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Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(1): 1-6, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552849


Este relato de caso aborda o curso clínico de um envenenamento botrópico ocorrido no município de Jarinu, SP, no ano de 2021. O paciente necessitou de fasciotomia em membro superior após síndrome compartimental aguda com enxertia dermoepidérmica em um segundo momento cirúrgico. No pós-operatório tardio, o paciente evoluiu com retração, necessitando de reabordagem cirúrgica com correção de retração de membro superior esquerdo. Discute-se a gravidade do acidente ofídico, efeitos do veneno nos tecidos, complicações, síndrome compartimental aguda, indicação e técnica da fasciotomia descompressiva com base na literatura.

This case study examines the clinical course of a Bothrops snakebite poisoning that occurred in Jarinu, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2021. The patient required a fasciotomy in the upper limb due to acute compartment syndrome, followed by a second surgical procedure involving dermo-epidermal grafting. In the late postoperative period, the patient experienced retraction, leading to a subsequent surgical intervention to correct the retraction in the left upper limb. The severity of the snakebite accident, the effects of venom on tissues, complications, acute compartment syndrome, as well as the indications and techniques for decompressive fasciotomy, are discussed based on the available literature.

Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 58(1): 71-74, mar. 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556659


Resumen Las infecciones por mordeduras de perros y gatos presentan una etiología bacteriana mixta con microorganismos aerobios y anaerobios que provienen de la cavidad oral del agresor y, en menor medida, de la piel del agredido y el medio ambiente. Con mayor frecuencia se aíslan Pasteurella multocida, Pasteurella canis, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Capnocytophaga canimorsus y anaerobios. Si bien las infecciones por mordeduras de animales no son infrecuentes, algunos de los microorganismos implicados son excepcionales. Neisseria weaveri forma parte de la microbiota orofaríngea de perros y gatos; sin embargo, los casos comunicados debidos a mordeduras son escasos.

Abstract Infections caused by dog and cat bites have a mixed bacterial etiology with aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms that come from the mouth of the offender and, to a lesser extent, from the skin of the victim and the environment. Pasteurella multocida, Pasteurella canis, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Capnocytophaga canimorsus and anaerobes can be frequently isolated. Although animal bite infections are not uncommon, some of the microorganisms involved are rare. Neisseria weaveri is part of the oropharyngeal microbiota of dogs and cats; however, reported cases due to bites are rare.

Resumo As infecções causadas por mordeduras de cães e gatos têm etiologia bacteriana mista com microrganismos aeróbicos e anaeróbicos que provêm da cavidade bucal do agressor e, em menor grau, da pele da vítima e do meio ambiente. Pasteurella multocida, Pasteurella canis, Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Capnocytophaga canimorsus e aneróbios podem ser isoladas mais frequentemente. Embora as infecções por mordeduras de animais não sejam incomuns, alguns dos microorganismos envolvidos são raros. A Neisseria weaveri faz parte da microbiota orofaríngea de cães e gatos, porém são escassos os casos relatados como consequência de mordeduras.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018378


Objective Data mining method was used to analyze the Chinese herbal prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bites collected from the major domestic literature databases and the surgery volume of Zhong Hua Yi Fang(Chinese Medical Prescriptions),so as to explore their potential prescription and medication rules,and to provide references for the treatment of venomous snake bites in the primary hospitals.Methods The Chinese herbal prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bites were retrieved from the CNKI,VIP and Wanfang databases,and the ancient formulas for treating venomous snake bites were screened in the surgery volume of Zhong Hua Yi Fang(Chinese Medical Prescriptions).Excel software was used to extract the relevant information of the formulas,and R language was used to analyze the medication frequency,properties,flavors and meridian tropism of the herbs as well as their association rules and clustering analysis.Results A total of 187 prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bite were obtained,involving 284 Chinese herbal medicines.The top 15 Chinese herbal medicines in decreasing sequence of medication frequency were Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Angelicae Dahuricae Radix,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Paridis Rhizoma,Rehmanniae Radix,Coptidis Rhizoma,Scutellariae Radix,Lonicerae Japonicae Flos,Paeoniae Radix Rubra,Moutan Cortex,Hedyotis Diffusae Herba,Imperatae Rhizoma,Plantaginis Herba,and Scutellariae Barbatae Herba.The flavor of herbs in the prescription for the treatment of venomous snakebite was usually bitter,pungent and sweet,and their property was relatively cold.Most of the herbs had the meridian tropism of the liver meridian and lung meridian.The core prescription mainly composed of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,and Paridis Rhizoma was obtained after association rule analysis and cluster analysis.Conclusion The herbs for the treatment of venomous snake bites often have the actions of clearing heat and removing toxins,and the prescription is usually composed of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,Paridis Rhizoma together with the compatibility of medicines for clearing heat and cooling blood,extinguishing wind and arresting convulsion,clearing heat and promoting urination.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0002, 2024. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529930


RESUMO O propósito deste estudo foi reportar as alterações oculares observadas após picada de abelha com ferrão retido na córnea. Destacamos o tratamento e o desfecho de uma lesão de córnea incomum e sua patogênese. Trata-se de relato de caso e revisão da literatura de lesões oculares por picada de abelha. Paciente do sexo feminino, 63 anos, procurou atendimento oftalmológico de urgência devido à picada de abelha na córnea do olho direito há 6 dias. Queixava-se de embaçamento visual, dor e hiperemia ocular. Apresentou acuidade visual de vultos no olho afetado. Ao exame, notaram-se hiperemia moderada de conjuntiva bulbar, edema corneano com dobras de Descemet e presença do ferrão alojado na região temporal, no estroma profundo da córnea. A paciente foi internada para ser abordada no centro cirúrgico sob anestesia geral. Durante a cirurgia, o ferrão teve que ser retirado via câmara anterior, mediante a realização de uma paracentese e uma lavagem da câmara anterior, com dupla via e solução salina balanceada. Ainda não existe na literatura um tratamento padrão na abordagem de pacientes com lesões oculares por picada de abelha, sendo importantes a identificação e o reconhecimento precoce de possíveis complicações que ameacem a visão.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to report the ocular changes observed after a bee sting with a stinger retained in the cornea. We show the treatment and outcome of an unusual corneal injury and its pathogenesis. This is a case report and literature review of ocular injuries caused by bee stings. A 63-year-old female patient sought emergency ophthalmic care because of a bee sting on the cornea of her right eye six days before. She complained of blurred vision, pain, and ocular hyperemia. She had glare sensitivity on visual acuity in the affected eye. Examination revealed moderate hyperemia of the bulbar conjunctiva, corneal edema with Descemet's folds and a stinger lodged in the temporal region, in the deep stroma of the cornea. The patient was admitted to the operating room under general anesthesia. During surgery, the stinger had to be removed via the anterior chamber, by performing a paracentesis and washing the anterior chamber with a double flushing and balanced saline solution. There is still no standard treatment in the literature for patients with eye injuries caused by bee stings, and early identification and recognition of possible sight-threatening complications is important.

