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Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 497-502, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558159


El linfangioma quístico del páncreas (LQP), es un tumor extremadamente raro y representa solo el 1% de los linfangiomas abdominales. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue reportar un caso de LQP intervenido quirúrgicamente; y revisar la evidencia existente respecto de sus características morfológicas, terapéuticas y pronósticas. Mujer de 67 años, con LQP operada en Clínica RedSalud Mayor Temuco en septiembre de 2023. Se verificó un tumor sólido-quístico de 16 cm de diámetro mayor, adherido al páncreas a nivel del cuerpo de la glándula, de 867 gramos de peso, con líquido amarillento en su interior; la que fue extirpada completamente. Después del estudio histológico, se realizaron tinciones inmunohistoquímicas complementarias para CD31, D2-40 y calretina. La paciente tuvo un curso postoperatorio sin incidentes, siendo dado de alta al tercer día postoperatorio. En el control alejado, se encontraba en buenas condiciones generales. El LQP es un tumor muy poco frecuente. Las características clínicas e imágenes de este tipo de lesiones son inespecíficas. Debe considerarse en el diagnóstico diferencial de las lesiones quísticas pancreáticas. La resección quirúrgica completa con márgenes libres es el tratamiento de elección; y el pronóstico del LQP es favorable si se reseca por completo.

SUMMARY: Pancreas cystic lymphangioma (PCL) are extremely rare, accounting for only 1% of abdominal lymphangiomas. The aim of this study was to report a rare case of PCL, who underwent surgery; and review the existing evidence regarding its morphological, therapeutic and prognostic characteristics. 67-year-woman patient with PCL who underwent surgery at Clínica RedSalud Mayor Temuco in September 2023. In this case, a solid-cystic tumor with a major diameter of 16 cm was identified, adhering to the pancreas at the level of the body of the gland, weighing 867 grams and containing yellowish fluid in its interior. The tumor was completely excised. Subsequent to histological examination, additional immunohistochemical staining was performed for CD31, D2-40, and calretinin. The patient experienced an uneventful postoperative course and was discharged on the third postoperative day. During the follow-up, the patient remains in good general condition. LQP is a very rare tumor. Clinical features and images of this type of lesions are nonspecific. It should be considered in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic cystic lesions. Complete surgical resection with free margins is the treatment of choice; and the prognosis of LQP is favorable if it is completely resected.

Humanos , Femenino , Anciano , Neoplasias Pancreáticas/cirugía , Neoplasias Pancreáticas/patología , Linfangioma Quístico/cirugía , Linfangioma Quístico/patología
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 161-167, 20240102. fig
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526868


Introducción. Las malformaciones linfáticas quísticas, también llamadas linfangiomas quísticos, aparecen muy raramente de forma aislada en el hígado. Casos clínicos. Se presentan dos pacientes femeninas de edad preescolar con marcada hepatomegalia, dependiente de lesiones quísticas multitabicadas, secundarias a malformación linfática quística gigante del hígado, que fueron tratadas en el Hospital Pediátrico Universitario William Soler, La Habana, Cuba. Resultados. En ambos casos el diagnóstico se apoyó en los estudios de imágenes, la laparoscopia y el análisis histopatológico. En un caso el tratamiento fue la hepatectomía derecha, mientras que en el otro se empleó la escleroterapia, ambas con evolución favorable. Conclusión. A pesar de su rareza, este diagnóstico no debe obviarse ante un paciente pediátrico con lesiones hepáticas quísticas. El tratamiento de elección es la resección quirúrgica, pero su indicación y envergadura debe valorarse de forma individualizada

Introduction. Cystic lymphatic malformations, also called cystic lymphangiomas, are very rarely found in the liver. Clinical cases. Two pediatric female preschool-age patients. presented with hepatomegaly due to multi-septated cystic lesions of the liver, who received treatment at Hospital Pediátrico Universitario William Soler, La Habana, Cuba. Results. We report two pediatric cases with giant cystic lymphatic malformation of the liver. In both cases, the diagnosis were based on imaging, laparoscopy and pathology. In one case the treatment was right hepatectomy, whereas in the other, sclerotherapy was performed, both with a favorable outcome. Conclusion. Despite its rarity, this diagnosis should be considered in pediatric patients with hepatic cystic lesions. The recommended treatment is surgical resection, but its indication and extent should be assessed individually for each patient.

Humanos , Escleroterapia , Linfangioma Quístico , Anomalías Linfáticas , Laparoscopía , Hepatectomía , Hepatomegalia
Rev. cuba. angiol. cir. vasc ; 22(1): e308, ene.-abr. 2021. fig
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1251682


Introducción: El linfangioma quístico es un tumor benigno infrecuente del sistema linfático que afecta habitualmente a los infantes. La opción terapéutica ideal es la extirpación quirúrgica. Objetivo: Sistematizar contenidos esenciales relacionados con el diagnóstico y tratamiento del linfangioma quístico. Métodos: Se realizó la búsqueda y el análisis de la información en un período de 10 años (2010-2020). Se emplearon las palabras clave: "linfangioma quístico" y "malformación linfática congénita quística", en español e inglés. Se hizo la revisión bibliográfica en un total de 62 artículos publicados en las bases de datos y bibliotecas electrónicas científicas de la salud: PubMed, Google Académico, Pubmed, Medline, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, LILACS y SciELO, mediante el gestor de búsqueda y administrador de referencias EndNote; de ellos se seleccionaron 50 relevantes para el objetivo de la revisión. Resultados: La información se estructuró en los siguientes aspectos: sinonimia y antecedentes históricos, epidemiología, clasificación, patogenia, bases esenciales para el diagnóstico, tratamiento, complicaciones y pronóstico. Se identificaron controversias en cuanto a la terapéutica, y se mostraron las imágenes de los infantes diagnosticados y tratados por la autora en su colaboración médica en Angola en 2018. Conclusiones: Se sistematizan las bases esenciales para el diagnóstico y tratamiento del linfangioma quístico para que el cirujano general que, en su desempeño profesional, brinda asistencia médico quirúrgica a infantes fuera de Cuba, se empodere de las especificidades de este tumor linfático. También se revela como factible su resección quirúrgica íntegra para evitar recidivas, discapacidad y mejorar la calidad de vida del afectado(AU)

Introduction: Cystic lymphangioma is a rare benign tumor of the lymphatic system that usually affects infants. The ideal therapeutic option is surgical removal. Objective: Systematize essential contents related to the diagnosis and treatment of cystic lymphangioma. Methods: The search and analysis of information was carried out over a period of 10 years (2010-2020). The keywords "cystic lymphangioma" and "cystic congenital lymphatic malformation" were used in Spanish and English. The bibliographical review was carried out in a total of 62 articles published in the databases and electronic scientific health libraries: PubMed, Google Scholar, Pubmed, Medline, Virtual Library in Health, LILACS and SciELO, through the search and reference manager called EndNote; of these, 50 that were important to the objective of the review were selected. Results: The information was structured in the following aspects: synonym and historical backgrounds, epidemiology, classification, pathogenesis, essential bases for diagnosis, treatment, complications and prognosis. Therapeutic disputes were identified, and images of infants diagnosed and treated by the author in her medical collaboration in Angola in 2018 were shown. Conclusions: The essential bases for the diagnosis and treatment of cystic lymphangioma are systematized, so that the general surgeon who, in his-her professional performance, provides surgical medical assistance to infants outside Cuba is informed on the specificities of this lymphatic tumor. Its full surgical resection is also revealed as feasible to prevent recurrence, disability and to improve the quality of life of the affected person(AU)

Humanos , Lactante , Linfangioma Quístico/diagnóstico , Cooperación Internacional , Literatura de Revisión como Asunto , Bases de Datos Bibliográficas , Bibliotecas Digitales
Rev. méd. Hosp. José Carrasco Arteaga ; 13(1): 51-55, 15/03/2021. Ilustraciones
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1337523


INTRODUCCIÓN: El linfangioma mesentérico es un tumor quístico congénito, benigno y raro de los vasos linfáticos, que se presenta en menos del 5% de los casos a nivel abdominal. Se presentan con mayor frecuencia durante la infancia. Esta patología se debe considerar como diagnóstico diferencial de abdomen agudo y masas abdominales pediátricas. CASO CLÍNICO: Niño de 6 años de edad, presentó cuadro de dolor abdominal y peritonismo. Presentó febrícula, signo de rebote positivo, además leucocitosis y neutrofilia. Ecografía evidenció abundante líquido libre en abdomen y pelvis. EVOLUCIÓN: Se realizó laparotomía exploratoria, con hallazgo de masa quística dependiente de epiplón mayor, la misma que se resecó. La histopatología fue negativa para malignidad y compatible con linfangioma quístico, la inmunohistoquímica con marcador D2-40 positi-vo. El paciente evolucionó favorablemente sin complicaciones quirúrgicas y sin evidencia de recurrencia hasta el año de seguimiento. CONCLUSION: El linfangioma quístico mesentérico puede debutar con sintomatología de abdomen agudo, puede también tener una evolución crónica. La resección completa es el tratamiento de elección, actualmente se realizan procedimientos mínimamente invasivos, con resultados favorables. La ecografía es útil para realizar un seguimiento a largo plazo.(AU)

BACKGROUND: Mesenteric lymphangioma is a rare, benign congenital cystic tumor of the lym-phatic vessels, which occurs in less than 5% pf the cases at the abdomen. They appear most often during childhood. This tumor should be considered as a differential diagnosis of acute abdomen and other abdominal masses. CASE REPORT: A 6-year-old boy presented with abdominal pain and peritonism. He presented a low-grade fever, a positive rebound sign, as well as leukocytosis and neutrophilia. Ultrasono-graphy showed abundant free fluid in abdomen and pelvis. EVOLUTION: Exploratory laparotomy was performed, finding a cystic mass dependent on the greater omentum, this mass was resected. Histopathology was negative for malignancy and compatible with cystic lymphangioma, immunohistochemistry was positive for D2-40 marker. The patient evolved favorably without surgical complications and without evidence of recurrence up to one year of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Mesenteric cystic lymphangioma can present with symptoms of acute abdomen, it can also have a chronic evolution. Complete resection is the treatment of choice, currently minimally invasive procedures are performed with favorable results. Ultrasound is useful for long-term follow-up.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Niño , Epiplón/diagnóstico por imagen , Inmunohistoquímica , Linfangioma Quístico/congénito , Laparotomía/métodos
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213339


Cyctic lymphangioma is a primary benign tumor due to congenital malformations of the lymphatic vessels. It is more often seen in pediatric patients and the usual site for lymphangioma is the cervical and axillary region. However, it is exceptionally seen in adults and involving rarely the spleen. The discovery of the splenic lymphangioma is generally accidental during imaging performed for another pathology. Indeed, being most often asymptomatic, the clinical presentation of cystic lymphangioma is polymorphic and it is related generally to mass effects. In this paper, we report the case of a 43 years old patient in whom the discovery was fortuitous during imaging for a non-specific symptomatology. The physical examination was normal and magnetic resonance imaging strongly evoked the diagnosis of cystic lymphangioma. A total splenectomy was performed and the histological examination has confirmed the positive diagnosis of splenic lymphangioma. Finally, this case confirmes that the diagnostic of splenic lymphangioma should be evoked in front of splenic cystic lesions and the confirmation and the differential diagnosis are made by histopathology and immunohistochemistry studies.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213117


Cystic lymphangiomas are rare, congenital, benign lesions occurring early in life, mainly in the head, neck, and oral cavity, rarely occur in abdominal wall and its discovery in adult is also very rare. It is due to aberrant proliferation of lymphatic vessels resulting from abnormal development of the lymphatic system. These are soft, variable in size and shape and tend to grow extensively if not surgically excised. These are multilocular cysts filled with clear or yellow lymph fluid, sometime mixed with blood. The present case report describes a case of cystic lymphangioma of right lower abdominal wall in a 36 years old male and its clinical, ultrasonographic, CECT, and histopathological correlation.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 49(2): e381, abr.-jun. 2020. fig
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1138994


Introducción: La fístula quilosa posoperatoria debida a lesión iatrogénica del conducto torácico es una complicación infrecuente y grave de la cirugía de cabeza y cuello. Objetivo: Describir las opciones de tratamiento de la fístula quilosa cervical posquirúrgica. Caso clínico: Se presenta un paciente de 18 años de edad con diagnóstico de linfangioma quístico de la región lateral izquierda del cuello, intervenido en el Servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital "Mnazi Mmoja", de Zanzíbar, Tanzania. Durante la evolución posoperatoria se constató una fístula quilosa de bajo débito la cual resolvió mediante tratamiento médico. El enfermo egresó curado a los 28 días después de la intervención quirúrgica. Conclusión: El tratamiento conservador es efectivo en la mayoría de las fístulas quilosas cervicales de bajo débito, mientras que en las de débito alto la cirugía ofrece una rápida resolución, aunque no existe consenso en torno al momento ideal para realizarla(AU)

Introduction: Postoperative chylous fistula due to iatrogenic thoracic duct injury is an infrequent and serious complication of head and neck surgery. Objective: To describe the treatment options of postoperative cervical chylous fistula. Clinical case: It was presented an 18-year-old patient with diagnosis of cystic lymphangioma of the left lateral region of the neck, which was removed in the General Surgery Service of the National Hospital Mnazi Mmoja of Zanzibar, Tanzania. During the postoperative evolution, a low-output chylous fistula was found and resolved by medical treatment. The patient withdrew cured at 28 days after the surgical intervention. Conclusion: Conservative treatment is effective in the majority of low-out put cervical chylous fistulas, while in high-debit, surgery offers a rapid resolution, although there is no consensus about the ideal time to perform it(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Operativos , Linfangioma Quístico , Fístula , Tratamiento Conservador , Cabeza , Cuello
Autops. Case Rep ; 10(3): e2020159, 2020. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131829


Benign multicystic peritoneal mesothelioma (BMPM) is a rare peritoneal tumor diagnosed predominantly in pre-menopausal women. Associated risk factors include endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease in women, and prior abdominal surgery in both genders. To date, the pathogenesis of this disease remains controversial with possible etiologies, including a neoplastic versus a reactive process. Given the risk factors, some authors believe that this disease is secondary to a reactive process. However, because some studies describe cases where there is no prior surgical history or inflammatory milieu present, and because of this entity's predilection for recurrence, some authors believe the origin to be neoplastic. Some genetic and familial associations have also been reported. Malignant transformation is extremely rare, with only two cases reported in the literature, despite the recurrence potential. Like the etiology, the name of this entity is also controversial. Some authors prefer the term "peritoneal inclusion cyst (PCM)" instead of "benign cystic mesothelioma" and argue that the term mesothelioma should only be used when there is evidence of atypia. Most cases of BMPM are discovered incidentally. Others reflect sequela of tumor mass effect. It appears intra-operatively as large, multi-focal, cystic lesions in the peritoneal and pelvic cavity. Diagnosis is achieved through surgical sampling with histopathological examination. Immunobiologically, BMPM exhibits multiple small cystic spaces with flattened lining containing calretinin positive cells without atypical features, mitotic figures, or tissue invasion. Treatment includes cytoreductive surgery. Here we present a case of BMPM in a 60-year-old male - a rare disease in an uncommon patient population.

Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Neoplasias Urogenitales/patología , Mesotelioma Quístico/patología , Linfangioma Quístico/patología , Amianto , Factores de Riesgo
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 84(4): 307-313, 2019. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058152


RESUMEN La enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica (EIP) es un síndrome clínico que incluye todas aquellas alteraciones inflamatorias e infecciosas que comprenden los órganos de la pelvis menor. La infección es habitualmente polimicrobiana y está asociada a mujeres jóvenes con vida sexual activa, nulíparas y usuarias de dispositivo intrauterino (DIU Los abscesos tubo-ováricos son una complicación aguda o crónica, asociada a dicho proceso.). CASO CLÍNICO Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 47 años con dolor abdominal intenso, usuaria de DIU. La primera sospecha diagnóstica fue de EIP con presencia de absceso tuboovárico anexial. Sin embargo la exploración física no orientó en este sentido, por lo que se solicitó TAC abdominopélvico, en el que se informó de la posibilidad de linfangioma quístico mesentérico. Por ello, se contactó con el servicio de Cirugía General que procedió a su resección satisfactoria y sin incidencias. El estudio anatomopatológico confirmo la sospecha radiológica. CONCLUSIÓN Una adecuada exploración física es fundamental en el diagnóstico de la EIP y el absceso tuboovárico. El linfangioma quístico mesentérico puede formar parte del diagnóstico diferencial de las masas anexiales en este contexto.

ABSTRACT Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a clinical syndrome involving all those inflammatory and infectious alterations affecting the minor pelvis organs. Any infection is often multibacterial and more frequent in sexually active nulliparous young women and intrauterine device (IUD) users. Tuboovarian abscesses can be an acute or chronic complication associated to that process. Our patient was a 47 year old IUD user consulting about intense abdominal pain. The initial clinical suspicion pointed at a case of PID associated to a tubo-ovarian anexial abscess. However, a physical examination did not support this suspicion and an abdominopelvian CAT scan was therefore requested, reporting a possible mesenteric cystic lymphangioma. The General Surgery service was reached for treatment, successfully excising the growth without further incident. Histological analysis confirmed the radiological diagnosis. An adequate physical examination is instrumental while diagnosing PID and tuboovarian abscesses. A mesenteric cystic lymphangioma should be included in a differential diagnosis of anexial growths in such a context

Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Enfermedad Inflamatoria Pélvica , Linfangioma Quístico/cirugía , Linfangioma Quístico/diagnóstico por imagen , Quiste Mesentérico , Dolor Abdominal , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Laparotomía
Rev. argent. cir ; 110(2): 114-116, jun. 2018. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-957906


Los linfangiomas son tumores benignos raros del sistema linfático, más comunes en la población pediátrica. La localización intraabdominal es muy infrecuente: tan solo el 1% de los linfangiomas aparece en el retroperitoneo. Se describe una tumoración quística infrecuente tanto por su localización como por la edad de presentación. Los linfangiomas retroperitoneales son tumores raros y su etiopatogenia es incierta. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante estudios de imagen; las técnicas de elección son la ultrasonografía (USG), la resonancia magnética (RM) o la tomografía computarizada (TC). A pesar de que se trata de tumores de naturaleza benigna, la exéresis quirúrgica completa es el tratamiento de elección para prevenir complicaciones como la sobreinfección, la rotura o el sangrado. Nuestro caso resulta infrecuente tanto por la localización retroperitoneal del tumor como por la tardía edad de presentación.

Background: lymphangiomas are rare benign tumors of the lymphatic system, being more common in the pediatric population. Intra-abdominal localization is very rare; only 1 % of lymphangiomas appear in the retroperitoneum. We report a case of a rare tumor because of its location and the elderly age of presentation. Retroperitoneal lymphangioma is a rare tumor with an unertain pathogenesis. Diagnosis is usually confirmed by imaging studies , e.g., US, MRI or CT. Although they are benign tumors, complete surgical resection is the treatment of choice. With this treatment, complications like infection, perforation or bleeding are prevented. Our case is unusual because of the retroperitoneal location of the tumor and the late age of presentation.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Neoplasias Retroperitoneales/diagnóstico por imagen , Linfangioma Quístico/diagnóstico por imagen , Laparotomía , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética , Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X , Dolor Abdominal/complicaciones , Abdomen/diagnóstico por imagen
CES med ; 31(2): 215-221, jul.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-889559


