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An. bras. dermatol ; 99(4): 520-526, Jul.-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563705


Abstract Background Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a rare genetic disorder with a wide range of clinical manifestations, notably neurocutaneous features, that can lead to emotional and physical consequences. Objectives This study assessed the influence of sociodemographic factors and clinical features of the disease on the quality of life of Brazilian individuals with NF1. Methods This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Data were collected from 101 individuals with NF1 using the Brazilian version of the Impact of NF1 on Quality of Life Questionnaire (INF1-QoL), a form with information on sociodemographic characteristics, and an NF1 visibility self-evaluation scale. The relationship between variables was evaluated through statistical testing, and the significance level was defined as 0.05. Results The study included 101 adults with NF1 aged 18 to 59 years, with a mean age of 35.54 years (±9.63) and a female predominance (n = 84, 83.17%). The mean total INF1-QoL score was 10.62 (±5.63), with a median of 10, minimum value of 0, and maximum of 31 points. Two characteristics of the participants were significantly associated with the quality of life: educational level (p = 0.003) and familial history of NF1 (p = 0.019). There was a statistically significant correlation between the INF1-QoL score and the degree of disease visibility (rho = 0.218; p = 0.028). Study limitations Cross-sectional study, conducted with a convenience sample and using self-reported measures. Conclusions The findings support the significant impact of NF1 on quality of life. The authors recommend multidisciplinary follow-up for patients, with adherence to anticipatory clinical care measures, adequate pain control, psychological assistance, and genetic counseling.

Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 48(2): 209-224, 20240726.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566000


Este artigo buscou conhecer o desenvolvimento da telessaúde no Brasil, desde a sua efetivação e ampliação a partir das publicações científicas sobre o tema pela implementação do Programa Nacional de Telessaúde Brasil Redes em 2007. Esta é uma revisão de escopo de estudos indexados nas bases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Lilacs) e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) de 2007 a 2022 que abordaram ações de telessaúde. Incluíram-se 177 estudos, publicados majoritariamente nos anos de 2021 e 2020. Ações de telessaúde foram realizadas especialmente nas regiões Sudeste e Sul, sendo o telediagnóstico e teleconsultoria as mais realizadas. A medicina foi a área em que as ações de telessaúde foram mais frequentes (54,80%), focadas principalmente na saúde em geral e na cardiologia (38,42% e 19,21% respectivamente). Conclui-se que a telessaúde no Brasil tem avançado, especialmente após a pandemia da covid-19, que deflagrou a necessidade da ampliação desses serviços. As regiões Sudeste e Sul têm ofertado o maior número de serviços, sendo o telediagnóstico e a teleconsultoria os mais frequentes, especialmente na atenção primária.

This scoping review discusses the development of telehealth in Brazil from its implementation by the Brasil Redes National Telehealth Program in 2007 and expansion based on scientific publications on the topic indexed on the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (Lilacs) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) from 2007 to 2022. A total of 177 studies were included, mostly published in 2021 and 2020. Telehealth actions were conducted especially in Southeastern and Southern Brazil, mostly by telediagnosis and teleconsultation. Telehealth actions were most frequent in medicine (54.80%), mainly focused on General Health and cardiology (38.42% and 19.21%, respectively). Telehealth in Brazil has advanced, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, as it triggered the need to expand these services. Southeastern and Southern Brazil have offered the largest number of services, with telediagnosis and teleconsultation in primary care being the most frequent.

Este estudio pretendió comprender el desarrollo de la telesalud en Brasil desde la implementación y expansión de publicaciones científicas sobre la implementación del Programa Nacional de Telesalud Brasil Redes en 2007. Esta es una revisión de alcance de estudios indexados en las siguientes bases de datos: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel System Online (Medline), Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (Lilacs) y Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), publicados entre 2007 y 2022, que abordaron acciones de telesalud. Se incluyeron 177 estudios, en su mayoría publicados en los años 2020 y 2021. Se realizaron acciones de telesalud especialmente en las regiones Sudeste y Sur, y entre las más realizadas se destacaron el telediagnóstico y la teleconsulta. La medicina fue el área en que se concentraron las acciones de telesalud más frecuentes (54,80%), enfocadas principalmente en salud general y cardiología (38,42% y 19,21%, respectivamente). Se concluyó que hubo un avance en la telesalud en Brasil, especialmente con la pandemia del COVID-19, ya que despertó la necesidad de ampliar estos servicios. Las regiones Sudeste y Sur han ofrecido la mayor cantidad de servicios, y el telediagnóstico y la teleconsulta fueron los más frecuentes, especialmente en la atención primaria.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(6): e04112023, Jun. 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557519


Resumo O artigo apresenta uma análise do desempenho da APS no estado de São Paulo na última década, em contexto de crise econômica e retração dos investimentos em saúde. Utilizaram-se indicadores de desempenho, determinantes em saúde e sistema de saúde, em série temporal (2010 a 2019), a partir de matriz conceitual adaptada. Foram calculadas variações percentuais anuais (VPA) de cada indicador em modelo log-linear. Os indicadores de desempenho apresentaram, no geral, evolução favorável; no entanto, ocorreu piora em indicadores relacionados à qualidade do cuidado (sífilis congênita, partos cesáreos e rastreamento de câncer de colo uterino). Verificou-se, ainda, um potencial aumento das demandas ao SUS (envelhecimento da população e redução da cobertura da saúde suplementar) e aumento das despesas em saúde em contexto de redução do PIB per capita.

Abstract This article presents the results of an analysis of the performance of primary health care in São Paulo state over the last decade against a backdrop of financial crisis and health funding cuts. We conducted a time series analysis (2010-2019) of performance indicators across the following dimensions based on an adapted conceptual framework: health service performance, health system, and determinants of health. Annual percentage change was calculated for each indicator using a log-linear model. Performance across the indicators was generally positive; however, there was a decline in performance across indicators of quality of care (congenital syphilis, cesarean section rate and cervical cancer screening). The findings also show a potential rise in demand for public services (due to population aging and a reduction in the percentage of the population with private health insurance) and increase in health expenditure against a backdrop of falling GDP per capita.

