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Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(5)oct. 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407846


ABSTRACT We designed a chicken-meat hamburger enriched with ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and cooked by sous-vide. The chicken meat used came from male BB chickens of the Cobb commercial line, fed for approximately 27 days with 3 isoprotein and isoenergetic diets based on: corn and soy; soybeans plus flax oil and soybeans plus fish oil. The hamburgers, made with a mixture of fresh skinless chicken breast and thigh meat, oat bran and a commercial mix of spices, were vacuum-packed and cooked at 80 °C for 10 min. Chemical analyses (moisture, fat, protein, fiber, thiobarbituric acid and fatty acid profile), color and texture profile were performed. The samples enriched with fish oil presented significantly higher values of docosapentaenoic acid (1.53 g of fatty acid per 100 g of fat) than the control sample (0.30 g of fatty acid per 100 g of fat). The sensory characterization was carried out by 54 consumers using the CATA methodology (check all that apply). The chicken-meat hamburger enriched with fish-ω3 oil was the most widely accepted by consumers. Therefore, a functional food product enriched with ω3 polyunsaturated acid close to the daily recommendation (250 mg) was designed. The sensory acceptability of consumers was found based on a pleasant taste, pleasant appearance and chicken flavor.

RESUMEN Se diseñó una hamburguesa de carne de pollo enriquecida con ácidos grasos ω3 poliinsaturados y cocida al vacío. La carne de pollo provino de pollos BB machos de la línea comercial Cobb, alimentados durante aproximadamente 27 días con 3 dietas isoproteicas e isoenergéticas en base a: maíz y soja; soja más aceite de lino y soja más aceite de pescado. Las hamburguesas, elaboradas con una mezcla de carne fresca de pechuga y pata muslo de pollo sin piel, salvado de avena y mezcla comercial de especias, se envasaron y cocinaron al vacío a 80 °C durante 10 min. Se realizaron análisis químicos (humedad, grasa, proteína, fibra, ácido tiobarbitúrico y perfil de ácidos grasos), color y perfil de textura. Las muestras enriquecidas con aceite de pescado presentaron valores significativamente mayores de ácidos docosapentaenoico (1,53 g de ácido graso por 100 g de grasa) que la muestra control (0,30 g de ácido graso por 100 g de grasa). La caracterización sensorial fue realizada por 54 consumidores utilizando la metodología CATA (marque todo lo que corresponda). La hamburguesa de pollo y enriquecida con aceite de pescado ω3 fue la más aceptada por los consumidores. Por lo tanto, se diseñó un producto alimenticio funcional en forma de hamburguesa de pollo que se enriqueció con ω3 poliinsaturados cerca de la recomendación diaria (250 mg), y se consideró un producto aceptable por el consumidor sobre la base del sabor agradable, apariencia agradable y sabor a pollo.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219593


The present study aims to formulate and develop functional breads from wheat and pigeon pea flour and evaluate their nutritional and sensory qualities. Indeed, different composite bread formulations have been made by partial substitution of wheat flour with pigeon pea flour in varying proportions (10%, 20% 25% 50%), and the nutritional and sensory characteristics of the different breads produced were evaluated. Results indicated that the protein content of the composite breads significantly increases (p <0.005) according to the pigeon pea flour incorporation rate. However, the evaluation of sensory characteristics indicated that only composite breads result from the incorporation rate of 10% of pigeon pea flours have organoleptic characteristics appreciated by the panel of tasters. These results therefore underline that the perception and opinion of consumers are very important parameters to be taken into account in any innovation process in the field of food technology.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 18(1): 120-129, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421362


Resumen El consumo de cigarrillo ha tenido un gran impacto en la salud, por lo que es urgente y necesario trabajar en la generación de interés en la cesación. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue el diseño y validación del Cuestionario de Clasificación de Etapas de Cambio y Cesación de Consumo de Cigarrillo/Tabaco CCET, que permite la categorización del consumidor de acuerdo con las siete etapas descritas en el modelo teórico Proceso de Adopción de Precauciones que propuso Weinstein en 1988. El CCET consta de 16 ítems que interrogan acerca de las características definidas para cada fase de cambio de la conducta del individuo, consumo y el logro de la cesación. La muestra estuvo conformada por 200 estudiantes de educación superior fumadores (138 hombres y 62 mujeres) entre los 18 y 57 años. Se determinó la validez de contenido a través del juicio de expertos quienes analizaron los criterios de redacción, pertinencia y suficiencia de cada una de las preguntas utilizadas en dicho cuestionario, se realizó la aplicación en su versión definitiva para determinar las características técnicas de acuerdo con el Modelo de Rasch. Del mismo modo que en estudios previos buena parte de la muestra presento ubicación en las primeras etapas, es decir no necesariamente con deseo de dejar de fumar.