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Venenos de Abeja/efectos adversos , Edema Corneal/etiología , Cuerpos Extraños en el Ojo/complicaciones , Lesiones de la Cornea/etiología , Mordeduras y Picaduras de Insectos/complicaciones , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Oftalmológicos/métodos , Edema Corneal/diagnóstico , Edema Corneal/fisiopatología , Iridociclitis , Cuerpos Extraños en el Ojo/cirugía , Cuerpos Extraños en el Ojo/diagnóstico , Lesiones de la Cornea/cirugía , Lesiones de la Cornea/diagnóstico , Microscopía con Lámpara de Hendidura , Gonioscopía , Mordeduras y Picaduras de Insectos/cirugía , Mordeduras y Picaduras de Insectos/diagnóstico
São Paulo med. j ; 142(4): e2023151, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536909


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Loxosceles spp are arthropods found worldwide. Its bite may produce cutaneous loxoscelism (necrotic or edematous) or cutaneous-visceral loxoscelism. Depending on their severity and location, cutaneous forms are managed with local cold application and systemic administration of antihistamines, corticosteroids, antibiotics, polymorphonuclear inhibitors, and analgesics. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to report a case of cutaneous loxoscelism and to identify the main dermatological manifestations associated with the Loxosceles spp bite. DESIGN AND SETTING: This case report and literature review was conducted in a Mexican university. METHODS: A detailed report on the medical management of a patient with cutaneous loxoscelism treated at the emergency department of a public hospital was published. Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases were searched to identify articles reporting cutaneous loxoscelism. The following keywords were used during the database search: "loxoscelism" OR "spider bite," OR "loxosceles" OR "loxosceles species" OR "loxosceles venom" OR "loxoscelism case report" AND "cutaneous" OR "dermonecrotic arachnidism." RESULTS: A 62-year-old female patient with cutaneous loxoscelism was treated with systemic dapsone and local heparin spray. Eighteen studies with 22 clinical cases were included in this systematic review. Of the 22 patients, 12 (54.5%) were men. L. rufescens was the predominant spider species. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of dapsone and heparin for the management of cutaneous loxoscelism demonstrated success in this case, with no sequelae observed. In general, the literature review indicated favorable outcomes in patients treated with antimicrobials and corticosteroids, with continuous healing of skin lesions. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION: PROSPERO ID CRD42023422424 (

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(2): 32205, 31 ago. 2023. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1452599


Os acidentes por animais peçonhentos sãoum problema de saúde pública que apresenta elevado número de casos anuais no Brasil. Objetivo:descrever e analisar as ocorrências de acidentes por animais peçonhentos no Brasil e suas tendências entre 2007 e 2021.Metodologia:oestudo utilizou dados doSistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação edo Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade.A população do estudo foi analisada segundo sexo, faixa etária e região de residência. A análise de tendência da série histórica foi realizada por regressão linear generalizada usando a estimação de Prais-Winsten.Resultados:as taxas de ocorrência padronizadas dobraram no período estudado (53,8/100.000 hab. em 2007 para 111,2/100.000 hab. em 2021). A região Nordeste apresentou a maior taxa de ocorrência padronizada (105,5/100.000 hab.). As regiões Nordeste, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste apresentaram maior taxa bruta de acidentes por escorpiões (75,8, 48,7 e 32,8 acidentes/100.000 hab., respectivamente), enquanto a região Norte por serpentes (54,2 acidentes/100.000 hab.) e a Região Sul por aranhas (60,3 acidentes/100.000 hab.). A taxa de mortalidade observada no período de 2007 a 2020 foi de 1,3 óbitos/1 milhão de hab. Entre as mortes registradas, 39,6% foram por picada de cobra.Conclusões:as tendências no Brasil foram ascendentes para ambos os sexos e para todas as faixas etárias. Apenas as regiões Norte e Sul apresentaram algumas categorias com tendências estacionárias. A análise dos dados epidemiológicos possibilita a identificação de populações-alvo e a elaboração de políticas públicas a fim de prevenir novos acidentes, bem como aprimorar o atendimento às pessoas acometidas por meio do planejamento da distribuição de soros antiofídicos (AU).

Accidents by venomous animals is a public health problem that presents a high number of annual cases in Brazil.Objective:to describe and analyze the occurrences of accidents by venomous animalsin Brazil and their trends between 2007 and 2021.Methodology:the study used Notifiable Diseases Information Systemand Mortality Information Systemdata. The study population wasanalyzed according to sex, age group, and region of residence. Trend analysis of the historical series was performed by generalized linear regression using Prais-Winsten estimation.Results:the standardized occurrence rates doubled during the studied period (53.8/100,000 inhab. in 2007 to 111.2/100,000 inhab. in 2021). The Northeast region had the highest standardized occurrence rate (105.5/100,000 inhab.). The Northeast, Southeast, and Midwest regions had a higher crude rate of accidents caused by scorpions (75.8, 48.7 and 32.8 accidents/100,000 inhab., respectively), while the North region by snakes (54.2 accidents/100,000 inhab.), and the South region by spiders (60.3 accidents/100,000 inhab.). Death rate observed in the period from 2007 to 2020 was 1.3deaths/1 million inhab. Among the deaths registered, 39.6% were from snakebite.Conclusions:trends in Brazil were ascendant for both sexes and for all age groups. Only the North and South regions showed some categories with stationary trends. The analysis of epidemiological data makes it possible the identification of target populations and elaborations of public policies in order to prevent new accidents, as well as the improvement of care for affected people by planning the distribution of antivenom serums (AU).

