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Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13392, fev.2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568974


Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant used to prevent organ rejection in kidney, liver, and heart allogeneic transplants. This study aimed to assess the safety of cyclosporine through the analysis of adverse events (AEs) related to cyclosporine in the US Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). To detect AEs associated with cyclosporine, a pharmacovigilance analysis was conducted using four algorithms on the FAERS database: reporting odds ratio (ROR), proportional reporting ratio (PRR), Bayesian confidence propagation neural network (BCPNN), and empirical Bayes geometric mean (EBGM). A statistical analysis was performed on data extracted from the FAERS database, covering 19,582 case reports spanning from 2013 to 2022. Among these cases, 3,911 AEs were identified, with 476 linked to cyclosporine as the primary suspected drug. Cyclosporin-induced AEs targeted 27 System Organ Classes (SOCs). Notably, the highest case at the SOC level included eye disorders, injury, poisoning, and procedural complications, as well as immune system disorders, all of which are listed on the cyclosporine label. Furthermore, we discovered novel potential AEs associated with hepatobiliary disorders, among others. Moreover, unexpected adverse drug reactions (ADRs), such as biliary anastomosis complication and spermatozoa progressive motility decrease, were identified. Importantly, these newly identified ADRs were not mentioned on the cyclosporine label, which were involved in injury, poisoning, and procedural complications, and investigations at the SOC level. The study used pharmacovigilance analysis of FAERS database to identify new and unexpected potential ADRs relating to cyclosporine, which can provide safety tips for the safe use of cyclosporine.

Journal of Army Medical University ; (semimonthly): 369-376, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017571


Objective To mine the adverse drug events(ADE)signal of avatrombopag,an effective drug for thrombocytopenia treatment,based on real world data in order to provide reference for its clinical safety application.Methods The OpenVigil2.1 pharmacovigilance platform was used to obtain the ADE report data of avatrombopag from May 2018 to March 2023 in the database of FDA adverse event reporting system(FAERS).The ADE signals were classified and described by the system organ class(SOC)and preferred term(PT)of the ADE terminology set in the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities(MedDRA),and reporting odds ratio(ROR)and UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency(MHRA)comprehensive standard were used to detect the positive ADE signals.Results A total of 1 879 ADE reports related to avatrombopag were obtained,24 SOCs were involved,and 28 positive ADE signals were detected at PT level.Among these signals,the strongest ones were renal vein thrombosis,portal vein thrombosis and graft versus host disease,while the reports accounting for the largest numbers were headache,fatigue and asthenia.There were 8 ADE signals discovered newly,that is,seasonal allergy,back disorder,musculoskeletal discomfort,flatulence,hypersomnia,rash macular,emotional disorder,and rhinorrhoea.Conclusion For clinical use of avatrombopag,clinicians should not only concern the risk of thrombosis,but also pay close attention to ADE signals such as seasonal allergy,back disorder,musculoskeletal discomfort,flatulence,hypersomnia,rash macular,emotional disorder,and rhinorrhoea that are not documented in the instructions.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018274


Objective:To explore the prescription ideas of treating phlegm-drinking disease in Wang Xugao Lin Zheng Yi An; To analyze the medication law of Wang Xugao's clinical treatment of phlegm-drinking disease. Methods:The database was established based on the medical records of the chapter of phlegm, fluid retention and liver wind and phlegm fire contained in Wang Xugao Lin Zheng Yi An. Excel 2017 software was used to analyze the frequency, taste and meridian tropism of all Chinese materia medica. For Chinese materia medica with frequency≥10, IBM SPSS Modeler 18 software was used to analyze the association rules based on Apriori algorithm, and SPSS 25.0 software was used for cluster analysis based on Ochiai algorithm. Results:A total of 80 medical cases were included, involving 114 prescriptions, including 191 flavors of Chinese materia medica . High-frequency Chinese materia medica mainly included Poria, Pinelliae Rhizoma, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma and Armeniacae Semen Amarum, etc. The main properties in Wang Xugao's medication for the treatment of phlegm-drink disease were warm, followed by cold and mild. The main tastes were sweet, bitter and pungent. Drugs mainly belong to the lung meridian and spleen, stomach, liver, kidney meridians; several core medicinal pairs were obtained, such as Farfarae Flos - Armeniacae Semen Amarum, Pinelliae Rhizoma - Zingiberis Rhizoma, Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis - Haliotidis Concha, etc. Eight groups of core drug combinations could be sorted out by clustering analysis.Conclusions:In the treatment of phlegm-drinking disease, Wang Xugao paid attention to the simultaneous treatment of multiple viscera to coordinate the balance between the viscera, emphasized the complex etiology of phlegm-drinking disease combined with cold, fire and dampness, attached importance to the treatment of healthy qi to retreat pathogens, the regulation of three-energizer to regulate qi flow. The treatment of three-energizer, promoting yang and reducing phlegm, clearing liver and dispelling wind are the main methods. Medication mainly chooses properties of sweet and warm, with bitter and pungent.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018292


Objective:To summarize the thinking and compatibility law of TCM in the treatment of stable angina pectoris (SAP) based on syndrome differentiation using data mining technology.Methods:The clinical studies of TCM treatment for SAP in databases of CNKI, Wanfang Data, VIP and SinoMed China Biomedical Literature Service System were retrieved from the establishment of the databases to February 28, 2022. The frequency statistic, clustering analysis and association rule analysis of TCM data were conducted using Clementine 12.0, Excel 2016, SPSS Statistics 22.0 software, and core prescriptions were summarized.Results:Totally 289 prescriptions were included, involving 185 kinds of Chinese materia medica, including 38 TCM syndrome types. Based on the overall study of SAP "disease", the clinical treatment of SAP was mainly based on the drugs for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, tonifying deficiency and strengthening healthy qi, and regulating qi and resolving phlegm. The single Chinese materia medica with high frequency of use were Chuanxiaong Rhizoma, Salviea Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, etc. The commonly used drug pairs included Chuanxiaong Rhizoma-Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Chuanxiaong Rhizoma-Carthami Flos, Chuanxiaong Rhizoma-Aurantii Fructus Immaturus, etc. The drug complex network diagram and clustering analysis showed that the prescription of Buyang Huanwu Decoction was the basic prescription for the treatment of SAP; based on the specific research of SAP "syndrome", the most common TCM syndromes of SAP were qi deficiency and blood stasis, phlegm and blood stasis, and qi stagnation and blood stasis. The drug properties of the three drugs were mainly warm and mild; the tastes were mainly sweet, pungent and bitter, and most of them belong to the liver, spleen, lung and heart meridian; in terms of specific medication, the basic prescription of qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome was Buyang Huanwu Decoction, which was composed of high-frequency drugs such as Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Chuanxiaong Rhizoma, Salviea Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, etc; The phlegm and blood stasis syndrome was often based on the Gualou Xiebai Banxia Decoction and Taohong Siwu Decoction, which were composed of high frequency drugs such as Pinelliae Rhizoma, Chuanxiaong Rhizoma, Allii Macrostemonis Bulbus, etc; the basic prescription of qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome was Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, which was composed of high frequency drugs such as Chuanxiaong Rhizoma, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Aurantii Fructus. Drug clustering analysis showed that both qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome and qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome were divided into 3 categories, and phlegm and blood stasis syndrome were divided into 4 categories.Conclusions:Deficiency, blood stasis, phlegm and stagnation are important pathological factors of SAP, in which qi deficiency is the basis of SAP, blood stasis runs through the disease, or both phlegm and qi stagnation. Focusing on the pathogenesis of deficiency in root and excess in superficiality, drugs with the efficacy of tonifying the deficiency and promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis are used in clinical treatment, according to different syndrome differentiation of prescription selection.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018296


Objective:To explore the medication law of TCM in the treatment of superficial vein thrombosis (SVT) using data mining.Methods:Literature about TCM in the treatment of SVT was retrieved from CNKI, Wanfang Data, and VIP from the establishment of the databases to November 27th, 2022. WPS was used to conduct statistical analysis on drug frequency, property and taste and meridian. The association rules and systematic clustering were carried out by SPSS Modeler 18.0 and SPSS Statistics 25.0. Finally the medication law of TCM in the treatment of SVT was summarized and refined.Results:A total of 281 articles were included, including 245 internal prescriptions with 182 kinds of Chinese materia medica, and 123 external prescriptions with 188 kinds of Chinese materia medica. The high frequency used oral Chinese materia medica were mainly Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Paeoniae Radix Rubra, Cyathulae Radix, while the high frequency drugs used externally mainly included Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex, Carthami Flos. These Chinese materia medica were mainly heat-clearing and blood-stasis activators drugs. The medicinal properties of high frequency oral Chinese materia medica were mainly slightly cold, flat and cold,and the tastes were mainly bitter and sweet, and the meridian were mainly liver, heart, spleen and lung. The medicinal properties of high-frequency external Chinese materia medica were mainly cold and warm, and the tastes were mainly bitter and pungent, and the meridian were mainly liver, heart, spleen and stomach. There were 22 rules of association for internal TCM and 7 for external use. The clustering analysis divided oral drugs into 5 categories and topical drugs into 4 categories.Conclusion:TCM treatment of SVT is based on clearing heat, activating blood circulation and resolving blood stasis, and matching with the syndromes, which reflects the holistic concept of TCM and the perspective of syndrome differentiation and treatment.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018297