Abstract Cigarette consumption has had a great impact on health, so it is urgent and necessary to work on generating interest in cessation. The purpose of the present investigation was the design and validation of the Questionnaire for the Classification of the Stages of Change and Cessation of Consumption of Cigarette/Tobacco, which allows the categorization of the consumers according to the seven stages exposed in the theoretical Precaution Adoption Process Model proposed by Weinstein in 1988. The questionnaire consists of 16 items that ask about the characteristics defined for each stage of individual behavior change, consumption, and achievement of cessation. The sample consisted of 200 smoking students in higher education (138 men and 62 women) between 18 and 57 years of age. The validity of the content was determined through the judgment of experts who analyzed the wording, relevance, and sufficiency of each of the questions used in the questionnaire. The final version of the questionnaire was applied to determine the technical characteristics according to the Rasch Model. As in previous studies, a good part of the sample was located in the early stages, that is, not necessarily with a desire to quit smoking.

Rev. lasallista investig ; 19(1): 101-117, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423976


Abstract Introduction: While social enterprises meet human needs and create social value, they need to focus on value creation, customer satisfaction, and loyalty, as they can facilitate the generation of long-term relationships with the social enterprise and its survival. Objective: This research explores the effect of life purpose on customer value creation and its influence on satisfaction and loyalty among customers of social firms operating in the service sector in two Mexican cities, Puebla and Jalapa, both located in the Centre-East of Mexico. Materials and methods: An explanatory and cross-sectional investigation was conducted with 392 active customers. Structural equation modelling was used treating all variables as latent. Results: It was found that purpose in life was a significant and positive antecedent of customer value creation. In addition, customer value creation had a substantial effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Conclusions: The findings have implications for understanding the complexity of value creation in social firms focused on the delivery of services and the nature and dimensionality of customer value creation for social enterprises and its positive impact on customer retention. The results can help academics and social enterprises to develop better strategies to meet the needs of consumers belonging to vulnerable groups.

Resumen Introducción: Si bien las empresas sociales satisfacen las necesidades humanas y crean valor social, necesitan enfocarse en la creación de valor, la satisfacción y la lealtad del cliente, ya que pueden facilitar la generación de relaciones a largo plazo con la empresa social y su supervivencia. Objetivo: Esta investigación explora la influencia del propósito de vida en la creación de valor para el cliente y su influencia en la satisfacción y lealtad de los clientes de empresas sociales que operan en el sector de servicios en dos ciudades mexicanas, Puebla y Jalapa, ambas ubicadas en el centro-este de México. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una investigación explicativa y transversal con 392 clientes activos. Se utilizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales tratando todas las variables como latentes. Resultados: Se descubrió que el propósito en la vida era un antecedente positivo y significativo de la creación de valor para el cliente. Además, la creación de valor para el cliente tuvo una influencia significativa en la satisfacción y lealtad del cliente. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos tienen implicaciones para comprender la complejidad de la creación de valor en las firmas sociales enfocadas en la provisión de servicios y la naturaleza y dimensionalidad de la creación de valor para el cliente para empresas sociales y su impacto positivo en la retención de clientes. Los resultados pueden ayudar a académicos y empresas sociales a desarrollar mejores estrategias para la atención de las necesidades de compradores pertenecientes a grupos vulnerables.

Resumo Introdução: Embora as empresas sociais atendam às necessidades humanas e criem valor social, elas precisam concentrar-se na criação de valor, na satisfação do cliente e na lealdade, pois podem facilitar a geração de relacionamentos de longo prazo com a empresa social e sua sobrevivência. Objetivo: Esta pesquisa explora a influência do propósito de vida na criação de valor para o cliente e sua influência na satisfação e lealdade de clientes de empresas sociais que operam no setor de serviços em duas cidades mexicanas, Puebla e Jalapa, ambas localizadas no centro-leste do México. Materiais e métodos: Foi realizada uma investigação explicativa e transversal com 392 clientes ativos. Foi utilizado um modelo de equações estruturais, tratando todas as variáveis como latentes. Resultados: O propósito de vida foi considerado um antecedente positivo e significativo para a criação de valor para o cliente. Além disso, esta última variável teve uma influência significativa na satisfação e lealdade do cliente. Conclusões: Os resultados têm implicações para a compreensão da complexidade da criação de valor em empresas sociais que operam no setor de serviços e a natureza e dimensionalidade da criação de valor para o cliente para empresas sociais e seu impacto positivo na retenção de clientes. Os resultados podem ajudar acadêmicos e empresas sociais a desenvolver melhores estratégias para pertencentes a grupos vulneráveis.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1926-1932, 2021.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886573


OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for the drug retailers when making dual-channel pricing decisions in China. METHODS:Based on the analysis of the existing literature and the characteristics of drug supply chain ,taking the dual-channel drug retailers as the research object ,the effects of medical insurance payment policy ,consumers’risk aversion factor and inconvenience cost on consumers ’decision-making behavior were considered ,and dual-channel pricing strategy model for drug retailers was constructed. The reverse induction method was adopted to analyze and solve the model ,obtain the optimal pricing and optimal profit function of the drug retailer. The numerical simulation was adopted to simulate and analyze the effects of consumer medical insurance payment utility ,risk aversion factor and inconvenience cost on drug retailer dual-channel pricing and profits. RESULTS:When the utility of medical insurance payment increased ,the pricing of drugstores and the total profit of dual-channel of drug retailers would increase ;while consumers ’risk aversion factor and inconvenience cost showed a U-shaped trend with retailer ’s dual-channel total profits. In addition ,compared with existing e-commerce platforms ,retailers could make more profits by building their own e-commerce platforms. CONCLUSIONS :Medical insurance payment policy has a great impact on the profits of dual-channel drug retailers. Drug retailers should continue to pay attention to the trend of relevant national policies and ensure their own profits by adjusting pricing in time. When medical insurance payment utility is in low level ,dual-channel drug retailers can ensure market demand by reducing the retail price of drugstores ,and should use flexible sales strategies to attract consumers. For consumers’risk aversion and inconvenience cost ,drug retailers can adopt strategies such as providing distribution services for consumers with high inconvenience cost.

Investig. desar. ; 28(2): 22-56, July-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1346377


RESUMEN El mercado campesino de Coopmercasan inició su funcionamiento en 2011 brindando productos agrícolas frescos e inocuos al municipio de Florencia, departamento del Caquetá. En ocho años de operación, han tenido aciertos y desaciertos, también han recibido el apoyo de diferentes instituciones, sin embargo, a la fecha se desconoce sus realidades actuales y los retos y desafíos que han venido cambiando a lo largo del tiempo. Por lo anterior, esta investigación buscó construir las dinámicas de esta experiencia a través de la autorreflexión, la información base para la toma de decisiones y la orientación de sus acciones de mejora. El trabajo se realizó en el municipio de Florencia, las herramientas para el levantamiento de la información empleadas fueron encuestas, entrevistas y observación participante. Dentro de los principales hallazgos se tiene que, si bien el mercado ha logrado posicionarse con una base interesante de clientes, su oferta no está cumpliendo las expectativas respecto de los volúmenes y la diversidad de demandada de los clientes, y aunque la gran mayoría de los apoyos entregados por las instituciones han sido dirigidos a procesos de fortalecimiento organizativos, sigue siendo el aspecto más débil.

ABSTRACT The COOPMERCASAN peasant market began its operation in 2011, providing fresh and safe agricultural products to the population of Florence. In these eight years of operation, they have had successes and failures, they have also received the support of different institutions, however, to date, their current realities are unknown, as well as the challenges, which have been changing over time. It is because of the above that this research sought to build the dynamics of this experience through self-reflection, base information for decision-making, and the orientation of their improvement actions. The work was carried out in the municipality of Florence, the tools for gathering the information were surveys, interviews, and participant observation. Among the main findings, it was discovered that, although the market has managed to position itself with an interesting customer base, its offer is not meeting expectations in terms of the volumes and diversity demanded by customers and that, although the vast majority of the support provided by the institutions has been directed towards organizational strengthening processes, it continues to be the weakest aspect.

Humanos , Trabajo , Productos Agrícolas , Toma de Decisiones , Población , Organizaciones , Participación de la Comunidad , Mercadotecnía
Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 34(290): 24-31, Janeiro/Junho 2020. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482531


As Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) constituem uma ferramenta importante para garantir a segurança alimentar e a qualidade dos produtos alimentícios. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar uma análise das avaliações sobre Boas Práticas de Fabricação aplicadas na integração dos funcionários ao ingressarem na empresa após terem recebido treinamento sobre o assunto, avaliaram-se também as não conformidades (NC) dos funcionários da mesma agroindústria nas inspeções pessoais durante o período de trabalho, (motivos e sua categorização em relação às BPF). Observou-se nas avaliações aplicadas aos funcionários no seu ingresso na empresa, que a questão relacionada às unhas compridas não obteve nenhum erro, entretanto este item apresenta maior irregularidade entre os funcionários durante as inspeções pessoais apontando 31% das NC avaliadas, e que a relação da NC objetos no bolso que na inspeção dos funcionários na empresa, representou 13% das NC e quando relacionado à avaliação efetuada no ingresso, a mesma apresentou apenas 1,55% das respostas com erro...

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is an important tool to ensure food safety and the quality of food products. The objective of this research was to perform an analysis of the Good Manufacturing Practices assessments applied to the integration of employees upon joining the company after having received training on the subject. It was also evaluated the nonconformities (NC) of the same agribusiness employees in the personal inspections. during the working period, (reasons and their categorization in relation to GMP). It was observed in the assessments applied to employees when joining the company, that the issue related to long nails did not get any error, however this item presents greater irregularity among employees during personal inspections pointing 31% of the evaluated NC, and that the relationship of the NC objects in the pocket that in the inspection of the employees in the company, represented 13% of the NC and when related to the evaluation made in the entrance, it presented only 1.55% of the answers with error...

