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Korean Medical Education Review ; (3): S48-S63, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1044935


With increasing demands for medical care by society, the medical system, and general citizens and rapid changes in doctor’s awareness, the competencies required of doctors are also changing. The goal of this study was to develop a doctor’s competency framework from the patient’s perspective, and to make it the basis for the development of milestones and entrustable professional activities for each period of medical student education and resident training. To this end, a big data analysis using topic modeling was performed on domestic and international research papers (2011–2020), domestic newspaper articles (2016–2020), and domestic social networking service data (2016–2020) related to doctor’s competencies. Delphi surveys were conducted twice with 28 medical education experts. In addition, a survey was conducted on doctor’s competencies among 1,000 citizens, 407 nurses, 237 medical students, 361 majors, and 200 specialists. Through the above process, six core competencies, 16 sub-competencies, and 47 competencies were derived as subject-oriented doctor’s competencies. The core competencies were: (1) competency related to disease and health as an expert; (2) competency related to patients as a communicator; (3) competency related to colleagues as a collaborator; (4) competency related to society as a health care leader (5) competency related to oneself as a professional, and (6) competency related to academics as a scholar who contributes to the development of medicine.

Acta ortop. bras ; 32(1): e272375, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550003


ABSTRACT Objective: To report on the experience and impressions of the Brazilian orthopedic trauma surgeons attending the Leadership Development Program (LDP) hosted by the Sociedade Brasileira do Trauma Ortopédico (SBTO) in Sao Paulo, Brazil on November 4, 2022. Methods: Forty-eight orthopedic trauma surgeons from five different regions throughout Brazil were provided a link to complete The Big Five Test, a validated online personality assessment. The questionnaire was available in Portuguese and was intended to provide a background on individual personality traits and their influence on interpersonal interactions. The LDP integrated content from literature reviews specific to Latin America, established leadership programs from leading business schools, and various subject matter experts. Prior to the start of the LDP, participants received a pre-course survey evaluating demographic information, a needs assessment, and the prioritization of leadership topics utilizing a 5-point Likert-scale. Attendees participated in the one-day, interactive LDP focusing on the fundamental principles of leadership development, communication, personal development, emotional intelligence and negotiation. Following the LDP, a post-course evaluation was administered to determine the participants' overall experience, and suggestions for LDP improvement. Results: Forty-one of the forty-eight course participants completed the pre-course evaluation, whereas forty-six of the forty-eight participants completed the post-course evaluations. Overwhelmingly, the lack of opportunity was most prevalently reported as the main obstacle to attending a leadership course, as cited by 56% of respondents. Conclusion: Expanding the accessibility, diversity, and customizability of leadership programs can facilitate the development of personal tools needed to move healthcare forward. Critical topics include emotional intelligence and other differentiating leadership qualities that distinguish true transformational and servant leaders. Advancing leadership skills can stimulate networking, expose learners to experiential learning styles, inspire others to create positive change, and engender creative solutions for systematic improvements and health outcomes. Level of Evidence III; Individual Case-Control Studies.

RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar a experiência e as impressões de cirurgiões de trauma ortopédico brasileiros participantes do Programa de Desenvolvimento de Liderança (PDL), organizado pela Sociedade Brasileira do Trauma Ortopédico (SBTO), em São Paulo, Brasil, em 4 de novembro de 2022. Métodos: Quarenta e oito cirurgiões de trauma ortopédico de cinco regiões diferentes do Brasil receberam um link para preencher o The Big Five Test, uma avaliação de personalidade on-line validada. O questionário estava disponível em português e pretendia fornecer informações básicas sobre traços de personalidade individuais e sua influência nas interações interpessoais. O PDL integrou conteúdo de análises de literatura específicas da América Latina, e programas de liderança estabelecidos pelas principais escolas de negócios e por vários especialistas no assunto. Antes do início do PDL, os participantes receberam uma pesquisa pré-curso solicitando informações demográficas, uma avaliação de necessidades e a priorização de tópicos de liderança utilizando uma escala Likert de 5 pontos. Os participantes participaram do PDL interativo de um dia com foco nos princípios fundamentais de desenvolvimento de liderança, comunicação, desenvolvimento pessoal, inteligência emocional e negociação. Após o PDL, foi realizada uma avaliação pós-curso para determinar a experiência geral dos participantes e sugestões para melhoria do PDL. Resultados: Quarenta e um dos quarenta e oito participantes do curso concluíram a avaliação pré-curso, enquanto quarenta e seis dos quarenta e oito participantes concluíram a avaliação pós-curso. A falta de oportunidade foi relatada com maior prevalência como o principal obstáculo para frequentar um curso de liderança, conforme citado por 56% dos entrevistados. Conclusão: Expandir a acessibilidade, a diversidade e a personalização dos programas de liderança podem facilitar o desenvolvimento de ferramentas pessoais necessárias para fazer avançar os cuidados de saúde. Os tópicos críticos incluem inteligência emocional e outras qualidades de liderança diferenciadas, que distinguem verdadeiros líderes transformacionais e servidores O avanço das competências de liderança pode estimular o networking, expor os alunos a estilos de aprendizagem experiencial, inspirar outros a criar mudanças positivas e gerar soluções criativas para melhorias sistemáticas dos resultados na saúde. Nível de Evidência III; Estudos de caso-controle individuais.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(3): 263-273, ago.-dez. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531336


