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Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222035


Introduction: COVID-19 patients have been reported to have systemic complications. Analyzing its effect on the endocrine system is essential to ensure women’s reproductive health. Aim: This study aimed to determine the effect of COVID-19 disease on menstruation. Methods: It was a hospital-based cross-sectional study conducted from October 2021 to April 2022, using a validated questionnaire to collect the data. The study included females (15 to 49 years) who had confirmed COVID infection. Results: A total of 132 females participated in the study. For 29 (22%) patients presenting with menstrual cycle changes, most common change was prolonged cycle (14%). An increase in menstrual volume was reported by 12%, where as 35% of patients experienced more pain during menstruation. Menstrual irregularities were significantly higher in severe infection (p-value 0.04). Conclusion: There were transient changes in menstruation in COVID-19-infected patients, with a higher probability of menstruation abnormalities among severely infected patients.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218913


Background- COVID-19 is the Pandemic disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus. There are many myths regarding COVID-19 vaccine spread by community people at rural area. The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge about myths of COVID-19, Bhopal Ratua (M.P). The World Health Organization (WHO) is working closely with global experts, governments, and partners to rapidly expand scientific knowledge on this new virus, to track the spread and virulence of the virus, and to provide advice to countries and individuals on measures to protect health and prevent the spread. The urban people have poor attitude regarding myths about Covid- 19 vaccination. Materials & Methods- A Study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding Covid Vaccination among rural community people. 30 rural community people from a selected rural community were included in the study. A questionnaire consisting of 40 questions was used. Results- Almost all had some pre-test knowledge regarding the myths surrounding Covid-19. Whereas the knowledge was increased post-test. Conclusion- We concluded that such awareness programs may have a positive impact on increasing the knowledge of rural people. After that the vaccine needs to go through a review by the National Regulatory Authority, who will decide if the vaccine is safe and effective.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217919


Background: The nationwide lockdown due to coronavirus disease pandemic lead to shutdown of medical colleges. Due to which, it was not possible to teach students in classrooms anymore. To continue with their teaching, the option of online classes was recommended. Aims and Objectives: This study was conducted with an aim to evaluate students’ perceptions regarding online lectures. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional, and questionnaire survey conducted among medical college students in Uttar Pradesh, India. Online lectures were delivered routinely using online applications for 8 weeks which was followed by offline regular classes. A pre-approved, pre-validated semi-structured questionnaire containing 13 close-ended multiple-choice questions was distributed through Google forms as well as in person among all the medical students using a non-probability sampling approach after taking their informed consent. The collected data were organized and tabulated using Google spreadsheet and descriptive statistics was used to depict the results. Results: A total of 193 responses were obtained from MBBS students of first and second phase. The mean age of students was 18.73 ± 1.87 years. Mobile phones (63.21%) were the most popular device used by the students to attend classes. More than half of the students (57%) were self-motivated to attend online classes. The major barrier to online learning as reported by 76.68% students was network issues. About 44% students reported lower understanding of subject compared to offline classes. About 70.47% felt online classes to be more comfortable to attend. More number of students either preferred offline method (37.82%) or a mix of both the methods (34.20%). Conclusion: Online lectures are effective teaching method, but they cannot replace classroom teaching. Thus, online teaching serves as add-on to the offline learning.

Indian J Prev Soc Med ; 2022 Jun; 53(2): 149-154
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224006


Certain anticonvulsants, cyclosporine, and calcium channel blockers like amlodipine have been shown to produce clinically and histologically similar gingival enlargements in certain susceptible patients in response to local factors. These drugs appear to be similar with respect to their pharmacologic mechanism of action at the cellular level. Therefore, it is tempting to speculate that these agents may act similarly on gingival connective tissue and cause a hyperplastic response. This tissue reaction may involve a disturbance of calcium ion influx into specific cell populations with a resulting alteration in collagen metabolism and other host cell response mechanisms. A connection between ion exchange, folate uptake, collagenase activation, and bacterial inflammation may exist. The management involves Phase I therapy followed by surgical intervention. The purpose of these case reports is to highlight certain modifications in existing surgical techniques like gingivectomy, to have better aesthetic and functional outcome.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221944