ABCS health sci ; 49: [1-8], 11 jun. 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563396


Introduction: The known achievements of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) stand out in an adverse context. This makes it necessary to examine the effect of the SUS on the population's health, using indicators such as deaths by avoidable causes. Objective: To describe the time trends of mortality from avoidable causes in Brazil and to compare them to those of non-avoidable causes. Methods: Ecological time-series study with official mortality data, during years 1996-2019, in the age group 5-74 years. Time trends in mortality were estimated as the annual percent reduction in mortality rates, and the impact of the SUS was calculated as the difference in trend between avoidable (immunopreventable, infectious and noncommunicable diseases, maternal and external causes) and non-avoidable causes. The analyses consisted of multivariable binomial regression models, by quadrennium. Results: Death rates for each avoidability group remained stable or declined throughout the study period. The probability of a positive impact was greater than 90% for immunopreventable diseases throughout the study period; infectious diseases in 1996-2003 and 2016-2019; noncommunicable diseases in 1996-2003 and 2008-2019; maternal causes in 1996-1999; and external causes in 1996-2007. This probability was less than 10% for maternal deaths in 2016-2019; and external causes in 2008-2015. Conclusion: The SUS has had a positive impact in reducing deaths from immunopreventable, infectious and noncommunicable diseases in Brazil, although not so much for maternal and external causes.

Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 27: 75796, 20240417.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566496


Essa pesquisa estudou o perfil e a atuação acadêmi-ca de 31 docentes que atuam com o ensino da Ginástica em 20 Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) públicas da região Sul do Brasil, por meio de pesquisa documental. Foi constatada atuação majoritária de não-especialistas, que tematizam principalmente as ginásticas competitivas em suas disciplinas. As ações extensionis-tas e as publicações e orientações de pesquisas específicas sobre a Ginástica são incipientes e concentradas nos docentes especialis-tas. Destaca-se uma IES, com resultado do esforço pessoal de uma docente. O estudo sugere uma contraditória fragilidade dessa área na região que deu origem ao desenvolvimento desses saberes e práticas no Brasil, em comparação com outras regiões do Brasil.

This research studied the profile and academic performance of 31 professors who work with Gymnastics teaching in 20 public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the South region of Brazil through documentary research. Most non-specialists were found to be working, who mainly focused on competitive gymnastics in their disciplines. Extensionist actions and publications and specific research guidelines on Gymnastics are incipient and concentrated on specialist teachers. One HEI stands out because of the personal effort of a professor. The study suggests a contradictory fragility of this area in the region that gave rise to the development of this knowledge and practices in Brazil compared to other areas of Brazil.

Esta investigación estudió el perfil y el desempeño académico de 31 profesores que actúan en la enseñanza de la Gimnasia en 20 Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) públicas de la región Sur de Brasil a través de una investigación documental. Se encontró que la mayoría de los profesores son no especialistas y enfocaban principalmente en la gimnasia competitiva en sus disciplinas. Las acciones y publicaciones extensionistas y lineamientos de investigación específicos sobre Gimnasia son incipientes y concentrados en docentes especialistas. Una IES destaca como resultado del esfuerzo personal de una docente. El estudio sugiere una fragilidad contradictoria de esta área en la región que dio lugar al desarrollo de estas prácticas en Brasil.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560981


Essa pesquisa estudou o perfil e a atuação acadêmica de 31 docentes que atuam com o ensino da Ginástica em 20 Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) públicas da região Sul do Brasil, por meio de pesquisa documental. Foi constatada atuação majoritária de não-especialistas, que tematizam principalmente as ginásticas competitivas em suas disciplinas. As ações extensionistas e as publicações e orientações de pesquisas específicas sobre a Ginástica são incipientes e concentradas nos docentes especialistas. Destaca-se uma IES, com resultado do esforço pessoal de uma docente. O estudo sugere uma contraditória fragilidade dessa área na região que deu origem ao desenvolvimento desses saberes e práticas no Brasil, em comparação com outras regiões do Brasil (AU).

This research studied the profile and academic performance of 31 professors who work with Gymnastics teaching in 20 public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the South region of Brazil through documentary research. Most non-specialists were found to be working, who mainly focused on competitive gymnastics in their disciplines. Extensionist actions and publications and specific research guidelines on Gymnastics are incipient and concentrated on specialist teachers. One HEI stands out because of the personal effort of a professor. The study suggests a contradictory fragility of this area in the region that gave rise to the development of this knowledge and practices in Brazil compared to other areas of Brazil (AU).

Esta investigación estudió el perfil y el desempeño académico de 31 profesores que actúan en la enseñanza de la Gimnasia en 20 Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) públicas de la región Sur de Brasil a través de una investigación documental. Se encontró que la mayoría de los profesores son no especialistas y enfocaban principalmente en la gimnasia competitiva en sus disciplinas. Las acciones y publicaciones extensionistas y lineamientos de investigación específicos sobre Gimnasia soni ncipientes y concentrados en docentes especialistas. Una IES destaca como resultado del esfuerzo personal de una docente. El estudio sugiere una fragilidad contradictoria de esta área en la región que dio lugar al desarrollo de estas prácticas en Brasil (AU).

