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Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 73(3): 191-200, sept 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1516063


Introducción. Los cereales tienen aminoácidos limitantes y mezclarlos con harinas de origen marino presentan un mejor equilibrio en éstos mejorando la composición nutricional en productos de panificación, principalmente de proteína y aminoácidos. Objetivo. Desarrollar panes tipo "baguette" sustituyendo parcialente harina de trigo (HT) por harina de calamar (HC) y evaluar su calidad física, química y sensorial. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizó la técnica de masa esponja incorporando 7,5, 10 y 12,5 % de HC. Análisis físicos: tiempo de amasado, peso y fermentación de la masa, volumen específico, peso de los panes (g), % pérdida humedad y color de miga; análisis químicos: humedad, proteína cruda, cenizas, extracto etéreo, fibra cruda, carbohidratos, aminoácidos indispensables y energía bruta y evaluación sensorial: textura, olor, color y sabor. Resultados. Las propiedades físicas no presentaron diferencias (p>0,05), pero sí (p<0,05) para las variables de color en todos los panes, al igual que en los análisis químicos y perfil de aminoácidos (p<0,05), incrementándose la proteína (15,63 % pan con 7,5 % de HC hasta 23,27 % pan con 12,5 % de HC) y mismo comportamiento de aminoácidos indispensables conforme aumentó la inclusión de HC. Los resultados de la evaluación sensorial fueron similares (p>0,05) para 7,5 % de HC (me gusta), para 10,0 y 12,5 % fue indiferente. Conclusiones. La inclusión de HC (7,5 %) en baguette logró un aumento de proteínas y aminoácidos esenciales mejorando la calidad nutricional, con buena aceptación de acuerdo con la prueba de carácter exploratorio con consumidores que se empleó(AU)

Introduction. Cereals have limiting amino acids and mixing them with flours of marine origin could provide a better balance in these improving the nutritional composition in bakery products, mainly protein and amino acids. Objective. To develop and evaluate the physical, chemical, and sensory quality of three white breads of baguette type by partially substitution of wheat flour (HT) with squid flour (HC). Materials and methods. The sponge dough technique was used incorporating 7,5, 10,0 and 12,5 % of HC. Physical analysis: kneading time, dough weight, dough fermentation, specific volume, bread weight (g), % loss of moisture and crumb color; chemical analysis: moisture, crude protein, ash, ether extract, crude fiber, carbohydrates, indispensable amino acids and sensory evaluation: texture, odor, color, and flavor. Results. Physical properties did not show differences (p>0.05), differences (p<0.05) for color variables in all breads as well as in chemical analysis and amino acid profile (p<0.05), the protein show an increase (15,63 % for bread with HT to 23,27 % for bread with 12.5 % of HC) and the same behavior for indispensable amino acids, that increase as inclusion of HC increases. The results of the sensory evaluation were similar (p>0.05) in control and 7,5 % of HC (I like it), for 10 and 12,5% it was indifferent. Conclusions. The inclusion of squid flour (7,5 %) in the preparation of baguette bread achieved an increase of proteins and essential amino acids that improved the nutritional quality of this food, which also presented a good acceptance according to an exploratory test with consumers(AU)

Decapodiformes , Ciencias de la Nutrición , Harina/análisis
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226489


Changeri ghrita is a medicated ghee formulation, mentioned in Grahani rog chikitsa. Sneha murchana is a procedure prior to Snehapaka. Snehapaka and Murchana bring changes in Sneha. Materials and Methods: Two batches of Changeri ghrita prepared using Murchita and Amurchit ghrita. Prepared Ghrita subjected to physico-chemical analysis. Result and Discussion: Specific gravity increased in Murchita ghrita. Refractive index, viscosity, saponification value, iodine values were increased. While acid value is decreased. Peroxide value is slightly increased. Unsaponifiable matter remains unchanged. There was change in organoleptic properties after Murchana. Physico-chemical changes have been occurring except in unsaponifiable matter and congealing point. Peroxide was present in both samples of Amurchit and Murchit Changeri ghrita. Saponification value was increased in Murchit Changeri Ghrita Conclusion: It can be concluded that antioxidants were added during Murchana. Murchana maintains stability of lipid preparation and offer good health impact, increases palatability.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988205


Cordyceps, a unique precious Chinese herbal medicine in China, has the effects of tonifying the kidney and lungs, stopping bleeding, and resolving phlegm. It has definite clinical effects on diabetes, respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), chronic kidney diseases, slow arrhythmia, and hyperlipidemia. We searched China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Data, VIP, SpringerLink (Biomedical Sciences), Embase, Proquest (Life Sciences), PubMed, Cochrane Library, and SinoMed for the research on the arsenic content in Cordyceps. According to statistical analysis, arsenic in Cordyceps mainly exists in the non-toxic or low-toxic form. The arsenic-containing compounds in Cordyceps may be an arsenic-sugar compound with anticancer effect. The inorganic arsenic content in Cordyceps is lower than the arsenic standard stipulated by the State Food and Drug Administration. It remains uncertain whether different measurement methods can affect the results. The total arsenic content varies in Cordyceps from different producing areas, and the general rule of total arsenic content in Cordyceps produced in different provinces, districts, and counties cannot be obtained from the results of the existing studies. The arsenic content in Cordyceps is mainly concentrated in the insect part, which is significantly different from that in stroma, and no arsenic is detected in the mycelia. The soil arsenic content in the growing areas is generally high, which may be a main reason for the high arsenic content in Cordyceps. As a valuable medicinal material for tonifying and nourishing, Cordyceps still plays an irreplaceable role in disease prevention, health care, chronic disease management, and rehabilitation.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 29(spe1): e2022_0199, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394846


