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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020051


Objective:To analyze the difference and reliability of blood 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP), an indirect screening index for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), between preterm and full-term infants.Methods:In this retrospective cross-sectional study, a total of 210 285 newborns who underwent CAH screening at the Neonatal Screening Center of Shanghai Children′s Hospital from January 2019 to December 2022 were collected, including 14 312 premature infants and 195 973 full-term infants.The concentration of 17-OHP in dried blood spots on filter paper was determined by an automatic fluorescence analyzer.The distribution of 17-OHP levels in preterm and full-term infants and its statistical index were analyzed.The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used for normal distribution.The skewed distribution data was converted into approximately normal distribution using Box-Cox.Outliers were eliminated by the interquartile range method.The cumulative frequency distribution map was drawn by R language programming.The 99.5 th percentile value was used as the screening threshold and compared with the reference value given by the manufacturer or laboratory and with the reference change value (RCV). Results:According to the threshold provided by the laboratory, 26.76‰ of premature infants were tested positive in preliminary screening, and 4 were confirmed with an incidence of 1∶3 578, while 0.79‰ of full-term infants were tested positive in preliminary screening, and 11 were confirmed with an incidence of 1∶17 816.The thresholds for CAH screening established indirectly were 20.35 nmol/L in preterm infants and 10.78 nmol/L in full-term infants.The relative deviations between the indirect CAH screening thresholds and the manufacturer′s or laboratory′s CAH screening thresholds were higher than the RCV, respectively.According to the indirect CAH screening thresholds, the negative and positive coincidence rates of 65 samples in 13 batches from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention interlaboratory quality assessment program in the United States reached 100%.A retrospective analysis of 210 285 neonates showed that 17-OHP concentration was higher than the screening threshold in all CAH-positive neonates.The application of this screening threshold reduced the false positive rate of preterm infants by 59.79%.Conclusions:It is feasible to establish the CAH screening thresholds for premature and full-term infants by an indirect method, which can improve the efficiency of screening and provide better diagnostic basis for clinical practice.

Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 95(1): e302, 2024. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1556981


Introducción: la hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita (HSC) comprende un conjunto de enfermedades hereditarias que involucran alteraciones en el ciclo del cortisol a nivel enzimático. La forma clásica tiene una incidencia de 1:14.000 a 1:18.000 nacimientos, mientras que la no clásica se presenta en 1:2.000 recién nacidos. Según la enzima involucrada, las manifestaciones clínicas varían desde asintomáticas a alteraciones en medio interno que comprometen la vida, por lo que debe tenerse un alto nivel de sospecha clínica para diagnosticarla en forma oportuna. En Uruguay, desde el año 2007, se cuenta con el pesquisaje de la 17-OH progesterona, producto aumentado en la forma más frecuente de HSC. El diagnóstico prenatal mediante la búsqueda de mutaciones en el gen CYP21A2, a través de punción de vellosidades coriales o amniocentesis, o del ADN fetal en sangre materna se recomienda en HSC con ambos padres portadores de la mutación severa y el antecedente de un hijo previo con la forma clásica. El tratamiento prenatal se considera en etapa experimental, con dexametasona en fetos femeninos con riesgo de enfermedad clásica, manteniéndose con la confirmación hasta el parto. Se presenta el caso clínico de una recién nacida de 11 días con HSC perdedora de sal y virilización de genitales externos, diagnosticada por la pesquisa neonatal. Se reporta su manejo interdisciplinario y evolución. Conclusiones: la hiperplasia suprarrenal es una enfermedad hereditaria potencialmente grave. La pesquisa neonatal constituye una herramienta efectiva para la detección de esta enfermedad. El manejo multidisciplinario es clave para el seguimiento y la optimización del tratamiento.

Introduction: congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) involves a set of hereditary diseases that include alterations in the cortisol cycle, at enzymatic level. The classic variant has an incidence of 1:14,000 to 1:18,000 births, while the non-classic one occurs in 1:2,000 newborns. As a result of the enzyme involved, the clinical manifestations change from asymptomatic to alterations in the internal environment that compromise life, so clinical suspicion must be high in order to diagnose it in a timely manner. The diagnosis is more frequently made by neonatal screening than by physical examination, and it is a more sensitive method, especially in males, since there are no changes at the level of external genitalia. The implementation of screening has reduced the time prior to diagnosis. In Uruguay, since 2007, a universal screening has been carried out measuring 17-OH progesterone, which is increased in the most frequent form of CAH. Treatment is lifelong, consisting of oral glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone) and mineralocorticoids (fludrocortisone). We recommend prenatal diagnosis by searching for mutations in the CYP21A2 gene through chorionic villus puncture or amniocentesis, or fetal DNA in maternal blood in cases of CAH if both parents are carriers of the severe mutation and have a history of a previous classic case. Prenatal treatment with dexamethasone is considered in the experimental stage, in female fetuses at risk of the standard disease, which is maintained until birth if confirmed. We present a clinical case of an 11-day-old newborn with salt-wasting congenital adrenal hyperplasia and virilization of the external genitalia, diagnosed by neonatal screening. We report her management and interdisciplinary evolution. Conclusion: adrenal hyperplasia is a potentially serious inherited disease. Neonatal screening is an effective tool for detecting this disease. Multidisciplinary management is key to monitoring and optimizing treatment.

