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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016844


ObjectiveTo realize the automatic recognition of the slicing angles of Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus (FTB) based on the improved YOLOv7-tiny algorithm. MethodFirstly, a diverse dataset of FTB images, totaling 16 000 pictures, with various angles was constructed. Furthermore, improvements were made to YOLOv7-tiny by replacing standard convolutions with ghost convolution (GhostConv), incorporating the coordinate attention (CA) mechanism as a preferred addition, substituting some activation functions with HardSwish function for decreasing the floating point operations. Additionally, a penalty term for angle recognition error was integrated into the loss function, and modifications were made to the non-maximum suppression (NMS) strategy to address cases where multiple detection results were associated with the same target. In order to verify the effectiveness of different improvement points on the optimization of the algorithm model, ablation experiments were carried out on all the improvement points, and the effectiveness of the improvement points was proved by comparing the prediction results before and after the addition of a certain improvement point on the basis of the original model or the model with the addition of an improvement point that has been verified to be effective, in order to evaluate the improvement of the indexes. ResultThe number of parameters required for the improved slicing angle recognition algorithm of FTB was about 55.4% of the original algorithm, and the amount of computation was about 59.4% of the original algorithm. The mAP@0.5[mean average precision at an intersection over union(IoU) of 0.5] increased by 12.2%, the mean absolute error(MAE) of the recognized angle was 5.02°, representing a reduction of 4.58° compared to the original algorithm. In the experimental environment of this paper, the average recognition time per image was as low as 8.7 ms, significantly faster than the average human reaction time. ConclusionThis study, by utilizing the improved YOLOv7-tiny algorithm, achieves effective slicing angle recognition of FTB with high accuracy and more lightweight, which provides a novel approach for stable and precise automated slicing of FTB, thereby providing valuable insights into the automation of processing other traditional Chinese medicines.

Tianjin Medical Journal ; (12): 1-3, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020960


Organoids are in vitro three-dimensional(3D)multicellular cultures that are generated through deploying the self-renewal and self-organizing capacities of stem cells.They recapitulate key structural and functional features of corresponding organs or tissues,providing an ideal in vitro model and research platform for the study of developmental biology,regenerative medicine,disease modeling and drug development.The conventional organoid culture system mainly relies on manual operations with lengthy and complicated procedures,which generate organoid cultures of individual variations and batch differences,limiting their translational applications.Therefore,to engineer the organoid culture system by introducing microfluidic chip technology to enhance the throughput and automation level,is of great significance for achieving large-scale,homogeneous,and standardized organoid cultures.This article reviews the current research progress of high-throughput and automated organoid chips and discusses the main limitations and potential challenges for the future study.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521929


Introducción: en las instituciones pertenecientes al Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba, la forma habitual de registrar el control de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación ha sido mediante hojas de Excel, procesadores de texto y fichas técnicas impresas. El control informatizado ofrece ventajas, pero las aplicaciones informáticas existentes a nivel mundial son costosas o no adaptables a los requerimientos. Objetivo: desarrollar una herramienta informática para el control institucional de medios informáticos, ofimáticos y de comunicaciones. Materiales y Métodos: investigación de desarrollo e innovación tecnológica, realizada durante 2018 y 2019, en dos etapas: 1) trabajo de mesa, definición de objetivos y establecimiento de pre-requisitos; 2) desarrollo de la aplicación, siguiendo la política de utilización de software libre. Las pruebas de funcionamiento y la evaluación se realizaron en la empresa MEDICuba S.A. Resultados: se desarrolló y registró una aplicación para el Control Informatizado de Medios de Informática, Ofimática y Comunicaciones (CIMIOC), con interfaz web, base de datos centralizada y un diseño adaptable a varios tipos de dispositivos. Permite registrar cualquier recurso de este tipo, su historial de movimiento, el estado técnico, los programas de mantenimiento y salvas de información, y ofrece diferentes reportes estadísticos. Conclusiones: la herramienta informática CIMIOC ofrece una solución robusta y económica para la gestión de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, aplicable a cualquier institución. Facilita de manera objetiva el establecimiento de políticas que tributen a elevar los niveles de calidad en los servicios asociados a la utilización intensiva de estas tecnologías. Se recomienda generalizar la implantación en el Sistema Nacional de Salud.