Humanos , Brasil
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(4): e20230480, abr.2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557042


Resumo Fundamento: Em pediatria, a parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) está associada a alta mortalidade e graves sequelas neurológicas. Informações sobre as causas e mecanismos de morte abaixo de 20 anos poderiam fornecer subsídios teóricos para a melhoria da saúde de crianças e adolescentes. Objetivos: Realizar uma análise populacional das taxas de mortalidade por causas primárias e múltiplas de morte abaixo de 20 anos, em ambos os sexos, no período de 1996 a 2019, no Brasil, e identificar a frequência com que a PCR foi registrada nas declarações de óbito (DOs) desses indivíduos e os locais de ocorrência dos óbitos, a fim de promover estratégias para melhorar a prevenção de mortes. Método: Estudo ecológico de séries temporais de óbitos em indivíduos menores de 20 anos, no período de 1996 a 2019, avaliando as taxas de mortalidade (TMs) e a mortalidade proporcional (MP) por causa básica de morte. Foram analisados os percentuais de PCR registrados em qualquer linha da DO e o local de ocorrência dos óbitos. Foram calculadas as TMs por 100 mil habitantes e a MP por causa básica de morte nos menores de 20 anos segundo sexo e faixa etária, os percentuais de óbito por causas básicas por faixa etária quando a PCR foi descrita em qualquer linha das Partes I e II da DO, e o percentual de óbitos por causas básicas segundo o local de ocorrência. Os dados foram retirados do DATASUS, IBGE e SINASC. Resultados: De 1996 a 2019, ocorreram 2.151.716 óbitos de menores de 20 anos, no Brasil, gerando uma taxa de mortalidade de 134,38 por 100 mil habitantes. A taxa de óbito foi maior entre os recém-nascidos do sexo masculino. Do total de óbitos, 249.334 (11,6%) tiveram PCR registrada em qualquer linha da DO. Especificamente, a PCR foi registrada 49.178 vezes na DO na faixa etária entre 1 e 4 anos e em 88.116 vezes entre 29 e 365 dias, correspondendo, respectivamente, a 26% e 22% dos óbitos nessas faixas etárias. Essas duas faixas etárias apresentaram as maiores taxas de PCR registradas em qualquer linha da DO. As principais causas básicas de óbito quando a PCR foi registrada na sequência de óbitos foram doenças respiratórias, hematológicas e neoplásicas. Conclusão: As causas perinatais e externas foram as principais causas de morte, com maior TM nos menores de 20 anos no Brasil de 1996 a 2019. Quando consideradas as causas múltiplas de morte, as principais causas primárias associadas à PCR foram as doenças respiratórias, hematológicas e neoplásicas. A maioria dos óbitos ocorreu no ambiente hospitalar. Melhor compreensão da sequência de eventos nesses óbitos e melhorias nas estratégias de ensino em ressuscitação cardiopulmonar pediátrica são necessárias.

Abstract Background: In pediatrics, cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) is associated with high mortality and severe neurologic sequelae. Information on the causes and mechanisms of death below the age of 20 years could provide theoretical support for health improvement among children and adolescents. Objectives: To conduct a population analysis of mortality rates due to primary and multiple causes of death below the age of 20 years in both sexes from 1996 to 2019 in Brazil, and identify the frequency in which CPA was recorded in the death certificates (DCs) of these individuals and the locations where the deaths occurred, in order to promote strategies to improve the prevention of deaths. Method: Ecological time-series study of deaths below the age of 20 years from 1996 to 2019, evaluating the mortality rates (MRs) and proportional mortality (PM) by primary cause of death. We analyzed the percentages of CPA recorded in any line of the DC and the location where the deaths occurred. We calculated the MRs per 100,000 inhabitants and the PM by primary cause of death under the age of 20 years according to sex and age group, the percentages of death from primary causes by age group when CPA was described in any line of Parts I and II of the DC, and the percentage of deaths from primary causes according to their location of occurrence. We retrieved the data from DATASUS, IBGE, and SINASC. Results: From 1996 to 2019, there were 2,151,716 deaths below the age of 20 years in Brazil, yielding a mortality rate of 134.38 per 100,000 inhabitants. The death rate was highest among male neonates. Of all deaths, 249,334 (11.6%) had CPA recorded in any line of the DC. Specifically, CPA was recorded in 49,178 DCs between the ages of 1 and 4 years and in 88,116 of those between the ages of 29 and 365 days, corresponding, respectively, to 26% and 22% of the deaths in these age groups. These two age groups had the highest rates of CPA recorded in any line of the DC. The main primary causes of death when CPA was recorded in the sequence of death were respiratory, hematologic, and neoplastic diseases. Conclusion: Perinatal and external causes were the primary causes of death, with highest MRs under the age of 20 years in Brazil from 1996 to 2019. When multiple causes of death were considered, the main primary causes associated with CPA were respiratory, hematologic, and neoplastic diseases. Most deaths occurred in the hospital environment. Better understanding of the sequence of events in these deaths and improvements in teaching strategies in pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation are needed.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(2): 209-222, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558064


ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this narrative review is to discuss the current state of research funding in Brazil. Materials and Methods: This study is based on the most recent edition of the course Funding for Research and Innovation in the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine which was a three-day course with 12 hours of instruction. The course brought together leading experts in the field to comprehensively discuss the current state of research funding in Brazil. Each speaker provided a presentation on a specific topic related to research funding. After the workshop, speakers assembled relevant topics in this manuscript. Results: collaborative research is critical for securing research funding. It optimizes proposal competitiveness, amplifies societal impact, and manages risks effectively. As such, fostering and supporting these collaborations is paramount for both researchers and funding agencies. To maintain the highest integrity in research, investigators involved in these collaborations must disclose any relationships that could potentially influence the outcomes or interpretation of their projects. Conclusions: In Brazil, the mainstay of research funding stems from public entities, with agencies such as CNPq, CAPES, and state bodies like FAPESP, FAPERJ, FAPEMIG and others at the forefront. Concurrently, industry funding offers viable pathways, especially through industry-sponsored studies, investigator-led projects, and collaborative initiatives. The Brazilian funding landscape is further enriched by innovative platforms, including crowdfunding and the contributions of institutions like the Serrapilheira Institute. Internationally, esteemed organizations such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation stand out as potential funders.

Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 88-94, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567628


Justification and Objectives: although Primary Health Care plays a central role in Brazil, much of the research that assesses safety culture and climate focuses on hospitals and few studies on this subject have explored this reality, thus justifying this study. The aim was therefore to identify the patient safety climate characteristics in Primary Health Care services in Brazil. Methods: an integrative review study. The MEDLINE via PubMed, LILACS, CINAHL and SciELO databases were used to search for studies. Results: nine articles were selected which reported on the negative safety climate in Primary Health Care. The five classes generated in the dendrogram are divided into two main categories: (1) Safe healthcare in Primary Health Care; and (2) Patient safety climate assessment in Primary Health Care services. Communication, organizational learning and teamwork were cited as enhancers of safe healthcare. Community health workers had a more negative safety climate perception. Working conditions and management support were rated negatively. Conclusion: strengthening the safety climate in Primary Health Care services favors quality of care and safe healthcare.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivos: embora a Atenção Primária à Saúde tenha papel central no contexto brasileiro, grande parte das pesquisas que avaliam a cultura e o clima de segurança tem enfoque no âmbito hospitalar e poucas investigações sobre essa temática exploram essa realidade, justificando a elaboração deste estudo. Dessa forma, objetivou-se identificar as características do clima de segurança do paciente em serviços de Atenção Primária à Saúde no Brasil. Métodos: estudo de revisão integrativa. As bases de dados MEDLINE via PubMed, LILACS, CINAHL e SciELO foram utilizadas para busca das publicações. Resultados: foram selecionados nove artigos, que relataram sobre o clima de segurança negativo na Atenção Primária à Saúde. As cinco classes geradas no dendrograma se dividem em duas categorias principais: (1) Cuidado à saúde seguro na Atenção Primária à Saúde; e (2) Avaliação do clima de segurança do paciente nos serviços de Atenção Primária à Saúde. Comunicação, aprendizagem organizacional e trabalho em equipe foram citados como potencializadores do cuidado à saúde seguro. Os Agentes Comunitários de Saúde apresentaram percepção mais negativa do clima de segurança. As condições de trabalho e o suporte da gerência foram avaliados negativamente. Conclusão: o fortalecimento do clima de segurança nos serviços primários de saúde favorece a qualidade da assistência e o cuidado à saúde seguro.(AU)

Justificación y Objetivos: a pesar de que la Atención Primaria de Salud desempeña un papel central en Brasil, gran parte de las investigaciones que evalúan la cultura y el clima de seguridad se centran en los hospitales y pocos estudios sobre este tema han explorado esta realidad, lo que justifica el desarrollo de este estudio. Por lo tanto, el objetivo fue identificar las características del clima de seguridad del paciente en los servicios de Atención Primaria de Salud en Brasil. Métodos: estudio de revisión integradora. Se utilizaron las bases de datos MEDLINE vía PubMed, LILACS, CINAHL y SciELO para la búsqueda de publicaciones. Resultados: fueron seleccionados nueve artículos que informaban sobre el clima de seguridad negativo en los servicios de Atención Primaria de Salud. Las cinco clases generadas en el dendrograma se dividen en dos categorías principales: (1) Atención de salud segura en la Atención Primaria de Salud; y (2) Evaluación del clima de seguridad del paciente en los servicios de Atención Primaria de Salud. La comunicación, el aprendizaje organizativo y el trabajo en equipo se citaron como potenciadores de una asistencia sanitaria segura. Los trabajadores sanitarios comunitarios tenían una percepción más negativa del clima de seguridad. Las condiciones de trabajo y el apoyo de la dirección se valoraron negativamente. Conclusión: reforzar el clima de seguridad en la Atención Primaria de Salud favorece la calidad de la atención y la seguridad de la asistencia sanitaria.(AU)

Humanos , Atención Primaria de Salud , Brasil , Seguridad del Paciente
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-7, jan.-dez. 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553701


Objetivo: avaliar as notificações de intoxicação exógena por raticida no Brasil entre 2008 e 2022. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo ecológico, do tipo série temporal, avaliando a quantidade anual de notificações nos últimos 15 anos, considerando os casos confirmados pelo Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN). A tendência temporal e as razões de incidência antes e durante a pandemia de COVID-19 foram examinadas com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: entre 2008 e 2022, 48.448 notificações de intoxicação exógena por raticidas foram registradas. A tendência temporal foi estabelecida como estacionária nos últimos 15 anos (p = 0,285), mas tornou-se, significativamente, crescente ao remover os anos relacionados à pandemia de COVID-19 (p = 0,001; VPA = 5,4% [IC95% = 2,1, 8,6). Além disso, ao comparar com período pré-pandemia, a incidência de notificações foi 34% menor (RI = 0,66 [IC95% = 0,59, 0,73]) no primeiro e 28% menor (RI = 0,72 [IC95% = 0,65, 0,79]) no segundo ano da pandemia de COVID-19. Por fim, observou-se que 82,2% das circunstâncias foram tentativas de suicídio, 89,4% foram exposições do tipo aguda-única e a maioria (91,1%) evoluíram para cura sem sequelas. Conclusão: foi possível concluir que as intoxicações exógenas por raticidas persistem como um problema de Saúde Pública no Brasil.

Objectives: to evaluate notifications of exogenous poisoning by rodenticides in Brazil between 2008 and 2022. Methods: an ecological time-series study was carried out, evaluating the annual number of notifications in the last 15 years, considering the cases confirmed by the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). Temporal tendency and incidence ratios before and during the COVID-19 pandemic were examined at a 5% significance level. Results: between 2008 and 2022, 48,448 notifications of exogenous poisoning by rodenticides were reported. The temporal tendency was established as stationary over the last 15 years (p = 0.285) but became significantly increasing when removing the COVID-19 pandemic years (p = 0.001; VPA = 5.4% [95%CI = 2 .1, 8.6). In addition, when compared to the pre-pandemic period, the incidence of notifications was 34% lower (IRR = 0.66 [CI95% = 0.59, 0.73]) in the first and 28% lower (IRR = 0,72 [CI95% = 0.65, 0.79]) in the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. At last, it was observed that 82.2% of the circumstances were suicide attempts, 89.4% were acute-single exposures, and most (91.1%) evolved to cure without sequelae. Conclusion: it was possible to conclude that exogenous poisoning by rodenticides persists as a Public Health problem in Brazil.

