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ABCS health sci ; 49: e024301, 11 jun. 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555500


Breast cancer, or breast neoplasm, is one of the most frequent types of cancer, and one of the most prevalent among women. The diagnosis and specific treatments, such as mastectomy surgery, lead women to experience different feelings, with the most predominant negative thoughts. In this way, the objective of this study is to describe the importance of nursing care in the face of the psycho-emotional aspects of women after mastectomy. This is an integrative literature review study, developed in electronic Medline and Lilacs databases. The following terms were used: Breast neoplasm; Nursing; Emotions; Mastectomy. A total of 2,314 articles were found, of which eight were selected. The results and discussions were divided into two thematic axes: The first deals with the emotions of women after mastectomy, whose feelings arising from the diagnosis of the disease start to affect different areas, such as personality, sexuality, family, and social relationships. Furthermore, the second deals with nursing care after mastectomy, which must be conducted integrally, aiming at restoring physical and emotional health. Nursing is the vehicle capable of planning and collaborating with these women, promoting humanized treatment and assistance, oriented and aimed at a better quality of life, and stimulating self-help, self-esteem, and acceptance of their body.

O câncer de mama ou neoplasia da mama, é um dos tipos de cânceres mais frequentes, e um dos mais prevalentes entre as mulheres. O diagnóstico e determinados tratamentos, como a cirurgia de mastectomia, levam as mulheres a vivenciarem diferentes sentimentos, sendo os pensamentos negativos os mais predominantes. Desta maneira, o objetivo deste estudo é descrever a importância da assistência do enfermeiro frente aos aspectos psicoemocionais de mulheres mastectomizadas. Trata-se de um estudo de revisão integrativa da literatura, desenvolvida nas bases eletrônicas de dados Medline e Lilacs. Foram utilizados os seguintes descritores: Neoplasias da mama; Enfermagem; Emoções; Mastectomia. Foram encontrados 2314 artigos, dos quais foram selecionados oito. Os resultados e discussões foram divididos em dois eixos temáticos: O primeiro trata das emoções das mulheres mastectomizadas, cujos sentimentos advindos com o diagnóstico da doença passam a afetar diferentes aspectos psicoemocionais, como personalidade, sexualidade, família e relações sociais. E o segundo trata da assistência de enfermagem após a mastectomia, a qual deve se dar de maneira integral, visando tanto o restabelecimento da saúde física quanto emocional. A enfermagem pode desempenhar um cuidado diferenciado e voltado para as necessidades psicoemocionais das mulheres, promovendo tratamento e assistência humanizados, orientados e voltados a uma melhor qualidade de vida, e com o fim de estimular a autoajuda, a autoestima e a aceitação de seu corpo.

Humanos , Femenino , Mujeres/psicología , Neoplasias de la Mama , Emociones , Mastectomía/psicología , Atención de Enfermería
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 27: 73920, 20240417.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566821


O ser humano é um ser que se constrói, apresenta e reverbera, no mínimo, em dois universos, que não são opostos; são complementa-res, e se pronunciam em relações multidirecionais, plurais e imbricadas em rizomas físicos, mentais, emocionais e espirituais. Somos seres indi-viduais e coletivos, onde tecemos uma complexa trama relacional tanto no campo da razão quanto das emoções. No entanto, essas últimas são territórios muito, e quase sempre, negligenciados por nós. Nesse artigo, propomos trazer reflexões sobre nossos estados de desajustes emocionais e levando o olhar para a dança como potencialidades de se conhe-cer de forma mais verdadeira e honesta no intuito de repensarmos nos-so conceito de saúde.

The human being is a being that is constructed, presented, and reverberates, at least, in two universes which are not opposites, are com-plementary and are pronounced in multidirectional, plural relationships and imbricated in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rhizomes. We are individual and collective beings where we weave a complex rela-tional web both in the Field of reason and emotions. However, the latter are territories that are very anl almost ways neglected by us. In this ar-ticle we propose to bring reflections on our states of emotional mal ad-justment and taking the look at dance as a potential to know each other more truthfully and honestly to rethink our concept of health.

El ser humano es un ser que se construye, se presenta y re-percute, por lo menos, em dos universos que no son opuestos, son com-plementarios y se manifiestan em relaciones multidireccionales, plurales e imbricados en rizomas físicos, mentales, emocionales y espirituales. Somos seres individuales y colectivos donde tenemos una compleja red relacional tanto en El campo de la razón como em El de las emociones. Sin embargo, estos últimos son territorios muy y casi siempre descui-dados por nosotros. Em este artículo nos proponemos traer reflexiones sobre nuestros estados de desajuste emocional y la mirada a la danza como potencial para conocérnoslas veraz y honestamente para repen-sar nuestro concepto de salud.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561668


O ser humano é um ser que se constrói, apresenta e reverbera, no mínimo, em dois universos, que não são opostos; são complementares, e se pronunciam em relações multidirecionais, plurais e imbricadas em rizomas físicos, mentais, emocionais e espirituais. Somos seres individuais e coletivos, onde tecemos uma complexa trama relacional tanto no campo da razão quanto das emoções. No entanto, essas últimas são territórios muito, e quase sempre, negligenciados por nós. Nesse artigo, propomos trazer reflexões sobre nossos estados de desajustes emocionais e levando o olhar para a dança como potencialidades de se conhecer de forma mais verdadeira e honesta no intuito de repensarmos nosso conceito de saúde (AU)

The human being is a being that is constructed, presented, and reverberates, at least, in two universes which are not opposites, are com-plementary and are pronounced in multidirectional, plural relationships and imbricated in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rhizomes. We are individual and collective beings where we weave a complex rela-tional web both in the Field of reason and emotions. However, the latter are territories that are very anl almost ways neglected by us. In this ar-ticle we propose to bring reflections on our states of emotional mal ad-justment and taking the look at dance as a potential to know each other more truthfully and honestly to rethink our concept of health (AU).

