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Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 41(2)dic. 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1422737


Recent studies prove a strong association between reading and eye movements. Few investigations report the role of connectors and prior knowledge during reading in Spanish, as well as their association with eye movements. The present study aims to evaluate the effects of the presence absence of connectors in two argumentative texts on cognitive effort and reading comprehension. Forty-one psychology undergraduate students participated in a reading comprehension task, while their eye movements were recorded. The condition with connectors was related to prior knowledge, the slide time fixation, the slide number fixations, and the slide return fixations. The condition without connectors was related to the return fixations, the time fixation, and the number of fixations. Prior knowledge was correlated with the total time fixation, the total return fixations, and comprehension. This suggests that during reading without connectors more cognitive effort is required, observed in the return fixations; moreover, prior knowledge has an important role in the visual strategies required to process and obtain a representation of text. But participant performance was still good as observed in the scores of the reading comprehension task

Estudios prueban una asociación entre lectura y movimientos oculares al reportar el efecto de los conectores en el procesamiento textual. Pocas investigaciones revelan el papel de los conectores, el conocimiento previo y los movimientos oculares en la lectura de textos en español. El objetivo fue evaluar los efectos de la presencia-ausencia de conectores en dos textos argumentativos sobre el esfuerzo cognitivo y la comprensión lectora. Participaron 41 universitarios en una tarea de lectura con registro de sus movimientos oculares. La comprensión en la condición con conectores estuvo relacionada con conocimiento previo, tiempo y número de fijaciones por diapositiva, además del número de regresos en la lectura por diapositiva. Mientras la comprensión de textos sin conectores estuvo relacionada con conocimiento previo, regresos, tiempo y número de fijaciones, el conocimiento previo se correlacionó con tiempo y número fijaciones, regresos en la lectura y la comprensión. Se sugiere que la lectura de un texto sin conectores requerirá mayor esfuerzo cognitivo observado en los regresos en la lectura; además, el conocimiento previo afecta las estrategias visuales para procesar y representar mentalmente un texto. Pero, el desempeño de los participantes sigue siendo bueno, según lo observado en los puntajes de la tarea de comprensión lectora.

Humanos , Lectura , Comprensión , Movimientos Oculares , Conectoma/psicología
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2018. 73 p. tab, fig.
Tesis en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1428787


Na radiologia, válvulas antirrefluxo (VARs) são utilizadas em tubos de infusão para realização de exames de ressonância magnética e tomografia computadorizada. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar procedimentos associados ao uso de VARs em exames radiológicos, a fim de contribuir para a biossegurança, controles da contaminação e do risco de infecção em sistemas de infusão. Uma Revisão Integrativa (RI) a respeito das VARs utilizadas na área da saúde foi realizada no que concerne os aspectos físicos, de funcionalidade e microbiológicos. A pressão máxima, em contra fluxo, dos diafragmas flexíveis (DFs) íntegros e rompidos das VARs foi determinada com auxílio do equipamento Hydraulic Burst-Leak Tester (HB-LT). A funcionalidade das VARs foi verificada por inspeção visual, em contra fluxo, mediante a liberação de bolhas de ar em um recipiente com água, por meio de simulação artificial da pressão da corrente sanguínea humana (SAPCSH). A estrutura e integridade das VARs foram identificadas por inspeção visual. A performance de colunas de ar interpostas por água em conectores com VARs foi analisada por inspeção visual (SAPCSH). A distância da difusão de um contaminante (cristal violeta) através de conectores com VARs foi mensurado por inspeção visual e espectrofotômetro (SAPCSH). A eficácia das VARs, em contra fluxo, como barreira de contaminação bacteriana foi avaliada em um experimento bacteriológico (SAPCSH). Um procedimento operacional padrão (POP) foi elaborado para direcionar a prática adequada do manuseio dos conectores com VARs, visando a biossegurança, controles da contaminação e do risco de infeção em sistemas de infusão em radiologia. Os resultados demostraram que houve diferença entre as pressões máximas suportadas pelos DFs dos Patient-set®: íntegros (média e desvio padrão: 595,44 ± 39,38psi) e rompidos (média e desvio padrão: 90,22 ± 31,26psi), em contra fluxo (p<0,0001). Por outro lado, os Patient-set® com os DFs rompidos não demonstraram falha na funcionalidade das VARs, mediante a ausência da liberação de bolhas de ar. Ainda, as VARs dos Patient-set® demonstraram DFs rompidos, entretanto as outras estruturas continuaram íntegras. As colunas de ar podem ser comprimidas e se deslocar através dos Patient-set® com DFs íntegros e rompidos. Além disso, a maior distância de difusão do cristal violeta foi de 30% (6cm) do comprimento do conector (20cm) do Patient-set®. Outrossim, a técnica de mensuração por espectrofotômetro (absorbância) foi mais sensível do que por inspeção visual para esse propósito. As VARs dos Patient-set® mostraram eficácia como barreira de contaminação bacteriana (Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina, 10psi por 2h30min). Ademais, um POP foi elaborado e validado para a utilização e manuseio dos Patient-set®, visando a biossegurança na prática clínica, controles da contaminação e do risco de infecção em sistemas de infusão em radiologia como recomendação original a ser disponibilizada a todos os profissionais da área. Em suma, a biossegurança dos sistemas de infusão na radiologia depende de vários aspectos físico, de funcionalidade e microbiológico das VARs atrelados à execução adequada na prática clínica. Além disso, pesquisas adicionais são necessárias para elucidar questionamentos futuros sobre o uso seguro das VARs

