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Psicol. USP ; 31: e190153, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1135796


Abstract Despite the well-known benefits for health, low levels of physical activity (PA) remain a public health issue. Research on motives for engaging in different PA shows differences in motives for Sports and Exercises. However, few studies addressed motives using more categories of PA. In this research, we investigated motives for four categories of PA (Individual Sports, Collective Sports, Exercises, and Body/Movement Practices), and possible effects of sex and age among 1,420 physically active individuals. Respondents answered the Motivation for Physical Activity Measure Revised. Intrinsic motives were higher for Sports, while Exercisers were motivated more extrinsically. Body/Movement Practices, although being composed of several activities defined by previous studies as Exercises, showed a motivational pattern closer to Sports. Fitness/Health motivation increased with age, while Appearance motivation decreased. Regarding sex, women reported higher Interest/Enjoyment than men. Our results can have implications for physical activities promotion, especially considering more categories than Sports/Exercises in the context of different motives.

Resumo Apesar de amplamente conhecidos os benefícios à saúde relacionados à prática de atividade física (AF), o baixo nível de participação segue sendo um problema de saúde pública. Pesquisas anteriores mostraram diferenças motivacionais consistentes entre Esportes e Exercícios. Entretanto, poucos estudos focaram em categorizações mais amplas. Nesta pesquisa, investigamos motivações para prática de quatro categorias de AFs (Esportes Individuais, Esportes Coletivos, Exercícios e Práticas Corporais), assim como possíveis efeitos do sexo e idade em 1.420 indivíduos fisicamente ativos, os quais responderam à Medida de Motivação para Atividade Física Revisada (Motivation for Physical Activity Measure Revised). As motivações intrínsecas foram maiores para os Esportes, enquanto as extrínsecas para os Exercícios. A categoria de Práticas Corporais, embora composta por várias atividades definidas como Exercícios por estudos anteriores, mostrou um padrão motivacional mais próximo dos Esportes. A motivação de Condicionamento/Saúde aumentou com a idade, enquanto a de Aparência seguiu o padrão inverso. Com relação ao sexo, as mulheres reportaram maior Interesse/Prazer que os homens. Nossos resultados podem ter implicações para a promoção de atividades físicas, sobretudo ao se considerar categorias mais abrangentes que Esportes/Exercícios e sua associação às diferentes motivações para prática.

Résumé Malgré les bénéfices bien connus des activités sportives (PA), leur faibles niveau de pratique reste un problème de santé publique. Les motifs de la pratique des Pas sont différents pour les sports et les exercices. Cependant, peu d'études ont abordé les motifs de la pratique des PAs en utilisant des catégories plus nombreuses. Dans cet article, nous étudions les motivations pour quatre catégories de PAs (sport individuel, sport collectif, exercices, et pratiques corporelles), et les effets possibles du sexe et de l'âge parmi 1420 individus actifs physiquement. Les participants ont répondu au questionnaire de mesure révisée de la motivation pour les activités physique (MPAMR). Les motivations intrinsèques furent supérieures pour les sports, alors que les praticants des exercices physiques furent plus motivés extrinsèquement. Les pratiques corporelles, bien que composées de plusieurs activités définies dans d'autres études comme exercices, ont montrés un patron de motivations plus proches des sports. Les motivations lié à la santé/forme physique augmentent avec l'âge, alors que les motivations liée à l'apparence diminuent. En ce qui concerne le sexe, les femmes rapportent un intérêt/attrait plus fort que les hommes. Nos résultats sont importants pour la promotion des activités sportives, en particulier quand il s'agit de considérer des catégories autres que les sports et les exercices dans le contexte de l'étude des différentes motivations.

