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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741565


BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to identify the location of the antilingula, lingula, and mandibular foramen in Korean cadavers and to promote safe and accurate surgery without damage to the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle (IANB) when performing a vertical ramus osteotomy (VRO). METHODS: This study was conducted on the dried mandibles of 20 adult cadavers. Digital calipers were used to measure the distances from the anatomical reference points (antilingula, lingula, and mandibular foramen). RESULT: The antilingula was located at the anterior 44% and superior 31% in the ramus. The lingula was located at the anterior 55% and superior 30% in the ramus. The mandibular foramen was located at the anterior 58% and superior 46% in the ramus. Regarding the positional relationship with the antilingula, the lingula was located 0.54 mm superior and 4.19 mm posterior, and the mandibular foramen was located 6.95 mm inferior and 4.98 mm posterior. The results suggested that in order to prevent damage to the IANB, osteotomy should be performed in the posterior region of ramus at least 29% of the total horizontal length of the ramus. CONCLUSION: Using only the antilingula as a reference point is not guaranteed to IANB injury. However, it is still important as a helpful reference point for the surgeon in the surgical field.

Adulto , Humanos , Cadáver , Mandíbula , Osteotomía
Int. j. morphol ; 30(1): 30-39, mar. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-638755


La osteotomía sagital de la rama mandibular (SSRO) es una de las técnicas quirúrgicas más frecuentes para corregir las deformidades de la mandíbula. Con el fin de prevenir problemas anatómicos y quirúrgicos, los cirujanos requieren una mayor investigación sobre las estructuras anatómicas relacionadas con la SSRO. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar las posiciones de la antilingula (AL), la entrada al nervio alveolar inferior (NAI) en la mandíbula y otros puntos de referencia anatómicos en relación con la língula mandibular (L). Fueron estudiadas 70 hemimandíbulas secas. La AL y los demás puntos de referencia y, la posición correspondiente de la L se marcaron en la cara medial y lateral de la rama mandibular respectivamente. Fueron medidas las distancias de la AL, NAI y L en los planos anterior-posterior y superior-inferior con un caliper, y se estableció su relación geométrica. Los resultados mostraron que la AL era perceptible en el 100 por ciento de las caras laterales mandibulares. La mayoría de las ALs se encuentran anterior a la L, con una distancia media de 0,66+/-2,43mm y 0,92+/-2,56 mm y, 4,23+/-2,97 mm y 3,62 +/- 3,14 mm superior a ella (lados derecho-izquierdo respectivamente) (ambos con un valor de p <0,001). Valores similares se observaron en relación con el NAI. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los lados derecho e izquierdo, para la mayoría de los parámetros. Los parámetros estudiados pueden asistir a los cirujanos maxilofaciales a determinar la proximidad anatómica del NAI, y reducir al mínimo el riesgo de dañar el nervio y vasos sanguíneos. No recomendamos el uso de la AL como única referencia anatómica cuando se realiza un procedimiento de SSRO.

Sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) of the mandible is one of the most common surgical techniques to correct mandibular deformities. In order to prevent many surgical anatomical problems, surgeons have found that further investigation of the anatomical structures related to SSRO is needed. This study aims to investigate positions of the antilingula (AL), inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) and other anatomic landmarks in relation to the lingula of dried mandibles. 70 Chilean dried hemimandibles were studied. The AL, others landmarks and the corresponding position of the L were marked on the internal and external aspect of the mandibular ramus respectively. The distances from the AL, IAN and L were measured in the anterior­posterior and the superior­inferior planes using a digital caliper and geometric relationship was established. The results showed the AL was discernible in 100 percent of lateral mandibular rami studied. The most of the AL was found anteriorly to the L with a mean distance of 0.66+/-2.43mm and 0.92+/-2.56mm, and 4.23 +/- 2.97mm and 3.62+/-3.14mm superiorly (right-left sides respectively) (both with p value <0.001). Similar values were seen in relation with IAN. No significant differences were found between the right and left sides, for the majority of parameters. The studied parameters will assist clinicians to determine the anatomical proximity to the IAN, and, minimize the risk of damaging nerver and vessels. We do not recommend the use of antilingula as only anatomical landmark when performing a SSRO procedure.

Femenino , Mandíbula/anatomía & histología , Mandíbula/ultraestructura , Nervio Mandibular/anatomía & histología , Nervio Mandibular/ultraestructura , Osteotomía Sagital de Rama Mandibular/métodos , Prognatismo/diagnóstico , Retrognatismo/diagnóstico