Background: Mass Drug Administration of a single dose of DEC was launched on June 5, 2004 by the Government of India. MDA coverage increased gradually from 72.42% in 2004 to 88.96% in 2014. However, compliance has remained relatively low in most of the endemic areas as in 9 endemic Districts in State of Chhattisgarh. In Chhattisgarh State, Lymphatic Filariasis affected 14,818 people in the year 2011 and 13921 in the year 2013 with demonstrated manifestation. Objectives: To assess the coverage and compliance along with factors affecting compliance regarding MDA implementation in Surguja and Surajpur District of Chhattisgarh. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted from July-September 2021 in two district of Chhattisgarh. The division of segments and selection of the households was done based on the WHO criteria of coverage evaluation survey field guide in which from 30 villages, 450 households were covered. Result: The overall coverage rate was 95.55% in Surguja and 89.16% in Surajpur District. The overall compliance was 89.3% with Coverage-Compliance gap of 4.12. The Effective Coverage Rate was 89.3% in 2243 eligible population of Surguja and Surajpur District. Coverage and Compliance was found more in females as compared to males but was found to be statistically not significant. Coverage and Compliance was found more in Surguja district as compared to Surajpur district. Conclusion: Training programme for drug distributors should emphasize more on how to address the fear of side effects among beneficiaries and other reasons of low compliance for the benefit of the MDA programme.

Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2022 Mar; 65(1): 35-41
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223236


Aim: To assess HER2/neu expressions and correlate with E-cadherin and Serum HER2 level in gastric carcinoma. Method: 31 gastric biopsies and 1 resected specimen were taken in the study with patient details and stained with H and E for histopathological details following Lauren's classification. Immunohistochemistry for HER2 and E-cadherin expression was conducted followed by serum HER2/neu ELISA. Result: Adenocarcinoma with 61% diffuse, 29% intestinal, and 10% other type were observed with predominant HER2 immunoexpression in intestinal-type than in diffuse-type adenocarcinoma. Other observations marked 44% as 3+/positive and 56% as 2+/equivocal in intestinal type while 26% cases as 3+/positive, 69% as 2+/equivocal, and 1% as 1+/negative were observed in diffuse type. The data presented 33% membranous positivity and 67% both membranous + cytoplasmic positivity in intestinal type while 2% showed membranous positivity, 47% both membranous + cytoplasmic, and 42% only cytoplasmic positivity in diffused type. On comparing the localization pattern of HER2 and E-cadherin, 25% of cases showed membranous staining while 50% of cases showed membranous with cytoplasmic staining for both. No cytoplasmic HER2 staining as well as no any staining for E-cadherin was shown by 6% cases. Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded that cytoplasmic expression of HER2 in gastric adenocarcinoma (mainly diffuse type) may be due to shedding of its extracellular domain, leading to loss of membranous E-cadherin expression on immunohistochemistry. The loss of membranous expression of E-cadherin and increased serum HER2 ELISA were correlated well with these findings.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221921


The public health sector of any country deals on the forefront and utilizes the multidisciplinary approach. In India the Masters of Public Health graduates are trained in unstandardized manner and lack a regulatory body. The gap created in serving the unserved can easily be fulfilled by utilization of this workforce in systematic manner, The emerging competition in the field, undervalued sector in terms of monitory benefits, poor demand and limited training institutions for MPH graduates along with the contribution of MPH during COVID 19 pandemic has been emphasized in the article. The perception of those working in the field has been highlighted with the way ahead of MPH program in India.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206324


Karaya gum (KG) is one of the least soluble of the gums. It does not dissolve in water to give a clear solution but instead absorbs water rapidly to form viscous colloidal sols. Carboxymethylation of Karaya gum is expected to improve its aqueous solubility and gelling behavior. Another objective of the research is to evaluate the potential of carboxymethylated Karaya gum (CMKG) as drug release modulator (in acidic dissolution medium) when combined with HPMC K15M based polymeric matrices bearing Propranolol HCl. In the present study, KG was carboxymethylated using Williamson Ether synthesis. FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the formation of CMKG. The prepared CMKG was used in conjunction with HPMC K15M as a polymer matrix in the formulation capsule dosage form, using Propranolol HCl as model drug. The filled capsules were then coated with Gelucire 43/01 to convert them into hydrodynamically balanced (HBS) capsule dosage form. Dextrose & fructose were also added to the drug-polymer mix as osmogen to facilitate the drug release. The degree of substitution of CMKG was found to be 0.87. HBS capsule dosage forms remained buoyant on 0.1 HCl for up to 6 hr, the buoyancy was attributed to the Gelucire 43/01 coating around the capsule shell. From the experimentation it was observed that CMKG, when mixed with HPMC K15M at 1:3 ratios, extended the release of model drug from HBS capsule dosage forms in 0.1 HCl. At CMKG: HPMC K15M ratio 2:1, release of Propranolol Hydrochloride from hydrodynamically balanced (HBS) capsules revealed fast drug release in 0.1 HCl. From the observations it is evident that KG is amenable to carboxymethylation to form CMKG. It is also evident that it is advantageous to combine CMKG with HPMC K15M as release modulator to retard the release of Propranolol HCl in acidic dissolution medium.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206315