Introdução: a hiperplasia adrenal congênita (HAC) compreende um conjunto de doenças hereditárias que envolvem alterações no ciclo do cortisol, em nível enzimático. A forma clássica tem incidência de 1:14.000 a 1:18.000 nascimentos, enquanto a forma não clássica ocorre em 1:2.000 recém-nascidos. Dependendo da enzima envolvida, as manifestações clínicas variam de assintomáticas até alterações do ambiente interno que comprometem a vida, portanto é necessário ter um alto nível de suspeita clínica para diagnosticá-la em forma precoce. No Uruguai, desde 2007, existe triagem para 17-OH progesterona, produto aumentado na forma mais frequente de HAC. O diagnóstico pré-natal pela busca de mutações no gene CYP21A2 por meio de punção de vilosidades coriônicas ou amniocentese, ou DNA fetal no sangue materno é recomendado na HAC com ambos os pais portadores da mutação grave e história de filho anterior com a forma clássica. O tratamento pré-natal é considerado em fase experimental, com dexametasona em fetos femininos com risco de doença clássica, continuando com confirmação até o parto. É apresentado o caso clínico de um recém-nascido de 11 dias com hiperplasia adrenal congênita perdedora de sal e virilização da genitália externa, diagnosticado por triagem neonatal. Relatamos sua gestão interdisciplinar e evolução. Conclusões: a hiperplasia adrenal é uma doença hereditária potencialmente grave. A triagem neonatal é uma ferramenta eficaz para detectar esta doença. O manejo multidisciplinar é fundamental para monitorar e otimizar o tratamento.

Humanos , Femenino , Recién Nacido , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/diagnóstico , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/tratamiento farmacológico , Fludrocortisona/administración & dosificación , Hidrocortisona/administración & dosificación , 17-alfa-Hidroxiprogesterona , Trastornos del Desarrollo Sexual 46, XX
Femina ; 51(12): 682-686, 20231230.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532471


A hiperplasia adrenal congênita (HAC) pode cursar com redução da fertilidade na mulher. Entretanto, nos casos em que ocorre gestação, os recém-nascidos das por- tadoras de hiperplasia adrenal congênita exibem risco de hiperandrogenismo, com todas as suas consequências. A presente revisão atualiza o tema, considerando também as necessidades da assistência a essas pacientes. A busca identificou 294 artigos na base de dados MEDLINE/PubMed de 1961 a março/2023, e os resultados mostraram que as portadoras de hiperplasia adrenal congênita exibem significativa redução da fertilidade. Nos casos de interesse de gestação, as portadoras de hiper- plasia adrenal congênita devem fazer um planejamento reprodutivo, envolvendo a fase antenatal, o acompanhamento pré-natal especializado, o parto e o aleitamento.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia may lead to reduced male and female fertility. Mo- reover, when the pregnancy occurs, the newborns of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia are at risk of hyperandrogenism with all its consequences. This review updates the theme and emphasizes assistance needs. The search identified 294 ar- ticles in the MEDLINE/PubMed database from 1961 to March/2023, and the results showed that patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia truly exhibit a significant reduction in fertility. In cases of interest in pregnancy, patients with congenital adre- nal hyperplasia should carry out reproductive planning, involving the antenatal pha- se, specialized prenatal care, till delivery and breastfeeding.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/diagnóstico , Salud Reproductiva , Neoplasias Testiculares/complicaciones , Hiperandrogenismo/complicaciones , Infertilidad/complicaciones
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538408


Adrenal myelolipomas are rare benign tumors, often non-functioning, located in the adrenal cortex, consisting mainly of mature adipose tissue and hematopoietic tissue. Although uncommon, the number of reported cases has increased due to the greater use of diagnostic imaging techniques. This tumor is usually unilateral and found as an adrenal incidentaloma, although there is a predominance of bilaterality in patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). In this study, we report the case of a 33-year-old male patient with CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, in non-regular use of the control medication, with bilateral giant adrenal myelolipoma and subsequent evolution of bilateral testicular adrenal rest tumors. He underwent bilateral adrenalectomy by video laparoscopy. The anatomopathological analysis, which confirmed myelolipomas' diagnosis, revealed the right adrenal with 430 g and 12.5 x 9.3 cm and the left with 257 g and 11.5 x 10.4 cm. This tumor may be accompanied by adrenocortical adenoma and carcinoma, ganglioneuroma, pheochromocytoma, Addison's disease, Cushing's syndrome, or CAH. Among the hypotheses of its pathogenesis, we highlight an association between the development of adrenal myelolipoma and chronic hormonal stimulation by the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), especially in CAH. The non-regular treatment of CAH with glucocorticoids may have contributed to the chronic and elevated secretion of ACTH and, consequently, to the development of bilateral giant adrenal myelolipoma (AU).

