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Estud. Interdiscip. Psicol ; 12(1): 133-157, jan-abr.2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1337753


O presente estudo analisou os sentidos que homens participantes do programa Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade (UNATI) da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), campus de Assis-SP, atribuem ao envelhecimento. O objetivo principal foi compreender as transformações vividas no processo de envelhecer e as contribuições da UNATI em possíveis mudanças e ressignificações da velhice. Para tanto, foram realizadas 11 entrevistas individuais e semiestruturadas com participantes entre 59 e 79 anos. Através da Análise de Conteúdo foi possível compreender a importância que esses homens despendem ao cuidado com a saúde do corpo, da mente e em se manterem inseridos socialmente. Além disso, aspectos da masculinidade e da aposentadoria apareceram como influenciadores nas vivências da velhice.

The present study details the meanings that seniors' men, which participate of "Open University to Third Age" (UNATI), promoted by Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), located at Assis, state of São Paulo, give to the aging process. The main objective was to understand the experiences of aging transformations and the contributions of UNATI at the possible changings and reframing the meanings caused by aging. For this purpose, were made eleven individual interviews, semi-structured, with 59 to 79 old men. From the Content Analysis, it is possible to understand the importance that such kind of men gives to the care of the body and the mind, to be recognized and valuable by society, as well keeping their masculinity behavior and retirement, which influences their seniority life's experiences.

El presente estudio analizó los significados que los hombres participantes del proyecto Universidad Abierta de la Tercera Edad (UNATI), de la Universidad Estadual Paulista (UNESP), campus de Assis-SP, atribuyen al envejecimiento. El objetivo principal fue comprender las transformaciones vividas. En el proceso de envejecer y las contribuciones del proyecto UNATI en posibles cambios y reinterpretaciones de la vejez. Para eso, fueron realizadas 11 entrevistas individuales y semi-estructuradas con participantes del proyecto entre 59 y 79 años. Por medio del análisis de contenido fue posible comprender la importancia que estos hombres dan al cuidado con la salud del cuerpo de la mente y del permanecerse socialmente insertado, bien como aspectos de masculinidad y de la jubilación que influyen en las experiencias de la vejez.

Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Envejecimiento , Salud del Anciano , Masculinidad , Salud
Laboratory Animal Research ; : 140-147, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786393


P53 and its family member p63 play important roles in cellular senescence and organismal aging. In this study, p53 and p63 immunoreactivity were examined in the hippocampus of young, adult and aged mice by using immunohistochemistry. In addition, neuronal distribution and degeneration was examined by NeuN immunohistochemistry and fluoro-Jade B fluorescence staining. Strong p53 immunoreactivity was mainly expressed in pyramidal and granule cells of the hippocampus in young mice. p53 immunoreactivity in the pyramidal and granule cells was significantly reduced in the adult mice. In the aged mice, p53 immunoreactivity in the pyramidal and granule cells was more significantly decreased. p63 immunoreactivity was strong in the pyramidal and granule cells in the young mice. p63 immunoreactivity in these cells was apparently and gradually decreased with age, showing that p63 immunoreactivity in the aged granule cells was hardly shown. However, numbers of pyramidal neurons and granule cells were not significantly decreased in the aged mice with normal aging. Taken together, this study indicates that there are no degenerative neurons in the hippocampus during normal aging, showing that p53 and p63 immunoreactivity in hippocampal neurons was progressively reduced during normal aging, which might be closely related to the normal aging processes.

Adulto , Animales , Humanos , Ratones , Envejecimiento , Senescencia Celular , Fluorescencia , Hipocampo , Inmunohistoquímica , Neuronas , Células Piramidales
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 19(8): 3309-3316, ago. 2014.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-718614


Estudo de abordagem teórico-fenomenológica heideggeriana, que objetivou compreender os significados do vivido pela pessoa idosa longeva no processo de morte/morrer e luto. Realizado em 2009, com 16 idosos longevos, de ambos os sexos, com idade compreendida entre 80 e 90 anos, integrantes de um centro de convivência para idoso localizado em um bairro periférico da cidade de Salvador - Bahia, Brasil. Os resultados evidenciaram que a pessoa idosa longeva vivencia o luto quando pessoas próximas começam a adoecer e morrer. Além disso, apresentaram discurso ambíguo quanto ao medo da morte. Com os significados atribuídos, foi possível chegar à unidade de significação: a autenticidade e a inautenticidade do ser para a morte. Conclui-se que a pessoa idosa longeva frente ao processo de morte/morrer e luto desvela-se e vela-se de acordo com o momento que ela vive e as oportunidades que se apresentam, ou seja, é muito influenciada por sua historicidade.