The aim of this research was to isolate and characterize the novel biopolymer from Phaseolus vulgaris seeds and to formulate lamotrigine loaded bionanoparticles using this biomaterial. The biopolymer was isolated by simplified and economical process and analysed for different physico-chemical and spectral properties. The nanosizing of lamotrigine was done by bath sonication method and its particle size in nano-range was screened by UV method. The bionanosuspension loaded with nanosized lamotrigine was prepared by bath sonication for 15 cycles (1cycle equal to 3 minutes). The formulated bionanosuspension loaded with lamotrigine using biopolymer was compared with lamotrigine loaded bionanosuspension by using HPMC. The bionanosuspension was subjected for pH study, dispersibility study, % entrapment efficiency, nanosizing screening, particle size study and in vitro study for drug release and stability study of formulated bionanosuspension. The best formulation LPVu7 showed up to 90.36 ±0.9% drug release in 36 hours. having t 50% of 17 hours and t80% of 29 hours with r2 value of 0.9927 as compared to release from LSP5 with 92.43±0.68% having t 50% of 16 hours and t80% of 28 hours with r2 value of 0.9951 in 36 hours. The results reveal that isolated biopolymer may be used as an alternative to synthetic polymer because of its novel inbuilt bioretardant cum biostabilizing properties. The formulated bionanosuspension are feasible for delivering the nanosized lamotrigine in sustained manner for prolonged time for long term treatment of epilepsy.

J Environ Biol ; 2020 Mar; 41(2): 228-233
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214498


Aim: The present study was undertaken to investigate the influence of different salinity levels on gonadal tissue and serum biochemical parameters of Cyprinus carpio reared in inland saline groundwater to standardize the optimal salinity level for better maturation and seed production.Methodology: A 90 days experiment was conducted in non-drainable rectangular earthen ponds (n= 8) to study the effects of different salinity (0, 5, 10 and 15 ppt) levels on distribution of lipid class profile in Cyprinus carpio reared in inland saline groundwater. Gonads and serum were collected on 15 days interval and lipid classes, cholesterol, phospholipid and triacylglycerol were analyzed by using extracted total lipid. Results: The concentration of different forms of lipids were significantly influenced by salinity and their concentration increased with development of maturity stages but lowest level was recorded at ovulation or spermiation stages. It was observed that significantly (p < 0.05) highest level of all lipids was found at 0 and 5 ppt compared to 10 and 15 ppt salinity. Interpretation: The present study revealed that various lipid class fatty acids varied according to salinity and maturity stages of C. carpio in inland saline groundwater. Further, it also indicated that C. carpio has a tendency to adapt, survive, tolerate and reproduce in inland saline environment salinity ranging from 0-15 ppt and was found optimal at 5 ppt based on the reproductive ability

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-191989


Background: Adolescent is the age between 10-19 years and prone to develop stress and depression. They learn coping strategies to overcome stress and depression which shape their future. Aims & Objectives: To assess the coping strategies adopted by adolescents to overcome stress and depression in Udupi taluk, Karnataka. Material and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among adolescents from class 9th to 11th. Two stage stratified random sampling technique was used. Stratification was done into government, aided and private schools in first stage and proportional allocation was done among study participants in second stage. The total sample size was 1058. Brief cope inventory was used to collect data. Data was analyzed using SPSS 16.0. Results: Most common coping strategy used were active coping, use of instrumental support, planning and positive reframing. Least used coping strategies were humor, behavior disengagement and substance abuse among adolescents. Age of adolescents, type of school and classes were statistically significant with coping strategies. Conclusion: Commonly used coping strategies were positive ways of coping but still some adolescents used negative coping strategies as well which might have an impact in life or shape them in developing their behavior.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211390


Background: To study the various advance technology for the diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and find out Emerging trends occur in TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) patients.Methods: The present study was conducted with 500 patients, age between 02 year to 70 years mean age (36 Years) presenting to emergency department of Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah, with a history of acute head trauma from January 2016 to December 2018. All patients were examined using 64 slices MDCT and 1.5T MRI Scanner also.Results: Traumatic brain injury caused by various reasons like 62.1% road traffic accidents (RTA) and 25.1% fall from height (FFH) being and 11.83% Assault/hit by hard object and 0.88% are gunshot injury. Loss of consciousness was the most common complaint of the 59.1% TBI patients followed by 17.75% Vomiting and headache, 11.83% facial injury and 11.24% scalp injury. All TBI patients were diagnosed by MDCT 64 Slices Somatom Sensation Scanner who was observed 41.42% skull fractures, 29.28% extra dural hematoma, 27.21% sub dural hematoma, 23.96% sub archnoid haemorrhage, 13% intra cerebral hematoma, 30.17% brain contusions and 24.26% diffuse cerebral edema.Conclusions: Road traffic accidents remain the leading cause of trauma in our country. MRI and MDCT are well recognized method to know the extent and various types of hemorrhages and skull fractures in TBI patients. The present study data is indicated 62.1% majority of TBI patients are suffered by Road traffic accidents mainly young males with alcoholism.