Los accidentes por animales venenosos son un problema de salud pública que presenta un elevado número de casos anuales en Brasil. Objetivo: describir y analizar lasocurrencias de accidentes por animales venenosos en Brasil y sus tendencias entre 2007 y 2021.Metodología: el estudio utilizó datos del sistema de información de enfermedades de declaración obligatoria(SINAN, según su sigla en portugués)ydelsistema de información de mortalidad. La población delestudio se analizó según sexo, grupo de edad y región de residencia. El análisis de tendencia de la serie histórica se realizó mediante regresión lineal generalizada utilizando la estimación de Prais-Winsten.Resultados: las tasas de ocurrencia estandarizadas se duplicaron durante el período estudiado (de 53,8/100000 hab. en 2007 a 111,2/100000 hab. en 2021). La región Nordeste presentó la mayor tasa de ocurrencia estandarizada (105,5/100000 hab.). Las regiones Nordeste, Sudeste y Medio Oeste presentaron la mayor tasa bruta de accidentes por alacranes (75,8, 48,7 y 32,8 accidentes/100000 hab., respectivamente), mientras que la región Norte por serpientes (54,2 accidentes/100000 hab.), y la Región Sur por arañas (60,3 accidentes/100000 hab.). La tasa de mortalidad observada en el período de 2007 a 2020 fue de 1,3 muertes/1 millón de hab. Entre las muertes registradas, el 39,6% fueron por mordedura de serpiente.Conclusiones: las tendencias en Brasil fueron ascendentes para ambos sexos y para todos los grupos de edad. Solo las regiones Norte y Sur presentaron algunas categorías con tendencias estacionarias. El análisis de datos epidemiológicos posibilita la identificación de poblaciones objetivo y la elaboración de políticas públicas para la prevención de nuevos accidentes, así como la mejora de la atención a las personas afectadas mediante la planificación de la distribución de sueros antiofídicos (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Política Pública , Accidentes/tendencias , Sistemas de Información en Salud , Mordeduras y Picaduras de Insectos , Animales Ponzoñosos , Brasil , Modelos Lineales , Monitoreo Epidemiológico
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222025


Background: Rabies is one of zoonotic viral disease, estimated to cause 59000 human deaths annually in over 150 countries, of which 20,000 are from India alone; about 40% of which are in children under the age of 15. Rabies though 100% fatal is preventable with post-exposure prophylaxis which includes wound washing, anti-rabies vaccination and rabies immunoglobulin. Objective: To describe the clinico-social profile of animal bite patients attending the anti-rabies clinic of BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the anti-rabies clinic of Nehru hospital, BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur from January 2022 to May 2022. Study participants were interviewed by using a pre-phrased, pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire. Data regarding socio-demographic and clinical profile of the study participants following animal bite exposure was collected. Results: The total number of animal bite victims were 250, in which majority of them were males (76.77%) and highest percentage was of adult population (20-59 years). Maximum number of victims were from rural area (78.70%). 19.35% were working and 39.35% were students. 77.43% were category III bites and in 50.96% cases lower limb was the site of bite and dogs were responsible for 89.67% of the bites. 60.64% victims did not wash the wound properly before reaching the anti-rabies clinic. Conclusion: This study concludes that as majority of the animal bite victims were students and majority of victims were unaware about the importance of wound care, therefore a step can be taken to create awareness in various schools.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 14: 1-7, mar. 20, 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1524957


Objetivo: identificar o conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem, no manejo do paciente vítima de acidente botrópico no serviço de emergência. Métodos: estudo descritivo, exploratório e com abordagem qualitativa. Desenvolvido em 2019, com profissionais da equipe de enfermagem do setor de emergência adulto de um Hospital Universitário. Utilizou-se entrevistas semiestruturadas, transcritas e analisadas por meio de estatística descritiva simples e análise de conteúdo. Resultados: participaram do estudo 34 profissionais da equipe de enfermagem, sendo 82% do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 37 anos. A análise de conteúdo revelou três categorias: conhecimento sobre acidentes por animais peçonhentos, trajetória acadêmica e profissional no contexto de animais peçonhentos e manejo da equipe de enfermagem do paciente vítima de acidente botrópico. Conclusão: os resultados demonstram o conhecimento e condutas da equipe de enfermagem frente ao acidente botrópico e evidenciam a necessidade de sensibilizar a equipe de enfermagem quanto ao reconhecimento do acidente ofídico, especialmente com relação às características apresentadas pelo animal peçonhento e as manifestações clínicas apresentadas pelo paciente. (AU)

Objective: to identify the knowledge of the nursing staff in dealing with bothropic accident victims in the emergency service. Methods: descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Developed in 2019, with professionals from the nursing staff of the adult emergency sector of a University Hospital. A semi-structured interview was used, transcribed and analyzed using simple descriptive statistics and content analysis. Results: 34 professionals from the nursing team participated in the study, being 82% female, with an average age of 37 years. The content analysis revealed three categories: knowledge about accidents caused by poisonous animals, academic and professional trajectory in the context of poisonous animals and management of the nursing team to the patient victim of bothropic accidents. Conclusão: the results demonstrate the knowledge and behaviors of the nursing staff in face of bothropic accidents and highlight the need to sensitize the nursing staff regarding the recognition of the snakebite accident, especially regarding the characteristics presented by the venomous animal and the clinical manifestations presented by the patient. (AU)

Objetivo: identificar los conocimientos del equipo de enfermería en el manejo del paciente víctima de accidente botópico en el servicio de urgencias. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, exploratorio con abordaje cualitativo. Desarrollado en 2019, con profesionales del personal de enfermería del servicio de urgencias de adultos de un Hospital Universitario. Se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada, transcrita y analizada mediante estadística descriptiva simple y análisis de contenido. Resultados: participaron en el estudio 34 profesionales del equipo de enfermería, de los cuales el 82% eran mujeres, con una edad promedio de 37 años. El análisis de contenido reveló tres categorías: conocimiento sobre accidentes causados por animales venenosos, trayectoria académica y profesional en el contexto de animales venenosos, y manejo del equipo de enfermería al paciente víctima de accidentes bottrópicos. Conclusión: los resultados demuestran el conocimiento y conducta del equipo de enfermería ante el accidente bottrópico y muestran la necesidad de sensibilizar al personal de enfermería sobre el reconocimiento del accidente de la serpiente, especialmente en lo que respecta a las características que presenta el animal venenoso y las manifestaciones clínicas que presenta el paciente. (AU)