Introduction: in the institutions belonging to the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba, the usual way of recording the control of Information and Communication Technologies has been through Excel sheets, word processors and printed technical sheets. Computerized control offers advantages, but existing computer applications worldwide are expensive or not adaptable to the requirements. Objective: to develop a computer tool for the institutional control of computer, office and communications media. Materials and Methods: technological development and innovation research, carried out during 2018 and 2019, in 2 stages: 1) table work, definition of objectives and establishment of pre-requisites. 2) development of the application, following the policy of use of free software. The performance tests and the evaluation were carried out in the company MEDICuba S.A. Results: an application for the Computerized Control of Informatics, Office Automation and Communications Media (CIMIOC) was developed and registered, with a web interface, centralized database and a design adaptable to various types of devices. It allows recording any resource of this type, its movement history, technical status, maintenance programs and information saves, and offers different statistical reports. Conclusions: the CIMIOC computer tool offers a robust and economical solution for ICT management, applicable to any institution. It objectively facilitates the establishment of policies that contribute to raising quality levels in services associated with the intensive use of ICT. Authors recommend to generalize the implementation in the National Health System.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521931


Las páginas web constituyen un medio facilitador del conocimiento. El trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de diseñar e implementar una biblioteca virtual para favorecer el proceso de gestión de la información del Departamento de Información Científica-Técnica y Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Bayamo. Para el desarrollo del contenido del sitio se emplearon: observación, encuestas y entrevistas. Para desarrollar el producto se llevaron a cabo cinco procesos: planificación inicial del sitio, definición, diseño y estándares, puesta en marcha y plan de mantenimiento. Para la confección de la página se empleó el gestor de contenidos WordPress, así como PHP, MySQL, Apache, XAMPP y Windows como lenguaje de programación, motor de bases de datos, servidor Web, paquete de software libre y sistema operativo respectivamente. Se concluye que la implementación de la biblioteca virtual, facilita el proceso de gestión de la información, despierta el interés por la investigación y contribuye a la alfabetización informacional de los usuarios de salud que ingresen a la web. Facilitará la visibilidad, la gestión técnica bibliotecaria; la divulgación, difusión, y uso de los servicios y recursos de información disponibles.

Web pages constitute a means of facilitating knowledge. The work was carried out with the objective of designing and implementing a virtual library to favor the information management process of the Department of Scientific and Technical Information and the Library of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Bayamo. Observation, surveys and interviews were used in the development of the content of the site. Five processes were carried out to develop the product: initial planning of the site, definition, design and standards, commissioning, and maintenance plan. To create the page, the content manager WordPress was used; PHP, MySQL, Apache, XAMPP and Windows were used as the programming language, database engine, Web server, free software package and operating system, respectively. It is concluded that the implementation of the virtual library facilitates the information management process, awakens the interest in research, and contributes to the information literacy of health users who enter the web. It will facilitate visibility, library technical management, disclosure, dissemination, and use of available information services and resources.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995724


Morphological examination of blood cells is an important re-examination method of blood cell analysis, and it is also the basis of diagnosis of hematological diseases with cytopathic changes. Artificial intelligence assisted blood cell morphological examinationcan effectively make up for the shortcomings of artificial microscope examination methods, greatly improve the working efficiency of cell morphological examination, solve the problems of manpower shortage and labor intensity to a great extent, obviously improve the repeatability of examination results, facilitate the review of the examination results, and realize remote blood cell morphological examination and diagnosis online. However, at present, the main method of blood cell morphological examination in China is still manual microscope examination. In order to promote and expand the clinical application of artificial intelligence-assisted blood cell morphological examination, the R&D manufacturers and clinical laboratory experts of automatic blood cell morphological analyzer should work together to promote the standardization of automatic blood cell morphological analysis, strengthen its performance evaluation and verification, continuously improve its analytical performance, expand its clinical application scope, and promote the construction of blood cell morphological database in China.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965374


@#A large number of people would be exposed to irradiation in large-scale nuclear and radiation accidents or nuclear terrorist attacks. Therefore, it is urgent to establish rapid and high-throughput biodosimetry for in triage, providing a basis for emergency management. Imaging flow cytometry (IFC) possesses the high through put advantages of traditional flow cytometry and the sensitivity and specificity of microscope, and has a good application prospect in the research and development of rapid, automated, and high-throughput biological dose estimation technology. This article reviews the application progress of IFC in biodosimetry, and provides a reference for the development of biological dose estimation and detection equipment for large-scale nuclear and radiation accidents.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969294


