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Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 24(3): 124-130, sept. 2020. tab.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1146404


Introduction: The decreasing prevalence of parasitosis from north to south in Argentina has led the scientific community to focus the epidemiological studies on the most vulnerable areas and, consequently, neglect the populations of Patagonia (South Argentina). The objectives of the present study were (i) to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in children and youth of Puerto Madryn (Chubut province, Patagonia), and (ii) to evaluate the parasitic infections found concerning socio-environmental factors and hygiene practices of the population. Materials and methods: Serial stool samples were processed using modified Ritchie and FLOTAC dual pellet techniques, and samples of anal swabs were examined by sedimentation. Socio-environmental variables and hygiene practices of the participants were surveyed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results: Of all examined participants, 39.1% (68/174) were parasitized. A total of 6 parasite species were found and the most prevalent were Blastocystis sp (19.0%), Enterobius vermicularis (17.8%), and Giardia lamblia (6.3%). The risk of parasitosis and infection for Blastocystis sp was greater in participants who lived in houses without piped water (OR = 2.9 and OR = 3.2, respectively). The risk of infection for G. lamblia was positively associated with the lack of public waste collection service (OR = 5.6). Infection for E. vermicularis was higher in participants whose parents had a basic level of education (OR = 5.0). Conclusion: The parasitic infections observed reflect the environmental conditions of Patagonia and the need to focus studies on populations from peripheral areas to urban centers that are exposed to greater socio-economic vulnerability.

Introducción: La prevalencia de parasitosis decreciente de norte a sur en la Argentina, ha llevado a la comunidad científica a enfocar sus estudios epidemiológicos hacia las zonas más vulnerables y desatender a las poblaciones de la Patagonia (sur de Argentina). Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: determinar la prevalencia de parásitos intestinales en niños y jóvenes de Puerto Madryn (Chubut, Patagonia), y evaluar las infecciones parasitarias en relación con los factores socioambientales y las prácticas de higiene de la población. Materiales y métodos: Se procesaron muestras seriadas de materia fecal mediante las técnicas Ritchie modificada y FLOTAC dual pellet, y muestras de escobillado anal por sedimentación. Se relevaron las variables socioambientales y las prácticas de higiene de los participantes mediante cuestionarios semiestructurados. Resultados: El 39.1% (68/174) de la población analizada estuvo parasitado. Se halló un total de 6 especies parásitas, las más prevalentes de las cuales fueron Blastocystis sp (19.0%), Enterobius vermicularis (17.8%) y Giardia lamblia (6.3%). El riesgo de parasitosis y de infección por Blastocystis sp fue mayor en los participantes que no poseían agua de red (odds ratio [OR] = 2.9 y OR = 3.2, respectivamente). La infección por G. lamblia se asoció de manera positiva con la falta de recolección pública de residuos (OR = 5.6). La infección por E. vermicularis fue superior en los participantes con padres que tenían un nivel de estudios primario (OR = 5.0). Conclusión: Las infecciones parasitarias observadas reflejan las condiciones ambientales de la Patagonia y la necesidad de orientar los estudios a poblaciones periféricas de los centros urbanos, las cuales están expuestas a mayor vulnerabilidad socioeconómica

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Lactante , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Parásitos , Argentina , Saneamiento , Higiene , Giardia lamblia , Blastocystis , Educación , Enterobius , Intestinos/parasitología
Cad. Ter. Ocup. UFSCar (Impr.) ; 24(4): [ 811-819], out.-dez. 2016.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-832136


Introdução: Os terapeutas ocupacionais, ao longo de sua história, defrontaram-se com a necessidade de ofertar ações concernentes às problemáticas socioculturais dos mais diversos públicos com os quais interagem, necessitando desenvolver ações pertinentes a esses contextos. Além disso, intervenções pertencentes ao âmbito da cultura, de forma focalizada, também têm sido compreendidas como da alçada deste profissional. Objetivo: Relatar a experiência do programa METUIA da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, que ilustra, sob o viés da terapia ocupacional social, as oficinas culturais e os acompanhamentos individuais e territoriais empreendidos durante um período de seis meses, no contexto sociocultural de uma comunidade periférica do município de Vitória, ES. Método: A construção conjunta das atividades visava à ampliação das redes sociais de suporte, à potencialização da infância e da juventude participantes e a participação social, além da construção de projetos de vida próprios às suas identidades culturais. Resultados: As oficinas culturais proporcionaram a identificação de diferentes demandas colocadas pelas crianças, pelos adolescentes e jovens, partindo da articulação entre distintos olhares e reflexões que se colocavam em choque por meio do reconhecimento da alteridade entre os grupos e os terapeutas ocupacionais. Conclusão: Almeja-se que experiências aqui retratadas possam contribuir para a consolidação das ações dos terapeutas ocupacionais no âmbito da cultura, trazendo elementos que possam promover reflexões para um campo que ainda necessita ser sistematizado como detentor de práticas e pesquisas nesta categoria profissional, sobretudo no campo social.

