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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 280-300, abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430600


Resumen Las pruebas internacionales de aplicación masiva permiten evaluar los aportes de los factores individuales, familiares, institucionales y nacionales al logro educativo de los estudiantes expresado en su desempeño. En este contexto, el propósito de este estudio fue proponer y evaluar un modelo de efectos centrado en el procesamiento cognitivo esencial e incidental de las actividades académicas, de acuerdo con el desempeño en las pruebas de matemáticas en estudiantes de sexto grado de 15 países (y el estado de Nuevo León de México) que participaron en el Tercer Estudio Regional Comparativo y Explicativo (TERCE). Se formuló un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales en el que se calcularon índices de procesamiento esencial (control atencional, memoria de trabajo y supervisión familiar) y procesamiento incidental (violencia percibida, uso de ocio de la computadora -videojuegos, redes sociales, reproducción de contenidos, etcétera), con base en los ítems o preguntas utilizados en el TERCE. Los índices se diseñaron y obtuvieron según el Modelo de Rasch de la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (TRI). El modelo planteado afecta el desempeño en la prueba en 24 puntos. La variable con mayor tamaño de efecto es el uso de ocio de computadoras en el hogar. Los resultados se discuten a la luz de las hipótesis cognitivas sobre la distribución de recursos de atención y la de entrenamiento para entender el rol de las tecnologías de la información en el proceso formativo.

Abstract International tests of massive application allow evaluating how individual, institutional, national, and family factors contribute to students' educational achievement through their performance. Consequently, education evaluation is based on the paradigm of general and specific competencies for life. One of these general competencies is the capacity to solve mathematical problems and apply logical thinking to problem-solving. In order to evaluate this general competence, standardized tests have been developed. Among these tests, the Third Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (TERCE) in 2013 evaluated the mathematical and other areas' academic performance of children in the third and sixth grade. The TERCE Mathematics evaluation allows researchers to capture the students' academic performance in five domains: numeric, geometric, measurement, statistics, and variation, as well as their cognitive performance in objects and elements recognition and simple and complex problem-solving. In addition, to evaluate these eight dimensions, the TERCE test also asks for information regarding academic context, family environment, and teachers, among others. Despite this information, in Colombia and in general, the evaluation of the socioeconomic context over academic performance has been studied mainly considering the schools' characteristics, families' economic levels, and public expenses. Therefore, there is little evidence of the effects of psycho-pedagogical and psychological factors on academic performance. Psycho-pedagogical models emphasize the dependence of the superior processes on perceptual and attentional processes and the need for activities that demand deep processing and active involvement with information before, during, and after classes. Thus, attending simultaneously to different elements affects the development of cognitive control functions, which leads to low academic achievement and performance. Frequently, students face academic activities in different scenarios where the attentional system should divide its resources between several stimulus sources. Activities in which the attentional system focuses are "essential processing", and those not related to the main academic activity are called "incidental processing". Consequently, increasing the sources of incidental processing would decrease the attentional resources devoted to the essential processing of educational activities producing low academic performance. In this context, the study proposes and evaluates an effects model focused on essential and incidental cognitive processing of academic activities. The information was captured on the mathematics performance of sixth-grade students from 15 countries (and the state of Nuevo León de México) participating in the Third Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study (TERCE). A Structural Equations model was formulated using indices of Essential Processing (Attentional Control, Working Memory, and Family Supervision) and Incidental Processing (Perceived Violence, Leisure use of the computer, and incidental processing) based on the items or questions used in the TERCE. The indices were designed based on the Item Response Theory (IRT) model. Findings show that the proposed model affects the performance in the test by 24 points. Higher scores in essential processing produce higher scores in the mathematics component of the TERCE test. Family supervision of academic activity is the single element with the highest impact on academic performance (3.020); on the other hand, attentional control (7.48) and working memory (4.295) also impact academic performance positively. Regarding the incidental processing variables, lower levels of perceived violence (1.680), less noise and distractor in class (2.130), and higher use of computers at home for leisure activities (5.851) have the most significant impacts on academic performance. The results are discussed considering the cognitive hypotheses on the distribution of attention resources and the training hypothesis to understand information technologies' role in the academic processes. Suggestions for further research focus on the inclusion of items with a higher theoretical background that allows researchers to evaluate the impact of essential and incidental processing on academic performance using items specially designed with that goal to get more conclusive and robust results.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 25(1): 37-54, jan.-mar. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-990600