Mordeduras de Serpientes , Bothrops , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital , Animales Ponzoñosos , Atención de Enfermería
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(1): 93-106, mar. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533923


Introducción. En Ecuador, las mordeduras de serpientes venenosas son un problema de salud pública. Sin embargo, no existe información hospitalaria reciente desde la Amazonía. Objetivo. Analizar retrospectivamente las características clínico-epidemiológicas de las mordeduras de serpientes en pacientes ingresados en un hospital de la Amazonía del Ecuador. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en el hospital provincial de Nueva Loja (Sucumbíos), que colinda con Colombia, 2017-2021. La información sobre las variables demográficas, epidemiológicas y clínicas, y la condición al egreso hospitalario, se obtuvieron de la ficha epidemiológica del Ministerio de Salud Pública. Resultados. En cinco años se hospitalizaron 147 pacientes (29,4 por año), sin que se presentaran muertes. Corresponden a 26, 34, 32, 29 y 26 casos, en el 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 y 2021, respectivamente. Según el sexo, los más afectados fueron los hombres (n=99; 67,3 %), según el grupo etario, los de 21 a 30 años (n=28; 19,0 %) y, según la raza, los de etnia mestiza (n=94; 63,9 %), estudiantes y agricultores. La mediana de edad fue de 28 años (rango: 4 a 81). Hubo mayor prevalencia en abril, junio y septiembre. Todos los accidentes fueron causados por serpientes Viperidae. Veinte (13,6 %) casos fueron leves, 90 (61,2 %), moderados, y 37 (25,2 %), graves. La mordedura fue más frecuente en los pies (45 casos). El 53,1 % recibió suero antiofídico antes de la hospitalización y en el 19,8 % de los pacientes se colocó un torniquete. La mediana de tiempo de llegada al hospital fue de 5 horas (rango: 1-192), y lo más frecuente fue entre 2 y 3 horas (41 casos). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas según la gravedad del caso. Conclusiones. Se evidenció una gran prevalencia de mordeduras de serpientes en el norte de la región amazónica-Ecuador, con mayor incidencia en la estación lluviosa y todas causadas por Viperidae. Es importante resaltar la mortalidad nula. Las campañas informativas sobre prevención y primeros auxilios, como la desmotivación del uso de torniquetes, serían fundamentales para reducir los casos, especialmente, en los grupos vulnerables.

Introduction: In Ecuador, poisonous snakebites are a public health problem. However, there is no recent hospital information from the Amazon. Objective: To retrospectively analyse the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of snakebites in patients admitted to a hospital in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Materials and methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted at the Nueva Loja-Sucumbíos Provincial Hospital, bordering Colombia (2017-2021). Demographic, epidemiological and clinical variables, and condition at hospital discharge, were obtained from the epidemiological file of the Ministerio de Salud Pública. Results: In 5 years, 147 patients (29.4 per year) were hospitalized with no mortality. They corresponded to 26, 34, 32, 29 and 26 cases, in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively. Men with 99 (67.3%), aged 21-30 years with 28, mixed race with 94 cases, students, and farmers, were the most affected. The most affected (99; 67.3%) were men, people 21 to 30 years-old (28; 19.0%), mestizos (94; 63.9%), students, and farmers. The median age was 28 (range: 4-81) years. Prevalence was higher in April, June, and September. All accidents were caused by Viperidae snakes. Twenty (13.6%) cases were mild, (61.2%) were moderate and 37 (25.2%) were severe. The feet with 45 were the most bitten. Pre-hospitalization anti-venom serum was received by 53.1% and tourniquet by 19.8% patients. Median hospital arrival time was 5 (range 1-192) hours, mostly between 2-3 hours with 41 cases. No statistically significant differences were found considering the severity. Conclusions: A high prevalence of snakebites was evidenced in the north of the Amazon in Ecuador, with a higher incidence in the rainy season and all by Viperidae species. It is important to highlight the null mortality. Information campaigns on prevention and first aid, such as discouraging the use of tourniquets, especially among vulnerable groups.

Mordeduras de Serpientes/epidemiología , Ecosistema Amazónico , Ecuador , Animales Ponzoñosos
Acta méd. peru ; 40(1)ene. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439128


Introducción : Es de vital importancia considerar que la toxina del veneno de la avispa puede ocasionar una reacción violenta que daña la función visual, es por ello que presentamos el siguiente caso relacionado. Cuadro Clínico : Mujer de 32 años con antecedente de picadura de avispa hace 24 horas en ojo derecho; disminución de la agudeza visual, enrojecimiento, lagrimeo, dolor, secreción; agudeza visual de cuenta dedos a 2 metros del ojo derecho y 20/25 ojo izquierdo, con presiones intraoculares de 12 y 13; biomicroscopía hiperemia conjuntival con inyección periciliar 3+, cuerpo extraño en córnea hasta estoma con edema 3+, estrías en la Descemet ojo derecho. Resultados : Se procede a la extracción del cuerpo extraño con previa protección antimicrobiana con antibiótico tobramicina, antiinflamatorio esteroideo prednisolona, hipertónicas y lubricante mixto carboximetilcelulosa y glicerina. A la semana, se observa la formación de una opacidad capsular anterior con signos de atrofia iridiana que empieza a dar un "cambio de color del iris", a las dos semanas se evidencia la dilatación de la vasculatura periciliar, a horas 4, y a las 3 semanas el paciente presenta una agudeza visual de 20/25 ambos ojos, con transparencia corneal, persistencia de la atrofia iridiana y catarata traumática capsular anterior, con remisión de sintomatología en el paciente. Conclusiones : No se sabe el componente exacto del veneno que produce los signos previamente descritos, existen teorías de que puede deberse a un componente con acción parasimpaticomimética, el mismo que se relaciona a otras observaciones clínicas de despigmentación local y heterocromía.