ObjectiveTo compare the efficacy between the Mycob.T scanner system and manual microscopy for detecting acid-fast bacilli in sputum specimens. MethodsBetween January and November 2020, a total of 1 519 sputum samples from suspected primary tuberculosis patients from 5 designated tuberculosis hospitals in Shanghai were examined by Smear and BACTEC MGIT 960 liquid culture (liquid culture) methods. Each specimen was subiected to 2 direct smear slides. One slide was stained by Z-N method and examined with manual microscopic method. Another slide was stained and scanned by the Mycob.T system. The efficacy of manual microscopy and the Mycob.T scanner system for detecting acid-fast bacilli in sputum specimens was compared based on the result of liquid culture. Results of the repetitive scanning by the Mycob.T scanner system and the recheck of the manual microscopy were analyzed. ResultsThe average positive rate by the Mycob.T scanner system was 14.4% (219/1 519) while the average positive rate by manual microscopy was 16.3% (248/1 519). No significant difference was observed (χ2=2.13, P=0.145). Based on liquid culture confirmation results, the sensitivity of manual microscopy (60.36%) was higher than that of the Mycob.T scanner system (52.94%), and the difference is statistically significant (χ2=4.38, P=0.036). Both methods had high specificity (98.94%). The concordance of the Mycob.T scanner system and manual microscopy was 95.46%, with the kappa value of 0.826. The results of repeatability test of the Mycob.T scanner system and the recheck results of the manual microscopy showed that the coincidence rate of scanning by the Mycob.T scanner system was 99.5% (436/438), and the recheck coincidence rate by the manual microscopy was 98.6% (432/438). ConclusionThe Mycob.T scanner system have high specificity for detecting acid-fast bacilli in sputum samples and good consistency with the results of manual microscopy. Compared with manual microscopic examination, the Mycob.T scanner system can greatly alleviate the work intensity.

Rev. tecnol. (St. Tecla, En línea) ; (15): 43-47, ene.-dic. 2022. ilus. 28 cm., graf.
Artículo en Español | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1413137


El presente estudio de factibilidad técnica realizado por docentes investigadores del Centro Regional MEGATEC Zacatecoluca se centró en desarrollar una investigación descriptiva y aplicada para escalar la comunicación de un Sistema Central de Monitoreo de Pacientes a dispositivos móviles. El objetivo principal del proyecto fue brindar alternativas para escalar y optimizar el acceso a la información de los signos vitales de pacientes, a través de la integración y desarrollo de herramientas informáticas y aplicaciones de terceros, con el software del sistema y componentes informáticos del Sistema Central de Monitoreo. El proyecto integró herramientas, conocimientos, habilidades, experiencias, métodos y procedimientos requeridos para el desarrollo e implementación de un sistema de comunicación interoperable entre aplicaciones heterogéneas. Se utilizaron protocolos y estándares para intercambiar información entre aplicaciones de salud HL7 y FHIR.

This technical feasibility study carried out by research professors from the Centro Regional MEGATEC Zacatecoluca focused on the developing of a descriptive and applied research to scale the communication of a Central Patient Monitoring System to mobile devices. The main objective of the project was to provide alternatives to scale and optimize access to information on the vital signs of patients, through the integration and development of computer tools, and third-party applications with the system software and computer components of the Central System Monitoring. The project integrated tools, knowledge, skills, experiences, methods and procedures required for the development and implementation of an interoperable communication system between heterogeneous applications. Protocols and standards were used to exchange information between HL7 and FHIR health applications.

Programas Informáticos , Signos Vitales , Pacientes
Serv. soc. soc ; (144): 110-128, maio-set. 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377362


Resumo: A subsunção do trabalho ao capital tornou os trabalhadores autômatos às máquinas-ferramentas. Esse controle e a perda de autoatividade demandaram inovações que se expandiram à reprodução social. Este artigo examina o uso das tecnologias digitais no processo de dataficação das políticas sociais públicas a partir do trabalho profissional de assistentes sociais. O acesso e o trabalho no Benefício de Prestação Continuada estão desafiados com o uso da automação sem transparência no processo decisório.

Abstract: The subsumption of labor to capital turned workers into automatons to machine tools. This control and loss of self-activity demanded innovations that expanded to social reproduction. This article examines the use of digital technologies in the datafication process of public social policies through the social workers' professional work. Access and work on the "Benefício de Prestação Continuada" are challenged by the use of automation without transparency in the decision making process.

