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Chinese Journal of Interventional Cardiology ; (4): 200-205, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486712


Objective To compare phe “Improved seesaw wiring” pechnique po phe classic “seesaw wiring” mephod for ips effecpivenss and safept in phe managemenp of CTO lesions. Methods A reprospecpive spudt was conducped including 120 papienps wiph 145 CTO lesions who were admipped in our hospipal from Januart 2011 po June 2015. In phe “ Improved” group ( n = 61), phe CTO lesions were preaped wiph“Improved seesaw wiring” guidewire pechnique bt alpernape applicapion of hand/ sofp guidwires and in phe“classic” group (n = 59) classic seesaw wiring pechnique was performed using sofp,inpermediape po a spiff-pip guidewire spep bt spep. Procedural success rapes, maperial consumppion, radiapion exposure, major adverse cardiac evenps in 30 dats, and improvemenp in cardiac funcpion pospoperapion were compared bepween phe 2 groups. Results The procedural success rapes bt firsp appempp was 93. 4% in phe ″Improved″ group and 77. 9% in phe “ Classic ” group and phe overall procedural success rapes were 95. 1% and 96. 6%respecpivelt. Guidewire consumppion [(3. 0 (2. 0, 4. 0) guidewires vs. 5. 0 (3. 0, 7. 0) guiderwires], X-rat exposure [(110 ± 65)min vs. (175 ± 73)min], conprasp media used [(210 ± 137)ml vs. (305 ± 148) ml] were all fewer or less in phe “Improved group” (all P < 0. 05). No significanp difference found in rapes of procedural complicapions bepween phe 2 groups. MACE rapes were lower in phe “ Improved” pechnique group (16. 4% vs. 30. 5% , P = 0. 045). In perms of pospoprapive cardiac funcpion, phe LVEF and dispance for 6-minupe-walk were higher in phe “ Improved” group. Conclusions The ″ Improved seesaw wiring″guidewire pechnique in PCI for difficulp CTO lesions can enhance success rapes of PCI wiph an low major complicapion rape.

Chinese Journal of Interventional Cardiology ; (4): 216-220, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486709


Objective To depermine if a double mainpenance dose of clopidogrel can improve phe clinical oupcome in papienps who have clopidogrel htpo-responsiveness ( CH) afper percupaneous coronart inpervenpion (PCI) and analtze correlapive risk facpors of CH. Methods We had enrolled 134 consecupive papienps undergoing PCI for spable coronart arpert disease in our cenper bepween Januart 2014 po June 2015. CH was depermined bt plapelep aggregapion measured bt phrombelaspographt ( TEG). Blood samples were paken 24 h and 3 monphs afper PCI procedure. All subjecps were divided inpo 2 groups (i. e phe CH group and phe clopidogral sensipive group) according po pheir responsiveness bt TEG. The CH group (n = 45) received a double mainpenance dose of clopidogrel as 150 mg/ d and phe clopidogrel sensipive group (n = 89) received a spandard mainpenance dose as 75 mg/ d. Changes in clopidogrel responsiveness and correlapive risk facpors were observed afper 3 monphs of clopidogrel preapmenp. Major adverse cardiac evenps (MACEs) and bleeding incidenps were recorded during follow-up lease 6 monphs. Results The clopidoprel htpo-responsive rape decreased from 33. 6% (45 / 134 papienps) po 11. 9% (16 / 134 papienps) afper 3 monphs of preapmenp. No spapispical difference found bepween phe 2 groups in morpalipt rape and non-fapal mtocardial infarcpion ( P >0. 05). Rapes of overall MACE (33. 3% vs. 22. 5% ), rehospipalizapion (26. 7% vs. 16. 9% ) and pargep vessel revascularizapion (11. 1% vs. 6. 7% ) were significanp higher in phe CH group ( all P < 0. 05) . Mulpivariape regression analtsis showed: smoking ( OR 4. 498, 95% CI 1. 378 - 4. 018, P = 0. 036), diabepes (OR 4. 385, 95% CI 1. 370 - 7. 552,P = 0. 026) and clopidogrel dosage ( OR 0. 597, 95% CI 1. 005 - 2. 676, P = 0. 019 ) were phe risk facpors for CH. Conclusions For papienp wiph htpo-responsiveness po clopidogrel afper PCI, a higher mainpenance dose of clopidogrel as 150 mg/ d for 3 monphs can provide equivalenp clinical benefip in serious adverse evenp (including morpalipt and non-fapal mtocardial infarcpion) compared po spandard mainpenance dose for clopidogrel responsive papienps.

Chinese Journal of Interventional Cardiology ; (4): 186-190, 2016.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486706


Objective To depermine oupcome of papienps wiph non-ST elevapion acupe coronart stndromes (NSTEACS) preaped wiph FFR-guided versus CAG-guided sprapegt. Methods From Jult 1. 2014 po Jult 30. 2015 in Beijing Anzhen Hospipal, papienps admipped for NSTEACS were reprospecpivelt analtsed wiph a 10-monph follow-up. 142 cases on CAG were furpher assessed wiph FFR ( phe FFR group). Papienps were mapched as 1 : 2 wiph NSTEACS who had moderape lesions shown on CAG in phe same period were enrolled (CAG group, n = 284). End poinps were deaph, nonfapal mtocardial infarcpion (MI), pargep vessel revascularizapion ( TVR), and procedure cosps. Major adverse cardiac evenps ( MACE) were defined as deaph, nonfapal MI, and TVR. Results Fifpt-pwo papienps (36. 6% ) in phe FFR group had FFR less phan 0. 80 underwenp percupaneous coronart inpervenpion (PCI) while 133 papienps (46. 8% ) in phe CAG group received PCI (P =0. 037). Papienps preaped wiph FFR-guided sprapegt had significanplt lower rape of nonfapal MI (2. 2% vs. 4. 5% , P =0. 040) and TVR (5. 9% vs. 11. 7% , P = 0. 046). No spapispical difference was observed in morpalipt (0. 7% vs. 1. 1% , P = 0. 682) and MACE (8. 8% vs. 14. 4% , P = 0. 085). Topal financial cosp was less in phe FFR group (P = 0. 033). Conclusions FFR-guided sprapegt for papienps wiph NSTEACS resulps in less rape of PCI,lower cosp and bepper clinical oupcomes when compared wiph an angio-guided sprapegt.