El ser humano es un ser que se construye, se presenta y re-percute, por lo menos, em dos universos que no son opuestos, son com-plementarios y se manifiestan em relaciones multidireccionales, plurales e imbricados en rizomas físicos, mentales, emocionales y espirituales. Somos seres individuales y colectivos donde tenemos una compleja red relacional tanto en El campo de la razón como em El de las emociones. Sin embargo, estos últimos son territorios muy y casi siempre descui-dados por nosotros. Em este artículo nos proponemos traer reflexiones sobre nuestros estados de desajuste emocional y la mirada a la danza como potencial para conocérnoslas veraz y honestamente para repen-sar nuestro concepto de salud (AU).

Humanos , Danzaterapia
Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2506, ene.-mar. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557936


RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir y analizar, en varios niveles, los intercambios comunicativos sucedidos en un chat grupal de médicos intensivistas dentro de la aplicación de mensajería instantánea WhatsApp durante la primera etapa de la pandemia de la COVID-19, específicamente el día en que fue confirmado el primer caso en México. Se destaca una situación intensa donde se manifiestan los tres niveles analíticos del marco teórico. Materiales y métodos: Investigación cualitativa de la transcripción de los diálogos sostenidos en WhatsApp entre 239 médicos intensivistas al inicio de la pandemia, específicamente a lo largo del 27 de febrero del 2020. Se utilizó el análisis narrativo para interpretar el fragmento del chat. Se elaboró un esquema con tres dimensiones (análisis de la información compartida, estándares de acción social en la atención a pacientes COVID-19 y expresiones emocionales) para codificar y categorizar los diálogos. Resultados: Los intercambios comunicativos por WhatsApp permitieron dar sentido al conocimiento emergente sobre la COVID-19 expuesto en las tramas narrativas. También influyó en la orientación de acciones pertinentes en los contextos hospitalarios y ayudó a modular las emociones ante la pandemia. Además, fomentó lazos de solidaridad y empatía entre los médicos intensivistas para afrontar con resiliencia el sufrimiento personal y social. Conclusiones: Los diálogos del chat reflejaron las relaciones humanas y las profundas inquietudes de las personas en situaciones de crisis. El estudio permitió comprender las formas y los significados de los intercambios comunicativos con el uso de dispositivos tecnológicos en tiempos de crisis para orientar la implementación de acciones en situaciones emergentes como la pandemia de la COVID-19. El WhatsApp respondió a la necesidad de información, con datos científicos y verídicos, sobre la pandemia. Se apreció que los médicos intensivistas se beneficiaron de la mensajería instantánea al cooperar en situaciones y experiencias críticas en el marco de una crisis sanitaria en evolución.

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe and analyze, at various levels, the communication exchanges that took place in a group chat of intensivists using the instant messaging application WhatsApp during the first stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically on the day the first case was confirmed in Mexico. An intense situation showing the three dimensions of the theoretical framework is stood out. Materials and methods: A qualitative research of WhatsApp messages shared between 239 intensivists at the beginning of the pandemic, specifically throughout February 27, 2020. A narrative analysis was used to interpret a fragment of a chat. A schema with three dimensions (analysis of shared information, standards of social action in COVID-19 patient care and emotional expressions) was developed to code and classify the messages. Results: The communication exchanges via WhatsApp made it possible to give meaning to the emerging knowledge about COVID-19 in the narrative plots. They also influenced the implementation of appropriate actions in hospital environments and helped modulate emotions in front of the pandemic. In addition, it fostered bonds of solidarity and empathy between intensivists to face personal and social suffering with resilience. Conclusions: The chat messages reflected human relationships and the deep concerns of people in crisis situations. The study provided insight into the forms and meanings of communication exchanges with the use of technological devices in times of crisis to guide the implementation of actions in emerging situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. WhatsApp responded to the need for information, with scientific and truthful data, about the pandemic. It was noted that intensivists benefited from instant messaging by cooperating in critical situations and experiences within the context of an evolving health crisis.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 535-538, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016876