Resumen Los bajos niveles de actividad física (AF) continúan siendo un asunto de salud pública, a pesar de ser bien conocidos sus beneficios para la salud. La investigación sobre los motivos para participar en distintas AFs muestra diferencias en la motivación hacia los deportes y ejercicios. Sin embargo, pocos estudios han abordado los motivos para practicar AFs usando más categorías de AF. En este estudio investigamos las motivaciones hacia cuatro categorías de AFs (Deportes Individuales, Deportes Colectivos, Ejercicios y Prácticas Corporales) y los posibles efectos de la edad y el sexo, en una muestra de 1420 individuos físicamente activos. Los participantes respondieron la Medida de la Motivación para la Actividad Física- Revisada (Motivation for Physical Activity Measure Revised). La motivación intrínseca fue más alta para los Deportes mientras que la motivación extrínseca primó en el Ejercicio. La Prácticas Corporales, a pesar de estar compuestas por actividades previamente definidas como Ejercicios, mostraron un patrón motivacional más cercano a los Deportes. La motivación Aptitud/Salud aumentó con la edad, mientras que la motivación por la Apariencia disminuyó. En cuanto al sexo, las mujeres relataron mayor Interés/Diversión que los hombres. Nuestr Motivaciones, Deporte, Ejercicio, Práctica Corporal os resultados pueden tener implicaciones en la promoción de las actividades físicas, especialmente al considerar otras categorías además de Deportes/Ejercicios en el contexto de las diferencias de motivación.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Deportes/psicología , Ejercicio Físico/psicología , Motivación , Salud Pública , Acondicionamiento Físico Humano/psicología
Biomedical Engineering Letters ; (4): 257-265, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785502


Recent studies have developed simple techniques for monitoring and assessing sleep. However, several issues remain to be solved for example high-cost sensor and algorithm as a home-use device. In this study, we aimed to develop an inexpensive and simple sleep monitoring system using a camera and video processing. Polysomnography (PSG) recordings were performed in six subjects for four consecutive nights. Subjects' body movements were simultaneously recorded by the web camera. Body movement was extracted by video processing from the video data and fi ve parameters were calculated for machine learning. Four sleep stages (WAKE, LIGHT, DEEP and REM) were estimated by applying these fi ve parameters to a support vector machine. The overall estimation accuracy was 70.3 ± 11.3% with the highest accuracy for DEEP (82.8 ± 4.7%) and the lowest for LIGHT (53.0 ± 4.0%) compared with correct sleep stages manually scored on PSG data by a sleep technician. Estimation accuracy for REM sleep was 68.0 ± 6.8%. The kappa was 0.19 ± 0.04 for all subjects. The present non-contact sleep monitoring system showed suffi cient accuracy in sleep stage estimation with REM sleep detection being accomplished. Low-cost computing power of this system can be advantageous for mobile application and modularization into home-device.

Aprendizaje Automático , Métodos , Aplicaciones Móviles , Polisomnografía , Fases del Sueño , Sueño REM , Máquina de Vectores de Soporte
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 38(4): 1019-1038, 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1117723


Introdução: a busca pela conscientização do corpo na prática de uma Educação Física humanista e igualitária, como construção da cultura de movimento humano contemporâneo, é de suma importância para a formação do ser humano no ambiente escolar, pois "escola é lugar de circular, de reinventar, de estimular, de transmitir, de produzir, de usufruir, enfim, de praticar cultura". Objetivo: verificar Recebido em: 18/08/2019 como a prática de atividade física no meio ambiente pode levar à conscientização dos educandos sobre preservação ambiental. Métodos, Resultados e Discussão: Em um primeiro momento do projeto, buscamos sensibilizar os alunos para participarem das AFAN, a partir das informações coletadas pelo professor nas aulas de EF. A 2ª etapa consistiu na realização das atividades organizadas dentro de uma programação para o dia de cada turma. Na 3ª etapa, que foi a finalização e a reflexão das atividades propostas, os alunos ouviram a fala da Coordenadora Pedagógica, estimulando os alunos por meio do diálogo e da reflexão sobre as atividades realizadas no dia. Conclusão: a mediação pedagógica teve a intencionalidade de dar sentido e significado às aulas, ao tornar suas ações relevantes de acordo com o contexto do aluno, ao promover a abertura de novos caminhos para a experiência das manifestações da cultura corporal de movimento nos ambientes naturais e a consolidação de conceitos como sustentabilidade, consumismo e alimentação saudável, articulando os saberes locais com os globais.

