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Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e035, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1557369


Abstract The aim of this study was to identify and describe the characteristics of coronavirus (COVID-19)-disease related dental research in Brazil presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Division of the International Association for Dental Research (SBPqO). A search was carried out in the proceedings of the meeting to retrieve all abstracts. Those containing the term "COVID-19" in titles, abstracts, or keywords, and/or those of which the scope approached a COVID-19-related topic were included. The variables extracted from abstracts were: presenter category, field of study, design, data collection method, population, affiliation, and authors' gender. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used, with a significance level of α = 0.05. The search retrieved 185 abstracts, 5 did not meet study eligibility criteria and were excluded. COVID-19-related research was presented by either aspiring/associate members (67.8%) or beginner members (32.2%). Data collection methods were predominantly digitally mediated (65%), followed by secondary data use (25%), and in-person data collection (7.2%). Irrespective of the role of authorship, there were a ratio of two female authors to each male. Among the last authors, the ratio was three females to each male. Female lead authors more frequently came from the Southeast region (71.8%; p = 0.470). There was an association between presenter category and study design (p = 0.012), clinical and epidemiological studies were more concentrated among experienced presenters. In conclusion, female dental researchers affiliated to southeastern institutions approached the topic of pandemic more frequently than male colleagues. The use of digital technology for data collection may have long-lasting impacts on the teaching and publication of dental research.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528847


This study aimed to compare the subgingival microbiota of subjects with and without breast cancer (BC). Patients with BC (Group 1; n= 50) and without BC (Group 2; n=50) with periodontitis (A) and without periodontitis (B). The study was conducted in two phases (P1 and P2). One biofilm sample was collected from each subject and analyzed by DNA-DNA Hybridization (Checkerboard DNA-DNA). The relative abundance of the subgingival microbiota differed between the Case and Control groups. However, some species were higher in patients in the Case than in Control subjects and differed between the groups in both phases. Composition of the subgingival microbial community according to the Socransky complex was related to periodontal disease, followed by clinical attachment of level (CAL ≥4mm), age, and tooth loss, which were found to be abundant in Cases when compared with controls. Patients with Tumor Grade II and III had a higher prevalence of tooth loss and CAL≥4mm. It was concluded that in individuals with BC, the sub-gingival microbiota exhibited atypical changes, but they developed periodontal disease.

El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la microbiota subgingival de sujetos con y sin cáncer de mama (CM). Pacientes con CM (Grupo 1; n= 50) y sin CM (Grupo 2; n=50) con periodontitis (A) y sin periodontitis (B). El estudio se realizó en das fases (P1 y P2). Se recogió una muestra de biopelícula de cada sujeto y se analizó mediante hibridación ADN-ADN (tablero de ajedrez ADN-ADN). La abundancia relativa de la microbiota subgingival difirió entre los grupos de Caso y Control. Sin embargo, algunas especies fueron más altas en los pacientes del Caso que en los sujetos del Control y difirieron entre los grupos en ambas fases. La composición de la comunidad microbiana subgingival según el complejo de Socransky se relacionó con la enfermedad periodontal, seguida por el nivel de inserción clínica (CAL≥4mm), la edad y la pérdida de dientes, que se mostró abundante en los casos en comparación con los controles. Los pacientes con Tumor Grado II y III tuvieron mayor prevalencia de pérdida dental y CAL≥4mm. Se concluyó que en individuos con CM la microbiota subgingival presentó cambios atípicos, pero sin embargo, desarrollaron enfermedad periodontal.

Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535457


Introducción: El aprovechamiento de los cursos de ciencias básicas puede depender de las percepciones estudiantiles sobre la importancia de estos en su vida profesional, por lo que se hace necesario determinar el grado de importancia que los estudiantes le confieren a este tipo de cursos. Materiales y métodos: Se presentó un cuestionario con 9 declaraciones a 54 estudiantes de odontología y medicina. Las respuestas se pasaron a una escala numérica para su análisis. Se usó una prueba de U de Mann-Whitney con el fin de evaluar diferencias entre estudiantes de ambas facultades. Resultados: Los estudiantes en conjunto mostraron tener una buena opinión de la importancia de las ciencias básicas en la práctica clínica. Se observó también que es mayor la proporción de estudiantes de odontología que consideran que la investigación básica no es útil para su práctica clínica. Conclusión: Los estudiantes consideran las ciencias básicas necesarias para un buen desempeño profesional.

Introduction: The benefit of basic science courses may depend on students' perceptions of the importance of these courses in their professional life, therefore, it's necessary to determine the degree of importance that students give to this type of courses. Materials and methods: A questionnaire with 9 statements was presented to 54 dental and medical students. The responses were converted to a numerical scale for analysis. Using a Mann-Whitney U test, differences between students from both faculties were evaluated. Results: The students showed a good opinion of the importance of basic sciences in clinical practice. It was also observed that the proportion of dental students who consider that basic research is not useful for their clinical practice is higher. Conclusion: Students consider the basic sciences necessary for good professional performance.

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto , Disciplinas de las Ciencias Naturales , Investigación Dental , Educación en Odontología , Educación de Pregrado en Medicina , Ciencia , Estudiantes , Conocimiento , Investigación Biomédica
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(2): 6-7, abr./jun 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1538228


Preito de gratidão ao Professor Dr. Jorge Alfonso Learreta. Nascido em Buenos Aires, Argentina, em 11/12/1949. Cursou Odontologia aos 17 anos. Seus conhecimentos em Histologia o fez ganhar uma bolsa de estudos para a França. Aqui estudou com cirurgiões renomados e voltou para Argentina. Especializou-se em Ortodontia e Ortopedia funcional em 1971. Tinha uma ampla rede de amigos e mestres em diversas partes do mundo. Começou a investir em tecnologia para estudar a ATM no início dos anos 90. Especializou-se em estudo das imagens e já em 1994, possuía casos com RNM antes e depois dos tratamentos, algo que veio a se tornar o padrão-ouro da sua filosofia. Homem estudioso, conhecedor de vasta literatura e de inteligência indescritível com grande poder de observação e raciocínio, vivenciou diversos problemas na Odontologia com soluções simples e geniais. O prof. Learreta é a definição de uma pessoa a frente de seu tempo que deixa um legado na odontologia da dor orofacial e seus ensinamentos foram além da neurofisiologia da ATM.