Mielolipomas adrenais são tumores benignos raros, com frequência não-funcionantes, localizados no córtex da adrenal, constituídos, principalmente, por tecido adiposo maduro e tecido hematopoético. Apesar de incomum, o número de casos relatados tem aumentado devido ao maior uso de técnicas diagnósticas de imagens. Esse tumor é geralmente unilateral e encontrado como um incidentaloma adrenal, embora haja predominância de bilateralidade em casos de portadores de hiperplasia adrenal congênita (HAC). Neste estudo, relatamos o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, de 33 anos, portador de HAC por deficiência de 21-hidroxilase, em uso não-regular da medicação de controle, com mielolipoma adrenal gigante bilateral e posterior evolução de tumor bilateral testicular de restos de adrenais. Ele foi submetido à adrenalectomia bilateral por videolaparoscopia. A análise anátomo-patológica, que confirmou o diagnóstico de mielolipomas, revelou adrenal direita com 430 g e 12,5 x 9,3 cm, e esquerda com 257 g e 11,5 x 10,4 cm. Esse tumor pode vir acompanhado de adenoma e carcinoma adrenocortical, glanglioneuroma, feocromocitoma, doença de Addison, Síndrome de Cushing ou HAC. Dentre as hipóteses de sua patogênese, des-tacamos uma associação entre o desenvolvimento do mielolipoma adrenal e a estimulação hormonal crônica pelo hormônio adrenocorticotrófico (ACTH), especialmente na HAC. O tratamento não-regular da HAC com glicocorticoides pode ter contribuído para a secreção crônica e elevada de ACTH e, consequentemente, para o desenvolvimento do mielolipoma adrenal gigante bilateral (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Mielolipoma , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita , Hormona Adrenocorticotrópica
Med. infant ; 30(2): 96-101, Junio 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1443406


La pesquisa neonatal de hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita se realiza mediante la determinación de 17 hidroxiprogesterona (17OHP) en gotas de sangre seca en papel de filtro. Los bebés prematuros presentan valores más elevados que los bebés de término, siendo de utilidad contar con límites de corte apropiados. Nuestro objetivo fue actualizar los valores de corte de 17OHP ajustados por edad gestacional para la metodología en uso a nivel nacional por las jurisdicciones asistidas por el "Programa Nacional de Fortalecimiento de la Detección Precoz de Enfermedades Congénitas". La 17OHP se determinó utilizando el kit comercial de enzimo-inmunoanálisis (ELISA competitivo), Elizen Neonatal 17OHP Screening (Zentech, Bélgica). Se obtuvieron límites de corte utilizando percentiles de la distribución de los valores de 17OHP para cada edad gestacional. La sensibilidad obtenida fue 100%, especificidad 98,76 %, tasa de falsos positivos 1,24 % y el valor predictivo positivo 1,12 %. Destacamos la importancia de disponer de límites de corte adecuados a la población. La armonización de los mismos permitirá resultados comparables entre los programas regionales de pesquisa neonatal (AU)

Newborn screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia is performed by the measurement of 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) in dried blood spots on filter paper. Premature infants have higher values than full-term infants, and appropriate cutoff values are useful. Our aim was to update the cut-off values of 17OHP adjusted for gestational age for the methodology used at a national level in regions assisted by the "National Program for Strengthening the Early Detection of Congenital Diseases". 17OHP was determined using the commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (competitive ELISA) kit, Elizen Newborn 17OHP Screening (Zentech, Belgium). Cut-off values were obtained using percentiles of the distribution of 17OHP values for each gestational age. Sensitivity was 100%, specificity 98.76%, false positive rate 1.24%, and positive predictive value 1.12%. It is important to have cut-off values that are adjusted to the population. Harmonization will allow for the comparison of results among regional newborn screening programs (AU)

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Valor Predictivo de las Pruebas , Edad Gestacional , Tamizaje Neonatal/métodos , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/diagnóstico , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/sangre , 17-alfa-Hidroxiprogesterona/sangre
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 67(3): 427-441, June 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429752


ABSTRACT Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by CYP21A2 gene mutations, and its molecular diagnosis is widely used in clinical practice to confirm the hormonal diagnosis. Hence, considering the miscegenation of the Brazilian population, it is important to determine a mutations panel to optimise the molecular diagnosis. The objective was to review the CYP21A2 mutations' distribution among Brazilian regions.Two reviewers screened Brazilian papers up to February 2020 in five databases. The pair-wise comparison test and Holm method were used in the statistical analysis. Nine studies were selected, comprising 769 patients from all regions. Low proportion of males and salt-wasters was identified in the North and Northeast regions, although without significant difference. Large gene rearrangements also had a low frequency, except in the Center-West and South regions (p < 0.05). The most frequent mutations were p.I172N, IVS2-13A/C>G, p.V281L and p.Q318X, and significant differences in their distributions were found: p.V281L was more frequent in the Southeast and p.Q318X in the Center-West and Northeast regions (p < 0.05). Thirteen new mutations were identified in 3.8%-15.2% of alleles, being more prevalent in the North region, and six mutations presented a founder effect gene. Genotype-phenotype correlation varied from 75.9%-97.3% among regions. The low prevalence of the salt-wasting form, affected males and severe mutations in some regions indicated pitfalls in the clinical diagnosis. The good genotype-phenotype correlation confirms the usefulness of molecular diagnosis; however, the Brazilian population also presents significant prevalence of novel mutations, which should be considered for a molecular panel.

Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 67(1): 64-72, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420095


ABSTRACT Objective: Herein, we compared ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) between young adults with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase enzyme (21OHase) deficiency and a control group. Additionally, we analyzed correlations between the glucocorticoid dose and androgen levels and ABP parameters. Subjects and methods: This case-control study included 18 patients (6 males and 12 females) and 19 controls (8 males and 11 females) matched by age (18-31 years). ABP monitoring was used to estimate blood pressure (BP) over a 24-h period. Results: No difference was noted between patients and controls in terms of systolic BP (males, 115.5 ± 5.6 vs. 117.0 ± 9.3, P = 0.733; and females, 106.4 ± 7.9 vs. 108.4 ± 7.6, P = 0.556, respectively) and diastolic BP during 24 h (males, 62.8 ± 7.5 vs. 66.2 ± 5.6, P = 0.349; and females, 62.7 ± 4.9 vs. 62.3 ± 4.9, P = 0.818, respectively). Systolic and diastolic BP and pulse pressure during daytime and nocturnal periods were similar between patients and controls. Furthermore, no differences were detected in the percentage of load and impaired nocturnal dipping of systolic and diastolic BP between patients and controls during the 24-h period. Additionally, the glucocorticoid dose (varying between r = −0.24 to 0.13, P > 0.05) and androgens levels (varying between r = 0.01 to 0.14, P > 0.05) were not associated with ABP parameters. Conclusion: No signs of an elevated risk for hypertension were observed based on ABP monitoring in young adults with CAH attributed to 21OHase deficiency undergoing glucocorticoid replacement therapy.

Journal of Modern Urology ; (12): 1042-1045, 2023.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005938


【Objective】 To explore a new treatment of primary bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia (PBMAH) and its efficacy. 【Methods】 Clinical data of 20 PBMAH patients treated in our hospital during Mar.2010 and Apr.2021 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients underwent laparoscopic subcutaneous displacement of vascularized adrenal. The clinical symptoms, plasma free cortisol, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), and 24 h urinary free cortisol were regularly monitored after surgery. 【Results】 Of all 20 patients, 19 were followed up for 18 to 120 months (median 60 months). Three months after surgery, reexamination showed 1 patient had decreased plasma free cortisol and increased ACTH, but had no symptoms of low corticosteroids. After another 3 months, the plasma free cortisol and ACTH returned to normal. After 4 to 48 months, the parameters recovered in all patients and the clinical symptoms disappeared. 【Conclusion】 Laparoscopic vascularized adrenal displacement is a new and effective method for the treatment of PBMAH. It can alleviate the Cushing syndrome with no obvious adverse reactions.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989044


Previously the diseases of pediatric hyperandrogenism were mainly diagnosed and evaluated by testing traditional androgens such as testosterone and androstenedione.However, clinical application has revealed a poor correlation between traditional androgens and the clinical manifestations of hyperandrogenism in some patients.It has been proposed that adrenal-derived 11-oxygenated androgen may also be involved in the course of this type of disease.The concentrations of 11-oxygenated androgen are elevated in androgen excess diseases, and they fulfill a variety of roles in human physiology and disease.This article discusses three aspects of the synthesis process, activity and content of 11-oxygenated androgen and their application in three androgen excess diseases: congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia, premature adrenarche and polycystic ovary syndrome, in order to help clinicians expand their clinical understanding and investigative thoughts on 11-oxygenated androgen.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994345


Congenital adrenal hyperplasia(CAH) is a group of autosomal recessive disorders caused by deficiency of specific enzymes in the adrenocortical hormone synthesis pathway, resulting in impaired corticosteroid synthesis. 21-hydroxylase deficiency is the most common type of CAH, and the disorder can lead to impaired fertility in patients. Most current studies have focused on fertility problems in female CAH patients. The most common causes of impaired fertility in men with 21-OHD include testicular adrenal rest tumors(TART), low gonadotropin secretion, and inappropriate glucocorticoid therapy. This article reviews the causes of impaired fertility and its treatment in male patients with 21-OHD, with the aim of providing guidance for improving the fertility of male patients with 21-OHD.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995700


