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Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 549-553, jun. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564611


SUMMARY: The mandibular foramen and its canal are one of the most important structures in the skull, as they solely supply the mandible through their associated nerves and vessels. Many anatomical variations have been reported in the literature until now, and this case report represents a clear-cut appearance of its shape in a panoramic radiograph, which is not mostly seen in normal panoramic radiographs. These factors are of utmost importance when it comes to performing various surgeries and preventing complications due to their varied anatomy, which will allow dentists to create a better treatment plan and provide better treatments without any complications.

El foramen mandibular y su canal son algunas de las estructuras más importantes del cráneo y cara, ya que a través de ellos la mandíbula es inervada por nervios e irrigada por vasos. Hasta ahora, en la literatura consultada, se han informado de numerosas variaciones anatómicas. En este trabajo reportamos la forma y trayecto del foramen y canal mandibular, obtenidos en una radiografía panorámica, que no es observada normalmente en este tipo de radiografía. Los factores anatómicos son de importancia a la hora de realizar las cirugías para prevenir complicaciones debido a su variada anatomía, permitiendo a los odontólogos crear un mejor plan de tratamiento sin ningún tipo de complicaciones.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Radiografía Panorámica , Variación Anatómica , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagen , Hallazgos Incidentales , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 17-20, feb. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528819


SUMMARY: Variations in the triceps brachii muscle are uncommon, and especially limited reports exist on the accessory heads of tendinous origin that attach near the upper medial part of the humerus. During anatomical training at Nagasaki University School of Medicine, the accessory head of the triceps brachii muscle was observed on the right upper arm of a 72-year-old Japanese female. It arose tendinously from the medial side of the upper humerus, then formed a muscle belly and joined the distal side of the long head. This accessory head had independent nerve innervation, and the innervating nerve branched from a bundle of the radial nerve, which divided the nerve innervating the long head and the posterior brachial cutaneous nerve. The origin of the innervation of the accessory head was the basis for determining that this muscle head was an accessory muscle to the long head of the triceps brachii muscle. Embryologically, we discuss that part of the origin of the long head of the triceps brachii muscle was separated early in development by the axillary nerve and the posterior brachial circumflex artery, and it slipped into the surgical neck of the humerus and became fixed there. The accessory head crossed the radial nerve and deep brachial artery. When clinicians encounter compression of the radial nerve or profunda brachii artery, they should consider the presence of accessory muscles as a possible cause.

Las variaciones en el músculo tríceps braquial son poco comunes y existen informes especialmente limitados sobre las cabezas accesorias de origen tendinoso que se insertan cerca de la parte medial superior del húmero. Durante un entrenamiento anatómico en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nagasaki, se observó la cabeza accesoria del músculo tríceps braquial en la parte superior del brazo derecho de una mujer japonesa de 72 años. Se originaba tendinosamente desde el lado medial de la parte superior del húmero, luego formaba un vientre muscular y se unía al lado distal de la cabeza larga. Esta cabeza accesoria tenía inervación nerviosa independiente, cuyo nervio se ramificaba a partir de un ramo del nervio radial, que dividía el nervio que inervaba la cabeza larga y el nervio cutáneo braquial posterior. El origen de la inervación de la cabeza accesoria fue la base para determinar que esta cabeza muscular era un músculo accesorio de la cabeza larga del músculo tríceps braquial. Embriológicamente, discutimos que parte del origen de la cabeza larga del músculo tríceps braquial se separó temprananamente en el desarrollo por el nervio axilar y la arteria circunfleja braquial posterior, y se deslizó hacia el cuello quirúrgico del húmero y quedó fijado allí. La cabeza accesoria cruzaba el nervio radial y la arteria braquial profunda. Cuando los médicos encuentran compresión del nervio radial o de la arteria braquial profunda, deben considerar la presencia de mús- culos accesorios como una posible causa.

Humanos , Femenino , Anciano , Músculo Esquelético/anatomía & histología , Músculo Esquelético/anomalías , Variación Anatómica , Nervio Radial , Cadáver
Autops. Case Rep ; 14: e2024492, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557164


ABSTRACT The anatomy of the femoral triangle is explored in various approaches, ranging from pulse verification to invasive catheterization procedures. Within the femoral triangle, the deep femoral artery is one of the vessels reported to present several anatomical variations that must be considered before clinical or surgical interventions. Here, we are reporting a unique bilateral variation of the deep femoral artery for medical education purposes and reflecting on its applied, surgical, and clinical anatomy. During the dissection of the femoral triangle, we observed that the deep femoral artery originated in the vicinity of the inguinal ligament and ran in parallel with the femoral artery in a superficial trajectory on both sides of the donor. On the right side, the DFA continued superficial for 8.8 cm, with an origin of 1.2 cm inferior to the inguinal ligament. On the left side, it presented a similar anatomical arrangement, though with an origin of 1.6cm inferior to the inguinal ligament and a superficial course of 5cm. The position of the lateral circumflex femoral vein posterior to the deep femoral artery played a role in this distinctive, lengthy, and superficial presentation of the deep femoral artery. This anatomical variation directly affects surgical procedures, diagnostics, and endovascular interventions. A deep femoral artery with such a lengthy superficial trajectory can be mistakenly used for catheterization instead of the femoral artery or be injured, disrupting the main blood supply of the thigh muscles.

Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 28(2): 196-202, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558024


Abstract Introduction Onodi cells (OCs) are posterior ethmoid cells that are located above the sphenoid sinus, close to or even surrounding the carotid artery and optic nerve. Objective To investigate and evaluate the volumetric variation of OCs through multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) scans. Methods We performed a retrospective review of MSCT scans of 79 subjects, 40 male and 39 female patients, Whose age ranged from 18 to 83 (mean: 39.6) years. The volumes of the OCs on the right and left sides were measured using the ITK-SNAP software (open-source) with semiautomatic segmentation. The possible relationships involving age, gender, contact with the optic nerve, extension of the pneumatization of the posterior ethmoid cells into the clinoid processes, mucous thickening in the anterior and posterior ethmoid cells, and obliteration of the sphenoethmoidal complex were analyzed with the Pearson correlation and Chi-squared tests according to the type of data compared and logistic regression models (p < 0.05). Results We observed that an increase of one unit in the volume of OCs also increases the chance of extension of pneumatization into the clinoid processes by 0.15% (p = 0.001). No significant correlations were identified regarding age, gender, and volume of the OCs. Conclusion The volume of the OCs has effects on the extension of pneumatization into the clinoid processes.

Radiol. bras ; 57: e20230099, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558814


Abstract Objective: To determine the branching patterns of the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) and to describe the clinical applicability of computed tomography (CT) angiography in the evaluation of these vessels to facilitate the planning of colorectal cancer surgery. Materials and Methods: We included 100 patients who underwent CT angiography of the abdomen and pelvis. The branching patterns of the IMA were examined and classified as type 1 (bifurcated), including 1A (sigmoid and left colic arteries arising from a common trunk), 1B (sigmoid and superior rectal arteries arising from a common trunk) and 1C (sigmoid arteries arising from both trunks); type 2 (trifurcated); and type 3 (no left colic branch). Results: Among the 100 patients evaluated, we found the variant to be type 1A in 9%, type 1B in 47%, type 1C in 24%, type 2 in 16%, and type 3 in 4%. Conclusion: Preoperative CT angiography for evaluating the IMA branching pattern could inform decisions regarding the surgical approach to colorectal cancer.

Resumo Objetivo: Determinar os padrões de ramificação da artéria mesentérica inferior (AMI) e descrever a aplicabilidade clínica da angiografia por tomografia computadorizada na avaliação desses vasos na elaboração das estratégias pré-operatórias de cirurgia de câncer colorretal. Materiais e Métodos: Foram incluídos 100 pacientes submetidos a angiografia por tomografia computadorizada abdominal e pélvica. Os padrões de ramificação da AMI foram examinados e classificados como tipo 1 (bifurcado), incluindo 1A (artérias sigmoide e cólica esquerda originando-se de um tronco comum), 1B (artérias sigmoide e retal superior originando-se de um tronco comum) e 1C (artérias sigmoide originando-se de ambos os troncos); tipo 2 (trifurcado); e tipo 3 (sem ramo cólico esquerdo). Resultados: Do total de participantes incluídos no estudo, a variante do tipo 1A foi observada em 9%, a do tipo 1B em 47%, e a do tipo 1C em 24%. Com relação à variante tipo 2, esta foi observada em 16% dos pacientes, e a do tipo 3, em 4% dos casos. Conclusão O uso da angiografia por tomografia computadorizada pré-operatória para avaliar o padrão de ramificação da AMI pode ajudar a escolher a abordagem cirúrgica no câncer colorretal.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 372-383, sept. 2023. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514383


Canalis sinuosus, canal intraóseo localizado en región maxilar anterior, contiene elementos vasculonerviosos alveolares anterosuperiores. Diversas intervenciones en región maxilar anterior como colocación de implantes, exodoncias, instalación de microtornillos ortodóncicos, procedimientos quirúrgicos, entre otros, pueden comprometer al Canalis sinuosus y/o sus canales accesorios dañando los elementos contenidos en su interior causando complicaciones como hemorragias, parestesia, disestesia, etc. Dado el gran desconocimiento de su existencia, el Canalis sinuosus frecuentemente es confundido con lesiones patológicas y/o endodónticas. Clásicamente la literatura lo describe como una variación anatómica variación anatómica, sin embargo, presenta elevadas prevalencias (51,7 %-100 %), siendo cuestionada esta aseveración. Determinar prevalencia y característica s anatómicas del Canalis sinuosus mediante Cone Beam CT en pacientes chilenos del centro radiológico IMAPROX® entre 2017- 2021. Análisis retrospectivo de 220 CBCT maxilares anonimizados, considerando variables sexo, presencia del Canalis sinuosus, Canalis sinuosus uni/bilateral, diámetro mayor del Canalis sinuosus, presencia/número de accesorios. Análisis estadístico uni y bivariado. 100 % de prevalencia del Canalis sinuosus en ambos sexos, presencia bilateral 100 %. Diámetro mayor promedio del Canalis sinuosus: 2,58 mm. El 76,8 % presentó accesorios, siendo más prevalente la presencia de 2 CA (34,1 %). Una estructura anatómica normal habitual debe presentar sobre 50 % de prevalencia para ser considerada como tal, pero no hay consensos en criterios empleados para definir variación anatómica o estructura anatómica normal habitual. Literatura describe al Canalis sinuosus como variación anatómica, pero estudios actuales muestran elevadas prevalencias: Rusia 67 %, Brasil 88 %, Turquía, Colombia y Chile 100 %. Este estudio encontró 100 % de prevalencia, sugiriendo que Canalis sinuosus es una estructura anatómica normal habitual. Sin embargo, Canalis sinuosus es poco conocido asociándose a numerosas complicaciones por procedimientos odontológicos y/o quirúrgicos en RMA pudiendo generar hemorragias, parestesia/disestesia, dolor agudo, etc. Elevadas prevalencias reportadas sugieren que Canalis sinuosus es una estructura anatómica normal habitual y no una variación anatómica, pero se requieren más estudios y consensos para aseverarlo. Es de relevancia clínica conocer la existencia y localización del Canalis sinuosus para evitar complicaciones.