Rev. med. (Säo Paulo) ; 101(4): e-190105, jul.-ago. 2022.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1392150


Objetivos. Avaliar o impacto da automação na fenotipagem eritrocitária expandida e o nível de concordância dessa com a metodologia manual em amostras de doadores de sangue atendidos no hemocentro coordenador da Fundação HEMOPA no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2019. Material e Métodos. Foram analisadas 2.700 fenotipagens eritrocitárias realizadas por metodologia manual e automatizada através do equipamento IH500 da BioRad®. Os resultados foram testados quanto ao nível de concordância através do teste de Coeficiente Kappa. Resultados. Das amostras fenotipadas 98,6% (2.662/2.700) foram concordantes em ambas as metodologias e apenas 1,4% (38/2700) foram discordantes. Das 38 amostras discordantes 31,6% referiram-se ao fenótipo Lu(b); 15,8% ao fenótipo Lu(a); 13,1% ao fenótipo Fy(b); 7,9% aos fenótipos Le(b), E, c; 5,3% aos fenótipos N, S, s, Kp(a), P1; e 2,6% aos fenótipos M, Jk(a), Jk(b), Fy(a). Conclusões. O nível de concordância entre os dados obtidos através das técnicas de fenotipagem eritrocitária manual e automatizada foi de 98,6%. Já a implantação dessa metodologia teve um impacto positivo com o aumento em 1.649 amostras processadas a mais em relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior. [au]

Objective. Evaluate the impact of automation on expanded erythrocyte phenotyping and the level of agreement between it and the manual methodology in samples from blood donors treated at the blood center coordinating the Fundação HEMOPA from january to december 2019. Material and Methods. 2,700 erythrocyte phenotyping performed by manual and automated methodology using BioRad® IH500 equipment was analyzed. The results were tested for the level of agreement using the Kappa Coefficient test. Results. Of the phenotyped samples, 98,6% (2,662 / 2,700) were in agreement in both methodologies and only 1,4% (38/2700) were in disagreement. Of the 38 discordant samples, 31,6% referred to the Lu(b) phenotype; 15,8% to the Lu(a) phenotype; 13,1% to the Fy phenotype (b); 7,9% to Le(b), E, c phenotypes; 5,3% to N, S, s, Kp (a), P1 phenotypes; and 2,6% for phenotypes M, Jk(a), Jk(b), Fy(a). Conclusions. The level of agreement between data obtained through manual and automated erythrocyte phenotyping techniques was 98.6%. The implementation of this methodology had a positive impact, with an increase of 1,649 more processed samples compared to the same period of the previous year. [au]

Rev. SOBECC (Online) ; 27: 1-7, 01-01-2022.
Artículo en Portugués, Francés | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1372995


Objetivo: Descrever a construção e a implantação dos protocolos PEWS e NEWS na recuperação anestésica com recurso da automação robó-tica. Método: Relato de experiência sobre a construção e a implantação de protocolos de deterioração clínica na recuperação anestésica em um hospital filantrópico de grande porte localizado no município de São Paulo. O processo de trabalho envolveu a determinação dos protocolos, a construção das regras operacionais para o sistema, o desenvolvimento do sistema eletrônico e a implantação com treinamento da equipe assistencial. Resultados: Foi implantado o processo de deterioração clínica com os protocolos PEWS e NEWS de forma automatizada e sinalizado o acionamento por meio de um iconograma no painel da sala de recuperação pós-anestésica. Conclusão: A implantação dos protocolos foi concluída com sucesso; o uso da automação robótica pode simplificar os fluxos de trabalho e o tempo de coleta de sinais vitais para fornecer uma pontuação do escore. Protocolos de deterioração clínica auxiliam na tomada de decisão das enfermeiras da recuperação anestésica, desde que aplicados em conjunto com o julgamento clínico.

Objective: To describe the development and implementation of the PEWS and NEWS protocols in post-anesthesia recovery using robotic automation. Method: Experience report on the development and implementation of clinical deterioration protocols in post-anesthesia recovery in a large philanthropic hospital located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The work involved the determination of protocols, construction of operational rules for the system, development of the electronic system and implementation with training of the assistance team. Results: Prediction of clinical deterio-ration was implemented with the PEWS and NEWS protocols in an automated way, and activation was signaled through an iconogram in the panel of the post-anesthesia care unit. Conclusion: The implementation of the protocols was successfully completed; the use of robotic automation can simplify workflows and reduce the time to collect vital signs to provide a score. Clinical deterioration protocols help nurses' decision-making in anesthesia reco-very, as long as they are applied in conjunction with clinical judgment.