I offer gratitude to Professor Dr. Jorge Alfonso Learreta. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 12/11/1949. He studied Dentistry at the age of 17. His knowledge in Histology earned him a scholarship to France. Here he studied with renowned surgeons and returned to Argentina. He specialized in Orthodontics and Functional Orthopedics in 1971. He had a wide network of friends and teachers in different parts of the world. He began investing in technology to study the TMJ in the early 90s. He specialized in studying images and in 1994, he had cases with MRI before and after treatments, something that became the gold standard of his philosophy . A studious man, knowledgeable about vast literature and indescribable intelligence with great power of observation and reasoning, he experienced several problems in Dentistry with simple and ingenious solutions. The prof. Learreta is the definition of a person ahead of his time who leaves a legacy in orofacial pain dentistry and his teachings went beyond the neurophysiology of TMJ.

Ofrezco agradecimiento al Profesor Dr. Jorge Alfonso Learreta. Nacido en Buenos Aires, Argentina, el 11/12/1949. Estudió Odontología a los 17 años. Sus conocimientos en Histología le valieron una beca para Francia. Aquí estudió con reconocidos cirujanos y regresó a la Argentina. Se especializó en Ortodoncia y Ortopedia Funcional en 1971. Contaba con una amplia red de amigos y profesores en diferentes partes del mundo. Comenzó a invertir en tecnología para estudiar la ATM a principios de los 90. Se especializó en el estudio de imágenes y en 1994 tuvo casos con resonancia magnética antes y después de los tratamientos, algo que se convirtió en el estándar de oro de su filosofía. Hombre estudioso, conocedor de vasta literatura e inteligencia indescriptible con gran poder de observación y razonamiento, experimentó varios problemas en Odontología con soluciones simples e ingeniosas. El prof. Learreta es la definición de una persona adelantada a su tiempo que deja un legado en la odontología del dolor orofacial y sus enseñanzas fueron más allá de la neurofisiología de la ATM.

Investigación Dental , Docentes de Odontología
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 356-371, sept. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514380


The present study aimed to review the literature on the main complications of antineoplastic therapies and the degree of knowledge of dental surgeons about these complications. A bibliographic search was conducted in the main health databases PUBMED ( and Scholar Google (, in which studies published from 1987 to 2023 were collected. Laboratory studies, case reports, systematic and literature reviews, which were developed in living individuals, about the main neoplastic genes and their relationship with the cells of individuals affected by neoplasms in the head and neck region, and studies on the care with this group of patients, were included. Therefore, articles that did not deal with neoplasm and the main complications of antineoplastic therapies were excluded. Neoplasm is a clonal disorder, caused by mutations, resulting from changes in the genetic structure of cells. Each healthy cell has instructions on how to grow and divi de. In the presence of any error in these instructions (mutation), it can result in a diseased cell that, when proliferating, may cause a tumor. Countless knowledge has been accumulated over the years on the main characteristics of neoplasms, whether they are cancer cell biology, carcinogenesis mechanism, neoplasms of the maxillofacial system and sequels of antineoplastic treatments. In this context, methods have been developed that offer a better quality of life for patients diagnosed with this pathology, as well as preventive vaccine models that may, in the not too distant future, contribute to this goal to be successfully achieved.

El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo revisar la literatura sobre las principales complicaciones de las terapias antineoplásicas y el grado de conocimiento de los odontólogos sobre este abordaje. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos de salud PUBMED ( y Scholar Google (, en la que se recopilaron estudios publicados entre 1987 y 2023. Fueron incluidos estudios de laboratorio, relatos de casos, revisiones de la literatura y revisiones sistemáticas, desarrolladas en individuos vivos, que incluyeran los principales genes neoplásicos y su relación con las células de individuos afectados por neoplasias en la cabeza y el cuello. También, se tuvieron en cuenta estudios relacionados con la atención a este grupo de pacientes. La neoplasia es un trastorno clonal, causado por mutaciones, como resultado de cambios en la estructura genética de las células. Cada célula sana tiene instrucciones sobre cómo crecer y dividirse. En presencia de cualquier error en estas instrucciones (mutación), puede provocar una célula alterada que, al proliferar, puede causar un tumor. Se han acumulado innumerables conocimientos a lo largo de los años sobre las principales características de las neoplasias, ya sea sobre biología de células cancerosas, el mecanismo de la carcinogénesis, la neoplasias del sistema maxilofacial y las diferentes secuelas de tratamientos antineoplásicos. En este contexto, se han desarrollado métodos que ofrecen una mejor calidad de vida para los pacientes diagnosticados con esta patología, así como modelos de vacunas preventivas que, en un futuro no muy lejano, pueden contribuir a alcanzar este objetivo con éxito.