Objective@#To investigate the current status and relationship between loneliness and negative emotional symptoms among first generation college students in the family, so as to provide reference for improving mental health of this population.@*Methods@#A convenience sampling method was used to select 3 017 college students from 10 colleges and universities in Guangdong Province and Yunnan Province, China, in May 2023. Questionnaires were administered to the students, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) and the short form of the University of California at Los Angeles Loneliness Scale (ULS-6) were employed.@*Results@#The total ULS-6 score of first generation college students in the family was (12.38±4.16), while the score of non first generation college students in the family was (11.89±4.38), with a statistically significant difference ( t=2.79, P <0.05). The total DASS-21 score of first generation college students in the family was (71.13±26.97), while the score of non first generation college students in the family was (70.20±26.66), with a statistically significant difference ( t=2.69, P <0.05). Among the first generation college students in the family, male students experienced more DASS-21 score (77.55±29.36) than female students (70.43±25.03)( t =5.79, P <0.05). Urban students (12.00±4.15, 70.34±25.68) reported lower levels of loneliness score and DASS- 21 score than rural students (12.62±4.15, 74.93±27.63), and the depression subscale scores showed statistically significant differences among students with different professional achievement rankings ( t/F =-3.42, -3.94, 4.25, P <0.05). There was a positive correlation between loneliness, depression, anxiety, pressure and DASS-21 scales of first generation college students in the family ( r=0.64, 0.62, 0.64, 0.66, P <0.01). The linear regression analysis results showed a positive correlation between loneliness and all dimensions and total scores of the DASS-21, explaining 44% of the variance in negative emotional symptoms.@*Conclusions@#A positive correlation is found between loneliness and negative emotional symptoms among first generation college students in the family. Improving the loneliness of the first generation college students in the family can reduce their negative emotional symptoms and improve their mental health level.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020402


Objective:To explore the effects of staged thematic painting therapy on positive emotions, alexithymia and self-efficacy in children with emotional disorders.Methods:This was a quasi-experimental study. By convenient sampling, 61 children with emotional disorders admitted from January 2022 to December 2022 to the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychology, Affiliated Psychological Hospital of Anhui Medical University were selected as the research objects, 31 patients admitted from January 2022 to June 2022 were listed as the control group and 30 patients admitted from July 2022 to December 2022 were listed as the observation group according to the time of admission.The control group was given routine psychiatric care, and the observation group was given staged thematic painting therapy on this basis. The intervention time was 6 weeks. The intervention effect was evaluated by Positive and Negative Affect Scale,Toronto Alexithymia Scale, and General Self-Efficacy Scale.Results:There were 15 males and 16 females in the control group, aged (14.19 ± 1.79) years old. There were 13 males and 17 females in the observation group, aged (14.47 ± 1.55) years old. The difference in baseline data between the two groups was not statistically significant ( P>0.05) and was comparable. There was no significant difference in the score of positive emotions, alexithymia and self-efficacy before intervention between the two groups (all P>0.05). After intervention, the scores of positive emotions and self-efficacy in the observation group were (43.20±7.41), (31.88 ± 5.42) points, which were higher than those in the control group (33.81 ± 6.92), (21.24 ± 5.41) points, the differences were statistically significant ( t=-6.19, -5.63, both P<0.05). After intervention, the scores of alexithymia in the observation group was (53.44 ± 4.68) points, which was lower than that in the control group (60.44 ± 5.52) points, the difference was statistically significant ( t=-8.72, P<0.05). Conclusions:Staged thematic painting therapy can effectively improve the positive emotions, self-efficacy and alexithymia level of children with emotional disorders, help the patients establish confidence to overcome the disease. It is valuable in clinical practice.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020421


Objective:With the help of SWOT(S: internal strengths, W: internal weaknesses, O: external opportunities, T: external threats)analysis, to explore the internal and external conditions of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy applied to improve the negative emotions of patients with coronary heart disease, and to propose development strategies.Methods:SWOT analysis was used to analyze and sort out the internal strengths and internal weaknesses, external opportunities and external threats of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy in improving the negative emotions of patients with coronary heart disease.Results:The internal strengths of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy in improving the negative emotions of patients with coronary heart disease were significant therapeutic effect, strong operability and high cost-effectiveness. The internal weaknesses included excessive dependence on patients′ treatment enthusiasm, and a lack of psychological training among nurses. The external opportunities included demand support, technical support, and theoretical support. The external threats were the lack of large-scale empirical research and the risk of patient personal information leakage.Conclusions:In the clinical application of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy to improve the negative emotions of patients with coronary heart disease, both strengths and weaknesses coexist, and opportunities and threats coexist. Only by taking strengths of opportunities to overcome weaknesses, improve the autonomy and enthusiasm of patients in treatment, and increase the psychological training of medical staff, can internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy be further promoted in the clinical application of improving the negative emotions of patients with coronary heart disease.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024292