Objetivo: Describir la construcción e implementación de los protocolos PEWS y NEWS en recuperación anestésica utilizando automatiza-ción robótica. Método: Relato de experiencia sobre la construcción e implementación de protocolos de deterioro clínico en la recuperación anestésica en un gran hospital filantrópico de la ciudad de São Paulo. El proceso de trabajo implicó la determinación de protocolos, construcción de reglas de fun-cionamiento del sistema, desarrollo en sistema electrónico e implementación con capacitación del equipo de asistencia. Resultados: Signos de deterioro clínico utilizando los puntajes PEWS y NEWS, lo construimos de forma automatizada e identificamos mediante un signo compuesto por una iconogra-fía en el panel multiprofesional de la unidad, de forma visible para cualquier miembro del equipo. Conclusión: La implementación de los protocolos se completó con éxito, el uso de la automatización robótica puede simplificar los flujos de trabajo y el tiempo de recopilación de signos vitales para pro-porcionar una puntuación. Los protocolos de deterioro clínico auxilian la toma de decisiones del enfermero en la recuperación anestésica, siempre que sean aplicados en conjunto con el juicio clínico.

Humanos , Sala de Recuperación , Anestesia , Enfermeras y Enfermeros , Polvos , Automatización , Robótica
Rev. SOBECC (Online) ; 27: 1-8, 01-01-2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1379931


Objetivo: Relatar a implantação de um processo de automatização de cobrança de uso de equipamentos e procedimentos no perioperatório. Método: Relato de experiência sobre processo de implantação com automatização de cobrança de uso de equipamentos e procedimentos no perioperatório com uso do prontuário eletrônico, realizada em abril de 2020 em um hospital de grande porte, filantrópico, localizado no município de São Paulo. Resultados: Realizou-se a inserção de equipamentos com associação de cobrança automatizada no prontuário eletrônico, bem como a cobrança de procedimentos associada à prescrição de enfermagem e anotação de admissão na recuperação anestésica. A construção desse processo automatizado para equipamentos envolveu revisão com auditoria, apresentação da tela com checkbox e cálculo de horas automático. Conclusão: A implantação da automatização do processo de cobrança foi concluída com sucesso e contribuiu para o aumento de 13% da receita da unidade, o que levou à ampliação da estratégia para demais unidades da instituição.

Objective: To describe the implementation of an automation process for charging equipment use and procedures in the perioperative period. Method: Experience report on the implementation process with automation of charging for equipment use and procedures in the perioperative period through electronic medical records, carried out in April 2020 in a large, philanthropic hospital, located in the city of São Paulo. Results: The pieces of equipment were associated with automated billing in the electronic medical record, and the billing of procedures was associated with the nursing prescription and annotation of admission in the anesthetic recovery room. The creation of this automated process for equipment involved an audit, screen presentation with checkboxes, and automatic calculation of hours. Conclusion: The implementation of billing process automation was successfully completed and contributed to a 13% increase in the unit's revenue, being expanded to other units of the institution.

Objetivo: Relatar la implementación de un proceso de automatización para el cobro del uso de equipos y procedimientos en el período perioperatorio. Método: Relato de experiencia sobre el proceso de implementación con automatización del cobro por uso de equipos y procedimientos en el período perioperatorio con el uso de la historia clínica electrónica, realizado en abril de 2020 en un gran hospital filantrópico, ubicado en la ciudad de São Paulo. Resultados: Se realizó la inserción de equipos con asociación de facturación automatizada en la historia clínica electrónica, así como la facturación de procedimientos asociados a prescripción de enfermería, y anotación de ingreso en la recuperación anestésica. Esa construcción para equipos involucró revisión con auditoría, presentación de pantalla con checkbox y cálculo automático de horas. Conclusión: La implementación de la automatización del proceso de cobranza se completó con éxito y contribuyó para un aumento del 13% en los ingresos de la unidad, lo que llevó a la expansión de la estrategia para otras unidades de la institución.

Humanos , Automatización , Enfermería , Periodo Perioperatorio , Estrategias de Salud , Equipos y Suministros , Registros Electrónicos de Salud
Rev. SOBECC (Online) ; 27: 1-8, 01-01-2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1381463


Objetivo: Relatar a implantação de um processo de automatização de cobrança de uso de equipamentos e procedimentos no perioperatório. Método: Relato de experiência sobre processo de implantação com automatização de cobrança de uso de equipamentos e procedimentos no periopera-tório com uso do prontuário eletrônico, realizada em abril de 2020 em um hospital de grande porte, filantrópico, localizado no município de São Paulo. Resultados: Realizou-se a inserção de equipamentos com associação de cobrança automatizada no prontuário eletrônico, bem como a cobrança de pro-cedimentos associada à prescrição de enfermagem e anotação de admissão na recuperação anestésica. A construção desse processo automatizado para equipamentos envolveu revisão com auditoria, apresentação da tela com checkbox e cálculo de horas automático. Conclusão: A implantação da auto-matização do processo de cobrança foi concluída com sucesso e contribuiu para o aumento de 13% da receita da unidade, o que levou à ampliação da estratégia para demais unidades da instituição.