Humanos , Atención Odontológica , Genes Relacionados con las Neoplasias/genética , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello/genética
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 40(3): 354-363, jul. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, INS-PERU | ID: biblio-1522777


El Instituto Nacional de Salud, ha llevado a cabo por primera vez el proceso de identificación de Prioridades Nacionales de Investigación en Salud Bucal a cargo de la Subdirección de Investigación y Laboratorios de Enfermedades No Transmisibles del Centro Nacional de Salud Pública con la asesoría técnica de la Dirección de Investigación e Innovación en Salud y en coordinación con la Dirección Ejecutiva de Salud Bucal de la Dirección General de Intervenciones Estratégicas en Salud Pública del Ministerio de Salud mediante metodología participativa de tres actores claves: investigadores/especialistas, expertos y decisores. El objetivo de este artículo es describir el proceso seguido para la identificación de estas prioridades, el cual comprendió cinco fases: i) identificación de objetivos estratégicos del MINSA, ii) identificación de necesidades de investigación en salud bucal, iii) revisión por expertos y valoración de las necesidades según criterios, iv) priorización (valoración de la lista de prioridades según calificación) y v) presentación de las prioridades. Como resultado se obtuvieron las 12 prioridades que posteriormente fueron aprobadas por Resolución Ministerial N.° 262-2022/MINSA, con un periodo de vigencia 2022-2026. Además, se brindaron recomendaciones para futuros procesos.

The National Institute of Health has, for the first time, identified National Priorities for Oral Health Research, this process was carried out by the Subdirectorate of Research and Laboratories of Noncommunicable Diseases of the National Center for Public Health with the technical advice of the Directorate of Research and Innovation in Health and in coordination with the Executive Directorate of Oral Health of the General Directorate of Strategic Interventions in Public Health of the Ministry of Health, using a participatory methodology with three key actors: researchers/specialists, experts and decision-makers. This article aims to describe the process used to identify these priorities, which consisted of five phases: i) identification of the strategic objectives of the Ministry of Health, ii) identification of needs in oral health research, iii) review by experts and assessment of needs according to criteria and v) presentation of the priorities. As a result, 12 priorities were obtained, which were subsequently approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 262-2022/MINSA, for a period of 2022-2026. In addition, we provide recommendations for future processes.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(2): 142-154, jun. 2023. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440352


The present study proposed to describe, through a literature review, the use of new therapeutic management which allows for offering a better quality of life to individuals affected by these pathologies. A bibliographic search was conducted in the main health databases PUBMED ( and Scholar Google (, in which studies published from 1987 to 2023 were collected. In the first stage, the list of retrieved articles was examined by reading the titles and abstracts. In the second stage, the studies were selected by reading the full contents. Two authors (JDMM and DAQ) performed stages 1 and 2. Experimental, clinical, case-control, randomized controlled, and laboratory cohort studies, case reports, systematic reviews, and literature reviews, which were developed in living individuals, were included. Therefore, articles that did not deal with the subject in question, letters to the editor, opinion articles, duplicated literature in databases, and literature that did not address the variables under study, we re excluded. Contemporary dentistry uses alternative treatments capable of improving the patient's condition since a cure is not always possible. Therefore, the possibility of improving the quality of life becomes an important point to be reached. Evidence-based healthcare has made great advances in recent decades, especially in the areas of orofacial pain, TMD, and occlusion, especially related to orthodontic, prosthetic, and restorative care.

En el presente estudio se propuso describir, a través de una revisión bibliográfica, el uso de nuevos manejos terapéuticos que permitan brindar una mejor calidad de vida a los individuos afectados por estas patologías. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las principales bases de datos de salud PUBMED ( y Scholar Google (, en las que se recopilaron estudios publicados entre 1987 y 2023. En la primera etapa, se examinó la lista de artículos recuperados mediante la lectura de los títulos y resúmenes. En la segunda etapa, los estudios fueron seleccionados mediante la lectura del contenido completo. Dos autores (JDMM y DAQ) realizaron las etapas 1 y 2. Se incluyeron estudios de cohortes experimentales, clínicos, de casos y controles, controlados aleatorios y de laboratorio, informes de casos, revisiones sistemáticas y revisiones de la literatura, que se desarrollaron en individuos vivos. Por lo tanto, se excluyeron artículos que no trataran el tema en cuestión, cartas al editor, artículos de opinión, literatura duplicada en bases de datos y literatura que no abordara las variables en estudio. La odontología contemporánea utiliza tratamientos alternativos capaces de mejorar el estado del paciente, ya que no siempre es posible la curación. Por lo tanto, la posibilidad de mejorar la calidad de vida se convierte en un objetivo importante. La atención médica basada en la evidencia ha logrado grandes avances en las últimas décadas, especialmente en las áreas de dolor orofacial, TMD y oclusión, especialmente en relación con la atención de ortodoncia, prótesis y restauración.

Humanos , Dolor Facial/terapia , Trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular/terapia , Terapia por Acupuntura/métodos , Estimulación Eléctrica Transcutánea del Nervio/métodos
HU Rev. (Online) ; 49: 1-9, 20230000.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562007