Objective:To summarize initial experience of applying nanopore third-generation sequencing detection method (nanopore sequencing) for genetic diagnosis of non-classical 21 hydroxylase deficiency (NC 21-OHD), and to explore its performance and application prospects.Methods:Clinical data of the two NC 21-OHD patients, who were hospitalized at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University in May 2019, were collected. Peripheral venous blood was collected and genome DNA extracted. Genetic variants was detected by nanopore sequencing and underwent bioinformatic analysis. Pathogenetic mutations in CYP21A2 gene were validated with PCR-sanger sequencing in the two patients and their parents.Results:The average reads length and sequence depth in the patient one was 12, 792 bp and 27.19×. The average reads length and sequence depth in the patient two was 13, 123 bp and 21.34×. Compound variants of c.293-13C>G/c.844G>T (p.Val282Leu) and c.332_339delGAGACTAC (p.Gly111Valfs)/c.844G>T (p.Val282Leu) were detected in these two patients, which were consistent with clinical phenotype of NC 21-OHD. Further analysis showed that c.293-13C>G mutation was inherited from her father and c.844G>T (p.Val282Leu) mutation was inherited from her mother for the patient one. The c.844G>T (p.Val282Leu) mutation was inherited from her father and c.332_339delGAGACTAC (p.Gly111Valfs) mutation from her mother.Conclusions:The heterozygous mutations in CYP21A2 gene are the cause of NC 21-OHD in these two patients. Nanopore sequencing technique is a reliable new detection method for patients with NC 21-OHD.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019991


Testicular adrenal rest tumor (TART) is frequently complicated by congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which is a benign tumor of the testes frequently found in adolescents and adults.Palpation and scrotal ultrasound are the main diagnostic methods for TART.Poorly managed TART often results in testicular dysfunction or even infertility due to tumor compression.This article reviews the pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of TART, thus improving the understanding of the disease to achieve early diagnosis, early treatment, and improved prognosis.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028598


Objective:To investigate the clinical profile of primary bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia(PBMAH) and sex difference.Methods:One hundred and forty cases of PBMAH were recruited in our center from 2014, and all patients were evaluated for hormone secretion, adrenal imaging, and metabolic parameters.Results:Overt Cushing′s syndrome accounted for 76.4% of PBMAH cohort and 47.9% were female. The overt group had higher serum cortisol and 24 h urinary free cortisol levels, lower adrenocorticotropic hormone, higher serum cortisol after low-dose dexamethasone suppression tests, larger total adrenal size, and a higher percentage of obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hypokalemia than the subclinical group(all P<0.05). When compared with the male group, the female group had smaller adrenal size( P<0.001), lower HbA 1C( P=0.003), higher total cholesterol( P=0.005), and lower density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels( P=0.035). Further, 24 h urinary free cortisol in the male group was found to be positively correlated with diastolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, 2 h postprandial glucose after oral glucose tolerance test(OGTT), and HbA 1C after adjusted for age, body mass index, and onset duration, and was negatively correlated with body mass index and potassium levels. While 24 h urinary free cortisol in the female group was positively correlated only with diastolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, and 2 h postprandial glucose after OGTT(all P<0.05). During follow-up, 80.0% of patients achieved remission after unilateral adrenalectomy, with a recurrence rate of 17.9%. Conclusion:PBMAH related metabolic disorder is more pronounced in overt Cushing′s syndrome and males. Unilateral adrenalectomy as an effective treatment can benefit the majority of patients.

Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 66(1): 77-87, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364306


ABSTRACT Adrenal steroid biosynthesis and its related pathology are constant evolving disciplines. In this paper, we review classic and current concepts of adrenal steroidogenesis, plus control mechanisms of steroid pathways, distribution of unique enzymes and cofactors, and major steroid families. We highlight the presence of a "mineralocorticoid (MC) pathway of zona fasciculata (ZF)", where most circulating corticosterone and deoxycorticosterone (DOC) originate together with 18OHDOC, under ACTH control, a claim based on functional studies in normal subjects and in patients with 11β-, and 17α-hydroxylase deficiencies. We emphasize key differences between CYP11B1 (11β-hydroxylase) and CYP11B2 (aldosterone synthase) and the onset of a hybrid enzyme - CYP11B1/CYP11B2 -, responsible for aldosterone formation in ZF under ACTH control, in "type I familial hyperaldosteronism" (dexamethasone suppressible). In "apparent MC excess syndrome", peripheral conversion of cortisol to cortisone is impaired by lack of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2, permitting free cortisol access to MC receptors resulting in severe hypertension. We discuss two novel conditions involving the synthesis of adrenal androgens: the "backdoor pathway", through which dihydrotestosterone is formed directly from androsterone, being relevant for the fetoplacental setting and sexual differentiation of male fetuses, and the rediscovery of C19 11-oxygenated steroids (11-hydroxyandrostenedione and 11-ketotestosterone), active androgens and important markers of virilization in 21-hydroxylase deficiency and polycystic ovaries syndrome. Finally, we underline two enzyme cofactor deficiencies: cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase which partially affects 21- and 17α-hydroxylation, producing a combined clinical/hormonal picture and causing typical skeletal malformations (Antley-Bixler syndrome), and PAPSS2, coupled to SULT2A1, that promotes sulfation of DHEA to DHEAS, preventing active androgens to accumulate. Its deficiency results in reduced DHEAS and elevated DHEA and androgens with virilization. Future and necessary studies will shed light on remaining issues and questions on adrenal steroidogenesis.