Objective: To describe the implementation of an automation process for charging equipment use and procedures in the perioperative period.Method: Experience report on the implementation process with automation of charging for equipment use and procedures in the perioperative period through electronic medical records, carried out in April 2020 in a large, philanthropic hospital, located in the city of São Paulo. Results: The pieces of equipment were associated with automated billing in the electronic medical record, and the billing of procedures was associated with the nursing pre-scription and annotation of admission in the anesthetic recovery room. The creation of this automated process for equipment involved an audit, screen presentation with checkboxes, and automatic calculation of hours. Conclusion: The implementation of billing process automation was successfully completed and contributed to a 13% increase in the unit's revenue, being expanded to other units of the institution.

Objetivo: Relatar la implementación de un proceso de automatización para el cobro del uso de equipos y procedimientos en el período perio-peratorio. Método: Relato de experiencia sobre el proceso de implementación con automatización del cobro por uso de equipos y procedimientos en el período perioperatorio con el uso de la historia clínica electrónica, realizado en abril de 2020 en un gran hospital filantrópico, ubicado en la ciudad de São Paulo. Resultados: Se realizó la inserción de equipos con asociación de facturación automatizada en la historia clínica electrónica, así como la factu-ración de procedimientos asociados a prescripción de enfermería, y anotación de ingreso en la recuperación anestésica. Esa construcción para equipos involucró revisión con auditoría, presentación de pantalla con checkbox y cálculo automático de horas. Conclusión: La implementación de la automati-zación del proceso de cobranza se completó con éxito y contribuyó para un aumento del 13% en los ingresos de la unidad, lo que llevó a la expansión de la estrategia para otras unidades de la institución.

Humanos , Automatización , Centros Quirúrgicos , Equipos y Suministros , Sala de Recuperación , Estrategias de Salud , Periodo Perioperatorio
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-932685


Powered by big data and artificial intelligence, the research and clinical application of treatment planning automation for radiation therapy are rapidly growing. The application and supervision of planning automation systems necessitate careful consideration of different levels of automation, as well as the context for use. For autonomous vehicles, the levels of automation have been defined at home and abroad. Nevertheless, no such definitions exist for radiotherapy planning automation. To promote and standardize the development of radiotherapy planning automation and initiate discussion within the community, we developed this recommendation with reference to the taxonomy of driving automation for vehicles and divided the radiotherapy planning automation into six levels (level 1 to 6).

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936414


@#With the arrival of the era of big data, increasing attention has been drawn to the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the medical field. AI has many advantages, such as objectivity, accuracy, minimal invasiveness, time savings and high efficiency. Therefore, the combination of AI with dental diagnosis and treatment can help dentists improve work efficiency and save medical resources, offering potential significant benefits for dental application. At present, AI has been gradually integrated into prosthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, endodontics and periodontics. The AI system can realize automatic tooth preparation, automatic tooth arrangement and implantology. Deep learning can be used to assist in diagnosing maxillary sinus inflammation, predicting the complications of tooth extraction and improving the accuracy of osteotomy. The AI system can also provide significant clues for the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of oral and maxillofacial tumors. The breakthrough brought by AI in cephalometric and the assessment of facial attractiveness of patients has promoted the development of intelligent and personalized orthodontic treatment. Deep learning and analysis of medical images also promote the accuracy of root canal therapy as well as the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases. AI technology has realized the leap from digitalization to automation and intelligence in oral diagnosis and treatment, and its application potential in the oral field should not be underestimated. Based on the concepts of AI, this paper will focus on the application of artificial intelligence in various oral clinical fields and briefly introduce its advantages, problems and future.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-934365