Introdução: Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) apresentam uma maior suscetibilidade a infecções e sangramentos e podem manifestar variadas alterações bucais. Por isso, é essencial que o cirurgião-dentista possua os conhecimentos necessários para adequar suas condutas às particularidades apresentadas por esses pacientes. Objetivo: Avaliar, por meio da aplicação de um questionário, os conhecimentos e as condutas dos cirurgiões-dentistas atuantes no município de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, ao prestarem atendimento a pacientes com DRC em hemodiálise. Material e Métodos: Estudo com abordagem quantitativa, de caráter observacional, transversal e analítico, realizado com 100 cirurgiões-dentistas atuantes no município de Juiz de Fora no período de abril a setembro de 2022. Resultados: 100 dentistas compuseram a amostra. Destes, 37% não se sentiriam confortáveis para realizarem procedimentos odontológicos invasivos em pacientes renais crônicos (PRC) em hemodiálise e 87% solicitariam algum exame laboratorial complementar previamente à realização desses procedimentos; 83% consideram importante o contato com o nefrologista do paciente para a obtenção de informações detalhadas acerca de sua condição sistêmica e aplicam isso em sua rotina clínica; 56% identificaram de forma correta as alterações bucais mais comumente encontradas em indivíduos com DRC em hemodiálise; 77% prescreveriam profilaxia antibiótica para PRC em hemodiálise diante de procedimentos invasivos, enquanto 22% prescreveriam para procedimentos não invasivos. Conclusão: A maioria dos cirurgiões-dentistas prescreve erroneamente a profilaxia antibiótica para PRC, o que demonstra desconhecimento do protocolo atual de emprego dessa terapia. Além disso, uma parcela dos profissionais se sente insegura ao atender esses pacientes. Portanto, evidencia-se a defasagem existente no conhecimento dos cirurgiões-dentistas quanto ao atendimento de pacientes com DRC, destacando-se a necessidade de dar maior enfoque a esse tema nas universidades e programas de pós-graduação, a fim de formar profissionais melhor capacitados para o atendimento dessa parcela da população.

Introduction: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are more susceptible to infections and bleeding and may manifest various oral alterations. Therefore, it is essential that the dental surgeon has the necessary knowledge to adapt his conduct to the particularities presented by these patients. Objective: To evaluate, through the application of a questionnaire, the knowledge and behavior of dentists working in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, when providing care to patients with CKD on hemodialysis.Material and methods: Study with a quantitative, observational, cross-sectional and analytical approach, carried out with 100 dentists working in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, from April to September 2022. Results: 100 dentists composed the sample. Of these, 37% would not feel comfortable performing invasive dental procedures in chronic kidney patients (CKP) on hemodialysis and 87% would request some complementary laboratory test prior to performing these procedures; 83% consider it important to contact the patient's nephrologist to obtain detailed information about their systemic condition and apply this in their clinical routine; 56% correctly identified the oral alterations most commonly found in individuals with CKD undergoing hemodialysis; 77% would prescribe antibiotic prophylaxis for CKP in hemodialysis in the face of invasive procedures, while 22% would prescribe it for non-invasive procedures. Conclusion: Most dentists incorrectly prescribes antibiotic prophylaxis for chronic kidney patients, which demonstrates unfamiliarity of the actual protocol for using this therapy. In addition, a number of dentists feel insecure when assisting them and are unaware of the oral alterations most commonly found in CKP. Therefore, the existing gap in the knowledge of dentists regarding the care of patients with CKD is evident, highlighting the need to give greater focus to this theme in universities and postgraduate programs, in order to train better qualified professionals to serve this portion of the population.

Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Insuficiencia Renal Crónica , Conductas Relacionadas con la Salud , Atención Dental para Enfermos Crónicos , Educación en Odontología
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 28(1): e2321175, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1430270


ABSTRACT Introduction: The number of published orthodontic studies has increased considerably over the past ten years. Objective: To analyze the bibliometric data of international orthodontic studies included in orthodontic journals encompassed by the Scopus database between 2011 and 2020, as well as to undertake data comparison between the period 2010-2015 and the period 2016-2020. Materials and methods: A retrospective search was conducted on 14 orthodontic journals included in the Scopus database from 2011 to 2020. Studies of both primary and secondary types were targeted by the search. The yearly number of studies published in the 14 journals, and the first 20 countries, institutions and their type (public/private), and authors, respectively, regarding publication volume, were presented. Results: Over the past ten years, the number of publications in the chosen journals reached 9200, where the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics and Angle Orthodontist topped the journal list, with 22% and 12% of the publications, respectively. Furthermore, the orthodontic publication volume showed a declining trend by the end of the decade (-9%), where academic/public institutions produced most of the orthodontic studies, and the US (20%), Brazil (17%), and South Korea (8%) topped the countries with the most orthodontic studies. A comparison of the two halves of the decade revealed that orthodontic research exhibited an increasing trend in developing nations, especially Egypt (104%), Saudi Arabia (88%), and Iran (83%). Conclusion: The orthodontic studies published in the chosen journals over the past ten years showed a dynamic change in yearly publication and ranking of countries, institutions, and authors.

RESUMO Introdução: O número de estudos publicados na área da Ortodontia aumentou consideravelmente nos últimos dez anos. Objetivos: Analisar os dados bibliométricos dos estudos ortodônticos internacionais publicados entre 2011 e 2020 em periódicos ortodônticos da base de dados Scopus, bem como realizar a comparação entre os dados dos períodos 2010-2015 e 2016-2020. Material e Métodos: Uma pesquisa retrospectiva foi realizada em 14 periódicos ortodônticos incluídos na base de dados Scopus de 2011 a 2020. Estudos dos tipos primários e secundários foram incluídos na pesquisa. Foram apresentados o número anual de estudos publicados em 14 revistas e os 20 primeiros países, instituições e seu tipo (público/privado) e autores, respectivamente, em relação ao volume de publicações. Resultados: Nos últimos dez anos, o número de publicações nos periódicos escolhidos chegou a 9.200, e o American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics e o Angle Orthodontist lideraram a lista de periódicos, com 22% e 12% das publicações, respectivamente. Além disso, o volume de publicações ortodônticas apresentou uma tendência de queda no final da década (-9%), sendo que as instituições acadêmicas/públicas produziram a maior parte dos estudos ortodônticos, e os EUA (20%), Brasil (17%) e a Coreia do Sul (8%) lideraram os países com mais estudos ortodônticos. Uma comparação das duas metades da década revelou que a pesquisa ortodôntica exibiu uma tendência crescente nos países em desenvolvimento, especialmente Egito (104%), Arábia Saudita (88%) e Irã (83%). Conclusão: Os estudos ortodônticos publicados nos últimos dez anos nos periódicos escolhidos mostraram uma mudança dinâmica na publicação anual e no ranking de países, instituições e autores.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e125, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1528133