Indian J Med Sci ; 2019 Mar; 71(2): 60-65
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-196519


INTRODUCTION:The present investigation was undertaken to correlation between mortality and morbidity (organ dysfunction [OD]) and score for neonatal acute physiology-II (SNAP-II).MATERIALS AND METHODS:A prospective investigation of newborns neonates, a total 157 neonates 82 male (52.2%), female 75 (47.8%) were enrolled and disunited into four groups according to gestational age: 28 to 30 weeks (G1), 31 to 33 (G2) 34 to 36 weeks (G3) and >37 weeks (G4) variables analyzed were SNAP II.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION:The receiver operating characteristic curve for SNAP-II score and death is more predictive in correlation to OD (area under curve of death is 0.776 as compared to 0.553 for OD). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of SNAP-II score with mortality (outcome) were 42.8%, 100%, 100%, and 82.3%, respectively.CONCLUSION:The SNAP-II revealed efficient to fantabulous ?40 can prognosticate OD and death when applied on admission to neonates with sepsis.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-191945


Background: Adolescent is a period of age group from 10-19 years and are more prone to develop stress and depression because of hormonal changes, conflicts, negative behavior, and parental disapproval. Aims and Objective: To study the prevalence of stress and depression among adolescents in Udupi taluk, Karnataka. Material and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among adolescents within the age group of 14-17 years. Two stage stratified random sampling technique was employed. Stratification was done among schools into government, aided and private schools in first stage. In the second stage, proportional allocation was done among study participants of schools. The total sample size was 1058 respondents. A validated tool was used to collect data. Data was analyzed by SPSS 16.0. Results: Prevalence of stress and depression was 30.5% and 40% respectively. The prevalence of stress and depression was higher in girls and among adolescents of 15 years of age group. Age of adolescent, type of school and stream were found to be statistically significant with stress and father’s education was found to be statistically significant with depression. Conclusions: There is a scope of making policies to tackle stress and depression among adolescents.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2018 Dec; 66(12): 1852-1853
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-197023
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-196187


Rearrangements involving interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4) gene has been recently described in a subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). They occur in a typical clinical setting of a pediatric age group, predominantly with tonsillar mass, usually as a low-stage disease and with good response to chemotherapy. Histomorphologically, they show nodular/follicular architecture with diffuse strong immunopositivity for multiple myeloma oncogene 1. Here, the authors describe one such unusual case of large B-cell lymphoma with IRF4 gene rearrangement in a young child with the unusual location of inguinal region and detailed pathological (histological, immunohistochemical, and molecular) findings.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2018 Mar; 66(3): 468-471
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-196654


Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a well-known risk factor in the development of radiation maculopathy (RM). Steroids have been shown to improve the vision and reduce the macular thickness in patients with RM. This observational case report highlights altered course of DR after a course of radiotherapy for orbital lymphoma, after a single dose of intravitreal dexamethasone implant showed a dramatic revascularization of the ischemic macula, with a significant reduction in the size of ischemic area. This appears to be the first case in literature corroborating the favorable effect on steroids on retinal vasculature, seen angiographically.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-756906


@#Introduction:Osteoporosis (OP) is a major health problem in the older population. The aim of the study was to assess the role of serum osteoprotegerin (OPG) as a diagnostic indicator of primary osteoporosis in peri- and postmenopausal women in an Indian population. Materials and Methods: After ethical approval, 90 cases (45 cases and 45 controls) of peri- and post-menopausal females above 40 years of age presenting to our outpatient department were included in the study. It was a case controlled study conducted between July 2014 to July 2015. Based on the clinical features, t-score and radiological evidence from the DEXA scan, they were equally divided into two groups (cases and controls). Serum osteoprotegerin (OPG) levels were measured amongst cases and controls. Results:The total calcium (mg/dl) level was lower among the cases and the difference was significant (p-Value= <0.001). Similarly, alkaline phosphatase (u/l), osteoprotegerin (u/ml) levels were higher in the cases as compared to controls and the difference was significant (p-Value= <0.001). The mean osteoprotegerin level showed a slight increase with increase in severity of the grading of BMD of spine. The results suggested a cut-off value of ≥10.5 u/ml (86.7% sensitive and 80% specific with accuracy of 84.5%) between normal and osteoporosis. Conclusion: From the present study, we conclude that osteoprotegerin is a valid biomarker to diagnose postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-178255


Dengue fever is generally not characterized by neurological manifestations, especially in infants. Here we present an 11 month old male child residing in Jalandhar, Punjab, who presented with status epilepticus and later, on investigation, was found to be Dengue encephalitis. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case from this region.