Objective:To evaluate the performance of magnetic beads extraction method (MGE) for the measurement of catecholamine metabolites by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.Methods:This is a methodological evaluation study. The linearity, limit of quantitation, recovery, precision, and matrix effect of catecholamine metabolites 3-methoxyepinephrine (MN), 3-methoxynorepinephrine (NMN) and 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT) extracted by MGE method were evaluated according to CLSI C62-A. Consensus of method development and validation of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in clinical laboratories and other guidelines, 132 clinical residual plasma samples were collected and extracted by automated MGE and traditional solid phase extraction (SPE) method to compare the harmonization of the two extraction methods.Results:The linearity of MN, NMN and 3-MT extracted by automated MGE was>0.99, and the LOQ for MN, NMN and 3-MT were 0.033 5 nmol/L, 0.054 7 nmol/L and 0.011 0 nmol/L, respectively. The repeatability of MN, NMN and 3-MT were 1.3%-5.1%, 2.2%-5.6% and 1.7%-7.1%, respectively. The total imprecision in the laboratory were 1.5%-8.2%, 2.2%-7.7%, 2.1%-11.2%. Although the absolute recovery is low, the average relative recoveries of MN, NMN and 3-MT were 91.5%-108.5%, 92.0%-108.6%, and 89.3%-104.1%, respectively, and the percentage deviation from the expected concentration was within 15%. After isotope internal standard correction, the relative matrix effect is close to 100%, which can compensate for the potential matrix effect. The results of MGE and SPE of MN, NMN and 3-MT showeda good correlation (correlation coefficient r>0.99). The average relative deviations of MN, NMN and 3-MT were 0.2%, -1.4% and 1.0%, respectively. Conclusion:The automatic MGE method hasa good performance in extracting catecholamine metabolites, and is expected to be used in high-throughput analysis of samples in clinical in the future.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958631


Objective:By exploring a construction and improvement system for total lab automation in emergency lab, this work aims to improve the success rates of project implementation and the effective utilization of medical resources.Methods:Firstly, clarify the short board of current solution and determine the configuration of the TLA solution which include the number of pre-analytic, post-analytic modules and analyzers by workflow and data analysis which based on the data from 16th to 22nd September 2019. Secondly, define the basic principles and design the optional solutions. Thirdly, determine the final solution based on the simulation results. Fourthly, evaluate the effectiveness of the solution by comparing the turnaroud time (TAT) before and after implementation.Result:We upgrade the system to improve the automation level of the track by add 1 online centrifuge module and upgrade the capacity of online storage module from 9 000 samples to 15 000 samples, and increase the throughput of the clinical chemistry analyzers form 2 500 tests/h to 5 400 tests/h and immunoassay analyzers from 668 tests/h to 1 320 tests/h with no more space. The 95th percentile TAT (from sample check in to validation) have 33% reduction on the premise of 9% increase on the workload of clinical chemistry and immunoassay, and it is highly consistent with the results obtained by data simulation whose 95th percentile TAT is 67 min.Conclusion:Good uasge of workflow and data analysis in the stage of solution design can help to ensure that the result can meet the expectations of the clinicians and effective utilization of medical resources.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 35: 15, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1387028


Trust in automation plays a leading role in human-automation interaction. As there lack of scales measuring trust in automation in China, the purpose of this study was to adapt the trust between People and Automation Scale (TPAS) into Chinese and to demonstrate its psychometric properties among Chinese adults. A total of 310 Chinese adults were randomly selected as sample 1, and 508 Chinese adults as sample 2. Results of the item analysis revealed that each item had a good quality, and the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) suggested that the two-factor model with 12 items was the best fitting model. In addition, the TPAS was positively correlated with Interpersonal Trust Scale (ITS), proving good evidence based on relations to other variables to support the TPAS. In sum, the study suggested that the Chinese version of the TPAS could be used as an effective tool to assess trust in automation in the Chinese context.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Automatización , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Confianza/psicología , Psicometría , Traducciones , China , Comparación Transcultural , Sistemas Hombre-Máquina
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408526


Las neurociencias constituyen un campo de la ciencia que estudia el sistema nervioso desde el funcionamiento neuronal hasta el comportamiento y cómo sus diferentes elementos interactúan. El Centro de Neurociencias de Cuba es la principal institución de investigación de neurociencia en el país, donde fueron identificadas distintas problemáticas asociadas al lanzamiento y gestión de colas de procesamiento de datasets de neurociencias. El procesamiento que se desarrolla sobre sus bases de datos se realiza de forma manual en sus servidores de HPC (High Performance Computer) debido a dificultades tecnológicas y financieras para acceder a los servicios que ofrecen las plataformas internacionales, por lo que los investigadores se ven obligados a programar instrucciones en consola para ejecutar tareas de procesamiento y análisis. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue desarrollar una herramienta que automatice el proceso de gestión de colas y tareas de procesamiento de neurodatos para la plataforma BrainSSys. Se empleó Python como lenguaje de programación, PyQt5 como marco de trabajo y se utilizó el editor de código Sublime Text 3. Se obtuvo como resultado una herramienta que permite automatizar la gestión de las colas de procesamiento en la plataforma BrainSSys. Las pruebas realizadas determinaron la aceptación y la evaluación funcional de la herramienta, siendo en ambos casos de gran valor para la calidad de la propuesta solución(AU)

