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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989101


The rate of antenatal corticosteroid application in extremely preterm infants is generally increasing.Although a large number of clinical trials have demonstrated that antenatal corticosteroids significantly reduce mortality and improve prognosis in extremely preterm infants, their application rates still vary widely among different countries and gestational age groups, and the applicability and safety of the clinical applications are controversial.In the treatment of extremely preterm infants in China, the clinical application of antenatal corticosteroids is not widespread.The current situation of antenatal corticosteroid application in extremely preterm infants at home and abroad is reviewed to provide a theoretical basis for the application of antenatal corticosteroid in extremely preterm infants in China.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-873101


Objective::To study the effect of different nitrogen application rates on the growth and carbon metabolism of Acanthopanax senticosus seedlings, and screen out the rational fertilization conditions, in order to provide basis and guidance for scientific fertilization of artificially cultivated A. senticosus. Method::A single-point, single-factor field experiment was conducted to study the seedlings of growing evenly A. senticosus.Five different nitrogen application treatment groups were set up to treat the seedlings, namely N1 group (30 g·m-2), N2 group (60 g·m-2), N3 group (90 g·m-2), N4 group (120 g·m-2), N5 group (150 g·m-2) and CK group (0 g·m-2), respectively.Three months later, plant height, root circumference, stem circumference, root-shoot ratio and SPAD were measured at harvest time.The contents of protein, sucrose, starch, soluble sugar and reducing sugar in fresh leaves were measured. Result::N3 treatment was the best treatment method for the growth and development of A. senticosus seedlings, and the growth of A. senticosus seedlings was the best under this treatment.The protein content of A. senticosus seedlings in N3 treatment was the highest.Starch and sucrose were best accumulated in N5 treatment group and CK treatment group.N5 treatment had the highest soluble sugar content and reducing sugar content. Conclusion::There is a dose-effect relationship between the growth and development of A. senticosus seedlings; that is to say, low and high nitrogen application treatments will cause stress on A. senticosus seedlings.In conclusion, the suitable nitrogen application rate for A. senticosus growth is 90-120 g·m-2.

Ciênc. rural ; 46(12): 2122-2128, Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-797909


ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of air-assisted boom sprayers and addition of adjuvants in the spray solution on control levels of pesticide sprays against weeds and pathogenic fungi by meta-analysis of scientific literature. To perform the meta-analysis, data were collected from the results presented in scientific papers. By these data, a variable was created, denominated as relative control that was used to quantify and test whether the use of air assistance or adjuvants affects the effectiveness of pesticide sprays. This variable was calculated as a difference between percentage of pesticide control in treatments with air assistance or adjuvants and treatments without these spray techniques. Data were analyzed statistically using the Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software. Results showed that the use of air assistance did not have any effect on the control levels of weeds and pathogenic fungi; whereas, the addition of adjuvants increased these levels by 6.45%.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar, a partir da metanálise de dados de diferentes trabalhos científicos, o efeito da assistência de ar na barra de pulverização e o efeito da adição de adjuvantes à calda de pulverização, sobre os níveis de controle de plantas daninhas e fungos fitopatogênicos de plantas em pulverizações de produtos fitossanitários. Para a realização da metanálise, foram coletados dados de resultados apresentados em publicações de trabalhos científicos. A partir desses dados, foi criada uma variável resposta, denominada de controle relativo, calculada pela diferença entre a percentagem de controle dos tratamentos submetidos ao uso de assistência de ar ou adjuvante e os tratamentos controle, sem os respectivos usos das técnicas de pulverização. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por meio do software CMA (Comprehensive Meta-analysis), adotando-se o modelo aleatório. Os resultados demonstraram que a assistência de ar não exerceu efeito algum, nem positivo nem negativo sobre os níveis de controle das plantas daninhas e fungos fitopatogênicos. Já os resultados relativos à adição de adjuvantes evidenciaram aumento médio de 6,45% em média nos níveis de controle.