This is a study using the Heideggerian theoretical-phenomenological approach, which sought to understand the significances of the life experience for the long-lived elderly person in the process of death/dying and mourning. It was conducted in 2009 with 16 long-lived senior citizens of both genders who were aged between 80 and 90, members of a community center for the elderly located in a suburban neighborhood of the city of Salvador in the state of Bahia, Brazil. The results showed that the long-lived elderly person experiences the mourning status process when relatives and friends become ill and die. Furthermore, they gave ambiguous reports with respect to the fear of death. With the attributed significances, it was possible to arrive at the unit of significance, namely the authenticity and lack of authenticity of the individual regarding imminent death. The conclusion reached is that long-lived elderly individuals faced with the process of death/dying and mourning is apparent or concealed in accordance with the moment they are experiencing and the opportunities that present themselves, in other words, it is greatly influenced by their past.

Anciano de 80 o más Años , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Actitud Frente a la Muerte , Pesar , Acontecimientos que Cambian la Vida
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975770


Backround: Biological age score plays an essential role in the evalution of aging process and health status. The study was focused on clarifying relavance of health status scores of a population of Khangai mountain region with geographical and ecological specifics of the places they live. Goal: To determine the grades of aging (GA) and biological age score (BAS) among population (30-69 years) of Zavkhan aimags.Materials and Methods: We examined 1901 men and women aged 30-69 years old in Zavkhan aimags in 2012 and healthy subjects were assessed with physical, physiological variable. The BAS equation was employed to compute the individual BAScores for all subjects. Quantative data has been processed with the use of statistical data processing software SPSS-19. Results: Health scores of 92.1% of male in the age group of 30-39 years, 68.7% of male in the age group of 40-49 years had health problems (in level IV, V ). In all age groups 70.3% -98.6% had normal adaptation and adaptation functional tension. 54.2- 55.1% of both sex in the ages group 60-69 years had unsatisfactory adaptation.Conclusions: Aging process for women in age groups of 50-59, 60-69 years was significantly delayed or delayed. For men of 30-49 ages aging process was accelerated, for men of 50-69 years it was normal or delayed. Health scores of men in the age group of 30-39, 40-49 years is significantly at a lower level (IV,V) and health scores of women all age groups is significantly at a high level (IIII).

Salvador; s.n; 2011. 138P p.
Tesis en Portugués | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1120360


O crescimento da população idosa somada à mudança no perfil epidemiológico com maior prevalência de doenças crônico não transmissíveis acarreta profundas repercussões nos serviços de saúde, sobretudo pelo impacto sobre as despesas com tratamentos médico e hospitalar. O idoso consome mais serviços de saúde, as internações são mais frequentes e o tempo de ocupação do leito é maior do que o de outras faixas etárias. A hospitalização representa para os idosos um momento de fragilidade, de medo, de associação com a morte e de dependência, pois além do sofrimento, da sensação desagradável e da insegurança que a doença ocasiona, esses pacientes irão necessitar da atenção de um conjunto de trabalhadores da saúde, dentre os quais, os enfermeiros, que tem papel fundamental no cuidado. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa que teve como objeto o cuidado de enfermagem pessoas idosas em hospitalização prolongada e como questão problema: Como se dá o cuidado de enfermagem a pessoas idosas em hospitalização prolongada? Teve como objetivo geral: analisar o cuidado de enfermagem a pessoas idosas em hospitalização prolongada e objetivos específicos: identificar as necessidades de cuidados de enfermagem a pessoas idosas em hospitalização prolongada; e descrever o cuidado de enfermeiras a pessoas idosas em hospitalização prolongada. O estudo foi desenvolvido em um centro geriátrico de um hospital filantrópico de grande porte, localizado na cidade de Salvador ­ Bahia, no período de março a abril de 2011, tendo como colaboradoras doze enfermeiras. Os depoimentos foram coletados mediante a técnica de História Oral, analisados conforme a técnica análise categorial temática e interpretados segundo os pressupostos da Teoria do Cuidado Transpessoal. As categorias emergentes foram: as enfermeiras cuidadoras de pessoas idosas em hospitalização prolongada; as pessoas idosas em hospitalização prolongada; o cuidado às pessoas idosas em hospitalização prolongada; e a relação das enfermeiras com as pessoas idosas em hospitalização prolongada. As necessidades de cuidados identificadas estão em sua maioria relacionados com a dimensão física do envelhecimento e do processo de doença. Já os cuidados emergiram em estreita relação com as necessidades identificadas, ou seja, também voltados para a dimensão física. A despeito de as enfermeiras reconhecerem as dimensões subjetivas do cuidado, não elencaram tais dimensões dentre os cuidados que prestam. (AU)