Canalis sinuosus, an intraosseous canal located in the anterior maxillary region, contains anterosuperior alveolar vascular-nervous elements. Various interventions in anterior maxillary region such as implant placement, extractions, installation of orthodontic microscrews, surgical procedures, among others, can compromise the Canalis sinuosus and/or its accessory canals, damaging the elements contained inside, causing complications such as bleeding, paresthesia, dysesthesia, etc. Given the great ignorance of its existence, Canalis sinuosus is frequently confused with pathological and/or endodontic lesions. Classically, the literature describes it as an anatomical variation, however, it presents high prevalence (51.7 %-100 %), this assertion being questioned. Objective: to determine the prevalence and anatomical characteristics of Canalis sinuosus using Cone Beam CT in Chilean patients from the IMAPROX® radiological center between 2017-2021. Retrospective analysis of 220 anonymous maxillary CBCT, considering variables sex, presence of Canalis sinuosus, uni/bilateral Canalis sinuosus, largest diameter of Canalis sinuosus, presence/number of accessory canals. Univariate and bivariate statistical analysis. The 100 % prevalence of Canalis sinuosus in both sexes, 100 % bilateral presence. Canalis sinuosus average major diameter: 2.58 mm, 76.8 % presented accessory canals, with the presence of 2 accessory canals being more prevalent (34.1 %). A habitual normal anatomical structure must have a prevalence of over 50 % to be considered as such, but there is no consensus on the criteria used to define anatomical variation or normal anatomical structure. Literature describes Canalis sinuosus as anatomical variation, but current studies show high prevalence: Russia 67 %, Brazil 88 %, Turkey, Colombia and Chile 100 %. This study found 100 % prevalence, suggesting that Canalis sinuosus is an normal anatomical structure. However, Canalis sinuosus is little known as it is associated with numerous complications from dental and/or surgical procedures in anterior maxillary region, which can cause bleeding, paresthesia/ dysesthesia, acute pain, etc. High reported prevalences suggest that Canalis sinuosus is an normal anatomical structure and not an anatomical variation, but more studies and consensus are required to confirm this. It is clinically relevant to know the existence and location of Canalis sinuosus to avoid complications.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico/métodos , Maxilar/anatomía & histología , Chile/epidemiología , Prevalencia , Variación Anatómica
Odovtos (En linea) ; 25(1)abr. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1422191


The aim of this study was to observed the anesthetic efficacy of the alveolar nerve block on nine patients that CBCT diagnosed unilateral retromolar canal on a double-blind, split-mouth approach. The assessments of patient response to thermal (pulp vitality test) and pressure (compression of soft tissue) stimuli were carried out before and 5 minutes after the inferior alveolar nerve block procedure, using both visual analog scale (VAS) and Mc Gill pain questionnaires (McG). The mean percentage of patient response decreased after alveolar nerve block, according to both VAS and McG, and was statistically similar among hemi mandibles with and without retromolar canal (Wilcoxon>0.05); however, those without retromolar canal presented greater reduction in patient response in 6 out of 9 cases. Therefore, the retromolar canal is not a determinant factor of inferior alveolar nerve block failure.

El objetivo de este estudio fue observar la eficacia anestésica del bloqueo del nervio alveolar en nueve pacientes que CBCT diagnosticó canal retromolar unilateral en un abordaje de boca dividida doble ciego. Las evaluaciones de la respuesta del paciente a los estímulos térmicos (prueba de vitalidad pulpar) y de presión (compresión de los tejidos blandos) se realizaron antes y 5 minutos después del procedimiento de bloqueo del nervio alveolar inferior, utilizando tanto la escala analógica visual (VAS) como los cuestionarios de dolor de Mc Gill ( McG). El porcentaje medio de respuesta de los pacientes disminuyó tras el bloqueo del nervio alveolar, según EVA y McG, y fue estadísticamente similar entre hemimandíbulas con y sin canal retromolar (Wilcoxon>0,05); sin embargo, aquellos sin canal retromolar presentaron mayor reducción en la respuesta del paciente en 6 de 9 casos. Por lo tanto, el canal retromolar no es un factor determinante del fracaso del bloqueo del nervio alveolar inferior.

Humanos , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico , Canal Mandibular/efectos de los fármacos , Anestesia , Brasil
Radiol. bras ; 56(1): 27-35, Jan.-Feb. 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422529


Abstract The anatomical structure of the temporal bone is quite complex. There are a great number of anatomical variations that are often confused with temporal bone pathologies, especially fractures. It is important that radiologists and surgeons be able to recognize such variations.