Rodenticidas , Brasil , Epidemiología
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-7, jan.-dez. 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554333


Objetivo: estimar a oviposição e distribuição espacial de vetores Aedes durante a estação de inverno e correlacionar essas estimativas com dados climáticos do mesmo período. Métodos: estudo de campo conduzido no município de Barbacena-MG, em 2018. O monitoramento, a coleta de ovos e a estimativa de índices estegômicos de vetores Aedes foram obtidos por meio de ovitrampas. Os Índices de Densidade de Ovos (IDO) e de Positividade de Ovitrampas (IPO%) foram estimados conforme estações climáticas e semanas epidemiológicas. A correlação entre parâmetros meteorológicos (temperatura/pluviometria) e índices estegômicos (IDO/IPO) foi determinada pelo coeficiente de Spearman. Resultados: um total de 1.080 ovitrampas, instaladas em 39 bairros, foi analisado durante 10 semanas epidemiológicas, fornecendo um total de 970 ovos. Nas estações de outono, inverno e primavera, foram obtidos, respectivamente, 421, 470 e 70 ovos. Durante o outono, houve variação do IDO entre 14,2 e 34,2. O IPO manteve-se constante em 4,5%. Durante o inverno, houve variação do IDO entre 0,00 e 47,50 e do IPO entre 0,00% e 8,25%. Houve correlação negativa significativa tanto entre aumento da precipitação mensal e diminuição do número de ovos coletados (rho=-0.673) quanto entre aumento da precipitação mensal e diminuição do IPO (rho=-0.612). O valor geral do IDO e do IPO nas 10 semanas foi, respectivamente, 22,04 e 4,17% e, na estação de inverno, foi, respectivamente, 23,50 e 3,73%. Conclusão: os achados corroboram a presença de ovos e vetores do gênero Aedes mesmo em condições climáticas adversas para essas espécies e sustentam ações de manejo sanitário durante todo o ano.

Objective: to estimate oviposition and spatial distribution of Aedes vectors during the winter season and correlate these estimates with climate data from the same period. Methods: field study conducted in the municipality of Barbacena-MG in 2018. Monitoring, egg collection, and estimation of stegomic indices of Aedes were obtained using ovitraps. The Indices of Egg Density (EDI) and Positive Ovitrap (POI%) were estimated according to climatic seasons and epidemiological weeks. The correlation between meteorological parameters (temperature/rainfall) and stegomic indices (EDI/POI) was determined by the Spearman coefficient. Results: a total of 1,080 ovitraps installed in 39 neighborhoods were analyzed during ten (10) epidemiological weeks, providing a total of 970 eggs. In the autumn, winter, and spring seasons, 421, 470, and 70 eggs were obtained, respectively. During the autumn, there was a variation in EDI between 14.2­34.2. The POI remained constant at 4.5%. During the winter, the EDI varied between 0.00­47.50, and the POI varied between 0.00%­8.25%. There was a significant negative correlation, respectively, between an increase in monthly precipitation and a decrease in the number of eggs collected (rho=-0.673) and between an increase in monthly precipitation and a decrease in POI (rho=-0.612). The overall value of EDI and POI in the ten (10) weeks was 22.04 and 4.17%, and in the winter season, they were 23.50 and 3.73%, respectively. Conclusion: the findings corroborate the presence of eggs and vectors of the genus Aedes even in adverse climatic conditions for these species and support health management actions throughout the year.

Monitoreo del Ambiente , Aedes , Control de Mosquitos , Dengue , Insectos Vectores
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 53-65, 20240131.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537648


Arboviruses cause public health problems in several countries, and records show that they can generate central and peripheral neurological complications with permanent sequelae. However, it is not certain which arbovirus is responsible for outbreaks of the Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), especially in Brazil. Thus, the objective of this study is to verify if there is a coincidence between the GBS outbreak and the most common arboviruses in Northeastern Brazil, as well as their relationship. An ecological time series study was designed with the federative units of Northeastern Brazil, using hospitalizations for Guillain-Barré syndrome and notifications of arbovirus infections between 2014 and 2019 as a data source. Distribution incidence curves were constructed for the conditions studied, and generalized estimating equations (GEE) models were applied to estimate the relationship between arboviruses and Guillain-Barré. The results showed a similar distribution for the incidences of Chikungunya virus (z=7.82; p=0.001), Zika virus (z=3.69; p=0.03), and Guillain-Barré syndrome (z=2.98; p=0.05) from 2014 to 2019. The GEE model revealed that the distribution of Chikungunya incidence is associated with the distribution of GBS incidence in each year (x2Wald=3,969; p=0.046). This pattern was repeated in seven of the nine states, while the Zika virus had a significant relationship with GBS in only two states. The outbreak of GBS in Northeastern Brazil appears to be probabilistically related to outbreaks of the Chikungunya virus.

As arboviroses são problemas de saúde pública em vários países e há registros de que podem produzir complicações neurológicas centrais e periféricas com sequelas permanentes. Entretanto, não se sabe ao certo qual delas é realmente responsável pelos surtos da Síndrome de Guillain-Barré (SGB), principalmente no Brasil. Assim, o objetivo é verificar se há coincidência entre o surto de SGB e as arboviroses mais comuns no Nordeste do Brasil e suas relações. Foi desenhado um estudo ecológico de série temporal com as unidades federativas do Nordeste do Brasil, adotando como fonte de dados as internações Guillain-Barré e as notificações de infecções por arbovírus entre 2014 e 2019. Curvas de distribuição de incidência foram construídas para as condições estudadas, e foram aplicados modelos de equações generalizadas estimadas (GEE) para estimar a relação entre arbovírus e Guillain-Barré. Evidencia-se que há distribuição semelhante para as incidências do vírus Chikungunya (z=7,82; p=0,001), vírus Zika (z=3,69; p=0,03) e síndrome de Guillain-Barré (z=2,98; p=0,05) entre 2014 e 2019. O modelo GEE revelou que a distribuição da incidência de Chikungunya está associada à distribuição da incidência de SGB em cada ano (x2Wald=3,969; p=0,046). Esse padrão se repetiu em sete dos nove estados, enquanto o zika vírus teve uma relação significativa com o GBS em apenas dois estados. Conclui-se, então, que o surto de SGB no Nordeste do Brasil parece estar probabilisticamente relacionado aos surtos do vírus Chikungunya.