A personalidade é um construto central na pesquisa psicológica, podendo ser definida como uma estrutura relativamente estável do ser humano que influencia seus comportamentos diante de acontecimentos diários. Este estudo objetivou desenvolver e obter evidências de validade baseadas na estrutura interna do Inventário de Avaliação dos Cinco Grandes Fatores e Facetas de Personalidade (IACGF-F). A Teoria dos Cinco Grandes Fatores de Personalidade foi utilizada como referencial teórico para elaboração dos itens. Para o estudo piloto, 150 sujeitos responderam à versão do instrumento composta por 151 itens e questionário sociodemográfico. O estudo final contou com 285 sujeitos com média de idade de 22,6 anos que responderam à versão do IACGF-F com 129 itens, além do questionário sociodemográfico. Foi realizado um conjunto de sete análises fatoriais exploratórias, estimação da fidedignidade, bem como calibração dos parâmetros dos itens a partir da TRI. A versão final do instrumento ficou composta por 103 itens distribuídos em cinco fatores com variação de cinco a seis facetas por fator. Foram encontrados bons índices de fidedignidade (alfas entre 0,85 e 0,96), além de bons índices de dificuldade e discriminação. Sugere-se a utilização do IACGF-F em pesquisas nas quais a avaliação mais detalhada das facetas se faz necessária.

Personality is a central construct in psychological research and can be defined as a relatively stable structure of human beings that influences their behavior in the face of daily events. The purpose of this study wasd to develop and obtain validity evidence based on the internal structure of the Inventory for Assessment of the Big Five Personality Factors and Facets (PAIBFF-F). The Big Five Personality Factor Theory was used as the theoretical framework for item development. For the pilot study, 150 subjects answered the initial version of the instrument, which consisted of 151 items and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The final study included 285 subjects with a mean age of 22.6 years who answered a version of the PAIBFF-F with 129 items and sociodemographic questionnaire. Seven exploratory factor analyses, reliability estimation, as well as calibration of the item parameters from TRI were performed. The final version of the instrument was composed of 103 items distributed in five factors with a variation of five to six facets per factor. Good reliability indices were found (alphas between 0.85 and 0.96), in addition to good difficulty and discrimination indices. We suggest the use of the IACGF-P in research in which a more detailed evaluation of the facets is required.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535907


Introduction: Liquid-filled intragastric balloons (IGBs) have emerged as a safe and effective option for managing overweight and obesity. However, there is limited information available regarding the implementation of liquid IGBs in individuals with low- and moderate-risk obesity. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the implementation of liquid IGBs in low- and moderate-risk obese individuals in terms of weight loss, safety, and tolerance at four, six, and twelve months of treatment. Materials and methods: This prospective, descriptive observational study included 109 subjects with low- and moderate-risk obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30-40 kg/m2), who underwent endoscopic implantation of liquid-filled IGBs. The variables analyzed included sex, age, initial and final weight, percentage of weight loss, and side effects. Results: Out of the 109 subjects, 75.22% were women. The average weight at baseline was 87.22 kg, with an average BMI of 31.59 kg/m2. Three different brands of IGBs were used: Orbera (n=103), Spatz3 (n=3), and Elipse (n=3). The average weight loss showed significant differences when analyzed by months and brands-Ellipse: four months (-4.6 kg), Spatz3: three months (-7 kg), Orbera: six months (15.2 kg), Orbera: twelve months (19.7 kg). The average reduction in BMI achieved was 27.71 kg/m2. The complication rate was 2.75%, with two cases (1.83%) attributed to intolerance (abdominal pain) and one case due to acute appendicitis (0.91%). Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that liquid-filled IGBs are a safe and effective procedure for managing low- and moderate-risk obesity. A minimum duration of twelve months with an IGB implantation is considered optimal for individuals with low- and moderate-risk obesity.

Introducción: los balones intragástricos (BIG) de llenado líquido han surgido como una opción segura y eficaz para el manejo de sobrepeso y obesidad. En nuestro medio hay poca información acerca de su implementación en obesidad de riesgo bajo y moderado. Objetivo: evaluar la implementación del BIG de contenido líquido en individuos con obesidad de riesgo bajo y moderado en términos de pérdida de peso, seguridad y tolerancia a 4, 6 y 12 meses de tratamiento. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional prospectivo y descriptivo, se incluyeron a 109 sujetos con obesidad de riesgo bajo y moderado (índice de masa corporal [IMC] de 30 a 40 kg/m2), a quienes se les implantó por vía endoscópica un BIG de llenado líquido. Se analizaron las variables de sexo, edad, peso inicial y final, porcentaje de pérdida de peso y efectos secundarios. Resultados: 109 sujetos, 75,22% correspondieron a mujeres, el peso promedio fue de 87,22 kg, con IMC promedio de 31,59 kg/m2. Se usaron tres marcas (Orbera, n: 103; Spatz, 3, n: 3; y Elipse, n: 3). La pérdida de peso promedio presentó diferencias importantes al analizar por meses y marcas: Elipse: 4 meses (-4,6 kg), Spatz 3: 3 meses (-7 kg), Orbera: 6 meses (15,2 kg), Orbera: 12 meses (19,7 kg). Se logró la reducción del IMC promedio a 27,71 kg/m2. La tasa de complicaciones fue del 2,75%, 2 (1,83%) por intolerancia (dolor abdominal) y una por apendicitis aguda (0,91%). Conclusiones: El BIG de llenado líquido es un procedimiento seguro y eficaz. Un período de implantación del BIG de al menos 12 meses se considera óptimo para obesidad de riesgo bajo y moderado.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984246