Humanos , Masculino , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/metabolismo , Hiperaldosteronismo , Esteroides , Citocromo P-450 CYP11B2 , Andrógenos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-957899


The clinical data of 6 patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency(21-OHD) diagnosed in The People′s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from 2015 to 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 2 male cases manifesting shorter height, high progesterone level and infertility. And 4 cases were females, manifesting primary amenorrhea, heterosexual precocious puberty, fatigue during emergency, decreased physical strength, dark skin, clitoral hypertrophy and vulva fusion. None of the parents had a history of consanguinity. All but one patient received glucocorticoid replacement therapy. The sequencing of exons and introns of 21CYPA2 gene showed tuat 1 case was homozygous mutation and 5 cases were complex heterozygous mutation. In terms of clinical phenotype, 1 case was non-classical (complex heterozygous mutation) and 5 cases were simple virilizing phenotype.

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 32: 32209, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418948


Objetivo: Descrever o diagnóstico e manejo clínico da deficiência da 21-hidroxilase (D-21OH), no contexto atual de inclusão da doença nos programas de triagem neonatal, bem como características genéticas, fisiopatológicas e manifestações na infância e adolescência. Fonte de Dados: Revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE (PubMed), LILACS (BVS), Scopus, Web of Science nos últimos vinte anos, em língua inglesa e portuguesa; população-alvo: crianças da primeira infância à adolescência; com o uso dos termos "triagem neonatal", "hiperplasia adrenal congênita", "deficiência da 21-hidroxilase", "glucocorticoide" e "polimorfismos do gene NR3C1". Síntese de Dados: A hiperplasia adrenal congênita (HAC) constitui um grupo de doenças caracterizadas por deficiências enzimáticas na esteroidogênese do córtex adrenal. A D-21OH é responsável por 95% dos casos e, se não tratada precocemente, pode levar ao óbito no período neonatal em sua forma clássica. A triagem neonatal para a HAC consiste na dosagem do precursor 17-hidroxiprogesterona (17OHP) no sangue de recém-nascidos, permitindo rápida confirmação diagnóstica e instituição da terapêutica. A implantação da triagem neonatal constitui um avanço, mas o controle dos pacientes pediátricos com D-21OH é complexo e deve ser sempre individualizado. Conclusão: A instituição dos programas de triagem neonatal para HAC tem trazido benefícios para o prognóstico das crianças com D-21OH. Seu manejo é multiprofissional, individualizado e ainda um desafio mesmo para o especialista. Ampla divulgação do conhecimento sobre a doença é desejável para permitir melhor condução dessas crianças, especialmente de meninas com a doença que apresentam genitália atípica.

Objective: To describe the diagnosis and clinical management of 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OH-D), in the current context of including the disease in neonatal screening programs, as well as genetic, pathophysiological characteristics, and manifestations in childhood and adolescence. Data Source: Integrative review performed in MEDLINE (PubMed), LILACS (BVS), Scopus, Web of Science databases in the last twenty years, in English and Portuguese; target population: children from early childhood to adolescence; with the use of the terms "neonatal screening"; "congenital adrenal hyperplasia"; "21-hydroxylase deficiency"; "glucocorticoid"; "polymorphisms of the NR3C1 gene". Data Synthesis: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of diseases characterized by enzyme deficiencies in adrenal cortex steroidogenesis. 21OH-D is responsible for 95% of cases and, if not treated early, can lead to death in the neonatal period in its classic form. Neonatal screening for CAH consists of measuring the precursor 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) in the blood of newborns, allowing rapid diagnostic confirmation and institution of therapy. The implementation of neonatal screening is an advance, but the control of pediatric patients with 21OH-D is complex and must always be individualized. Conclusion: The institution of newborn screening programs for CAH has benefits for the prognosis of children with 21OH-D. Its management is multi-professional, individualized and still a challenge even for the specialist. Wide dissemination of knowledge about the disease is desirable to allow better management of these children, especially girls with the disease who have atypical genitalia.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Esteroide 21-Hidroxilasa/metabolismo , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/terapia , Polimorfismo Genético/genética , Tamizaje Neonatal , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/diagnóstico , 17-alfa-Hidroxiprogesterona/metabolismo
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 93(4)dic. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409088