Abastecimiento de Alimentos , Agroindustria/análisis , Buenas Prácticas de Fabricación
Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 34(290): 8, Janeiro/Junho 2020.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393535


As Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) constituem uma ferramenta importante para garantir a segurança alimentar e a qualidade dos produtos alimentícios. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar uma análise das avaliações sobre Boas Práticas de Fabricação aplicadas na integração dos funcionários ao ingressarem na empresa após terem recebido treinamento sobre o assunto, avaliaram-se também as não conformidades (NC) dos funcionários da mesma agroindústria nas inspeções pessoais durante o período de trabalho, (motivos e sua categorização em relação às BPF). Observou-se nas avaliações aplicadas aos funcionários no seu ingresso na empresa, que a questão relacionada às unhas compridas não obteve nenhum erro, entretanto este item apresenta maior irregularidade entre os funcionários durante as inspeções pessoais apontando 31% das NC avaliadas, e que a relação da NC objetos no bolso que na inspeção dos funcionários na empresa, representou 13% das NC e quando relacionado à avaliação efetuada no ingresso, a mesma apresentou apenas 1,55% das respostas com erro. Com estes resultados foi possível realizar uma comparação e concluiu-se que o descumprimento às normas de boas práticas, não refletem nos erros e acertos na avaliação aplicada aos funcionários, mas possivelmente de hábitos do dia a dia e à falta de conscientização dos funcionários frente ao tema

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is an important tool to ensure food safety and the quality of food products. The objective of this research was to perform an analysis of the Good Manufacturing Practices assessments applied to the integration of employees upon joining the company after having received training on the subject. It was also evaluated the nonconformities (NC) of the same agribusiness employees in the personal inspections. during the working period, (reasons and their categorization in relation to GMP). It was observed in the assessments applied to employees when joining the company, that the issue related to long nails did not get any error, however this item presents greater irregularity among employees during personal inspections pointing 31% of the evaluated NC, and that the relationship of the NC objects in the pocket that in the inspection of the employees in the company, represented 13% of the NC and when related to the evaluation made in the entrance, it presented only 1.55% of the answers with error. With these results it was possible to make a comparison and it was concluded that the noncompliance with the good practices norms do not reflect the errors and correctness in the evaluation applied to the employees, but possibly of the daily habits and the lack of employees' awareness regarding the theme

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 50(7): e20200143, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133279


ABSTRACT: Salami tipo Italiáno ("Italian Salami") and Linguiça Colonial ("Colonial Sausage") are fermented sausages widely consumed in southern Brazil and commonly confused by consumers. Colonial sausages often characterized by greater diversity of physicochemical and sensory qualities, which often can weaken a product's identity. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the description and discrimination of brands of Italian Salami and Colonial Sausage using the "check-all-that- apply" technique by consumers and in parallel to relate the sensory perception to the physicochemical qualities of the fermented sausages. Results revealed a lack of physicochemical and sensory standardization for the Colonial Sausage brands (traditional). Sensory evaluations were most effective for discriminating industrial and traditional sausages. Through the check-all-that apply technique, consumers described and discriminated the samples, and set a standard for better hedonic acceptance of fermented sausages.

RESUMO: Salame Tipo Italiano e Linguiça Colonial são embutidos fermentados largamente consumidos na região sul do Brasil e comumente confundidas pelos consumidores. Com caráter tradicional, a Linguiça Colonial é frequentemente caracterizada por apresentar maior diversidade nas características físico-químicas e sensoriais, o que muitas vezes pode vir ao desencontro do fortalecimento de uma identidade. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a descrição e a discriminação de Salame Tipo Italiano e de Linguiça Colonial por consumidores, por meio do uso da técnica Check all that apply; e de forma paralela relacionar a percepção sensorial às qualidades físico químicas dos embutidos fermentados. Os resultados revelaram falta de padronização físico-química e sensorial para as Linguiças Coloniais. As avaliações sensoriais foram mais eficazes para a discriminação dos embutidos fermentados. Os consumidores, por meio da técnica Check-all-that apply, descreveram e discrimnaram as amostras, além de definirem um padrão de melhor aceitação hedônica para embutidos fermentados.

Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;79(3): 369-376, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001452


