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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 74(1): 49-53, abr. 2014. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-713538


Se presenta el caso de una paciente de seis años, de sexo femenino sin antecedentes mórbidos ni familiares de importancia, quien consulta por proptosis izquierda en abril de 2011. Se realiza resonancia magnética de cerebro evidenciándose un tumor de seno etmoidal con compromiso de órbita izquierda que ocasiona exoftalmo. La biopsia endoscópica nasal fue compatible con fibroma osificante juvenil. Posteriormente se realiza antrostomía con etmoidectomía en dos tiempos, con resultados satisfactorios para la paciente. Aunque el fibroma osificante juvenil es un tipo de lesión benigna poco frecuente, puede llegar a ser muy agresiva y con una alta tasa de recidiva en ciertas ocasiones, por lo que se debe tener en cuenta para realizar un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz, con un seguimiento programado a largo plazo.

This paper presents the case of a patient of six years old female without background or important morbidly in her family, who consults for left-sided proptosis in April of 2011. It performs brain magnetic resonancebeing demonstrated a tumor of theethmoid sinus with commitment to the left orbit that causes exophthalmus. Nasal endoscopic biopsy was compatible with juvenile ossifying fibroma. It was subsequently performed ananthrostomy whitethmoidectomy in two times, with satisfactory results for the patient. Although the Juvenile ossifying fibroma is a rare type of benign lesion, can be very aggressive and have a high recurrence rate in certain occasions, by what should be taken into account to make an early diagnosis and treatment, with a scheduled follow up in the long term.

Humanos , Femenino , Niño , Neoplasias Óseas/cirugía , Neoplasias Óseas/diagnóstico por imagen , Fibroma/cirugía , Fibroma/diagnóstico por imagen , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 12(3): 35-40, Jul.-Set. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-792254


O Fibroma Cemento-Ossificante (FCO), apesar de lembrar em menor proporção uma displasia cementoóssea, é considerado um neoplasma verdadeiro, com potencial de crescimento, apresentando recidivas raramente encontradas. A lesão é relativamente rara, haja vista que muitos casos no passado hoje são reconhecidos como displasia cemento-óssea focal. Há uma maior prevalência de ocorrência na 3ª e na 4ª década de vida, com considerável predileção pelo gênero feminino, maior acometimento na mandíbula e unilocular. O intuito deste trabalho é relatar um caso de FCO em um paciente, 19 anos de idade, no qual, após radiografia de controle, foi constatada uma lesão com graus variados de radiopacidade. Ao exame clínico, apresentava discreta assimetria em região de corpo mandibular esquerdo. A avaliação tomográfica foi avaliada, e, posteriormente a biópsia excisional foi realizada. Observou-se, após 2 anos de pós-operatório, adequado reparo ósseo e cicatrização do tecido gengival com ausência de recidivas.

Cement-ossifying fibroma (COF), despite its similarity, on a smaller scale, to a cement-osseous dysplasia, is considered a true neoplasm with growth potential, relapses being of rare occurrence. The lesion is relatively rare, since many presumed cases in the past, are now recognized as focal cement-osseous dysplasia. Its highest prevalence is in the third and fourth decades of life, and it has a marked predilection for females, affecting, in particular, a single locus of the mandible. The purpose of this paper is to report a case of COF in a 19-year-old male patient, in whom the control radiograph revealed a lesion with varying degrees of radiopacity. The clinical examination showed a slight asymmetry in the region of the left mandibular body. Tomography was evaluated and an excisional biopsy subsequently performed. After two years of follow-up satisfactory bone repair and healing of the gum tissue were observed, with an absence of relapses.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 5(2): 153-156, Aug. 2011. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-608715


Localized growths are commonly seen on the gingiva. Many of these enlargements are considered to be reactive rather than neoplastic in nature. Clinically differentiating one from the other as a specific entity is often not possible. Histopathologic examination is needed in order to positively identify the lesion. The peripheral ossifying fibroma is one such lesion. We report in this study, the clinical report of a 20-yr-old male patient with a peripheral ossifying fibroma in the maxilla exhibiting significant size with the disease duration of 1 year. The signs of recurrence in spite of thorough excision and debridement exposed the need for further study of the causes of recurrence and possible modes to avoid the situation. Clinical, radiographical and histological characteristics are discussed and recommendations regarding treatment and follow-up are provided.

Aumentos de volumen localizados se observan con frecuencia en la encía. Muchos de estos crecimientos se consideran de tipo reaccional más que de naturaleza neoplásica. Clínicamente diferenciar uno del otro como una entidad específica no siempre es posible. El examen histopatológico es necesario con el fin de identificar positivamente a la lesión. El fibroma osificante periférico es una de estas lesiones. Se presenta en este estudio, el informe clínico de un paciente de sexo masculino de 20 años de edad con un fibroma osificante periférico en el maxilar de un tamaño significativo con 1 año de duración de la lesión. Los signos de recurrencia a pesar de la escisión completa y desbridamiento expusieron la necesidad de estudiar más a fondo las causas de la recurrencia y los posibles modos de evitar la situación. Las características clínicas, radiográficas e histológicas son discutidas junto a recomendaciones sobre el tratamiento y seguimiento.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Fibroma Osificante/patología , Fibroma Osificante , Neoplasias Gingivales/patología , Neoplasias Gingivales , Fibroma Osificante/cirugía , Maxilar , Recurrencia Local de Neoplasia , Neoplasias Gingivales/cirugía
Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-173973


Psammomatoid juvenile ossifying fibroma (PsJOF) is a well defined clinical and histological entity with earlier onset at (childhood or adolescence) classified under the broad category of fibro-osseous lesion. Histological PsJOF is one of the entity of juvenile ossifying fibroma (JOF) characterized by small spherical ossicles resembling psammoma bodies and the other with trabecular or fibrillar osteoid and woven bone which is termed as trabecular juvenile ossifying fibroma (TrJOF). This case of PsJOF involved maxilla, premaxilla, antrum, lateral wall of nose on left side of face. The size, extent and aggressive behavior of the tumor which has lead to facial disfigurement and difficulty in breathing, inability to speak, eat and drink is rare in literature. The treatment done by resection with safe margins is adequate with no recurrence as patient is under follow up for more than one year.