Resumen El linfangioma quístico, caracterizado por proliferación de los espacios linfáticos, es una lesión infrecuente en pacientes adultos. Menos del 1% de todos los linfangiomas corresponden a linfangiomas del intestino delgado. La presentación clínica es diversa, variando desde un quiste abdominal asintomático, diagnosticado de forma incidental, a un cuadro de abdomen agudo. Se presenta un caso de linfangioma mesentérico quístico del intestino delgado en una mujer de 30 años y quien consultó por dolor abdominal y vómitos. La ecografía y la tomografía computada abdominal mostraron un quiste con múltiples septos en el cuadrante inferior derecho simulando un tumor de ovario. En la laparotomía se encontró un tumor quístico, lobulado y marrón, procedente del mesenterio del intestino delgado. A la paciente se le realizó resección de la tumoración y del intestino delgado adyacente con reconstrucción del tránsito intestinal. La evaluación histológica confirmó el diagnóstico de linfangioma mesentérico quístico.

Abstract Cystic lymphangioma, characterized by proliferation of lymphatic spaces, is an infrequent lesion in adult patients. Less than 1% of all lymphangiomas correspond to small-bowel lymphangiomas. Clinical presentation can be diverse ranging from incidental abdominal cysts to an acute abdomen. We report a case of small bowel mesenteric cystic lymphangioma in a 30 years-old woman who presented with abdominal pain and vomiting. The abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography scan showed a cystic multiseptated mass at the right lower quadrant mimicking an ovarian tumor. Laparotomy found a lobulated, brown, cystic tumor from the small bowel mesentery. The patient underwent resection of the tumor and the adjacent small intestine with reconstruction of the intestinal transit. The histological study confirmed diagnosis of mesenteric cystic lymphangioma.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-67451


Fetal cystic lymphangioma, commonly called hygroma, is formed by multiple cysts ranging from few millimeters to several centimeters in size. Fetal cystic lymphangioma is a rare developmental congenital anomaly of the lymphatic system. Most are found in the neck and axilla, rarely in the retroperitoneum, abdominal viscera, limbs, bones, and cervico-mediastinal area. The prenatal diagnosis of cystic hygroma by ultrasound guidance is commonly localized in the nuchal region. We report a case of rare fetal axillary hygroma that was diagnosed at 27 weeks of gestation and delivered at 37 weeks of gestation.

Embarazo , Axila , Extremidades , Linfangioma Quístico , Sistema Linfático , Cuello , Diagnóstico Prenatal , Ultrasonografía , Ultrasonografía Prenatal , Vísceras
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-838344


Objective: To investigate the efficacy of surgical resection of giant adult-onset cystic lymphangioma in the axilla and chest wall. Methods: Various clinical parameters were analyzed in three patients with axilla and chest wall giant cystic lymphangioma in past eight years in our department. They all accepted CT scan or MRI to assess lesions anatomic relations pre-operation. We resected their polycystic ingredients with S-shaped spindle incision, ligated the stump of lymphatic vessels, removed excess skin and reconstructed armpit. Results: All patients had nice shape, no deformity, no obvious scar formation and no recurrence post-operation. The follow-up period is 8, 4, 2 year respectively. Conclusion: The causes of adult-onset cystic lymphangiomas in the axilla and chest wall are still not clear, partially related to the pregnancy. Surgical resection using the S-shaped spindle incision could help to hide the incision, protect the axillary vessels and brachial plexus, resect tumor completely. Ligating the proximal end of lymph duct on the subclavian and the top of axilla can reduce the recurrence. MR is a good diagnostic method to observe its border.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-159879


Cystic lymphangioma is a true, benign, congenital multicystic tumor arising from sequestrations of embryonic lymphatic tissue. Most often it occurs at birth or during the early years of life, is found most commonly in the neck, and its distribution coincides with that of the primitive lymph sacs. A 23-year-woman presented with a soft palpable mass on her chest wall. Physical and ultrasound examination revealed a well-circumscribed, mobile, nontender, soft subcutaneous mass on the right posterior chest wall beneath the latissimus dorsi muscle. A skin biopsy of the mass showed endothelium-lined lymphatic vessels and a loose, lace-like fibrous tissue stroma. The specimen was stained with D2-40 showing positive staining of lymphatics. These histopathological findings confirmed the diagnosis of a cystic lymphangioma. We report a rare case of a cystic lymphangioma on the chest wall in a 23-year-old woman.