RESUMO: A interação com jogos digitais pode ter impacto sobre as funções executivas e oferecer contribuições à educação. Dentre as dimensões das funções executivas, destaca-se o controle inibitório e sua importância para o autocontrole, atenção seletiva, controle dos impulsos e adequação do comportamento. Diante disso, propôs-se intervenções no Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE), contando com o apoio da família para o uso de jogos digitais no contexto escolar com o propósito de exercitar as funções executivas. O objetivo foi avaliar as contribuições do uso dos jogos digitais como estratégia complementar no AEE, voltado a crianças que foram identificadas pelas professoras como tendo dificuldades no desempenho do controle inibitório. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo quase-experimental de abordagem mista com 8 crianças dividas em grupo participante e controle, as quais foram avaliadas pré e pós intervenções com base no desempenho em atividades lúdicas propostas e na aplicação de testes psicológicos. Os resultados indicaram, de modo geral, melhora superior no grupo participante quando comparado ao controle que não participou das intervenções com os jogos digitais. Nas atividades lúdicas, revelaram maior assertividade, controle das ações e desempenho. Nos testes, observou-se melhor desempenho ao compararem-se as intervenções pré e pós e os grupos em quatro dos cinco testes aplicados. Conclui-se que os jogos digitais podem ser recursos alternativos às intervenções que ocorrem no AEE para aprimorar as funções executivas e melhorar as condições para aprendizagem no contexto escolar.

ABSTRACT: Interaction with digital games can have an impact on executive functions and offer contributions to education. Among the dimensions of the executive functions, we highlight inhibitory control and its importance for self-control, selective attention, impulse control and behavioral adjustment. Therefore, interventions were proposed in the Specialized Educational Service (SES), with the support of the family for the use of digital games in the school context for the purpose of exercising executive functions. The objective was to evaluate the contributions of the use of digital games as a complementary strategy in SES, aimed at children who were identified by the teachers as having difficulties in the performance of the inhibitory control. For that, it was performed a quasi-experimental study of mixed approach with 8 children divided into a participant and control group, who were evaluated before and after interventions based on performance in proposed playful activities and psychological test application. The results indicated superior improvement in general, in the participant group when compared to the control group that did not participate in the interventions with the digital games. In the playful activities, they showed greater assertiveness, control of actions and performance. In the tests, it was observed better performance when comparing the pre and post interventions and the groups in four of the five tests applied. It is concluded that digital games can be used as an alternative intervention in SES to enhance executive functions and improve the conditions for learning in the school context.

Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; 44: 15-23, jun. 2017. tab., ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-946885


Este artigo teve por objetivo reunir evidências de validade e precisão da Escala Unifatorial de Autoeficácia Acadêmica (EUAA). Dividida em dois momentos (validação cruzada), esta pesquisa engloba Análise Fatorial Exploratória e Confirmatória. No Estudo 1 participaram 299 estudantes de diversos estados do Brasil, com idade média de 22,24 (DP =3,75), predominância do sexo feminino (69,6%) e estudantes de instituições públicas (88,3%). Os resultados deste estudo indicaram apenas 1 fator com α = 0,93. No Estudo 2 participaram 315 estudantes distribuídos entre os estados brasileiros, com idade média de 23,21 (DP=5,25), em sua maioria mulheres (60%) e oriundos de instituições públicas (95,2%). Os resultados confirmam a unidimensionalidade da escala, com CC = 0,95 e α = 0,91. Todos os indicadores de ajuste foram satisfatórios e dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela literatura. Sugere-se que esta escala seja aplicada em estudos posteriores que queiram investigar os efeitos da autoeficácia acadêmica nos processos de aprendizagem e sucesso acadêmico.

This article aimed to gather evidence of the validity and accuracy of the Unifactorial Scale of Academic Self-Efficacy (EUAA). It was divided into two stages (cross-validation) and encompasses the Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, as well as adjustment indexes. 299 students from various states of Brazil participated in study 1, with an average age of 22.24 (SD = 3.75), predominantly female (69.6%) and students from public institutions (88.3%). The results of this study indicate 1 factor with α = 0.93. 315 students participated in study 2, which were distributed over a number of Brazilian states, with an average age of 23.21 (SD = 5.25), most of whom were female (60%) and from public institutions (95.2%). The results confirm the scale's one-dimensionality, with CC = 0.95 and α = 0.91. All adjustment indices were satisfactory and within the limits established by the literature. The suggestion is to apply this scale in future studies to investigate the effects of academic self-efficacy on learning processes and academic success. Keywords: academic self-efficacy, college student, measuring scale, validity test, cognitive process.

Este artículo tuvo como objetivo reunir pruebas de validez y precisión de la escala unifactorial de autoeficacia académica (EUAA). Dividida en dos etapas (validación cruzada), esta investigación abarca Análisis Factorial Exploratorio y confirmatorio. En el Estudio 1, participaron 299 estudiantes de diversos estados de Brasil, con edad media de 22,24 (SD = 3,75), predominantemente mujeres (69,6%) y de las instituciones públicas (88,3%). Los resultados de este estudio indicaron solamente 1 factor con α = 0,93. En el estudio 2, participaron 315 estudiantes distribuídos entre los estados brasileños, con una edad media de 23,21 (SD = 5,25), en su mayoría mujeres (60%) y oriundos de las instituciones públicas (95,2%). Los resultados confirmaron la unidimensionalidad de la escala, con CC = 0,95 y α = 0,91. Todos los indicadores de ajuste fueron satisfactorios y dentro de los límites establecidos en la literatura. Se sugiere que esta escala sea aplicada en estudios posteriores que quieran investigar los efectos de la autoeficacia académica en los procesos de aprendizaje y éxito académico.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Universidades , Universidades , Evaluación Educacional/métodos
Temas psicol. (Online) ; 24(1): 173-188, mar. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-788649


Funções executivas (FE) possibilitam ao indivíduo regular seu comportamento. Em crianças, têm sido avaliadas por meio de testes de desempenho e escalas preenchidas por pais/professores. Porém, a literatura tem demonstrado que a concordância entre diferentes tipos de medidas psicológicas e entre diferentes respondentes é, no máximo, moderada. Este estudo investigou: (a) a concordância entre pais e professores em escalas de avaliação de FE e de indicadores de desatenção e hiperatividade, e (b) as relações entre as pontuações nas escalas e o desempenho de crianças em um teste de inibição, um componente das FE. Participaram 144 crianças (idade média=6,16a) de 1ª e 2ª fase do Ensino Infantil e 1º ano do Fundamental de uma escola pública de uma cidade da Grande São Paulo, seus pais e professores. Pais e professores responderam ao Inventário de Funcionamento Executivo Infantil (IFEI) e ao MTA-SNAP-IV. As crianças responderam ao Teste de Stroop Semântico. Houve correlações significativas, baixas a moderadas, entre respostas de pais e de professores nas escalas, sendo essas correlações mais frequentes nas crianças da 1ª fase. Pais indicaram mais dificuldades nas crianças do que os professores. Foram encontradas correlações, de baixas a moderadas, entre desempenho das crianças no Stroop e respostas dos informantes. Com a progressão escolar, o IFEI tendeu a se correlacionar com medidas mais complexas do Stroop. Portanto, houve concordância, em geral baixa, entre escalas e teste de desempenho, assim como entre respostas de pais e de professores, corroborando a importância de considerar diferentes fontes de informação na avaliação infantil.

Executive functions (EF) enable us to regulate our behavior. In children, these abilities have been evaluated by performance tests and scales filled by parents/teachers. However, the literature has shown that the correlation between different types of psychological measurements and between different respondents is, at best, moderate. This study investigated: (a) the agreement between parents and teachers in rating scales of EF and indicators of inattention and hyperactivity, and (b) the relationship between scores on the scales and the performance of children on a test of inhibition, a component of EF. Participants were 144 children (mean age = 6.16y) from 1st and 2nd phases of Children's Education and 1st grade of Elementary of a public school in a town of Sao Paulo, their parents and teachers. Parents and teachers completed the Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory (CHEXI) and MTA-SNAP-IV. Children responded to the Semantic Stroop Test. There were significant correlations, low to moderate, between responses of parents and teachers on the scales. Correlations were more frequent in 1stphase children. Parents indicated more difficulties in children than teachers did. Low to moderate correlations between children's performance on the Stroop and responses of informants were found. With school progression, the CHEXI tended to correlate with increasingly complex measures of Stroop. Therefore, there was concordance, low in general, between scales and performance testing, as well as between responses of parents and teachers, corroborating the importance of considering different sources of information on child assessment.