ABSTRACT Introduction Nowadays, more people are concerned with physical exercise and swimming competitions, as a major sporting event, have become a focus of attention. Such competitions require special attention to their athletes and the use of computational algorithms assists in this task. Objective To design and validate an algorithm to evaluate changes in vital capacity and blood markers of athletes after swimming matches based on combined learning. Methods The data integration algorithm was used to analyze changes in vital capacity and blood acid after combined learning swimming competition, followed by the construction of an information system model to calculate and process this algorithm. Results Comparative experiments show that the neural network algorithm can reduce the calculation time from the original initial time. In the latest tests carried out in about 10 seconds, this has greatly reduced the total calculation time. Conclusion According to the model requirements of the designed algorithm, practical help has been demonstrated by building a computational model. The algorithm can be optimized and selected according to the calculation model according to the reality of the application. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment outcomes.

RESUMO Introdução Atualmente, mais pessoas preocupam-se com o exercício físico e as competições de natação, como evento esportivo de destaque, tornou-se foco de atenção. Tais competições exigem atenção especial aos seus atletas e o uso de algoritmos computacionais auxiliam nessa tarefa. Objetivo Projetar e validar um algoritmo para avaliação das alterações da capacidade vital e marcadores sanguíneos dos atletas após os jogos de natação baseados no aprendizado combinado. Métodos O algoritmo de integração de dados foi usado para analisar as mudanças de capacidade vital e ácido sanguíneo após competição de natação de aprendizado combinado, seguido à construção de um modelo de sistema de informação para calcular e processar esse algoritmo. Resultados Experiências comparativas mostram que o algoritmo de rede neural pode reduzir o tempo de cálculo a partir do tempo inicial original. Nos últimos testes levados à cabo em cerca de 10 segundos, isto reduziu muito o tempo total de cálculo. Conclusão De acordo com os requisitos do modelo do algoritmo projetado, foi demonstrada a ajuda prática pela construção de um modelo computacional. O algoritmo pode ser otimizado e selecionado de acordo com o modelo de cálculo, segundo a realidade da aplicação. Nível de evidência II; Estudos terapêuticos - investigação dos resultados do tratamento.

RESUMEN Introducción Hoy en día, cada vez más personas se preocupan por el ejercicio físico y las competiciones de natación, como evento deportivo destacado, se han convertido en un foco de atención. Estas competiciones requieren una atención especial para sus atletas y el uso de algoritmos computacionales ayuda en esta tarea. Objetivo Diseñar y validar un algoritmo para evaluar los cambios en la capacidad vital y los marcadores sanguíneos de los atletas después de los partidos de natación basado en el aprendizaje combinado. Métodos Se utilizó el algoritmo de integración de datos para analizar los cambios de la capacidad vital y la acidez de la sangre tras la competición de natación de aprendizaje combinado, seguido de la construcción de un modelo de sistema de información para calcular y procesar este algoritmo. Resultados Los experimentos comparativos muestran que el algoritmo de la red neuronal puede reducir el tiempo de cálculo con respecto al tiempo inicial. En las últimas pruebas realizadas en unos 10 segundos, esto redujo en gran medida el tiempo total de cálculo. Conclusión De acuerdo con los requisitos del modelo del algoritmo diseñado, se ha demostrado la ayuda práctica mediante la construcción de un modelo computacional. El algoritmo puede optimizarse y seleccionarse según el modelo de cálculo en función de la realidad de la aplicación. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos - investigación de los resultados del tratamiento.

Humanos , Natación/fisiología , Algoritmos , Biomarcadores/análisis , Aprendizaje Profundo , Rendimiento Atlético/fisiología , Atletas
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226429


Kokilakshadi Kashaya mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Vataraktadhikara, it is a therapeutic formulation to treat Vatarakta. It is also used by Ayurvedic practitioners for treating hyperuricemia. The symptoms of hyperuricemia and gouty arthritis are similar to Vatarakta, a disease explained in classical Ayurvedic textbooks. Kokilakshadikwatha contains Kokilaksha and Guduchi and Pippalichurna given as Anupana of this formulation Physico chemical analysis of individual drug and formulation with modern parameters increase their scope and acceptance. The study was based on standard analytical parameters proposed by API. Method: Kokilakshadi Kwatha powder was evaluated for physico chemical analysis and phyto chemical screening. The analysis was done by using the parameters like Organoleptic features, loss on drying, acid soluble extractive, water soluble extractive. Results: Analytical parameters of individual drugs were done. All analytical parameter were within limit. Analytical parameter of Kokilakshadi Kwatha Churna like loss on drying 10.4%w/w, acid insoluble ash 0.79%, alcohol soluble extractive 11.2%w/w, water soluble extractive 7.8%w/w, pH 5.78 were obtained. High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) profile of Kokilakshadikwatha powder showed 13 peaks at 254nm and 14 peaks at 366nm. Preliminary phytochemical screening test revealed the presence of steroids, alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids. Conclusion: The obtained data can be used for future comparative references

