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Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(4): e20221355, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420321


Abstract Hylorina sylvatica (Anura: Batrachyidae), or the emerald frog, is a pond-breeding anuran endemic to the austral temperate forests of Chile and Argentina. It is considered a vulnerable species in Argentina, where it has a narrow distribution; records and biological information relating to the frog in this area are scarce. In this study, conducted in 2016, the reproductive parameters of the emerald frog were investigated in detail in a ­semi-temporary wetland of Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. During the spring, the wetland was visited weekly in search of calling males, adults and individuals in amplexus. When amplexus was observed, eggs and larvae were collected from among the aquatic vegetation using dip-nets. Egg size and larval stage at hatching were registered. Calling males were registered during the second week of October, and the first couples were observed on 26 October. Three pairs of emerald frogs were captured and placed in enclosures within the wetlands in the afternoon. The males were smaller than the females. After 24 h the number of eggs laid in each enclosure was counted, and the males and females were released. The eggs were kept in each enclosure until hatching. Hatching occurred after 10-14 days in the enclosures. This information contributes to our knowledge of the biology of the emerald frog in Patagonia, Argentina, and is the only information currently available on this species in Nahuel Huapi National Park, where the species breeds in various aquatic environments, from semi-temporary wet meadows to large permanent ponds.

Resumen Hylorina sylvatica (Anura: Batrachyidae) o rana esmeralda, es un anuro que se reproduce en estanques, endémico de los bosques templados australes de Chile y Argentina. Actualmente es considerada una especie vulnerable en Argentina. La distribución es estrecha en Argentina con pocos registros de la especie y muy limitada información sobre la biología de esta especie en la región. En este estudio realizado durante 2016, investigué en detalle los parámetros reproductivos de la rana esmeralda en un humedal semitemporal del Noroeste de la Patagonia Argentina. Durante la primavera de 2016, visité el humedal semanalmente en busca de coros, adultos y amplexos. También después de que se observaron amplexos, recolecté huevos y larvas entre la vegetación acuática utilizando un muestreo con redes de mano. Se registró el tamaño del huevo y el estado larvario al eclosionar. Los coros de machos se registraron durante la tercera semana de octubre y los primeros amplexos se observaron el 26 de octubre. Tres parejas de rana esmeralda fueron capturadas y colocadas en clausuras dentro de los humedales durante la tarde. Los machos eran más pequeños que las hembras. Después de 24 h conté el número de huevos puestos en cada recinto y luego se liberaron machos y hembras. Los huevos se mantuvieron en cada clausura hasta que eclosionaron. La eclosión se produjo entre 10-14 días en las clausuras. Esta información contribuye al conocimiento de la biología de la rana esmeralda que habita la Patagonia Argentina y es la única información disponible al momento de esta especie en el Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, donde la especie se reproduce en diferentes ambientes acuáticos, desde humedales semitemporales hasta lagos y lagunas permanentes.

Braz. j. biol ; 81(4): 855-866, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153426


Abstract The validation of many anuran species is based on a strictly descriptive, morphological analysis of a small number of specimens with a limited geographic distribution. The Scinax Wagler, 1830 genus is a controversial group with many doubtful taxa and taxonomic uncertainties, due a high number of cryptic species. One example is the pair of species Scinax constrictus and Scinax nebulosus, which share a similar morphology. Scinax constrictus is restricted to the Brazilian Cerrado savanna, while S. nebulosus is widely distributed throughout northern South America. Despite the validation of many anuran species, discriminations based only on morphological traits is quite difficult due to the high conservative morphology of some groups. In this context, the present study uses mitochondrial and nuclear genes to provide a more consistent diagnosis and test the validity of S. constrictus as a distinct species from S. nebulosus, as well as evaluate the position of these taxa within the Scinax genus. The topologies obtained herein uphold the monophyletic status of Scinax based on all molecular markers assessed in this study, in all analytical approaches, with high levels of statistical support.

Resumo A validação de muitas espécies de anuros é baseada em uma análise morfológica e descritiva de um pequeno número de espécimes com uma distribuição geográfica limitada. O gênero Scinax Wagler, 1830 é um grupo controverso com muitos táxons duvidosos e incertezas taxonômicas devido ao grande número de espécies crípticas. Um exemplo são as espécies, Scinax constrictus e Scinax nebulosus, que compartilham uma morfologia similar. Scinax constrictus é restrito à savana do Cerrado brasileiro, enquanto S. nebulosus é amplamente distribuído pelo norte da América do Sul. Apesar da validação de muitas espécies de anuros, a discriminação baseada apenas em características morfológicas é bastante difícil, devido à alta morfologia conservadora de alguns grupos. Neste contexto, o presente estudo utiliza genes mitocondriais e nucleares para fornecer um diagnóstico mais consistente e para testar a validade de S. constrictus como uma espécie distinta de S. nebulosus, bem como avaliar a posição destes táxons dentro do gênero Scinax. As topologias obtidas confirmaram o status monofilético de Scinax com base em todos os marcadores moleculares, em todas as abordagens analíticas, com altos níveis de suporte estatístico.

Animales , Anuros/genética , Filogenia , Brasil
Acta biol. colomb ; 26(2): 273-277, mayo-ago. 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355538


ABSTRACT Although predatory events are uncommon to be recorded in nature, these data are important tools for understanding prey-predator interaction of the involved species. Snakes of genus Thamnodynastes are known for having an anuran diet, including some species of hylid frogs in their diet. Despite this, this pattern does not include T. chaquensis since there are no records on predation or trophic interaction with hylid frogs. Here, we report the first predatory interaction between T. chaquensis and two hylid frogs in Brazilian Cerrado. The first predation event with treefrog Boana caiapo occurred with success but, the second with B. albopunctata did not. Connecting trophic links within an ecosystem requires in-depth knowledge of its species and their intraspecific interactions. In this context, records of the predation and predation attempts such as these may help to connect unknown trophic links, which helps to understand aspects of the natural history of the species involved.