Resumo O osso temporal é uma estrutura anatômica óssea bastante complexa. Apresenta grande número de variações anatômicas, que muitas vezes são confundidas com lesões ou doenças, principalmente fraturas. O reconhecimento dessas variações é importante para radiologistas e cirurgiões.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 33(1): 50-55, ene. 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1441866


El foramen mentoniano es un hito anatómico en la cara externa del cuerpo mandibular del que emergen el nervio mentoniano y su paquete vascular. Podemos observar más forámenes, tanto en la cara externa como en la cara lingual de la mandíbula. Se denominará foramen mentoniano accesorio si se comprueba su continuidad con el conducto mentoniano o con el conducto dentario inferior, y se llamará foramen lingual lateral si se continúa con el conducto dentario inferior y emerge en la superficie lingual, distal a la zona de caninos. Se pueden presentar otras variantes anatómicas menos frecuentes como la agenesia uni o bilateral del foramen mentoniano y la presencia del foramen incisivo. La detección de las variantes anatómicas del foramen mentoniano es de gran importancia en el planeamiento de diversos tratamientos invasivos en la zona, para evitar disturbios sensoriales y accidentes vasculares.

The mental foramen is an anatomical landmark on the external face of the mandibular body from which the mental nerve and its vascular bundle emerge. We can observe more foramina, both on the external aspect and on the lingual aspect of the mandible. It will be called accessory mental foramen if its continuity with the mental canal or the lower dental canal is verified, and it will be called lateral lingual foramen if it continues with the lower dental canal and emerges on the lingual surface, distal to the canine area. Other less frequent anatomical variants may occur, such as unilateral or bilateral agenesis of the mental foramen and the presence of the incisive foramen. The detection of the anatomical variants of the mental foramen is of great importance in the planning of various invasive treatments in the area, to avoid sensory disturbances and vascular accidents.

Humanos , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico , Variación Anatómica , Foramen Mental , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Operativos , Mentoplastia
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e059, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1439753


Abstract The aim of this study was to compare the quantification of hard-tissue debris by using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and nano-focus computed tomography (nano-CT) after root canal instrumentation. Ten mandibular molars containing an isthmus in the mesial root were scanned in a SkyScan 1172 micro-CT device with a voxel size of 12.8 µm and in a NanoTom nano-CT device with 5.5 µm. The mesial root canals were irrigated with 5 mL of saline solution at the orifice level, instrumented with Reciproc R25 files and a second scanning was performed by micro-CT and nano-CT devices for post-instrumentation images. DataViewer software was used for registering the pre- and post-operative micro-CT and nano-CT images. The root canal and the debris were segmented for quantitative analysis of the volume of the canal and volume of debris using CTAn software. Statistical analysis was performed using the T test for comparison between volume of the canal after instrumentation and volume of debris in both image modalities. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Nano-CT images showed higher values of debris when compared with micro-CT (p < 0.05) after root canal instrumentation. No difference was observed between the volume of the root canal after instrumentation in the two imaging methods used (p > 0.05). Nano-CT technology can be recommended as a more precise method for quantitative analysis of hard-tissue debris. Moreover, in Endodontic research it is a promising method, as it is capable of providing higher spatial and contrast resolution, faster scanning and higher image quality.

RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 71: e20230030, 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1449016


ABSTRACT The Sphenoid Sinus is considered the paranasal sinus with more variation to the degree of pneumatization. Thus, this work aimed report to the first case on the interference of this anatomical variation for orthognathic surgery. A 18- year-old woman, with isolated cleft palate repaired, was submitted to orthognathic surgery to correct the maxillomandibular skeletal discrepancy. The cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) exam performed for preoperative planning showed a great extension for the adjacent structures, with proximity to the posterior wall of the maxillary sinus and pterygomaxillary fissure bilaterally. The postoperative CBCT image evidenced the compromise of the sinus floor due to the factors related to the transoperative period. This case, along with literature review, highlighted the importance of identifying sphenoid sinus variation in CBCT exams prior to orthognathic surgery, in order to avoid serious complications for the patient, such as sinus infections; hemorrhages; mucocele formation or intracranial involvement.

RESUMO O Seio Esfenoidal é considerado o seio paranasal com maior variação quanto ao grau de pneumatização. Assim, este trabalho objetivou relatar o primeiro caso sobre a interferência dessa variação anatômica para a cirurgia ortognática. Mulher,18 anos, com fissura de palato isolada reparada, foi submetida à cirurgia ortognática para correção da discrepância esquelética maxilomandibular. O exame de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC), realizado para planejamento pré-operatório, mostrou grande extensão para as estruturas adjacentes, e com proximidade da parede posterior do seio maxilar e fissura pterigomaxilar bilateralmente. A imagem de TCFC pós-operatória evidenciou o comprometimento do assoalho do seio devido aos fatores relacionados ao transoperatório. Este caso, juntamente com a revisão da literatura, destacou a importância de identificar a variação do seio esfenoidal nos exames de TCFC prévios à cirurgia ortognática, a fim de evitar complicações graves para o paciente, tais como sinusite, hemorragias, formação de mucoceles ou, até mesmo, envolvimento intracraniano.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 32(4): 390-404, oct.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559990


RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar la posición, forma y variantes anatómicas del foramen mentoniano evaluadas mediante tomografía computarizada de haz cónico en pacientes del servicio de radiología dental del Hospital Cayetano Heredia. Material y Métodos : Se evaluaron todas las tomografías que fueron adquiridas entre los años 2017 y 2020 que cumplían con los criterios de selección, donde se analizaron las variables mencionadas. Las observaciones se registraron en una ficha de datos diseñada para este propósito. Resultados : Se evaluaron 117 volúmenes tomográficos, sumando un total de 209 forámenes mentonianos. La posición horizontal y vertical más común fue entre el primer y segundo premolar y por debajo de la línea imaginaria de los premolares respectivamente. Las formas ovaladas con predominio horizontal y redondeada se presentaron en porcentajes similares. La variante anatómica que se halló con mayor frecuencia fue el foramen lingual lateral. Conclusiones : No se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la posición, forma y variantes anatómicas del foramen mentoniano con el sexo, edad y lado.

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the position, shape and anatomical variants of the mental foramen evaluated by cone beam computed tomography in patients of the dental radiology service of the Cayetano Heredia Hospital. Material and Methods : All the CT scans acquired between the years 2017 and 2020 that met the selection criteria were evaluated and the mentioned variables were analyzed. Observations were recorded on a data sheet designed for this purpose. Results : 117 tomographic volumes were evaluated, adding a total of 209 mental foramina. The most common horizontal and vertical position was between the first and second premolars and below the imaginary line of the premolars respectively. The oval horizontal and rounded forms were presented in similar percentages. The most frequently found anatomical variant was the lateral lingual foramen. Conclusions: No statistically significant association was found between the position, shape and anatomical variants of the mental foramen with sex, age and side.

Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 613-618, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385647


RESUMEN: Las vértebras cervicales presentan como característica distintiva un foramen transverso bilateral, cualquier modificación en la embriogénesis, genera variantes del tamaño, número y forma, lo que puede conllevar diversos problemas neurológicos. Realizamos un estudio observacional y descriptivo de vértebras cervicales, en el que se observó y clasificó el número, la forma y lateralidad de los forámenes transversos principales y accesorios, en una muestra disponible en el anfiteatro de la Universidad de Boyacá, Colombia. Se tomó registro fotográfico especializado. De las 13 vértebras con foramen transverso accesorio, seis fueron unilaterales y siete bilaterales, predominando la forma ovalada con dirección a la derecha. El nivel más común de duplicación fue C4 (dos incompletos y siete completos) y el menos común fue C1, C2 y C5. El conocimiento de estas variantes anatómicas por parte de radiólogos, cirujanos y neurocirujanos, contribuye a la planeación de los abordajes quirúrgicos, favoreciendo la instrumentación de la región cervical y evitando iatrogenias o desenlaces fatales.

SUMMARY: Cervical vertebrae present bilateral transverse foramen, any modification in embryogenesis, generates variants of size, number and shape, which are associated with various neurological problems. Descriptive and observational study of cervical vertebrae, of the number, shape and laterality of the main and accessory transverse foramina were observed and classified. Specialized photographic record was taken. Of the 13 vertebrae with an accessory transverse foramen, six were unilateral and seven bilateral, the oval shape prevailing in the direction to the right. The most common level of duplication was C4(two incomplete and seven complete) and the least commun was C1, C2 and C5. The knowledge of these anatomical variants by radiologists, surgeons and neurosurgeons, contributes to the planning of surgical approaches, favoring the instrumentation of the cervical region avoiding iatrogenic and fatal outcomes.

Humanos , Vértebras Cervicales/anatomía & histología , Variación Anatómica , Estudios Transversales
Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 674-677, jun. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385677


SUMMARY: Anatomic variation of the biceps brachii muscle (BBM) is frequently observed; its pattern is diverse and clinically important. During the educational dissection of a 78-year-old Korean male cadaver, six additional asymmetrical heads of the biceps brachii muscle (BBM) were found on both sides. On the right side, two additional heads originated from the humerus; the musculocutaneous nerve passed between these heads and the short head of the BBM. Four additional heads were found on the left side, anterior to the BBM, one of which originated from the pectoralis major muscle. Posterior to the BBM, two heads of tendons originated from the coracobrachialis muscle and one head of the muscle belly originated from the humerus. The left musculocutaneous nerve pierced the coracobrachialis muscle and continued distally passing between the short head of the BBM and the additional heads located posterior to the BBM. It then gave off the variant musculocutaneous nerve to the median nerve. On both sides, the short and long heads of the BBM had normal origins, insertions, and courses. This novel variation has various clinical and embryological implications.

RESUMEN: Con frecuencia se observa una variación anatómica del músculo bíceps braquial (MBB); su patrón es diverso y clínicamente importante. Durante la disección de un cadáver masculino coreano de 78 años, se encontraron seis cabezas asimétricas adicionales del músculo bíceps braquial en ambos lados. En el lado derecho, dos cabezas adicionales se originaban en el húmero; el nervio musculocutáneo atravesaba entre estas cabezas y la cabeza corta del MBB. Se encontraron cuatro cabezas adicionales en el lado izquierdo, anterior al MBB, una de las cuales se originaba en el músculo pectoral mayor. Posterior al MBB, dos cabezas tendinosas se originaban en el músculo coracobraquial y una cabeza de vientre muscular se originaba en el húmero. El nervio musculocutáneo izquierdo perforaba el músculo coracobraquial y continuaba distalmente pasando entre la cabeza corta del MBB y las cabezas adicionales ubicadas por detrás del MBB. Luego emitía la variante el nervio musculocutáneo al nervio mediano. En ambos lados, las cabezas corta y larga del MBB tenían orígenes, inserciones y trayectos normales. Esta nueva variación tiene varias implicaciones clínicas y embriológicas.