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226340


Panchagavya Ghritha is a widely used Ayurvedic formulation mentioned in Ashtanga Hridaya Utharastana Apasmara Patishedha indicated in conditions like Apasmara (epilepsy), Jwara (pyrexia), and Kamala (jaundice). It contains 5 ingredients namely Goshakrit rasa (cow dung juice), Amladadhi (sour curd), Goksheera (cow’s milk), Gomutra (cow’s urine) and Goghritha (ghee). Authentic sources of cow products are not often obtained and found adulterated. Collection and processing of fresh raw materials are an important area in this formulation This study was conducted to find out the non conformances and quality issues in Panchagavya ghritha production in industrial level. The comparative analysis of prepared and market samples based on standard analytical parameters proposed by PLIM reveals the variation in different organoleptic characters and physico-chemical parameters. The physico-chemical parameters among prepared and different companies were statistically analysed with ANOVA test and Scheffe’s pair wise comparison, showed significant difference at 0.01 levels.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226336


Taila Kalpana- A liquid dosage form of Ayurveda used for both external and internal application, has an important role in clinical practice. Asanavilwadi taila is a preparation mentioned in Sahasrayogam taila prakaranam and in Chikitsa manjari Siro roga chikitsa. It is used in the treatment of diseases of eye, ear and head and found to be very effective. Based on the data collected about the production of Asanavilwadi tailam from various manufacturing companies, it was noted that large amount of Asanavilwadi tila tailam and Asanavilwadi kera tailam are produced. In the present scenario there is increase in the number of manufacturing companies, increased production of formulations and there is decreased availability of raw drugs. So, it is necessary to confirm the genuinity of formulations available in the market. But Asanavilwadi tailam has not been standardized yet in API. This work was initiated to develop a standard analytical parameter for Asanavilwadi tila tailam and Asanavilwadi kera tailam. Asanavilwadi taila is prepared both in the media of Tila taila and Kera tailam as both samples are used for clinical practice and physico-chemical analyses were done. Standard analytical protocol proposed by Pharmacopoeial Laboratory of Indian Medicine (PLIM) and Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India were taken as the study tool.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-934407


Objective:To provide consistent data basis for the application of reference intervals for children blood cell analysis in different testing systems.Methods:According to the requirements of American Institute for Clinical and Laboratory Standardization (CLSI) EP9-A3 document, 45 samples were collected and Sysmex XN20-A1 were used as reference system. Beckman DxH800, Siemens ADVIA 2120i, and Mindray BC5310 were comparison systems. Complete blood count and leukocyte classification were performed by four systems. The outliers of the detection results were tested by the generalized extreme student deviate (ESD) method. An optimal regression model was selected by scatter diagram, deviation diagram and frequency distribution diagram, which was used to fit the regression equation and calculate the deviation at the medical decision level and reference interval. The acceptable range for blood count deviation was cited from the Analytical Quality Specifications for Routine Tests in Clinical Hematology. The acceptable range for leukocyte classification was based on the EQA program of Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA).Results:After the outliers were deleted, the scatter plot showed a linear relationship between the reference system and the three comparison systems. The deviation plot showed that the differences were variable. Deming regression or Passing-Bablok regression was selected according to the data distribution. The determination coefficient R2 of reference system and three comparison systems ranged from 0.95 to 0.99 in blood count and leukocyte classification. At the upper and lower limits of the reference interval, the deviations between XN-20A1 and ADVIA 2120 system were all acceptable, except for MONO# at 0.12×10 9/L. The deviations of all parameters at medical decision level were within acceptable ranges. The lower limit of PLT is partially unacceptable at the level of medical decision related to treatment and prognosis. Conclusions:The results of complete blood count and leukocyte classification in reference system and the comparison system had good consistency within the children′s reference interval. Our study provided a scientific basis for the feasibility of adopting a unified reference interval for different detection systems.

NOVA publ. cient ; 19(37): 79-98, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365193


Resumen Objetivo. Determinar la calidad del agua que abastece a la población de la Vereda Rio Suarez del municipio de Puente Nacional por medio del cálculo del índice de riesgo de la calidad del agua (IRCA). Métodos. Se tomaron 10 muestras de diferentes puntos de la red de distribución del agua veredal, se realizó análisis físico-químico y microbiológico por técnica de filtración por membrana bajo parámetros del Instituto Nacional de Salud. Resultados. El análisis físico-químico mostró cuantificación de hierro elevado y nivel de turbiedad inadecuado lo que puede afectar el sabor y el aspecto del agua. El recuento de coliformes totales fue >300 UFC/100ml., con identificación de Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Enterococcus entre otras, habitantes de suelo y aguas que pueden ser causantes de infecciones gastrointestinales e infecciones urinarias, resultados que indican que el agua no es apta para consumo humano.