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Adulto Joven , Biopsia , Diagnóstico , Linfangioma Quístico , Vasos Linfáticos , Tejido Linfoide , Cuello , Parto , Piel , Músculos Superficiales de la Espalda , Pared Torácica , Tórax , Ultrasonografía
J. bras. patol. med. lab ; 52(6): 391-392, Nov.-Dec. 2016. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-841211


ABSTRACT The aim of our study aim was to report the case of a fetus with Turner syndrome (TS) diagnosed by karyotype from cystic hygroma (CH) fluid, highlighting the applications and importance of this procedure. First-trimester screening revealed an increased nuchal translucency measurement, cervical cystic hygroma and head and trunk subcutaneous edema. The presence of oligohydramnios prevented the performance of amniocentesis. We performed puncture of the CH for fetal karyotyping, which revealed X-chromosome monosomy (45,X), compatible with TS. Therefore, the use of CH fluid as an alternative sample for fetal karyotyping may be considered when conventional invasive procedures can not be performed.

RESUMO Relatamos o caso de um feto com síndrome de Turner (TS), diagnosticado por cariótipo de fluido do higroma cístico (CH), salientando as aplicações e a importância desse procedimento. Rastreio de primeiro trimestre revelou aumento da medida da translucência nucal, higroma cístico cervical e edema subcutâneo de cabeça e tronco. A presença de oligodrâmnio impediu a execução de amniocentese. Realizamos punção do CH para cariotipagem fetal, que revelou monossomia do cromossomo X (45,X), compatível com TS. Portanto, o uso de fluido do CH, como amostra alternativa para cariotipagem fetal, pode ser considerado quando procedimentos invasivos convencionais não podem ser realizados.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-213776


Lymphangioma is a congenital abnormality of the lymphatic system detected primarily in early childhood. There are rare reports of mediastinal lymphangioma in older adults. We hereby report on a 66-year-old female patient who underwent kidney transplantation 20 years previously and who developed pathologically confirmed solitary mediastinal lymphangioma 1 year ago. Chest radiography showed a mediastinal nodule, which was not observed 2 year previously, therefore she was referred to the pulmonary division. She had no symptoms, and chest computed tomography demonstrated a 25-mm, well-defined, low-density nodule located at the anterior mediastinum. The size of the nodule had increased from 25 mm to 34 mm 1 year later, and it was completely resected via video-assisted thoracic surgery. The histological diagnosis was cystic lymphangioma. Therefore, we recommend that clinicians consider cystic lymphangioma as a possible diagnosis even in older patients with a mediastinal cystic mass that shows progressive enlargement.

Adulto , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Anomalías Congénitas , Diagnóstico , Trasplante de Riñón , Riñón , Linfangioma , Linfangioma Quístico , Sistema Linfático , Quiste Mediastínico , Mediastino , Radiografía , Cirugía Torácica Asistida por Video , Tórax
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 71(4): 233-237, jul.-ago. 2014. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-747762


Introducción: El higroma quístico es una dilatación difusa de los conductos linfáticos. Puede diagnosticarse prenatalmente a través de una ecografía obstétrica. La incidencia aproximada es de 1/6,000 nacidos vivos y de 1/750 abortos espontáneos. Esta lesión puede presentarse a nivel cervical en la parte inferolateral del cuello, donde aparece con grandes cavidades únicas o multiloculares. En general, se producen por la falta de conexión de los vasos linfáticos con los sacos linfáticos yugulares, o de estos con el sistema de drenaje venoso. Caso clínico: Con el fin de enfatizar sobre la notificación de estas enfermedades y las opciones de tratamiento no quirúrgico, se presenta una paciente con higroma quístico cervical (cara lateral del cuello) con compromiso de la vía aérea y digestiva por la extensión del tumor. Se trató con etanol puro por medio de múltiples infiltraciones guiadas por ultrasonido. Conclusiones: Dependiendo de las características de la lesión, el tratamiento puede ser quirúrgico, farmacológico o mixto. Cuando la extensión es importante o se relaciona con órganos vitales, la mejor opción de tratamiento es, en primer lugar, reducir el tamaño de la lesión y el compromiso de los órganos contiguos. Esto se hace por medio de escleroterapia. Posteriormente, de ser necesario, se realiza cirugía.