RESUMEN Aunque los eventos depredatorios son poco comunes de registrar en la naturaleza, estos datos son herramientas importantes para comprender la interacción presa-depredador de las especies involucradas. Las serpientes del género Thamnodynastes son conocidas por su dieta basada en anuros y, aunque algunas especies incluyen ranas hílidas en su dieta, esto no ocurre en la especie T. chaquensis porque no hay registros de depredación o interacción trófica con los hílidos. Aquí informamos sobre la primera interacción depredatoria entre T. chaquensis y dos ranas hílidas del Cerrado brasileño. El primer evento de depredación con la rana Boana caiapo fue exitoso, pero el segundo con B. albopunctata no. Conectar los enlaces tróficos dentro de un ecosistema requiere conocer íntimamente sus especies y sus interacciones intraespecíficas. En este contexto, los registros de depredación y de intentos de depredación como estos pueden ayudar a conectar enlaces tróficos no conocidos, lo cual ayuda a comprender los aspectos de la historia natural de las especies involucradas.

Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 42(2): 201-220, jun./dez. 2021. Tab, Ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1293130


Studies of the diversity and natural history of amphibians are extremely important and contribute with the knowledge about the patterns of geographical distribution and biology of the species, outlining the factors that influence this distribution, and contributing to the development of conservation projects of them. This study aimed to identify the richness, abundance, spatial and temporal distribution of amphibians in the Bauru region, state of São Paulo, Brazil, and compare the species composition with others regions in the São Paulo state located in the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest. Eight locations were sampled between the years 2009 and 2012. Thirty-seven amphibian species were recorded, which represents 15.61% of the species in the state of São Paulo. In comparison to other regions of the state, Bauru resemble with the north-western region of the state and with the Assis Ecological Station in species composition. The community of amphibians in the studied region is regulated to morphoclimatic conditions, environmental heterogeneity and the conservation of natural resources, which directly reflect on the composition, abundance and species' spatial and temporal distribution of the amphibians in this region. The richness of amphibians of the Bauru region is significant for the state of São Paulo and contributes with the maintenance of environments with conditions for the occurrence of Proceratophrys moratoi, which is considered in threat of extinction. This study contributed with the filling gap on the amphibian knowledge of the state of São Paulo.

Estudos sobre diversidade e história natural de anfíbios são de extrema importância para o conhecimento sobre os padrões de distribuição geográfica e biologia das espécies delineando os fatores que influenciam nessa distribuição, o que contribui para a elaboração de projetos de conservação mais realistas e efetivos. Este estudo visou identificar a riqueza, abundância, distribuição espacial e temporal das espécies de anfíbios da região de Bauru, estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e comparar a composição de espécies com outras regiões de Cerrado e Mata Atlântica do estado de São Paulo. Oito localidades foram amostradas entre os anos de 2009 e 2012. Foram registradas 37 espécies de anfíbios, as quais representam 15,61% das espécies do estado de São Paulo. Em comparação com outras regiões do estado, Bauru se assemelha à Região Noroeste do estado e à Estação Ecológica de Assis na composição de espécies. A comunidade de anfíbios da região estudada é regulada pelas condições morfoclimáticas, heterogeneidade ambiental e estado de conservação dos recursos naturais, que refletem diretamente na composição, na abundância e nos padrões de distribuição espacial e temporal das espécies de anfíbios presentes na região. A riqueza de anfíbios da região de Bauru é significativa para o estado de São Paulo e contribui com a manutenção de ambientes com condições para a ocorrência de Proceratophrys moratoi, considerada em risco de extinção. Este estudo contribui com o preenchimento de lacunas no conhecimento de anfíbios do estado de São Paulo.

Animales , Anuros , Historia Natural , Anfibios
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(1): e20211283, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360160


Abstract: The replacement of natural landscapes by anthropic environments has led to habitat loss and consequently, to the decline and extinction of many species populations. Several strategies, such as the creation of protected areas (PAs) and payment for ecosystem services have been adopted to mitigate the consequences of this biodiversity crisis. In Rio Verde, Goiás, Brazil, a Water Producer Program (WPP) was established, which provides payment for ecosystem services for the maintenance of riparian vegetation in the region of the Ribeirão Abóbora, a river which supplies the city and metropolitan area. In the absence of environmental diagnostic studies in the region, this present study contributes to reducing some knowledge gaps, through the: (i) characterization of the landscape in the WPP area, (ii) characterization of species of fauna (amphibians, birds, fish, and medium and large terrestrial mammals) and woody flora that occur in this area, and (iii) comparison of species diversity (fauna and flora) found in our study area with the diversity observed in the Cerrado protected area network. Our results reveal a low native vegetation cover (~21% of total area), but we recorded 300 total species: 20 species of anuran amphibians, 100 birds, 10 fish, 16 terrestrial mammals (medium and large), and 154 woody plants. Our sample comprises species considered endemic to the Cerrado (e.g., Anuran - Barycholos terntezi and Mammal - Callithrix penicillata), threatened species (e.g., Mammals - Herpailurus yagouaroundi, Myrmecophaga tridactyla and Tapirus terrestris), and exotic invasive species (Mammal - Sus scrofa). The results presented in this study are relevant and may help in the proposal of management actions within the scope of this important program of payment for environmental services.

