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Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 65-84, ene.-jul. 2013. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-708512


El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar la adaptación lingüística y estudiar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Orientaciones Generales de Causalidad (General Causality Orientations Scale- GCOS) de Deci y Ryan (1985). Las orientaciones causales se refieren a la fuente de iniciación y regulación de las conductas, son relativamente estables y se relacionan con el grado de autodeterminación de las personas. Deci y Ryan postularon tres orientaciones (Autónoma, Control e Impersonal) que son medidas a través de sendas subescalas en la GCOS. Esta incluye 17 viñetas con tres ítemes cada una que se responden con una escala de 7 puntos. Participaron 184 sujetos residentes en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y alrededores. Se solicitó el juicio de expertos para analizar el contenido de la escala y sus valoraciones coincidieron en identificar a la motivación como el constructo principal. Las evidencias de fiabilidad sugieren una apropiada consistencia interna para las tres subescalas (.76 para Autonomía, .74 para Control y .81 para Impersonal). Con respecto a la validez externa, se encontró que las medidas de síntomas psicopatológicos y de depresión variaron significativamente de acuerdo a la orientación motivacional con que se los vinculó. Además se analizaron respuestas de pares en las que se constató una concordancia importante entre la autoevaluación y la heteroevaluación en función de la profundidad del vínculo. Por último, se encontró que a medida que el nivel educativo aumentaba, disminuían las puntuaciones en Control e Impersonal.

The main objective of this work was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the GCOS in Argentinean adult population. The GCOS was originally designed in order to obtain an appropriate instrument for measuring causality orientations, that is, several aspects of people which take part in the initiation and regulation of the behavior (Deci & Ryan, 1985). It is composed by 17 vignettes which describe a situation and are followed by three responses, each one characterizes the three orientations: Autonomy, Control and Impersonal. Every item is answered on a 7-point Likert Scale, ranging from very unlikely to very likely. The GCOS was translated by three independent translators who had knowledge on Psychology to ensure the scale content validity. The content validity was assessed through the use of four independent judges who have wide knowledge on the human motivation field. Two of them suggested that the GCOS evaluated human motivation and the others recognized aspects related to power, achievement and relatedness, decision making, attribution theory. The preliminary version was tested in a small group. Some minor revisions were made on the participants' and judges' recommendations. The sample included 184 participants (106 females; 78 males). Reliability analysis showed a good internal consistency for each subscale: .76 for Autonomy, .74 for Control, and .81 for Impersonal. The item-total correlations ranged between .15 and .61 for Autonomy, .20 and .47 for Control, .15 and .54 for Impersonal. Moreover, five interviews were conducted for analyzing content validity. Five participants who obtained higher scores indifferent subscales were selected. The results showed a good consistency between the scale scores and the interview responses. Following the original study done by Deci and Ryan (1985) different scales were selected to evaluate the GCOS construct validity in our environment. The measures selected were: Autonomy - Connectedness Scale (ACS-30 - Bekker & van Assen, 1986) (Argentinean version, Brenlla & Traviganti, 2009), Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II - Beck, Steer & Brown, 1996) (Argentinean version by Brenlla & Rodríguez, 2006) and, Symptom Checklist 90 Revised (SCL-90-R - Derogatis, 1994 - Argentinean version, Casullo, 2004). Significant correlations were found between the Autonomy Subscale and the SCL-90R. Particularly, it was found significant negative correlations with Depression (r = -.172; p < .05) and Psychoticism (r =- .241; p < .01). In the Control Subscale, the results showed significant correlation with BDI-II (r = .250; p < .01) and with the following factors of the SCL-R-90: Somatization (r = .249; p < .01), Obsessive-compulsive (r = .223; p < .01), Interpersonal sensitivity (r = .218; p < .05), Anxiety (r = .239; p < .01), Hostility (r = .222; p < .01), and Paranoid ideation (r = .312; p < .01). Also, negative correlations between this subscale and Factor I of the ACS-30-sensitivity to others- (r = -.207; p < .05). As regards the correlations of the Impersonal Subscale with other measures, were the clearest ones. This subscale showed significant correlations with all dimensions of SCL-R-90 (total score SCL-R-90: r = .472; p < .01) and with BDI-II (r = .389; p < .01). As well, negative correlations were found with Factor II of the ACS-30 - Capacity for managing new situations - of the ACS-30 (r = -.276; p < .01) and positive correlations with Factor III -Self-awareness (r = .238; p < .01). The sample's status characteristics influences were analyzed. No difference in scores by age and gender were found. Lastly educational biases were assessed. No influence of educational level was found in the Autonomy Subscale [F(2, 181) = .802; p = .450]. Nevertheless, as educational level decreases an increase in control and impersonal scores was found [Control: F(2, 181) = 13.748; p = .000; Impersonal: F(2, 181) = 19.767; p = .000].

Univ. psychol ; 11(1): 187-196, ene.-abr. 2012. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-659546


El afecto o emoción como tema de investigación científica ha despertado un gran interés en los últimos años, sin embargo, en nuestro medio no se cuenta con instrumentos psicométricos que permitan una medición válida y confiable. El presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo realizar una adaptación psicométrica de la Escala de Afectividad Positiva y Negativa ([PANAS], Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988) a la población de adultos de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. Los estudios de estructura interna sugieren la existencia de dos dimensiones subyacentes homogéneas (α= 0.73; α= 0.82) que explican un 39 % de la variabilidad de la prueba. Asimismo, los estudios de correlación ítem-total, de discriminación de ítem y de contrastación de grupos resultaron semejantes a los reportados por trabajos antecedentes. En conjunto, los resultados obtenidos son promisorios y avalan el uso del PANAS en el contexto cordobés.

The affect or emotion as a topic of scientific investigation has been of great interest in recent years, however in our environment there are no psychometric instruments which allow a valid and reliable measurement. The object of this work was to create a psychometric adaptation of the Positive and Negative Affectivity Scale ([PANAS], Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988) for the adult population of the city of Cordoba, Argentina. The internal structure studies suggest the existence of two subjacent homogenous dimensions (α= 0.73; α= 0.82) which explain 39% of the variability of the test. Studies of the correlation item total, of item discrimination and contrasted groups resulted similar to those reported in previous works. Altogether, the results obtained are promising and support the use of PANAS in Cordoba.