The growth of the old population plus the change in the epidemiological profile with a higher prevalence of chronic non-transmittable diseases causes profound impact on health services, particularly the impact on the costs of medical treatments and hospital. The elderly consume more health services, are more frequent in hospital admissions and the length of hospital bed occupancy is greater than that of other age groups. The elderly hospitalization represents a moment of weakness, fear of association with death and dependency, as well as suffering, and the unpleasant feeling of insecurity that causes the disease, these patients will require the attention of a group of health workers, among which nurses that plays a primal role in care. This is an exploratory research with a qualitative approach that aimed at the elderly nursing care and prolonged hospitalization in issue as a question: How is the nursing care for the elderly in prolonged hospitalization? Had as general objective: to analyze the nursing care for the elderly in prolonged hospitalization and the specific objectives are: to identify the needs of nursing care for the elderly in prolonged hospitalization, and describe the care of nurses for the elderly in prolonged hospitalization. The study was conducted in a geriatric center of a large charity hospital, located in the city of Salvador - Bahia, in the period march to april of 2011, with twelve nurses as collaborators. The testimonies were collected by the technique of oral history, analyzed according to the technical thematic categorical analysis and interpreted according to the assumptions of transpersonal caring theory. The categories were: nurses caring for older people in prolonged hospitalization, the elderly in prolonged hospitalization, the care of older people in prolonged hospitalization, and the relationship of the nurses with older people in prolonged hospitalization. The care needs identified are mostly related to the physical dimension of aging and the disease process. The care emerged in close relation with the needs identified, ie, also focused on the physical dimension. Despite the nurses acknowledging about subjective dimensions of care, such dimensions were not listed among the care they provide. (AU)

El crecimiento de la población mayor sumada, al cambio en el perfil epidemiológico con mayor prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles, provoca profundas repercusiones en los servicios de salud, sobre todo por el impacto en los gastos con los tratamientos médicos y hospitalarios. El paciente mayor consume más servicios de salud, las internaciones son más frecuentes y el tiempo de ocupación del lecho es mayor del que el de otros grupos de edad. La hospitalización representa para los mayores un momento de fragilidad, de miedo, de asociación con la muerte y de dependencia, pues además del sufrimiento, de la sensación desagradable y de la inseguridad que la enfermedad provoca, esos pacientes van a necesitar de la atención de un conjunto de trabajadores de la salud, entre los cuales, los enfermeros, que desempeñan un rol fundamental en el cuidado. Se trata de una investigación de naturaleza exploratoria, con enfoque cualitativo que tuvo como objeto el cuidado de enfermería con personas mayores en hospitalización prolongada y como cuestión problema: ¿Cómo se dá el cuidado de enfermería a personas mayores en hospitalización prolongada? Tuvo como objetivo general: analizar el cuidado de enfermería a personas mayores en hospitalización prolongada y objetivos especificos: identificar las necesidades de cuidados de enfermería a personas mayores en hospitalización prolongada; y describir el cuidado de las enfermeras a personas mayores en hospitalización prolongada. El estudio fue desarrollado en un centro geriátrico de un hospital filantrópico de gran porte, localizado en la ciudad de Salvador ­ Bahia, en el período de marzo a abril de 2011, teniendo como colaboradoras doce enfermeras. Las entrevistas fueron recolectadas mediante la técnica de História Oral, analizadas conforme la técnica de análisis categorial temática e interpretadas según los presupuestos de la Teoria del Cuidado Transpersonal. Las categorías emergentes fueron: las enfermeras cuidadoras de personas mayores en hospitalización prolongada; las personas mayores en hospitalización prolongada; el cuidado a las personas mayores en hospitalización prolongada; y la relación de las enfermeras con las personas mayores en hospitalización prolongada. Las necesidades de cuidados identificadas están en su mayoría relacionadas con la dimensión física del envejecimiento y del proceso de la enfermedad. Ya, los cuidados emergieron en estrecha relación con las necesidades identificadas, o sea, también orientados para la dimensión física. A despeito de que las enfermeras reconozcan las dimensiones subjetivas del cuidado, las mismas no consideraron tales dimensiones entre los cuidados que prestan. (AU)