RESUMEN Introducción: Las glándulas suprarrenales se dividen en corteza y médula. La corteza secreta tres clases de hormonas diferentes: los glucocorticoides, mineralocorticoides y andrógenos; la médula produce las catecolaminas. Todas ellas intervienen en múltiples funciones corporales. Objetivo: Mostrar diferentes formas de presentación de algunas de las enfermedades de la corteza adrenal. Presentación de los casos: Paciente 1: escolar de 7 años, antecedentes de hipotiroidismo controlado, presenta decaimiento y escaso crecimiento pondoestatural. Cortisol en ayunas 86 nmol/L y ACTH 154 pg/ml. Se diagnostica insuficiencia adrenal primaria. Reingresa a los 9 años, por mantener escaso crecimiento. Edad ósea: 2 años y 8 meses. Test de clonidina: alterado, confirma déficit de hormona del crecimiento. Paciente 2: escolar de 8 años, antecedentes de hiperplasia adrenal congénita por déficit de 21 hidroxilasa, forma virilizante simple. Presenta aceleración del desarrollo genital. Se incumplió tratamiento con hidrocortisona, durante 5 años. Se comprobó elevada la 17 hidroxiprogesterona 189 ng/dl. Se diagnosticó pubertad precoz periférica y virilización de los genitales. Paciente 3: lactante de 5 meses con obesidad de 3 meses de evolución. Tomografía axial computarizada de abdomen contrastado confirma lesión tumoración de 5 cm en proyección de la suprarrenal derecha. Cortisol en ayunas 892 nmol/L, cortisol 11 pm 920 nmol/L. Se realizó cirugía y se diagnosticó síndrome de Cushing por carcinoma adrenal productor de cortisol. Conclusiones: En la práctica clínica diaria podemos encontrar pacientes con síntomas y signos tan comunes como el decaimiento, vómitos o el aumento brusco de peso y ellos ser secundario a enfermedades de la glándula suprarrenal.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The adrenal glands are divided into cortex and marrow. The cortex secretes three different classes of hormones: glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and androgens; the marrow produces catecholamines. All of them are involved in multiple corporal functions. Objective: Show different forms of presentation of some of the diseases of the adrenal cortex. Presentation of cases: Patient 1: 7-year-old school boy, history of controlled hypothyroidism, and presenting decay and poor pondostatural growth. Cortisol level in fasting 86 nmol/L and ACTH 154 pg/ml. Primary adrenal insufficiency is diagnosed. Re-admitted at age 9 for maintaining little growth. Bone age: 2 years and 8 months. Clonidine test: altered, it confirms growth hormone deficiency. Patient 2: 8-year-old schoolboy, history of congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21 hydroxylase deficiency, simple virilizing form. He presents acceleration of genital development. Hydrocortisone treatment was missed for 5 years. 17 hydroxyprogesterone was found to be elevated to 189 ng/dl. Peripheral precocious puberty and virilization of the genitals were diagnosed. Patient 3: 5-month-old infant with obesity of 3 months of evolution. Contrasted computed axial tomography of the abdomen confirms tumor lesion of 5 cm in projection of the right adrenal. Cortisol level in fasting 892 nmol/L, cortisol 11 pm 920 nmol/L. Surgery was performed and Cushing's syndrome was diagnosed due to cortisol-producing adrenal carcinoma. Conclusions: In daily clinical practice we can find patients with symptoms and signs as common as decay, vomiting or sudden weight gain and they are secondary to diseases of the adrenal gland.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 47(4): 861-867, Jul.-Aug. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286762


ABSTRACT Introduction: 46,XX Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) remains the first cause of genital virilization and current surgical techniques aim to restore female aspect of genitalia while preserving dorsal neurovascular bundle but not at the expense of not preserving erectile tissue. We aim to report our experience with a new surgical technique for clitoroplasty, completely preserving corporeal bodies, neurovascular bundles without dismembering the clitoris, in four patients with over a year follow up. Materials and Methods: After IRB approval four patients with 46,XX CAH and Prader 5 and 3 external genitalia, underwent feminizing genitoplasty. Complete preservation of erectile tissue was accomplished without a need to dissect dorsal neurovascular bundle. Glans size allowed no need for glanular reduction and there was no need to dismember the corporeal bodies. Results: Four patients 12 to 24-months-old underwent complete corporeal preservation clitoroplasty (CCPC), mean age was 18.5 months, mean follow up was 10.25 months. Vaginoplasty was performed in all patients with partial urogenital mobilization (PUM) and Urogenital Sinus flap (UF), only one severely virilized patient required a parasagittal pre-rectal approach to mobilize the vagina. We had no complications until last follow up. Conclusion: To our knowledge, we are introducing the concept of CCPC without the need of disassembling the corporeal bodies, neurovascular bundle and glans. It stands as a new alternative for feminizing genitoplasty with complete preservation of erectile tissue and no dissection of neurovascular bundle. Although there is still lacking long-term follow-up, it represents a new step in conservative reconfiguration of the external virilized female genitalia.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Lactante , Preescolar , Adolescente , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/cirugía , Procedimientos de Cirugía Plástica , Colgajos Quirúrgicos , Vagina/cirugía , Clítoris/cirugía , Genitales Femeninos/cirugía
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 32(2): e282, 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1347399