Background China is a big country in the production and use of antibiotics. The abuse of antibiotics enables bacteria in water environment to acquire resistance, and promotes the generation and spread of antibiotics resistance genes (ARGs). The problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is increasingly serious and has become a public security issue of global concern. Water environment is a huge reservoir of antibiotics and ARGs. It is of great significance to study the pollution of antibiotics and ARGs in water to protect water sources and optimize the biosecurity of drinking water. Objective To evaluate the detection of antibiotics and ARGs in typical water sources, and to explore the relationship between antibiotics and ARGs. Methods Water samples were collected in Heilongjiang, Liaoning, and Hubei provinces during the wet season (from August to October) in 2020. Ten water samples were collected from each of the three places, and a total of 30 water samples were collected in this study. Five kinds of antibiotics, including macrolides, quinolones, sulfonamides, tetracycline, and β-lactam, were detected by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The integron (Intl1), 16S rRNA, and 6 kinds of ARGs were detected by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). The ARGs include one macrolide ARGs (ermB), one β-lactam ARGs (blaTEM), two tetracycline ARGs (tetC, tetQ), and two sulfonamide ARGs (sul1, sul2). Results The types of detected antibiotics varied by the three regions, and the concentration ranges of the same antibiotics varied by the three regions (P<0.05). The concentration ranges of selected five kinds of antibiotics were 0.11-418.80 ng·L−1 in region A, 0.12-23.23 ng·L−1 in region B, and 4.69-285.75 ng·L−1 in region C, respectively. The detection rates of all six ARGs were 100%. The absolute abundance of ARGs in region A ranged from 22.56 to 94355.91 copies·mL−1, that in region B ranged from 27.99 to 80584.32 copies·mL−1, and that in region C ranged from 41.99 to 111068.19 copies·mL−1. The absolute abundance of blaTEM was higher among the ARGs, followed by sul1 and sul2. In addition, the absolute abundance of Intl1 was also at a high level. The results of correlation analysis showed that the abundance of ARGs was positively correlated with each other. There was no correlation between specific antibiotics and corresponding ARGs. There was a positive correlation between Intl1 and sul1 or sul2 (P<0.05). Conclusion The types and concentrations of antibiotics and the abundance of ARGs in source water vary greatly in the study areas. The association between antibiotics and ARGs is uncertain. Intl1 may play an important role in the horizontal transfer of sulfonamide resistance genes.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027947


Objective:To describe the study methods and baseline characteristics of participants enrolled in mCessation program.Methods:This is a longitudinal, real-world study with non-randomized controlled design. The mCessation program consisted of a WeChat official account, an applet and a website using the same name ‘mCessation Online’. After users followed the WeChat account, filled in baseline information online and set a quit date, they would receive 162 short text messages in the next six and a half months as scheduled. This study collected the information of participants enrolled from May 26, 2021 to September 30, 2022, and analyzed baseline data including demographic characteristics, smoking characteristics, degree of tobacco dependence, reasons for smoking cessation and other related factors.Results:During the study period, a total of 16 746 participants registered, and 13 887 participants (82.9%) were enrolled in final analysis after screening the inclusion and exclusion criteria and completion of main indicators. Each year the number of enrolled participants in May or June was 1 381 to 2 707 per month, higher than the number of enrolled participants in other months (233 to 569 per month). Participants from North China accounted for the largest proportion (29.3%). There were 13 316 men (95.9%) in enrolled participants and the mean age was (36±10) years. Most participants were 25-34 (38.8%) or 35-44 (30.8%) years old. In terms of smoking characteristics, there were 12 564 (90.5%) daily smokers. The starting age of smoking was 18 (15, 20) years old. 11 866 participants (85.4%) were tobacco dependent, mostly with degree of mild (76.4%) or moderate (20.2%). In terms of reasons for quitting, 9 315 participants′ (67.1%) reasons were to prevent disease, 6 742 participants (48.5%) were concerned about impact of smoking on family members, and 6 731 participants (48.5%) were under requested by families.Conclusion:mCessation program can effectively recruit smokers with intention to quit in short time, especially those who were male, young and tobacco dependent.

Psico USF ; 28(2): 239-251, Apr.-June 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448903


Escala de Satisfação com a Escolha do Curso (ESEC) para uso no contexto brasileiro. Participaram deste estudo 674 estudantes universitários, com idade variando entre 18 e 62 anos (M= 23,18, DP= 5,81). Seis modelos fatoriais unidimensionais foram testados com o objetivo de identificar a solução mais parcimoniosa para o instrumento. Sugere-se uma solução final com quatro itens, ao invés de seis. Análises de TRI foram realizadas e observou-se alta fidedignidade da escala para mensuração de baixos níveis do traço latente. A ESEC esteve significativamente correlacionada com os cinco fatores de personalidade, adaptabilidade de carreira e satisfação com a vida. Indica-se que a ESEC apresenta evidências de validade favoráveis ao seu uso no contexto brasileiro, mas o instrumento identifica melhor indivíduos insatisfeitos com a escolha do curso do que os satisfeitos. (AU)

This study aimed to adapt and obtain validity evidence for the Academic Major Satisfaction Scale (AMSS) in the Brazilian context. The instrument was tested in 674 college students, with ages ranging from 18 to 62 (M = 23.18, SD = 5.81). Six unidimensional models were tested in order to find the parsimonious solution to the instrument. A four-item final solution is suggested, instead of the original 6-item solution. IRT was applied and it was identified that the AMSS had high reliability in individuals with low levels of latent trait. AMSS was significantly correlated with the big-five personality factors, career adapt-ability and life satisfaction. AMSS presents favorable evidences of validity to the Brazilian context, although the scale is more efficient in identifying students who are unsatisfied rather than satisfied with their college major. (AU)

