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Univ. salud ; 26(2): 41-50, mayo-agosto 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553978


Introducción: El desarrollo positivo es un estadio de ajuste psicosocial que acentúa las potencialidades y los recursos entre jóvenes y sus contextos próximos. En Australia, se desarrolló el primer modelo de desarrollo positivo para adultos emergentes, el cual consta de cinco componentes (competencia social, satisfacción con la vida, confianza y tolerancia con los otros, confianza hacia autoridades e instituciones, acción y compromiso cívico), pero no ha sido investigado en Chile. Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia disponible en la literatura científica sobre los cinco componentes del modelo de desarrollo positivo en adultos emergentes universitarios de Chile. Materiales y métodos: Revisión narrativa de la literatura publicada entre 2013 y 2023, en bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO, Redalyc y Dialnet. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 83 artículos, de los cuales 53 cumplieron los requisitos de inclusión; en su mayor parte fueron estudios cuantitativos (81,13%) y en español (75,47%). Se evidenció una disparidad en la cantidad de estudios por temática; se encuentra mayor investigación en satisfacción con la vida y acción y compromiso cívico. Conclusiones: Existen brechas en la literatura científica chilena en el estudio del desarrollo positivo; además de que se discuten particularidades idiosincrásicas y desafíos asociados a la etapa de adultez emergente.

Introduction: Positive development is a stage of psychosocial adjustment that accentuates the potentials and resources of young people and their close contexts. The first positive development model for emerging adulthood was developed in Australia, which includes five components: social; life satisfaction; trust and tolerance of others; trust in the authorities and institutions; and action and civic engagement. However, this model has not been investigated in Chile. Objective: To analyze the evidence available in the scientific literature on the five components of the positive development model in emerging adults universities. Materials and methods: A narrative review of the literature published between 2013 and 2023 in the Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO, Redalyc, and Dialnet databases was conducted. Results: 83 articles were selected, of which 53 met the inclusion criteria; most of them were qualitative studies (81.13%) and in Spanish (75.47%). There is an evident disparity in terms of the number of studies and topics, e.g., there is more research on life satisfaction and civic action and commitment. Conclusions: There are gaps in the Chilean scientific literature in the study of positive development. In addition, idiosyncratic particularities and challenges associated with the stages of emerging adulthood are discussed.

Introdução: O desenvolvimento positivo é uma fase de ajustamento psicossocial que acentua o potencial e os recursos dos jovens e dos seus contextos imediatos. Na Austrália, foi desenvolvido o primeiro modelo de desenvolvimento positivo para adultos emergentes, que consiste em cinco componentes (social, satisfação com a vida, confiança e tolerância com os outros, confiança nas autoridades e instituições, ação e envolvimento cívico), mas ainda não foi investigado no Chile. Objetivo: Analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura científica sobre os cinco componentes do modelo de desenvolvimento positivo em adultos universitários emergentes no Chile. Materiais e métodos: Revisão narrativa da literatura publicada entre 2013 e 2023, nas bases de dados Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO, Redalyc e Dialnet. Resultados: foram obtidos 83 artigos, dos quais 53 atenderam aos requisitos de inclusão; A maioria deles eram estudos quantitativos (81,13%) e em espanhol (75,47%). Ficou evidente uma disparidade no número de estudos por tema; Há mais pesquisas sobre satisfação com a vida e ação e compromisso cívico. Conclusões: Existem lacunas na literatura científica chilena no estudo do desenvolvimento positivo; Além disso, são discutidas particularidades e desafios idiossincráticos associados à fase da idade adulta emergente.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Adulto Joven , Psicología del Desarrollo , Universidades , Crecimiento y Desarrollo
Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(3): 235-249, Ago. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1570278


Objetivo: Identificar y clasificar las diferentes anomalías del desarrollo diagnosticadas en la unidad de ecografía del servicio de medicina materno fetal de la Maternidad Concepción Palacios entre enero y diciembre de 2023. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, transversal que incluyó la evaluación de los 4225 reportes de ultrasonido obstétrico realizados en 2023. Se excluyeron los estudios sin diagnóstico morfológico. Las variables evaluadas fueron características clínicas de las gestantes, prevalencia según tipo de anomalía del desarrollo y según el aparato o sistema afectado. Resultados: Se diagnosticaron anomalías del desarrollo en 282 pacientes, para una frecuencia de 6,7 %. Las anomalías fueron únicas en 187 casos (66,3 %) y múltiples en 95 pacientes (33,7 %). El total de malformaciones fue 360 (8,5 %). El mínimo de lesiones detectadas fue una y el máximo fue tres. El sistema afectado con mayor frecuencia fue el sistema nervioso central, con 104 casos (28,9 %); le siguen, en orden de frecuencia, los marcadores aislados, vistos en 92 pacientes (25,6 %) y las anomalías cardiovasculares, en 49 fetos (13,6 %). Conclusión: La frecuencia de malformaciones congénitas diagnosticadas en el año 2023 fue de 6,7 % de las ecografías realizadas en la unidad de ecografía del servicio de medicina materno fetal de la Maternidad Concepción Palacios; en las dos terceras partes de los casos fueron únicas y el tercio restante fueron múltiples. En orden de frecuencia, los sistemas afectados fueron sistema nervioso central, marcadores aislados de aneuploidías y anomalías cardiovasculares(AU)