Abstract This study aimed to inventory the herbivore insects associated with Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong (Fabaceae) fruits and seeds and their primary and secondary parasitoids. Six samples collected between May and October 2013 yielded 210 fruits, from which 326 insects of six orders emerged: Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Thysanoptera and Psocoptera. Coleoptera (five families) was represented by the seed consumers Merobruchus bicoloripes Pic, Stator sp. Bridwell (Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae), two species of Silvanidae, one species of Scolytinae (Curculionidae), one species of Nitidulidae and one species of Cerambycidae. The cerambycid was also observed forming galleries on fruit mesocarp. Immature individuals of Lepidoptera were observed consuming the fruits and seeds. From the seven Hymenoptera families, only two species were associated with Coleoptera, being Horismenus Walker sp. (Eulophidae) as parasitoid of M. bicoloripes, and Neoheterospilus falcatus (Marsh) (Braconidae) as parasitoid of Scolytinae. The Lepidoptera parasitoids represented four genera: Pseudophanerotoma Zetel, Chelonus Panzer (Braconidae), Orgilus Nees (Braconidae) and Goniozus Forster (Bethylidae). The host associations for the reared parasitoids Bracon Fabricius (Braconidae), Pimplinae sp. (Ichneumonidae) and Perilampus Forster (Perilampidae) were not confirmed. We obtained a single representative of Diptera (Tachinidae) associated with Lepidoptera hosts in this food web.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo inventariar os insetos herbívoros associados a frutos e sementes de Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong (Fabaceae) e seus parasitoides primários e secundários. De seis amostras coletadas entre maio e outubro de 2013, obteve-se 210 frutos, dos quais emergiram 326 insetos pertencentes a seis ordens: Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Thysanoptera e Psocoptera. Coleoptera (cinco famílias) foi representada pelos consumidores de sementes: Merobruchus bicoloripes Pic, Stator sp. Bridwell (Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae), Silvanidae sp. 1 e sp. 2, Scolytinae sp. (Curculionidae), Nitidulidae sp. e Cerambycidae sp. A última espécie também foi observada formando galerias no mesocarpo do fruto. Indivíduos imaturos de Lepidoptera também foram observados consumindo os frutos e sementes. Dos Hymenoptera (sete famílias), duas espécies foram associadas a Coleoptera, sendo Horismenus Walker sp. (Eulophidae) parasitoide de M. bicoloripes e Neoheterospilus falcatus (Marsh) (Braconidae) parasitoide de Scolytinae. Os parasitoides de Lepidoptera foram totalizados em quatro gêneros: Pseudophanerotoma Zetel e Chelonus Panzer (Braconidae), Orgilus Nees (Braconidae) e Goniozus Forster (Bethylidae). As interações para os parasitoides Bracon Fabricius (Braconidae), Pimplinae sp. (Ichneumonidae) e Perilampus Forster (Perilampidae) não foram confirmadas. Nós encontramos apenas um único representante de Diptera (Tachinidae) como parasitoide de Lepidoptera nesta rede trófica.

Animales , Cadena Alimentaria , Herbivoria , Interacciones Huésped-Parásitos , Insectos/fisiología , Insectos/parasitología , Fabaceae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Escarabajos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Escarabajos/fisiología , Escarabajos/parasitología , Brasil , Dípteros/fisiología , Frutas/fisiología , Insectos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Larva/crecimiento & desarrollo
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200281


Background: Background: Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) reporting by consumers is quite low in India. Assessing knowledge and attitude of consumers regarding ADR reporting and observing practice of ADR reporting among them can help explore probable causes for underreporting of ADRs by consumers.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in a tertiary care teaching hospital using investigator-administered questionnaire and interviewing indoor patients of Surgery, Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Dermatology departments. The questionnaire was prepared to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of consumers about ADR reporting. Data was analysed using mean, standard deviation and percentages.Result: A total of 820 consumers of medicines were included. It was found that 32.2% consumers were not aware that a drug can produce adverse effects. After being explained about adverse drug reactions, 94.6% consumers felt that adverse drug reactions should be reported. However, 98.8% consumers were not aware of Pharmacovigilance Programme of India. After consulting about consumer reporting programme, majority of respondents (96.1%) felt that the direct consumer reporting programme helps reporting of ADRs. Moreover, 93.7% of consumers were willing to use it to report ADRs in future. Consumers preferred the Telephonic method with a Toll free number for ADR reporting followed by informing a health care professional.Conclusion: Poor knowledge and awareness about ADR reporting is the major factor for low to nearly absent ADR reporting by consumers in India.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200024


Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are the main leading causes of hospitalization which leads to morbidity and mortality worldwide. Reporting of ADRs to national databases is necessary. To strengthen this system, consumers apart from health-care professionals have also been empowered to report any ADRs directly to the regulatory agencies. Direct and spontaneous patient or consumer reporting offers various benefits beyond pharmacovigilance (PV). Consumer reporting of ADRs has existed in several countries for decades, but in India, with the inclusion of consumer reporting of ADR, the data on the same is valuable and limited. Hence the present study is taken up. The aim of this study was to explore the knowledge, perceptions and practice of ADR reporting among consumers in KIMS hospital and research center, Bangalore.Methods: The data was collected from Patients attending OPD’s, admitted in wards and at pharmacy in KIMS Hospital and Research Center, Bangalore. It is a cross sectional descriptive study. Study period is for six months from 1st April to 31st September 2018 and sample size is 200. A structured questionnaire in English and Kannada was used as a tool.Results: Of the 200 patients from the surveyed, in males the knowledge scores were better when compared to females and attitude, perception scores were same (statistically not significant). Most of the patients opined for the establishment of consumer pharmacovigilance system at hospitals and local pharmacies.Conclusions: Knowledge about ADR reporting and pharmacovigilance is less in consumers. So that there is a need to increase awareness in consumers.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194173