Resumo: A substituição das paisagens naturais por ambientes antropizados tem levado à perda de habitat e, consequentemente, ao declínio populacional e extinção de muitas espécies. Várias estratégias como a criação de Unidades de Conservação (UCs) e o pagamento de serviços ecossistêmicos têm sido adotadas para mitigar as consequências da crise de biodiversidade. Em Rio Verde, estado de Goiás, foi estabelecido um Programa Produtores de Água (PPA) que prevê o pagamento de serviços ecossistêmicos pela manutenção da vegetação ripária na região do ribeirão Abobora que abastece a cidade. Diante da ausência de estudos de diagnóstico ambiental da região, o presente estudo contribui para reduzir algumas lacunas de conhecimento, através da: i) caracterização da paisagem na área deste PPA, ii) caracterização das espécies da fauna (anfíbios, aves, peixes e mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte) e flora lenhosa que ocorrem neste local, iii) comparação da diversidade de espécies (fauna e flora) encontrada na área de estudo com aquela observada na rede de áreas protegidas do Cerrado. Nossos resultados revelam baixo índice de cobertura vegetal nativa (~21% da área total), mas por outro lado, registramos 300 espécies, sendo 20 de anfíbios anuros, 100 aves, 10 peixes, 16 mamíferos terrestres (médio e grande porte) e 154 plantas lenhosas. A nossa amostragem compreende espécies que são consideradas endêmicas do Cerrado (p.ex. Anfíbio - Barycholos terntezi e Mamífero - Callithrix penicillata), ameaçadas de extinção (p.ex. Mamíferos - Herpailurus yagouaroundi, Myrmecophaga tridactyla e Tapirus terrestris) ou exótica invasora (Mamífero - Sus scrofa). Os resultados apresentados no presente estudo são relevantes e podem auxiliar na proposição de ações de manejo no âmbito deste importante programa de pagamento por serviços ambientais.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 21(4): e20201178, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285477


Abstract: Tadpoles are abundant in the environments in which they occur and remain in aquatic habitats for longer periods than adults, being relatively easier to collect. Despite the increase in tadpole research in the past decade, our understanding of its morphological diversity remains limited. Here, we provide morphological characterizations for larvae of 15 anuran species that occur at Emas National Park (ENP) and its surroundings, in Goiás, and compare them with descriptions available in the literature for other locations. We also present an update of the list of anuran species known to the ENP, based on tadpole sampling. We found tadpoles from 15 anuran species, of which five represent new records for the park. Many species showed variations in morphological characters when compared with descriptions available in the literature for other locations, reinforcing the importance of describing larvae from different populations. Through the exploration of morphological characters, it is possible to make inferences about the functional diversity of the larvae and questions related to the homology of characters, in addition to assisting in the identification and taxonomic distinction of species. Studies with tadpole communities can generate key information about the factors that drive the anurans' richness and distribution and can provide support for establishing more consistent conservation strategies and management plans.

Resumo: Os girinos são abundantes nos ambientes que ocorrem e permanecem nos habitats aquáticos por períodos de tempo mais longos que os adultos, sendo relativamente mais fáceis de coletar. Apesar do aumento da pesquisa com girinos na última década, nossa compreensão sobre sua diversidade morfológica ainda permanece limitada. Aqui, fornecemos caracterizações morfológicas para larvas de 15 espécies de anuros que ocorrem no Parque Nacional das Emas (PNE), Goiás, e comparamos com descrições disponíveis na literatura para outras localidades. Apresentamos também uma atualização da lista de espécies de anuros conhecidos para o PNE, com base na amostragem de girinos. Encontramos larvas de 15 espécies de anuros, das quais cinco representam novos registros para o parque. Muitas espécies apresentaram variações nos caracteres morfológicos quando comparamos com descrições disponíveis na literatura para outras localidades, reforçando a importância da descrição de larvas de diferentes populações. Através da exploração de caracteres morfológicos é possível realizar inferências sobre a diversidade funcional das larvas e questões relativas à homologia de caracteres, além de auxiliar na identificação e distinção taxonômica das espécies. Estudos com comunidades de girinos podem gerar informações importantes sobre os fatores que impulsionam a riqueza e a distribuição dos anuros e, podem fornecer suporte para o estabelecimento de estratégias de conservação e planos de manejo mais consistentes.

Acta amaz ; 50(4): 363-366, out. - dez. 2020. ilus, map
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455385


Amphibians are excellent bioindicators because they are sensitive to chemical pollution and can indicate ecosystem changes due to the presence of or exposure to chemical compounds. Here we report evidence of the impact of herbicides, including glyphosate, on amphibians in a locality in the central Brazilian Amazon and compare it with data from other biomes in Brazil. We observed malformations in three species of Leptodactylus and local extinctions of Scinax ruber and Rhinella marina from reproductive sites close to an area where herbicides had been applied. The observations in the Amazon are similar to reports from Brazils Atlantic forest on morphological anomalies and mortality in amphibians exposed to herbicides. We warn of the threat of expanding crops for the production of biofuels in the Amazon due to their cultivation being associated with agrochemicals, including glyphosate, posing a threat to the biodiversity of the Amazon biome.

Os anfíbios são ótimos bioindicadores porque são sensíveis à poluição química, indicando alterações ecossistêmicas pela presença de ou pela exposição a compostos químicos. Aqui nós relatamos evidências do impacto de herbicidas, incluindo glifosato, em anfíbios em uma localidade na Amazônia central brasileira e as comparamos com dados de outros biomas no Brasil. Nós observamos malformações em três espécies de Leptodactylus e extinção local de Scinax ruber e Rhinella marina em sítios reprodutivos próximos a uma área onde herbicidas haviam sido aplicados. Os resultados observados na Amazônia são semelhantes aos observados na Mata Atlântica do Brasil, com alterações morfológicas e mortalidade em anfíbios expostos a herbicidas. Alertamos para a ameaça de expansão de culturas para a produção de biocombustíveis na Amazônia, devido ao fato de o cultivo estar associado a agroquímicos, incluindo o glifosato, representando uma ameaça à biodiversidade do bioma Amazônia.