Objective: To identify and classify the different developmental anomalies diagnosed in the ultrasound unit of the maternal-fetal medicine service of the Concepción Palacios Maternity Hospital between January and December 2023. Methods: Retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study that included the evaluation of the 4225 obstetric ultrasound reports performed in 2023. Studies without morphological diagnosis were excluded. The variables evaluated were clinical characteristics of the pregnant women, prevalence according to type of developmental anomaly and according to the affected apparatus or system. Results: Developmental abnormalities were diagnosed in 282 patients, with a frequency of 6.7%. The anomalies were single in 187 cases (66.3%) and multiple in 95 patients (33.7%). The total number of malformations was 360 (8.5%). The minimum number of injuries detected was one and the maximum was three. The most frequently affected system was the central nervous system, with 104 cases (28.9%); This is followed by isolated markers, seen in 92 patients (25.6%), and cardiovascular anomalies, in 49 fetuses (13.6%). Conclusion: The frequency of congenital malformations diagnosed in 2023 was 6.7% of the ultrasound scans performed in the ultrasound unit of the maternal-fetal medicine service of the Concepción Palacios Maternity Hospital; Two-thirds of the cases were singles and the remaining third were multiples. In order of frequency, the affected systems were central nervous system, isolated markers of aneuploidies, and cardiac anomalies(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Perinatología , Diagnóstico Prenatal , Anomalías Congénitas , Responsabilidad Parental , Ultrasonido , Sistema Nervioso Central , Ultrasonografía , Mujeres Embarazadas , Feto , Maternidades
Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e58868, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559330


Resumen Introducción: Los equinodermos son dominantes en términos de abundancia y diversidad; particularmente los asteroideos presentan un importante rol en las comunidades bentónicas antárticas. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue revisar la distribución batimétrica, composición específica, ocurrencia y riqueza de especies de asteroideos que habitan en los archipiélagos Orcadas del Sur, Shetland del Sur y Archipiélago de Palmer, ubicados en la Península Antártica. A su vez, detallar aspectos de los patrones de desarrollo de las especies halladas. Métodos: Utilizamos la información adquirida durante Campañas Antárticas de Verano 2012 y 2013, a bordo del Buque Oceanográfico "Puerto Deseado". Las estaciones de muestreo se ubicaron en tres archipiélagos localizados en la Península Antártica: Orcadas del Sur (OS), Shetland del Sur (SS) y Archipiélago de Palmer (AP). Se realizaron 28 lances de pesca y se fotografiaron y procesaron 436 individuos. Se determinó el radio mayor (mm) de cada individuo, las características macroscópicas de las gónadas y la presencia de embriones. Se realizó una revisión del estatus taxonómico y de la distribución batimétrica y del área de distribución geográfica de las especies muestreadas basándonos en registros bibliográficos y bases de datos. Se utilizó una agrupación jerárquica para analizar la composición de las especies entre las diferentes áreas. Resultados: En todas las estaciones de muestreo se obtuvieron asteroideos (ocurrencia: 100 %) entre 52.7 y 987 metros de profundidad. Se registraron 21 especies, de las cuales no se modificó la distribución batimétrica de ninguna de ellas, pero se amplió el área de distribución geográfica de seis. La riqueza de especies fue igual en SS y AP, y mayor que en OS, coincidiendo con la presencia de dos grupos regionales con una composición faunística similar. El 72 % de las especies registradas presentan desarrollo pelágico (larva planctotrófica = 17 % y larva lecitotrófica = 55 %) y el 28 % desarrollo no pelágico (larva retenida = 17 % y desarrollo directo = 11 %). Conclusiones: En los tres archipiélagos el patrón de desarrollo mayoritario fue el pelágico con nutrición lecitotrófica. La totalidad de las especies halladas en el presente trabajo son compartidas con la región subantártica, destacándose la importancia de la Corriente de Malvinas en la dispersión de las especies desde Antártida.