Objective:To discuss dominant symptoms and compatibility rules of Dazhui(GV14) based on data mining.Methods:Literature related to Dazhui (GV14) was retrieved from CNKI, Wangfang, VIP, China Biomedical Literature Database (CBM) and Pubmed databases from January 1, 2012 to August 15, 2022, and the main symptoms of Dazhi (GV14) and the compatibility of acupoints were summarized. Gephi 0.9.5 software was used for complex network analysis to compare the treatment for dominant symptoms with single acupoint of Dazhi (GV14) and the compatibility of the acupoint. SPSS Modeler 18.0 software was used to analyze the association rules of acupoint combination based on Apriori algorithm. The clustering analysis of high frequency acupoints was carried out by SPSS Statistics 26.0 software.Results:A total of 722 articles were included, involving 732 prescriptions. The dominant symptoms of single acupoint were cervical spondylosis, acne, and cold; the treatment for dominant symptoms with compatibility included 14 types, such as cervical spondylosis, allergic rhinitis, ischemic stroke sequelae. The meridian compatibility was dominated by bladder meridian, and the frequency of yang meridians was higher than yin meridians. The compatibility of specific acupoints such as Xiahe acupoint, Beishu acupoint and Bahui acupoint were the main acupoints, and the high frequency acupoints were 33 acupoints such as Feishu (BL13), Baihui (GV20), Fengchi (GB20) and Zusanli (ST36), obtaining 4 series and 8 types of compatible combinations of Dazhui (GV14).Conclusions:Dazhui (GV14) is widely used in the treatment of internal diseases, such as respiratory diseases, nervous system diseases and vertebral artery type of cervical spondylosis. It tends to be flexibly used with multiple compatibility and clustering combination of specific acupoints.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018311


Objective:To analyze the medication and compatibility law of TCM compounds with national patents for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS); To provide reference for the new TCM prescriptions for the treatment of PCOS.Methods:TCM compound patents for PCOS were retrieved from the China National Intellectual Property Administration's Chinese Patent Announcement Website from the establishment of the website to April 20, 2023. SPSS 25.0, IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0, and Cytoscape 3.8.0 were used to carry out frequency statistics, association rule analysis on the data, and a TCM core complex network and systematic clustering analysis were built.Results:126 compound patents were included, involving 392 kinds of Chinese materia medica, with a total frequency of 1 709 times. The medicinal property was mainly warm, the taste was mainly sweet, and the meridian was mainly liver meridian. High frequency drugs included Angelica Sinensis (46 times), Cuscutae Semen (44 times), Cyperi Rhizoma (42 times), Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata (41 times), Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (37 times), etc. Commonly used medicinal pairs included Poria-Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma (support 16.67%, confidence 76.19%), Angelica Sinensis-Paeoniae Radix Alba (support 15.87%, confidence 80.00%), etc. The triple drug combinations were Cyperi Rhizoma-Pinelliae Rhizoma-Poria (support 12.70%, confidence 81.25%). The core prescriptions included "Poria, Pinelliae Rhizoma, Citri Rettculatae Pericarpium, Cyperi Rhizoma, Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Epimedii Folium, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Morindae Officinalis Radix, Gleditsiae Spina, Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma", etc. Potential prescriptions were "Hordei Fructus Germinatus, Setariae Fructus Germinatus, Sargentodoxae Caulis, Puerariae Lobatae Radix, Leonuri Fructus" and so on.Conclusion:The treatment of PCOS with TCM compounds with national patents mainly focuses on drying dampness and strengthening the spleen, tonifying kidney yang and nourishing kidney yin, promoting blood circulation.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018317


Objective:To explore the therapeutic law of moxibustion in Professor Zhou Meisheng's medical manuscripts for epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) based on data mining and knowledge map technology.Methods:The manuscript data of Professor Zhou Meisheng's moxibustion treatment of EHFwere collected from Infectious Diseases Department of Dangshan County People's Hospital from December 16, 1985 to December 25, 1987. Graphpad Grism 8.0 software was used for descriptive analysis. PHP 5.4 program code was used for association rule analysis. SPSS Statistics 26.0 was used for clustering analysis. Neo4j Community 3.5.25 database was used to analyze the syndrome-weight graph.Results:205 prescriptions were included. There were 21 symptoms with frequency>40, in which the frequency of aversion to cold, fever, rash and irritability was 100%. The main types of moxibustion methods used in the treatment included moxibustion frame fumigation moxibustion, Wanying acupoint moxibustion pen moxibustion, and fire needle instead of moxibustion. There were 29 acupoints with a frequency of >25, including Zhongwan (CV12), Shenshu (BL23) and Mingmen (DU4), etc. Association rules showed that Sanyinjiao (SP6)-Zhongwan (CV12)-Feishu (BL13)-Shenshu (BL23)-Zhiyang (DU9) had the highest correlation. Six effective clustering combinations of moxibustion for EHF were summarized by clustering analysis. The weight graph can obtained the first 30 relationships with high correlation of target syndromes.Conclusions:Professor Zhou applied the idea of "moxibustion for heat syndrome" to the treatment of EHF, and took the method of "acupoint selection according to symptoms" as the main acupoint selection idea for moxibustion treatment of EHF. In clinical practice, moxibustion combined with auxiliary operation of TCM is often used to treat EHF, which can achieve good results.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018338


Objective:To analyze the medication characteristics and the rules of prescription for the treatment of acute mastitis in Puji Fang; To provide reference for the clinical treatment of acute mastitis in modern TCM. Methods:Prescriptions of the chapters of " Ruyong" and " Duru" contained in Pu Ji Fang? Fu Ren Zhu Ji Men were screened, and the prescription data were analyzed by using the ancient and modern medical record cloud platform V2.3.5 for drug frequency, properties, tastes, meridian tropism, and efficacy. Clustering analysis of high-frequency drugs and analysis of association rules were performed. Results:A total of 141 prescriptions were included, with 201 kinds of Chinese materia medica. The top ten drugs with the high frequency of use were Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Paeoniae Radix alba, Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Astragali Radix, Olibanum, Trichosanthis Fructus, Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma, Scutellariae Radix, Gleditsiae Spina. The main property was cold, the main taste was sweet, the main meridian was spleen meridian, and the main efficacy was heat clearing and detoxification. Three types of high-frequency drugs could be obtained by clustering analysis, namely, Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma-Astragali Radix-Angelicae Sinensis Radix-Rhei Radix et Rhizoma, Scutellariae Radix-Paeoniae Radix alba-Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Trichosanthis Fructus-Olibanum-Gleditsiae Spina. Through correlation analysis of high-frequency drugs, it was found that there was a great correlation between Astragali Radix and Paeoniae Radix alba, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma.Conclusions:The pathogenesis of acute mastitis in Pu Ji Fang is mainly damp-heat toxin and blood stasis, and deficiency of qi and blood. The treatment for strengthening healthy qi focuses on tonifying qi and blood of the liver and spleen, while the treatment for eliminating pathogenic factors focuses on removing dampness, clearing heat and toxin, resolving phlegm, dispersing stasis and removing blood stasis. In addition, according to the condition, the treatment will be increased or decreased with the disease.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018364


Objective To summarize the acupoints and parameters commonly used in the treatment of vascular cognitive impairment(VCI)by electro-acupuncture(EA)through the visual data mining technique to provide a reference basis for clinical treatment.Methods The clinical studies of EA on the treatment of VCI were searched in CNKI,Wanfang,VIP,CBM,PubMed,Embase,Cochrane Library,web of science and other major databases.The literature is managed by Note Express and the database is established by Excel.The frequency of selected acupoints,frequency,meridian tropism,parameter frequency and frequency of used acupoints are counted.Factor analysis is carried out by SPSS 21.0 software.SPSS Modeler 18.3 software is used to analyze association rules and co-occurrence network,and the analysis results are visualized by Cytoscape 3.9.1 software.Results Finally,155 papers were included,containing 155 acupoint prescriptions and 157 parameter prescriptions.Acupoint prescriptions involved 100 acupoints with a total frequency of 856 times;parameter prescriptions involved 33 parameters with a total frequency of 788 times.Conclusion At present,there is a big difference between the clinical studies,and there is no recognized acupoint and parameter for EA treatment of VCI.By further summarizing the law of EA acupuncture point and parameter,the study has sorted out the law of commonly used acupoints,meridian tropism,compounding and parameter selection for EA treatment of VCI.It was concluded that the selection of acupoints mainly started from the three aspects of deficiency,phlegm and stasis,focusing on the combination of local and distal selection of acupoints,through the identification of internal organs and meridians,to achieve the simultaneous regulation of the heart,spleen and kidney,and to take into account both the symptoms and the root cause,and to play the roles of opening the orifices to wake up mind,calming mind and benefiting intellect,strengthening the spleen and tonifying the kidneys,and invigorating blood circulation to remove stasis.The parameters of EA are recommended to be sparse and dense wave,low frequency,as tolerated by the patient,30 minutes/times,1 time/day,5 times/week as the main combinations,which can provide a certain reference basis for clinical decision-making.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018378


Objective Data mining method was used to analyze the Chinese herbal prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bites collected from the major domestic literature databases and the surgery volume of Zhong Hua Yi Fang(Chinese Medical Prescriptions),so as to explore their potential prescription and medication rules,and to provide references for the treatment of venomous snake bites in the primary hospitals.Methods The Chinese herbal prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bites were retrieved from the CNKI,VIP and Wanfang databases,and the ancient formulas for treating venomous snake bites were screened in the surgery volume of Zhong Hua Yi Fang(Chinese Medical Prescriptions).Excel software was used to extract the relevant information of the formulas,and R language was used to analyze the medication frequency,properties,flavors and meridian tropism of the herbs as well as their association rules and clustering analysis.Results A total of 187 prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bite were obtained,involving 284 Chinese herbal medicines.The top 15 Chinese herbal medicines in decreasing sequence of medication frequency were Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Angelicae Dahuricae Radix,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Paridis Rhizoma,Rehmanniae Radix,Coptidis Rhizoma,Scutellariae Radix,Lonicerae Japonicae Flos,Paeoniae Radix Rubra,Moutan Cortex,Hedyotis Diffusae Herba,Imperatae Rhizoma,Plantaginis Herba,and Scutellariae Barbatae Herba.The flavor of herbs in the prescription for the treatment of venomous snakebite was usually bitter,pungent and sweet,and their property was relatively cold.Most of the herbs had the meridian tropism of the liver meridian and lung meridian.The core prescription mainly composed of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,and Paridis Rhizoma was obtained after association rule analysis and cluster analysis.Conclusion The herbs for the treatment of venomous snake bites often have the actions of clearing heat and removing toxins,and the prescription is usually composed of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,Paridis Rhizoma together with the compatibility of medicines for clearing heat and cooling blood,extinguishing wind and arresting convulsion,clearing heat and promoting urination.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018405


Objective To analyze the selection rules and characteristics of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of temporomandibular disorder(TMD)based on data mining techniques.Methods Computerized search of major databases such as CNKI,Wanfang,VIP,and CBM from January 2002 to June 2022.After screening and standardized treatment of acupuncture prescriptions,data analysis was performed to explore the selection and characteristics of core acupoints.Results A total of 92 papers were included,and 108 valid prescriptions and 36 acupuncture points were extracted with a total frequency of 555 times.Among them,11 high-frequency acupoints in the top 10 of the total frequency were used,including Xiaguan(ST7),Hegu(LI4),Jiache(ST6),Tinggong(SI19),Yifeng(SJ17),Ashi,Zusanli(ST36),Quanliao(SI18),Shangguan(GB3),Fengchi(GB20),Tinghui(GB2),with a total of 481 times,accounting for 85.79%of the total frequency.The association rules showed a very strong correlation and co-occurrence between Xiaguan(ST7),Hegu(LI4),Jiache(ST6),Tinggong(SI19),and the cluster analysis yielded 4 core clusters.Conclusion Acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of this disease mainly follows the principle of"the main treatment should reach where the meridians pass",and the core combination of selected points is:Xiaguan(ST7)-Hegu(LI4)-Jiache(ST6)-Tinggong(SI19).

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018451


Based on FangNet platform,the data of the prescriptions for the effective cases of post-stroke sequelae treated by national renowned Chinese medical practitioner LIU Mao-Cai were collected for the analysis of medication frequency of the prescribed drugs as well as their properties,flavors and meridian tropism.The medication rules of LIU Mao-Cai for treating post-stroke sequelae was summarized by analyzing the weight scale,co-occurrence and mutual exclusivity of the prescribed drugs and by drug-symptom association rule analysis and drug clustering analysis.The results showed that a total of 105 prescriptions involving 95 Chinese medicines were obtained.The drugs in the prescriptions were mainly warm in nature,sweet in flavor and had the meridian tropism of liver meridian.There were 17 driver herbs,and they were Astragali Radix,Gastrodiae Rhizoma,Corni Fructus,Codonopsis Radix,Eucommiae Cortex,Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix,Chuanxiong Rhizoma,Polygalae Radix,Curcumae Longae Rhizoma,Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma,Ophiopogonis Radix,Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Poria,Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis,Pinelliae Rhizoma Praeparatum,and Ligustri Lucidi Fructus.The results of drug co-occurrence analysis yielded 12 drug pairs such as Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix-Eucommiae Cortex,drug-symptom association rule analysis yielded 9 groups of drug-symptom association combinations such as Gastrodiae Rhizoma-dizziness,and cluster analysis yielded 4 drug combinations.The results indicated that the drugs for post-stroke sequelae treated by LIU Mao-Cai are mild in nature and mainly have the actions of supporting healthy-qi and replenishing the deficient,and Astragali Radix and Codonopsis Radix are often used to replenish the vital energy,and Corni Fructus,Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix and Eucommiae Cortex are usually used to tonify the liver and kidney.Moreover,simultaneous treatment of phlegm and blood stasis,and simultaneous application of purging and nourishing therapeutics are also stressed.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018453


Objective To explore the medication rules of Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling's prescriptions for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation(LDH)based on data mining method,so as to provide reference for the treatment of LDH with Chinese medicine.Methods The prescriptions for the effective cases of outpatients of LDH treated by Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling in the recent 5 years were collected.The medication frequency of Chinese medicines in the included prescriptions and the distribution of their properties,flavors and meridian tropism were investigated.Moreover,the association rule analysis and cluster analysis of the high-frequency drugs were carried out.Results A total of 164 prescriptions were included and 168 Chinese medicines were used.The top 10 high-frequency drugs in descending order were Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix,Chuanxiong Rhizoma,Pheretima,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle,Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix,Angelicae Sinensis Radix,Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata,Persicae Semen,Cyperi Rhizoma,and Carthami Flos.The properties of the prescribed drug were mainly warm and mild in nature,and bitter and pungent in flavor,and mainly had the meridian tropism of the liver,kidney and spleen meridians.According to the therapeutic actions,the drugs were mainly categorized as deficiency-supplementing drugs,dampness-removing and collateral-unblocking drugs,and blood-activating and stasis-removing drugs.The results of association rule analysis yielded 10 drug pairs,and cluster analysis yielded 6 core drug combinations.Conclusion For the treatment of LDH,Professor ZHONG Guang-Ling usually adopts the Chinese medicine for supplementing the deficiency and supporting healthy-qi,together with the medicines for nourishing the liver and kidney and regulating the spleen and stomach from the perspective of liver,kidney and spleen.Moreover,therapy of activating blood and removing stasis is also stressed,pathogen-eliminating medicines for removing dampness,unblocking collaterals and clearing heat are used based on syndrome differentiation,and then simultaneous application of purging and nourishing therapeutics is achieved through the utilization of purging method after supplementing method.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018459


Objective To study the acupoint selection and medication rules of acupoint application as an advantageous therapy in treating stroke.Methods The clinical literature from CNKI,Wanfang,CBMdisc,and other databases were searched,and Excel 2013 was used to count the frequency of disease,acupoint selection,and medication,and to analyze the acupoint selection rules using SPSS 25.0 and SPSS Modeler.Results Finally,523 articles were included in the literature,among which,the literature on the treatment of post-stroke constipation with acupoint patch was the most,and the related literature was further screened to analyze the acupoint selection and medication rules,and it was concluded that the most frequently applied acupoints of acupoint application for the treatment of post-stroke constipation were Shenque(RN8),Tianshu(ST25),Zhongwan(RN12),Zusanli(ST36),and the acupoints were mainly taken from conception vessel,stomach meridian and gallbladder meridian,and the core prescriptions were Shenque,Tianshu,Zhongwan,Qihai(RN6),Guanyuan(RN4),Zusanli.For the treatment of post-stroke constipation,acupoint application is often used with Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Aurantii Fructus Immaturus,Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis,Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus and Borneolum Syntheticum,among which,warm and cold nature drugs are mainly used,and bitter drugs are most frequently used among five flavors,and most frequently enter to the spleen meridian;and the core prescription is Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Aurantii Fructus Immaturus,Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis,Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus and Borneolum Syntheticum.Conclusion Acupoint application is an advantageous treatment for treating post-stroke constipation.The selection of acupoints was based on the conception vessel and stomach meridian,and the medication used were mainly focusing on those with functions of unblocking the bowels and directing qi downward,supplemented by strengthening the spleen and benefiting qi,warming the meridians and nourishing the blood.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018460


Objective To analyze the acupoint selection rules of acupuncture for the treatment of tic disorders in children based on data mining techniques.Methods A computerized search was conducted for the clinical research literature on acupuncture treatment of tic disorders in children included in the CNKI,Wanfang,VIP,SinoMed,and PubMed databases from January 1992 to December 2022.A database was established by Excel 2019 to count the commonly used treatment methods and analyze the high-frequency application methods acupuncture(high-frequency acupoints,channel entry of acupoints,acupoint association rules,and acupoint clustering),auricular point seed-pressing(high-frequency auricular points,and acupoint association rules),and the high frequency division of cluster needling of scalp point.Results A total of 190 valid literature articles were included,involving 270 acupuncture prescriptions;among them,184 acupoints were counted in the acupuncture method,with a total application frequency of 1 906 times,and the high-frequency application of the acupoints in descending order were Baihui(DU20),Taichong(LR3),Fengchi(GB20),Hegu(LI4),Sanyinjiao(SP6),Neiguan(PC6),Shenmen(HT7),Zusanli(ST36),Yintang(EX-HN3),Sishencong(EX-HN1);and the high-frequency meridians were governor vessol,foot taiyang stomach meridian,foot taiyang stomach meridian,foot shaoyang gallbladder meridian,hand taiyang large intestine meridian,foot taiyang bladder meridian,foot jueyin gallbladder meridian;three sets of strong association rules and five clusters of acupoints were analyzed by SPSS modeler 18.0 and IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0 software.There were 29 acupoints of auricular point seed-pressing,application total frequency was 206 times,high-frequency application of auricular points in descending order of Shenmen(HT7),liver,heart,subcortex,kidney;four groups of acupoint strong association rules were obtained through the analysis of SPSS modeler 18.0 software.A total of 14 zones were involved in the application of cephalic acupoint plexus zoning,of which the high-frequency zones were parietal anterior temporal diagonal,parietal parietal 1,and chorea tremor control zone.Conclusion Acupuncture treatment of tic disorders in children,according to its pathogenesis(liver hyperactivity,kidney depletion,spleen deficiency,phlegm disturbance,etc.)and tic site,select acupoints compatibility,and mostly choose yang meridian acupoints,which is related to the nature and treatment characteristics of wind pathogen.Children's tic disorders are closely related to emotional disorders,therefore acupuncture and auricular acupoints all emphasize the method of soothing the liver and clearing the heart,and regulating the emotional state.Cluster needling of scalp point mostly used parietal temporal anterior oblique line,parietal 1 line,and dance tremor control area for the treatment of tic disorders.For children,auricular point seed-pressing and cluster needling of scalp point has the minimun of pain,the effect of treatment is long,and it is not easy to have dangerous situations such as bent needle,broken needle and so on.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019884


Objective To propose a drug pair extraction algorithm integrating co-occurrence and semantic information for prescription data.Methods The prescription data were transformed into matrix data,and the association information between drugs was calculated as the initial screening index.Then the word vector was constructed based on the prescription data,and the semantic similarity between drugs was calculated as the second screening index,so as to extract potential drug pairs.The algorithm of this paper and the classical Apriori algorithm were experimented on 1090 lung cancer outpatient prescriptions respectively,and the experimental extraction results were compared and analyzed,so as to verify the usability and effectiveness of this drug pair extraction algorithm.Results Compared with the Apriori algorithm,the present algorithm had better effect in extracting drug pairs,which could reasonably help to narrow down the range of options of potential drug pairs under the situation of large difference in drug frequencies,and successfully extracted 88 groups of drug pairs in medical cases under the range of recommended threshold settings.Conclusion The method of word frequency combined with semantic information for extracting potential drug pairs is feasible and effective,and can provide methodological reference for experience mining in clinical prescription medication.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020524


Objective:Based on data mining, the basic acupoint selection rules of allergic rhinitis were discussed, which provided a reference for the clinical treatment of allergic rhinitis.Methods:Computer search for literature on auriculo-sensitive rhinitis in VIP, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang, China Biomedical Database, PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, the search period was from establishment of the database until August 29, 2023. The frequency, symptom type and distribution of ear point prescriptions were counted, and the association rules and cluster analysis of ear point prescriptions were carried out.Results:A total of 109 studies were included, and 127 prescriptions for ear points were extracted, involving 33 ear points. The association rules showed that the lungs, inner nose, adrenal glands and wind creek were the core ear points, and the cluster analysis formed six types of combinations: "spleen, kidney, lung, wind creek""subcortical, trachea, liver, throat, shenmen" "large intestine" "internal nose, adrenal gland" "endocrine" "sympathetic, external nose".Conclusions:Auricle therapy for allergic rhinitis mainly involves lungs, inner nose, adrenal glands and wind creeks, and dialectical acupoints are selected according to internal organs and symptoms, providing reference and reference for clinicians.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021579


BACKGROUND:Traditional Chinese medicine compound prescription has a long history in the treatment of primary osteoporosis,and the curative effect is definite,but the medication rule and mechanism are not clear. OBJECTIVE:Using the methodology of data mining and network pharmacology,to explore and verify the law of drug use and molecular mechanism of modern traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of primary osteoporosis. METHODS:The relevant documents included in CNKI,WanFang,VIP and PubMed were used as data sources,and the relevant data were statistically counted and extracted by Microsoft EXCEL2019,IBMSPSS25.0 and other software.The high-frequency drugs obtained from the data statistics were analyzed by association rules analysis and cluster analysis,and the core drug combination of traditional Chinese medicine compound prescription in the treatment of primary osteoporosis was obtained by combining the two results.The therapeutic mechanism of this combination was explained by network pharmacology and verified by molecular docking. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Finally,151 articles were included and 207 prescriptions were selected,involving 285 flavors of Chinese herbs.(1)Ten groups of important drug combinations were obtained through the above two analyses,among which the core drug combination with the highest confidence and improvement was"Drynaria-Eucommia-Angelica."The key components of the combination in the treatment of primary osteoporosis were quercetin,kaempferol,naringenin and so on.The core targets were SRC proto-oncogene,phosphoinositide-3-Kinase regulatory subunit 1 and RELA proto-oncogene.The main pathways were cancer signaling pathway,JAK-STAT signaling pathway,VEGF signaling pathway,and NF-κB signaling pathway.(2)The key active components were docked with the core targets,and the two showed a good combination.To conclude,Chinese herbal compound therapy in the treatment of primary osteoporosis can use a variety of active components to exert its efficacy through multiple signal pathways and acting on multiple targets,which can provide a theoretical basis for the research and development of new drugs for the follow-up treatment of primary osteoporosis.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 117-119,122, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022214


Objective To explore the research dynamics and hotspots of project management in the field of hospital man-agement,and analyze the contents that still need to be improved,so as to provide references for the subsequent research,and provide hospital managers with practical experience in hospital management.Methods Based on the PubMed database,we used the citexs data analysis platform to analyze the literature and big data from January 2012 to December 2022 on the application of project management in the field of hospital management.Results The effective literature was retrieved from 4236 articles,and the analysis found thatthe annualnumberofpublicationsinthisfield hasbeenincreasing,2021 sawthe highestannualnumberof 573 articles,and the fastest growth rate was 20.36% in 2017.The country with the most publications is the United States(1 546 articles,36.5% ),the research institution with the most publications is Monash University,Australia,the journal with the most publications is BMJ Open(124 articles),and the key words with the highest frequency of occurrence in the retrieved literature are quality improvement,primary care improvement,covid-19,telemedicine.Conclusion The research in this field has been rapidly developed and is in a fast rising phase.In almost every organization and industry,the share of project management or"projectization"is increasing,and project management has become an important part of hospital management research and prac-tice.In the context of building a modern hospital management system,the application of project management to hospital manage-ment is an effective means of improving the level of fine hospital management.