Humanos , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Salud del Anciano Institucionalizado , Enfermería Geriátrica , Hospitalización , Atención de Enfermería/métodos , Envejecimiento , Salud del Anciano , Atención Hospitalaria , Tiempo de Internación
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 17(3): 32-38, jan.-mar. 2009. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-727856


O envelhecimento é caracterizado por mudanças biológicas, psicológicas e sociais que acabam interferindo no comportamento de indivíduos idosos. À medida que a idade cronológica aumenta, as pessoas se tornam menos ativas e escolhe atividades com menores demandas energéticas, o que provoca diminuição na aptidão física e na capacidade funcional. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o comportamento dos componentes da capacidade funcional após 12 semanas de treinamento com pesos (TP) em mulheres idosas. Para tanto, a amostra foi composta por 60 mulheres com idade média de 65,66 (±4,73) anos, estatura média de 156,42 (±6,13) cm e peso médio de 61,76 (±9,14) quilos. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos: Grupo GT, composto por 30 mulheres que realizaram treinamento com pesos; e Grupo GA, composto por 30 mulheres que realizaram apenas sessões de alongamento. A capacidade funcional foi analisada através dos testes de 30 segundos de sentar e levantar da cadeira, flexão e extensão de cotovelos, caminhar 10 metros, e levantar e caminhar. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizado teste t de Student (p ≤ 0,05). Os resultados apontaram melhoras significativas em todos os testes para o GT (p < 0,05) e no teste de flexão e extensão de cotovelo para o GA (p = 0,00). Conclui-se que um programa de TP estruturado visando o trabalho dos principais grupos musculares pode ser utilizado para a manutenção da população idosa fisicamente independente.

The aging process can be characterized by biological, psychological and social changes that affect the aging people´s behavior. As the chronological age increases, people become less active and choose activities with less energetic demands that decrease physical fitness and functional capacity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the behavior of the functional capacity components after 12 weeks of weight training and stretching session on elderly women. Sixty subjects in the mean age of 65,66 (±4,73) years old, mean stature of 156,42 (±6,13) cm and mean body mass of 61,76 (± 9,14) kg were divided in resistance training group (TG) and stretching group (SG). The TG followed a weight training program during 12 weeks with 3 weekly sessions in alternated days while the SG performed 2 weekly stretching sessions of thirty minutes each for the major muscle groups. The functional capacity tests were: 30 seconds chair-stand, arm curl, 10 m walking and 8-foot-up and go. The statistic analysis used the Student t Test (p ≤ 0,05). The results indicated significant increase in all tests for the TG (p < 0,05) and arm curl for SG (p = 0,00). In conclusion, a weight training program developed on major muscle groups can be used for the welfare of physically independent elderly women.

Humanos , Femenino , Anciano , Anciano , Actividad Motora , Mujeres , Envejecimiento , Entrenamiento de Fuerza
Rev. Kairós ; 12(5,n.esp.): 128-172, 2009.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-916625


O Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Gerontologia/PUC-SP desenvolve pesquisas em diversificadas linhas algumas das quais têm em comum o acolhimento à questão das novas tecnologias no envelhecimento. São investigações de caráter interdisciplinar que envolvem docentes-pesquisadores, orientandos de mestrado e de iniciação científica. Na área da educação a distância, a PUC-SP inaugura um trabalho em que o idoso interessado em avançar em seus conhecimentos é recebido em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, em que pode participar de cursos avançados de aquisição de novas linguagens e de navegação na Internet, cujas consequências são o investimento em uma via mais digna para o envelhecer no sentido de esse idoso sentir-se um ser ligado aos novos tempos em que a interatividade digital traz-lhe possibilidades ilimitadas de contatos com o outro, com o mundo enfim. A pesquisa sobre a inclusão cibersocial do idoso mostra o que significa colocar o idoso em contato com a Internet, quando este recebe, por meio das redes sociais, ofertas de várias ordens, e equipamentos que contornam limitações de ordem física ou motora. Além disso, o registro digital da memória do idoso, de sua história e referências também podem constituir conteudos preciosos para pesquisas. A relação do idoso com a informática pode situá-lo como um ator, produtor e reprodutor no ciberespaço. Isso significa que as vantagens do uso do computador fazem o idoso ganhar novo sentido na vida, na medida em que pode assim preencher o vazio causado pelas perdas que lhe vão ocorrendo, possibilitando que ele redimensione seu olhar para o presente e futuro.