Este estudio buscó adaptar y obtener evidencia de la validez de la Escala de Satisfacción de Elección de Curso (ESEC) para su uso en el contexto brasileño. Participaron un total de 674 estudiantes universitarios, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 62 años (M = 23,18, DT = 5,81). Se probaron seis modelos factoriales unidimensionales con el fin de identificar la solución más parsimoniosa para el instrumento. Se sugiere una solución final con cuatro elementos en lugar de seis. El modelo de respuesta graduada se aplicó a los ítems que funcionaron bien a niveles bajos del constructo. La ESEC se correlacionó significativamente con los cinco factores de personalidad, adaptabilidad profesional y satisfacción con la vida. Se indica que la ESEC presenta evidencia de validez favorable a su uso en el contexto brasileño, pero el instrumento identifica mejor a los insatisfechos con la elección del curso que a los satisfechos. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pruebas de Personalidad , Movilidad Laboral , Análisis Multivariante , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Análisis Factorial , Análisis de Datos
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e252949, 2023. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440791


As startups são empresas que apresentam modelos de negócios marcados pela inovação, rapidez, flexibilidade e alta capacidade de adaptação aos mercados. Atuando em diferentes setores socioeconômicos, elas prometem criar e transformar produtos e serviços. A emergência e disseminação dessas empresas ocorrem em um momento histórico de mudanças iniciadas a partir de 1970 e marcadas pelas crises geradas com o esgotamento do paradigma da sociedade urbano industrial. No Brasil, o número desse modelo de negócio apresentou uma expansão expressiva, alcançando a marca de 13.374 nos últimos cinco anos. Atento a esse cenário, o objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em compreender como sujeitos, grupos e instituições atribuem sentidos à experiência de trabalho nas chamadas startups. Na parte teórica, as condições sociais e econômicas que possibilitaram a emergência e disseminação das startups são analisadas em uma perspectiva crítica. A parte empírica, por sua vez, apresenta depoimentos de empreendedores relatando o contexto geral de atuação nas startups. Ao final deste artigo, conclui-se que há uma instrumentalização capitalística de componentes subjetivos específicos selecionados e colocados em circulação para fortalecer o modo de produção capitalista financeirizado.(AU)

Startups are companies that have business models characterized by innovation, speed, flexibility, and a high capacity to adapt to markets. Operating in different socioeconomic sectors, they promise to create and transform products and services. The emergence and dissemination of these companies occur at a historical moment of changes that began from 1970 and are marked by the crises generated by the exhaustion of the paradigm of industrial urban society. In Brazil, the number of businesses in this model showed a significant expansion, reaching 13,374 companies in the last five years. Attentive to this scenario, the objective of this research was to understand how subjects, groups, and institutions attribute meanings to the work experience in so-called startups. In the theoretical part, the social and economic conditions that enabled the emergence and dissemination of startups are analyzed in a critical perspective. The empirical part presents entrepreneurs reporting the general context of action in startups. At the end of this article, it is concluded that there is a capitalistic instrumentalization of specific subjective components that are selected and put into circulation to strengthen the financed capitalist production.(AU)

Las startups son empresas que tienen modelos de negocio marcados por la innovación, la velocidad, la flexibilidad y una alta capacidad de adaptación a los mercados. Desde diferentes sectores socioeconómicos, las startups prometen crear y transformar productos y servicios. La aparición y difusión de estas empresas se produce en un momento histórico de cambios que comenzó a partir de 1970 y que está marcado por crisis generadas por el agotamiento del paradigma de la sociedad urbana industrial. En Brasil, estas empresas se expandieron significativamente alcanzando la marca de 13.374 empresas en los últimos cinco años. En este escenario, el objetivo de esta investigación fue entender cómo los sujetos, grupos e instituciones atribuyen significados a la experiencia laboral en las startups. En la parte teórica, se analizan las condiciones sociales y económicas que permitieron el surgimiento y la difusión de las startups en una perspectiva crítica. La parte empírica presenta testimonios de emprendedores que informan sobre el trabajo en startups. La investigación concluye que hay una instrumentalización capitalista de componentes subjetivos específicos que se seleccionan y ponen en circulación para fortalecer el modo de producción capitalista financiero.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Satisfacción Personal , Psicología Social , Trabajo , Organizaciones , Capitalismo , Organización y Administración , Innovación Organizacional , Grupo Paritario , Personalidad , Política , Corporaciones Profesionales , Práctica Profesional , Psicología , Relaciones Públicas , Gestión de Riesgos , Seguridad , Salarios y Beneficios , Ajuste Social , Cambio Social , Valores Sociales , Tecnología , Pensamiento , Horas de Trabajo , Toma de Decisiones en la Organización , Propuestas de Licitación , Financiación del Capital , Inteligencia Artificial , Conferencias de Consenso como Asunto , Cultura Organizacional , Salud , Personal Administrativo , Salud Laboral , Técnicas de Planificación , Adolescente , Emprendimiento , Empleos Subvencionados , Sector Privado , Modelos Organizacionales , Entrevista , Gestión de la Calidad Total , Administración del Tiempo , Eficiencia Organizacional , Conducta Competitiva , Recursos Naturales , Comportamiento del Consumidor , Servicios Contratados , Benchmarking , Patente , Servicios Externos , Evolución Cultural , Mercadotecnía , Difusión de Innovaciones , Competencia Económica , Eficiencia , Empleo , Eventos Científicos y de Divulgación , Comercialización de Productos , Estudios de Evaluación como Asunto , Agroindustria , Planificación , Ensayos Analíticos de Alto Rendimiento , Pequeña Empresa , Red Social , Administración Financiera , Invenciones , Colaboración de las Masas , Nube Computacional , Equilibrio entre Vida Personal y Laboral , Participación de los Interesados , Crecimiento Sostenible , Libertad , Macrodatos , Utilización de Instalaciones y Servicios , Comercio Electrónico , Cadena de Bloques , Diseño Universal , Realidad Aumentada , Inteligencia , Inversiones en Salud , Medios de Comunicación de Masas , Ocupaciones
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 27(1): 102730, 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420727


