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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969640


Background The presence of formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, toluene, and xylene in indoor air of public places has been confirmed to cause health damage. The employees of barber and beauty shops are exposed to relatively enclosed space for a long time, and could surfer more serious health risks from indoor air chemical pollutants. Objective To analyze the concentrations of common indoor air chemical pollutants in barber shops and beauty salons in Liaocheng City, and explore potential health risks of the pollutants for employees. Methods Using a stratified randomized sampling method, 8 to 10 barber shops and 5 to 10 beauty salons were selected in the main urban area of Liaocheng City to conduct monitoring of the sanitary conditions of public places in winter and summer every year from 2016 to 2021; the indoor air concentrations of formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, toluene, and xylene in the selected sites were measured, and a questionnaire survey was conducted to collect exposure characteristics of indoor pollutants. The concentration distributions of the five chemical pollutants were obtained from the monitoring data for 6 consecutive years, and the health risk assessment model recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was used to perform health risk assessment of inhalation exposure. Results In 2016–2021, the median indoor air concentrations of formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, toluene, and xylene in the two types of sites were lower than the limits of Hygienic Indicators and Limits for Public Places (GB 37488-2019), but the concentrations of some monitoring sites were higher than the limits. The disqualification rates of the five pollutants in the barber shops were 16.8%, 2.7%, 2.4%, 6.4%, and 12.0%, respectively. The disqualification rate of formaldehyde was the highest in all pollutants (22.0%), while the disqualification rates of ammonia, toluene, and xylene were 1.3%, 2.0%, and 2.0% in beauty salons respectively. Both formaldehyde and benzene were found to have carcinogenic risks (CR) in the two types of public places. Both median values of CR were greater than 1.0×10−6, and both maximum values were greater than 1.0×10−4. Formaldehyde had the highest non-carcinogenic risk in the indoor air of barber shops and beauty salons. The median non-carcinogenic hazard quotients (HQ) of formaldehyde were both greater than 1, and the maximum values were 16.72 and 12.19 times of the standard value; ammonia and toluene had the lowest non-carcinogenic risks, and their maximum values of HQ were less than 1; the median HQs of benzene and xylene were far less than 1, but their maximum risk values of barber shop were greater than 1. Conclusion For the sake of worker's health, formaldehyde and benzene should be the indoor air pollutant control priority for barber shops and beauty salons in Liaocheng; formaldehyde poses the most serious health hazard to practitioners and should be given high attention and necessary measures to reduce the hazard; benzene poses certain carcinogenic risks, with some of its highest values exceeding 10−4, which is higher than the recommended safety threshold.

Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 32: e218817, 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1135958


Resumo A Lei do Salão Parceiro em 2016 foi aprovada sob o discurso da flexibilização e formalização do trabalho autônomo; entretanto, o processo de pejotização dos trabalhadores tem sido um de seus efeitos e estudado sob o olhar da precarização do trabalho. A presente pesquisa objetivou caracterizar a percepção de manicures e cabeleireiras(os) acerca de suas experiências de trabalho e confrontá-la com os argumentos presentes na proposição da lei. Para isso, realizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com 11 cabeleireiras(os) e manicures e aplicamos análise hermenêutica-dialética. Os resultados indicaram três unidades de sentido: Caracterização mercadológica e ocupacional; Tradições trabalhistas no setor de beleza; e Realidade após a Lei do Salão Parceiro. Elas apontaram a ausência de uma autonomia real na mudança e no exercício da atividade como parceiro do salão de beleza e a desinformação acerca da figura jurídica do microempreendedor individual.

Resumen La Lei do Salão Parceiro, de 2016, fue aprobada bajo el discurso de la flexibilización y formalización del trabajo autónomo; sin embargo, el proceso de pejotização (prestador de servicios legal) ha sido uno de sus efectos y, estudiado bajo la mirada de la precarización del trabajo. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la percepción de manicuras y peluqueras(os) sobre sus experiencias laborales y confrontarla con los argumentos presentes en la proposición de la ley. Para esto, realizamos entrevistas semiestructuradas con 11 peluqueras(os) y manicuras y aplicamos el análisis hermenéutico-dialéctico. Los resultados indicaron tres unidades de sentido: Caracterización mercadológica y ocupacional; Tradiciones laborales en el sector de belleza; y Realidad posterior a la Lei do Salão Parceiro. Ellas señalaron la ausencia de una autonomía real en el cambio y en el ejercicio de la actividad como "colaborador" del salón de belleza y desinformación sobre la figura legal del microemprendedor individual.

Abstract The Lei do Salão Parceiro (Salon Partner Law) was approved in 2016 under speeches of flexibilization and formalization of autonomous work. However, the pejotização of workers has been one of its effects and it has been studied as work precariousness. This research aimed to characterize the perception of manicurists and hairdressers on their work experiences, and to confront it with the arguments present in the law proposal. For this, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 11 hairdressers and manicurists, and applied hermeneutic-dialectical analysis. The results indicated three meaning units: Marketing and occupational characterization; Labor traditions in the beauty sector; and Reality after the Lei do Salão Parceiro. They pointed to the absence of a real autonomy in the transition and in the work practice as beauty salon partner, and to the misinformation about the legal figure of the individual microentrepreneur.

Relaciones Laborales , Centros de Belleza y Estética , Sector Informal , Autonomía Profesional , Legislación como Asunto
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 18(3): 157-161, set.-dez. 2014. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-761405


O crescimento do mercado da beleza tem despertado a preocupação dos profissionais e clientes dos salões de beleza com a questão da biossegurança na prestação de serviços nestes locais. Os salões de beleza caracterizam-se como um ambiente de risco de contaminação por microrganismos por tratar-se de um local onde há uma grande rotatividade de pessoas e também por acontecer, rotineiramente, o uso compartilhado de artigos perfurocortantes. A pesquisa foi realizada com 100 profissionais da cidade, distribuídos em 15 bairros, divididos em quatro macro regiões de Juazeiro do Norte-CE e objetivou-se descrever a adesão dos profissionais às normas de biossegurança aplicadas aos procedimentos de manicure e pedicure nos salões de beleza. Conclui-se que há baixa adesão dos profissionais e desinformação em relação às normas de biossegurança.

The development of the beauty market has aroused the concern of professional and customer of beauty salons with the question of bio-safety in providing services in these places. The beauty salons can be considered places of risk of contamination by microorganisms because they are spaces where there is high turnover of people and by the shared use of sharp items. This research was made with 100 city workers, distributed in 15 districts, divided into four macro regions of Juazeiro do Norte-CE and aimed to describe the adherence of professionals to the bio-security standards applied to manicure and pedicure procedures in beauty salons. It is possible to conclude that there is low adhesion of beauty professionals and misinformation in relation to the bio-safety standards.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Centros de Belleza y Estética , Contaminación Ambiental