Introduction : It is very important to consider that the toxin present in wasp venom may lead to a severe reaction damaging visual function. This is the reason why we present the following case. Clinical Picture : This is a 32-year-old-female who was bitten by a wasp 24 hours ago in her right eye. She had visual acuity reduction, reddening, tearing, pain, and secretion. Her visual acuity was counting fingers at two-meter distance from her right eye and 20/25 in the left eye. Intraocular pressure was 12 and 13. Biomicroscopy showed conjunctival hiperemia with 3+ periciliary injection. There was a foreign body in the cornea towards the stoma, with 3+ edema. There were striae in the right Descemet. Resultados: We took out the foreign body with previous antimicrobial protection including an antibacterial (tobramycin) and a steroid anti-inflammatory compound (prednisolone). Hypertonic solution and mixed lubricants were also administered, including a mixed lubricant, carboxymethylcellulose, and glycerin. One week afterwards, we observed the formation of an anterior capsular opacity with signs of iris atrophy which led to a 'change of color in the iris'. Two weeks afterwards we observed periciliary vascular dilatation, at 4-hour meridian; and on the third week, the patient had 20/25 visual acuity in both eyes. Her cornea was transparent, there was persistence of iris atrophy, and there was an anterior capsular cataract. Her symptoms subsided. Conclusiones : The exact component of wasp venom leading to the described signs is not known. It has been proposed that it may be a compound with parasympathomimetic action, and this has been related with other clinical observations indicating local depigmentation and heterochromia.

Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 32(1): e2022666, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421409


Objective: to describe the completeness of notifications of accidents involving venomous animals held on the Notifiable Health Conditions Information System (SINAN), in Brazil and its macro-regions, from 2007 to 2019. Methods: we analyzed essential and non-mandatory fields for snakebite, spider bite and scorpion sting notifications, considering the following completeness categories: Excellent (≤ 5.0% incompleteness), Good (5.0% to 10.0%), Regular (10.0% to 20.0%), Poor (20.0% ≤ 50.0%) and Very Poor (> 50.0%). Proportional change in completeness between 2007 and 2019 was estimated. Results: 1,871,462 notifications were investigated. The "localized manifestations", "systemic manifestations", "case classification", "case progression" and "zone of occurrence" fields had excellent or good completeness. Completeness was regular or poor for the "schooling" and "race/color" fields. The "occupation" field was predominantly poorly or very poorly filled in. There was a proportional worsening in completeness ((VP < 0) in most regions for the "zone of occurrence", "case progression" and "schooling" fields. Conclusion: completeness of most fields improved, although socioeconomic and occupational fields require more attention.

Objetivo: describir la completitud de las notificaciones de envenenamiento por serpientes, arañas y escorpiones en el Sistema de Información de Enfermedades de Declaración - Sinan, en Brasil y regiones, de 2007 a 2019. Métodos: se analizaron campos esenciales y no obligatorios para las notificaciones de ofidismo, aracneismo y escorpionismo, considerando las categorías de completitud: Excelente (≤ 5,0% de incompletitud), Buena (5,0% a 10,0%), Regular (10,0% a 20,0%), Mala (20,0% ≤ 50,0%) y Muy mala (> 50,0%). Se estimó el cambio proporcional en la completitud entre 2007-2019. Resultados: se investigaron 1.871.462 notificaciones. Los campos "manifestaciones locales y sistémicas", "zona de ocurrencia", "clasificación y evolución de casos" presentaron excelente o buena completitud. "Escolaridad" y "raza/color de piel" regular o mala completitud. "Ocupación" fue predominantemente mala/muy mala completitud. "Zona","evolución" y "escolaridad" mostraron empeoramiento proporcional en la completitud en la mayoría de las regiones ((VP < 0). Conclusión: hay mejoría y completitud en la mayoría de los campos, aunque los campos socioeconómico y ocupacional demandan atención.

Objetivo: descrever a completude das notificações de acidentes causados por animais peçonhentos no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, no Brasil e macrorregiões, em 2007-2019. Métodos: analisou-se a completude de campos de preenchimento essenciais e não obrigatórios das notificações de ofidismo, araneísmo e escorpionismo, utilizando-se a classificação de "Excelente" (≤ 5,0% de incompletude), "Bom" (5,0% a 10,0%), "Regular" (10,0% a 20,0%), "Ruim" (20,0% e ≤ 50,0%) e "Muito ruim" (> 50,0%); estimou- -se a variação proporcional (VP) da completude. Resultados: foram investigadas 1.871.462 notificações; os campos "manifestações locais", "sistêmicas", "classificação do caso", "evolução do caso" e "zona de ocorrência" apresentaram completude excelente ou boa; "escolaridade" e "raça/cor da pele", completude regular ou ruim; ocupação, completude ruim ou muito ruim; "zona", "evolução do caso" e "escolaridade" apresentaram piora proporcional na completude, na maioria das regiões ((VP < 0). Conclusão: melhorou a completude na maioria dos campos, exceto socioeconômicos e ocupacionais, que demandam maior atenção.

Humanos , Animales , Mordeduras y Picaduras/epidemiología , Sistemas de Información en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Exactitud de los Datos , Picaduras de Arañas , Mordeduras de Serpientes , Brasil/epidemiología , Picaduras de Escorpión , Animales Ponzoñosos
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 56: e0144, 2023. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449326


ABSTRACT Venomous fish are commonly found in Brazilian waters. The most important marine venomous fish species are stingrays (Dasyatidae, Gimnuridae, Myliobatidae, and Rhinopteridae families), catfish (Ariidae family), scorpionfish and lionfish (both Scorpaenidae family), and toadfish (Batrachoididae family). Meanwhile, Potamotrygonidae stingrays and Pimelodidae catfish are the most important venomous freshwater fish. The mechanisms of envenomation vary and involve various venomous apparatuses and glands. Despite not being highly developed, these venomous apparatuses in fish appear rudimentary, using structures such as fins and rays to inoculate toxins and rarely presenting with specialized structures. Toxins are produced by glandular tissue made up of proteinaceous cells, lacking true glands, and are positioned along the inoculation structures. However, systemic manifestations are rare. No antivenom serum has been developed for any species of American venomous fish. Brazilian venomous fish and their venoms have only recently attracted attention, leading to new studies not only addressing clinical issues in humans, but also exploring the discovery of new active substances with immense pharmacological potential.

Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 56: e0473, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431405


ABSTRACT Background: Rabies is an anthropozoonosis that greatly impacts public health and is transmitted by infected mammals. Aggression by animals is notifiable and may result in anti-rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). This study aimed to characterize anti-rabies PEP notifications in São Paulo state, Brazil. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted using data provided by the SINAN between 2013 and 2017. Results: A total of 572,889 aggressions were recorded during the study period, characterized mostly by dogs (83.5%), single wounds (56.9%), superficial wounds (58.6%), and hands/feet (34.6%). Conclusions: Animal observation was the most frequent recommendation, even in cases of attacks from non-domestic animals.