Abstract Alterations of ecosystems have deep effects on the distribution of parasites. Big cities of Argentina present structural features that favor the presence of synanthropic species, acting as source of zoonotic diseases, for example in urban rodents: the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) and the black rat (R. rattus). One of the important zoonotic pathogens related are the RNA virus Hantavirus, with high prevalence rates in South America. The aim of this study was to explore and identify the presence of Hantavirus in urban rodents from Gran La Plata, Argentina. The presence of anti-hantavirus IgG antibodies was determined by the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Six samples turned out positive for Seoul virus (SEOV, p= 14.3%). These are the first records of SEOV in urban rodents in Gran La Plata. It represents the first report in R. rattus in Argentina, and in America. This situation underscores the inequality and historical forgetfulness of a portion of society, calling for urgent action to be taken in this regard.

Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 80(12): 1189-1195, Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439415


Abstract Background The impact of a literature report on a particular subject can be measured by its number of citations. Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of the literature reports in the field of endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms (IAs) by analyzing the top 100 most cited articles. It should be noted that the focus of this study is to describe the bibliometric characteristics. Methods This bibliometric analysis dedicated only to endovascular treatment of IAs in our study. We searched the top 100 most cited articles in the field of endovascular treatment of IAs using the search tool of the Web of Science (WOS). We evaluated the characteristics of these high-impact publications, including publication year, category, journal, author's country, etc. Results The top 100 most cited articles were cited 281.3 times, on average. The United States has published the most articles every year compared with other countries. These highly cited articles are mostly published in the Journal of Neurosurgery. Eighty-six of the top 100 most cited articles were clinical studies. Conclusion The bibliometric analysis provides insight over the development and the growing trend in endovascular treatment of IAs. This study can help researchers better understand the global overview of this field, and it also provides leads about promising areas of future research and potential collaborations.

Resumo Antecedentes O impacto de um relato de literatura sobre um determinado assunto pode ser medido pelo seu número de citações. Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as características dos relatos da literatura na área de tratamento endovascular de aneurismas intracranianos (AIs), analisando os 100 artigos mais citados. Ressalta-se que o foco deste estudo é descrever as características bibliométricas. Métodos Esta análise bibliométrica foi dedicada apenas ao tratamento endovascular dos AIs em nosso estudo. Pesquisamos os 100 artigos mais citados na área de tratamento endovascular de AIs usando a ferramenta de busca daWeb of Science (WOS). Avaliamos as características dessas publicações de alto impacto, incluindo ano de publicação, categoria, periódico, país do autor etc. Resultados Os 100 artigos mais citados foram citados 281,3 vezes, em média. Os Estados Unidos publicaram o maior número de artigos todos os anos em comparação com outros países. Esses artigos altamente citados são publicados principalmente noJournal of Neurosurgery. Oitenta e seis dos 100 artigos mais citados eram estudos clínicos. Conclusão A análise bibliométrica fornece informações sobre o desenvolvimento e a tendência crescente no tratamento endovascular das AI. Este estudo pode ajudar os pesquisadores a entender melhor a visão global desse campo e também fornece pistas sobre áreas promissoras de pesquisas futuras e potenciais colaborações.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219630


Aims: To contribute to solving plantain post-harvest losses, six preservation methods combining charcoal and polyethylene bags were experimented on three different varieties of plantain (SACI, Big-Ebanga, and Orishele). Place and Duration of Study: This work was carried out at the Biocatalysis and Bioprocesses Laboratory of Nangui Abrogoua University in Abidjan and the Food Technology Laboratory of the National Center for Agronomic Research in Côte d'Ivoire. Methodology: Some Biochemical parameters of these fruits are monitored to know the effects of these preservation methods during storage. Results: The outcomes indicate an average shelf green life extension of up to 30 days for fruits preserved in polyethylene containing charcoal, while fruits preserved in polyethylene without charcoal have only 24 days on average. The control test (fruits stored in the open air) showed an average shelf green life of 12 days. During storage, total carbohydrate levels increase and values range from 92.49% to 70.05%. Those of total sugars also increase and the levels evolve from 0.47 to 30.83 g/100 g DM. On the other hand, there is a decrease in starch levels (42.66 and 64.05 mg/100g DM). Conclusion: Charcoal can extend the shelf green life of plantain bananas for up to a month. These methods can be recommended to actors in the sector to reduce post-harvest losses.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-932685


Powered by big data and artificial intelligence, the research and clinical application of treatment planning automation for radiation therapy are rapidly growing. The application and supervision of planning automation systems necessitate careful consideration of different levels of automation, as well as the context for use. For autonomous vehicles, the levels of automation have been defined at home and abroad. Nevertheless, no such definitions exist for radiotherapy planning automation. To promote and standardize the development of radiotherapy planning automation and initiate discussion within the community, we developed this recommendation with reference to the taxonomy of driving automation for vehicles and divided the radiotherapy planning automation into six levels (level 1 to 6).