Abstract Objective. To determine the quality of the water that supplies the population of the Vereda Rio Suarez of the municipality of Puente Nacional through the calculation of the risk index of water quality (IRCA). Methods. 10 samples were taken from different points of the water distribution network, physical-chemical and microbiological analysis was performed by membrane filtration technique under parameters of the National Institute of Health. Results. The physical-chemical analysis showed high iron quantification and inadequate turbidity level that can affect the taste and appearance of the water. The total coliform count> 300 CFU / 100ml., with identification of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella oxytoca, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus among others that inhabit soils and waters and can cause gastrointestinal infections and urinary infections and is not suitable for human consumption.

Humanos , Calidad del Agua , Infecciones Urinarias , Técnicas Microbiológicas , Escherichia coli
Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 50(2): 457-475, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347334


SUMMARY Introduction: Honey is a natural substance produced by bees mainly from flower nectar with high nutritional value. However, many commercialized samples are adulterated or falsified. Method: We bought twelve honey samples in markets in the city of Betim (Brazil) and analyzed their acidity, pH, electrical conductivity, insoluble matter, ashes, moisture content, presence of mesophile bacteria, molds, yeasts, total coliforms, Salmonella spp. and the presence of pollen grains. Results: Considering all honey samples, the average pH was 3.8 ± 0.5 and the average free acidity was 29.8 ± 6.6 mEq/kg. Considering acidity, we found the average of lactonic acidity 6.4 ± 2.4 mEq/kg and a total average acidity of 36.2 ± 6.9 mEq/kg. The average moisture content was 19.4 ± 1.0 %, the average electrical conductivity was 391.6 ± 168.6 μS/ cm, the average amount of ashes was 0.5 ± 0.8 % and the average insoluble matter was 0.08 ± 0.02 %. Only the moisture was significantly different between the two groups and ten honey samples had pollen grains. Conclusions: The quality parameters of the labeled and unlabeled samples were not significantly different, although two samples of unlabeled honey were fraudulent, mainly due to the absence of pollen grains. Identifying the presence or absence of pollen in the samples is a safe, economical, and reliable first step for verifying the authenticity of the honey.

RESUMEN Introducción: La miel es una sustancia natural producida por las abejas, principalmente, a partir del néctar de flores con alto valor nutricional. Sin embargo, muchas muestras comercializadas están adulteradas o falsificadas. Método: Compramos doce mieles en mercados de la ciudad de Betim (Brasil) y analizamos su acidez, pH, conductividad eléctrica, materia insoluble, cenizas, contenido de humedad, presencia de bacterias mesófilas, mohos, levaduras, coliformes totales, Salmonella spp. y la presencia de granos de polen. Resultados: Considerando todas las muestras de miel, el pH promedio fue de 3,8 ± 0,5 y la acidez libre promedio fue de 29,8 ± 6,6 mEq/kg. Considerando la acidez, encontramos el promedio de acidez lactónica 6,4 ± 2,4 mEq/kg y una acidez promedio total de 36,2 ± 6,9 mEq/kg. El contenido de humedad promedio fue 19,4 ± 1,0 %, la conductividad eléctrica promedio fue 391,6 ± 168,6 μS/crn, la cantidad promedio de cenizas fue 0,5 ± 0,8 % y la materia insoluble promedio fue 0,08 ± 0,02 %. Sólo la humedad fue significativamente diferente entre los dos grupos y diez de las muestras de miel tenían granos de polen. Conclusiones: Los parámetros de calidad de las muestras etiquetadas y no etiquetadas no fueron significativamente diferentes, aunque dos muestras de miel no etiquetadas fueron fraudulentas, debido a la ausencia de granos de polen. Identificar la presencia o ausencia de polen en las muestras es un primer paso seguro, económico y confiable para verificar la autenticidad de la miel.

RESUMO Introdução: O mel é uma substância natural produzida pelas abelhas principalmente a partir do néctar da flor com alto valor nutritivo. No entanto, muitas amostras comercializadas são adulteradas ou falsificadas. Método: Compramos doze méis em mercados da cidade de Betim (Brasil) e analisamos sua acidez, pH, condutividade elétrica, sólidos insolúveis, cinzas, teor de umidade, presença de bactérias mesófilas, bolores, leveduras, coliformes totais, Salmonella spp. e a presença de grãos de pólen. Resultados: Considerando todas as amostras de mel, o pH médio foi de 3,8 ± 0,5 e a acidez livre média foi de 29,8 ± 6,6 mEq/kg. Considerando a acidez, encontramos a média de acidez lactô-nica de 6,4 ± 2,4 mEq/kg e uma acidez média total de 36,2 ± 6,9 mEq/kg. O teor de umidade médio foi de 19,4 ± 1,0 %, a condutividade elétrica média foi 391,6 ± 168,6 μS/cm, a quantidade média de cinzas foi 0,5 ± 0,8 % e a matéria insolúvel média foi 0,08 ± 0,02 %. Apenas a umidade foi significativamente diferente entre os dois grupos e dez das amostras de mel apresentaram grãos de pólen. Conclusões: Os parâmetros de qualidade das amostras rotuladas e não rotuladas não foram diferentes, embora duas amostras de mel não rotulado fossem fraudulentas, principalmente devido à ausência de grãos de pólen. Identificar a presença ou ausência de pólen nas amostras é um primeiro passo seguro, económico e confiável para verificar a autenticidade do mel.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912437