Neuroscience is a field of science that studies the nervous system from neural functioning to behavior and how its different elements interact. The Cuban Neuroscience Centre is the main neuroscience research institution in the country, where different problems associated with the launch and management of neuroscience dataset processing queues has been identified. The processing of its databases is carried out manually on their HPC (High Performance Computer) servers due to technological and financial difficulties in accessing the services offered by international platforms, so researchers are forced to program instructions on the console to execute processing and analysis tasks. The aim of this research was to develop a tool that automates the queue management process and neurodata processing tasks for the BrainSSys platform. Python was used as programming language, PyQt5 and Sublime Text 3 as framework and code editor respectively. The result is a tool that automates the management of processing queues on the BrainSSys platform. The tests carried out determined the acceptance and functional evaluation of the tool, being in both cases of great value for the quality of the proposed solution(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Aplicaciones de la Informática Médica , Lenguajes de Programación , Neurociencias , Cuba
J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. (Online) ; 58: e4422022, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375695


ABSTRACT Introduction Differential counting of erythroblasts in blood samples by hematology analyzers still has limitations. Technological advances in blood count equipment have proposed the fully automated counting of these cells, however, not without its validation. Objective Validate the automated count of erythroblasts in peripheral blood in the Mindray BC6000 hematology analyzer and verify the existence of correlation of the maturation stages of erythroblasts with the equipment's graphics. Material and Methods Prospective study with peripheral blood samples from the Clinical Pathology Laboratory Dr Paulo C. Azevedo, regardless of age and gender, to validate the erythroblast count in the Mindray BC6000 hematology analyzer compared to the manual method (gold standard), in the period of June 2019 to December 2020. Results Seventeen peripheral blood samples were analyzed from newborns (09/17 - 52.3%) and from patients older than 2 years (08/17 - 47.7%) who had more than 18% of erythroblasts after morphological analysis of the sample. Statistical analysis of erythroblast counts by the two methodologies showed that the Mindray BC6000 hematological counter has good reproducibility, precision and linearity. There was no correlation between the maturation stages of erythroblasts and the equipment graphics. Conclusion The proposed validation showed that the Mindray BC6000 hematological counter has good analytical performance for counting erythroblasts in peripheral blood. However, there is no correlation between the maturation stages of erythroblasts with the graphics generated by the equipment.

RESUMO Introdução A contagem diferencial de eritroblastos em amostras de sangue por analisadores de hematologia ainda apresenta limitações. Os avanços tecnológicos nos equipamentos de hemograma têm proposto a contagem totalmente automatizada dessas células, porém, não sem sua validação. Objetivo Validar a contagem automatizada de eritroblastos no sangue periférico no analisador hematológico Mindray BC6000 e verificar a existência de correlação dos estágios de maturação dos eritroblastos com os gráficos do equipamento. Material e Métodos Estudo prospectivo com amostras de sangue periférico do Laboratório de Patologia Clínica Dr. Paulo C. Azevedo, independente de idade e sexo, para validação da contagem de eritroblastos no analisador hematológico Mindray BC6000 em comparação ao método manual (padrão ouro), no período de junho de 2019 a dezembro de 2020. Resultados Foram analisadas 17 amostras de sangue periférico de recém-nascidos (17/09 - 52,3%) e de pacientes maiores de 2 anos (17/08 - 47,7%) que apresentavam mais de 18% de eritroblastos após análise morfológica da amostra. A análise estatística das contagens de eritroblastos pelas duas metodologias mostrou que o contador hematológico Mindray BC6000 tem boa reprodutibilidade, precisão e linearidade. Não houve correlação entre os estágios de maturação dos eritroblastos e os gráficos do equipamento. Conclusão A validação proposta mostrou que o contador hematológico Mindray BC6000 apresenta bom desempenho analítico para contagem de eritroblastos em sangue periférico. Porém, não há correlação entre os estágios de maturação dos eritroblastos com os gráficos gerados pelo equipamento.