Background: In the recent years, large number of human pharmaceuticals have been introduced to the environment by landfill when household medications are thrown to trash and liquid medications gain access to the environment via liquid drainage systems. There is lack of knowledge and awareness in the general public regarding the safe disposal of unused and expired medicines. The objective was to assess the awareness regarding disposal of unused medicines among consumers at a tertiary care teaching hospital of north IndiaMethods: It was a cross-sectional observational questionnaire-based study carried out on 220 consumers in medicine outpatient department (OPD) of a tertiary care teaching hospital in North India for 3 months. All the participants were provided the pre-validated self-administered questionnaire. The final questionnaire consisted of twelve questions to assess participants’ knowledge and attitude towards disposal of the medicines. The data was analyzed with the help of descriptive statistics.Results: It is quite evident from the present study that majority of participants 56.36% stated 1-5 drugs were left-over drugs at their homes. Most of the leftover medicines were analgesics in 59.1% followed by antibiotics in 51.36%. Most common dosage form of these leftover medicines were tablets in 85.9% of respondents. Majority of the respondents (55.9%) were not aware of the adverse outcomes of the pharmaceuticals in the environment. The most common method followed by majority of the participants for disposing of the solid, semi-solid and liquid dosage forms was garbage in 95%, 91.4% and 76.4% of consumers respectively. About 9.31% of the participants were in favour of initiating a program to collect unused medications from home.Conclusions: It can be concluded from the present study that the consumers had poor knowledge regarding the safe drug disposal techniques. Therefore, efforts need to be done by the health care professionals to make people educate regarding the safe drug disposal techniques.

Hig. aliment ; 32(284/285): 41-45, out. 30, 2018. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-965438


A população está mudando seus hábitos alimentares, incluindo mais vegetais a sua alimentação. Os vegetais são fonte de fibras, vitaminas e minerais essenciais para o organismo e o seu consumo diário pode diminuir o risco de doenças crônicas. No entanto, há estudos que afirmam que os jovens brasileiros estão consumindo com menor frequência os vegetais e frutas. Desta maneira, foi conduzida uma pesquisa de mercado em uma instituição de ensino superior para se observar o perfil de consumo de vegetais como a alface. A pesquisa foi realizada na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPR -campus Medianeira, com a colaboração de 120 consumidores. Os resultados obtidos mostram que 34% dos entrevistados consomem uma vez por semana a alface e 44% dos participantes consomem alface convencional. Observou-se que 59% dos participantes eram homens, e 91 % dos entrevistados tem idade entre 18 e 28 anos. Também, verificou-se que não há uma correlação entre IMC, renda e consumo de alface. Conclui-se, que a frequência de consumo de alface entre os entrevistados é baixa e isto pode ser explicado pelos hábitos alimentares adotados pelos estudantes. Assim, sugere-se que as universidades proporcionem aos estudantes, professores, funcionários e visitantes, por meio de palestras, reflexões sobre hábitos alimentares adequados, de forma a incentivar um estilo de vida mais saudável.

The population is changing their eating habits, including more vegetables to their diet. Vegetables are a source of fiber, vitamins and essential minerals to the body. Besides, if consumed daily decreases the risk of chronic diseases. However, there are studies that claim that Young Brazilians are consuming less often vegetables and fruits. In this way, a market research was conducted in a higher education institution to observe the profile of consumption of vegetables like lettuce. The survey was conducted on Federal Technological University of Technology in the Paraná state, Brazil. with the collaboration of 120 consumers. The results obtained show that 34% of the respondents consume only once a week lettuce, and 44% of the participants consume the conventional lettuce, and 59% of the participants were men, and 91% of the respondents were between 18 to 28 years of age. In addition, there isn´t a correlation between the income and the Body Mass Index (BMI) and lettuce consumption. It is therefore concluded that the results on the frequency of consumption of fruits and vegetables is low, and this can be explained by the eating habits adopted by students. Thus, it is suggested that universities provide knowledge to the students, teachers, staff and visitors, through lectures, reflections on proper eating habits, in order to encourage a healthier lifestyle.

Humanos , Verduras , Ingestión de Alimentos , Salud del Estudiante , Conducta Alimentaria , Dieta Saludable , Calidad de Vida , Comorbilidad , Lactuca , Estilo de Vida Saludable
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 16(3): 534-549, ene.-abr. 2018.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-985430


Resumen Introducción: se describen las buenas prácticas de prevención, distinguidas de esta manera por 13 programas de prevención de drogas en Colombia. La identificación de buenas prácticas se ha extendido en el campo de las drogas para ayudar a mejorar los procesos, la toma de decisiones, encontrar metodologías exitosas y, en general, mejorar el saber hacer en los programas de drogas. Para la investigación se realizó un estudio cualitativo, hermenêutico, con alcance descriptivo, a partir de un proceso de realización de entrevistas a coordinadores y operadores de dichos programas, información que se sometió a un análisis de categorías previas y emergentes. Desarrollo: los resultados mostraron que algunas de las buenas prácticas descritas en la literatura especializada eran implementadas por los programas consultados, aunque no todas las necesarias para mostrar resultados eficaces y comprobables, especialmente en la generación de evidencia. Conclusiones: de forma aislada, dichas prácticas no tienen la suficiente fuerza; pero, si fueran adoptadas en su conjunto redundarían en una mejora de la prevención de drogas en Colombia.

