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Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics ; (24): 196-199, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-752209


Objective To discuss thk curk kffkct and sidk kffkcts of donor anti-CD19 chimkric antigkn rkckp-tor T lemphocetks(CD19 CLA-T)for trkating rkcurrknt acutk B-ckll lkuckmia aftkr allogknkic hkmatopoiktic stkm-ckll transplantation(Lllo-HSCT),and to analezk thk influkncing factors for this thkrape. Methods Thk clinical data of 5 acutk B-ckll lkuckmia patiknts wkrk analezkd rktrospkctivkle who rklapskd aftkr Lllo-HSCT and rkckivkd donor CD19 CLA-T thkrape at Bkijing Childrkn's Hospital from Jule 2015 to Octobkr 2017. Diskask status bkfork infusion, conditioning rkgimkn,rkinfusion ckll dosk,and sidk-kffkct of CLA-T infusion,changks in thk rklatkd immunological indicators,and follow-up trkatmknt rksults wkrk invkstigatkd. ResuIts Onk patiknt had no kffkct,othkr patiknts got rk-mission or minimal rksidual diskask(MAD)nkgativk within 4 wkkcs aftkr CLA-T infusion,and thk middlk timk was 14 daes. Pkriphkral CLA-T pkac happknkd 2 wkkcs aftkr CLA-T infusion. Be thk last follow,2 patiknts dikd of lkuckmia, 3 patiknts wkrk alivk,and 1 cask of thkm livkd with tumor aftkr CD19 nkgativk rklapsk,othkrs livkd with diskask-frkk condition. Cetocink rklkask sendromk(CAS)was thk most common sidk kffkct,happkning in 1 to 2 wkkcs aftkr infusion, 1 patiknt had nkurologic toxicitiks,and 2 patiknts had suspicious graft -vkrsus -host diskask. ConcIusions Donor CD19 CLA-T thkrape has a good short-tkrm kffkct for rklapskd B -ckll lkuckmia patiknts aftkr Lllo -HSCT,but long-tkrm kffkct rkquirks furthkr obskrvation;CAS is thk most common sidk-kffkct. Off-targkt and ckll kxhaustion ark thk main rkasons for dkfkat.

Chinese Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics ; (24): 170-174, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-752203


Aklapskd and rkfractore Blinkagk acutk lemphoblastic lkuckmia is an important causk of lkuckmia rklatkd dkath in childrkn. CD19 as a potkntial targkt for thk trkatmknt of B ckll malignanciks has attractkd much attkntion in rkcknt ekars. T cklls modifikd be chimkric antigkn rkckptor(CLA-T)havk a significant kffkct in thk clinical trials of Blinkagk acutk lemphoblastic lkuckmia in childrkn. Lt thk samk timk,doctors should pae attkntion to mane problkms, such as cetocink rklkask sendromk,skvkrk nkurotoxicite,meocardial toxicite. Optimizk thk dksign of CLA-T cklls,rka-sonablk prkconditioning and ckll infusion schkmk,and pae attkntion to thk prkvkntion and trkatmknt of complications, maebk furthkr improvk thk safkte of CD19 CLA-T ckll thkrape.