Objective:To establish an interpretive reporting system for urinalysis based on artificial intelligence (AI).Methods:Urine tests were collected from the First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University from 2008 to 2018, including 2 899 917 patient tests and 710 971 physical check-up tests. Then we set up a large population distribution with the frequency of different results of each item and established a health index of each sample and an abnormal level of each item according to data distribution, importance and degree of abnormality. We collected data of seven diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, urinary tract infection, glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome, and matched them with a same number of healthy control group by gender and age. An integrated learner based on the AdaBoost algorithm was used to establish a diagnostic model and assess its algorithm performance. JAVA was used to develop data presentation software. The accuracy of the AI model for disease judgment was assessed by manual verification using 199 abnormal urine tests.Results:Each report could be graded as four levels: normal, abnormal, ill and critical. Each item could be judged as normal, mild, moderate, severe or extreme and the population distribution was provided with big data. The training accuracy, true positive rate and area under the curve were ≥88.3%, ≥80.0%, and ≥0.954 respectively using the machine learning model based on AdaBoost. The developed JAVA software presented the above results and displayed medical records and results, historical results, personalized advice, patient education and position in large population data. By manual verification, the accuracy rate of the AI model for disease judgment was 82.41% (166/199).Conclusion:This study established an intelligent interpretive reporting system for urine test results. It can distinguish the abnormality of each report, predict the disease of patients, and make personalized clinical decisions.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 436-439, 2021.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-875715


Objective@#To examine uric acid (UA) levels and their influencing factors among primary and middle school students in the Tongzhou District of Beijing, and to provide referential guidance for the prevention and control of hyperuricemia in teenagers.@*Methods@#A total of 1 483 students from four middle schools and four primary schools in three cities and three towns in Tongzhou District were selected for a questionnaire survey, physical examination, and blood examination using a multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method. The results of the serum uric acid (SUA) examinations were statistically analyzed and the influencing factors were evaluated.@*Results@#The UA level of the students was skewed, with a median value of 296.0 mol/L and an interquartile distance of 96.0 mol/L. The overall detection rate of hyperuricemia was 14.83% (220/1 483). Middle school students (342 μmol/L), students from villages and towns (307 μmol/L), males (309 μmol/L), family dining students (298 μmol/L), students with high levels of triglyceride (TG) (318 μmol/L), students with low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (329 μmol/L), and obese students (303 μmol/L) all had statistically higher SUA levels(H/U value was 119 938, 229 525, 212 043, 156 347, 42 052, 63 375, 33.49, P<0.05). The univariate analysis showed that the HUA detection rate was higher in older age groups, middle school students, township students, overweight or obese students, and low HDL-C students(χ 2=614.55, 73.20, 6.16, 30.56, 14.50, P<0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression showed that older age, being male, low HDL-C, high LDL-C, overweight, and obesity were risk factors for HUA(P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#The SUA level and the detection rate of hyperuricemia among primary and middle school students in Tongzhou District were high, and the risk of disease and influencing factors had significant characteristics. Therefore, targeted prevention and control measures should be strengthened.

Rev. colomb. quím. (Bogotá) ; 49(2): 18-22, mayo-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115658


Abstract The objective of this study was to identify the emetic metabolites in different parts of the P. ipecacuanha, a plant with emetic properties. Partial phytochemical analysis was performed to determine the presence of emetine and cephaeline in leaves, stems and roots. Both alkaloids were detected in the three plant parts analyzed. Highest alkaloid content was found in roots (8.55 mg/g), followed by stems (4.05 mg/g), and the lowest was found in leaves (2.4 mg/g). The cephaeline content (8.35 mg/g) was higher than that of emetine (6.65 mg/g) in all the three organs analyzed. Toxicity analysis of the crude extract showed a LD50 of 500 mg/kg.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los metabolitos eméticos en diferentes partes de P.ipecacuanha, una planta con propiedades eméticas. Se realizó un análisis fitoquímico parcial, donde se determinó la presencia de emetina y cefalina en hojas, tallos y raíces. Ambos alcaloides se detectaron en las tres partes de la planta analizadas. El mayor contenido de alcaloides se encontró en las raíces (8.55 mg/g), seguido de los tallos (4.05 mg /g), y el más bajo se encontró en las hojas (2.4 mg/g). El contenido de cefalina (8,35 mg/g) fue mayor que el de emetina (6,65 mg/g) en los tres órganos analizados. El análisis de toxicidad del extracto crudo mostró una DL50 de 500 mg/kg.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os metabólitos eméticos em diferentes partes do P. ipecacuanha, uma planta com propriedades eméticas. Foi realizada análise fitoquímica parcial para determinar a presença de emetina e cefelina nas folhas, caules e raízes. Ambos os alcalóides foram detectados nas três partes da planta analisadas. O maior teor de alcalóides foi encontrado nas raízes (8,55 mg/g), seguido dos caules (4,05 mg/g), e o menor foi encontrado nas folhas (2,4 mg/g). O conteúdo de cefhaelina (8,35 mg/g) foi superior ao de emetina (6,65 mg/g) nos três órgãos analisados. A análise de toxicidade do extrato bruto mostrou um LD50 de 500 mg/kg.

Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 70(4): 388-397, July-Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137193


Abstract Background and objectives: The measurement of hemoglobin concentration (Hb) by co-oximetry is an innovative technique that offers efficiency and agility in the processing of information regarding the measurement of Hb obtained through continuous, non-invasive and rapid monitoring. Because of this attribute, it avoids unnecessary exposures of the patient to invasive procedures by allowing a reduction in the number of blood samples for evaluation and other unnecessary therapies. It also helps to make decisions about the need for transfusion and how to handle it. The objective of this study is to compare the performance offered to obtain Hb values between the Masimo Corporation (Irvine, CA, USA) instrument and the standard gold tool (laboratory examination). Contents: The study corresponds to a systematic review followed by meta-analysis, which included fully registered full-text clinical trials published from 1990 to 2018. PubMed, Cochrane, Medline, Embase and Web of Science databases were investigated. The mean overall difference found between the non-invasive and invasive methods of hemoglobin monitoring was 0.23 (95% CI -0.16, 0.62), that is, it did not present statistical significance (p = 0.250). The results of the analysis of heterogeneity within and between the studies indicated high levels of inconsistency (Q = 461.63, p < 0.0001, I2 = 98%), method for Hb values. Conclusions: Although the mean difference between noninvasive measurements of Hb and the gold standard method is small, the co-oximeter can be used as a non-invasive "trend" monitor in detecting unexpected responses at Hb levels.

Resumo Justificativa: A medida da concentração de hemoglobina (Hb)por co-oximetria é uma técnica inovadora que oferece eficiência e agilidade no processamento das informações referentes à medida da concentração de hemoglobina obtida por meio de monitorização contínua, não-invasiva e rápida. Por conta desse atributo, evita exposições desnecessárias do paciente a procedimentos invasivos ao possibilitar redução da quantidade de amostras sanguíneas para avaliação e de outras terapêuticas desnecessárias. Além disso, auxilia a tomada de decisões quanto à necessidade de transfusão e quanto ao manejo da mesma. Objetivo: Comparar o desempenho oferecido para a obtenção dos valores de concentração de hemoglobina entre medida não invasiva da Hb e a ferramenta padrão ouro (exame laboratorial). Conteúdo: O estudo corresponde a uma revisão sistemática seguida de metanálise que incluiu ensaios clínicos devidamente registrados com texto completo, publicados a partir de 1990 até 2018. Foram investigadas as bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane, Medline, Embase e Web Of Science. A diferença média global encontrada entre os métodos não invasivo e invasivo de monitorização da hemoglobina foi de 0,23 (95% IC -0,16; 0,62), ou seja, não apresentou significância estatística (p = 0,250). Os resultados da análise de heterogeneidade dentro e entre os estudos, apontou níveis elevados de inconsistência (Q = 461,63, p< 0,0001, I2 = 98%). Conclusão: Embora a diferença média entre as medidas não invasivas da Hb e o método padrão ouro sejam pequenas, o co-oxímetro pode ser utilizado como um monitor não invasivo de "tendência" na detecção de alterações inesperadas nos níveis de Hb.

Humanos , Hemoglobinas/análisis , Oximetría/métodos , Monitoreo Fisiológico/métodos , Proyectos de Investigación , Transfusión Sanguínea , Ensayos Clínicos como Asunto/métodos
Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 49(1): 70-88, Jan.-Apr. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144339


SUMMARY This study aimed at evaluating effective methods for breaking the hard and insoluble spores of Ganoderma lucidum to recover functional biomolecules. Rupture techniques were evaluated such as manual maceration (RM), maceration with spheres of various materials (BR), and microwave exposure plus maceration with steel/ chrome spheres (MBR1). Spore rupture was evaluated using UV-Vis spectroscopy, which showed vibrations of 2955, 1642, 1240, 1080 and 1746 cm-1 corresponding to changes in spore walls. The MBR1 extract contained the largest amounts of carbohydrates (19.80 mg.g-1 spores) and polyphenols (2.21 mg.g-1 spores), whereas the BR extract had higher antioxidant activity (57.22%Inb DPPH). The MBR1 and BR extracts contained 62.2 and 73.5% glucose, respectively. Both methods also involved significant extraction of carbohydrates and proteins. The best way to extract biomolecules from spore walls is to perform a microwave heat treatment and break the walls with steel/chrome spheres; this produces large quantities of carbohydrates with antioxidant properties.

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar varios métodos de ruptura de las esporas de Ganoderma lucidum y extraer sus propiedades bioactivas. Para este propósito se evaluaron diferentes técnicas de rompimiento como: la maceración manual (RM), la maceración con esferas de diversos materiales (BR) y la exposición a microondas junto la maceración de las esporas con esferas de acero/cromo (MBR1). La ruptura de las esporas fue evaluada por espectroscopia UV-Vis, la cual mostró que las vibraciones 2955, 1642, 1240, 1080 y 1746 cm-1 correspondieron a cambios estructurales en las paredes de las esporas. El extracto MBR1 presento el mayor contenido de carbohidratos (19,80 mg.g-1) y polifenoles (2,21 mg.g-1), mientras que el extracto BR tuvo una mayor actividad antioxidante (57,22% Inb DPPH). Los extractos MBR1 y BR también presentaron en el análisis de monosacáridos un 62,2 y 73,5% de contenido glucosa. Como conclusión la mejor metodología para extraer biomoléculas de las paredes de las esporas de G. lucidum fueron el tratamiento térmico con microondas y la ruptura de las paredes con esferas de acero/cromo, porque este proceso permitió la extracción de una mayor cantidad de carbohidratos con posibles propiedades antioxidantes.