Abstract Introduction: There is a description of good practices in drug prevention, acknowledged as such by 13 drug prevention programs in Colombia. The identification of good practices has been widened in the field of drugs in order to improve processes, decision making, finding successful methodologies and in general improving the know-how processes in drug programs. A qualitative study was carried out under a descriptive hermeneutic approach based on the information gathered through interviews with program coordinators and staff; the information was analyzed and categorized. Development: The results showed that the programs that were consulted used some of the good practices that were described in the specialized literature, even though not all were necessary to show efficient results, especially in generating evidences. Conclusions: When isolated, such practices are not enough, if they are adopted as a whole they would improve drug prevention processes in Colombia.

Resumo Introdução: descrevem-se as boas práticas de prevenção distinguidas desta maneira por 13 programas de prevenção de drogas na Colômbia. A identificação de boas práticas se tem estendido no campo das drogas para ajudar a melhorar os processos, a tomada de decisões, encontrar metodologias bem-sucedi-das e em geral melhorar o saber fazer nos programas de drogas. Para a pesquisa se realizou um estudo qualitativo, hermenêutico, com alcance descritivo, a partir de um processo de realização de entrevistas a coordenadores e operadores de ditos programas, informação que se submeteu a uma análise de categorias prêvias e emergentes. Desenvolvimento: os resultados mostraram que algumas das boas práticas descritas na literatura especializada eram implementadas pelos programas consultados, ainda que não todas as necessárias para mostrar resultados eficazes e comprováveis, especialmente na geração de evidência. Conclusões: de forma isolada ditas práticas não têm a suficiente força; mas se fossem adotadas em seu conjunto redundariam em uma melhora da prevenção de drogas na Colômbia.

Humanos , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias , Prevención Primaria , Colombia , Planificación en Salud , Promoción de la Salud
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740539


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine differences in eating-out, dietary life styles, and healthy dietary competencies among middle-aged consumers according to obesity status and gender for implications of consumer education. METHODS: Data were drawn from the 2016 Food Consumption Behavior Survey, and 3,022 subjects (mail 1,388; female 1,634) who were middle-aged adults were investigated. Analysis of variance with Scheffé test, t-test, χ²-test, and factor analysis were performed using SPSS v.24. RESULTS: Males showed less interest in diet than females. For both males and females, higher BMI degrees were associated with higher levels of interest in diet. For frequency, monthly average consumption expenditure, one-time cost for eating out, and drinking frequency, males showed higher levels than females. Especially for the male group, higher obesity status was associated with higher levels of eating out and drinking. Dietary lifestyles of males and females turned out to be very similar. For the male group, normal weight group was more likely to show ‘health and high quality pursuit dietary life-style’ than the other groups. For females, the normal weight group were more likely to show ‘health and high quality pursuit dietary life-style’ and ‘safety pursuit dietary life-style’ than the other groups. The level of ‘healthy dietary competence’ for females was found to be higher than that for males. For the female group, there were significant differences according to obesity status, and practice was more important than knowledge in determining a healthy dietary life. CONCLUSION: For dietary life-related education for obese middle-aged consumers, it is important to emphasize less eating-out and drinking and less overeating while eating-out based on the results that eating-out, drinking, and overeating in the obesity group were significantly higher than in the normal group. It is important to focus on the value of dietary life and diverse foods, based on the results that the obesity group was less likely to be have healthy dietary lifestyles and consume less diverse foods than the normal group.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Dieta , Ingestión de Líquidos , Ingestión de Alimentos , Educación , Gastos en Salud , Hiperfagia , Estilo de Vida , Obesidad
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766375


This study was conducted to compare the awareness, satisfaction, and usage patterns of female-consumers for food-nutrition labeling in Busan. The survey was conducted from April 15 to June 10, 2018 by questionnaire. Degree of perception of food-nutrition labeling was higher among individuals in their 30s, 40s and 50s than those in their 20s, 60s and 70s. The score of verification degree was highest among respondents in their 40s and lowest among those in their 20s and 70s. Degree of demand of individuals in their 70s was lower than that of those in their 60s. Degree of reliability of individuals in their 30s, 40s and 50s was higher than that of those in their 20s, 60s, 70s. Satisfaction degree did not differ significantly among groups. Overall the most common reason to review food labeling was ‘to confirm expiry date’ (30.8%). Among those in their 20s, the main reason for reviewing nutrition labeling was ‘weight control’, while it was ‘nutrients’ among those in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, and ‘health improvement’ among those in their 70s. Additionally, 51.3% of the subjects reported that the major reason for difficulty understanding the labeling was ‘small letter, various form’. The demand for nutrient contents was highest in sodium. Age was negatively correlated with perception of food-nutrition labeling, demand, need for education and publicity, and nutrition knowledge (P < 0.01), whereas it was positively correlated with dietary attitude (P < 0.01). There was a strong correlation between demand for food-nutrition labeling and the need for education and publicity regarding food-nutrition labeling (r=0.546). Therefore, education materials and improvement plans based on age should be developed and implemented to inspire individuals to choose more nutritious food and develop a healthy dietary life.