Objective:To investigate the effect of five-element music therapy combined with meridian-based acupoint massage timed according to qi circulationon on negative emotions and sleep quality in older adults with chronic heart failure. Methods:A total of 112 older adult patients with chronic heart failure who received treatment at The Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University between January 2022 and June 2023 were included in this study. They were randomly divided into a control group ( n = 56) and a study group ( n = 56) using the random number table method. Based on conventional treatment, the control group received five-element music therapy, while the intervention group underwent a combination of five-element music therapy and meridian-based acupoint massage timed according to qi circulation. Before and after the intervention, a comparison was made between the two groups in terms of the scores of the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and various dimensions of the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ). Additionally, the sleep outcome and patient satisfaction were also compared between the two groups. Results:After intervention, the scores of the HAMA and HAMD in the study group were (11.29 ± 2.48) points and (12.48 ± 3.36) points, respectively. In contrast, the control group had scores of (15.93 ± 3.35) points and (16.50 ± 4.32) points, respectively. After intervention, the scores of the HAMA and HAMD scales in both the study and control groups demonstrated a significant reduction in comparison with their respective pre-intervention scores [study group: (20.13 ± 5.18) points, (23.95 ± 8.97) points, control group: (19.36 ± 5.45) points, (23.79 ± 7.61) points, t = 15.35, 10.24, 5.65, 8.93, all P < 0.001). After intervention, the scores of the HAMA and HAMD scales in the study group were significantly lower than those in the control group ( t = -8.34, -5.49, both P < 0.001). After intervention, the scores of the PSQI in the study and control groups were (7.05 ± 0.96) points and (9.91 ± 1.28) points, respectively. After intervention, the scores of PSQI in both the study and control groups demonstrated a significant reduction compared with their respective pre-intervention scores [study group: (12.98 ± 2.21) points, control group: (12.50 ± 2.48) points, t = 24.68, 9.79, both P < 0.05]. After intervention, the score of the PSQI in the study group was significantly lower than that in the control group ( t = 13.34, P < 0.05). Based on the scores across various dimensions of the MLHFQ, it was observed that after intervention, the scores of emotional, physical, and other domains in both the study and control groups [study group: (9.36 ± 2.29) points, (16.95 ± 3.80) points, (18.50 ± 2.33) points; control group: (12.93 ± 2.00) points, (19.98 ± 3.98) points, (20.04 ± 2.24) points] decreased significantly compared with their pre-intervention scores [study group: (15.57 ± 1.55) points, (26.23 ± 4.63) points, (21.18 ± 2.50) points, control group: (16.09 ± 1.87) points, (25.32 ± 4.40) points, (21.57 ± 2.69) points, t = 21.66, 18.55, 8.44, 11.29, 11.73, 4.61, all P < 0.001]. After intervention, the scores of emotional, physical, and other domains in the study group were significantly lower than those in the control group ( t = -8.79, -4.13, -3.56, all P < 0.05). Patient satisfaction in the study group was superior to that that in the control group [98.21% (55/56) vs. 87.50% (49/56), χ2 = -3.09, P < 0.05]. Total effective rate of intervention on sleep in the study group was significantly higher than that in the control group [92.86% (52/56) vs. 78.57% (44/56), χ2 = -2.09, P < 0.05]. Conclusion:Five-element music therapy combined with meridian-based acupoint massage timed according to qi circulationon in the treatment of chronic heart failure in older adults can effectively alleviate negative emotions, improve the quality of life and sleep, and increase patient satisfaction with nursing care.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025607


Objective:To explore the gender differences and cognitive neural mechanism of positive reappraisal and detached reappraisal strategies in regulating negative emotions in college students.Methods:According to the convenient sampling method, 40 students in Chengdu Medical College were selected as subjects, and the subjects whose scores of self-rating anxiety scale or self-rating depression scale exceeded the critical value and had too many electroencephalogram(EEG) artifacts were excluded. Finally, the experimental data of 17 men and 17 women were included for statistical analysis. All subjects completed the task paradigm of emotion regulation, and their behavior and EEG data under the conditions of positive reappraisal, detached reappraisal and free viewing were recorded. SPSS 23.0 software was used for the repeated measurement ANOVA.Results:(1) Behavioral results: in valence, the interaction between gender and emotional regulation conditions was significant ( F(2, 64)=27.475, P<0.001). Under the condition of free viewing, the male's valence score was significantly higher than that of the female ((3.94±1.70), (3.25±1.44)), and the difference was statistically significant ( F(1, 32)=33.098, P<0.001). Under the condition of positive reappraisal, the valence score of women was significantly higher than that of men ((6.84±1.33), (6.59±1.17)), and the difference was statistically significant ( F(1, 32)=7.002, P=0.008). Under the condition of detached reappraisal, the valence score of women was significantly higher than that of men ((5.84±1.61), (5.43±1.61)), and the difference was statistically significant ( F(1, 32)=10.942, P=0.001). In arousal degree, the main effect of gender was significant ( F(1, 32)=60.745, P<0.001), and the emotional arousal degree of women was significantly higher than that of men ((4.27±0.05), (3.69±0.05)). (2) ERP results: in the N200 component, the main effect of sex was significant ( F(1, 32)=4.253, P=0.047), and the N200 amplitude of women was significantly higher than that of men ((-1.05±0.53)μV, (-2.58±0.53)μV). In P300 component, the main effect of sex was significant ( F(1, 32)=12.044, P=0.001), and the P300 amplitude of women was higher than that of men ((2.46±0.27)μV, (1.15±0.27) μV). In the late LPP composition, the main effect of sex was significant ( F(1, 32)=18.998, P<0.001), and the amplitude of LPP in women was significantly higher than that in men ((3.25±0.34)μV, (1.13±0.34)μV). Conclusion:Positive reappraisal and detached reappraisal can effectively regulate the subjective emotional experience of negative emotions, and have a greater early emotional response.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011339