Animales , Anuros/genética , Ecotoxicología , Herbicidas , Ambiente , Mutágenos/análisis
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 22(2): e1108, Jul-Dic. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094799


ABSTRACT The central area of the department of Chocó (Colombia), is composed of a tropical rain forest. Has a large of variety of amphibians that provides an ecosystem service, being the Family Centrolenidae listed as an excellent indicator of the forest condition. The focus of this study was to determine the richness and distribution in the habitats of the family Centrolenidae in two vegetation coverings in a tropical rain forest of the department of Chocó, using the Visual Encounter Survey (VES) method with an effort of 240 per hour. There were 53 individuals registered, distributed in five genera and six species, being the Hyalinobatrachium genus the best represented. The most abundant species was Teratohyla spinosa, being the most dominant for the secondary forest and Hyalinobatrachium collymbiphyllum for the primary forest. Espadarana callistomma and Teratohyla spinosa were the most plastic species in terms of habitat since they were recorded in both coverages. The centrolenids registered showed a preference for high (73.5%) and medium (26.4%) perches, in terms of the substrate leaf (83%) and the branch (17%). Regarding the state of conservation, the species are in the category of LC, DD, and NT; however, it is important to conserve their habitats since some centrolenids are tolerant to intervened ecosystems that have good vegetation and bodies of water with a permanent flow for their development.

RESUMEN La zona centro del departamento del Chocó (Colombia) está compuesta por bosque pluvial tropical, alberga una significativa riqueza de anfibios, que brinda servicios ecosistémicos, siendo la familia Centrolenidae, catalogada como una excelente indicadora de las condiciones del bosque. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la estructura y el uso de hábitat de especies de la familia Centrolenidae en dos coberturas vegetales, en un bosque pluvial tropical, del departamento del Chocó, empleando el método Relevamiento por encuentros visuales (VES), con un esfuerzo de 240h/per. Se registraron 53 individuos, distribuidos en cinco géneros y seis especies, siendo el género Hyalinobatrachium, el mejor representado. La especie más abundante fue Teratohyla spinosa, siendo la más dominante para el bosque secundario e Hyalinobatrachium collymbiphyllum, para el bosque primario. Espadarana callistomma y Teratohyla spinosa fueron las especies más plásticas, en términos de hábitat, ya que se registraron en ambas coberturas. Los centrolénidos registrados mostraron preferencia por las perchas alta (73,5%) y media (26,4%); en términos del sustrato indicaron mayor preferencia por las hojas y ramas, con 83 y 17%, respectivamente. Referente al estado de conservación, las especies se encuentran en la categoría de NT, DD y LC; sin embargo, es importante conservar sus hábitats, puesto que la transformación de los hábitats naturales genera el declive en las poblaciones.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209544


The research was designed to investigate the parasitic fauna of Anurans from cocoa farms in Ondo state. Amphibians are one of the most threatened groups of vertebrates. Many reasons are attributed to the decline of amphibian species such as global warming, habitat destruction and modification, others include: exploitation, pesticideuse, introduced species, ultraviolet-Bradiation (UV-B), pollution, parasites and diseases. A total of 31 frogs from 4 genera, Hemisus, Ptychadena, Ranaand Xenopus and 7 toads from 1 genus, Sclerophrys were examined. 9 frogs were collected from Oluwateru farm at Iwoye Village; 7 frogs were collected from Folorunso farm at Ako-Igbatoro and 15 frogs from Obodulu farm in Idanre. 5 toads were collected from Oluwateru farm at Iwoye Village and 2 toads from Obodulu farm in Idanre. In all cases collection was done between 20:00hrs and 05:00hrs. Collected specimens were transported in sealed but ventilated containers to the laboratory where identification was done to species level. The frogs were anaesthetized until death in absolute chloroform soaked in cotton wool placed inside kill-jar for 3 minutes in the laboratory.Original researchArticle The gastrointestinal tracts were cut open and the contents of the various sections were put into separate Petri dishes containing normal saline. The skin and the bladder were observed directly under a dissecting microscope for the presence of cysts and monogeneans. The parasites were fixed and preserved in 70% alcohol following standard procedure. Parasites recovered from the gastrointestinal tracts of the anurans include Cosmocerca ornata, Deising, 1861,Cosmocerca cummutata, Diesing, 1851 Paracosmocerca mucronata, Kung and Wu, 1945, Ampliceacum africanum, Taylor, 1924, Gendria liberrei Bain and Philipon, 1969 and Chenospirura asturiHsu, 1957Others were Procamallus brevis Kung, 1948 and Camallanus dimitrovi Durette-Desset and Batcharov, 1974. Some of the parasites are zoonotic while a few others are established parasites of African fishes and water Birds raising probable public health concerns from the findings. Further works aimed at unravelling the biodiversity of hosts and parasites in thelush ecosystem of Ondo state, as well as identification of organisms involved in the life cycle are noted.

Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 27(3): 390-395, July-Sept. 2018. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042480


Abstract Although a group of soft ticks (Argasidae) associated with amphibians was recently discovered in Brazilian rainforests, parasitism by these ticks on cold-blooded animals remains less common than on mammal and bird species. In this study, we identified ticks that were collected from toads that had been caught in December 2016 and January 2017, at Itinguçú waterfall (22°54'05" S; 43°53'30" W) in the municipality of Itaguaí, state of Rio de Janeiro. Tick specimens were identified using a morphological and molecular approach. In total, twelve larvae of Ornithodoros ticks were collected from three individuals of Rhinella ornata and were identified as Ornithodoros faccinii. Our results include a longer 16S rRNA mitochondrial sequence for O. faccinii that supports its phylogenetic relatedness to Ornithodoros saraivai, and we report this tick species parasitizing Rhinella toads for the first time in Brazil.

Resumo Embora um grupo de carrapatos moles (Argasidae) associado a anfíbios tenha sido recentemente descoberto nas florestas brasileiras, o parasitismo por esses carrapatos em animais de sangue frio permanece menos comum do que nas espécies de mamíferos e aves. Neste estudo, identificamos carrapatos que foram coletados de sapos capturados em dezembro de 2016 e janeiro de 2017, na cachoeira de Itinguçú (22°54'05" S; 43°53'30" W) no município de Itaguaí, estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os espécimes de carrapatos foram identificados usando uma abordagem morfológica e molecular. No total, doze larvas de carrapatos Ornithodoros foram coletadas de três indivíduos de Rhinella ornata e foram identificadas como Ornithodoros faccinii. Nossos resultados incluem uma maior seqüência mitocondrial 16S rRNA para O. faccinii que suporta sua relação filogenética com Ornithodoros saraivai e relatamos esta espécie de carrapato parasitando sapos Rhinella pela primeira vez no Brasil.

