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J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 2020 Jan; 11(1): 78-81
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214115


Kabhatika Hridroga (valvular heart disease) embodies a significant part of cardiovascular disease. Thereare many causes for valvular heart disease of which, the rheumatic fever is an important one. This studyis a case report of a patient awaiting mitral valve transplant for valvular heart disease (i.e., mitral stenosisattributed to rheumatic fever), who responded well to Ayurvedic management. After 11 months oftreatment, 3D cardiovascular cartography showed increase in mitral valve area from 1.3 sq cm to 3.52 sqcm (normal size is 4e6 sq cm). The present case report showed that Ayurveda has a great potential forthe treatment of valvular heart disease and merits further research.© 2018 Transdisciplinary University, Bangalore and World Ayurveda Foundation. Publishing Services byElsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194825


Amavata is a chronic immune-inflammatory systemic disorder mainly affecting synovial joints, caused due to formation of Ama and its association with vitiated Vata dosha and deposition in Shleshma sthana i.e., (joints). Clinical features of Amavata resembles with Rheumatoid Arthritis, it poses a challenge for the physician owing to its chronicity, morbidity and complications. The treasure of Ayurveda therapeutics has laid out detailed treatment line for Amavata. A 40years old female patient reported to our hospital with Shoola and Stambha of metacarpophalangeal joints of both hands followed by Shoola in corresponding knee joints 1 year back. This was succeeded by Shoola and mild Sotha on bilateral wrist, ankle and elbow joints. Blood investigations of the patient revealed that she was anemic with Hb-8.2g/dl, had elevated ESR-74 mm Hg fall in 1st hr, and reactive RA factor. Based on clinical examination and blood investigations, diagnosis of Amavata was made and Ayurvedic treatment protocol was advised with Baluka sweda (sudation) as external application for 21 days, Agnitundi vati before food for 7 days, Dashmoolarasnadi kashayam and Simhanad guggul after food for oral intake for 60 days. The patient was asked for follow up every 15 days up to total of 60 days. Assessment was done subjectively based on clinical symptoms and blood investigations as objective parameters. There was substantially significant improvement and the patient felt relieved from Shoola, Shotha and Stambha of the joints after the treatment. This case study reveals the potential of Ayurvedic treatment protocol in management of Amavata.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194716


Amavata, is a disease described in detail by Madhavakara in Madava Nidana. The word Amavata is made up of Ama and Vata. Aam is produced due to derangement of Jatharagni. This Aam then gets accumulated in Kostha, Sandhi and Trika with vitiated Vata and produce Stabdhata in body, swelling over joints and severe pain in multiple joints this condition is called Aamvata. This clinical feature of Aamvata is markedly similar to Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is a chronic autoimmune disease. Aim- To compare the efficacy of Erandaharitaki & Erandashunti as Abhyantarpana and Matrabasti in Aamvata. Materials & Methods: In the present study 80 patients (40 patients in each group) of Aamvata having aged between 20 to 65 years, fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected from the OPD and IPD of Kayachikitsa Department of MGACH & RC, Salod (H), Wardha (Maharashtra). All patients were investigated for ESR and RA titre and were treated in two different groups with administration of Erandaharitaki in Group A and Eranda Sunthi in group B was given for Abhyantar Pana and Matrabasti. Results: After the treatment of 30 days, the improvement was observed in the symptoms of both the groups. The result of this treatment showed the improvement was better in Group A Abhyantarpana & Matrabasti with Erandaharitaki tailam in comparison to Group B Abhyantarpana & Matrabasti with Erandashunti tailam. Conclusion: The present study revealed the efficacy of Ayurveda therapy including both Abhyantarpana and Matrabasti for duration of 30 days in the management of Aamvata.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194750


Ankylosing Spondylitis is a chronic, systemic, inflammatory disease that can cause the vertebrae to fuse in advanced stages. Ankylosing Spondylitis affects men more often than women. Signs and symptoms typically begin in early adulthood. This affects primarily the sacroiliac joints and spine. Certain peripheral joints and tendons can also be affected, and extra-articular manifestations may be present. The HLA B27 gene is commonly present, and there is a strong familial association. Due to the irregular dietary habits and Irregular activities like doing exercise soon after consuming food etc., leads to indigestion and formation of Amarasa. Through this article we are going to understand a case of Ankylosing Spondylitis in the line of Amavata through detailed history taking the course of the Samprapti is understood clearly and treated accordingly. A 37 years old male patient was presenting with the complaints of Low Back Pain associated with stiffness on low back region since 1 and 1/2 years and Neck pain associated with stiffness since 8 years. Though the Vyakta Lakshanas were at low back region, the initial Samprapti started from the Ama, Ajirna and so on. So in this case these factors are concentrated, assessed carefully and managed accordingly through various Abhyantara and Bahya Prayogas. Thereby following observations like reduction in Stiffness and pain, regularized and satisfactory bowel evacuation etc., were noted.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194676


Rheumatoid Arthritis (known as Amavata in Ayurveda) is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints. Autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body's tissues are mistakenly attacked by their own immune system. Patients with autoimmune diseases have antibodies in their blood that target their own body tissues, where they can be associated with inflammation. Because it can affect multiple other organs of the body, Rheumatoid Arthritis is referred to as a systemic illness and is sometimes called rheumatoid disease. According to the Ayurvedic system of medicine the formation of endotoxins called ‘Aam’. ‘Aam’ is basically undigested and unassimilated food of our body. ‘Aam’ also results from leading an unhealthy life style, ingestion of state food, defrosting and reheating eatables, mental tension and stress. the herbs have the potential to treat symptoms of RA like inflammation and pain other than that, it also treats arthritis at immune and free radical level. These herbs are known for their immunosuppressive action, anti-inflammatory action, analgesic action and antioxidant action. It was concluded that RA can be cured completely or manage well with Ayurveda medicines and Panchakarma without any side effects.