Los arbovirus causan problemas de salud pública en varios países y, según indican los reportes, pueden producir complicaciones neurológicas centrales y periféricas con secuelas permanentes. Sin embargo, no se sabe cuál de ellos es realmente el responsable de los brotes del síndrome de Guillain-Barré (SGB), especialmente en Brasil. Así, el objetivo de este estudio es verificar si existen coincidencias entre el brote del SGB y los arbovirus más comunes en el Noreste de Brasil y sus asociaciones. Se diseñó un estudio de series temporales ecológico en las unidades federativas del Noreste de Brasil, adoptando como fuente de datos las hospitalizaciones y las notificaciones de arbovirosis de Guillain-Barré entre 2014 y 2019. Se construyeron curvas de distribución de incidencia para las condiciones científicas, y se aplicó una ecuación estimada generalizada (GEE) para estimar la relación entre arbovirus y Guillain-Barré. Se encontró que existe una distribución similar en las incidencias de virus del chikunguña (z=7,82; p=0,001), virus del Zika (z=3,69; p=0,03) y síndrome de Guillain-Barré (z =2,98; p=0,05) entre 2014 y 2019. El modelo GEE reveló que la distribución de la incidencia de chikunguña está asociada con la distribución de la incidencia de SGB en cada año (x2Wald=3,969; p=0,046). Este patrón se repitió en siete de los nueve estados, mientras que el virus del Zika presentó una relación significativa con el SGB en solo dos estados. El brote del SGB en el Noreste de Brasil parece estar relacionado probabilísticamente con los brotes del virus del chikunguña.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036318


Objective To investigate the origin of Biomphalaria straminea in China, so as to provide insights into assessment of schistosomiasis mansoni transmission risk and B. straminea control. Methods Guanlan River, Dasha River, Shenzhen Reservoir, upper and lower reaches of Kuiyong River, and Xinzhen River in Shenzhen, China, were selected as sampling sites. Ten Biomphalaria samples were collected from each site, and genomic DNA was extracted from Biomphalaria samples. DNA samples were obtained from 15 B. straminea sampled from 5 sampling sites in Minas Gerais State, Pará State, Federal District, Pernambuco State, and Sao Paulo State in Brazil, South America. Cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) genes were sampled using the above DNA templates, and the amplified products were sequenced. The COI and 16S rRNA gene sequences were downloaded from GenBank, and the sampling sites were acquired. All COI and 16S rRNA gene sequences were aligned and evolutionary trees of B. straminea were created based on COI and 16S rRNA gene sequences to identify the genetic similarity and evolutionary relationship between B. straminea samples from China and South America. Results A total of 60 COI gene sequences with a length of 529 bp and 3 haplotypes were obtained from B. straminea sampled from China. There were 165 COI gene sequences of B. straminea retrieved from GenBank, and following alignment with the above 60 gene sequences, a total of 33 haplotypes were obtained. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the three haplotypes of B. straminea from China were clustered into one clade, among which the haplotype China11 and three B. straminea samples from Brazil retrieved from GenBank belonged to the same haplotype. Geographical evolution analysis showed that the B. straminea samples from three sampling sites along eastern coasts of Brazil had the same haplotype with China11, and B. straminea samples from other two sampling sites were closely, genetically related to China11. A total of 60 16S rDNA gene sequences with approximately 322 bp in length were amplified from B. straminea in China, with 2 haplotypes identified. A total of 70 16S rDNA gene sequences of B. straminea were captured from GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Biomphalaria snails collected from China were clustered into a clade, and the haplotype China64 and the haplotype 229BS from Brazil shared the same haplotype. The 49 16S rDNA gene sequences of B. straminea from 25 sampling sites in southern Brazil, which were captured from GenBank, were included in the present analysis, and the B. straminea from 3 sampling sites shared the same haplotype with China64 in China. Geographical evolution analysis based on COI and 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that B. straminea sampled from eastern coastal areas of Brazil shared the same haplotypes in two gene fragment sequences with Biomphalaria snails collected from China. Conclusions The Biomphalaria snails in China are characterized as B. straminea, which have a low genetic diversity. The Biomphalaria snails in China have a high genetic similarity with B. straminea sampled from eastern coastal areas of Brazil, which may have originated from the eastern coastal areas of Brazil.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 36(67): 1-16, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566525


O objetivo deste estudo é compreender como o cenário competitivo dos eSports têm se desenvolvido no Brasil, fazendo uma análise dos aspectos socioculturais que fizeram parte do seu desenvolvimento. Para isso, realizou-se a análise de conteúdo de materiais disponíveis online entre os anos de 2003 e 2022, sendo compostos por notícias, documentários e entrevistas que trataram da temática do estudo. O recorte temporal considerado se dá pela disponibilidade de conteúdo relacionado aos objetivos elencados. Ao final, evidenciou-se que os eSports encontraram obstáculos oriundos da falta de estrutura e inclusão digital. Porém, mesmo com essas dificuldades iniciais de formação da modalidade no Brasil, equipes profissionais conseguiram se formar e têm obtido êxito em âmbito nacional e internacional. Por outro lado, parte da população brasileira, que muitas vezes não consegue realizar a prática por questões estruturais ou financeiras, encontraram nos dispositivos móveis uma forma de se inserir no universo dos eSports.

The aim of this study is to understand how the competitive eSports scene has developed in Brazil, analyzing the sociocultural aspects that have been part of its development. For this, a content analysis of materials available online between 2003 and 2022 was carried out, consisting of news, documentaries and interviews that dealt with the theme of the study. The time frame considered is due to the availability of content related to the objectives listed. In the end, it was evidenced that Sports encountered obstacles arising from the lack of structure and digital inclusion. However, even with these initial difficulties in the formation of the modality in Brazil, professional teams have managed to form and have been successful at national and international levels. On the other hand,part of the Brazilian population, who often cannot practice due to structural or financial reasons, found in mobile devices a way to enter the eSports universe.

