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Acta biol. colomb ; 16(1): 175-184, abr. 2011.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-635056


El estudio de grupos funcionales de plantas es una herramienta útil en la identificación de características ecológicas de importancia en la regeneración de una comunidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue la identificación de grupos funcionales de plantas en bordes de avance de un bosque alto andino y la evaluación de su importancia en el curso de la sucesión secundaria en pastizales abandonados. Con base en levantamientos de vegetación de 10 x 10 m para el estrato arbóreo-arbustivo y de 1 x 1 m para el estrato herbáceo, y la revisión de atributos vitales de las especies registradas, se realizó una clasificación multivariante de las especies en grupos emergentes de plantas. Los atributos más importantes para la clasificación de los grupos emergentes fueron el método de dispersión y la ramificación basal de tallo; adicionalmente se presentaron diferencias entre los grupos del estrato arbustivo-arbóreo en la presencia de propagación vegetativa, el área foliar específica y el cociente altura/diámetro a la altura del pecho. Se definieron cuatros grupos para las especies de estrato herbáceo y cinco para las del estrato arbustivo-arbóreo, los cuales reúnen especies con estrategias de colonización similares. Dentro de los grupos definidos, las especies herbáceas dispersadas por diversos medios abióticos, las especies arbustivas con ramificación basal dispersadas por viento y las especies dispersadas por aves representan estrategias claves en la colonización del área de potrero adyacente dominada por Holcus lanatus y en la facilitación del establecimiento de especies del bosque secundario.

The study of plant functional groups constitutes a useful tool in the identification of ecological characteristics relevant in community regeneration. The aim of this study was to identify plant’s functional groups in high Andean forest advance edges and to evaluate their role during secondary succession in abandoned pasturelands. Based on 10 x 10m vegetation relevees for the shrubby-arboreal stratum and 1 x 1 m plots for the herbaceous stratum and the revision of vital attributes for each of the species found, this study uses a multivariate approach to construct a trait-based emergent group’s classification. The most important attributes in the definition of the groups were the dispersion mechanism and the presence of basal trunk ramification in woody species; in addition differences in the presence of vegetative propagation, specific leaf area index and the ratio height/diameter at breast height were found between groups of the shrubby-arboreal stratum. Four distinct groups were defined in the herbaceous layer and five in the shrubby-arboreal layer, each group contains species with similar colonization strategies. Among the defined groups, the herbaceous species dispersed by various abiotic factors, the shrubby species with basal ramification and dispersed by wind and the species dispersed by birds constitute key strategies in forest recovery in adjacent abandoned pasturelands dominated by Holcus lanatus, and facilitate the establishment of secondary forest species.

Rev. biol. trop ; 56(2): 705-720, jun. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-637670


Vital traits of woody species in High Andean forest edges of the Cogua Forest Reserve (Colombia). The Cogua Forest Reserve was studied throughout eight months to detect the existence of functional species-groups associated with edge wood forest. A second goal was to determine which species were the most successful in edge areas and their particular vital traits. The regeneration and growth of the forest patches to the adjacent matrix depends on the establishment of these species and their tolerance to both habitats. Three types of High Andean edge forest were studied. Two forest patches were chosen for each of the three edge types: Chusquea scandens edge, "paramune" and old-edge; the name of the latter was given because of its advanced successional state. in each patch, the vegetation was evaluated in two 60 m transects perpendicular to the edge and along the matrix-edge-interior gradient of the forest. All woody species were identified and counted to determine their abundance. A total of nine species were chosen as representative of High Andean forest edges in the reserve, because of their high abundance in this environment, their presence in both patches of each edge type and their ability to colonize the adjacent matrix. Each species was evaluated using 20 vital attributes of individual, leaf, and reproductive traits. Six species groups were found through a Correspondence Analysis. However, all nine species have high variation and plasticity levels for the attributes, even inside the groups. This trend suggests that while they are not clearly differentiated functional groups, they probably are representing different strategies within a single functional group of great plasticity. Tibouchina grossa and Pentacalia Pulchella are found in all edge and matrix types; the other species are found in all edge types, except by Gaiadendron punctatum and Weinmannia tomentosa, absent in the Chusquea scandens edge. All nine species are important elements in the restoration of forest edges, mainly where they are more abundant, evidencing their success in the particular conditions of an edge type. Miconia ligustrina and M. squamulosa are the most relevant species in the Chusquea scandens edge and matrix; while G. punctatum, P. pulchella, W. tomentosa, W. balbisiana and especially Macleania rupestris, are more important in the paramune edge and matrix; Hedyosmum bonplandianum is more important in the edge than in the matrix regeneration, while T. grossa is the most successful edge and matrix regeneration species, because it is the most abundant and has high levels of tolerance, vegetative reproduction and litter production. These features are related with a high rate of tissue replacement, as well as a persistent seed bank with smaller and more numerous seeds, evidence of its high fecundity. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (2): 705-720. Epub 2008 June 30.

En la Reserva Forestal de Cogua (Colombia), estudiamos mediante transectos la vegetación leñosa en dos parches de bosque altoandino para tres tipos de borde: chusque, paramizado y antiguo (este último denominado así por presentar un estado sucesional más avanzado). Seleccionamos como especies típicas de borde las que tenían mayor abundancia en esta zona, presentes en ambos parches del borde y capaces de colonizar la matriz adyacente. Se obtuvo un conjunto de nueve especies a las cuales se les evaluaron 20 atributos vitales, generando seis grupos mediante un análisis de agrupamiento (cluster): 1) Weinmannia balbisiana-W. tomentosa, 2) Gaiadendron punctatum-Hedyosmum bonplandianum, 3) Miconia ligustrina-M. squamulosa, 4) Macleania rupestris, 5) Pentacalia pulchella y 6) Tibouchina grossa. La amplia variación y plasticidad de las especies estudiadas en cuanto a los atributos analizados, conduce a pensar que los conjuntos obtenidos no obedecen a grupos funcionales claramente diferenciados, sino más bien a estrategias diferentes y que estas especies podrían hacer parte de un solo grupo funcional de gran plasticidad. T. grossa es la especie de borde más exitosa en la reserva, dados sus altos valores de abundancia, tolerancia fisiológica, reproducción vegetativa, producción de hojarasca y producción de semillas pequeñas, numerosas, formadoras de un banco de semillas persistente que evidencian su alta fecundidad.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Árboles/clasificación , Colombia , Árboles/fisiología