Introduction: Searching for body awareness in the practice of a humanistic and egalitarian Physical Education (PE), as a construction of the culture of contemporary human movement, is of paramount importance for the formation of the human being in the school environment, since "school is a place to circulate, to reinvent, stimulate, transmit, produce, enjoy, finally, practice culture ". Objective: To verify how the practice of physical activity (AFA) in the environment can lead to the awareness of the students about environmental preservation. Methods, Results and Discussion: In the first moment of the project, we sought to sensitize students to participate in AFA, from the information collected by the teacher in PE classes. The second stage consisted of the activities organized within a schedule for the day of each class. In the third stage, which was the finalization and reflection of the proposed activities, where the speech of the Pedagogical Coordinator was followed by dialogue and reflection on the activities carried out in the day. Conclusion: the pedagogical mediation had the intention of giving meaning to the classes, making their actions relevant according to the student's context, promoting the opening of new ways for the experience of the manifestations of the body culture of movement by the students in natural environments and the consolidation of concepts such as sustainability, consumerism and healthy eating, linking local and global knowledge.

Niño , Adolescente , Actividad Motora , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico
Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 30(53): 101-118, abr. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-883360


Neste trabalho, são investigadas contribuições para a docência inicial decorrentes de três ações formativas desenvolvidas em duas disciplinas de Prática Pedagógica nos dois últimos semestres de um curso de licenciatura noturno em Educação Física. Neste sentido, são articuladas ações pautadas na formação do professor reflexivo, em modelos de ensino fundamentados na cultura corporal de movimento e na orientação, problematização e reformulação de planos de ensino a serem desenvolvidos no Estágio Supervisionado por quinze futuros professores. Depoimentos dos mesmos, obtidos por meio de entrevistas gravadas e transcritas, segundo uma abordagem qualitativa de pesquisa, evidenciam a importância de tais ações que, por se contraporem ao modelo formativo vigente ­ racionalidade técnica, que enfatiza uma concepção de Educação Física como atividade técnica, desportiva e descompromissada de seus propósitos educacionais ­ configuram-se como propostas significativas para uma melhor formação docente inicial naquela área.

This article discusses the contributions to initial teaching resulting from three formative actions developed in two Pedagogical Practice subjects in the last two semesters of an evening degree course in Physical Education. To this end, actions for training reflective teachers are linked with teaching models based on the body movement culture as well as training, questioning and reformulating teaching plans to be used in supervised student teaching by fifteen future teachers. Statements from these future teachers, obtained through recorded interviews and transcribed according to a qualitative research approach, demonstrate the importance of such activities. By opposing the current training model of technical rationality that emphasizes the concept of physical education as a technical and sporting activity which is not committed to educational purposes, these activities present themselves as significant alternatives for the initial training of teachers in this area.

En este artículo son analizadas las aportaciones a la enseñanza inicial resultantes de tres acciones formativas desarrolladas en dos asignaturas de la Práctica Pedagógica en los dos últimos semestres de un curso nocturno de Educación Física. En este sentido, son articuladas acciones guiadas por la formación reflexiva, en modelos de enseñanza basados en la Cultura Corporal del Movimiento, así como la formación, cuestionamiento y reformulación de los planes de enseñanza utilizados en la Docencia Supervisada por quince futuros maestros. Las declaraciones de estos, obtenidas por medio de encuestas grabadas y transcritas según un enfoque de investigación cualitativa, demuestran la importancia de estas acciones, al oponerse al modelo actual de formación ­ racionalidad técnica, que hace hincapié en el concepto de Educación Física como actividad técnica, deportiva y no comprometida con propósitos educacionales ­ estas actividades se presentan como alternativas significativas para la formación inicial de los maestros en aquella área.

Educación y Entrenamiento Físico/normas , Cuerpo Humano , Características Culturales , Universidades , Capacitación Profesional
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 34(2): 313-326, abr.-jun. 2012.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-643860


A mídia tem se afirmado como um forte componente da realidade na sociedade contemporânea. Há, nesse sentido, um crescente interesse na análise de como as mensagens dos discursos midiáticos estariam presentes no universo infantil. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de averiguar e analisar a presença da mídia no ambiente escolar, por meio da cultura corporal de movimento infantil. Utilizou-se metodologicamente a observação participante em uma instituição de educação infantil de Brasília (DF). Como resultado principal, constatou-se que há uma apropriação cultural da mídia pelas crianças em seus momentos lúdicos e em suas relações sociais, refletidas nos jogos simbólicos.