El objetivo de este estudio es comprender cómo se ha desarrollado la escena competitiva de los eSports en Brasil, analizando los aspectos socioculturales que han formado parte de su desarrollo. Para ello, fue realizado un análisis de contenido de materiales disponibles online entre 2003 y 2022, compuesto por noticias, documentales y entrevistas que trataran del tema del estudio. El marco temporal considerado se debe a la disponibilidad de contenidos relacionados con los objetivos enumerados. Al final, se evidenció que los eSports encontraron obstáculos derivados de la falta de estructura y de inclusión digital. Sin embargo, incluso con estas dificultades iniciales en la formación de la modalidad en Brasil, equipos profesionales han logrado formarse y han tenido éxito a nivel nacional e internacional. Por otro lado, parte de la población brasileña, que muchas veces no puede practicar por razones estructurales o financieras, encontró en los dispositivos móviles una forma de entrar en el universo de los eSports.

Acta ortop. bras ; 32(spe1): e268544, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556717


ABSTRACT Cancer cases and survival have increased significantly in recent decades. Objective: In this study, we sought to evidence whether bone, joint and cartilage neoplasms are increasing with the aging of the Brazilian population, using the analysis of the DATASUS and IBGE databases, between 1979 and 2020. Methods: We compared the means and the proportion of death in Brazil, to observe the confidence interval overlaps, separated by region. Comparison between genders, age group, death and specific rate were compared via proportion tests and the trend was investigated via time series analysis. Results: Through the analyses, we can see that there is an increasing trend of cases, about 2.5 times in the period. Separated by region, the Southeast stands out, with a number of deaths about 6 times higher than other regions. Conclusion: Metastatic carcinoma is the most common neoplasm treated by orthopedic surgeons, and it is essential to adapt to this future projection, with cases of pathological bone involvement resulting from metastatic carcinomas, increasingly present in the routine of orthopedic surgeons. Level of Evidence IV, Cross-Sectional Observational Study.

RESUMO Os casos oncológicos e a sobrevida aumentaram expressivamente nas últimas décadas. Objetivo: Investigar se as neoplasias de osso, articulação e cartilagem estão aumentando com o envelhecimento da população brasileira, por meio da análise das bases de dado do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS) e do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), entre os anos de 1979 e 2020. Métodos: Realizamos a comparação de médias e de proporção de morte entre as regiões do Brasil para observar as sobreposições de intervalo de confiança em cada região. A comparação entre sexo, faixa etária, óbito e taxa específica foi feita via testes de proporção, e a tendência foi investigada via análise de séries temporais. Resultados: Foi evidenciada uma tendência crescente dos casos de neoplasia, com um aumento de cerca de 2,5 vezes no período analisado. Entre as regiões do Brasil, destacou-se o Sudeste, com número de mortes cerca de seis vezes maior que outras regiões. Conclusão: O carcinoma metastático é a neoplasia mais comum tratada pelos cirurgiões ortopédicos, e é fundamental nos adequarmos a essa projeção futura, com casos de comprometimento ósseo patológicos decorrentes de carcinomas metastáticos cada vez mais presentes na rotina do cirurgião ortopédico. Nível de Evidência IV, Estudo Observacional Transversal.

An. bras. dermatol ; 99(3): 380-390, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556859


Abstract Background Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a group of rare hereditary diseases, characterized by fragility of the skin and mucous membranes. Epidemiological data on EB in Brazil are scarce. Objectives To describe epidemiological aspects of patients with EB diagnosed in the Dermatology Department of a tertiary hospital, from 2000 to 2022. Methods An observational and retrospective study was conducted through the analysis of medical records. The evaluated data included clinical form, sex, family history, consanguinity, age at diagnosis, current age, time of follow-up, comorbidities, histopathology and immunomapping, presence of EB nevi and squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), cause of and age at death. Results Of 309 patients with hereditary EB, 278 were included. The most common type was dystrophic EB (DEB), with 73% (28.4% dominant DEB, 31.7% recessive DEB and 12.9% pruriginous DEB). Other types were junctional EB with 9.4%, EB simplex with 16.5% and Kindler EB with 1.1%. Women accounted for 53% and men for 47% of cases. Family history was found in 35% and consanguinity in 11%. The mean age at diagnosis was 10.8 years and the current age was 26 years. The mean time of follow-up was nine years. Esophageal stenosis affected 14%, dental alterations affected 36%, malnutrition 13% and anemia 29%. During diagnostic investigation, 72.6% underwent histopathological examination and 92% underwent immunomapping. EB nevi were identified in 17%. Nine patients had SCC. Eleven patients died. Study limitations Insufficient data included to medical records, loss to follow-up, and unavailability of genetic testing. Conclusions In this study, dystrophic EB predominated and the need for multidisciplinary care for comorbidities and complications was highlighted.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 22: eAO0546, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557727


ABSTRACT Objective: The prevalent symptoms of severe dengue in pediatric patients are divided into three subgroups: severe plasma leakage, severe bleeding, and severe organ damage. In addition, the seasonal patterns of the disease and the outcomes of cure or death from dengue were evaluated. Methods: An epidemiological, observational, analytical, cross-sectional study was conducted with data from the Notifiable Disease Information System (SINAN - Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação and DATASUS - Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde) of the Ministry of Health from 2019 to 2020. Results: During the study period, 1,857 cases of severe dengue were observed in the pediatric age group, with the most common symptoms being respiratory failure, melena, hematemesis, and altered level of consciousness. The total proportion of patients hospitalized for severe dengue was 89.6%, and 51.2% of these patients died, corroborating the importance of early detection of the disease. Conclusion: Severe dengue is more prevalent during the seasonal period, with hot and humid characteristics owing to the mechanism involved in the viral cycle. The most prevalent symptoms of severe dengue in pediatric patients were respiratory failure alone, gastrointestinal bleeding, and altered level of consciousness. It is important to identify signs of severity for early intervention and a better prognosis, considering that death is closely related to a delayed diagnosis.