Abstract Oral health personnel must acknowledge the health needs of sexual and gender minorities. They should consult scientific literature to deepen their knowledge about sexuality, gender identity, general and oral health status, and treatment disparities among LGBTQIA+ people. The aim of this scoping review was to portray the development and current stage of internationally indexed literature approaching the oral health of this population. In this study, the search strategy used consisted of combinations of subject descriptors (MeSH terms), in two concept blocks: LGBTQIAP+ people and oral health. Global literature was searched through Medline (PUBMED), Web of Science, Embase, Lilacs, and Scopus electronic databases, with no language or date restrictions. Records were selected and evaluated by two independent reviewers, under the supervision of three senior reviewers and the inclusion criteria resulted in 189 eligible papers. Since the first study was published in 1974, numbers increased over the decades, reaching 67 (35.4%) in 2010-2019. The most frequently studied populations were North American (42.9%) and European (19.0%) and the most frequent language of publication was English (99.0%). There were 38 open access papers (20.1%). Medical (57.7%) and dental journals (20.1%) predominated. Cross-sectional studies were found more frequently (65.1%), followed by the cohort type (11.1%). Oral manifestation of STI (58.7%) was the topic most frequently addressed. The search for literature approaching the oral health of LGBTQIAP+ people showed evidence of the need to encourage research reported in papers made easily available, with more robust scientific evidence, and on a broader scope of topics, including oral health needs and treatment, and planning of oral health services.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e226351, jan.-dez. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1355010


Aim: This study aimed to assess the reporting characteristics of systematic review abstracts published in the proceedings of the Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica (SBPqO) meeting. Methods: We selected abstracts published in the SBPqO meeting proceedings of 2019 and 2020, mentioning that a systematic review was conducted in the title, objective or methods sections. One researcher performed the screening and the data extraction after a pilot test training. The following data were extracted: affiliation of the primary author, dental specialization, the term "systematic review" mentioned in the title, reporting of the objective, reporting of eligibility criteria, reporting of information sources, reporting of the number of included studies and if a meta-analysis was performed. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed with data summarized as frequencies. Results: We included 235 abstracts. A total of 20 studies were from the Universidade de Uberlândia (8.5%), and the main specialization was Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry, with 47 studies (20%). Most of the studies mentioned the term "systematic review" in the title (n=219; 93.2%) and reported the objective (n=231; 98.3%). A great majority of studies did not report the eligibility criteria (n=97; 41.3%) or it was classified as unclear (n=96; 40.8%). The great majority of studies only reported the databases searched (n=103; 43.8%) or databases and date of search (n=74; 31.5%). Most of the studies reported the number of included studies (n=204; 86.8%). Conclusion: Based on this study, the reporting characteristics of systematic review abstracts published in the proceedings of the SBPqO meeting are satisfactory. However, there is room for improvement

Congresos como Asunto , Investigación Dental/estadística & datos numéricos , Indización y Redacción de Resúmenes , Informe de Investigación , Revisiones Sistemáticas como Asunto
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1516349


Objetivo: as Desordens Orais Potencialmente Malignas (DOPMs) consistem em lesões e condições epiteliais que apresentam risco aumentado de malignidade. Nessa pesquisa, buscou-se identificar o perfil da produção cien-tífica brasileira sobre as DOPMs, a partir de uma análise bibliométrica dos trabalhos apresentados nas Reuniões da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica (SBPqO). Materiais e Métodos: foi realizado um estudo bibliométrico, em que foram analisados os anais das reuniões anuais da SBPqO realizadas entre 2015 a 2019. Incluiu-se resumos sobre DOPMs apresentados em qualquer categoria e as seguintes informações foram extraídas: ano, desenho do estudo, tipo de DOPM, unidade federativa, localização e instituição de ensino superior de origem. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva. Resultados:foram identificados 91 resumos. A maior parte foi publicada em 2015 (24,2%) e por autores do estado de São Paulo (22%). A leucoplasia foi a desordem mais frequente (36,2%), seguida pela queilite actínica (35,2%). A maioria dos estudos foi de autoria de pesquisadores das regiões Sudeste (29%) e Sul (28%). Em relação à instituição de ensino, grande parte (68,1%) foi proveniente de universidades públicas. O tipo de estudo mais frequente foi pesquisa labo-ratorial básica (57,1%). Discussão: os achados do estudo indicam que o número de pesquisas sobre as DOPMs apresentadas nas Reuniões da SBPqO ainda é reduzido, concentrados na região sudeste e nas universidades públicas. Conclusão: realizar novas pesquisas a respeito desse tema é muito importante, pois permite a descoberta de informações relevantes para a saúde dos indivíduos frente a essa neoplasia.

Objective: Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (OPMDs) are lesions and epithelial conditions that present an increased risk of malignancy. In this research, the aim was to identify the profile of Brazilian scientific produc-tion on DOPMs, based on a bibliometric analysis of the works presented at the Meetings of the Brazilian Dental Research Society (SBPqO). Materials and Methods: a bibliometric study was carried out, in which the annals of the annual SBPqO meetings held between 2015 and 2019 were analyzed. Abstracts about DOPMs presented in any category were included and the following information was extracted: year, study design, type of DOPM, federative unit, location and educational institution of origin. The data were analyzed using descriptive sta-tistics. Results: 91 abstracts were identified. Most were published in 2015 (24.2%) and by authors from the state of São Paulo (22%). Leukoplakia was the most frequent disorder (36.2%), followed by actinic cheilitis (35.2%). Most of the studies were authored by researchers from the Southeast (29%) and South (28%) regions. Regarding the educational institution, a large part (68.1%) came from public universities. The most frequent type of study was basic laboratory research (57.1%). Discussion: the study findings indicate that the number of researches on DOPMs presented at the SBPqO Meetings is still small, concentrated in the Southeast region and in public universities. Conclusion: conducting new research on this topic is very important, as it allows the discovery of information relevant to the health of individuals in the face of this neoplasm.