Humanos , Masculino , Anciano , Músculo Esquelético/inervación , Variación Anatómica , Nervio Musculocutáneo/anatomía & histología , Cadáver
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(1): 1-8, may. 11, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399824


Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the agreement between oral and maxillofacial radiologists (OMFR) and oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMFS) for the detection of bifid mandibular canal (BMC) and accessory mental foramen (AMF) using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Material and Methods: This retrospective study involved 22 examiners (11 OMFR and 11 OMFS) who independently assessed 30 CBCT volumes from patients (n = 60 hemi-mandibles) under preoperative radiographic evaluation for implant placement. The examiners scored the presence of BMC and AMF in each hemimandible. The interexaminer agreements were assessed using Fleiss' kappa statistics. Results: For intra-examiner agreement, 40% of the sample was reevaluated. The interexaminer agreement between OMFR and OMFS was slight (0.12) for the detection of BMC and fair (0.24) for AMF. The agreement among OMFR for detection of BMC was fair (0.22), and it was slight among OMFS (0.15). The agreement among OMFR for detection of AMF was substantial (0.61), and among OMFS it was fair (0.22). Agreements between OMFR and OMFS were slight for BMC and fair for AMF, independently of the years of experience. Intraexaminer agreement ranged from 60% to 90% among OMFR and from 55% to 90% among OMFS. Conclusion: A slight and a fair agreement between OMFR and OMFS was found for the detection of BMC and AMF, respectively. In general, OMFR obtained higher agreement among themselves, mainly for detection of AMF.

Introducción: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la con-cordancia entre los radiólogos orales y maxilofaciales (ROMF) y los cirujanos orales y maxilofaciales (COMF) para la detección del canal mandibular bífido (CMB) y el foramen mentoniano accesorio (FMA) mediante tomografía computarizada de haz cónico. CBCT). Material y Métodos: Este estudio retrospectivo involucró a 22 examinadores (11 ROMF y 11 COMF) que evaluaron de forma independiente 30 volúmenes CBCT de pacientes (n = 60 hemimandíbulas) bajo evaluación radiográfica preoperatoria para la colocación de implantes. Los examinadores puntu-aron la presencia de CMB y FMA en cada hemimandíbula. Los acuerdos entre examinadores se evaluaron utilizando las estadísticas kappa de Fleiss. Resultados: Por concordancia intraexaminador se reeva-luó el 40% de la muestra. El acuerdo entre examinadores entre ROMF y COMF fue ligero (0,12) para la detección de CMB y regular (0,24) para FMA. La concordancia entre ROMF para la detección de CMB fue regular (0,22) y leve entre COMF (0,15). El acuerdo entre ROMF para la detección de FMA fue sustancial (0,61), y entre COMF fue justo (0,22). Los acuerdos entre ROMF y COMF fueron leves para CMB y justos para FMA, independientemente de los años de experiencia. La concordancia entre examinadores varió del 60 % al 90 % entre ROMF y del 55 % al 90 % entre COMF. Conclusión: Se encontró un acuerdo leve y justo entre ROMF y COMF para la detección de CMB y FMA, respec-tivamente. En general, se obtuvo mayor acuerdo entre ROMF, principalmente para la detección de FMA.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Cirujanos Oromaxilofaciales , Radiólogos , Foramen Mental/diagnóstico por imagen , Canal Mandibular/diagnóstico por imagen , Brasil , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Estudios Retrospectivos , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico , Variación Anatómica , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagen
Odovtos (En línea) ; 24(1)abr. 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386571


Abstract This study aimed to describe the imaging aspects of a concha bullosa discovered incidentally by means of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging. A female patient underwent a CBCT exam, and a bilateral extensive pneumatization of the middle concha was verified, presenting a larger dimension of the right side and a deviated septum. The patient reported nasal obstruction and loss of smell. The CBCT for covering the maxillofacial region allowed the discovery of this incidental finding, allowing the patient to be referred for appropriate treatment.

Resumen Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir los aspectos imaginológicos de una concha bullosa hallada incidentalmente por medio de imágenes de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (TCHC). Una paciente de sexo femenino fue sometida a examen de TCHC y se verificó una neumatización extensa bilateral de la concha media, presentando una mayor dimensión del lado derecho, asi como desvío del tabique. El paciente refirió obstrucción nasal y pérdida del olfato. La TCHC de la región maxilofacial permitió localizar este hallazgo incidental, permitiendo derivar al paciente para el tratamiento adecuado.