Salud mil ; 41(2): e402, dic 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1531373


Introducción: el envenenamiento por mordedura de ofidios es reconocido como un problema de salud pública según la Organización Mundial de la Salud. La baja incidencia sumada a la diversidad de presentaciones clínicas, edades, topografías afectadas, así como los diferentes protocolos en la bibliografía existente sobre algunos aspectos del tratamiento, hacen difícil el manejo sistematizado de estos pacientes. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre mordedura de serpientes en pacientes pediátricos con afectación en mano y miembro superior, haciendo hincapié en la conducta frente las complicaciones loco-regionales. Por importancia y frecuencia destacamos al síndrome compartimental, las flictenas y las infecciones. Metodología: se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en MedLine/PubMed con las palabras clave: "Snake Bite hand Children" y "Snake Bite compartimental syndrome". Se incluyeron los artículos publicados en los últimos 10 años (2012 al 2022). Resultados: la búsqueda de artículos ante las palabras "Snake Bite hand Children" resultó en 20 articulos y la busqueda ante las palabras "Snake Bite compartimental syndrome" derivó en 34. Luego de aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión se obtuvieron 30 artículos para el análisis. Conclusiones: la población pediátrica se encuentra más expuesta a las mordeduras por serpientes y a su vez a presentar lesiones más severas. El tratamiento del síndrome compartimental continúa siendo un tema de debate. El veneno inoculado puede simular un síndrome compartimental que puede revertir sin fasciotomías con el tratamiento adecuado. Igualmente, ante síntomas y signos claros de síndrome compartimental se sugiere realizar fasciotomías frente a las graves secuelas potenciales. Ante la aparición de flictenas, el destechado cuidadoso de la misma es un tratamiento adecuado. La mayoría de los autores coinciden con el tratamiento profiláctico con antibioticoterapia.

Introduction: Ophidian bite poisoning is recognized as a public health problem by the World Health Organization. The low incidence added to the diversity of clinical presentations, ages, affected topographies, as well as the different protocols in the existing literature on some aspects of treatment, make the systematized management of these patients difficult. The aim of this work is to carry out a systematic review of the literature on snakebite in pediatric patients with hand and upper limb involvement, with emphasis on the management of loco-regional complications. In terms of importance and frequency, we highlight compartment syndrome, phlyctenas and infections. Methodology: a literature search was carried out in MedLine/PubMed with the keywords: "Snake Bite hand Children" and "Snake Bite compartment syndrome". Articles published in the last 10 years (2012 to 2022) were included. Results: the search for articles with the words "Snake Bite hand Children" resulted in 20 articles and the search for the words "Snake Bite compartment syndrome" resulted in 34 articles. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 30 articles were obtained for the analysis. Conclusions: the pediatric population is more exposed to snake bites and in turn to present more severe lesions. The treatment of compartment syndrome continues to be a subject of debate. Inoculated venom can simulate a compartment syndrome that can be reversed without fasciotomies with proper treatment. Likewise, in the presence of clear symptoms and signs of compartment syndrome, fasciotomies are suggested because of the serious sequelae generated. In the event of the appearance of phlyctenas, careful unroofing of the phlyctenas would be an appropriate treatment. Most authors agree with prophylactic treatment with antibiotic therapy.

Introdução: O envenenamento por mordidas ofídias é reconhecido como um problema de saúde pública pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. A baixa incidência, juntamente com a diversidade de apresentações clínicas, idades, topografias afetadas, bem como os diferentes protocolos da literatura existente sobre alguns aspectos do tratamento, tornam difícil o gerenciamento sistemático desses pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre mordida de cobra em pacientes pediátricos com envolvimento de mãos e membros superiores, com ênfase no gerenciamento de complicações loco-regionais. Em termos de importância e freqüência, destacamos a síndrome compartimental, as flectenas e as infecções. Metodologia: foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica no MedLine/PubMed com as palavras-chave: "Snake Bite hand Children" e "Snake Bite compartment syndrome". Os artigos publicados nos últimos 10 anos (2012 a 2022) foram incluídos. Resultados: a busca de artigos usando as palavras "Snake Bite hand Children" resultou em 20 artigos e a busca das palavras "Snake Bite compartment syndrome" resultou em 34 artigos. Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foram obtidos 30 artigos para análise. Conclusões: a população pediátrica está mais exposta às picadas de cobra e, por sua vez, a lesões mais graves. O tratamento da síndrome compartimental continua a ser motivo de debate. O veneno inoculado pode simular uma síndrome de compartimento que pode ser revertida sem fasciotomias com tratamento apropriado. Da mesma forma, se houver sinais e sintomas claros de síndrome compartimental, são sugeridas fasciotomias por causa das severas seqüelas. Se as flectenas aparecerem, o desenrolamento cuidadoso das flectenas seria um tratamento apropriado. A maioria dos autores concorda com o tratamento profilático com a antibioticoterapia.

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Mordeduras de Serpientes/complicaciones , Venenos de Serpiente/efectos adversos , Mordeduras de Serpientes/terapia , Venenos de Serpiente/envenenamiento , Traumatismos de la Mano/etiología
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220825


Introduction: There is a necessitated need for canvassing and prioritizing measures towards rabies elimination beyond existing statuesque post-exposure prophylaxis. Moreover, there is a need to characterize the psychological and intrusive experiences of dog-bite victims to portray a picture beyond the public health perspective. To get an expressive understanding of the psychological and lived-in experience ofObjective: dog bite victims' to complement existing concepts. The study was conducted at the anti-rabiesMethod: clinic(ARC) of SMHS hospital which receives animal bite cases from the whole of Kashmir valley. Participants were selected by purposive sampling based on the inclusion criteria, and data saturation was reached with eleven participant interviews. One to one in-depth interviews were conducted with eleven (11) dog bite victims, using a preformed interview guide. Data analysis was performed using Colaizzi's phenomenological method to describe the individualistic experiences faced in peculiar conditions with familiar phenomena embedded in them. Data analysis yielded three overarching themes and nine subthemes viz:-Results: 1.Spiritual and emotional ineffectualness. (Suffering and affliction, Spiritual sulkiness, Emotional emergence) 2. Flashbacks of being hindered and defenseless. (Lack of focus in one's work, lacking the courage to protect, Being shaky) 3. Social and economical implications. (Financial loss, group and peer detachment, preferring isolation) The results of this study showed that dog bite patients experience an unpleasantConclusion: phenomenon in the face of being bitten by the dogs and are subjected to severe psychological pressures that require attention and support of medical professionals, psychologists and government authorities.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 32(2): 184-188, abr.-jun. 2022. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409347