Objective@#To examine the association of 24 hour movement behaviors with emotional and behavioral problems among left behind children, so as to provide a theoretical reference for the practice of 24 hour activity interventions to promote emotional and behavioral problems in this population.@*Methods@#From February to May 2023, 1 117 left behind children in grades 4-6 from 10 primary schools in five cities in Zhejiang Province were selected using a convenient cluster sampling method to conduct a questionnaire survey examining 24 hour movement behaviors, as well as emotional and behavioral problems. The general linear model was adopted to analyze the association between satisfying the 24 hour movement behavior guidelines, and emotional and behavioral problems among left behind children.@*Results@#The sleep duration compliance rate was the highest (52.19%), while the moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) compliance rate was the lowest (17.73%). The compliance rate of the three activities accounted for 7.43 %. There was a dose response between the number of guidelines satisfied, and the emotional and behavior of left behind children; that was, satisfaction of a higher number of guidelines was associated with a lower risk of emotional and behavioral problems among left behind children (difficulty factor: β=-0.56, 95%CI =-1.23--0.19; strength factor: β=0.50, 95%CI =-0.48-1.22, P < 0.01). Compared to satisfying none of the guidelines, satisfying the guidelines for screen time ( β=-0.23, 95%CI =-2.18- -0.14 ) and sleep duration ( β=-0.13, 95%CI =-1.66--0.11) was negatively correlated with the difficulty factor, while satisfying the guideline for MVPA ( β=0.13, 95%CI =0.09-1.08) and sleep duration ( β=0.18, 95%CI =0.09-1.40) was positively associated with the strength factor. In addition, satisfying two or all three of the guidelines was more strongly associated with these outcomes than satisfying one of the recommendations ( P <0.01).@*Conclusions@#Meeting the 24 hour movement behavior guidelines can improve emotional and behavioral problems among left behind children. It is necessary to raise their awareness of the effect of satisfying the 24 hour movement behavior guidelines and formulate comprehensive intervention measures.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011351


Objective@#To understand the current situation of college students emotional regulation and its correlation with perceived social support, so as to provide a reference for improving emotional regulation ability among college students.@*Methods@#From September 15 to October 15, 2022, a total of 15 560 students from 27 colleges and universities in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanghai, Anhui, Hebei, Yunnan, Shanxi and Gansu were enrolled by stratified random sampling method. The Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS) and the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) were used to investigate, and multiple stepwise regression was used to explore the relationship between perceived social support and emotion regulation of college students.@*Results@#The scores of emotion regulation, cognitive reappraisal and expression inhibition were 44(40, 50), 24(20, 28) and 20(19, 24) respectively. There were significant differences in the scores of emotion regulation, cognitive reappraisal and expression inhibition by age, grade, household registration, only child status,cost of living, and sleep ( H/Z =77.72, 49.73, -5.10, -9.77, 7.68, 168.27 ; 204.55, 317.32, -5.96, -7.60, 131.20, 968.08; 82.18, 148.04, -2.30, -8.03, 64.82, 188.08, P <0.05). In addition, the multiple stepwise regression found that family support, friend support, and other support in perceived social support all had a positive impact on the emotional regulation state of college students ( β =0.137,0.207,0.090), and family support and friend support had a significant positive effect on expression inhibition( β =0.079,0.053) and cognitive reappraisal( β =0.153,0.296)( P <0.01).@*Conclusion@#The perceived social support can directly affect the emotional regulation of college students, and improving the emotional regulation ability has a positive significance to promote the mental health level among college students.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 248-253, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012514


Objective@#To analyze the correlation between preschool children s emotional competence and home rearing environment in Shangrao City, so as to provide support for improving children s emotional competence development as well as their home rearing environment.@*Methods@#A total of 1 242 children aged 3-6 years old from 10 kindergartens in Shangrao City were retrospectively investigated by stratified cluster random sampling method in December 2022, and the Children s Emotional Adjustment Scale-Preschool Version (CEAS-P) and the Home Nurture Environment Scale for children aged 3-6 were surveyed on parents of preschool children. The t-test was used to test the difference, Spearman correlation analysis and multiple linear regression were used to analyze the influencing factors of preschool children s emotional competence.@*Results@#There were significant differences in emotional competence scores of preschool children for demographic indicators including age, place of residence, health status and whether they were only children ( F/t =5.98, 6.56, 38.00, 2.23, P <0.01). The emotional competence of preschool children was positively correlated with the home rearing environment ( r=0.62, P <0.01). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that diverse activities/play participation, social adaptation/self management, and emotional warmth/self expression in home rearing environment were positive predictors of children s emotional ability ( β =0.30, 0.28, 0.16), while neglect/intervention/punishment were negative predictors ( β =-0.09)( P <0.05).@*Conclusions@#The home rearing environment is a factor related to young children s emotional competence. It is suggested specific parenting initiatives such as enriching family activities and play, strengthening children s self adaptation and management, giving warmth and let children express emotions, and preventing child neglect, interference and punishment should be conducted to improve children s emotional competence.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 286-290, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012522