Introduction: Occupational therapists, throughout the history, faced the need to offer actions pertaining to socio-cultural issues in different populations with whom they interact, being required to develop actions relevant to these contexts. In addition, interventions specifically within the scope of culture have also been understood as the scope of this work. Objective: To report the METUIA experience of the 'Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo', illustrating, from the perspective of social occupational therapy, cultural workshops and individual and territorial follow-ups during six months, in the cultural context of a suburb neighborhood in the city of Vitoria, ES, Brazil. Method: The activities collective development aimed at expanding the support of social networks, the empowerment of children and youth participants and the joint construction of processes of autonomy, social participation and life projects to their own cultural identities. Results: The cultural workshops provided the identification of different demands by the children, adolescents and young people, based on the articulation between different views and reflections that were placed in shock through the recognition of alterity between the groups and occupational therapists. Conclusion: It is hoped that the experiments described here can contribute to the consolidation of occupational therapists actions in culture, bringing elements that can promote reflections for a field that still needs to be systematized as a producer of professional practice and research, especially in the social area.

Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 13(3): 8-16, dic. 2015. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-869052


Existen distintas formas de violencia que se infligen contras niños y adolescentes en distintos ambientes, incluyendo los hogares, que producen consecuencias devastadoras en la salud mental y comunitaria. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar los diagnósticos de niños, niñas y adolescentes que consultaron al Servicio Ambulatorio de la Cátedra de Psiquiatría de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas relacionados a diferentes tipos de violencia intrafamiliar. Es un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal con muestreo no probabilístico. Se indagaron 145 fichas clínicas de pacientes infanto-juveniles que solicitaron atención psicológica a partir del 2010. Se analizaron los datos con SSPS 15.0 para Windows y el DSM-IV-TR para diagnósticos. Todos presentaron algún trastorno mental siendo los más frecuentes los trastornos del estado de ánimo 39% (56), y entre ellos el más frecuente fue el depresivo mayor con 87,5%. Otros fueron el trastorno por estrés post traumático en 11% (16) y trastornos de la conducta en 10,3% (15). El 71,4% (85) de la población estudiada recibió algún tipo de violencia. La forma de violencia más frecuente, sola o en combinación con otras, fue la psicológica con el 49,6% (59) de los 85 que sufrieron maltrato. Se encontró una correlación estadísticamente significativa (p=0,0058) entre el padecimiento de algún tipo de violencia y los trastornos del estado de ánimo. Este trabajo coincide con estimaciones nacionales e internacionales de niños que han sufrido algún tipo de violencia, así también los trastornos hallados son similares a los de otros trabajos.

There are different types of violence that children and adolescents suffer in differentenvironments, including homes, which produce devastating consequences. The objectivewas to analyze the diagnosis of children and adolescents who had consulted the OutpatientService of the Department of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine related to differenttypes of domestic violence. It is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with non-probabilisticsampling. One hundred forty five medical records of children and adolescent who soughtcounseling from 2010 were used. Data were analyzed with SPSS 15.0 for Windows andDSM-IV-TR, for diagnosis. All cases presented some mental disorders. The most commondisorders were mood disorders 39% (56), and among them the major depressive disorderwas the most frequent with 87.5%. Other disorders found were post traumatic stressdisorder in 11% (16) and behavioral disorders in 10.3% (15). From all the studied population, 71.4% (85) received some form of violence. The most frequent form, alone orin combination with another type, was the psychological with 49.6% (59) of the 85 whoreported violence. A statistically significant correlation (p= 0.0058) was found between thecondition of receiving violence and mood disorders. This work concurs with national andinternational data of children and adolescents who suffered violence, and the disordersfound were similar to those of other works.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Femenino , Niño , Maltrato a los Niños , Violencia Doméstica , Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo