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Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 239-251, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008092


'Zhizhang Guhong Chongcui' is a new cultivar of Prunus mume with cross-cultivar group characteristics. It has typical characteristics of cinnabar purple cultivar group and green calyx cultivar group. It has green calyx, white flower, and light purple xylem, but the mechanism remains unclear. In order to clarify the causes of its cross-cultivar group traits, the color phenotype, anthocyanin content and the expression levels of genes related to anthocyanin synthesis pathway of 'Zhizhang Guhong Chongcui', 'Yuxi Zhusha' and 'Yuxi Bian Lü'e' were determined. It was found that the red degree of petals, sepals and fresh xylem in branches was positively correlated with the total anthocyanin content. MYBɑ1, MYB1, and bHLH3 were the key transcription factor genes that affected the redness of the three cultivars of flowers and xylem. The transcription factors further promoted the high expression of structural genes F3'H, DFR, ANS and UFGT, thereby promoting the production of red traits. Combined with phenotype, anthocyanin content and qRT-PCR results, it was speculated that the white color of petals of 'Zhizhang Guhong Chongcui' were derived from the high expression of FLS, F3'5'H, LAR and ANR genes in other branches of cyanidin synthesis pathway, and the low expression of GST gene. The green color of sepals might be originated from the relatively low expression of F3'H, DFR and ANS genes. The red color of xylem might be derived from the high expression of ANS and UFGT genes. This study made a preliminary explanation for the characteristics of the cross-cultivar group of 'Zhizhang Guhong Chongcui', and provided a reference for molecular breeding of flower color and xylem color of Prunus mume.

Animales , Antocianinas , Barajamiento de ADN , Flores/genética , Poríferos , Prunus/genética , Glutamina/análogos & derivados , Extractos Vegetales
Rev. bras. entomol ; 67(3): e20230012, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507860


ABSTRACT Perennial ryegrass is one of the most important food sources in animal production. However, several pests affect this crop, and one of the primary control strategies is the symbiotic relationships between ryegrass endophyte fungi. This fungus produces alkaloids that exhibit toxic activity against arthropods. Furthermore, the effect of fungi may extend to higher trophic levels, including predators (spiders and/or insects), decreasing their abundance and diversity. Given the importance of spiders and insects as predators, whether the symbiotic interaction between perennial ryegrass and endophyte fungus reduces the abundance and diversity of predators pose an important question. To address this question, natural enemies in perennial ryegrass were collected and analyzed over a year, and the percentage of endophyte fungus was evaluated by the presence of hyphae from two ryegrass cultivars, Jumbo (E-) and Alto AR1 (E+). We observed an 80% endophyte infection rate for (E+) and 0% for (E-). Moreover, 222 individual spiders corresponding to 10 families were identified in both perennial ryegrasses, including 209 individuals for (E-) and 13 for (E+). The most abundant spider family was Lycosidae, representing 71.17% of the total spiders. In addition, 65 insects were collected, corresponding to 6 families, with Carabidae being the most abundant. Furthermore, the Simpson index indicated the dominance of the family Lycosidae. Overall, spider and insect abundance and diversity were reduced in (E+), suggesting a negative effect of the endophyte on predator populations.

Vitae (Medellín) ; 29(3): 1-9, 2022-08-18. Ilustraciones
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1393177


BACKGROUND: The phytochemical content present in blueberries has generated great interest, especially in the nutra-pharmaceutical industry, where it is known as the "super fruit" due to its prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer, among others). OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the functional potential of fresh blueberries and dried blueberries using forced convection by measuring phytochemical content to conclude if this drying technology is convenient for prolonging the product's shelf life. METHODS: For this purpose, antioxidant activity, phenolic content, total anthocyanins, and total flavonoids of 'Biloxi' blueberry cultivars were determined. Fresh and dried blueberries' results were studied. Fruit extracts were analyzed to determine antioxidant activity using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) as a free radical, total phenolic content with Folin-Ciocalteu reagent, total anthocyanins by pH differential method, and total flavonoids by Aluminum Chloride method. RESULTS: Results for fresh blueberries yielded ranges of antioxidant activity (90.8-93.9% Free radical scavenging rate), total phenolic content (275 to 645mgGAE/100gFW), total anthocyanins content (28.55 to 43.75mgCy3G/100gFW) and total flavonoids content (159.92 to 335.75mgQE/100gFW). For the forced convection oven process, ranges of antioxidant activity (85.5-92.6% Free radical scavenging rate), total phenolic content (261 to 308mgGAE/100gFW), total anthocyanins content (4.74 to 5.12mgCy3G/100gFW) and total flavonoids content (30.66±0.38mgQE/100gFW) were obtained. CONCLUSIONS: In general, blueberries studied proved to have similar concentrations of functional properties compared to a wide variety of cultivars grown around the globe. Furthermore, higher concentrations of phytochemical content than those reported previously for strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries were evidenced. Although dried blueberries studied proved to have diminished phytochemical content, this functional component content stands out among the fruits market and give nutritional value to end consumers. Drying processes could potentially increase the commerce of blueberries by significantly reducing their perishable nature

CONTEXTO: El contenido fitoquímico presente en los arándanos ha generado gran interés, especialmente en la industria nutra-farmacéutica donde es conocido como una "super fruta" debido a su ayuda en la prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades neurodegenerativas, enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes, cáncer, entre otras. OBJETIVOS: Este estudio evaluó el potencial funcional de arándanos frescos y deshidratados por convección forzada mediante la determinación de su contenido fitoquímico con el objetivo de concluir si esta tecnología de secado es conveniente para aumentar la vida útil del producto. MÉTODOS: Para este propósito, se determinó la actividad antioxidante, el contenido fenólico, las antocianinas totales y los flavonoides totales de cultivos de arándanos 'Biloxi' La información recopilada de la literatura fue analizada. Se estudió el contenido en compuestos funcionales en arándanos frescos y deshidratados. Los extractos de fruta fueron analizados para determinar actividad antioxidante por medio de 2,2-Difenil-1-Picrilhidrazilo (DPPH) como radical libre, fenólicos totales con el reactivo Folin-Ciocalteu, antocianinas totales usando el método diferencial de pH y flavonoides totales con el método de Cloruro de Aluminio. RESULTADOS: Para los arándanos frescos se obtuvieron rangos de actividad antioxidante de 90.8-93.9% Tasa de captación de radicales libres, contenido fenólico total de 275-645mgEAG/100gPF, contenido de antocianinas totales de 28.55-43.75mgCy3G/100gPF y contenido total de flavonoides de 159.92-335.75mgEQ/100gPF. Para los arándanos deshidratados por convección forzada, se obtuvieron rangos de actividad antioxidante de 85.5-92.6% Tasa de captación de radicales libres, contenido fenólico total de 261-308mgEAG/100gPF, contenido de antocianinas totales de 4.74-5.12mgCy3G/100gPF y contenido total de flavonoides de 30.24-30.96mgEQ/100gPF. CONCLUSIONES: En general, los arándanos estudiados probaron tener concentraciones similares de propiedades funcionales comparados con una amplia variedad de cultivos alrededor del mundo. Además, fueron evidenciadas concentraciones más altas de contenido fitoquímico comparadas con las reportadas previamente para fresas, moras y frambuesas. Aunque los arándanos secos estudiados demostraron tener menor contenido fitoquímico, la cantidad de estos componentes funcionales destaca dentro del mercado de las frutas y dan valor nutricional a los consumidores. Los procesos de secado pueden potencialmente incrementar el comercio de arándanos derivado de una disminución significativa en su naturaleza perecedera

Flavonoides/análisis , Arándanos Azules (Planta)/química , Compuestos Fenólicos , Antocianinas/análisis , Antioxidantes/análisis , Convección
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38047, Jan.-Dec. 2022. ilus, mapas, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396139


Habb-ul-Aas is a commercial drug obtained from Myrtus communis L and widely used for abdominal disorders in Pakistan. This sclerophyllous shrub is commonly found in the Lower Dir, Malakand Division, Pakistan. This plant is used as crude drug in herbal as well as pharmaceutical industry due to presence of aromatic oil obtained from various parts of the plant. Two varieties viz., italic and baetica of the plant exist in the world; however, no study reported before about the existence of this species up to the varietal level from Pakistan. The current study was undertaken to characterize the existing germplasm by using certain morphometric parameters in relation to physiognomic features. They exhibit high variability among characters, especially for characteristics useful in selecting cultivars for commercial production. Among the various ecotypes, MBT3 possessed high shoot length (29.96cm), leaf area (2.3cm), fruit volume (0.97ml) & fruit weight (0.88g) and pulp (0.87g) and therefore recommended for the cultivar development.

Myrtus communis , Ecotipo , Banco de Semillas
Acta biol. colomb ; 26(3): 312-317, sep.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360025


RESUMEN En el cultivo del frijol existen diversas especies de insectos que pueden ocasionar perjuicios a la productividad y enemigos naturales que pueden ayudar a regular sus poblaciones. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la entomofauna asociada a 20 genotipos de frijol y correlacionar la interacción entre los insectos utilizando análisis multivariado. Las especies más abundantes en el sistema estudiado fueron Sternechus subsignatus (Curculionidae: Sternechini), Euschistus heros (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) y Diabrotica speciosa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Las tres especies presentaron correlación directa entre sí. El cultivo del frijol en estudio presentó tres especies de chinches consideradas importantes plagas. Las especies Cerotoma arcuata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) y Edessa meditabunda meditabunda (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) presentaron correlación inversa entre sí.

ABSTRACT There are several species of insects that can cause damage to productivity and natural enemies that can help to regulate populations in beans cultivation. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the entomofauna associated with 20 bean genotypes and correlate the interaction between insects using multivariate analysis. The most abundant species in the studied system were Sternechus subsignatus Boheman, 1836 (Curculionidae: Sternechini), Euschistus heros (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), and Diabrotica speciosa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). All three species showed direct correlation with each other. The bean crop under study presented three species of stinkbugs considered important pests. The species Cerotoma arcuata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Edessa meditabunda (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) presented inverse correlation with each other.

