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Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-894175


Bites provoked by the genus Micrurus represent less than 1% of snakebite cases notified in Brazil, a tiny fraction compared with other genus such as Bothrops and Crotalus, which together represent almost 80% of accidents. In addition to their less aggressive behavior, habits and morphology of coral snakes are determinant factors for such low incidence of accidents. Although Micrurus bites are rare, victims must be rescued and hospitalized in a short period of time, because this type of envenoming may evolve to a progressive muscle weakness and acute respiratory failure. Case Presentation We report an accident caused by Micrurus corallinus involving a 28-year-old Caucasian sailor man bitten on the hand. The accident occurred in a recreational camp because people believed the snake was not venomous. The victim presented neurological symptoms 2 h after the accident and was taken to the hospital, where he received antielapidic serum 10 h after the bite. After the antivenom treatment, the patient presented clinical evolution without complications and was discharged 4 days later. Conclusions: We reinforce that it is essential to have a health care structure suitable for the treatment of snakebite. Besides, the manipulation of these animals should only be carried out by a team of well-equipped and trained professionals, and even so with special attention.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Intoxicación/terapia , Mordeduras de Serpientes , Serpientes de Coral
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 24: 1-5, 2018. tab, map, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484747


Background Bites provoked by the genus Micrurus represent less than 1% of snakebite cases notified in Brazil, a tiny fraction compared with other genus such as Bothrops and Crotalus, which together represent almost 80% of accidents. In addition to their less aggressive behavior, habits and morphology of coral snakes are determinant factors for such low incidence of accidents. Although Micrurus bites are rare, victims must be rescued and hospitalized in a short period of time, because this type of envenoming may evolve to a progressive muscle weakness and acute respiratory failure. Case Presentation We report an accident caused by Micrurus corallinus involving a 28-year-old Caucasian sailor man bitten on the hand. The accident occurred in a recreational camp because people believed the snake was not venomous. The victim presented neurological symptoms 2 h after the accident and was taken to the hospital, where he received antielapidic serum 10 h after the bite. After the antivenom treatment, the patient presented clinical evolution without complications and was discharged 4 days later. Conclusions We reinforce that it is essential to have a health care structure suitable for the treatment of snakebite. Besides, the manipulation of these animals should only be carried out by a team of well-equipped and trained professionals, and even so with special attention.

Humanos , Animales , Elapidae , Intoxicación , Mordeduras de Serpientes/complicaciones , Venenos Elapídicos/envenenamiento , Brasil , Venenos/efectos adversos
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 17(3): e20170338, 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-951112


Abstract Mimicry is an excellent example of how natural selection can act on color, morphology, and behavior of species. Herein we assess predation rates on coral snake mimics in Central Brazil, a region with many mimics but only a single model, to answer the following questions: (i) Do predators avoid attacking coral snake mimics? (ii) Does the degree to which mimics resemble their venomous model affect the frequency of predator attacks? (iii) Do predators attack different body regions in mimics with different color patterns? Our experiment was conducted in the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, in the municipality of Alto Paraíso de Goiás, state of Goiás, Brazil. To evaluate predation rates on the different mimic patterns, we made 2,400 clay snake replicas using pre-colored nontoxic plasticine and distributed them in open savanna landscapes within the park. A total of 164 (6.83%) replicas were attacked by predators of snakes. Among these attacks, 121 were attacks by birds, and 43 were attacks by carnivorous mammals. Logistic regression and Fisher's exact test indicated that replicas with red, white, and black coloration are less likely to be attacked than were grey replicas, and coral snake replicas were attacked more often at the "head" end. Also, the greater the similarity to the pattern of venomous coral snakes, the rarer the attack on the replica. Our study underscores the strong selective force that protects coral snake mimics from predators. Our findings reinforce resemblance to the model as an extremely effective strategy in a complex natural system with only one model and numerous mimics.