RESUMEN El siguiente articulo describe dos casos clínicos de ulceras traumáticas pos-anestesia en niños, luego de un tratamiento odontológico, en el cual se utilizó la infiltración de anestesia local, como parte del tratamiento terapéutico para la perdida de la sensibilidad del sector a tratar. Los efectos del anestésico continuaron al terminar el tratamiento, lo que estimuló por la falta de sensibilidad la curiosidad en los niños que se succionen o se muerdan el tejido blando, esto provocó lesiones graves en la mucosa oral. La importancia de estas lesiones pos-anestésicas radica en la prevención, es decir que el profesional que atienda pacientes pediátricos, debe prevenir y evitar estas lesiones graves autoinflingidas por el niño, dándole las recomendaciones verbalmente y por escrito a los padres.

ABSTRACT The following article describes two clinical cases of post-anesthesia traumatic ulcers in children, after dental treatment, in which infiltration of local anesthesia was used as part of the therapeutic treatment for the loss of sensitivity of the sector to be treated. The effects of the anesthetic continued at the end of the treatment, which stimulated curiosity in children to suck or bite the soft tissue due to lack of sensitivity, this caused serious lesions in the oral mucosa. The importance of these post-anesthetic injuries lies in prevention, that is, the professional who attends pediatric patients, must prevent and avoid these serious injuries self-inflicted by the child, giving the recommendations verbally and in writing to the parents.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536015


Introducción: el accidente ofídico es una intoxicación ocasionada por la inoculación de veneno a través de la mordedura de una serpiente, la cual genera alteraciones locales y sistémicas. Dicho evento representa un importante problema de salud pública en los países en vía de desarrollo debido a su alta frecuencia y gravedad. Las serpientes del género Bothrops son responsables de la mayoría de los accidentes y esto se debe, en parte, a su amplia distribución geográfica y comportamiento agresivo cuando se sienten amenazadas. La lesión renal aguda es una causa importante de mortalidad en pacientes con mordedura de serpientes de este género. Objetivo: describir el caso de un paciente femenino con lesión renal aguda inducida por mordedura de serpiente del género Bothrops. Simultáneamente se detallan los datos epidemiológicos más relevantes de dicha entidad, sus factores de riesgo, los posibles mecanismos fisiopatológicos que explican la génesis de la misma, su diagnóstico y manejo clínico. Se resalta la importancia de su identificación precoz y tratamiento oportuno. Presentación del caso: se presenta el caso de una paciente de 40 años que ingresa a una institución de cuarto nivel de complejidad por presentar lesión renal aguda y coagulopatía por consumo secundario a mordedura de serpiente del género Bothrops, con presencia de sangrado vaginal y hematuria que progresa a anuria y hematemesis, requiriendo transfusión de hemoderivados y terapia de reemplazo renal, medidas con las cuales presentó una evolución clínica favorable. Discusión y conclusión: la lesión renal aguda asociada a la mordedura de serpientes del género Bothrops es una complicación clínica común y potencialmente mortal que no debe ser olvidada. Los eventos fisiopatológicos responsables de esta complicación incluyen mecanismos inmunológicos, trastornos de la coagulación, pigmenturia, nefrotoxicidad directa y la respuesta inflamatoria con efectos hemodinámicos sistémicos y renales. Se hace imprescindible el conocimiento de dicha entidad en aras de reconocerla de forma precoz e instaurar su tratamiento oportuno con el fin de reducir sus complicaciones potencialmente fatales.

Introduction: The ophidian accident is an intoxication caused by the inoculation of venom through the bite of a snake, which generates local and systemic alterations. This event represents an important public health problem in developing countries due to its high frequency and severity. Snakes of the genus Bothrops are responsible for the majority of accidents, and this is partly due to their wide geographic distribution and aggressive behavior when threatened. Acute kidney injury is an important cause of mortality in patients with snake bites of this genus. Purpose: To describe the case of a female patient with bothrops snakebite-induced acute kidney injury. Simultaneously, the most relevant epidemiological data of said entity, its risk factors, the possible pathophysiological mechanisms that explain its genesis, its diagnosis and clinical management are detailed. The importance of its early identification and timely treatment is highlighted. Case presentation: We present the case of a 40-year-old female patient who was admitted to a fourth level of complexity institution due to acute kidney injury and consumption coagulopathy secondary to bothrops snakebite, with the presence of vaginal bleeding and hematuria that progressed to anuria. and hematemesis; requiring transfusion of blood products and renal replacement therapy, measures with which she presented a favorable clinical evolution. Conclusion and discussion: Acute kidney injury associated with the bite of bothrops snakes is a common and life-threatening clinical complication that should not be overlooked. The pathophysiological events responsible for this complication include immunological mechanisms, coagulation disorders, pigmenturia, direct nephrotoxicity, and the inflammatory response with systemic and renal hemodynamic effects. Knowledge of this entity is essential in order to recognize it early and establish its timely treatment in order to reduce its potentially fatal complications.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 42(1): 9-17, ene.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374503


Bothrops spp. envenomation and its relationship with ischemic stroke has complex pathogenesis. Local effects such as edema, pain, redness, necrosis, and systemic manifestations like coagulation disorders, thrombosis, renal failure, and hemorrhage have been reported. Hemorrhagic stroke is a common neurological complication but ischemic stroke is poorly understood. We present here the case of a 50-year-old male with no comorbidities referred from a rural area in southwest Colombia with a Bothrops spp. snakebite on the left hand. On admission, the patient presented with a deterioration of consciousness and required mechanical ventilation assistance. The MRI showed multiple ischemic areas in the bilateral frontal- temporal and occipital regions. Two months later, the patient had a favorable resolution, although central paresis in the III and VI cranial nerves and positive Babinski's sign persisted. As already mentioned, the pathophysiology of ischemic stroke due to snakebite is complex but the procoagulant activity of the venom components, the hypovolemic shock, the endothelial damage, and the thromboinflammation can explain it, and although it rarely occurs, it should be considered as a complication of ophidian accidents caused by Bothrops spp.

La mordedura de serpientes Bothrops spp. y el ataque cerebrovascular isquémico tienen una patogenia compleja. Se reconocen efectos locales como edema, dolor, enrojecimiento y necrosis, así como manifestaciones sistémicas como trastornos de la coagulación, trombosis, insuficiencia renal y hemorragia, por lo que el accidente cerebrovascular hemorrágico es una complicación neurológica común, pero, en cambio, el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico es poco conocido. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 50 años, sin comorbilidades, remitido de una zona rural del suroccidente de Colombia debido a la mordedura de una serpiente Bothrops spp. en su mano izquierda. En el momento del ingreso, el paciente presentaba deterioro de la conciencia y requirió asistencia respiratoria mecánica. Mediante resonancia magnética, se observaron múltiples áreas isquémicas bilaterales en la región fronto-temporal y en la occipital. Dos meses después, el paciente había evolucionado favorablemente, pero persistían la paresia en los pares craneales III y VI y el signo de Babinski. La fisiopatología del accidente cerebrovascular isquémico por mordedura de serpiente es compleja. La actividad procoagulante de los componentes del veneno, el choque hipovolémico, el daño endotelial y la tromboinflamación pueden explicar el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico que, aunque raro, debe considerarse como una complicación del accidente ofídico causado por serpientes Bothrops spp.

Bothrops , Accidente Cerebrovascular , Mordeduras de Serpientes , Venenos de Serpiente
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 22(1): 167-175, Jan.-Mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376207


Abstract Objectives: to analyze the epidemiological and clinical aspects of accidents caused by venomous animals in children under 15 years old. Methods: a cross-sectional study with an analytical component using secondary data from Centro de Informação e Assistência Toxicológica de Pernambuco (CIATox-PE), (Poison Center in Pernambuco)), in 2017 to 2019. Notifications of accidents caused were included in the studied age group and evaluated the characteristics of poisoning (animal classification, exposure zone, place and time of the occurrence and specific use of serum therapy), and of the patient (sociodemographic variables, clinical condition and evolution). The analysis performed in STATA® 13.1 presents frequency distribution tables and Pearson's chi-square for comparison. Results: of the 2678 notifications, 82,8% were scorpionism and 10, 8% snakebite. The age group of1 to 9 years old (70.5%) and being male (54.1%) were predominant. Most of the cases occurred in urban area (80.9%), in Recife (67.3%), inside the victim's residence (83.9%) and at night (47.3%). The majority (87.1%) were classified as 'mild severity', 10% received antivenom therapy and one died (by scorpionism). Two cases of snakebite in the workplace were registered. Conclusion: there was a high frequency of accidents caused in the urban area, which may be related to the lack of urban planning and sanitary education. The accidents caused among children in the household environment and the suspicion of child labor in the age group of 10 to 14 years old were also highlighted which favors the development and habits of the venomous animal.

Resumo Objetivos: analisar aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos dos acidentes por animais peçonhentos em menores de 15 anos. Métodos: estudo transversal com componente analítico utilizando dados secundários do Centro de Informação e Assistência Toxicológica de Pernambuco (CIATox-PE), no período de 2017 a 2019. Foram incluídas as notificações dos acidentes na faixa etária estudada e avaliadas características do envenenamento (classe do animal, zona de exposição, local/turno da ocorrência e uso soroterapia específica) e do paciente (variáveis sociodemográficas, gravidade clínica e evolução). A análise realizada no STATA® 13.1 apresenta tabelas de distribuição de frequência e qui-quadrado de Pearson para comparação. Resultados: das 2678 notificações, 82,8% foram de escorpionismo e 10,8% de ofidismo. Predominaram na faixa etária de 1a 9 anos (70,5%) e sexo masculino (54,1%);ocorreram principalmente na zona urbana (80,9%),no Recife(67,3%), na residência da vítima (83,9%), durante horário noturno (47,3%). A maioria (87,1%) foi classificada como de gravidade leve, 10% receberam soroterapia e ocorreu um óbito (escorpionismo). Registraram-se dois casos de ofidismo em ambiente de trabalho. Conclusão: ressaltam-se os acidentes intradomiciliares entre crianças e a suspeita de trabalho infantil na faixa etária de 10 a 14anos.Os acidentes ocorreram sobretudo na zona urbana provavelmente associado à falta de planejamento e educação sanitária que favorece o desenvolvimento e hábitos do animal peçonhento.

Humanos , Lactante , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Mordeduras de Serpientes/epidemiología , Indicadores de Morbimortalidad , Picaduras de Escorpión/epidemiología , Animales Ponzoñosos , Brasil/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980216


@#Introduction: Dog bite is a global public health concern because it is the main risk factor for human rabies and it particularly affects children. In Nigeria, most dog bites are from stray dogs and their vaccination status remains unknown. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the prevalence and associated factors of dog bite among public primary school children in Madawaki district Gusau, Nigeria. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using an unequal stratified sampling technique among 999 children aged 11 to 13-year-old at seven public primary schools from September 2017 to January 2020. A self-reported history of dog bites, socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge on interaction with dogs, knowledge on the implication of dog bites, risk behaviours of children and dog ownership were collected using a validated questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of dog bites was 54.5%. The predictors of dog bite among the children were being a male (Adjusted Odds Ratio; AOR = 2.252; Confidence Interval; CI = 1.719, 2.949), dog ownership by respondent’s family (AOR = 1.456; Cl = 1.089, 1.946), dog ownership by neighbours of the respondents (AOR = 1.752; Cl =1.334, 2.303), total score for knowledge on interaction with dogs (AOR = 0.884; Cl = 0.858, 0.911), and total score for risk behaviours of children (AOR = 1.020; Cl =1.004, 1.035). Conclusion: Poor knowledge on interaction with dogs, children’s risk behaviours around dogs, dog ownership and being male were the factors associated with a high prevalence of dog bite among primary school children from this study. These factors should be considered in order to develop an effective awareness campaign in schools to reduce the prevalence of dog bites among children.