Abstract@#Emotional regulation is an important aspect of adolescents adaptation to society. The difficulty in emotional regulation among adolescents is associated with internalizing problems such as depression and anxiety, as well as externalizing problems like aggressive behavior. Parental psychological control as a parenting style, is closely intertwined with the emotional regulation of adolescents. The article reviews the concept and classification of parental psychological control, the theory, mechanism and influencing factors of the impact of parental psychological control on children s emotional regulation, and the impact of children s emotional regulation on parental psychological control, so as to provide a theoretical reference for promoting positive psychological development in adolescents and improving parenting styles.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 30: e2022_0181, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449759


ABSTRACT Introduction: The management of university campuses in the context of COVID-19 makes the mental health of college students draw much attention. Objective: To explore the effects of physical exercise under COVID-19 on sleep quality and mood of college students. Methods: 1983 college students from The Civil Aviation University of China were selected, and their physical exercise state, sleep quality, and emotional state were measured by a questionnaire. Results: Physical exercise has a significant positive effect on college students' mood and sleep quality, and sleep quality has a considerable impact on their mood. There is no gender difference in mood and sleep quality. The amount of physical exercise has a significant difference in sleep quality and mood. Compared with the students who do a lot of physical exercises, those who do a lot of physical exercises have higher sleep quality and more vital stronger emotional control ability. Conclusion: This study can provide a reference for universities to carry out mental health education during the particular period of epidemic prevention and control. Level of evidence II; Diagnostic Studies—Investigating a Diagnostic Test.

RESUMEN Introducción: la gestión del campus universitario en el contexto del COVID-19 hace que la salud mental de los estudiantes universitarios llame mucho la atención. Objetivo: explorar los efectos del ejercicio físico bajo COVID-19 sobre la calidad del sueño y el estado de ánimo de estudiantes universitarios. Métodos: se selecciona estudiantes universitarios 1983 de la universidad de aviación Civil de China, y se midió su estado de ejercicio físico, calidad del sueño y estado emocional mediante un cuestionario. Resultados: el ejercicio físico tiene un efecto positivo significativo en el estado de ánimo y la calidad del sueño de los estudiantes universitarios, y la calidad del sueño tiene un efecto significativo en su estado de ánimo. No hay diferencia de género en cuanto al estado de ánimo y la calidad del sueño. La cantidad de ejercicio físico tiene una diferencia significativa en la calidad del sueño y el estado de ánimo. En comparación con los estudiantes que hacen mucho ejercicio físico, los estudiantes que hacen mucho ejercicio físico tienen una mayor calidad de sueño y una mayor capacidad de control emocional. Conclusión: este estudio puede servir de referencia para que las universidades realicen educación en salud mental durante el período especial de prevención y control de epidemias. Nivel de Evidência II; Estudios diagnósticos: investigación de una prueba diagnóstica.

RESUMO Introdução: A gestão do campus universitário no contexto do COVID-19 faz com que a saúde mental dos universitários chame muita atenção. Objetivo: Explorar os efeitos do exercício físico sob o COVID-19 sobre a qualidade do sono e o humor dos estudantes universitários. Métodos: Foram selecionados 1983 estudantes universitários da Universidade de Aviação Civil da China, e seu estado de exercício físico, qualidade do sono e estado emocional foram medidos por um questionário. Resultados: O exercício físico tem um efeito positivo significativo no humor e na qualidade do sono dos estudantes universitários, e a qualidade do sono tem um efeito significativo em seu humor. Não há diferença de gênero no humor e na qualidade do sono. A quantidade de exercício físico tem diferença significativa na qualidade do sono e no humor. Em comparação com os alunos que fazem muito exercício físico, os alunos que fazem muito exercício físico têm maior qualidade de sono e maior capacidade de controle emocional. Conclusão: Este estudo pode fornecer referência para que as universidades realizem a educação em saúde mental durante o período especial de prevenção e controle de epidemias. Nível de evidência II; Estudos de Diagnóstico — Investigando um Teste de Diagnóstico.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 28: e256183, 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1535020


Las crisis sociales y la pandemia por COVID-19 representan períodos de interrupción académica que han impactado en el aprendizaje de la educación superior. Ante este panorama, las tutorías universitarias adquieren relevancia como una estrategia para poder afrontar estas crisis y permitir el intercambio de experiencias y emociones. El objetivo de este reporte consiste en presentar una estrategia tutorial diseñada entre los años 2019 y 2020, en el contexto de un programa de acompañamiento académico y psicoeducativo de una universidad estatal de Chile. Esta estrategia consta de seis fases: (1) Encuentro inicial; (2) Diagnóstico; (3) Planificación; (4) Implementación; (5) Evaluación; (6) Cierre del proceso. El desarrollo de esta propuesta demostró la importancia de las emociones, el diálogo y la valoración experiencial del estudiante en su proceso de aprendizaje y adaptación a la universidad. Asimismo, entrega un marco de acción para el acompañamiento académico y psicoeducativo ligado a los programas de tutorías universitarias.