Funciones ejecutivas (FE) permiten regular lo comportamiento. En niños, han sido evaluados por pruebas de rendimiento y escalas respondidas por padres/maestros. La literatura ha demostrado que la correlación entre diferentes tipos de medidas e entre diferentes informantes es, el mejor, moderado. Este estudio investigó: (a) el acuerdo entre padres y maestros en escalas de evaluación de FE e de indicadores de desatención e hiperactividad, y (b) la relación entre puntuaciones en escalas y rendimiento de los niños en una prueba de inhibición, un componente de FE. Participaron 144 niños (edad media=6,16a) de las 1ª e 2ª fases de la Educación Infantil y de lo 1º año de la Primaria de una escuela pública de São Paulo, sus padres y maestros. Padres y maestros completaron el Inventario de funcionamiento ejecutivo Infantil (IFEI) y MTA-SNAP-IV. Los niños respondieron a la prueba de Stroop Semántico. Hubo correlaciones significativas, bajas a moderadas, entre las respuestas de padres y maestros en las escalas, siendo estas más comunes en la 1ª fase. Los padres indicaron más dificultades en los niños que los maestros. Fueron encontradas correlaciones, bajas a moderadas, entre el rendimiento de los niños en el Stroop y las respuestas de los informantes. Con la progresión escolar, el IFEI tendió a correlacionarse con medidas más complejas de Stroop. Por tanto, hubo concordancia, en general baja, entre escalas y pruebas de rendimiento, así como entre las respuestas de padres y maestros, lo que corrobora la importancia de considerar diferentes fuentes de información in la evaluación infantil.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Adaptación a Desastres , Cognición , Desarrollo Infantil
Ciênc. cogn ; 21(1): 74-99, mar. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1017338


Dentre os aspectos que conformam a cognição humana e, portanto, o comportamento observado nas escolhas, está a experiência do indivíduo. Pesquisas apontam a experiência desempenhando tanto papéis positivos quanto negativos na tomada de decisão. Motivado pela pergunta "Qual é o papel da experiência na tomada de decisão?", este texto buscou verificar de que forma o estado da arte e da técnica das Ciências Cognitivas poderiam contribuir com o melhor entendimento do processamento cognitivo dos humanos no contexto da tomada de decisão. Adotou-se como partida a exposição estruturada dos papéis dos elementos da cognição durante o processo decisório, conforme proposta de Spiegel (2014). Investigou-se através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura os impactos da experiência do decisor na manifestação da atenção, categorização, memória e emoção. Como resultado são apresentadas 17 inferências que mostram qual o papel da experiência na tomada de decisão, e de forma mais aprofundada, quais as implicações da experiência no processo cognitivo do decisor

Among the aspects that make human cognition and the behavior observed in the choices is the experience of the individual. Surveys show experience playing both positive and negative roles in decision making. Motivated by the question "What is the role of experience in decision-making?", this text aims to evaluate how the state of the art and technique of Cognitive Sciences could contribute to a better understanding of human cognitive processing in the context of decision-making. As a starting, it was adopted a structure of the roles of cognitive elements during the decision-making process, as proposed by Spiegel (2014). Investigated through a systematic literature review the impacts of the decision maker's experience in the manifestation of attention, categorization, memory and emotion. As a result are presented 17 inferences about the role of experience in decision-making, and in more detail, the implications of experience in the cognitive process of decision-making

Humanos , Conducta , Conducta de Elección , Cognición , Conducta Cooperativa
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-164792