The Program of Graduate Studies in Gerontology at PUC-SP develops research along diversified lines, some of which have in common the introduction of the issue of new technologies in the aging process. They constitute interdisciplinary research involving professors-researchers, those working towards a Master's degree and those beginning their scientific careers. In the area of distance learning, PUC-SP presents a pioneering initiative in which seniors interested in furthering their knowledge are received in a virtual learning environment, in which they can participate in advanced courses to acquire new languages and learn how to surf the Web. The result of this is the investment in a more dignified route for aging, in the sense that seniors will feel connected to the contemporary, in which digital inclusion brings unlimited possibilities of contacts with others, and with the world as a whole. Research on seniors' cyber/social inclusion shows what it means to enable them to get in touch with the Internet, when they receive, by means of several social networks, offers of different orders, and tools that allow them to bypass their physical or motor limitations. Furthermore, the digital register of senior memory and of their history can also make up precious subject matters for research. The relation of seniors with information technology can turn them into actors, producers and reproducers in cyberspace. This means that the advantages of using the computer enable seniors to add a new sense to their lives, in the sense that they can thus fill the void produced by their gradual losses, making it possible for them to reassess their way of looking at the present and the future.

Humanos , Tecnología , Envejecimiento , Educación a Distancia , Internet
Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 9(3): 736-747, set.-dez. 2007. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-668467


O Brasil vive um processo de transição demográfica pelo aumento da longevidade do ser humano. Este estudo descritivo qualitativo investiga as relações entre as visões compartilhadas e a prática dos profissionais de saúde neste processo, no município de Dourados/MS, no ano 2007. Foram entrevistados 10 participantes, profissionais de saúde e usuários dos serviços de atenção à saúde de idosos. Utilizou-se um software de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram representações sociais divergentes entre as concepções dos participantes, apontando defasagem na assimilação das mudanças ocorridas na realidade do envelhecimento. A falta de qualificação especializada para o cuidado desta população interfere nas práticas de cuidar em saúde, uma vez que o conhecimento científico não se encontra integrado à realidade social. Destacamos a relevância de que os resultados encontrados contribuam para que o conhecimento adquirido acompanhe a evolução da sociedade, como auxiliar no direcionamento de políticas de educação e saúde, integrando o universo consensual e reificado.

Brazil is going through a demographic transition process, because the human being longevity. The present descriptive qualitative study investigates the relation between the partaken overview and the health professionals? practice in this process. Ten participants were questioned, health professional and the users of the service of health attention. Software of content analyses was used. The results show different social representations between the participants? concepts, pointing to the fault in the assimilation of the changes occurred in the aging reality, and the necessity of qualification to the health care practices of the elderly. The lack of specialized qualification for the care of this population interferes in the practices of taking care in health, once the scientific knowledge one don't find integrated to the social reality. We detached the relevance that the found results contribute so that the acquired knowledge accompanies the evolution of the society, how to aid in the guide of education politics and health, integrating the consensual universes and science.

Brasil vive un proceso de transición demográfica, por el aumento de la longevidad del ser humano. Este estudio calificativo descriptivo investiga las relaciones entre las visiones compartilladas y la práctica de los profesionales de salud en este proceso. Fueran entrevistados 10 (diez) participantes, profesionales de salud y usuarios de los servicios de atención a la salud de los ancianos. Se utilizó un software de análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran representaciones sociales divergentes entre las concepciones de los participantes apuntando un aislamiento en la asimilación de cambios ocurridos en la realidad del envejecimiento. La falta de calificación especializada para el cuidado de esta población interfiere en las prácticas de tener el cuidado en la salud, una vez el conocimiento uno científico no encuentra integrado a la realidad social. Nosotros destacamos la relevancia que los resultados encontraron contribuyen para que el conocimiento adquirido acompañe la evolución de la sociedad, cómo ayudar en la guía de política de educación y salud, integrando los universos consensuales y ciencia.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Calidad de Vida , Medicina de la Conducta , Envejecimiento/psicología
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-579312


Objective To observe the influence of Dunhuang Nourishing Cream on the contents of SOD, GSH-PX and MDA in skin of aged rats. Methods Female SD rats of SPF level were divided into 6 groups:high, moderate and low dose groups of Dunhuang Nourishing Cream, model contrasting group, positive contrasting group and blank contrasting group. After removed the hair on the back, the drug groups were applied with Dunhuang Nourishing Cream, the model group was applied with the matrix of Dunhuang Nourishing Cream and the positive group was applied with vitamin E. After 30 days, the contents of SOD, GSH-PX and MDA in the skin were tested with the method of biochemistry analysis. Results Compared with the model group, the contents of SOD, GSH-PX and MDA in the high, moderate and low dose groups had significant difference (P