In radiology, non-return valves (NRV) are used in infusion tubes to perform magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography scan exams. The objective of this research was to investigate procedures associated to NRV usage in radiologic exams, in order to contribute to biosafety, contamination and infection risk controls in infusion systems. An Integrative Review (IR) about NRVs utilized in health field was performed concerning physical, functionality, and microbiological aspects. The maximum pressure, in backflow, of whole and broken flexible diaphragms (FDs) from NRVs was determined with Hydraulic Burst-Leak Tester (HB-LT) equipment help. The NRVs functionality was verified by visual inspection, in backflow, by means of air bubbles release in a water container, through human bloodstream pressure artificial simulation (HBPAS). The NRVs structure and integrity were identified by visual inspection. The performance of air columns interposed by water in connectors with NRVs was analyzed by visual inspection (HBPAS). Diffusion distance of a contaminant (crystal violet) through connectors with NRVs was measured by visual inspection and spectrophotometer (HBPAS). The NRVs efficacy, in backflow, as barrier to bacterial contamination was evaluated in a bacteriological experiment (HBPAS). A standard operating procedure (SOP) was elaborated to direct the proper handling of connectors with NRVs, aiming at biosafety, contamination and infection risk controls in infusion systems in radiology. The results showed that there was difference among maximum tolerated pressures by FDs of Patient-set®: whole (mean and standard deviation: 595.44 ± 39.38psi) and broken (mean and standard deviation: 90.22 ± 31.26psi), in backflow (p<0.0001). On the other hand, the Patient-set® with broken FDs didn't show failure in NRVs functionality, through the lack of air bubbles release. Moreover, NRVs showed broken FDs, but the other structures remained whole. The air columns can be compressed and move through Patient-set® with whole and broken FDs. Besides, the longest diffusion distance of crystal violet was 30% (6cm) of connector length (20cm) of Patient-set®. Furthermore, the measure technique by spectrophotometer (absorbance) was more sensitive than by visual inspection for this purpose. Patientset® NRVs showed efficacy as barrier to bacterial contamination (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, 10psi for 2h30min). Moreover, a SOP was elaborated and validated for Patient-set® utilization and handling, aiming at biosafety in clinical practice, contamination and infection risk controls in infusion systems in radiology as original recommendation to be made available to all professionals in the field. In conclusion, the biosafety depends on various physical, functionality, and microbiological aspects of NRVs coupled with proper practical clinical performance. Besides, further researches are needed to elucidate future questionings about NRVs safe use

Radiología , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Contención de Riesgos Biológicos , Índice de Riesgo , Difusión , Staphylococcus aureus Resistente a Meticilina , Infecciones
Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 18-21, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-612037


Objective To investigate the effects of two infusion fittings on obstruction of double-lumen PICCs. Methods About 100 patients with double-lumen PICCs treated in the department of oncology in our hospital from 2013 to 2015 were randomized according to simple data table into observation group and control group, with 50 cases in each group:in the observation group Kolafu needleless infusion connector (MC100) was used and in the control group high voltage double-lumen PICCs were connected to the end of the diaphragm closed transfusion needleless joint (Q-syte). The incidence rate of catheter obstruction between the two groups were compared. Result The incidence of obstruction in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.001). Conclusion Kolafu needleless infusion connector (MC100) can reduce the obstruction rate of the connectors, worthy of promotion.