FAVE, Secc. Cienc. vet. (En línea) ; 20(1): 10-10, ene. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375454


Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la calidad nutricional en 3 cultivares de alfalfa, pertenecientes a diferentes grupos de reposo invernal (GRI), sometidos a dos frecuencias de corte, durante un año del cultivo, fundamentado en que es abundante la información existente en estudios realizados en productividad, cobertura y persistencia, no así en la determinación de calidad de forraje sometidos a diferentes frecuencias de cortes y de GRI contrastantes. Se utilizaron tres cultivares (GR6-Verzy), (GR9-Mecha) y (GR10-Ruano). El diseño experimental fue de parcelas divididas con cuatro repeticiones. Se establecieron 2 tratamientos definidos por los intervalos entre cortes: T1: 25 días y T2: 35 días. Estos fueron precisados para las estaciones de primavera, verano y otoño. En invierno el intervalo fue de 45 y 55 días en T1 y T2, respectivamente. Las variables evaluadas fueron: porcentaje de materia seca (% MS), porcentaje de proteína bruta (% PB), porcentaje de fibra detergente neutro (% FDN) y porcentaje de fibra detergente ácido (% FDA). Se encontraron diferencias significativas para todas las variables nutricionales estudiadas, para ambos tratamientos. Se observó interacción entre cultivares y tratamiento para % PB. Los cultivares estudiados con diferentes GRI, no expresaron diferencias significativas en los parámetros de calidad evaluados para ninguna de las frecuencias de corte realizadas. La frecuencia de corte de 35 días arrojó los menores % PB y mayores % FDN y % FDA, por lo cual el forraje resulta para esta frecuencia de menor calidad, llevando a la disminución de la digestibilidad y aprovechamiento de la pastura para el ganado.

Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the nutritional quality in 3 cultivars of alfalfa, belonging to different winter dormancy (GRI), subjected to two cutting frequencies during one year of cultivation, based on the abundant information existing in studies carried out in productivity, coverage and persistence, not so in the determination of quality of forage subjected to different frequencies of cuts and contrasting GRI. Three cultivars (GR6-Verzy), (GR9-Mecha) and (GR10-Ruano) were tested. The experimental design was a complete split plot with four repetitions. Two treatments defined by the cutting intervals were established: T1: 25 days and T2: 35 days. These were specified for spring, summer and fall seasons. For winter the interval was 45 and 55 days in T1 and T2, respectively. The evaluated variables were: percentage of dry matter (% DM), percentage of crude protein (% PB), percentage of neutral detergent fiber (% FDN) and percentage of acid detergent fiber (% FDA). Significant differences were found for all the nutritional variables studied, for both treatment with p <0.05 with InfoStat program. Interaction between cultivars and treatment was observed for % PB. The 35 days cutoff frequency of yielded the lowest percentages of PB and the highest percentages of FDN and FDA. Hence the forage resulting from this frequency is of a lower quality, leading to decreased digestibility and lower performance of pasture for livestock.

China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 3079-3084, 2020.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-828013


The systematic breeding method was adopted to breed a new good cultivar of Curcuma longa, named "Chuanjianghuang 1". From 2014 to 2015, two consecutive years of multi-point test were carried out in Shuangliu, Chongzhou and Wenjiang. The biological characters, phenology, agronomic characters, yield and quality indexes of "Chuanjianghuang 1" were comprehensively evaluated. The results showed that compared with local traditional species, the rhizome yield of the new cultivar "Chuanjianghuang 1" increased by 20.61%.The average content of volatile oil was higher than 24.17% and the average content of curcumin in root tuber was higher than 26.62%. The yield of root tuber increased by 54.59%.The average content of volatile oil is higher than 36.28% and the average content of curcuminoids is higher than 25.31%. Compared with "Huangsi Yujin 1", "Chuanjianghuang 1" increased the average yield of rhizome by 123.68%,the volatile oil increased by an average of 7.69%and the curcumin content increased by an average of 58.23%. The average content of volatile oil is higher than 52.82% and the average content of curcuminoids in root tuber was higher than 38.34%. The new variety "Chuanjianghuang 1" has better yield than the local traditional species, and the internal quality of rhizome and root tuber is better. Compared with "Huangsi Yujin 1", the yield of rhizome is significantly increased, and the internal quality of rhizome and root tuber is better, especially the content of curcumin in rhizome and curcuminoids in root tuber is significantly higher than that of "Huangsi Yujin 1". "Chuanjianghuang 1" is high yield, good quality, good stability and strong adaptability, which is suitable for cultivation and promotion in Chengdu Jinma River Basin, such as Shuangliu, Chongzhou, Wenjiang.

Cruzamiento , Curcuma , Diarilheptanoides , Aceites Volátiles , Rizoma
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(4): 238-243, Apr. 2019. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1002813


We experimentally reproduced star grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst var. nlemfuensis cv. "Florico") poisoning in cattle. Star grass was planted in four shaded (1, 2, 3, and 4) and three sunny paddocks (5, 6, and 7) and were fertilized with the equivalent of 0, 750, 200, or 100 kg/ha urea. Fresh plant leaves were collected from each paddock and fed to 8 calves aged 5 months to 1 year at 10g/kg live weight. Clinical examinations were performed pre- and post-feeding. Fresh leaves were also subjected to sodium picrate paper and diphenylamine tests to evaluate hydrocyanic acid and nitrate concentration, respectively. Clinical signs of poisoning by the star grass cv. "Florico" in cattle were observed 5-15 minutes after ingestion; these included wobbling, muscle tremors, frequent and/or dripping urination, tachycardia, ruminal atony, depression, red ocular mucous membranes, and bright red venous blood. Three animals became severely ill, 4 manifested mild to moderate clinical signs, and 1 did not become ill. The 3 severely ill bovines received a thiosulfate and sodium nitrite solution at a dose of 40ml/100 kg live weight, intravenously (IV). Florico star grass poisoned bovines and the reaction to the sodium picrate paper and diphenylamine tests was more significant for samples cultivated in the shade and with high nitrogen fertilization. Florico grass utilization should be avoided in a silvopastoral system.(AU)

Descreve-se a reprodução experimental da intoxicação cianogênica por grama estrela (Cynodon nlemfuensis vanderyst var. nlemfuensis cv. 'Florico') em bovinos. A grama estrela foi plantada em quatro piquetes em área sombreada (1, 2, 3 e 4) e em três piquetes em área ensolarada (5, 6 e 7) e foram adubados com o equivalente a 0, 750, 200 ou 100kg/ha de ureia. Folhas da planta foram coletadas de cada piquete e imediatamente fornecidas na dose de 10g/Kg de peso vivo para 8 bezerros com idades entre 5 meses a 1 ano. Exames clínicos foram realizados antes e durante fornecimento da planta. Folhas verdes de estrela africana foram submetidas ao teste do papel picro-sódico para verificar a presença de ácido cianídrico e ao teste da difenilamina para avaliar a concentração de nitrato. Sinais clínicos de intoxicação pela grama estrela cv. "Florico" nos bovinos foram observados entre 5 e 15 minutos após o término da ingestão, estes incluíram andar cambaleante, tremores musculares, micção frequente e/ou em gotejamento, taquicardia, atonia ruminal, depressão, mucosas oculares e sangue venoso de coloração vermelho-vivo. Três animais adoeceram gravemente, quatro manifestaram sinais clínicos leves a moderados e um não adoeceu. Os 3 bovinos que adoeceram gravemente receberam solução de tiossulfato e nitrito de sódio na dose de 40ml/100kg de peso vivo, por via endovenosa (IV). Grama estrela florico produziu intoxicação em bovinos e a reação ao teste do papel picro-sódico e difenilamina foi mais significativa para as amostras cultivadas à sombra e com alta adubação nitrogenada. Utilização de grama florico deve ser evitada em sistema silvipastoril.(AU)

Animales , Lactante , Bovinos , Intoxicación por Plantas/veterinaria , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/inducido químicamente , Cynodon/crecimiento & desarrollo , Cynodon/toxicidad
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213980


Background:Fusarium wilt is an issue of concern in economically and nutritionally important Brassica vegetable cultivation. Thus, it deserves measures against the adverse production impact caused by Fusarium wilt.Methods:In this study, development of resistance to F.oxysporumf. sp. conglutinansin six white head cabbage cultivars, by in vitro chemical mutagenesis and selection, through direct and indirect organogenesis was examined. 6 day and 10 day old hypocotyl, shoot tip and calli, from 6 day old hypocotyl explants, were subjected to chemicalmutagenesis treatment (DMSO (4% v/v) + EMS (0.3% v/v) for two hours at 28±2°C) were incubated in MS shoot induction medium (MS+ NAA (0.2 mg/l), BAP (3 mg/l), GA3 (0.01 mg/L) and AgNO3 (0.5 mg/l)). Shoots developed from hypocotyl and shoot tip explants (inthe MS shoot induction medium and then in MS + NAA (0.2 mg/l), BAP (3 mg/l), GA3 (0.01 mg/l) for shoot development) and calli following mutagenesis treatment were screened for Fusarium resistance subjecting to 15% and 20% Fusariumculture filtrate for 30 and 60 day selection periodsfor each strength respectively.Results:Developed plantlets from all six cultivars tested, showed resistance toFusarium culture filtrate in the in vitro conditions with different survival frequencies ranging between 12.5% to 84.0% from hypocotyl and 0.0% to 86.7% from shoot tip explants among cultivars indicating development of resistance to Fusariumby in vitro chemical mutagenesis.Conclusions:Direct organogenesis, and 10 day old hypocotyl and 6 day old shoot tips are potential explants for successful application of in vitro chemical mutagenesis for Fusarrium resistance development in in cabbage.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 49(3): e20180469, 2019. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045305


ABSTRACT: Disease management in conventional potato crops requires the use of larger amounts of phytosanitary products and increased toxicity with regard to organic cultivation which may pose a risk to human health and have a negative impact on the environment as well. The present study aimed to evaluate the yield and the reaction of potato genotypes to both late blight and to early blight under an organic system of cultivation. Eperiments were conducted in the field in the municipalities of Lages, SC and Quilombo, SC, south Brazil, during the crops of 2012/2013 and 2013/2014. The experimental design consisted of a randomized complete block design with 4 replications; The following eight local clones from the Santa Catarina mountain range (serra) were evaluated: SJ01273-1; SJ01251-1; SJ01213-1; SMSJ07344-54; SJ04510-1; SJ05621-11; SJ02411-5; and SJ04521-3; and 8 commercial cultivars were assessed as follows: Agate, Asterix, and Monalisa of Dutch origin; Panda of German origin; and BRS Ana, BRS Eliza, Cota, and Catucha of Brazilian origin. Incidence and severity of late blight and early bright and the weight and number of tubers produced were evaluated. Potato genotypes showed variability in terms of tuber production and disease resistance. The regional clone 15 and cultivars BRS Ana and Cota presented resistance to early blight and to late blight in both cultivated sites. Genotype 35 and cvs. Asterix and BRS Ana were the ones that had the largest productions. Genotype 35 was the most productive one among all genotypes/clones evaluated (16,926.81kg ha-1). There was variability between different local potato genotypes in terms of productivity potential and resistance to diseases under the organic system of cultivation. These findings showed that there is a source of resistance to genetic improvement programs.