Humanos , Femenino , Cornetes Nasales/anomalías , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225584


Background and purpose: The sphenoid sinus is characterized by the frequency of anatomical variants that cause operative difficulties and complications during the transphenoidal approach. These variants involve the geographic factor and the type of skin phenotype. Most of the studies have been carried out on European, North African and Asian populations. Some studies have been found in sub-Saharan Africa but not in Côte d’Ivoire. The aim was to determine, from CT data, the anatomical characteristics of the sphenoid sinus in the Ivorian population. Methods: Cranioencephalic computed tomography images of 100 patients (80 men and 20 women aged 16 to 71) were used for the study. These were patients who presented with head trauma without injury to the base of the skull. Were studied the anatomical characteristics of the sphenoid sinus. Results: The type of pneumatization was sellar in 58% sinuses, pre sellar in 41% and conchal in 1% of cases. The presellar type predominated in women (60%) and the sellar type in men (65.5%). Extensions were present in 66.34% of cases, more frequent in men (70%), in the sellar type (79.31%), and in the anterior clinoid process (46.20%). The procidence of vasculo-nervous structures was more frequent in men (52.62%) and in the sellar type (62.07%), the procidence of the internal carotid artery was bilateral in 30.69% of sinuses, that of the optic nerve was mainly unilateral left (07.92%) more frequent in women ( 10%) and in the sellaire type (09.43%). Dehiscence was present in 15% of cases. Dominance was straight in 63.64% of the sinuses. The Onodi cell was present in 65% of sinuses. The ostium was bilateral in (45%) of the sinuses. Conclusion: The Ivorian sphenoid sinus is highly pneumatized, facilitating access to the surgeon; the sellar type is the most frequent. On the other hand, the frequency of procidence and dehiscence of vasculo-nervous elements increases the risk of surgical complications. Differences between genders and between types of pneumatization should be considered in sphenoid sinus procedures.

Int. j. morphol ; 40(1): .75-78, feb. 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385591


SUMMARY: The leg muscles are organized in anterior, lateral and posterior compartments. The posterior compartment is usually divided in two layers: superficial and deep. The deep muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg are known to mainly plantar flexion and toes flexion. In comparison to the other leg compartments, variations of the posterior one are rare. These variants often involve the presence or absence of one or more muscles, and they have differences among origin and insertion, which leads to confusion between anatomists. We aim to describe a case of a male cadaver that possessed three supernumerary muscles in the lateral and posterior compartments of both legs: the peroneus quartus muscle and two accessory bellies of the flexor digitorum longus. This presentation seems to be very rare and scarcely reported in the literature. These variants have the potential of causing nervous or vascular compression, thus leading to tarsal tunnel syndrome or a symptomatic peroneus quartus. The clinical and surgical implications of this abnormal presentation is discussed.

RESUMEN: Los músculos de la pierna están organizados en compartimentos anterior, lateral y posterior. El compartimento posterior por lo general es dividido en dos capas: superficial y profunda. Se sabe que los músculos profundos del compartimento posterior de la pierna se caracterizan principalmente por participar de la flexión plantar y la flexión de los dedos de los pies. En comparación con los otros compartimentos de la pierna, las variaciones musculares en el compartimiento posterior son raras. Estas variantes suelen implicar la presencia o ausencia de uno o más músculos y presentan diferencias en el origen y en la inserción, lo que conduce a confusión entre los anatomistas. Nuestro objetivo fue describir el caso de un cadáver masculino que poseía tres músculos supernumerarios en los compartimentos lateral y posterior de ambas piernas: el músculo fibular cuarto y dos vientres accesorios del músculo flexor largo de los dedos. Esta presentación parece ser muy rara y escasamente reportada en la literatura. Estas variantes musculares tienen el potencial de causar compresión nerviosa o vascular, lo que conduce al síndrome del túnel del tarso o un cuarto músculo fibular sintomático. Se discuten las implicaciones clínicas y quirúrgicas de esta presentación anormal.

Humanos , Masculino , Músculo Esquelético/anatomía & histología , Variación Anatómica , Pierna/anatomía & histología , Cadáver
CES odontol ; 35(1): 47-59, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403990


Abstract Complex anatomical variations on root canals morphology are one of the most arduous challenges in the endodontic practice. The objective of this case report is to discuss the clinical management of a mandibular left second premolar with four root canals and four distinct apical foramina. This case report has been written according to Preferred Reporting Items for Case reports in Endodontics (PRICE) 2020 guidelines. A 74-year-old patient was referred to retreat a left mandibular second premolar. The patient complained of discomfort when chewing hard food. After obtaining consent from the patient to investigate the symptoms, a thorough clinical and radiographic examination was performed. The main clinical findings observed were a moderate sensitivity to vertical percussion and mild discomfort at palpation. The periapical radiograph showed a fusion-like root with multiple canals and unsatisfactory root canal fillings associated with apical radiolucency. Based on this investigation, a diagnostic of persistent apical periodontitis was made to the tooth, and nonsurgical root canal re-treatment was proposed to the patient. After written informed consent was obtained, the procedure was performed under magnification provided by a dental operating microscope with the aid of ultrasonic tips. During the access opening and fillings removal, four root canal orifices were observed. Therefore, state-of-the-art technology such as the dental operating microscope, ultrasonics, and cone-bean computed tomography image are strong allies to manage anatomical variations.