Bibliometría , Congresos como Asunto , Eritroplasia , Leucoplasia , Liquen Plano
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(57): 110-124, jan.-abr. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1391381


O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar a produção científica procedente da atividade curricular de Trabalho de Iniciação Científica, do período de 2003 a 2017, dos alunos do curso de Odontologia de uma universidade comunitária. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, mediante a coleta de dados secundários. As informações foram obtidas junto aos Resumos das Semanas de Iniciação Científica do Curso, à Plataforma Lattes e à Plataforma Sucupira. A análise dos dados ocorreu através de estatística descritiva. Foram analisados 456 trabalhos. A tipologia de pesquisa mais frequente foi o Estudo Transversal (59%). Um total de 18 diferentes áreas temáticas foi identificado, sendo as mais frequentes: Odontologia Social e Preventiva; Materiais Odontológicos; e Odontopediatria que juntas somaram 52,1%. Em cinco áreas temáticas foi possível perceber a presença de 6 eixos norteadores da pesquisa, segundo critérios da Agenda Nacional de Prioridades de Pesquisa em Saúde. Quanto à divulgação dos resultados destas investigações, 37,7% (N=172) foram apresentadas em Eventos Científicos externos à Universidade e 23,7% (N=108) publicadas em periódicos científicos. Pode-se concluir que a atividade curricular de iniciação científica dos acadêmicos do curso analisado tem contribuído para a produção de conhecimento na área da Saúde Coletiva, bem como, evidencia um fortalecimento da divulgação dos resultados das pesquisas no âmbito externo à instituição.

The objective of the research was to analyze the scientific production derived from the curricular activity of Scientific Initiation Work, from 2003 to 2017, of Dentistry' students from a community university. This is an exploratory study, through the collection of secondary data. The information was obtained from the Abstracts of the Scientific Initiation Weeks of the Course, the Lattes Platform and the Sucupira Platform. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. 456 papers were analyzed. The most frequent type of research was the Cross-Sectional Study (59%). A total of 18 different thematic areas were identified, the most frequent of which are: Social and Preventive Dentistry; Dental Materials; and Pediatric Dentistry, which together accounted for 52.1%. In five thematic areas, it was possible to perceive the resence of 6 guiding axes of the research, according to criteria of the National Agenda of Priorities in Health Research. As for the dissemination of the results of these investigations, 37.7% (N = 172) were presented at Scientific Events outside the University and 23.7% (N = 108) published in scientific journals. It can be concluded that curricular activity of scientific initiation in the analysed course has contributed to the production of knowledge in the area of Public Health, as well as, it evidences a strengthening of the dissemination of research results outside the institution.

Estudiantes de Odontología , Investigación Dental , Educación en Odontología
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(3): 702-711, sept. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385780


The present study aims to describe through a literature review, the main types of noble and non-noble alloys in dentistry looking to identify the adhesion mechanisms, compositions and mechanical properties, and its applicability as a rehabilitation resource nowadays. A bibliographic search was conducted in the main health databases PUBMED ( and Scholar Google (, in which studies published from 1971 to 2021 were collected. Laboratory studies, case reports, systematic and literature reviews, which were developed in living individuals. Articles that did not deal with metal alloys and its use in dentistry were excluded. Through the review, it was possible to ver ify that all works presented the metal alloys and their main properties, indicating that they are divided into three main types: hi gh noble alloys, noble alloys and base metal alloys differing in their levels of constituent noble metals. Several alloys and meta ls are available for the dental market each presenting advantages and disadvantages, mainly based on its specific composition.Continuous research and development are resulting in the production of new technologies and products, giving dental surgeons even more options in the design and manufacture of restorations using metal alloys and understanding that these resources will still be viable alternatives in oral rehabilitations. However, further studies on metal alloys are needed to better understand this subject.

El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo describir a través de una revisión de la literatura, los principales tipos de aleaciones nobles y no nobles utilizados en odontología buscando identificar los mecanismos de adhesión, composiciones y propiedades mecánicas, así como reflejar su aplicabilidad como recurso rehabilitador en la actualidad. Realizamos una búsqueda bibliográfica em las principales bases de datos de salud PUBMED ( y Scholar Google (, en la que se recopilaron estudios publicados desde 1971 hasta 2021. Estudios de laboratorio, informes de casos, revisiones sistemáticas y bibliográficas, que se desarrollaron en individuos vivos. Sin embargo, se excluyeron los artículos que no trataban sobre aleaciones metálicas y su uso en odontología. Se pudo observar que todos los trabajos presentaban las aleaciones metálicas y sus principales propiedades indicando que se estas dividen en tres tipos principales: aleaciones altamente nobles, aleaciones nobles y aleaciones de metales base que difierenen sus niveles de metales nobles constituyentes. Hay varias aleaciones y metales disponibles para el mercado dental, cada uno presenta ventajas y desventajas, principalmente en función de su composición específica. La investigación y el desarrollo continuo están dando como resultado la producción de nuevas tecnologías y productos, brindando a los cirujanos dentistas aún más opciones en el diseño y fabricación de las restauraciones, utilizando aleaciones metálicas y, permite concluir que estos recursos seguirán siendo alternativas viables en los tratamientos de rehabilitación. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios sobre el tema abordado en el trabajo, para una comprensión más profunda del tema.