RESUMO: O manejo de doenças nos cultivos convencionais de batata requer emprego de maior quantidade de produtos fitossanitários e de maior toxicidade em relação ao cultivo orgânico, que pode acarretar riscos a saúde humana e impacto ambiental. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o rendimento e a reação de genótipos de batata à requeima e à pinta preta sob sistema orgânico de cultivo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos a campo nas safras 2012/2013 e 2013/2014 em Lages/SC e em Quilombo/SC. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Avaliou-se oito clones locais oriundas da serra catarinense: SJ01273-1; SJ01251-1; SJ01213-1; SMSJ07344-54; SJ04510-1; SJ05621-11; SJ02411-5; SJ04521-3 e oito cultivares comerciais: Ágata, Asterix e Monalisa de origem holandesa; Panda de origem alemã e BRS Ana, BRS Eliza, Cota e Catucha de origem brasileira. Foram realizadas avaliações de incidência e severidade da requeima e pinta preta e do peso e número de tubérculos produzidos. Os genótipos de batata apresentaram variabilidade na produção de tubérculos e de resistência a doenças. O clone regional 15 e as cultivares BRS Ana e Cota apresentaram resistência à pinta preta e a requeima, em ambos os locais cultivados. O genótipo 35 e as cvs. Asterix e BRS Ana apresentaram as maiores produções. O genótipo 35 foi o mais produtivo (16.926,81kg ha-1). Genótipos locais de batata apresentam variabilidade quanto ao potencial produtivo e resistência a doenças sob o sistema orgânico de cultivo, evidenciando fonte de resistência a programas de melhoramento genético.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 19(3): e20180696, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011470


Abstract: Vanilla is the most well-known and economically important genus of Orchidaceae in the world. Vanilla bahiana is restricted to Brazil and its conservation status was recently assessed as 'Endangered'. The species is phylogenetically closely related to V. planifolia, whose pods are the main natural source of vanillin. The primary desirable traits for vanilla production are high fruit set and great resistance to abiotic stress. High temperatures (> 32ºC) and heavy rain favor fungal infection, and thus are indirectly responsible for fruit drop by V. planifolia in cultivation. The aim of the present study was to follow the process of pod ripening of V. bahiana in a restinga fragment in an Environmental Protection Area of Bahia State, and to highlight implications for vanilla crop improvement. Fieldwork was carried out from April 2016 to January 2017. A total of nine manual self-pollinations and nine manual cross-pollinations were successfully carried out. Fruit length, diameter and girth were recorded every two weeks. Fruit permanence in the infrutescence was measured as consecutive days from pollination. Descriptive statistics were calculated and Pearson correlation analysis performed among all attributes per pollination method. The influence of temperature and rainfall was also analyzed. Pod measurements and fruit permanence in the infrutescence were higher for cross-pollination than self-pollination. Higher rainfall results in fruit drop. The use of V. bahiana in breeding efforts for the genus is here strongly suggested and supported by previously published studies that allowed us to highlight several desirable traits: vanillin production, its wide geographical distribution and occurrence in a variety of habitats; substantial populations; resistance to conditions of drought and high luminosity and temperature; extensive blooming period; high number of flowers per raceme; possible synchronised flowering with V. planifolia, and fruiting throughout the year. These prospects are promising and should be further evaluated, not only for V. bahiana but for other vanilla crop wild relatives. Studies of pollination ecology can be used to set guidelines for the conservation of the V. planifolia group and to encourage the development of strategies to increase the production of fruit and, consequently, vanillin for its culinary uses and medical applications.

Resumo: Vanilla é o gênero mais bem conhecido e economicamente importante de Orchidaceae no mundo. A espécie Vanilla bahiana é restrita ao Brasil e seu estado de conservação foi recentemente avaliado como "Em Perigo". A espécie é filogeneticamente próxima de V. planifolia, cujos frutos são a principal fonte natural de vanilina. As principais características desejáveis para a produção de baunilha são o elevado número de frutos e grande resistência ao estresse abiótico. Altas temperaturas (> 32 º C) e fortes chuvas favorecem a infecção fúngica, sendo, portanto, indiretamente responsáveis pela queda de frutos de V. planifolia em cultivo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi acompanhar o processo de maturação do fruto de V. bahiana em um fragmento de restinga em uma Área de Proteção Ambiental do estado da Bahia e destacar as implicações para o melhoramento da cultura da baunilha. O trabalho de campo foi realizado de abril de 2016 a janeiro de 2017. Um total de nove autopolinizações manuais e nove polinizações cruzadas manuais foram realizadas com sucesso. O comprimento, o diâmetro e a circunferência dos frutos foram registrados a cada duas semanas. A permanência do fruto na infrutescência foi medida através de dias consecutivos a partir da polinização. Medidas estatísticas descritivas dos atributos morfométricos foram calculadas e a análise de correlação de Pearson foi realizada para verificar a associação entre os pares dos atributos por método de polinização. Também foi analisada a influência da temperatura e da precipitação pluviométrica. As medidas do fruto e a permanência do fruto na infrutescência foram maiores na polinização cruzada do que na autopolinização. O aumento dos índices pluviométricos resulta em queda de frutos. O uso de V. bahiana em esforços de melhoramento para o gênero é fortemente sugerido aqui e suportado por estudos publicados anteriormente, que nos permitiram destacar várias características desejáveis: a produção de vanilina; ampla distribuição geográfica e ocorrência em diversos domínios fitogeográficos; formação de populações substanciais; resistência às condições de seca, alta luminosidade e temperatura elevada; extenso período de floração; elevado número de flores por racemo; possível florescimento sincronizado com V. planifolia; e frutificação ao longo do ano. Essas perspectivas são promissoras e devem ser avaliadas não apenas para V. bahiana, mas também para outras espécies de Vanilla restritas ao Brasil. Estudos de ecologia de polinização podem ser usados para estabelecer diretrizes para a conservação do grupo V. planifolia e encorajar o desenvolvimento de estratégias para aumentar a produção de frutos e, consequentemente, de vanilina para usos culinários e aplicações médicas.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(5): 1287-1297, sept./oct. 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-967318