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-175986


This study is to investigate the patients who had blepharoplasty for cosmetic purposes or facial nerve disorders. 21 patients were examined with an age from 17 to 63 years. Sixteen cases were classified as a normal group for investigation of the histopathologic change according to the age. The rest were patients of Bell's palsy(2), Botox(R) injection(2) and blepharospasm (1). We measured a mean diameter of myofiber and dimension's proportion of muscluar tissue per regular visual field. First, we measured a statistical significance according to the age in normal cases by grouping them into younger than 30-year-old, 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's. Second, we divided normal cases(16) into Group A and B by two bases for statistical analysis. In conclusion, although there were several differences as vacuolation, internalization of sarcolemnic nuclei between 35-year-old and 62-year-old patients in simple comparison, there was no uniform decrease according to the age. There were also no significant statistical changes in the value of a diameter of myofibers and dimension's proportion of muscular tissue according to the age in any of the two normal groups. But in Botox(R) injection and Bell's palsy, blepharospasm patients, two values showed remarkable difference compared to the normal group of same age.

Adulto , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Parálisis de Bell , Blefaroplastia , Blefaroespasmo , Enfermedades del Nervio Facial , Atrofia Muscular , Campos Visuales
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-179865


Aging is a normal degenerative biologic process that affects many organs, of which the kidney is one of the most prominently affected. Physicians who treat elderly patients must be aware of the decline in renal function that accompanies the aging process. The findings of urinary abnormalities or a decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in elderly patients should alert clinicians to fully evaluate the renal function. GFR decreases steadily, starting in the middle age. Evaluation of elderly patients should include careful consideration of possible fluid and electrolyte disturbances. Acute renal failure is most frequent among the aged, mainly due to the comorbidities and the intervention they require. Diabetes and renovascular diseases including hypertension now ac count for most of the cases ofchronic kidney disease. The elderly are the fastest growing population of patients requiringenal replacement therapy in this aging society. This represents one of the great public health issues. A ging is a normal degenerative biologic process that affects many organs, of which the kidney is one of the most prominently affected. Physicians who treat elderly patients must be aware of the decline in renal function that accompanies the aging process. The findings of urinary abnormalities or a decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in elderly patients should alert clinicians to fully evaluate the renal function. GFR decreases steadily, starting in the middle age. Evaluation of elderly patients should include careful consideration of possible fluid and electrolyte disturbances. Acute renal failure is most frequent among the aged, mainly due to the comorbidities and the intervention they require. Diabetes and renovascular diseases including hypertension now account for most of the cases ofchronic kidney disease. The elderly are the fastest growing population of patients requiringenal replacement therapy in this aging society. This repreents one of the great public health issues.

Anciano , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Lesión Renal Aguda , Envejecimiento , Comorbilidad , Tasa de Filtración Glomerular , Hipertensión , Riñón , Enfermedades Renales , Salud Pública , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica
Artículo en Vietnamita | WPRIM | ID: wpr-2577


Aging process always accompanied with the much diseases and it is difficult to distinguish the normal aging and real diseases. Otherwise, pathological features in elderly interfered the diagnosis and treatment, which required the application of many measures. That ‘s why the risks of complications were increasingly. The objectives of the treatment were to prevent and reduce the diseases.

Envejecimiento , Enfermedad
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-170042


BACKGROUND: Lymphocyte subset analysis in peripheral blood is widely performed to assess the immune status and to diagnose and monitor various diseases. Some lymphocyte subsets are known to change with age, but only a little data about age-related changes for these subsets in healthy individuals have been reported. So we attempted to review changes for these subsets with age. METHODS: Lymphocyte subset analysis was performed on 302 subjects, 189 males and 113 females with age group in all decades of life. Two color direct immunofluorescence flow cytometry (FCM) was done using a SimultestTM IMK-Lymphocyte kit (Becton Dickinson, USA), FACScanTM (Becton Dickinson, USA) and FACSCaliburTM (Becton Dickinson, USA). Lymphocyte subsets analysed were T (CD3+) and B cells (CD19+), helper/inducer T (CD4+) and suppressor/cytotoxic T cells (CD8+), and helper/suppressor (CD4+/CD8+) ratio and natural killer (NK) cells (CD3-CD16+/CD56+). The absolute numbers of each subset were calculated from the total lymphocyte counts. The data collected was analysed using SAS 6.12. A P-value of < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between male and female subjects. The percentage of CD4+ T cells, and the count of NK cells did not show any significant differences among the various age groups. The age-related changes observed in our study were as follows: 1) A decrease in the percentage of B cells; 2) A decrease in the counts of lymphocytes, T cells, B cells, CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells; 3) An increase in the percentage of NK cells; and 4) An increase in the CD4+/CD8+ ratio. CONCLUSIONS: A characteristic of the aging process shows a marked decrease in T and B cells. The age-related increase in the percentage of cells bearing NK markers can be interpreted as a compensatory consequence to cope with the deterioration of the immune system with age.

Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Envejecimiento , Linfocitos B , Citometría de Flujo , Técnica del Anticuerpo Fluorescente Directa , Sistema Inmunológico , Células Asesinas Naturales , Recuento de Linfocitos , Subgrupos Linfocitarios , Linfocitos , Linfocitos T
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959543


The authors realize that this work is far from being an intensive study of the corrosive properties of Manila tap water; nevertheless the following facts have been determined: 1. The water of the city of Manila is undersaturated with calcium carbonate; it contains aggressive carbon dioxide; and its corrosive action on the distribution system cannot be removed by seration alone2. The amount of lime to be added to the city water to bring it to saturation is about 16 ppm expressed as CaCO3. If imported commercial hydrated lime is used (about 95% purity), this would be equivalent to about 11.7 ppm dose. Since the city is using about 80 million gallons of water daily, the amount of lime needed is about 7800 pounds, a little less than four tons, daily. At maximum cost of two centavos a pound, (lime, however, can be obtained locally at less than this) the daily cost would amount to about 160 pesosOur finding apparently shows the great amount of lime necessary. This dosage, however, is to be used only during the first few weeks of lime application until the system has "aged" - that is, a coating of calcium carbonate has been formed and the alkalinity at the plant is the same as that of the most distant point in the distribution system. After this condition is established, the dose may be reduced until a minimum is reached - that required to maintain the equilibrium so obtained. This minimum value is of course possible of determination only in the plant laboratory after the aging possible of determination only in the plant laboratory after the aging processAnother objection to the use of lime is the belief that the hardness of the water might be increased. Against this objection, however, is the fact that under certain limits the calcium causing hardness in drinking water may be diminished with addition of lime. Since the present hardness averages 45 ppm as CaCO3 the expected resulting hardness, when 16 ppm of lime as CaCO3 is added, would amount to 45 ppm minus 16 ppm, or 29 ppm as CaCO3. A water with this hardness is considered very soft for classification purposesOn the other hand, we should be warned that if proper corrective treatment is not instituted, serious red water troubles are likely to occur in the near future as has been observed already in Diliman, Quezon City, a place very near the water treatment plantA very convenient and practical method of controlling the prevention of corrosion by lime treatment is the use of the "Enslow Stability Indicator." In this apparatus, the water is passed through a solution oversaturated with pure calcium carbonate and then is made to come in contact with a bed of crushed marble. The water coming from this set-up will be saturated with the salt, and the pH of this water will be the saturation pH. By determining the actual pH of the water, the lime dose may be changed accordinglyCalgon, Inc., of Printing, Pa., has developed certain glassy phosphates which when added to waters cause the stabilization saturated solutions, thus preventing both the further deposition of the protective coating, and the eating up of the coating already formed. The use of sodium hexametaphosphate in the amount of 0.5 ppm is recommended. (Conclusions and Recommendations)

Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-724194


OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to know the effects of long time bed immobilization on the heart rate variability and to know the correlation between the heart rate variability and other anthropometric parameters. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 60 normal sedentary persons as control group and 22 patients who had been immobilized for a long time because of musculoskeletal problems without any systemic diseases. The heart rate variabilities were measured through the R-R interval variation at rest, deep breathing and valsalva maneuver. These values were compared between control and patient group and were analysed for correlation with age, weight, height, body mass index (BMI), amounts of smoking (pack years), spans of immobilization and physical activity scale (PAS). RESULTS: The mean heart rate variability of patients were 0.132+/-0.072, 0.216+/-0.109, and 0.289+/-0.171 in rest, deep breathing and valsalva maneuver respectively which were lower than the corresponding 0.176+/-0.085, 0.314+/-0.146, and 0.322 +/-0.174 of normal control group. The heart rate variabilities were negatively correlated with age, BMI and amounts of smoking but positively correlated with the height. The physical activity scale of preimmobilization state was negatively correlated with resting heart rate variability but was positively correlated with heart rate variability during deep breathing and valsalva maneuvering state. CONCLUSION: The long bed immobilization significantly decreased the heart rate variability and the heart rate variability could be used as a useful tool to measure the effects of immobilization on the heart.

