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Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 34: e3454, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020147


RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Atitudes Ambientais para Crianças (EAAC) e da Escala Infantil de Satisfação com o Ambiente (EISA) por meio de análises de componentes principais, consistência interna e análises fatoriais confirmatórias. Participaram 1.746 crianças (53,5% meninas) com idades entre oito e 13 anos (M = 10,17; DP = 1,492) residentes em Porto Alegre (54,9%) e interior do Rio Grande do Sul. A EAAC apresentou composição unifatorial, consistência interna adequada e bons índices de ajuste. Na EISA, foram identificados dois componentes (Satisfação com o entorno e Conectividade) com consistência interna moderada e índices de ajuste satisfatórios. O estudo contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de instrumentos de mensuração da relação criança-ambiente no idioma português brasileiro.

ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Children's Environmental Attitudes Scale and the Children's Environmental Satisfaction Scale through principal component analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and reliability analysis. Participants were 1,746 children (53.5% girls) between 8 and 13 years of age (M = 10.17; SD = 1.492) residents of Porto Alegre (54.9%) and inner municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul State. The first scale presented an unifactorial solution, adequate internal consistency and good fit indices. Two components were identified in the second scale (Satisfaction with the environment and Connectivity) with moderate levels of internal consistency and satisfactory fit indices. The study contributed to the development of instruments concerning child-environment relationship in Brazilian Portuguese language.

Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 33(2): 271-282, abr.-jun. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-779874


Este artigo objetivou reunir evidências de validade e precisão da Connectedness to Nature Scale no contexto brasileiro. Dois estudos foram realizados. No Estudo 1, participaram 204 pessoas com idade média de 33 anos (Desvio Padrão = 13,83), as quais responderam a referida escala e perguntas demográficas. Os resultados de uma análise de componentes principais indicaram uma estrutura unifatorial (a = 0,81). No Estudo 2, participaram 220 estudantes universitários com idade média de 23 anos (Desvio Padrão = 5,82), os quais responderam a escala adaptada e perguntas demográficas. Uma análise fatorial confirmatória (estimador ML) confirmou a adequação da estrutura unifatorial (e.g., Comparative Fit Index = 0,91, Root-Mean-Square Error of Approximation = 0,064), obtendo consistência interna satisfatória (a = 0,83). Concluindo, a Connectedness to Nature Scale mostrou ser uma medida psicometricamente adequada para avaliar um fator geral de conexão com a natureza, podendo ser empregada em estudos futuros.

This article aimed to gather evidence of validity and reliability of the Connectedness to Nature Scale in Brazil. Two studies were conducted. A total of 204 people of mean age 33 years (Standard Deviation = 13.83) participated in Study 1 and responded to the demographic questions and Connectedness to Nature Scale items. The results of the principal component analysis showed a one-factor structure (a = 0.81). Two hundred and twenty undergraduate students of mean age 23 years (Standard Deviation = 5.82) participated in Study 2 and responded to demographic questions; an adapted version of the Connectedness to Nature Scale was used. Confirmatory factor analysis (ML estimation) confirmed the adequacy of the one-factor structure (Comparative Fit Index = 0.91, Root-Mean-Square Error of Approximation = 0.064), indicating satisfactory internal consistency (a = 0.83). In conclusion, the Connectedness to Nature Scale proved to be a psychometrically appropriate measure to assess general connectedness to nature, and it can therefore be used in future studies.

Humanos , Adulto , Análisis Factorial , Naturaleza , Habilidades para Tomar Exámenes
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-43247


OBJECTIVES: This study examined variations in the perceptions of dioxin risk among social groups defined by geographical living location, environmental education, and occupation. Dioxin risk perceptions were analyzed according to values, risk awareness, knowledge, and behavioral preferences. METHODS: A quasi-experimental survey was designed and conducted on individuals from seven experimental groups in Jeonju city, South Korea, including: people living near incineration facilities; people living far from incineration facilities; governmental experts; nongovernmental organization members; office workers in developmental institutes or banks; students who were enrolled in environmental-related classes; and students who were enrolled in business-related classes. RESULTS: The results show variations among groups in values, awareness and behavioral preferences. Particular attention should be given to the result that groups with higher connectedness- to-nature values show higher willingness-to-act (WTA) for risk reduction. Result s can be summarized as follows. First, awareness is associated with one's geographical setting. Second, values and WTA behaviors are related to one's environmental-related education and occupation. Third, values are significantly related to WTA behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: Different cultures, in terms of values or worldview, among groups influence their perceptions of dioxin risk and choices of risk reduction behaviors. It is important to consider values in communicating complicated long-term risk management involving public participation. Further research should be continuously conducted on the effects of multiple dimensions of values on one's WTA for risk reduction behaviors.

Humanos , Academias e Institutos , Participación de la Comunidad , Educación , Incineración , Corea (Geográfico) , Ocupaciones , Gestión de Riesgos , Conducta de Reducción del Riesgo