The genetic breeding of soybean aims to obtain productive genotypes, so it is necessary that the genetic components, environment and the interaction between them be understood. The G x E interaction is the differential behavior of the genotypes against environmental. The objective was to study the G x E interaction and analyze the adaptability and stability of soybean genotypes under natural rust infection without fungicide. The experiment was conducted in the Genetic Breeding Program of the Federal University of Uberlândia. Fourteen soybean genotypes were evaluated, with 10 lines developed by the UFU Program (UFUS1117: 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10 and 11) and 4 cultivars: UFUS 7415, UFUS Riqueza, TMG 801 and BRSGO 7560 in four seasons: 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17, in a randomized complete block design. The G x E interaction was complex and the H2 was 85.97% indicating superiority of genetic variation in relation to the environment. The average grain yield was 2284.13kg ha-1. The genotype UFUS 1117-01 was identified by Eberhart and Russel, Wricke, AMMI 2 and Centroid as being a highly productive stability genotype. The UFUS 1117-07 showed high stability by Eberhart and Russel, Wricke, Lin and Binns modified by Carneiro methods and wide adaptability by Eberhart and Russel and Centroid. The genotype UFUS 1117-09 was identified as being adaptable to unfavorable environments by the Lin and Binns modified by Carneiro and Centroid methods, and UFUS 1117-10 presented favorable environmental adaptability by the Centroid method and high stability by Eberhart and Russel.

O melhoramento genético da soja visa à obtenção de genótipos produtivos, então é necessário que os componentes genéticos, ambientais e a interação entre eles sejam compreendidos. A interação G x A é o comportamento diferencial dos genótipos frente às variações ambientais. O objetivo foi estudar a interação G x A e analisar a adaptabilidade e estabilidade produtiva de genótipos de soja sob infecção natural por ferrugem, sem fungicida. O experimento foi conduzido no Programa de Melhoramento Genético da UFU. Quatorze genótipos de soja foram avaliados, sendo 10 linhagens desenvolvidas pelo Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Soja da UFU (UFUS 1117-01, UFUS 1117-02, UFUS 1117-03, UFUS 1117-05, UFUS 1117-06, UFUS 1117-07, UFUS 1117-08, UFUS 1117-09, UFUS 1117-10 e UFUS 1117-11) e 4 cultivares ( UFUS 7415, UFUS Riqueza, TMG 801 e BRSGO 7560), em quatro safras: 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 e 2016/17, em delineamento de blocos casualizados. A interação G x A foi significativa e complexa e o H2 foi de 85,97% indicando superioridade da variação genética em relação a ambiental. A média de produtividade de grãos foi 2284,13kg ha-1. O genótipo UFUS 1117-01 foi identificado pelas metodologias de Eberhart e Russel, Wricke, AMMI 2 e Centroide como sendo um genótipo de alta estabilidade produtiva. A linhagem UFUS 1117-07 apresentou alta estabilidade por Eberhart e Russel, Wricke, Lin e Bins modificado por Carneiro e ampla adaptabilidade por Eberhart e Russel e Centroide. O genótipo UFUS 1117-09 foi identificado como sendo adaptável a ambientes desfavoráveis por Lin e Bins modificado por Carneiros e Centroide, e UFUS 1117-10 apresentou adaptabilidade a ambiente favoráveis pelo método Centroide e alta estabilidade por Eberhart e Russel.

Glycine max , Producción de Cultivos , Eficiencia , Fitomejoramiento , Genotipo
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 35: 57-62, sept. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047773


Background: Rubus is an economically important fruit crop across the globe. Recently, several Rubus mutant genotypes with improved agronomic traits have been developed using gamma ray irradiation. This study investigated genetic diversity and variations in Rubus mutant genotypes using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers generated from genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) analysis. A GBS library of 14 Rubus genotypes, consisting of seven boysenberry mutant lines, four blackberry mutant lines, and three original varieties, were sequenced on the Illumina Hiseq2000 platform. A set of SNPs were analyzed by Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) assay in order to discriminate the Rubus genotypes. Results: A total of 50,831,040 (86.4%) reads of clean data were generated, and the trimmed length ranged from 116,380,840 to 509,806,521 bp, with an average of 228,087,333 bp per line. A total of 19,634 high-quality SNPs were detected, which contained 11,328 homozygous SNPs and 8306 heterozygous SNPs. A set of 1504 SNPs was used to perform a phylogenetic analysis, which showed that there were clear differences among the Rubus genotypes based on their origin. A total of 25 SNPs were used for the KASP assays, of which six KASP primer sets were successfully distinguished among the Rubus genotypes. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that the SNP and KASP method is an economically efficient tool for mutant screening in Rubus breeding programs.

Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple/genética , Rubus/genética , Filogenia , Cruzamiento , Marcadores Genéticos , Productos Agrícolas , Alelos , Secuenciación de Nucleótidos de Alto Rendimiento , Rayos gamma , Genotipo , Mutación
Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines (English Ed.) ; (6): 81-89, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-812419


Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees (AP) is commonly used for the treatment of many infectious diseases and has been cultivated widely in Asian countries, and has been included in United States Pharmacopoeia as a dietary supplement, but the cultivars of A. paniculata are not abundant due to its self-pollinated. With the aims to enrich AP resources and provide materials for after breeding we explored the polyploidy induction. Different explants, colchicine concentration, and treatment time were tested. After identification by flow cytometry, eleven polyploid plants with different morphologic traits were obtained. The agronomic traits and andrographolide concentration of the polyploids were improved greatly. One of the polyploids (serial 3-7) was chosen for further study. The traits of the second and third generation polyploids (serial 3-7) were stable. Compared with the normal plants, the seeds (2nd generation) weight increased by 31%, and the andrographolide concentration of the leaves increased by 14% (2nd) and 28% (3rd). In conclusion, AP autopolyploids with different morphologic traits were established successfully for the first time, and the polyploids induction might be effective for crop improvement of AP.

Andrographis , Química , Genética , Cruzamiento , Técnicas de Cultivo de Célula , Extractos Vegetales , Química , Poliploidía
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 48(11): e20180001, 2018. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045022


ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the effect of different concentrations of 2-isopentenyladenine (2-iP) on the direct somatic embryogenesis capacity of the Mundo Novo cultivar of Coffea arabica. Leaf explants were cultivated with half the MS salt concentration and the addition of sucrose (20gL-1) and 2-iP (0; 2.5; 5; 7.5 and 10µM). The 2-iP doses of 7.5 and 10µM produced the greatest responses with respect to the percentage of explants with embryogenic structures and the size of the embryogenic structures. However, the greatest production of somatic embryos occurred on the explants treated with 10µM of 2-iP, followed by 7.5µM, whereas their production was absent or reduced with 0 and 5µM, respectively.

RESUMO: Este estudo avaliou o efeito de diferentes concentrações de 2-isopentalinadenina (2-iP) na capacidade de embriogênese somática direta da cultivar Mundo Novo de Coffea arabica. Explantes foliares foram cultivados em meio com metade da concentração de sais de MS e adição de sacarose (20gL-1) e de 2-iP (0; 2,5; 5; 7,5 e 10µM). Os tratamentos com 7,5 e 10µM de 2-iP induziram respostas mais elevadas de porcentagem de explantes com estruturas embriogênicas e de tamanho de estrutura embriogênica. Porém, os explantes tratados 10µM de 2-iP tiveram maior produção de embriões somáticos, seguido de 7,5µM, enquanto nos tratamentos controle e com 5µM, as respostas foram respectivamente de ausência e de baixa formação destes.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 48(3): e20170130, 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045073


ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to determine the necessary number of experiments to analyze the adaptability and stability of maize cultivars (Zea mays L.) using the Lin and Binns method. Grain yield data extracted from 63 maize cultivar trials were used. Trials were divided in six groups of experiments, according to the cycle (early and super early) and the agricultural year (2002/2003, 2003/2004, and 2004/2005). In each group, from the set of all experiments (reference file) new data files were formed by combinations in groups of 2, 3, 4, ..., n-1 experiments, with a total of 10,683 files. For each file, the estimation of the adaptability and stability parameter (Pi) of the Lin and Binns method was calculated. To verify the degree of association of the estimates of Pi obtained with the combinations of experiments and with all the experiments (reference), Spearman correlation coefficient (r) was used. Number of experiments giving values of r≥0.80 in 100% of the combinations was considered sufficient. Seven experiments sufficed for the analysis of adaptability and stability of maize cultivars by the method of Lin and Binns.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o número necessário de experimentos para a análise de adaptabilidade e estabilidade de cultivares de milho (Zea mays L.) por meio do método de Lin e Binns. Foram usados os dados de produtividade de grãos de 63 ensaios de competição de cultivares de milho. Os ensaios foram divididos em seis grupos de experimentos, conforme o ciclo (precoce e superprecoce) e o ano agrícola (2002/2003, 2003/2004 e 2004/2005). Em cada grupo, a partir do conjunto de todos os experimentos (arquivo referência), formaram-se novos arquivos de dados por meio de combinações em grupos de 2, 3, 4, ..., n-1 experimentos do grupo, totalizando 10.683 arquivos. Para cada arquivo foi calculada a estimativa do parâmetro de adaptabilidade e estabilidade (Pi) do método de Lin e Binns. Para verificar o grau de associação das estimativas de Pi obtidas com as combinações de experimentos e com todos os experimentos (referência), foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman (r). Considerou-se como suficiente o número de experimentos que proporciona valores de r≥0,80 em 100% das combinações. Sete experimentos foram suficientes para a análise de adaptabilidade e estabilidade de cultivares de milho por meio do método de Lin e Binns.

Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines (English Ed.) ; (6): 81-89, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-773629


Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees (AP) is commonly used for the treatment of many infectious diseases and has been cultivated widely in Asian countries, and has been included in United States Pharmacopoeia as a dietary supplement, but the cultivars of A. paniculata are not abundant due to its self-pollinated. With the aims to enrich AP resources and provide materials for after breeding we explored the polyploidy induction. Different explants, colchicine concentration, and treatment time were tested. After identification by flow cytometry, eleven polyploid plants with different morphologic traits were obtained. The agronomic traits and andrographolide concentration of the polyploids were improved greatly. One of the polyploids (serial 3-7) was chosen for further study. The traits of the second and third generation polyploids (serial 3-7) were stable. Compared with the normal plants, the seeds (2nd generation) weight increased by 31%, and the andrographolide concentration of the leaves increased by 14% (2nd) and 28% (3rd). In conclusion, AP autopolyploids with different morphologic traits were established successfully for the first time, and the polyploids induction might be effective for crop improvement of AP.

Andrographis , Química , Genética , Cruzamiento , Técnicas de Cultivo de Célula , Extractos Vegetales , Química , Poliploidía
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 89(3): 1841-1850, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-886758


ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the composition and antioxidant potential of leaves of a new variety of Stevia rebaudiana (Stevia UEM-13). Stevia leaves of UEM-13 contain rebaudioside A as the main glycoside, while most wild Stevia plants contain stevioside. Furthermore can be multiplied by seed, which reduces the cost of plant culture techniques as other clonal varieties are multiplied by buds, requiring sophisticated and expensive seedling production systems. Ethanol and methanol were used in the extraction to determine the bioactive compounds. The methanolic extract was fractionated sequentially with hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and isobutanol, and the highest concentration of phenolic compounds and flavonoids was obtained in the ethyl acetate fraction (524.20 mg galic acid equivalent/g; 380.62 µg quercetin equivalent/g). The glycoside content varied greatly among the fractions (0.5% - 65.3%). Higher antioxidant potential was found in the methanol extract and the ethyl acetate fraction with 93.5% and 97.32%, respectively. In addition to being an excellent source for obtaining of extracts rich in glycoside, this new variety can also be used as raw material for the production of extracts or fractions with a significant amount of antioxidant activity and potential to be used as additives in food.

Fenoles/química , Extractos Vegetales/química , Hojas de la Planta/química , Stevia/química , Glicósidos/química , Antioxidantes/química , Fenoles/aislamiento & purificación , Extractos Vegetales/aislamiento & purificación , Stevia/clasificación , Glicósidos/aislamiento & purificación , Antioxidantes/aislamiento & purificación
Mycobiology ; : 392-400, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-730013


Peanut yield and quality are seriously affected by pod rot pathogens worldwide, especially in China in recent years. The goals of this study are to analyze the structure of fungal communities of peanut pod rot in soil in three peanut cultivars and the correlation of pod rot with environmental variables using 454 pyrosequencing. A total of 46,723 internal transcribed spacer high-quality sequences were obtained and grouped into 1,706 operational taxonomic units at the 97% similarity cut-off level. The coverage, rank abundance, and the Chao 1 and Shannon diversity indices of the operational taxonomic units were analyzed. Members of the phylum Ascomycota were dominant, such as Fusarium, Chaetomium, Alternaria, and Sordariomycetes, followed by Basidiomycota. The results of the heatmap and redundancy analysis revealed significant variation in the composition of the fungal community among the three cultivar samples. The environmental conditions in different peanut cultivars may also influence on the structure of the fungal community. The results of this study suggest that the causal agent of peanut pod rot may be more complex, and cultivars and environmental conditions are both important contributors to the community structure of peanut pod rot fungi.

Alternaria , Arachis , Ascomicetos , Basidiomycota , Chaetomium , China , Hongos , Fusarium , Suelo
World Science and Technology-Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (12): 1629-1634, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-696073


Research teams work together to solve the technical bottleneck in the Panax notoginseng industry.These research directions mainly focus on breeding of new variety,alleviating the continuous cropping obstacles,building standard system and so on.We used methods such as biotechnology,information technology and so on,to realize digitization,network and intellectualization in the process of selection of producing areas,field management,harvest storage,solved key issues of the precise selection of producing areas,variety breeding,soil improvement,fertilization management,and realized the precision and optimization of ginseng cultivation.We built the composite technology system of pollution-free notoginseng.This technology system mainly contained the breeding of new cultivar,the composite technology of soil improvement,the cultivation system of pollution-free notoginseng and quality traceability system.A new disease-resistant cultivar of notoginseng was bred,which offered feasibility for the notoginseng continuous cropping.We first presented composite improvement technology of notoginseng continuous cropping soil.This improvement technology has been used in the field.This technology system of soil restoration and improvement guaranteed notoginseng continuous cropping.A first standard system of pollution-free notoginseng was issued.It established standard of high-quality notoginseng materials.Finally,quality traceability system of notoginseng was finished,which safeguarded the controllable quality.This composite technology system offers references for the cultivation of other Chinese herbal medicines.