Ciênc. rural ; 43(5): 845-849, maio 2013. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-673262


A cultura do caquizeiro vem crescendo em importância no Brasil e, com o aumento do cultivo, tem havido também incremento dos problemas relacionados a doenças e pragas. A pulverização de agrotóxicos é o método mais utilizado na prevenção e no controle desses problemas e a principal forma de aplicação é a pulverização hidráulica com auxílio de fluxo de ar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da variação da taxa de aplicação e do repasse na parte interna das plantas em pulverização com pistola manual, na cobertura de calda das folhas. A pulverização foi realizada em plantas de caquizeiro com 17 anos, utilizando-se equipamento composto de trator e pulverizador turboatomizador. A aplicação foi realizada com duas velocidades de avanço do equipamento, o que promoveu diferentes taxas de aplicação. Para a realização do repasse, utilizou-se pistola manual acoplada ao mesmo equipamento. Para a avaliação da cobertura, utilizou-se calda preparada com corante fluorescente dissolvido em água. Foram coletadas folhas nas posições externa e interna das plantas. Posteriormente, em sala escura e com iluminação ultravioleta para destacar a área atingida pelo corante fluorescente, as superfícies abaxial e adaxial de cada folha foram fotografadas com câmera digital. Cada imagem gerada foi submetida à análise pelo software SIARCS 3.0, resultando em porcentagem de cobertura. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso em parcelas subsubdivididas com quatro repetições, sendo os tratamentos arranjados em esquema fatorial (taxas alta e baixa de aplicação, com e sem repasse manual, localizações interna e externa da folha na planta). Foi avaliada a cobertura das superfícies abaxial e adaxial das folhas. Houve interação significativa entre tratamentos (taxa de aplicação e repasse manual), posição e superfície das folhas. A maior taxa de aplicação promoveu aumento significativo da cobertura na superfície abaxial das folhas, independentemente da posição destas na planta (interna ou externa). Houve efeito do repasse com pistola na cobertura da superfície abaxial das folhas situadas na posição interna, mas não na externa à planta. Considerando que a maioria dos agentes causadores de danos fitossanitários inicia a ocorrência na superfície abaxial das folhas, pode-se concluir que o repasse manual foi mais eficiente do que o aumento da taxa de aplicação, visando à cobertura nas folhas posicionadas no interior da planta.

Persimmon crop is growing in importance in Brazil, and with the increase of the production area there also has been an increase in the problems related to diseases and pests. For the control and prevention of these problems, most often it is used pesticides spray, and one of the main techniques is the spray with the aid of air flow. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of changes in the application rate and transfer with a spray gun on the leaves mixture coverage. The spraying was performed using tractor and air flow sprayer. The application was performed with two forward speeds of the equipment, leading to different application rates. The transfer was made with a spray gun attached to the same equipment. For the assessment of the coverage it was used a mixture prepared with fluorescent tracer dissolved in water. Leaves were collected in the inside and outside of the tree. Later, in dark room with ultraviolet lighting to highlight the area affected by the fluorescent tracer, the upper and lower surfaces of each leaf were photographed with a digital camera. Each image was subjected to analysis generated by software SIARCS 3.0, resulting in percentage of coverage. It was used a randomized block design with subdivided parcels with four replications, being the treatments in a 2x2x2 factorial scheme (high or low application rate, with or without transfer, inside or outside the tree). The evaluations were made in the upper and lower leaf surfaces. There was significant interaction between treatments (application rate and spray gun transfer), leaf position and surface. High application rate promoted a significant increase in the coverage of the lower leaves, regardless the site in the plant (inside or outside). The inside leaves had a better coverage with the spray gun transfer. As most of the agents of plant damage begin to occur in the lower surface of leaves, it can conclude that the spray gun transfer was more effective to cover the leaves inside the plant than increasing the application rate.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-591150


OBJECTIVE To find out the situation of the usage of antimicrobials in type Ⅰand type Ⅱ operations during perioperative period and to evaluate the rationality of use. METHODS To check 472 examples of medical record data of discharged patients with type Ⅰand type Ⅱ operations in each department during from Apr to Jun and from Aug to Oct 2006,and make statistics and analysis according to application rate of antibacterial drugs, examining rate of the samples, drug usage by experiences and postoperative infection rate. RESULTS The application rate of antibacterial drugs during perioperative period in our hospital was high;the examining rate of correlated samples was low;the choice of antibacterial drugs mainly depended on experience;the sensitivity of the chosen antibacterial drugs was not strong;the duration of prophylactic drug usage was too long;and the postoperative infection rate was high. CONCLUSIONS It is very important to strengthen standardized administration of prophylactic antibiotic usage during perioperative period in our hospital.