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to develop the computerized Comprehensive Learning Test-Reading (CLT-R) to evaluate the cognitive processes and achievements related to their basic reading ability and identify dyslexia in children and adolescents in South Korea. We also obtained the normative data and evaluated the reliability and validity of the test. METHODS: We developed the CLT-R, including the word attack/nonword decoding, paragraph reading, sound blending, nonword repetition, rapid automatized naming, letter-sound matching, visual attention, orthography awareness, and digit span tests, for the purpose of diagnosing dyslexia. We investigated the reliability and validity of the tests and gathered the normative data from 399 subjects (male 48.9%), aged 5-14 years, from the last grade in kindergarten to middle school, dwelling in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. RESULTS: No statistical differences were observed between the means of the tests and retests of the CAT. The mean of the correlation coefficient of the test-retest scores was 0.85. According to the construct validity test calculated by principal constant analysis using the oblique rotation method, 4 factors explained 70.0% of the cumulative variances. In addition, the normative data were obtained for all of the CLT-R subtests. CONCLUSION: The computerized CLT-R can be used as a reliable and valid tool to evaluate the reading achievement and reading related cognitive process in Korean children and adolescents in schools, clinics, and research institutes.

Adolescente , Animales , Gatos , Niño , Humanos , Academias e Institutos , Diagnóstico , Dislexia , Corea (Geográfico) , Aprendizaje , Métodos , Lectura , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Seúl
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 32(4): 583-593, Oct.-Dec. 2015. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-764149


O objetivo foi explorar a associação entre o nível de depressão numa amostra não-clínica e o desempenho em tarefas de memória implícita (priming). Participaram 120 estudantes universitários com idades entre 18 e 27 anos, distribuídos aleatoriamente por duas condições a que correspondiam diferentes tarefas de aprendizagem e uma tarefa de completamento de troncos de palavras. A variável independente foi o nível de depressão (Inventário de Avaliação Clínica da Depressão). Os estímulos usados foram palavras positivas, neutras e negativas. Os resultados mostram uma relação entre maior nível de sintomas cognitivos de depressão e menor completamento de palavras, e sugerem o processamento preferencial de estímulos emocionais congruentes com o nível de depressão e a ativação secundária de estímulos emocionais pelos de valência oposta.

The objective of this study was to investigate the association between the level of depression in a nonclinical sample and the performance on implicit memory (priming) tasks. One-hundred and twenty university students aged between 18 and 27 years were randomly divided into two groups (conditions) based on different learning tasks but including the same word-stem completion task. The independent variable was the level of depression. The independent variable was the level of depression (Inventory of Clinical Assessment of Depression). The stimuli used were positive, neutral, and negative words. The results show a relationship between higher cognitive symptoms of depression and a reduced performance on word completion, and they suggest preferential processing of emotional congruent stimuli with the level of depression and the secondary activation of emotional stimuli by stimuli of opposite valence.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Depresión , Memoria Implícita , Ingenio y Humor como Asunto
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-632744


OBJECTIVES: This grounded theory study was conceptualized primarily, to describe the processes Caviteña participants go through in order to arrive at a decision about how to optimize intimate relationships and ultimately, to generate a conceptual framework arising from the core concepts that evolved from the collected data.METHODOLOGY: Using theoretical and purposive sampling, 11 Caviteña participants from District 1 & 7 were identified based on predetermined criteria. The experiences of these participants were gathered through informal/ unstructured interviews and observation of participants' nonverbal cues; and validated against field notations,viewpoints from experts and audit trail. The main interview question was stated as: What are the processes (cognitive, affective and behavioral) that you went through in deciding whether to maintain or terminate the abusive intimate relationship that you are engaged in?RESULTS: From the vantage point of the participants, the dominant themes established in relation to intimate partner violence (IPV) revolved around: IPV, gender differences, processes, consequences and interventions. These themes offered several implications to the different helping professionals-psychologists, social workers, nurses in such a way that they are able to understand the dynamics of intimate partner violence as they partake in the prevention of this pervasive societal phenomenon.CONCLUSION: Intimate Partner Violence is a by-product of the interaction of men's dominance (machismo) and the women's subservience (marianismo). It is prominently caused by infidelity of the husband and dependence of his biologic family, which cause significant marital conflicts. IPV is perpetuated by the society's indifference and the women's selfless regard for familial welfare. All these create extreme pain, penetrating all the way to the woman's emotional core. However, the woman is able to protect herself from such pain because of her spiritual submissiveness and emotional toughness in favor of her love for family.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Adolescente , Violencia Doméstica , Conducta , Hombres , Mujeres , Emociones
Chía; s.n; 2015. graf, ilus.
Tesis en Español | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1338015