Resumo O mimetismo é um ótimo exemplo de como a seleção natural pode agir sobre a coloração, morfologia e comportamento das espécies. Neste trabalho nós utilizamos as taxas de predação em mímicos de cobras corais no Brasil Central, uma região com muitos mímicos mas apenas um modelo, para responder as seguintes questões: (i) Os predadores evitam atacar os mímicos das cobras-corais? (ii) O grau de semelhança de cada mímico em relação ao modelo afeta a frequência de ataque dos predadores? (iii) A região do corpo na qual os predadores atacam varia entre os diferentes mímicos? O estudo foi realizado no Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, município de Alto Paraíso de Goiás, estado de Goiás, Brasil. Para avaliar as taxas de predação nos diferentes padrões, nós utilizamos 2400 réplicas construídas com massa de modelar pré-colorida e não tóxica e distribuídas em fitofisionomias abertas de Cerrado do Parque. Um total de 164 (6.83%) réplicas foram atacadas por predadores de serpentes, sendo 121 réplicas atacadas por aves e 43 por mamíferos. A análise de regressão logística e o teste exato de Fisher indicaram que as réplicas com cores vermelha, preto e branco são menos propensas a serem atacadas do que as réplicas cinzas e que essas réplicas com cores de cobra-coral são mais atacadas na extremidade da "cabeça". Além disso, quanto maior a semelhança do padrão da cobra-coral verdadeira, menor a probabilidade da réplica ser atacada. Este estudo evidencia a grande força seletiva de serpentes corais sobre a proteção de serpentes miméticas e reforça a semelhança do modelo como uma estratégia extremamente eficiente em um sistema complexo com um modelo e vários mímicos.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-954841


Background Although the red-tailed coral snake (Micrurus mipartitus) is widely distributed in Colombia and its venom is highly neurotoxic and life threatening, envenomation by this species is rare. Therefore, this report may shed some light on the clinical presentation of M. mipartitus bites. Case presentations Herein, we describe two cases of patients bitten by red-tailed coral snakes, illustrating the clinical presentation of the victims, the outcomes and treatment provided. Conclusion Envenomation caused by M. mipartitus provokes predicable neurotoxicity, and its treatment should be based on respiratory support and use of specific antivenom.(AU)

Animales , Intoxicación , Mordeduras y Picaduras , Antivenenos , Agentes Nerviosos , Serpientes de Coral
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484728


Abstract Background Although the red-tailed coral snake (Micrurus mipartitus) is widely distributed in Colombia and its venom is highly neurotoxic and life threatening, envenomation by this species is rare. Therefore, this report may shed some light on the clinical presentation of M. mipartitus bites. Case presentations Herein, we describe two cases of patients bitten by red-tailed coral snakes, illustrating the clinical presentation of the victims, the outcomes and treatment provided. Conclusion Envenomation caused by M. mipartitus provokes predicable neurotoxicity, and its treatment should be based on respiratory support and use of specific antivenom.

Sci. med. (Porto Alegre, Online) ; 25(3): ID20949, jul.-set.2015.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-832161


Objetivos: Investigar a capacidade do soro antielapídico produzido no Brasil na identificação de frações do veneno de seis espécies, incluindo as que constituem o pool de inoculação: Micrurus brasiliensis, M. corallinus, M. frontalis, M. lemniscatus, M. spixii e M. surinamensis. Métodos: As amostras utilizadas fazem parte do banco de venenos do Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas Biológicas, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás. O soro antielapídico foi cedido pela Fundação Ezequiel Dias. As metodologias empregadas foram eletroforese e imunoblotting. Resultados: Foi demonstrada uma variabilidade toxinológica e uma capacidade também variável de reconhecimento desses componentes pelo soro antielapídico. A partir da técnica de western-blotting o soro antielapídico da Fundação Ezequiel Dias foi capaz de reconhecer a maioria, mas não todos os componentes presentes nos venenos analisados. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem uma eficácia restrita do soro antielapídico já que o mesmo possui limitações quanto as espécies Amazônicas, o que reforça a necessidade de uma revisão dos estudos intra e interespecíficos dos venenos micrúricos.

Aims: To investigate whether the antielapid serum produced in Brazil could identify venom fractions from six species of Micrurus, including those in the inoculation pool: Micrurus brasiliensis, M. corallinus, M. frontalis, M. lemniscatus, M. spixii, and M. surinamensis. Methods: The samples belong to the venom bank of the Center for Biological Studies and Research from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Brazil. The antielapid serum was granted by the Ezequiel Dias Foundation. Both electrophoresis and immunoblotting methods were used. Results: Variability in venom components and in the ability to recognize such components was demonstrated by the antielapid serum. Based on the western-blotting technique, the antielapid serum from Ezequiel Dias Foundation was able to recognize most, but not all the components present in the analyzed venoms. Conclusions: The results suggest restricted efficacy of the antielapid serum, due to its limitations against species from the Amazon region, reinforcing the need for a review of intraspecific and interspecific studies of Micrurus venoms.

Mordeduras de Serpientes , Antivenenos