Animales , Infestaciones por Garrapatas/parasitología , Bufonidae/parasitología , Ornithodoros/genética , Filogenia , Brasil , ARN Ribosómico 16S , Ornithodoros/anatomía & histología , Ornithodoros/clasificación
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 89(3): 1591-1599, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-886742


ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to assess variations of the condition factor (K1) in relation to the gonadosomatic- RGS and energy reserves (hepatosomatic - RWL and liposomatic - RFB relations) of Leptodactylus macrosternum and their relationship to climate variation in the Northeast of Brazil, Caatinga area, state of Paraiba. The animals were captured fortnightly through active collecting, between January and December 2013. Significant differences were observed in the monthly variations of K1, RGS and RFB indices in male and female L. macrosternum over the months of collection. In males, K1 showed no significant relationship with the other variables. In females, RGS values only show notable correlations with RWF and K1 values. K1 values showed significant correlations with all other weight and length ratios. Climate change in the HFOB region showed significant relationships with the variation of the indexes evaluated, with the exception of RWF. The variation of K1, RGS, RWL and RFB values over the months of collection as well as their relation with the local climatic variation, showed a brief reproductive activity for the species.

Animales , Masculino , Femenino , Anuros/fisiología , Cuerpo Adiposo/fisiología , Gónadas/anatomía & histología , Anuros/anatomía & histología , Anuros/clasificación , Estaciones del Año , Cuerpo Adiposo/anatomía & histología , Gónadas/fisiología , Hígado/anatomía & histología , Hígado/fisiología
Acta biol. colomb ; 22(2): 234-237, mayo-ago. 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-886061


RESUMEN Se cuantificaron y compararon los melanomacrófagos (MM) y la actividad de la enzima Glutatión S-Transferasa (GST) en hígados de ejemplares adultos de Leptodactylus chaquensis (Anura, Leptodactylidae) colectados en un cultivo de arroz (CA) (siete días posteriores a la aplicación de clorpirifos, CPF) y en un sitio de referencia (SR) en el departamento San Javier, provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina). El análisis histológico reveló una mayor cantidad (p = 0.028) y área ocupada por MM (p = 0.017) y se registró una inhibición en la actividad de la GST (p = 0.030) en individuos del CA respecto a los del SR. Los efectos descriptos evidencian el riesgo ecotoxicológico para los anuros en los cultivos de arroz con aplicaciones de CPF.

ABSTRACT We quantified and compared the hepatic melanomacrophage (MM) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzyme activity (two oxidative stress biomarkers) in the liver of Leptodatylus chaquensis adults (Anura, Leptodactylidae) collected in a rice field (CA) in San Javier department, Santa Fe (Argentina), seven days after the application of chlorpyrifos and in a reference site (SR). The histological analysis revealed a significant amount (p = 0.028) and area occupied by MM (p = 0.017) in livers of CA compared to SR. Furthermore, a significant inhibition of GST activity was recorded in the CA frogs compared to the SR (p = 0.030). The histopathological and enzymatic effects provide evidences of ecotoxicological risk for anurans in rice field with CPF application.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 17(1): e20160197, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-838986


Abstract Although São Paulo state has one of the best known amphibian fauna in Brazil, there are still protected areas for which the species composition remains unknown. Here, we present the first species list of anuran amphibians in Vassununga State Park. This area is one of the last remnants of semideciduous Atlantic Forest and Cerrado in the northeastern region of São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. To survey species, we visited six sites (two ponds, two streams, and two transects) in December, January, and February of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016, totalizing 18 days of field samplings at each site. We recorded 24 anuran species belonging to four families: Bufonidae (2 species), Hylidae (11 species), Leptodactylidae (10 species), and Microhylidae (1 species). Anurans consist mainly of generalist and widely distributed species. Although none of the species recorded are threatened with extinction according to the International Red List of Endangered Species (IUCN), four species have declining population and another three species have unknown population trends.

Resumo Embora o estado de São Paulo tenha uma das faunas de anfíbios mais bem conhecidos do Brasil, existem áreas protegidas cuja composição de espécies ainda é desconhecida. Aqui, nós apresentamos a primeira lista de espécies de anfíbios anuros para o Parque Estadual de Vassununga. A área é um dos últimos remanescentes de Mata Atlântica Semidecidual e Cerrado no nordeste do estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. Para o inventário das espécies nós visitamos seis locais (duas lagoas, dois córregos, e duas trilhas) em dezembro, janeiro e fevereiro de 2014-2015 e 2015-2016, totalizando 18 dias de amostragens de campo em cada local. Nós registramos 24 espécies de anuros pertencentes a quatro famílias: Bufonidae (2 espécies), Hylidae (11 espécies), Leptodactylidae (10 espécies) e Microhylidae (1 espécie). A anurofauna consistiu principalmente de espécies generalistas e amplamente distribuídas. Embora nenhuma das espécies registradas esteja ameaçada de extinção segundo a IUCN, quatro espécies estão em declínio populacional e outras três espécies têm tendência populacional desconhecida.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467518


Abstract The validation of many anuran species is based on a strictly descriptive, morphological analysis of a small number of specimens with a limited geographic distribution. The Scinax Wagler, 1830 genus is a controversial group with many doubtful taxa and taxonomic uncertainties, due a high number of cryptic species. One example is the pair of species Scinax constrictus and Scinax nebulosus, which share a similar morphology. Scinax constrictus is restricted to the Brazilian Cerrado savanna, while S. nebulosus is widely distributed throughout northern South America. Despite the validation of many anuran species, discriminations based only on morphological traits is quite difficult due to the high conservative morphology of some groups. In this context, the present study uses mitochondrial and nuclear genes to provide a more consistent diagnosis and test the validity of S. constrictus as a distinct species from S. nebulosus, as well as evaluate the position of these taxa within the Scinax genus. The topologies obtained herein uphold the monophyletic status of Scinax based on all molecular markers assessed in this study, in all analytical approaches, with high levels of statistical support.