Objetivos General Determinar el efecto de una intervención educativa sobre la capacidad de afrontamiento y adaptación en familiares de pacientes hospitalizados en una Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo. Específicos Describir la capacidad de afrontamiento y adaptación de familiares de pacientes hospitalizados en una UCI antes y después de la intervención educativa; Comparar la capacidad de afrontamiento antes y después de la intervención. Metodología Estudio de tipo Cuantitativo. Diseño Pre Experimental con un solo grupo y medición Pre test y Pos test. Población conformada por familiares de pacientes hospitalizados en la UCI de la Clínica Shaio durante el periodo de tiempo Diciembre a Marzo del 2014 Resultados La Escala de medición del Proceso de Afrontamiento y Adaptación de Roy clasifica a los cuidadores con un alto nivel de afrontamiento antes de la intervención educativa. Después de la intervención educativa todos los cuidadores mantuvieron y optimizaron el nivel alto de afrontamiento a los que obtuvieron puntajes inferiores a la intervención. Conclusiones Las familias tuvieron alta capacidad de afrontamiento antes de la intervención educativa, el nivel de capacidad de afrontamiento en algunos casos se mantuvo y en otros mejoró, se tradujo en el aumento del puntaje de CAP`S posterior a la intervención educativa. Recomendaciones Se recomienda continuar con el diseño de nuevas intervenciones educativas dirigidas a familias de pacientes en estado crítico que permitan evaluar su efectividad y que incluya a un equipo interdisciplinario ya que es un fenómeno multicausal. (AU)

Objectives. General objective. To determine the effect of an educational intervention on the ability of coping and adaptation in relatives of patients hospitalized in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Specific Objectives. To describe the ability of coping and adaptation of relatives of patients hospitalized in an ICU before and after the educational intervention. To compare the ability of coping before and after the intervention. Methodology. Quantitative study. PreExperimental design with a single group and pre-test and post-test measurement. Population composed of family members of patients hospitalized in the ICU from the "Shaio" Clinic during the period of time from December up to March, 2014. Results. The scale for measuring the Roy´s Coping and Adaptation Process classifies to caregivers with a high level of coping before the educational intervention. After the educational intervention all caregivers kept and optimized the high level of coping to those who got lower scores to the intervention. Conclusions. The families had a high capacity of coping before the educational 7 intervention, the ability level of coping in some cases was maintained and improved in other cases, and this resulted in an increase of the CAPS score after the educational intervention. Recommendations. It is recommend to continue with the design of new educational interventions aimed to families of critically ill patients to assess their effectiveness and to include an interdisciplinary team because this is a multi-causal phenomenon. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adaptación Psicológica , Cuidadores/educación , Familia , Educación del Paciente como Asunto , Evaluación de Eficacia-Efectividad de Intervenciones , Estudios Controlados Antes y Después , Apoyo Familiar/psicología , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos
Univ. psychol ; 12(1): 221-233, jan. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-680558


Se analiza el discurso y práctica de docentes en la interacción didáctica de sala de clase asociada a tipos de exigencia cognitiva. Se utilizan técnicas cualitativas de análisis de contenido y análisis estadístico descriptivo de estructuras dialogales profesor-alumnos de 32 clases de ocho docentes con prácticas de enseñanza que promueven aprendizajes. Los resultados indican que los docentes eficaces en contextos sociales vulnerables: 1) explican reiteradamente los contenidos, 2) ordenan la presentación de contenidos en un proceso gradual de complejidad, 3) tienen dos objetivos: lograr aprendizajes y formar a los estudiantes en valores ciudadanos y 4) las estructuras dialogales de baja exigencia cognitiva son porcentualmente mayoritarias. Se discuten los resultados.

This article analyze the discourse and practice of teachers in the didactics interaction associated with cognitive types at classroom. It's used qualitative analysis of interviews - Content Analysis of discourse-, and quantitative analysis of teacher-students dialogic structures, from 32 classes of 8 teachers with practices to promote learning. The results indicate effective teachers in vulnerable social contexts:1) Repeatedly explains the class content; 2) The content is orders in a gradual process of complexity, 3) They have two goals in the classroom: making learning, and train students in civic values, and 4) The percentage of dialogic structures of low cognitive demand, are majority in these teachers. These results are discussed.