Journal of Breast Cancer ; : 207-217, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-937757


Purpose@#Breast cancer (BC) treatment has shifted from chemotherapy to targeted therapy.Several targeted agents have demonstrated an improvement in survival. Given that national healthcare resources were correlated with the cancer mortality-to-incidence ratio, we compared access to BC drugs in Thailand with that in other Asian countries. @*Methods@#BC experts involved in the Breast International Group (BIG)-Asia in six representative groups for countries or special administrative region (SAR) in Asia (Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Singapore) were invited to participate in the survey. The questionnaire addressed national health reimbursement schemes, molecular testing for early BC (EBC), availability and accessibility of BC drugs. Accessibility and reimbursement of the drugs were reported based on their listing as essential medicines in the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines (WHO-EML) and their nomination as effective drugs in the European Society for Medical Oncology-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS). The study was approved by all participating BIG-Asia organizations in November 2021. @*Results@#Genomic tests for EBC were non-reimbursable in all surveyed territories.Reimbursement and co-payment of BC drugs vary between and within these regions (particularly Thailand). Most drugs in the WHO-EML and ESMO-MCBS (A/B for EBC and 4/5 for advanced BC) were accessible in all surveyed territories. However, the accessibility of effective but costly WHO-EML and ESMO-MCBS drugs was not uniform in Thailand. There was an evident disparity for individuals covered by the Thai Social Security/Universal Health Coverage schemes. @*Conclusion@#Essential BC drugs are generally accessible in selected BIG-Asia countries or SAR. There is a disparity in accessing high-cost drugs in Thailand compared with other Asian territories.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-938793


With increasing demands for medical care by society, the medical system, and general citizens and rapid changes in doctor’s awareness, the competencies required of doctors are also changing. The goal of this study was to develop a doctor’s competency framework from the patient’s perspective, and to make it the basis for the development of milestones and entrustable professional activities for each period of medical student education and resident training. To this end, a big data analysis using topic modeling was performed on domestic and international research papers (2011–2020), domestic newspaper articles (2016–2020), and domestic social networking service data (2016–2020) related to doctor’s competencies. Delphi surveys were conducted twice with 28 medical education experts. In addition, a survey was conducted on doctor’s competencies among 1,000 citizens, 407 nurses, 237 medical students, 361 majors, and 200 specialists.Through the above process, six core competencies, 16 sub-competencies, and 47 competencies were derived as subject-oriented doctor’s competencies. The core competencies were: (1) competency related to disease and health as an expert; (2) competency related to patients as a communicator; (3) competency related to colleagues as a collaborator; (4) competency related to society as a health care leader (5) competency related to oneself as a professional, and (6) competency related to academics as a scholar who contributes to the development of medicine.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-939509


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the effect of electroacupuncture (EA) at "Neiguan" (PC 6) on cardiac function of ventriculus sinister in rats with spontaneously hypertensive (SHR), and to explore the mediation effect of endothelin-1 (ET-1)/endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS).@*METHODS@#Six 12-week-old male Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats were taken as the normal group. Eighteen 12-week-old SHR were randomly divided into a model group, an EA group and a sham EA group, 6 rats in each group. The rats in the EA group were treated with EA (disperse-dense wave, 2 Hz/15 Hz in frequency, 1 mA in current intensity) at "Neiguan" (PC 6), 30 min each time, once a day for 8 weeks. The rats in the sham EA group were treated with superficial needling at "Neiguan" (PC 6) with no electrical stimulation applied. After treatment, the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and left ventricular fractional shortening (LVFS) were tested by echocardiographic analysis. The left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP), left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), heart rate (HR), the maximum rate of increase/decrease of left ventricular pressure (±dp/dtmax) were detected. The serum content of ET-1 was detected by ELISA. Western blot was used to evaluate the expression of ETAR, eNOS in myocardial tissue of left ventricular.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the normal group, LVEF, LVFS, +dp/dtmax/LVSP and -dp/dtmax/LVSP were decreased (P<0.01, P<0.05), while LVSP, LVEDP, +dp/dtmax and -dp/dtmax were increased (P<0.01) in the model group. Compared with the model group, LVEF, LVFS, +dp/dtmax/LVSP and -dp/dtmax/LVSP were increased (P<0.01, P<0.05), and LVSP and LVEDP were decreased (P<0.01) in the EA group. Compared with the normal group, the serum content of ET-1 and the expression of ETAR in myocardial tissue were increased (P<0.01), whereas expression of eNOS was decreased (P<0.01) in the model group. Compared with the model group, the serum content of ET-1 and the expression of ETAR in myocardial tissue were decreased (P<0.05), whereas expression of eNOS was increased (P<0.05) in the EA group.@*CONCLUSION@#EA intervention may alleviate hypertensive cardiac function damage by up-regulating the expression of eNOS protein in myocardial tissue, down-regulating the serum content of ET-1 and the expression of ETAR protein in myocardial tissue.

Animales , Masculino , Ratas , Electroacupuntura , Endotelina-1/genética , Cardiopatías , Hipertensión/terapia , Óxido Nítrico Sintasa de Tipo III/genética , Ratas Endogámicas SHR , Ratas Endogámicas WKY , Volumen Sistólico , Función Ventricular Izquierda
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 677-682, 2022.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940974