Educación , Etiquetado de Alimentos , Sodio , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-688349


Objective:After the start of the Foods with Function Claims system started in April 2015, the number of Foods withFunction Claims has increased every year. As such,the health food market in Japan is expanding and the health foods usedby consumers has been changing. To clarify the influence by which Foods with Function Claims has affected people’seating habits and improved their health, we surveyed people’s recognition and motivations to the Foods with FunctionClaims.Methods:Our survey was conducted with 238 consumers attending a sports club in the Tama area in western Tokyo,Japan.Results:In response to the question recognition of the word “Foods with Function Claims,”43 people(18.1%) responded“I know well,”141 people(59.2%)responded “I have heard it,but I do not know the meaning,”54 people(22.7%)responded“I do not know. I have never heard of it.” In response to the question whether to buy the Foods with Function Claims,77 people (32.4%) responded “I buy if the price is a little higher than not the Foods with Function Claims,”126 people(52.9%) responded “I buy if the price is equal to not the Foods with Function Claims.” In response to the question, 182people(76.5%)responded“I go to the hospital,”40 people(16.8%)responded“I do not go to the hospital and I use the Foodswith Function Claims.”Conclusion: Our results revealed that the recognition of Foods with Function Claims was low. However consumersrecognized that the Foods with Function Claims is worth using. Education to improve recognition for the Foods withFunction Claims is necessary.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 13(1): 1-13, jan.-abr. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-895322


O presente artigo busca tornar públicos os resultados da pesquisa "O que faz você feliz? ­ um estudo sobre a felicidade e a sociedade de consumo", em que, por meio da metodologia de grupo focal, aliada à revisão bibliográfica, buscou-se abordar o tema da felicidade e sua representação social com jovens universitários de Fortaleza, bem como da relação existente entre felicidade e consumo na contemporaneidade. A questão da felicidade encontra-se entre as primeiras que preocuparam os pensadores ocidentais e não foram poucos os que tentaram encontrar respostas. Ainda hoje, ela é alvo de preocupação de psicólogos sociais e psicanalistas. Pudemos, com a escuta de dois grupos focais realizados com estudantes universitários, levantar uma ampla gama de problemas acerca do assunto, bem como lançar esclarecimentos sobre a representação social contemporânea da felicidade em sua relação com a sociedade de consumo.

The present article aims to publicize the results of the research entitled "What makes you happy? ­ a study on happiness and consumers society", in which, using the focal group method allied to bibliographical revision, we studied the subject of happiness and its social representation in young university students from Fortaleza, Ceará, as well as the relationship between happiness and consumption in current days. The issue of happiness is one of the first to call the attention of western philosophers and many tried to find answers. Today it is still an issue of concern among social psychologists and psychoanalysts. By listening to what was said in two focal groups, we managed to raise a large number of questions concerning the subject, as well as to find out about contemporary social representation of happiness and its relation to consumers´ society.

Este artículo pretende hacer públicos los resultados de la encuesta "¿Qué te hace feliz? - un estudio sobre la felicidad y la sociedad de consumo", en que, a través de la metodología de grupo focal aliado a la revisión de la literatura, se intentó abordar el tema de la felicidad y su representación social con estudiantes universitarios de Fortaleza, así como la relación entre felicidad y consumo en la contemporaneidad. La cuestión de la felicidad se encuentra entre las primeras a ocupar los pensadores occidentales y no fueron pocos los que intentaron encontrar respuestas/]. Hoy en día es objeto de preocupación de los psicólogos sociales y psicoanalistas. Al escuchar a dos grupos de discusión realizados con estudiantes universitarios, fue posible plantear una amplia gama de cuestiones sobre el tema, así como lanzar luces sobre la representación social contemporánea de la felicidad en su relación con la sociedad de consumo.

Psicología , Felicidad , Estudiantes , Adolescente , Grupos Focales
China Pharmacy ; (12): 4194-4197, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-704405


OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for improving the pharmaceutical care of chain drug stores.METHODS:By convenience sampling,questionnaire survey about pharmaceutical care of drug stores was conducted among the customers in 5 chain drug stores (selecting each one branch drug store with certain scale) from Chengdu.The data were analyzed statistically.RESULTS:A total of 413 questionnaires were issued,of which 400 were valid,with effective recovery rate of 96.9%.Only 25.5 % respondents could identify the licensed pharmacist;higher educated respondents and respondents with academic background of medicine were more likely to make distinction (P<0.05).The respondents who had often received the service of medication guidance,the service of recommending same effect medicine with low price and the service of medication instruction was only 45.5%,19.0% and 48.3% respectively,5.3%,13.0% and 10.8% of those who had never received such services.Respondents' satisfaction with the general service staff (64.0%) was much higher than with licensed pharmacist (34.3%).Respondents believed that the three most important pharmaceutical care were medication guidance,helping boiling TCM and free health test.CONCLUSIONS:Consumers can not clearly distinguish the licensed pharmacist in drug stores.The situation that consumers can get major items of pharmaceutical care is still unsatisfactory.Consumers are less satisfied with licensed pharmacists,but their attention to medication guidance services reflects their strong awareness of medication safety.