Psicología , Enseñanza , Cognición
Univ. psychol ; 10(3): 923-935, sep. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-650117


Se evaluó el efecto de 0, 0.035, 0.150, 0.300 g de alcohol sobre 2 componentes de la memoria explícita o declarativa, en 16 participantes, hombres y mujeres, mediante la aplicación de la prueba de textos del Weschler-III (WMS-III), utilizando un diseño factorial 2 x 4 de medidas repetidas contrabalanceadas. No se encontraron diferencias entre los sexos, pero sí entre las dosis, siendo 0.150 g de alcohol/kg de peso corporal la que más decrementó el recuerdo de episodios y de temas, especialmente a mediano plazo, con tamaños de los efectos de 43.9 y 62.9 %, respectivamente. Estos resultados confirman que el alcohol, aun en dosis bajas, deteriora más el componente semántico del recuerdo explícito, aproximadamente media hora después de su consumo.

This study assessed the effect of low doses of alcohol (0, 0.035, 0.150, 0.300 g) on two elements of explicit or declarative memory, in 16 participants, 8 women and 8 men, with The Weschler Memory Scale III Text Test. A factorial 2 * 4 counterbalanced with repeated measures design was used. There were no statistically significant differences by gender, but there were differences among doses, specially 0.150 g / kg., which reduced episodic and semantic retrieval, between 43.9 and 62.9 % of effect strength, in intermediate term memory. These results provided evidence that alcohol in low doses has a more pronounced effect in semantic, rather than episodic memory, in the middle term.

Paidéia (Ribeiräo Preto) ; 21(48): 29-39, jan.-abr. 2011. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-589059


Provas assistidas, que incluem uma fase intermediária de mediação, podem promover uma percepção mais otimista do desempenho cognitivo. Este estudo analisou o desempenho de 12 crianças, com idade entre cinco e nove anos, com baixa visão moderada, em provas assistidas (Jogo de Perguntas de Busca para Crianças com Deficiência Visual -PBFG-DV ou Children Analogical Thinking Modifiability - CATM) e uma psicométrica (Escala de Maturidade Mental Columbia - EMMC). Na EEMC, a mediana foi 68; no PBFG-DV, o perfil cognitivo foi ganhador e, no CATM, todas as quatro crianças em idade pré-escolar tiveram perfil de desempenho ganhador. Os tipos de ajuda mais utilizados pela examinadora foram a instrução e o feedback informativo, fornecidos desde a fase inicial das provas assistidas. Estas foram sensíveis para avaliar e diferenciar essas crianças que apresentaram baixa classificação na prova psicométrica, mostrando seu potencial de aprendizagem; porém, discute-se, ainda, a adequação do CATM para essa população.

The dynamic assessment, which includes an intermediate phase of mediation, can promote a more optimistic perception of cognitive performance. This study analyzed the performance of 12 children, ages 5 and 9 years old, with moderate visual impairment, in the dynamic (PBFG-DV-Through Question Game for Visually Impaired Children or CATM - Children Analogical Thinking Modifiability) and psychometric (Scale Columbia Mental Maturity - EMMC) tests. In the EEMC, the median was 68; in the PBFG-DV, the cognitive profile was the winner and in the CATM, all of four preschool children had cognitive profile as winner. The types of mediation most used by the examiner were instruction and feedback information, provided at an early phase of the dynamic assessment. These were sensitive to assess and to differ those children who had low scores on psychometric test, showing their potential for learning; however we also discuss the suitable of the CATM for this population.