J. bras. pneumol ; 50(2): e20240018, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558271


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the temporal trend of tuberculosis cure indicators in Brazil. Methods: An ecological time-series study using administrative data of reported cases of the disease nationwide between 2001 and 2022. We estimated cure indicators for each federative unit (FU) considering individuals with pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis-HIV coinfection, and those in tuberculosis retreatment. We used regression models using joinpoint regression for trend analysis, reporting the annual percentage change and the average annual percentage change. Results: For the three groups analyzed, we observed heterogeneity in the annual percentage change in the Brazilian FUs, with a predominance of significantly decreasing trends in the cure indicator in most FUs, especially at the end of the time series. When considering national indicators, an average annual percentage change of −0.97% (95% CI: −1.23 to −0.74) was identified for the cure of people with pulmonary tuberculosis, of −1.11% (95% CI: −1.42 to −0.85) for the cure of people with tuberculosis-HIV coinfection, and of −1.44% (95% CI: −1.62 to −1.31) for the cure of people in tuberculosis retreatment. Conclusions: The decreasing trends of cure indicators in Brazil are concerning and underscore a warning to public authorities, as it points to the possible occurrence of other treatment outcomes, such as treatment discontinuity and death. This finding contradicts current public health care policies and requires urgent strategies aiming to promote follow-up of patients during tuberculosis treatment in Brazil.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 30: e30001, 2024. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558582


Resumo Este artigo aborda as normas gerais do esporte no Brasil e Portugal a partir de uma perspectiva comparativa. Parte-se do pressuposto que o esporte deve ser foco de atenção estatal e das políticas públicas como estratégia de desenvolvimento da cidadania. O objetivo principal é analisar comparativamente a legislação esportiva de Brasil e Portugal, sobretudo os atos que estabeleceram as normas gerais para este setor em âmbito nacional. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritivo-analítica de abordagem qualitativa e abrangência exploratória, organizada a partir de trabalho de campo e análise e tratamento do material empírico e documental. A análise de conteúdo dos documentos confirmou que no Brasil o financiamento é o tema de destaque na atuação normativa do Estado, ao passo que em Portugal o exercício regulatório é a principal preocupação. Nos dois países foi possível observar o impacto dos megaeventos na esfera legislativa, com a produção de atos excepcionais.

Resumen Este artículo aborda las reglas generales del deporte en Brasil y Portugal, desde una perspectiva comparada. Se parte del supuesto de que el deporte debe ser el foco de atención estatal y de las políticas públicas como estrategia de desarrollo de la ciudadanía. El objetivo principal es analizar comparativamente la legislación deportiva en Brasil y Portugal, especialmente las leyes que establecieron las reglas generales para este sector a nivel nacional. Para ello, se realizó una investigación descriptivo-analítica con enfoque cualitativo y alcance exploratorio, organizada a partir del trabajo de campo y el análisis y tratamiento de material empírico y documental. El análisis de contenido de los documentos confirmó que en Brasil el financiamiento es el tema principal en la acción normativa del Estado, mientras que en Portugal el ejercicio regulatorio es la principal preocupación. En ambos países se pudo observar el impacto de megaeventos en el ámbito legislativo, con la producción de actos excepcionales.

Abstract This article addresses the general rules of sport in Brazil and Portugal, from a comparative perspective. It starts from the assumption that sport should be the focus of state attention and public policies as a citizenship development strategy. The main objective is to comparatively analyze the sports legislation in Brazil and Portugal, especially the acts that established the general rules for this sector at the national level. For this, a descriptive-analytical research with a qualitative approach and exploratory scope was carried out, organized from field work and analysis and treatment of empirical and documental material. The content analysis of the documents confirmed that in Brazil financing is the main issue in the State's normative action, while in Portugal the regulatory exercise is the main concern. In both countries, it was possible to observe the impact of mega-events in the legislative sphere, with the production of exceptional acts.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34SP103, 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558704


Resumo Em 2015, o Brasil foi palco de um evento que despertou a atenção global: a epidemia do vírus da Zika. Esse patógeno chegou aos trópicos trazendo consigo uma novidade para a literatura médica do Zika: o nascimento de crianças com alterações no desenvolvimento fetal oriundas da transmissão vertical do vírus para os fetos. O fenômeno, que foi enquadrado como uma emergência em saúde, passou a ser amplamente estudado e inúmeras pesquisas foram desenvolvidas com as crianças nascidas com alterações associadas ao vírus Zika. Este artigo analisa um conjunto de entrevistas conduzidas em 2022 com cientistas que estiveram diretamente envolvidas na resposta a essa epidemia na Região Metropolitana de Recife. Como as pesquisas foram majoritariamente realizadas com crianças, refletimos, aqui, como essa característica atravessou o fazer científico das pesquisadoras envolvidas. O objetivo principal é promover discussões mais amplas sobre o ato de fazer pesquisa em termos de urgência, direcionando questões acerca das relações científicas, sobretudo entre pesquisadores e participantes (as pesquisadoras do Zika e as crianças diagnosticadas com a síndrome). Um segundo objetivo é pensar como a Antropologia da Criança pode encontrar um terreno fértil de diálogo com outras áreas que se debruçam sobre crianças e as infâncias.

Abstract In 2015, Brazil was the scene of an event that attracted global attention: the Zika virus epidemic. This pathogen arrived in the tropics, bringing with it something new to the Zika medical literature: the birth of children with changes in fetal development resulting from vertical transmission of the virus to fetuses. The phenomenon, which was classified as a health emergency, began to be widely studied and numerous studies were carried out with children born with changes associated with the Zika virus. This article analyzes a set of interviews conducted in 2022 with scientists who were directly involved in the response to this epidemic in the Metropolitan Region of Recife. As the research was mostly carried out with children, we reflect here on how this characteristic permeated the scientific work of the researchers involved. The main objective is to promote broader discussions about the act of carrying out research in terms of urgency, addressing questions about scientific relationships, especially between researchers and participants (Zika researchers and children diagnosed with the syndrome). A second objective is to think about how Child Anthropology can find fertile ground for dialogue with other areas that focus on children and childhood.