Resumo A validação de muitas espécies de anuros é baseada em uma análise morfológica e descritiva de um pequeno número de espécimes com uma distribuição geográfica limitada. O gênero Scinax Wagler, 1830 é um grupo controverso com muitos táxons duvidosos e incertezas taxonômicas devido ao grande número de espécies crípticas. Um exemplo são as espécies, Scinax constrictus e Scinax nebulosus, que compartilham uma morfologia similar. Scinax constrictus é restrito à savana do Cerrado brasileiro, enquanto S. nebulosus é amplamente distribuído pelo norte da América do Sul. Apesar da validação de muitas espécies de anuros, a discriminação baseada apenas em características morfológicas é bastante difícil, devido à alta morfologia conservadora de alguns grupos. Neste contexto, o presente estudo utiliza genes mitocondriais e nucleares para fornecer um diagnóstico mais consistente e para testar a validade de S. constrictus como uma espécie distinta de S. nebulosus, bem como avaliar a posição destes táxons dentro do gênero Scinax. As topologias obtidas confirmaram o status monofilético de Scinax com base em todos os marcadores moleculares, em todas as abordagens analíticas, com altos níveis de suporte estatístico.

Acta biol. colomb ; 18(2): 271-278, May-Aug. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-685939


El glifosato es un herbicida usado en la agricultura que puede afectar especies no blanco. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar los efectos letales (concentración letal media - CL50) y subletales (cambios en el tamaño corporal y desarrollo) del glifosato (Roundup® Activo) sobre embriones de cuatro especies de anuros expuestos durante 96 horas en pruebas de laboratorio y microcosmos. En laboratorio, la especie más tolerante fue Engystomops pustulosus (CL50 = 3033,18 µg a.e./L) y la más sensible Rhinella marina (CL50 = 1421,46 µg a.e./L), la cual mostró una reducción significativa en el tamaño corporal y retrasos en el desarrollo de los individuos. Las demás especies tuvieron un CL50 intermedio (Rhinella humboldti = 2899,36 µga.e./L; Hypsiboas crepitans = 2151,88 µg a.e./L). En todos los casos el CL50 fue menor a la concentración empleada en campo (5392,92 µg a.e./ L) indicando un efecto tóxico alto. En los microcosmos, los embriones de E. pustulosus fueron los más tolerantes (CL50 = 19,41 kg a.e./ha), mientras que los de R. humboldti los más sensibles (CL50 = 10,61 kg a.e./ha). Sin embargo, todas las especies tuvieron un CL50 superiora la concentración asperjada en campo (3,69 kg a.e./ ha), mostrando un efecto tóxico leve, y no hubo diferencias en el tamaño corporalni en el desarrollo de los individuos. Este resultado muestra que el glifosato, en su presentación comercial como Roundup® Activo, genera una mortalidad moderada en los embriones de anuros.

Glyphosate is an herbicide widely used in agriculture, which may affect non-target species. The aim of this study was to determine the lethal (Median lethal concentration - LC50) and sublethal effects (changes on body size and development) of glyphosate (Roundup® Active) to embryos of four anuran species, exposed during 96 hours under laboratory and microcosmtests. Under laboratory conditions, Engystomops pustulosus was the most tolerant species (LC50 = 3033,18 µg a.e./L) and Rhinella marina was the most sensitive (LC50 = 1421,46 µg a.e./L), which also showed a delayed development and significantly reduced body size. The other species had an intermediate LC50 (Rhinella humboldti = 2899,54 µg a.e./L; Hypsiboas crepitans = 2151,88 µg a.e./L). In all cases, the laboratory LC50 was lower than the concentration used in field (5392,92 µg a.e./L), indicating a high toxic effect. In the microcosm tests, embryos of E. pustulosus were the most tolerant (LC50 = 19,41 kg a.e./ha), while R. humboldti were the most sensitive (LC50 = 10,61 kg a.e./ha). In this case, all four study species had a higher LC50 than the concentration sprayed in field (3,69 kg a.e./ ha), so a lower lethal effect, and there were no significant differences in body size and development. This result shows that the glyphosate, as the commercial presentation Roundup® Active, produce a moderate mortality on anuran embryos.

Rev. biol. trop ; 60(2): 759-769, June 2012. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-657817


Anuran richness and composition in the Eastern region of Iberá Wetlands Provincial Nature Reserve, Corrientes, Argentina. In recent decades, the concern for biodiversity conservation has increased in importance, especially due to the loss of highly biodiverse natural areas such as wetlands. Despite the high fauna diversity inhabiting the Iberá, the information about its composition, structure and dynamics is scarce, and amphibians are typical and conspicuous representatives of these Neotropical areas. To generate new information about this group, the amphibian composition from two villages (Paraje Galarza and Colonia Carlos Pellegrini),belonging to two different fitogeographic regions in the Eastern edge of the Iberá, were described and compared. Samples were taken, from a respective area of 100km² that included five landscape units (wetlands, streams and swamps, grasslands, forest and apermanent/temporal pond) each, during the four seasons between January 2007 and March 2008. The techniques applied were the Complete Species Inventories (Unrestricted direct search) and Visual Encounter Surveys (VES). A total of 28 species were found, and represented the 70% of the previously registered taxa for the whole wetland. Scinax similis and Rhinella azarai were recorded for the first time in the Iberá Wetlands. No significant differences were found in the anuran specific richness between the surveyed villages, since the 95% of confidence intervals for the species accumulation curves were superimposed. In both villages, the wetlands, streams and swamps, and the permanent pond landscapes, showed the higher species richness when compared to the others. According to the Chao2, Jacknife1 and ICE estimators, the inventory completeness of species, oscillated among 88% and 98% for the whole area. The dendrogram analysis based on the Jaccard similarity index, showed that wetlands, streams and swamps were grouped and well separated from grasslands. To guarantee ...