Media has established itself as a strong component of the reality in contemporary society. In this sense, there is a growing interest in the analysis of how media issues influences children's universe. From this perspective, this study aims to investigate and analyze the presence of the media at school by observing the body behavior in children’s movements. An interactive observation at a public children school in Brasilia was methodologically used. As a result, it was found that there is a cultural interaction of media by children in their leisure moments and in their social relationship, which is reflected in symbolic games.

La midea se ha establecido como un fuerte componente de la realidad de la sociedad contemporánea. Hay, en consecuencia, un creciente interés en analizar como los medios de comunicación son temas que influyen en el universo infantil. Sob este punto de vista, el objetivo de este estudio es investigar y analizar la presencia mediática en el entorno escolar a través de la cultura corporal del movimiento en los niños. Ocurrió en la metodologia una observación participante en uma escuela pública de educación infantil de Brasilia-DF. Como resultado, se constató que existe una apropiación de la midea por los niños en sus momentos lúdicos y en sus relaciones sociales, que se refleja en los juegos simbólicos.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-202569


The behavior of most animals is extremely complex. Despite accumulating knowledge about the mechanisms of neurons and nervous systems, which regulate these complex behaviors, we have little understanding about how these mechanisms function. In the present study, we analyzed the exploratory behavior of mice repeatedly exposed to a novel context and tracked the changes in the fluctuation patterns of the accumulated level of body movement suppression (BMS). As a result, we found that the fluctuation in BMS can be divided into two phases, which show a pattern of progressive transition from the initial state to the context-dependent and stable equilibrium state. In the former, transition phase, the level of BMS was easily affected by the number of exposures and mental status of mice. However, in the latter, equilibrium phase, the level of BMS was only dependent on the environmental stimuli involved in the context. On the basis of the results, we suggests here a model that explains the determination of complex behavior observed in higher animals by means of the probability of behavioral expression.

Animales , Ratones , Conducta Exploratoria , Sistema Nervioso , Neuronas , Atletismo
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-116557


PURPOSE: In radiotherapy of tumors in liver, enough planning target volume (PTV) margins are necessary to compensate breathing-related movement of tumor volumes. To overcome the problems, this study aims to obtain patients' body movements by using a moving phantom and an ultrasonic sensor, and to develop respiration gating techniques that can adjust patients' beds by using reversed values of the data obtained. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The phantom made to measure patients' body movements is composed of a microprocessor (BS II, 20 MHz, 8K Byte), a sensor (Ultra-Sonic, range 3~3 m), host computer (RS232C) and stepping motor (torque 2.3 Kg) etc., and the program to control and operate it was developed. The program allows the phantom to move within the maximum range of 2 cm, its movements and corrections to take place in order, and x, y and z to move successively. After the moving phantom was adjusted by entering random movement data (three dimensional data form with distance of 2 cm), and the phantom movements were acquired using the ultra sonic sensor, the two data were compared and analyzed. And then, after the movements by respiration were acquired by using guinea pigs, the real-time respiration gating techniques were drawn by operating the phantom with the reversed values of the data. RESULTS: The result of analyzing the acquisition-correction delay time for the three types of data values and about each value separately shows that the data values coincided with one another within 1% and that the acquisition-correction delay time was obtained real-time (2.34x10-4 sec). CONCLUSION: This study successfully confirms the clinic application possibility of respiration gating techniques by using a moving phantom and an ultrasonic sensor. With ongoing development of additional analysis system, which can be used in real-time set-up reproducibility analysis, it may be beneficially used in radiotherapy of moving tumors.

Animales , Estudios de Factibilidad , Cobayas , Hígado , Microcomputadores , Radioterapia , Respiración , Ultrasonido , Ultrasonografía
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-586528


This article refers to design of signal preprocessing software in the non-contact life parameters detection system,gives details about the composing of software and actualization method of every part,and lists correlative parameters and results.The experiments show that the parameters of this software accord with designed requirements.The software can make high quality signals available for display and process.