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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222026


Background: A substantial proportion of tuberculosis patients either take treatment from private care providers or first-time visit private hospitals to diagnose tuberculosis. Hence the role of private providers is too essential to ignore to realize the ambition of tuberculosis elimination in India. Aim and Objectives: To understand the perception of private practitioners of Sonepat district of Haryana state regarding. Setting and Design: A cross-sectional study was done among the private practitioners of the Sonepat district of Haryana Methods and Material: 78 randomly selected practitioners from the list provided by the district health authority were interviewed using a pretested semi-structured questionnaire. The ethics committee of the study institute approved the study. Statistical analysis used: Descriptive analysis in terms of proportion and percentages was conducted. Results: One-third of the study participants were in the age group of 30-40 years. Half of the practitioners were reportedly practicing medicine for less than twenty years. A significant proportion agreed that the government could not single-handedly eliminate tuberculosis without collaborating with private providers. Mostly agreed on the effectiveness of Tuberculosis regimens under the program; however, over-relying on the sputum examination was perceived as a negative component of the program. Conclusions: Private providers understand their pivotal role in tuberculosis-related programs. However, their full participation has not been realized in the program.

J Environ Biol ; 2020 Jul; 41(4): 761-769
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214540


Aim: The present study aimed to assess the phytoextraction potential of plant geranium (CIM BIO-171) to remove metals from sewage sludge and to investigate the growth, yield and quality of essential oil of this aromatic plant grown in contaminated sludge.Methodology: The experiment was conducted at research farm of CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow during 2017-18 in vertical cemented column pots dug into soil. Six treatment groups of sewage sludge and soil were taken with four replication, i.e., T1-100% sewage sludge, T2-80% sewage sludge + 20% soil, T3-60% sewage sludge + 40% soil, T4-40% sewage sludge + 60% soil, T5-20% sewage sludge + 80% soil and T6-soil (only soil). Experimental soil was analysed at pre-harvest and post-harvest stage for soil characters. All plant attributes were recorded at the time of harvesting. Results: Result of the present study showed reduction in the heavy metals in the soil at harvest in comparison to the contents observed in soil at initial stage. All the parameters of growth, yield, biomass and essential oil were found to increase with the application rate of sewage sludge in geranium (CIM BIO-171). Interpretation: The results of the present study clearly indicate the phytoextraction capability of geranium plant (CIM BIO-171). Furthermore, the plants grown in contaminated sludge has all the beneficial impact on growth, yield and quality of essential oil.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202861


Introduction: Back pain is one of the most common reasonsfor the patients to seek emergency care. Caudal-ESI is both thesafest and the easiest epidural injection, and it does not alwaysrequire fluoroscopic guidance. Transforaminal ESI seems tobe more effective at reducing pain, improving functionality,and preventing spinal surgery, based on the data reported inprevious studies and systematic reviews. Hence; under the lightof above mentioned data the present study was undertaken forassessing and comparing the efficacy of Transforaminal andCaudal Epidural Steroid Injections Outcome for the treatmentin patients with chronic low back pain.Material and methods: A total of 20 patients with chroniclow back pain who underwent treatment with Transforaminalor caudal epidural steroid injection were enrolled in thepresent study. Patients belonged to the age group of 20-75years of age. All the patients were divided into two groupswith 10 patients in each group as follows: Group 1 includedpatients who were given injections through Transforaminalroute, while group 2 included patients who were giveninjections through caudal route. Pain relief after the epiduralsteroid injection using Visual analogue scale (VAS). Clinicalprofile of the subjects was obtained and details were filled in aproforma. All the results were summarized in Microsoft excelsheet and were analyzed by SPSS software.Results: Mean VAS at Pre-injection, Immediate Postinjection, Post-injection 1 month and Post-injection 3 monthfor subjects of group 1 was found to be 7.5, 4.3, 3.5 and 3.4respectively. Mean VAS at Pre-injection, Immediate Postinjection, Post-injection 1 month and Post-injection 3 monthfor subjects of group 1 was found to be 7.2, 5.1, 4.1 and 4.2respectively. While comparing the mean VAS among thepatients of both the study groups, at different post-treatmenttime intervals, significant results were obtained.Conclusion: Transforaminal approach demonstrated superioreffectiveness and should be performed with increasingfrequency.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205477


Background: Understanding service quality dimensions regarding maternal and child health (MCH) care are important for their utilization, and it could help in planning interventions for their betterment. It also encourages adherence to the services and contributes to enhancing the quality of MCH care services provided in health-care facility. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the services quality dimensions related to MCH care provided to beneficiaries. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study conducted in Nagrik Hospital among women of reproductive age group (15–49 years) who had come at least once previously to avail the MCH services. Systematic random sampling and exit interview technique were followed and data collected using pre-designed, pre-tested semi-structured schedule and permission from Institutional Ethics Committee Maulana Azad University Jodhpur taken. To determine services quality dimensions related to MCH care, factor analysis was used. This statistical approach was utilized to construct new factors affecting the quality of MCH care services availed by the beneficiaries. The analysis was done using software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows version 18.0. Results: Among 226 study participants, 125 beneficiaries utilized maternal health care services and 101 availed child health-care services. Health-care provider’s characteristics, expectations of beneficiaries toward healthcare services attributes were found statistically significant toward perceived satisfaction for utilization pattern of MCH care services. Conclusion: Services quality dimensions related to MCH care provided to beneficiaries concluded as health-care provider’s characteristics, expectations of beneficiaries toward health-care services and support and help by supporting staff such as Yashoda, Class IV employees, and sweepers from this study.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203222


Background: A meniscal tear is the most common injury to theknee, occuring from both athletic events and activities of dailyliving. Generally, the results of repair have been good, withhigh long-term success rates. This study aims to compare thefunctional result of arthroscopic meniscal repair andarthroscopic meniscectomy.Materials & Methods: This study was carried out in theDepartment of Orthopaedics, Mahatma Gandhi MedicalCollege and Hospital, Jaipur for comparing the functionaloutcome of arthroscopic meniscectomy and meniscal repair. 47of Meniscectomy and 35 of Meniscal Repair was done in ourstudy. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS (Statisticalpackage for Social science) 16.0 software. Categoricalvariables are expressed as frequencies and percentages.Results: Our study showed that the mean age for MeniscalRepair was 32.86 vs 29.89 for Meniscectomy. There was nosignificant gender specific difference while comparing bothgroups with a p-value of 1.0. The mean follow-up for both thegroups were same of 1.2 years with a non-significant p-value of0.78. The duration of surgery was 84.5 minute in meniscalrepair as compared to 45.6 minute. There is significantdifference in surgical time required with p-value of 0.0001. Nosignificant differences for Lysholm Score and Tegner activitylevel reduction, hkss, womac and vas scores in such a shortterm follow up.Conclusion: We concluded that more randomized studies withlarger sample sizes and longer follow-up are needed to furthershow the benefits of meniscal repair in terms of patientsperceptions of the outcome and prevention of posttraumaticosteoarthritis.