Humanos , Aleaciones de Cerámica y Metal/uso terapéutico , Aleaciones Dentales , Investigación Dental , Odontología , Elementos Químicos , Fenómenos Mecánicos , Metales
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 14(2): 144-147, ago. 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385203


ABSTRACT: Universities are immersed in a globalized world with new knowledge and technologies. This requires to focus their objectives to meet society's demands. Advanced human capital has to be capable of strategic planning which is key to university development and must be aimed at educational excellence, quality of scientific research, and high-level technology. These elements make possible the creation of efficient units capable of performing in increasingly demanding markets. The objective is to describe a policy strategy for university research management applied to the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of La Frontera. The development of this policy included a strategy based on the generation of a research environment through the creation of a Master's degree and the establishment of four pillars: recruitment and training in research of human resources, creation of research centers, creation, and implementation of research laboratories and collaboration with national bodies and foreign universities. This policy has succeeded in improving scientific production and publication quality, positioning the Faculty of Dentistry within the Universidad de La Frontera. We consider that the strategy presented can be applied in different faculties of Chilean Universities. For its application, technological and social advances and demands of the current times must be considered.

Humanos , Facultades de Odontología , Universidades , Bibliometría , Investigación Dental
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 35: e051, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1153605


Abstract This editorial addresses the history of Brazilian Oral Research (BOR), official journal of the Brazilian Division of the International Association of Dental Research (SBPqO). BOR is increasingly consolidating itself as the most important journal in Brazilian dental research. However, much still needs to be done. The hard and continuous work to improve the journal will guarantee its permanent growth and result in new achievements for the benefit of the entire dental scientific community.

Investigación Dental , Brasil
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 25(5): 23e1-23e12, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1133689


ABSTRACT Introduction: For dental professionals, including orthodontists, Quality of life (QOL) is a topic of growing concern and could be determined by objective and subjective complex factors. Objective: This study analyzed the factors that influence the QOL of orthodontists graduated between 1993 and 2016 of a public university (Medellín, Colombia). Methods: A mixed-methods study was conducted (cross-sectional survey; 88 participants; 3 focus groups, 21 participants). Quantitative analysis: the research included sociodemographic, labor and health characteristics as independent variables and the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire as main outcome for QOL. Frequencies were calculated and the association between QOL and independent variables was estimated by bivariate analysis (Chi square tests) and a linear multivariate regression. Qualitative analysis: Narrative content analysis according to thematic categories. Mixed methods: a conceptual framework for QOL using the triangulation was developed. Results: All the scores surpassed 55 points on the 4 domains of WHOQOL-BREF. A lower value was found in the physical dimension (57.1±10.7) and a greater value in the psychological dimension (70.8±8.3). The variables associated positively to QOL were permanent contract, teaching/research activities, monthly income, resting days per week and sex. Factors associated negatively were low social support, mental health and rent housing. Discourses of participants allowed to identify the concept of QOL and the contextual and social determinants and satisfiers. Conclusion: QOL of orthodontists is influenced by sociodemographic, employment, working and health factors. Therefore, QOL is a multidimensional concept that recognizes the political and socio-economic context and personal and professional experiences.

RESUMO Introdução: Entre os profissionais da área odontológica, incluindo os ortodontistas, a Qualidade de Vida (QOL) é um tópico de interesse crescente, podendo ser determinada por meio de complexos fatores objetivos e subjetivos. Objetivo: O presente estudo analisou fatores que influenciam a QOL dos ortodontistas graduados entre 1993 e 2016 em uma universidade pública (Medelín, Colômbia). Método: Foi conduzido um estudo de metodologia mista (pesquisa transversal; 88 participantes; 3 grupos focais, 21 participantes). Análise quantitativa: foram incluídas características sociodemográficas, ocupacionais e de saúde como variáveis independentes e o questionário WHOQOL-BREF como resultado principal para QOL. As frequências foram calculadas e a associação entre QOL e as variáveis independentes foram estimadas por uma análise bivariada (teste qui-quadrado) e uma regressão linear multivariada. Análise qualitativa: análise do conteúdo narrativo de acordo com as categorias temáticas. Metodologia mista: foi desenvolvida uma estrutura conceitual para QOL utilizando a triangulação. Resultados: Todas as pontuações ultrapassaram 55 pontos nos 4 domínios do WHOQOL-BREF. Um valor mais baixo foi encontrado na dimensão física (57,1±10,7) e um valor mais alto, na dimensão psicológica (70,8±8,3). As variáveis associadas positivamente à QOL foram as seguintes: contrato permanente, atividades ensino/pesquisa, renda mensal, dias de descanso por semana e sexo. Os fatores associados negativamente foram baixo suporte social, saúde mental e morar de aluguel. O discurso dos participantes permitiu a identificação do conceito de QOL, dos determinantes contextuais e sociais, e os fatores motivacionais. Conclusão: A QOL dos ortodontistas é influenciada por fatores sociodemográficos, ocupacionais, ligados ao trabalho e à saúde. Dessa maneira, a QOL se apresenta como um conceito multidimensional, que reconhece o contexto político e socioeconômico, assim como as experiências pessoais e profissionais.

Humanos , Calidad de Vida , Universidades , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Colombia , Ortodoncistas
Arq. odontol ; 56: 1-8, jan.-dez. 2020. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1087807


Objetivo: Traçar o perfil dos orientadores de Iniciação Científica da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais durante uma década.Métodos: Foi feita uma avaliação retrospectiva da formação, da carreira e daexperiência de orientações na pós-graduação e na graduação dos professores da Instituição que orientaram alunos como bolsistas do Programa de Iniciação Científica de 2006 a 2016. Com base em informações dos currículos cadastrados na plataforma Lattes do CNPq, a produção intelectual dos docentes foi analisada, quanti e qualitativamente, Qualis 2015. Para avaliar a correlação entre o número de orientações de Iniciação Cientifica e as demais variáveis numéricas, foi usado o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e para verificar se existia diferença entre o número de orientações de Iniciação Cientifica entre as categorias das variáveis categóricas, foram usados os testes de Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados: Pouco mais de 35% (n = 44) do total de professores da Instituição, com formações, tempo de titulação e níveis de carreira diversos, alocados nos 4 departamentos, orientaram bolsistas no período; dos quais 18 tinham orientações em andamento. Quase 90% destes apresentam vínculo com Programa de pós-graduação. As áreas responsáveis pelo maior número de bolsas vigentes são a Odontopediatria e Odontologia social e preventivas. O número de orientações de Iniciação Científica concluídas e em andamento por orientador apresentou correlação positiva e significante (rs, p < 0,05) com a produção científica qualificada (≥ B3) e com o número de orientações de pós-graduação stricto sensu, mas não esteve correlacionada a outras produções e orientações. Conclusão: O perfil de orientadores de Iniciação Científica entre o período de 2006-2016 foi diversificado, com diferentes áreas de atuação, níveis de carreira e titulação. No entanto, observamos que a participação no Programa é pequena diante do total de docentes com titulação, capacidade de orientação e do número de alunos de graduação da Instituição. Isso se deve principalmente ao número de bolsas de Iniciação Científica não conseguir contemplar todos os professores que se inscrevem no programa.

Aim: To outline the profile of the Scientific Initiation advisors of the School of Dentistry at the Federal University of Minas Gerais over a 10-year period. Methods: A retrospective assessment was made regarding the education, career, and experience of postgraduate and undergraduate guidance rendered by the institution's faculty who advised students who were fellows of the Scientific Initiation Program from 2006 to 2016. Based on information from registered curricula in the CNPq Lattes platform, the intellectual production of teachers was analyzed, both quantitatively and qualitatively, according to Qualis 2015. To evaluate the correlation between the amount of Scientific Initiation guidance rendered and the other numerical variables, the Spearman correlation coefficient was used, and to verify if there was a difference between the amount of Scientific Initiation guidance rendered between the categories of categorical variables, the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. Results: Just over 35% (n = 44) of the total number of teachers of the institution, with different degrees, tenure, and career levels, allocated in the four departments, advised fellows during this period, of which 18 received ongoing guidance, almost 90% of which were linked to the Postgraduate Program. The areas responsible for the largest number of scholarships in effect cane from the fields of Pediatric Dentistry and Social and Preventive Dentistry. The amount of completed and ongoing Scientific Initiation guidance rendered per advisor showed a significant positive correlation (rs, p < 0.05) with qualified scientific output (≥ B3) and with the amount of stricto sensu postgraduate guidance rendered, but was not correlated with other productions and advice. Conclusion: The profile of Scientific Initiation advisors between 2006-2016 was diverse, with different areas of activity, career levels, and titles. However, we observed that participation in the program is minimal, given the total number of professors with a degree, capacity to provide advice, and the number of undergraduate students registered at the institution. This is mainly due to the number of Scientific Initiation scholarships failing to contemplate all teachers who enrolled in the program.

Investigadores , Estudiantes , Mentores , Investigación Dental , Universidades , Academias e Institutos , Actividades Científicas y Tecnológicas , Docentes , Becas
Arq. odontol ; 56: 1-6, jan.-dez. 2020. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1103991


Objetivo: Analisar as propriedades físico-químicas, escoamento, tempo de presa, solubilidade e alteração dimensional, dos cimentos endodônticos à base de óxido de zinco e eugenol: Endomethasone N, Endofill e Grosmann, de acordo com a especificação número 57 da American Dental Association. Métodos: Realizou-se os testes nas condições ambientais de 23° ± 2°C e 50 ± 5% de umidade relativa do ar, mantidas 48 h antes dos procedimentos, repetindo-se cinco vezes e obtendo-se uma média aritmética. Resultados: Os cimentos à base de óxido de zinco e eugenol analisados apresentaram tempo de endurecimento elevados, para o teste de escoamento, o Endofill e Grossman apresentaram-se acima do estabelecido. Em relação à solubilidade, o Endomethasone N esteve dentro do padrão e os demais cimentos excederam. Conclusão:Todos os cimentos analisados obtiveram valores diferentes do recomendado para alteração dimensional. Nenhum dos cimentos enquadrou-se completamente nas normatizações.

Aim: To analyze the physical-chemical properties, flow, setting time, solubility and dimensional change of endodontic cements, based on zinc oxide and eugenol: Endomethasone N, Endo fill, and Grosmann, according to specification number 57 of the American Dental Association. Methods: The tests were conducted under environmental conditions of 23° ± 2°C and 50 ± 5% relative air humidity, maintained for 48 h prior to the procedures, repeating five times and obtaining an arithmetic mean. Results: The cements based on zinc oxide and eugenol analyzed in this study showed high hardening times. For the flow test, Endo fill and Grossman were above the established parameters. Regarding solubility, Endomethasone N was within the standard, while the other cements exceeded this standard. Conclusion: All analyzed cements obtained values that proved to be different from those recommended for dimensional changes. None of the cements were completely compliant with the regulations.

Solubilidad , Cemento de Óxido de Zinc-Eugenol , Ensayo de Materiales , Cementos Dentales , Óxido de Zinc , Eugenol