J. bras. nefrol ; 42(1): 47-52, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098337


ABSTRACT Background: Renal replacement therapy continues to be related to high hospitalization rates and poor quality of life. All-cause morbidity and mortality in renal replacement therapy in greater than 20% per year, being 44 times greater when diabetes is present, and over 10 times that of the general population. Regardless of treatment, the 5-year survival is 40%, surpassing many types of cancers. Irisin is a hormone that converts white adipose tissue into beige adipose tissue, aggregating positive effects like fat mass control, glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, prevention of muscle loss, and reduction in systemic inflammation. Objectives: To determine the serum levels of troponin I in hemodialysis patients submitted to remote ischemic preconditioning (RIPC) associated with irisin expression. Methods: This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind clinical trial with patients with chronic kidney disease submitted to hemodialysis for a 6-month period. Troponin I, IL-6, urea, TNF-α, and creatinine levels were determined from blood samples. The expressions of irisin, thioredoxin, Nf-kb, GPX4, selenoprotein and GADPH were also evaluated by RT-PCR. Results: Samples from 14 hypertensive patients were analyzed, 9 (64.3%) of whom were type 2 diabetics, aged 44-64 years, and 50% of each sex. The difference between pre- and post-intervention levels of troponin I was not significant. No differences were verified between the RIPC and control groups, except for IL-6, although a significant correlation was observed between irisin and troponin I. Conclusion: Remote ischemic preconditioning did not modify irisin or troponin I expression, independent of the time of collection.

RESUMO Introdução: A terapia de substituição renal continua associada a altas taxas de hospitalização e baixa qualidade de vida. A morbimortalidade por todas as causas na terapia de substituição renal é superior a 20% ao ano, sendo 44 vezes maior quando a diabetes está presente e mais de 10 vezes a da população em geral. Independentemente do tratamento, a sobrevida em 5 anos é de 40%, superando muitos tipos de câncer. A irisina é um hormônio que converte tecido adiposo branco em tecido adiposo bege, agregando efeitos positivos como o controle de massa gorda, tolerância à glicose, resistência à insulina, prevenção de perda muscular e redução da inflamação sistêmica. Objetivos: Determinar os níveis séricos de troponina I em pacientes em hemodiálise submetidos ao pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto (PCIR) associado à expressão da irisina. Métodos: Estudo clínico prospectivo, randomizado, duplo-cego, com pacientes com doença renal crônica submetidos à hemodiálise por um período de 6 meses. Os níveis de troponina I, IL-6, uréia, TNF-α e creatinina foram determinados a partir de amostras de sangue. As expressões de irisina, tioredoxina, Nf-kb, GPX4, selenoproteína e GADPH foram também avaliadas por RT-PCR. Resultados: Foram analisadas amostras de 14 pacientes hipertensos, 9 (64,3%) dos quais eram diabéticos tipo 2, com idades entre 44 e 64 anos e 50% de cada gênero. A diferença entre os níveis pré e pós-intervenção de troponina I não foi significativa. Não houve diferenças entre os grupos PCIR e controle, exceto pela IL-6, embora tenha sido observada correlação significativa entre irisina e troponina I. Conclusão: O pré-condicionamento isquêmico remoto não modificou a expressão de irisina ou troponina I, independentemente do tempo de coleta.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Diálisis Renal , Fibronectinas/sangre , Troponina I/sangre , Precondicionamiento Isquémico/efectos adversos , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica/sangre , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica/terapia , Calidad de Vida , Biomarcadores/sangre , Proyectos Piloto , Método Doble Ciego , Estudios Prospectivos , Estudios de Seguimiento , Resultado del Tratamiento , Precondicionamiento Isquémico/métodos
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci ; 2020 Feb; 12(2): 15-19
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206032


Objective: This study has investigated cosmeceutical properties namely, antibacterial, sun protection factor and total phenolics contents of some selected macrofungi. The studies were conducted on five reference cultures collected from Indian type culture collection center (IMTEC, Chandigarh, India) and five isolates collected from TERI-Deakin Nano Biotechnology Centre facility at TERI Gram, Gurugram, India. Methods: The cosmeceutical properties of the crude extracts from selected macrofungi were analyzed using standard bioassay techniques. Antibacterial activity was analyzed against Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus, Bacillus megaterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Acinetobacter baumannii using Agar well diffusion method. The sun protection factor was estimated and calculated using the Mansur equation. Free radical scavenging activity using DPPH was performed to assess the antioxidant activity of the extracts. Results: Ethyl acetate extracts of the broth from P. florida and TERI-G1 cultures showed a broad-spectrum antibacterial activity against S. epidermidis, E. coli, M. luteus and B. megaterium. Ethyl acetate extracts of the broth from TERI-G3 showed the highest SPF activity of 34.02 at 200 µg. ml-1 concentration. Ethyl acetate extract of the broth from F. velutipes, P. florida, P. ostreatus, and TERI-G1 showed comparable antioxidant activity of 66.86%, 79.51%, 82.02%, and 69.58% respectively when compared to ascorbic acid (85.83%) and quercetin (83.09%) taken as positive control in the study and their total phenolic contents were found to be 6.93, 43.68, 20.88 and 13.77 Gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per gram. The minimal inhibitory concentration of F. velutipes, P. florida, P. ostreatus, and TERI-G1 was found to be 3552.89 µg. ml-1, 1250 µg. ml-1, 2418.9 µg. ml-1 and 3219 µg. ml-1 respectively. Conclusion: The work is in progress to identify and characterize TERI-G1and TERI G3 cultures. Further studies on the anti-inflammatory, anti-tyrosinase, elastase inhibition properties of the cultures will be assessed to identify potential cosmeceutical active ingredients with promising applications in cosmeceutical products.

Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal ; (24): 1172-1176, 2020.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-857642


OBJECTIVE: To provide references for the correct understanding and accurate implementation of the physical and chemical analysis general chapters of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 Edition volume . METHODSE: The principles, processes, and main considerations of the development of the physical and chemical analysis general chapters of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 edition volume IV are introduced, and the content and main characteristics are summarized and analyzed. RESULTS: According to the goals and key tasks of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 edition, the principles of scientificity, versatility, operability, gradual and sustainable development, and harmonization with international standards, the physical and chemical analysis committee of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia commission carry out the development of the physical and chemical analysis general chapters of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 edition volume . Further expand the application of advanced and mature analytical techniques, strengthen the applicability of analytical methods and the development of the external pollution control methods for Chinese medicinal materials, and improve the harmonization of analytical techniques and impurity control requirements with international technical requirements. CONCLUSION: The physical and chemical analysis general chapters of Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020 edition volume provide method and technical support to ensure the safety, effectiveness and controllable quality of China's pharmaceuticals, and play an important and positive role in encouraging the application of advanced analytical technology, strengthening drug regulatory measures, and enhancing the international influence of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-815379


Objective@#To explore ethnic distribution characteristics of SNPs associated with micronutrient deficiency risk of Chinese primary and middle school students, and to provide a basic reference for evaluating the risk of lack in micronutrient.@*Methods@#Totally 143 SNPs reported in previous studies were collected, and DNA was exacted by using magnetic beads in frozen blood cell samples from the 2016 nutrition health survey project of 1 130 primary and middle school students, competitive allele method was used to detect SNP genotyping. GO significant enrichment analysis R software package to PCA, kinship and linkage disequilibrium analysis were used for analysis of features of candidate SNPs. If there was a population structure, the FaST-LMM model was used for correlation analysis.@*Results@#The GO significant enrichment results showed that differentially expressed genes were mainly enriched in the biological process grouping, including catalytic activity, transport activity, energy metabolism pathway, steroid hormone, coenzyme, biological processes of vitamin A, D and metabolism of water-soluble vitamins, involving transcription, translation and energy metabolism related genes. The results of 143 SNPs showed statistically significant differences in ethnic distribution, and SNPs on chromosome 3 presented significant differences among ethnic groups. Principal component analysis 1 showed that rs1799852 on TF gene had 25%-50% explanatory validity, rs2118981 on RBP2 gene and rs1830084 on SRPRB gene had 50%-75% explanatory validity, rs1358024, rs1525892, rs1880669, rs3811647, rs3811658, rs6794945, rs7638018 and rs8177248 on TF gene had more than 75% explanatory validity.@*Conclusion@#SNPs associated with micronutrient deficiency risk of Chinese primary and middle school students are characterized with ethnic distributions.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-827224


The quality of Astragali Radix (AR) was closely related to the growth period. However, the current commodity grades of AR were only divided by diameter but not directly related to the growth period, which leads to the contradiction between the grade standard and the quality evaluation index. Therefore, solving this problem will be the key for the quality evaluation of AR. The present study established a potential quality evaluation approach for the absolute growth years' wild Astragali Radix (WAR) and transplanted Astragali Radix (TAR) based on the chemical components and anti-heart failure efficacy through adopting a bare-handed sections approach to rapidly identify the growth years of WAR. In this study, the absolute growth years of WAR were obtained by identifying the growth rings of 1-6 growth years root through the methods. The contents of flavonoids and saponins in 2-6 growth years' WAR were determined by HPLC-UV-ELSD. The contents of 12 chemical components and the anti-fatigue failure effects of WAR (4-year-old) and TAR were compared on rat models of heart failure induced by doxorubicin. Meanwhile, NMR-based untargeted metabolomics studies were performed to investigate the regulative effects of WAR and TAR. The result shows that the numbers of growth rings were consistent with the actual growth periods of AR. The HPLC-UV-ELSD determination indicated that the content of total flavonoids in WAR was significantly higher than that in TAR. Pharmacodynamics analysis revealed that the effects of WAR on cardiac function parameters (EF, FS and LVIDs), contents of serum CK and BNP were superior to those of TAR. 13 metabolites of heart were identified that had a higher rate of change in WAR group than TAR. Overall, a rapid identification method for the growth years of WAR was established, and the fact that WAR were significantly better than TAR in the heart failure rats was first proved in the paper. This study provided a scientific basis for establishing a novel commodity specification and grade of AR for clinical rational drug use.