Background: Cystic hygroma is a diffuse dilatation of the lymphatic system, which can be prenatally diagnosed by ultrasound. The incidence is 1/6,000 live births and 1/750 spontaneous abortions. This malformation can occur at the cervical level located in the inferior lateral part of the neck where it appears with large single or multilocular cavities. It is generally caused by a lack of connection with jugular lymphatic channels or with the venous drainage system lymph sacs. Case report: In order to emphasize these diseases and non-surgical treatment options, we present a patient with a cervical cystic hygroma that compromises the airway and digestive tract due to tumor extension and treatment with pure ethanol with clinical improvement. Conclusions: Depending on the characteristics of the lesion, treatment options are surgery, pharmacological or mixed. When the extension involves vital organs, the best option is to reduce the size of the lesion and the compromise of the adjacent organ. This is done by sclerotherapy and, if necessary, surgery.

Chinese Journal of Urology ; (12): 622-625, 2011.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-421621


ObjectiveTo discuss the characters and management of renal lymphangiectasia.MethodsThe clinical data of two cases of renal lymphangiectasia were reviewed. The first patient was a 37-year-old woman with the chief complaint of lumbago in the right flank for 8 days.B-ultrasound showed mixed echo in perinephric space. On CT, similar appearances of fluid collections were seen, but not conspicuous. Conservative treatment was taken for three weeks and the symptoms were relieved. Three month later the patient had right lumbago relapse. CT scan revealed a large amount of fluid collection under the capsule of the right kidney. Percutaneous drainage was carried out. Two months later B-ultrasound showed fluid collection in perinephric space and percutaneous drainage again the fluid was sent to pathology. The second case was a 32-year-old woman with the chief complaint of lumbago in the left flank for the past three years. Ultrasonography revealed hyperechoic surrounding the left kidney. CT scan showed a left perinephric collection of fluid attenuation and circumferentially draping around the kidney. Renal lymphangioma was diagnosed and the patient underwent surgery.ResultsNeedle aspiration of the perinephric fluid was carried out, and laboratory analysis showed most leucocytes were lymphocytes. The pathologic diagnosis of the first case was renal lymphangiectasia. There was no recurrence during follow - up of two months. The second case was diagnosed renal lymphangioma pathologically. Follow - up for nine years, revealed no relapse.ConclusionsUltrasonography and CT contributed to the diagnosis of renal lymphangiectasia. Needle aspiration bioposy and histology could confirm it. Treatment of asymptomatic cases is not required. When collections are very large and cause symptoms, percutaneous drainage may be carried out however there is a risk of relapse.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-164431


Lymphangiomas are rare congenital benign tumors arising from the lymphatic system, and are mostly encountered in the neck and axillary regions of pediatric patients (95%). Lymphangioma of the pancreas is extremely rare accounting for less than 1% of these tumors. We report here on a case of pancreatic cystic lymphangioma. A 54-year-old woman presented with intermittent postprandial abdominal discomfort and radiating back pain. Abdominal computed tomography scan revealed 8 x 6.5 cm hypodense cystic mass arising from the tail of the pancreas without septa or solid component. The initial impression was a pancreatic pseudocyst. The patient underwent distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy. The histopathologic and immunohistochemical study helped make the diagnosis of a pancreatic cystic lymphangioma. Herein, we report a case of pancreatic cystic lymphangioma mimicking pancreatic pseudocyst and review the relevant medical literature.

Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Contabilidad , Dolor de Espalda , Linfangioma , Linfangioma Quístico , Sistema Linfático , Cuello , Páncreas , Pancreatectomía , Quiste Pancreático , Seudoquiste Pancreático , Esplenectomía