Los anfibios son representantes típicos y conspicuos de los ecosistemas de humedales neotropicales, tales como los Esteros del Iberá, su preservación está en íntima relación con la conservación de la biodiversidad. A pesar de la alta diversidad faunística presente en los Esteros del Iberá, poco se conoce de la composición y estructura de su fauna, lo que hace necesario incrementar y actualizar el conocimiento sobre estos aspectos. En el presente trabajo se describe y se compara la composición de la fauna de anuros de dos localidades (Paraje Galarza y Colonia Carlos Pellegrini) situadas en el borde oriental del Iberá. Entre enero 2007 y marzo 2008, en ambas localidades seleccionadas, se realizaron muestreos mediante las técnicas: Inventario Completo de especies y Relevamiento por Encuentro Visual (VES). De los 40 táxones de anfibios citados para los Esteros del Iberá, se hallaron 28 especies, lo que representó el 70% de las especies registradas para toda la Reserva. Scinax similis y Rhinella azarai constituyeron los primeros registros para los Esteros del Iberá. La completitud del inventario osciló entre el 88% y el 98%. La similitud en la composición específica de anuros fue relativamente alta entre las localidades estudiadas (Ij =0.64).

Animales , Anuros/clasificación , Biodiversidad , Biomasa , Argentina , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Humedales
Rev. biol. trop ; 59(2): 907-920, jun. 2011. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-638129


Relative abundance and microhabitat use by the frog Geobatrachus walkeri (Anura:Strabomantidae) in two habitats of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Geobatrachus walkeri belongs to a monotypic frog genus endemic to the San Lorenzo area, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. This species has been categorized as endangered because of its small distribution area and the decline in the extent and quality of its habitat. It inhabits two forest types with different composition and structure, the native secondary forest and a pine plantation (dominated by Pinus patula). To compare the relative abundance and microhabitat use of this species in these habitat types, 30 quadrants/environment were distributed randomly. The individual number, microhabitat use and other aspects of its natural history were registered using visual encounter surveys in both sites, including non-sampled areas in the quadrants. The relative abundance of frogs was significantly different between habitats and among seasons. The highest abundance of G. walkeri relative to the total area was found in the pine plantation, being 2.3 times higher than in the natural forest. More frogs were significantly found during the rainy season; nevertheless, active individuals were also found during the dry season. Significant differences were found in the microhabitat use with respect to the forest type and season. The most frequently microhabitat used in the two forest types was the pine leaf-litter; besides, in the native forest, the microhabitat occupied more frequently presented medium and large size stones. Geobatrachus walkeri is a successful species in pine plantations, associated permanently to its leaf-litter environment where it seems to develop its entire life cycle. The clear modifications in the soils and water, derived from the introduction of the pine plantation in this area, seem not to have negatively affected the conservation and successful maintenance of this species. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (2): 907-920. Epub 2011 June 01.

La rana Geobatrachus walkeri pertenece a un género monotípico y endémico del área de San Lorenzo, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. La especie habita en el bosque secundario natural y en una plantación de pino (dominada por Pinus patula). Para comparar la abundancia relativa y el uso del microhábitat en estos dos hábitat y durante los períodos de máxima y mínima precipitación, se distribuyeron aleatoriamente 30 cuadrantes en cada bosque sobre los que se registraron el número de individuos y los microhábitats ocupados. Además se reconocieron otros aspectos de la historia natural mediante muestreo por encuentros casuales (VES), se incluye en los dos hábitats áreas no muestreadas por los cuadrantes. La mayor abundancia de ranas se obtuvo en la plantación de pino y durante la época de lluvias. El microhábitat más usado fue la hojarasca de pino. Geobatrachus walkeri es una especie exitosa en las plantaciones de pino, asociada permanentemente a su hojarasca en donde parece desarrollar todo su ciclo de vida. Las claras modificaciones derivadas de la introducción de las plantaciones de pino en el suelo y el agua, parecen no haber afectado la supervivencia y mantenimiento exitoso de esta especie categorizada como en peligro de extinción.

Animales , Anuros/fisiología , Ecosistema , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Anuros/anatomía & histología , Anuros/clasificación , Colombia , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Densidad de Población , Estaciones del Año
Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 11(1): 83-93, jan.-mar. 2011. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-599684


O Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso é uma área de grande importância para a conservação, pois abriga diferentes ecossistemas costeiros, como manguezais, dunas, restingas e mata atlântica de encosta, que, historicamente, estiveram sob forte pressão antrópica. A identificação duvidosa e a descoberta de novas espécies da anurofauna em ambientes costeiros, evidencia a escassez de estudos nessas regiões. Inventariamos a anurofauna da floresta de restinga do Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso entre outubro de 2005 e outubro de 2007, por meio de 25 viagens mensais de dois dias de duração. Foram utilizados dois métodos: procura visual ativa em uma parcela permanente de 10 ha e procura visual e auditiva em nove sítios de reprodução. A anurofauna da área de estudo é composta por 17 espécies pertencentes às famílias Bufonidae (2 espécies), Craugastoridae (1), Hylidae (10), Leiuperidae (1), Leptodactylidae (2) e Microhylidae (1). A riqueza estimada foi de 17,77-17,96, o que mostra que nosso esforço amostral foi suficiente para registrar praticamente toda a anurofauna presente nessa formação de restinga. Essa riqueza pode ser considerada elevada quando comparada à de outras áreas de restinga, principalmente aquelas dotadas de vegetação menos estruturada. O predomínio da família Hylidae é característico de todas as localidades da região neotropical. Nenhuma espécie acha-se incluída nas listas de espécies ameaçadas de extinção do estado de São Paulo e do Brasil, mas Aparasphenodon bokermanni é considerada pouco conhecida ("Data Deficient") pela IUCN, e outras três espécies (Dendrophryniscus leucomystax, Haddadus binotatus e Itapotihyla langsdorffii) apresentam populações em declínio. Essas informações revelam a importância da floresta de restinga da Ilha do Cardoso para a manutenção de populações de anuros. Uma análise de agrupamento de 14 espécies que utilizaram nove sítios reprodutivos evidenciou três grupos, sendo o hidroperíodo o principal fator na determinação das similaridades. Conclui-se que a preservação de corpos d'água com diferentes fisionomias é essencial para a conservação de populações viáveis de anuros.

The Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso is of great concern to conservation because it includes several coastal ecosystems, like mangroves, sand dunes, restingas, and Atlantic Rainforest, all of them under human pressure since Brazil discovery. The anuran fauna of Brazilian restingas remains poorly known; the discovery of new species and the dificulties to determine the anurans reflect the rarity of studies in these areas. We provide here a updated list of amphibians from the restinga Forest of the Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso. Our inventory was conducted from October 2005 and October 2007, totaling 25 two-days trips. Two methods were applied: visual encounter survey in a 10 ha permanent plot and visual and acoustic survey in nine sites used by anurans for reproduction. The anuran fauna of the study site is composed by 17 species belonging to the families Bufonidae (2 species), Craugastoridae (1), Hylidae (10), Leiuperidae (1), Leptodactylidae (2), and Microhylidae (1). Estimated species richness was 17.77-17.96, which suggests our sampling effort was enough to adequately sample the anuran assemblage present in the area. This richness can be considered high when compared to the richness of other restinga areas, especially those with less structured vegetation. The dominance of the family Hylidae is common to all neotropical localities. None species is included in the lists of endangered species from the state of São Paulo and Brazil, but Aparasphenodon bokermanni is considered Data Deficient by IUCN, and other three species (Dendrophryniscus leucomystax, Haddadus binotatus and Itapotihyla langsdorffii) have decreasing populations. This information reveals the importance of the restinga forest of Ilha do Cardoso to the conservation of anuran populations. A cluster analysis of 14 species that used nine breeding sites resulted in three groups, and the hydroperiod can be considered the major factor influencing the similarities among species. We conclude that preserving water bodies with diferent physiognomies is essential for conserving viable anuran populations.

Acta biol. colomb ; 15(3): 47-60, dic. 2010.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-635047


RESUMEN Se analizó la partición de microhábitats de cinco especies de anuros pertenecientes a las familias Bufonidae (Rhinella marina, R. granulosa), y Leiuperidae (Engystomops pustulosus, Pleurodema brachyops y Pseudopaludicola pusilla) en seis localidades del Caribe colombiano con fragmentos de bosque seco tropical y diferentes usos de suelo. Se identificaron 29 microhábitats. Los más usados fueron charco de agua permanente de potreros con árboles (CPPA) y potreros inundables sin árboles (PISA). La especie que mayor cantidad de microhábitats utilizó, fue E. pustulosus. No hubo especialistas en el uso de estos ambientes. Se presentaron diferencias en el uso de este recurso a escalas regional y local. La dinámica de uso de los microhábitats estuvo influenciada por las variaciones climáticas del bosque seco tropical. Existió partición de microhábitats como mecanismo de coexistencia en estas especies para época seca y no ocurre en época de lluvias.

ABSTRACT We analyzed partitioning of microhábitats by five species of frogs in the families Bufonidae (Rhinella marina, R. granulosa), and Leiuperidae (Engystomops pustulosus, Pleurodema brachyops and Pseudopaludicola pusilla) in six different localities of the Colombian Caribean with tropical dry forest fragments and different land uses. We identified 29 types of microhábitats; permanent ponds in pastures with trees (CPPA) and flooded pastures without trees (PISA) were the most important environmental used. Engystomops pustulosus used the must microhábitats, and none are used by specialist species. Thus, differences in the use of resource on regional and local scales appeared. Dynamics of microhábitat uses was influenced by the climatic variations of the tropical dry forest. Microhábitats distribution as a mechanism of coexistence in these species is implemented for dry season but in rainfall season this mechanism not exists.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 10(2)abr.-jun. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-556948


Os anfíbios anuros da RPPN Campo Escoteiro Geraldo Hugo Nunes, localizado no Município de Guapimirim, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, foram inventariados e estudados. A região é um remanescente de Mata Atlântica de Baixada que ocupa 45,2 ha e está situada sobre um solo hidromórfico que favorece a ocorrência de áreas alagadas permanentes e temporárias. Para o inventário, realizamos excursões para coleta e registro de anfíbios desde a década de 80, estando este material tombado na coleção zoológica do Instituto de Biologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Um total de 40 espécies de anfíbios da ordem Anura foi encontrado na região, distribuídas em 10 famílias: Hylidae (N = 23), Bufonidae (4), Leptodactylidae (4), Cycloramphidae (2), Microhylidae (2), Brachycephalidae, Craugastoridae, Hemiphractidae, Leiuperidae e Strabomantidae com uma espécie cada.

We studied the anuran amphibians from RPPN Campo Escoteiro Geraldo Hugo Nunes. The region is located in the Municipality of Guapimirim, State of Rio de Janeiro, in Southeastern Brazil and represents a lowland Atlantic Rainforest remaining, which has 45.2 ha. The hydromorphic soil is conducive to the occurrence of permanent and temporary wetlands. For the study, we carried out field expeditions since the 1980's, being the collected specimens housed at the zoological collection of the Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. A total of 40 amphibian species of the order Anura have been found at the study site. The species are distributed in 10 families: Hylidae (N = 23), Bufonidae (4), Leptodactylidae (4), Cycloramphidae (2), Microhylidae (2), and Brachycephalidae, Craugastoridae, Hemiphractidae, Leiuperidae and Strabomantidae with one species each. Data on local reproductive environments of the recorded species are provided.