Humanos , Estatura , Frecuencia Cardíaca , Corazón , Inmovilización , Actividad Motora , Respiración , Humo , Fumar , Maniobra de Valsalva
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-45431


Dementia is defined as a syndrome which is characterized by various impairments in cognitive functions, especially memory function, Most of the diagnostic criteria for dementia include memory impairment as no essential feature. Memory decline can be present as a consequence of the aging process, But it does not cause significant distress or impairment in social and occupational functionings while dementiadoes. Depression may also be associated with memory impairment. funcitionings while dementiadoes. Depression may also be associated with memory impairment. However, unlike dementia, depression dose not cause decrease in delayed verbal learning and recognition memory. In dementia, different features of memory impairment may be present depending on the involved area. Memory impairment in cortical dementia is affected by the disturbance of encoding of information and memory consolidation, while memory imparnene in subcrotical denentiy is affected y the disturbance of retrieval in subcortial dementia.

Humanos , Envejecimiento , Demencia , Depresión , Memoria , Aprendizaje Verbal
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-29612


The anterior chamber depth is important in diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, thus the research of the anterior chamber depth would help the understanding of angle closure glaucoma. Then the estimation of anterior chamber depth might help the diagnosis of certain cases of glaucoma. It has been reported by other authors in Korea, but there were not enough subjects to see the correlation between age and the anterior chamber depth. The purpose of this study was to measure the variation of the anterior chamber depth in relation to the normal aging process. The anterior chamber depth was measured in 2,524 eyes of normal subjects aged 20 years or older who visited our hospital to receive a health examination. Measurements of the anterior chamber depth were carried out conviniently with the Haag-Streit pachometer. Intraocular pressures were measured with the Pulsair non-contact tonometer, and the refractive errors of each subject were divided into hyperopia, emmetropia, and myopia. These data were analyzed statistically by Student's t-test. Female subjects had a smaller measurement for anterior chamber depth than male. The average anterior chamber depth of the emmetropes was smaller than that of the my opes and larger than that of the hyperopes. It was found that the anterior chamber depth decreased with age(0.015mm/year). The anterior chamber depth seemed not to be correlated with the intraocular pressure.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Envejecimiento , Cámara Anterior , Diagnóstico , Emetropía , Glaucoma , Glaucoma de Ángulo Cerrado , Hiperopía , Presión Intraocular , Corea (Geográfico) , Miopía , Errores de Refracción
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-44103


We investigated the prevalence of posterior vitreous detachment using +90D aspheric Volk lens in 30 patients(44 eyes) 60 years of age or older with diabetic retinopathy The patients were divided into two groups after taking fluorescein angiography, that is, 14 patients(20 eyes) with macular edema and 16 patients(24 eyes) without macular edema Posterior vitreous detachment was observed in 5 out of 20 eyes(25%) in edema group and 13 out of 24 eyes(54%) in no edema group. This difference was found to be statistically significant, indicating that diabetic cases without macular edema have significanatly higher rate of complete posterior vitreous detachment than those with macular edema(p=0.015). This study demonstrated that normally occuring posterior vitreous detachment due to aging process in over 60 years of age has the potential to protect them from macular edema.

Humanos , Envejecimiento , Retinopatía Diabética , Edema , Angiografía con Fluoresceína , Edema Macular , Prevalencia , Desprendimiento del Vítreo
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-229189


We evaluated thirty normal human eyes(aged from 22 to 95) to investigate the changes with age of the cellularity and acid mucopolysaccharides in the trabecular meshwork. The cellularities were evaluated from the number of the cells per unit area of trabecular meshwork and the number of cells per unit length of trabecular meshwork. In addition, acid mucopolysaccharides(AMS) were investigated by counter staining the trabecular meshwork specimens, with Van Gieson following colloidal iron. The results were as follows: 1. With age, cellularities of the whole trabecular meshwork and the counterpart of filtration region decreased significantly(p0.05). 2. The trabecular meshwork cellularity and the absolute number of cells were decreased by 40.0% and 35.9%, respectively, for those aged from 22 to 95. 3. There was no strong relation between the change of acid mucopolysaccharides of the trabecular meshwork and aging process. The grade +1 AMS was observed in 15 eyes(50.0%) and was the most prevalent.

Humanos , Envejecimiento , Coloides , Filtración , Glaucoma , Glicosaminoglicanos , Hierro , Malla Trabecular