Introducción: La práctica de la cirugía genital es frecuente en infantes y adolescentes diagnosticados de intersexualidad. Una de sus principales consecuencias se refleja en la personalidad del paciente. Existen numerosos estudios en población adulta, pero son escasos en edades pediátricas. El dibujo constituye un instrumento valioso para la exploración psicológica en edades tempranas. Objetivo: Identificar las características psicológicas de infantes y adolescentes con tratamiento quirúrgico de los genitales, y de su desarrollo psicológico en el momento de la valoración. Métodos: Estudio transversal descriptivo y metodología cualitativa. La muestra la integraron 15 participantes entre 6 y 12 años, con hiperplasia adrenal congénita y cirugía genital. De ellos, 4 con asignación al sexo masculino y 11 con asignación femenina. Todos residentes en La Habana, Cuba y captados de las consultas de seguimiento de los servicios de Endocrinología del Instituto de Endocrinología y hospitales pediátricos. Se aplicaron las técnicas psicográficas (dibujo espontáneo, dibujo temático de la familia y dibujo temático "Así soy yo"). Resultados: El desarrollo psicológico se correspondió con la edad cronológica. El 100 por ciento presentó un pensamiento coherente y estructurado. El 50 por ciento presentó indicadores emocionales que aluden a insatisfacción con el propio yo, angustia (40 por ciento), y falta de aceptación del propio cuerpo (70 por ciento); además, expresaron dificultades en la comunicación familiar (60 por ciento). Conclusiones: Los indicadores globales relevantes de los dibujos denotaron daño emocional, dificultades en la aceptación, percepción y representación del esquema corporal y también en la comunicación social y familiar. Resulta impostergable intervenir en las causas del malestar y los problemas psicológicos de los sujetos estudiados para evitar que se desarrollen enfermedades psiquiátricas en la edad adulta(AU)

Introduction: The practice of genital surgery is frequent in infants and adolescents diagnosed with intersex. One of the main consequences is reflected in the patient´s personality. There are numerous studies in the adult population; however, they are rare in pediatric ages. Drawing is a valuable tool for psychological exploration in early ages. Objective: Identify the psychological characteristics of infants and adolescents with surgical treatment of the genitalia, and to characterize their psychological development. Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study and qualitative methodology. The sample was made up of 15 infants and adolescents between 6 and 12 years old with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and genital surgery. 4 of them with male sex assignment and 11 with female assignment, coming from the primary care level, residents in Havana, Cuba, recruited in the follow-up consultations of the endocrinology services of the Institute of Endocrinology and pediatric hospitals. The psychographic techniques (spontaneous drawing, thematic drawing of the family and thematic drawing called "I am like this" were applied). The study complied with the basic ethical aspects of scientific research. Results: Psychological development corresponded with chronological age. 100 percent of the patients presented a coherent and structured thinking. 50 percent presented emotional indicators that allude to dissatisfaction with one's own self, anguish (40 percent), and lack of acceptance of one's own body (70 percent); in addition, they expressed difficulties in family communication (60 percent). Conclusions: The relevant global indicators of the drawings denoted emotional damage, difficulties in the acceptance, perception and representation of the body scheme and also in social and family communication. It cannot be postponed an intervention in the discomfort causes and psychological problems of the patients studied, in order to avoid that psychiatric diseases can be developed in adults ages(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Atención Primaria de Salud , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita/psicología , Cirugía de Reasignación de Sexo/métodos , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales , Técnicas Psicológicas
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 65(4): 488-494, July-Aug. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339103


ABSTRACT Primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) is characterized by the inability of the adrenal cortex to produce sufficient amounts of glucocorticoids and/or mineralocorticoids. Addison's disease (AD) and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) are the most frequent disorders in adults and children, respectively. Despite the diagnostic advances and the availability of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid replacements, adrenal crisis (AC) is still a potentially lethal condition contributing to the increased mortality, not only during the first year of life, but also throughout life. Failure in increasing glucocorticoid doses during acute stress, when greater amounts of glucocorticoids are required, can lead to AC and an increase morbimortality rate of PAI. Considering a mortality rate of 0.5 per 100 patient years, up to 1,500 deaths from AC are expected in Brazil in the coming decade, which represents an alarming situation. The major clinical features are hypotension and volume depletion. Nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, lack of energy, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain are common. The main precipitating factors are gastrointestinal diseases, other infectious disease, stressful events (e.g., major pain, surgery, strenuous physical activity, heat, and pregnancy), and withdrawal of glucocorticoid therapy. Suspected AC requires immediate therapeutic action with intravenous (iv) hydrocortisone, fluid infusion, monitoring support, and antibiotics if necessary. AC is best prevented through patient education, precocious identification and by adjusting the glucocorticoid dosage in stressor situations. The emergency card, warning about acute glucocorticoid replacement, has high value in reducing the morbidity and mortality of AC.

Humanos , Niño , Adulto , Enfermedad de Addison , Insuficiencia Suprarrenal/etiología , Hiperplasia Suprarrenal Congénita , Hidrocortisona , Glucocorticoides/uso terapéutico