Objective: To explore the clinical effects of free hallux-nail flap combined with the second toe composite tissue flap in the reconstruction of damaged thumb after electrical burns. Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted. From May 2018 to April 2021, 12 male patients with thumb destructive defects caused by electrical burns who met the inclusion criteria were admitted to Zhengzhou First People's Hospital, aged 27 to 58 years, including 10 cases with degree Ⅲ thumb defect and 2 cases with degree Ⅳ thumb defect after thorough debridement. The thumb was reconstructed with free hallux-nail flap combined with composite tissue flap of the second phalangeal bone, joint, and tendon with skin island. The donor site of hallux-nail flap was covered with artificial dermis in the first stage and performed with continuous vacuum sealing drainage, and covered with medium-thickness skin graft from the groin site in the second stage. The donor site in the second toe was filled and fixed with iliac bone strips. The survival of reconstructed thumb was observed 1 week after the reconstruction surgery, the survival of skin graft in the donor site of hallux-nail flap was observed 2 weeks after skin grafting, and the callus formation of the reconstructed thumb phalanx and the second toe of the donor foot was observed by X-ray 6 weeks after the reconstruction surgery. During the follow-up, the shape of reconstructed thumb was observed and the sensory function was evaluated; the function of reconstructed thumb was evaluated with trial standard for the evaluation of the functions of the upper limbs of the Hand Surgery Society of the Chinese Medical Association; whether the interphalangeal joints of the hallux and the second toe were stiff, the scar hyperplasia of the foot donor site, and whether the walking and standing functions of the donor feet were limited were observed. Results: One week after the reconstruction surgery, all the reconstructed thumbs of the patients survived. Two weeks after skin grafting, the skin grafts in the donor site of hallux-nail flap of 11 patients survived, while the skin graft in the donor site of hallux-nail flap of 1 patient was partially necrotic, which was healed completely after 10 days' dressing change. Six weeks after the reconstruction surgery, callus formation was observed in the reconstructed thumb and the second toe of the donor foot of 10 patients, the Kirschner wires were removed; while callus formation of the reconstructed thumb was poor in 2 patients, and the Kirschner wires were removed after 2 weeks of delay. During the follow-up of 6 to 24 months, the shape of reconstructed thumb was similar to that of the healthy thumb, the discrimination distance between the two points of the reconstructed thumb was 7 to 11 mm, and the functional evaluation results were excellent in 4 cases, good in 6 cases, and fair in 2 cases. The interphalangeal joints of the hallux and the second toe of the donor foot were stiff, mild scar hyperplasia was left in the donor site of foot, and the standing and walking functions of the donor foot were not significantly limited. Conclusions: The application of free hallux-nail flap combined with the second toe composite tissue flap in the reconstruction of damaged thumb after electrical burns adopts the concept of reconstruction instead of repair to close the wound. It can restore the shape and function of the damaged thumb without causing great damage to the donor foot.

Humanos , Masculino , Quemaduras por Electricidad/cirugía , Cicatriz/cirugía , Colgajos Tisulares Libres , Hallux/cirugía , Hiperplasia , Procedimientos de Cirugía Plástica/métodos , Trasplante de Piel/métodos , Pulgar/cirugía , Dedos del Pie/cirugía , Resultado del Tratamiento
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986254


@#Big data analytics (BDA) in digital health is critical for gaining the knowledge needed to make decisions, with Asia at the forefront of utilising this technology for the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This review aims to study how BDA was incorporated into digital health in managing the COVID-19 pandemic in six selected Asian countries, discuss its advantages and barriers and recommend measures to improve its adoption. A narrative review was conducted. Online databases were searched to identify all relevant literature on the roles of BDA in digital health for COVID-19 preventive and control measures. The findings showed that these countries had used BDA for contact tracing, quarantine compliance, outbreak prediction, supply rationing, movement control, information update, and symptom monitoring. Compared to conventional approaches, BDA in digital health plays a more efficient role in preventing and controlling COVID-19. It may inspire other countries to adopt this technology in managing the pandemic.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991099


Pruni Semen,the seed of several unique Prunus plants,is a traditional purgative herbal material.To determine the authentic sources of Pruni Semen,46 samples from four species were collected and analyzed.Ten compounds including multiflorin A(Mul A),a notable purative compound,were isolated and identified by chemical separation and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.Seventy-six communal components were identified by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with linear ion trap-quadrupole Orbitrap mass spectrometry,and acetyl flavonoid glycosides were recognized as characteristic constituents.The flavonoids were distributed in the seed coat and cyanogenic glycosides in the kernel.Based on this,methods for identifying Pruni Semen from different sources were established using chemical fingerprinting,quantitative analysis of the eight principal compounds,hierarchical cluster analysis,principal component analysis,and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis.The results showed that the samples were divided into two categories:one is the small seeds from Prunus humilis(Ph)and Prunus japonica(Pj),and the other is the big seeds from Prunus pedunculata(Pp)and Prunus triloba(Pt).The average content of Mul A was,0.40,and 0.29 mg/g,while the average content of amygdalin was 18.5,17.7,31.5,and 30.9 mg/g in Ph,Pj,Pp,and Pt,respectively.All the above information suggests that small seeds might be superior sources of Pruni Semen.This is the first comprehensive report on the identification of chemical components in Pruni Semen from different species.

Av. psicol. latinoam ; 39(1): 1-15, ene.-abr. 2021. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1367000