Artículo en Inglés | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148710


Spacing in dentition negatively interferes with harmony of the smile. A lot of literature has been devoted to prosthetic closure of such space(s) in the dentition; however, the only option for maintaining space(s) in tooth-supported fixed dental prosthesis (FDP) is with the aid of loop connectors. Eleven patients (seven males and four females) with mean age of 45.18 years (range 22-70 years), previously treated with porcelain fused to metal full coverage restorations joined with loop connectors, were evaluated clinically to assess the clinical status and longevity of treatment provided. All the patients were asked to fill a simple close-ended questionnaire to provide their perspective on the limitations and outcome of the treatment and rate their satisfaction level on the scale of 1-10. The cumulative survival of the FDPs with the aid of loop connectors was 90.9%. There was no reported esthetic failure and, at the time of responding to the questionnaire, none of the patients had active complaint with respect to the prosthesis and all but one of the patients were satisfied with the treatment provided. Clinical survivability and the patient feedback suggests that customized designing of loop connectors for each patient is an excellent treatment modality to successfully maintain excessive (single/generalized) spacing between teeth and effectively splint pathologically migrated and mobile teeth. The reported problems with this treatment option are all transient in nature.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 22(2): 153-163, jun. 2011. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-598187


Introducción: el presente estudio pretendió determinar el comportamiento mecánico entre tramos protésicosrígidos y no rígidos de una prótesis fija de cinco unidades con pilar intermedio utilizando el análisis de elementos finitos (AEF) Métodos: se diseñó un modelo rígido de cinco unidades con 124,469 nodos y 76,215 elementos y un modelo no rígido con 125,130 nodos y 77,396 elementos, conformados por hueso esponjoso, hueso cortical, ligamento periodontal, pulpa, dentina,raíz, cemento resinoso, coronas metal-cerámica y ajuste tuve-lock (Sterngold®, Implamed Attleboro MA). El tramo protésico comprendió un incisivo central, un incisivo lateral, un canino, un primer premolar y un segundo premolar superior. Se aplicóuna fuerza de 200 N con dirección oblicua y vertical. Las variables incluidas en el modelado fueron módulo de elasticidad, razón de Poisson y el ajuste no rígido. Fueron calculados los esfuerzos von Misses, máximos principales y mínimos principalespara cada grupo. Resultados y conclusiones: el análisis del comportamiento mecánico indicó que en el tramo protésico rígidohubo mejor distribución de los esfuerzos en relación con el modelo no rígido. El comportamiento de cada grupo indicó que el modelo rígido transmitió menos esfuerzo a la raíz y al hueso subyacente. La influencia de poner un ajuste no se justificaría según los resultados de este estudio.

Introduction: the purpose of this study is to establish the mechanical behavior between rigid and non-rigid fixeddental prosthesis of five units with an intermediate abutment using the finite element analysis (FEA). Methods: a five unit rigid model with 124.469 nodes and 76.215 elements and a non-rigid model with 125.130 nodes and 77.396 elements were designed. It consisted of trabecular bone, cortical bone, periodontal ligament, pulp, dentine, root, resinous cement, metal ceramic crowns and tube-lock adjustment (Sterngold®, Implamed Attleboro MA). The fixed dental prosthesis included a central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, first and second upper premolars. A force of 200 N was applied with an oblique and vertical direction. The variables included in the model were modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio and non-rigid adjustment. Von Misses stresses, main, maximum and minimum, were calculated for each group. Results and conclusions: the analysis of the mechanical behavior indicated that the rigid fixed dental prosthesis showed a better distribution of the stresses in comparison with the non-rigid model. The behaviorof each group indicated that the rigid model transmitted less stress to the underlying root and bone. The indication to use an adjustment would not be justified according to the results of this study.

Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Implantación Dental