraceavaracephalais rich in flavonoids, phenolic compounds, carbohydratesand phytosterols. Materials and methods: The ethanolic extract was used tosynthesise copper nanoparticles. The copper nanoparticleswere successfully synthesised from copper sulphatesolution which was identified by the colour change fromdark green colour of the extract. Thus the B.oleracea varacephala is a good source to synthesis coppernanoparticles. The synthesised copper nanoparticles werecharacterised using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)analysis. The SEM image displayed the high-densitynanoparticles synthesised by leaf extracts and that thenanoparticles were crystals in shape. Results: The copper nanoparticles (CNP) bind to the leafextract. B.oleraceavaracephalaalso has shown theantimicrobial and antioxidant activity. A comparative studywas done between ethanolic its crude extract andnanoparticles. Both extracts exhibited zone of inhibition andbetter antioxidant potential but the CuNPs shows majorzone of inhibition and showed more antioxidant activity.Anticancer activity of B.oleraceavaracephalaagainstCervical HeLa cell line was confirmed using ethanolic crudeextract and CNP. The results showed that HeLa cellsproliferation was inhibited with increasing concentration ofethanolic crude extract and copper nanoparticles. From theresults, it was seen that percentage viability of the cancercells decreased with increased concentration of the sampleswhereas cytotoxicity against HeLa cell lines increased withthe increased concentration of the samples. Conclusion: Thus B.oleraceavaracephalapossessesanticancer activity against HeLa cell lines.