As crises sociais e a pandemia por COVID-19 representam períodos de interrupção acadêmica que impactaram na aprendizagem da educação superior. Ante este panorama, as tutorias universitárias adquirem relevância como uma estratégia para poder afrontar estas crises e permitir o intercâmbio de experiências e emoções. O objetivo deste artigo consiste em apresentar uma estratégia tutorial desenhada entre os anos 2019 e 2020, no contexto de um programa de acompanhamento acadêmico e psico educativo de uma universidade estatal do Chile. Esta estratégia consta de seis fases: (1) Encontro inicial; (2) Diagnóstico; (3) Planejamento; (4) Implementação; (5) Avaliação; (6) Encerramento do processo. O desenvolvimento desta proposta demonstrou a importância das emoções, o diálogo e a valorização experiencial do estudante em seu processo de aprendizagem e adaptação à universidade. Igualmente, entrega um marco de ação para o acompanhamento acadêmico e psicoeducativo ligado aos programas de tutorias universitárias.

The social crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic represent periods of academic interruption that will affect the learning of Higher Education. Given this panorama, university tutors will acquire relevance as a strategy to be able to face this crisis and allow an exchange of experiences and emotions. The objective of this report is to present a tutorial strategy developed between the years of 2019 and 2020, in the context of an academic and psychoeducational support program of a state university in Chile. This strategy consists of six phases: (1) Initial meeting; (2) Diagnosis; (3) Planning; (4) Implementation; (5) Evaluation; (6) Close the process. The development of this proposal demonstrated the emotions importance, dialogue and the valorization of the student's experience in their learning process and adaptation to the university. In addition, it provides an action framework for academic and psychoeducational support linked to university tutoring programs.

Psicología Educacional , Universidades , Emociones
Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 41: e210029, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1550257


Objective This study aims to assess the emotional impacts of the baby's physical disability on the mother. Method It is an exploratory investigation carried on with two mother-infant dyads, only one of which gave birth to a physically disabled baby, both participating in a larger case-control investigation. The tools used included the Beck Anxiety and Depression Inventories, the Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire, the Ages and Stages Questionnaire as well as semi-structured interviews. Results Both mothers showed similar reports and parenting levels, but the one whose baby had a disability scored higher on anxiety and depression, in connection with the baby's low level of development. Conclusion It is concluded that, in order to achieve the same levels of a typical parenting condition, greater adaptation mechanisms are required.

Objetivo Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar impactos emocionais da deficiência física do bebê na mãe. Método Trata-se de um estudo exploratório realizado com duas díades, uma composta um bebê com deficiência e sua mãe e outra por um bebê sem deficiência e sua mãe, provenientes de uma pesquisa maior com desenho caso-controle. Foram utilizados a Entrevista Semiestruturada, Inventários Beck de Ansiedade e Depressão, Questionário de Função Reflexiva Parental e Ages and Stages Questionnaire. Resultados As mães demonstraram relatos e níveis de parentalidade semelhantes, mas a do bebê com deficiência apresentou maiores scores para ansiedade e depressão, relacionados ao baixo nível de desenvolvimento do filho. Conclusão Conclui-se que mecanismos de adaptação são necessários para se obter os mesmos níveis de parentalidade de uma condição típica.

Emociones , Relaciones Padre-Hijo , Desarrollo Humano
CoDAS ; 36(5): e20240009, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564378


ABSTRACT Purpose The study aimed to identify (1) whether the age and gender of listeners and the length of vocal stimuli affect emotion discrimination accuracy in voice; and (2) whether the determined level of expression of perceived affective emotions is age and gender-dependent. Methods Thirty-two age-matched listeners listened to 270 semantically neutral voice samples produced in neutral, happy, and angry intonation by ten professional actors. The participants were required to categorize the auditory stimulus based on three options and judge the intensity of emotional expression in the sample using a customized tablet web interface. Results The discrimination accuracy of happy and angry emotions decreased with age, while accuracy in discriminating neutral emotions increased with age. Females rated the intensity level of perceived affective emotions higher than males across all linguistic units. These were: for angry emotions in words (z = -3.599, p < .001), phrases (z = -3.218, p = .001), and texts (z = -2.272, p = .023), for happy emotions in words (z = -5.799, p < .001), phrases (z = -4.706, p < .001), and texts (z = -2.699, p = .007). Conclusion Accuracy in perceiving vocal expressions of emotions varies according to age and gender. Young adults are better at distinguishing happy and angry emotions than middle-aged adults, while middle-aged adults tend to categorize perceived affective emotions as neutral. Gender also plays a role, with females rating expressions of affective emotions in voices higher than males. Additionally, the length of voice stimuli impacts emotion discrimination accuracy.

Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2889, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557153


RESUMO Objetivo avaliar a capacidade de estudantes de medicina para reconhecer emoções pela voz e expressão facial, por meio de avaliações de percepção emocional da entonação vocal e das expressões faciais. Métodos estudo com delineamento transversal observacional. Para avaliação do reconhecimento de emoções pelas expressões faciais, utilizou-se um teste composto por 20 vídeos de microexpressões faciais e, para avaliação do reconhecimento emocional pela voz, utilizou-se o Protocolo de Reconhecimento de Emoções Prosódicas Básicas, baseado no banco de dados de Burkhardt. Para análise estatística, foram utilizados os testes de Friedman, Shapiro-Wilk, teste t de Student ou Mann-Whitney e o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson ou Spearman. Resultados o estudo foi composto por 38 alunos, com média de idade de 20,8 (±2,5). O reconhecimento de emoções pela voz foi significativamente superior, comparado com os resultados do teste de reconhecimento de emoções pelas expressões faciais. Houve correlação positiva entre a idade e a habilidade de reconhecer emoções pelas expressões faciais. O gênero masculino apresentou taxa significativa de acertos, superior ao gênero feminino na habilidade de reconhecer emoções pela expressão facial. As emoções com maior média de acertos pela expressão facial foram surpresa, alegria e desprezo, enquanto, por meio da voz, as emoções foram raiva, medo e tristeza. Conclusão a capacidade de reconhecimento de emoções por estudantes de medicina foi maior na avaliação de percepção emocional por meio da voz.

ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate the ability of medical students to recognize emotions through voice and facial expression through assessments of emotional perception of vocal intonation and functional expressions. Methods Observational cross-sectional study. To evaluate the recognition of emotions by facial expressions, a test composed of 20 videos of facial microexpressions was used, and to evaluate the emotional recognition by voice, the protocol of prosodic impressions of basic emotions, based on the Burkhardt database, was used. For statistical analysis, the Friedman, Shapiro-Wilk, Student t, Mann-Whitney and Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficient tests were used. Results The study consisted of 38 students, with an average age of 20.8 (±2.5). The recognition of emotions through the voice was significantly superior to the one through facial expressions. There was a positive correlation between age and the ability to recognize emotions through facial expressions. Males had a significantly higher hit rate than females in the ability to recognize emotions through facial expression. The emotions with the highest average success rates through facial expression were surprise, joy and contempt, while, through the voice, the emotions were anger, fear and sadness. Conclusion The ability to recognize emotions by medical students was greater when assessing emotional perception through the voice.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Estudiantes de Medicina , Expresión Facial , Reconocimiento de Voz , Estudios Transversales
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 13(2): 108-118, jul.-dic. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530222


Abstract: In recent years, the number of men suffering from an Eating Disorder (ED) has increased. However, very few studies on ED have been conducted in samples of men. This paper aims to shed some light on this issue by exploring the following questions in a sample of adult men: 1) to analyse the relationships between body and appearance-related self-conscious emotions and ED symptomatology and, 2) to study the differences between a group of men who are at risk of developing an ED and another group of men who are not at risk of developing an ED in body and appearance-related self-conscious emotions. A total of 207 Spanish or Latin American men aged 18-50 years participated. Men who were at risk of developing an ED had more body shame and body guilt than those who were not at risk. However, no statistically significant differences were found between the two groups in body pride. These findings show that, unlike in women, body pride does not seem to play as important a role in these disorders as body shame or body guilt.

Resumen: En los últimos años, ha aumentado el número de hombres que padecen un Trastorno de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA). Sin embargo, apenas se han realizado estudios sobre TCA con muestras de hombres. Este trabajo pretende arrojar algo de luz a este respecto, explorando las siguientes cuestiones en una muestra de hombres adultos: 1) analizar las relaciones entre las emociones autoconscientes asociadas al cuerpo y a la apariencia y la sintomatología de TCA y, 2) estudiar las diferencias entre un grupo de hombres que están en riesgo de desarrollar un TCA y otro grupo de hombres que no presentan dicho riesgo en las emociones autoconscientes asociadas al cuerpo y a la apariencia. Participaron 207 hombres de entre 18 y 50 años de nacionalidad española o latinoamericana. Los hombres que estaban en riesgo de desarrollar un TCA presentaron más vergüenza corporal y culpa corporal que aquellos que no tenían dicho riesgo. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos en el orgullo corporal. Estos hallazgos muestran que, a diferencia de lo que ocurre en mujeres, el orgullo corporal no parece desempeñar un papel tan relevante en estos trastornos como el que tienen la vergüenza corporal o la culpa corporal.

Rev. Bras. Neurol. (Online) ; 59(4, supl.1): 32-39, out.- dez. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552695


This narrative review presents a comprehensive examination of artistic periods since the Renaissance, paralleling the evolution of neurology and pictorial artistic expression about sleep, ending with the importance of the contemporary digital era. Over the centuries, artists have been drawn to the enigmatic themes of dreams, sleep, and their disorders, using them to explore the complexities of the human condition, emotions, and the interaction between reality and imagination. Thus, drawing references from diverse artistic eras, including their pictorial representations of sleep, alongside milestones in the history of neurology, this study reveals a rich interconnectivity between art, neurological advances, and social change.

Esta revisão narrativa apresenta um exame abrangente dos períodos artísticos desde o Renascimento, em paralelo com a evolução da neurologia e a expressão artística pictórica sobre o sono, terminando com a importância da era digital contemporânea. Ao longo dos séculos, os artistas foram atraídos pelos temas enigmáticos dos sonhos, do sono e dos seus distúrbios, aproveitando-os para explorar as complexidades da condição humana, das emoções e da interação entre a realidade e a imaginação. Assim, extraindo referências de diversas épocas artísticas, incluindo suas representações pictóricas do sono, paralelamente a marcos na história da neurologia, este estudo revela uma rica interconectividade entre arte, avanços neurológicos e mudanças sociais.