Resumen Las complejas variaciones anatómicas en la morfología de los conductos radiculares son uno de los desafíos más arduos en la práctica de la endodoncia. El objetivo de este reporte de caso es discutir el manejo clínico de un segundo premolar mandibular izquierdo con cuatro conductos radiculares y cuatro agujeros apicales distintos. Este informe de caso se ha escrito de acuerdo con Preferred Reporting Items for Case reports in Endodontics (PRICE) 2020. Paciente de 74 años que fue remitido para retirada de un segundo premolar mandibular izquierdo. El paciente se quejaba de malestar al masticar alimentos duros. Después de obtener el consentimiento del paciente para investigar los síntomas, se realizó un examen clínico y radiográfico completo. Los principales hallazgos clínicos observados fueron una sensibilidad moderada a la percusión vertical y una leve molestia a la palpación. La radiografía periapical mostró una raíz similar a una fusión con múltiples conductos y empastes de conductos radiculares insatisfactorios asociados con radiolucidez apical. Con base en esta investigación, se realizó un diagnóstico de periodontitis apical persistente en el diente y se propuso al paciente un nuevo tratamiento del conducto radicular no quirúrgico. Una vez obtenido el consentimiento informado por escrito, el procedimiento se realizó con un aumento proporcionado por un microscopio quirúrgico dental con la ayuda de puntas ultrasónicas. Durante la apertura del acceso y la remoción de los empastes, se observaron cuatro orificios del conducto radicular. Por lo tanto, la tecnología de punta, como el microscopio de operación dental, los ultrasonidos y la imagen de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico, son fuertes aliados para manejar las variaciones anatómicas.

Resumo Variações anatômicas complexas na morfologia dos canais radiculares são um dos desafios mais árduos na prática endodôntica. O objetivo deste relato de caso é discutir o manejo clínico de um segundo pré-molar inferior esquerdo com quatro canais radiculares e quatro forames apicais distintos. Este relato de caso foi escrito de acordo com as diretrizes do Preferred Reporting Items for Case reports in Endodontics (PRICE) 2020. Um paciente de 74 anos foi encaminhado para retirada de um segundo pré-molar inferior esquerdo. O paciente queixou-se de desconforto ao mastigar alimentos duros. Após obter o consentimento do paciente para investigar os sintomas, foi realizado um exame clínico e radiográfico completo. Os principais achados clínicos observados foram sensibilidade moderada à percussão vertical e leve desconforto à palpação. A radiografia periapical mostrou uma raiz fusionada com múltiplos canais e obturações de canais radiculares insatisfatórias associadas à radioluscência apical. Com base nesta investigação, um diagnóstico de periodontite apical persistente foi feito ao dente, e um retratamento não cirúrgico do canal radicular foi proposto ao paciente. Após a obtenção do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, o procedimento foi realizado sob magnificação fornecida por microscópio cirúrgico odontológico com auxílio de pontas de ultrassom. Durante a abertura do acesso e retirada das obturações, foram observados quatro orifícios do canal radicular. Portanto, tecnologia de ponta, como microscópio cirúrgico odontológico, ultrassom e imagem de tomografia computadorizada de feixes cônico, são fortes aliados para o gerenciamento de variações anatômicas.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-932763


Objective:To explore the application value of three-dimensional visualization technology in the analysis of anatomic variation of peripancreatic vessels in patients with pancreatic space occupation.Methods:A total of 98 cases in Yijishan Hospital of Wannan Medical College, the First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China, the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, Fuyang People's Hospital from June 2018 to December 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Of 94 patients were enrolled, including 56 males and 38 females, aged (61.2±7.2) years. Abdominal organs and blood vessels were reconstructed by 3D visualization technology, and anatomic variation of peripancreatic vessels was analyzed, including abdominal trunk, hepatic artery system, portal vein system and dorsal pancreatic artery.Results:The three-dimensional reconstruction rate of celiac trunk vessels was 100.0% (94/94). The 60 cases of abnormal celiac trunk were as follows: liver and spleen trunk in 5 cases (5.3%), stomach and spleen trunk in 1 case (1.1%), liver, stomach and spleen mesentery trunk in 3 cases (3.2%), liver, stomach and spleen mesentery trunk in 17 cases (18.1%), celiac trunk with one or more inferior phrenic arteries in 34 cases (36.2%). There were 69 cases (73.4%) of Michels type Ⅰ, 2 cases (2.1%) of Michels type Ⅲ, 1 case (1.1%) of Michels Ⅴ, 2 cases (2.1%) of Ⅷ, and 1 case (1.1%) of type Ⅸ of hepatic artery system. There were 17 cases (18.1%) of accessory left hepatic artery from celiac trunk which did not belong to Michels classification. Left accessory hepatic artery originated from left gastric artery and left hepatic artery originated from superior mesenteric artery in 1 case (1.1%), right accessory hepatic artery originated from celiac trunk combined with proper hepatic artery and right anterior hepatic artery combined with gastroduodenal artery originated from right posterior hepatic artery in 1 case (1.1%). Abnormal walking of dorsal pancreatic artery in 3 cases. The inferior mesenteric vein flowed into the superior mesenteric vein in 38 cases (40.4%), and the inferior mesenteric vein flowed into the splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein in 4 cases (4.3%).Conclusion:Three-dimensional visualization technique is helpful to determine the variation of peripancreatic vessels, and has certain significance for accurate preoperative evaluation and surgical guidance of patients with pancreatic space occupation.