O Gatekeeping materno é um fator importante a ser considerado para avaliar a proximidade e qualidade da relação do pai com os filhos. Este consiste em crenças e comportamentos maternos que podem facilitar ou di-ficultar o envolvimento paterno com a criança. Dentre vários fatores que afetam esses comportamentos mater-nos encontra-se a personalidade do pai. Como poucos estudos investigaram a relação entre estas variáveis, esta pesquisa objetivou comparar as percepções de pais e mães do gatekeeping materno e investigar os efeitos da percepção paterna de sua personalidade nas percepções materna e paterna do gatekeeping da mãe em famílias com crianças de quatro a seis anos. Participaram 171 casais do Sul do Brasil que responderam ao Questio-nário de Gatekeeping Materno e Inventário dos Cinco Grandes Fatores de Personalidade. Os resultados apon-taram níveis moderados de gatekeeping materno, e eleva-dos níveis de conscienciosidade e amabilidade paterna. As análises comparativas indicaram que pais perceberam maiores níveis de confirmação da identidade materna em comparação às próprias mães, e as mães perceberam em maior nível que os pais que tarefas domésticas e cui-dados com as crianças fazem parte do papel materno. A regressão linear múltipla indicou que quanto mais neuroticismo, maior foi a percepção paterna do controle materno pelas normas e responsabilidades domésticas; e quanto mais extroversão, menos as mães relataram realizar o controle pelas normas e responsabilidades domésticas. Reforça-se a relação entre características pessoais em interação com construções histórico-so-ciais de gênero que afetam crenças e comportamentos maternos sobre tarefas domésticas e cuidados infantis, influenciando o envolvimento paterno

El gatekeeping materno es considerado un factor im-portante para evaluar la cercanía y la calidad de la relación del padre con sus hijos. Se trata de creencias y comportamientos maternos que pueden facilitar o difi-cultar la participación paterna con el niño. Entre varios factores que afectan estos comportamientos maternos se encuentra la personalidad del padre. Como pocos estu-dios han investigado la relación entre estas variables, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo comparar las percepciones de padres y madres sobre el gatekeepingmaterno e investigar los efectos de la percepción pater-na de su personalidad en las percepciones maternas y paternas sobre el gatekeeping materno en familias con hijos de cuatro a seis años. En el estudio participa-ron 171 parejas del sur de Brasil que respondieron el Cuestionario de Gatekeeping materno y el Inventario de los Cinco Grandes Factores de Personalidad. Los resultados mostraron niveles moderados de gatekeeping materno, altos niveles de escrupulosidad y amabilidad paterna. Los análisis comparativos indicaron que los padres percibieron niveles más altos de confirmación de la identidad materna en comparación con las propias madres, y las madres percibieron a un nivel más alto que los padres, que las tareas del hogar y el cuidado de los niños son parte del rol materno. La regresión lineal múltiple indicó que cuanto más neuroticismo, mayor era la percepción paterna del control materno por las normas y responsabilidades domésticas; y cuanto más extroversión, menos madres informaron tener control sobre las normas y responsabilidades domésticas. Se refuerza la relación entre características personales en interacción con construcciones histórico-sociales de género que inciden en las creencias y comportamien-tos maternos sobre las tareas domésticas y el cuidado de los niños, incidiendo en la participación paterna

Maternal Gatekeeping is an important factor to consider when assessing the closeness and quality of the father's relationship with his children. It consists of maternal beliefs and behaviors that can facilitate or hinder the paternal involvement with the child. Among several factors that affect these maternal behaviors is the fa-ther's personality. As few studies have investigated the relationship between these variables. This research was aimed at comparing fathers' and mothers' perceptions of maternal gatekeeping and investigate the effects of paternal perception of their personality on maternal and paternal perceptions of mother's gatekeeping in families with children aged four to six years old. A total of 171 couples from southern Brazil who answered the Maternal Gatekeeping Questionnaire and the Big Five Personality Factors Inventory participated in the study. The results showed moderate levels of maternal gatekeeping and high levels of conscientiousness and paternal kindness. Comparative analyzes indicated that fathers perceived higher levels of confirmation of maternal identity compared to mothers themselves, and mothers perceived at a higher level than fathers that household chores and childcare are part of the maternal role. Multiple linear regressions indicated that the more neuroticism, the greater was the paternal perception of maternal control by norms and domestic responsibilities, and the more extroversion, the fewer mothers reported having control over domestic norms and responsibili-ties. The relationship between personal characteristics in interaction with historical-social constructions of gender that affect maternal beliefs and behaviors about household chores and childcare, influencing paternal involvement is reinforced

Humanos , Preescolar , Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Paternidad , Personalidad , Brasil , Desarrollo Infantil , Relaciones Familiares , Relaciones Interpersonales
J. res. dent ; 9(1): 6-13, jan.-apr2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358586


Introduction: The requirement to adapt dentistry education to the growing knowledge and big data is evident. Future dentists will participate in AI studies as both researchers and users. The main aim was to evaluate the attitudes of undergraduate dental students on artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Secondarily, it was aimed to discuss possible solutions for the integration of AI into education in particular to dentomaxillofacial radiology. Material and Method: A written survey included 16 questions with a 5-point Likert-scale was designed. The content of the survey included basic knowledge about AI terminology, applications on dentomaxillofacial radiology, and future estimations. One hundred seventy-six students attending the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades were included. The attitudes of the students were assessed with the total score. The responses were scored as: Strongly disagree: 1, Disagree: 2, Neutral: 3, Agree: 4, Strongly agree: 5. The minimum and maximum possible points were 16 and 80, and 48 was the middle score. The scores were classified as 16-31 (group 1), 32-47 (group 2), 48-63 (group 3), and 64-80 (group 4). Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was used to test the internal consistency of the questions. One-way analysis of variance and Chi-square test were used to compare normally distributed data. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the that did not show normal distribution. Statistical significance was evaluated with a 5% Type-I error level. Results: The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was 0.849. The response rate of the participants was 83.41% (n=176). The mean total scale score was 57.68 ± 0.651. Group 3 had the largest cluster (67.61%; n=119), whereas the group 1 had the smallest (0.56%; n=1). The total scale score showed no statistically significant difference between the academic years. Conclusion: The attitudes of undergraduate dental students on AI were positive and students are aware of the potential of applications in the field. The conventional dentomaxillofacial radiology curriculum requires an update.