Pruebas dinámicas, que incluyen una fase intermedia de mediación, pueden promover una percepción más optimista del rendimiento cognitivo. Este estudio analizó el desempeño de 12 niños de edades comprendidas entre 5 y 9 años, con deficiencia visual moderada, en pruebas dinámicas (Juego de Pregunta de Búsqueda para Niños con Discapacidad Visual - PBFG-DV o Children Analogical Thinking Modifiability - CATM) y psicométrica (Escala Columbia Mental Madurez - ECMM). En ECMM, la mediana fue de 68; en PBFG-DV, el perfil cognitivo fue el ganador y en CATM, los cuatro niños en edad preescolar han perfil cognitivo como ganador. Los tipos de ayuda más utilizadas por el examinador son la instrucción y la retroalimentación de información, siempre en una fase temprana de las pruebas dinámicas. Estas fueron sensibles para evaluar y diferenciar aquellos niños que tenían puntuaciones bajas en la prueba psicométrica, mostrando su potencial de aprendizaje; sin embargo, todavía se discute la adecuación de CATM para esta población.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Cognición , Pruebas de Inteligencia , Psicometría , Baja Visión
Psicol. educ ; (30): 161-173, jun. 2010.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-591785


O objetivo desse texto é pensar em alguns conceitos importantes para o pesquisador no campo da psicologia que tem como tarefa o entendimento dos processos de escolarização e apropriação da escrita por parte de grupos indígenas brasileiros. Parte-se do pressuposto que o diálogo entre a psicologia e a antropologia é fundamental para tentar situar qual deve ser o papel da cultura no desenvolvimento cognitivo humano. Parte-se ainda do pressuposto de que a psicologia, apesar de todas as tentativas de incorporar o conceito de cultura em seus sistemas teóricos, possui uma dificuldade epistemológica central para a realização desta articulação. Para a realização dessa tarefa pretende-se discutir e articular os pressupostos teóricos de autores que defendem a necessidade de reconhecer a centralidade da cultura na compreensão dos processamentos cognitivos humanos.

The objective of this text, is to think on certain important concepts for researcher in the Psychology field which has the task of understanding the schooling process and the writing appropriation of Brazilian Indian group. Stating from the assumption that the dialogue between Psychology and Anthropology is essential to state what should be the role of culture in the human cognitive development. Still using the assumption that psychology, despite all attempts to incorporate culture concept in its theoretical systems, has a central epistemological difficulty to carry out this articulation. To perform this task, we intend to discuss and articulate the theoretical assumptions of the authors who defend the necessity of recognizing the centrality of culture in understanding human cognitive processing.

El propósito de este texto es plantear algunos conceptos importantes en el área de la psicología que parte de la comprensión de los procesos de escolaridad y de la escritura entre los grupos indígenas brasileños. Otro aspecto de relevancia indica que el diálogo entre la psicología es fundamental para ubicar que la psicología contiene una dificultad epistemológica central para la realización de esta articulación. Con respecto a este aspecto se busca examinar y articular los presupuestos teóricos de los investigadores que consideran la necesidad de reconocer la cultura como central para la comprensión de los procesos cognitivos humanos.

Humanos , Cognición , Cultura , Indígenas Sudamericanos/educación , Aprendizaje , Psicología
Rev. Fac. Med. (Caracas) ; 29(2): 153-160, dic. 2006. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-631517


Este trabajo fue una experiencia de aprendizaje que llevamos a cabo tres profesores de la Escuela de Medicina "José María Vargas" de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, durante dos sesiones de actividades prácticas, sobre el tema del sistema cardiovascular, donde se demostró que, con una buena planificación del proceso instruccional, se logra un enfoque estratégico de enseñanza/aprendizaje distinto al utilizado usualmente. Nos basamos en estrategias centradas en el grupo, con la participación colectiva de alumnos a través de estrategias preinstruccionales, coinstruccionales y posinstruccionales, según los más modernos enfoques educativos, en donde se promovió la metacognición. Para la evaluación se utilizaron varios instrumentos en relación a los objetivos actitudinales, procedimentales y cognitivos. Esta forma de trabajo despertó gran entusiasmo, interés y motivación en el alumno, haciéndole participar en su propio aprendizaje y evaluación.

This work was a learning experience done by three professors from the "José María Vargas" Medicine School of the UCV. It was finished in two classes on the Cardiovascular System. We proved that with a good instruction planning the student improve the teaching and learning strategy process. Our strategies were based on a group that posses pre-instructional, co-instructional and post-instructional methodology. We used the most modern teaching views promoting at the same time the metacognition process. To evaluate, we utilized instruments related to actitudinal, procedimental and cognitive objectives. Our work drew great interest and enthusiasm and it also motivated the students to take part in their own learning and evaluation process.

Humanos , Cardiología/educación , Educación Médica , Enseñanza/métodos , Aprendizaje