Abstract Introduction: Echinoderms are dominant in terms of abundance and diversity; particularly asteroids play an important role in Antarctic benthic communities. Objective: The aim of the present work was to review the bathymetric distribution, specific composition, occurrence and species richness of asteroid species inhabiting South Orkney, South Shetland and Palmer Archipelago, located in the Antarctic Peninsula. Aspects of the developmental patterns of the species found are also included. Methods: We used data acquired during the 2012 and 2013 Antarctic Summer Campaigns aboard the Oceanographic Vessel "Puerto Deseado". Sampling stations were located in three archipelagos located in the Antarctic Peninsula: South Orkney (SO), South Shetland (SS) and Palmer Archipelago (PA). A total of 28 fishing hauls were made and 436 individuals were photographed and processed. The maximum radius (mm) of each individual, the macroscopic characteristics of the gonads and the presence of embryos were registered. A review of the taxonomic status, bathymetric and geographical distribution area of the sampled species was carried out based on bibliographic records and databases. A hierarchical grouping was used to analyze species composition among the different areas. Results: Asteroids were obtained in all sampling stations (occurrence: 100 %) between 52.7 and 987 m depth. 21 species were recorded, the bathymetric distribution was not broadened in any of them, and the geographical distribution area of six species was expanded. Species richness was equal in SS and PA and higher than in SO, coinciding with the presence of two regional groups with a similar faunal composition. Seventy-two percent of the recorded species present pelagic development (planktotrophic larvae = 17 %, and lecithotrophic larvae = 55 %) and 28 % non-pelagic development (retained larvae = 17 %, and direct development = 11 %). Conclusions: In the three archipelagos, the majority development pattern was pelagic with lecithotrophic nutrition. All the species found in this study are shared with the sub-Antarctic region, highlighting the importance of the Malvinas Current in the dispersal of species from Antarctica.

Animales , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , Ecosistema , Muestreo
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006602


Background@#Pediatric cataract is one of the most common preventable cause of childhood blindness worldwide. Early and timely intervention of pediatric cataract is important to maximize the visual outcomes and start prompt visual rehabilitation.@*Objectives@#This study aimed to determine the average time from the day of initial consult at the outpatient clinic to the day of the cataract surgery and compare the effects of delayed surgery on visual outcomes of patients.@*Methods@#This is a retrospective chart review of medical records from January 2015 to June 2022. The dates of the different steps in the process up to the day of intervention were noted and the average interval duration and the total waiting time were determined. Patients operated on within 2 weeks from initial consult was defined as no delay while those operated >2 weeks had delayed surgery. Pre-operative and post-operative best corrected log MAR visual acuity were compared within each group to determine if delay in surgical intervention has a significant effect on the visual outcomes of patients.@*Results@#Median age at initial consult was 4.9 years while median age at surgery was 5.2 years. Ninety-nine (99) patients had developmental cataract and 123 patients had bilateral cataract. Leukocoria was the most common chief complaint (63.45%). Pre-operatively, 94 patients had strabismus, 49 had eye preference, 48 had nystagmus, and 43 had amblyopia in the diagnosis. There was significantly faster admission to cataract surgery during the pandemic compared to pre-pandemic period but there was no difference in the total waiting time. Patients with congenital cataract had the least total waiting time followed by developmental, and rubella cataract. There is no significant difference in visual outcomes between patients operated without delay and with delay.@*Conclusion@#There is delayed age at diagnosis and surgery of pediatric cataract patients in the Philippine General Hospital. Early surgery did not reflect better visual outcomes compared to delayed surgery probably due to delay in consultation of patients.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017012


Objective To investigate the in-hospital screening results of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in infants and young children in Ili area, and to analyze the risk factors affecting the occurrence of DDH. Methods According to the cluster sampling method 5 536 infants and young children who underwent DDH screening in the pediatric outpatient department and orthopedic outpatient department of our hospital from December 2019 to June 2022 were selected as the research objects. The children who met the diagnostic criteria of DDH were selected as the observation group (n=35), and 100 normal children were selected as the control group. Univariate and multivariate analysis were used to determine the independent risk factors affecting the occurrence of DDH in infants. Results Among the 39 cases were positive in primary screening, 35 cases were positive in secondary screening, and the positive rate was 6.32‰ . The results of single factor analysis showed that the proportion of women, second birth and above, caesarean section, breech delivery, family history, high altitude area, living environment room temperature °C, and leg binding when swaddling in the observation group was higher than that in the control group (P°C and leg binding in infants are related to the occurrence of DDH in infants, which can provide some reference for clinical screening, diagnosis and treatment.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017287


Objective:To evaluate the developmental toxicity of Cry1Ab protein by studying its effects on cell proliferation and differentiation ability using a developmental toxicity assessment model based on embryonic stem-cell.Methods:Cry1Ab protein was tested in seven dose groups(31.25,62.50,125.00,250.00,320.00,1 000.00,and 2 000.00 μg/L)on mouse embryonic stem cells D3(ES-D3)and 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells,with 5-fluorouracil(5-FU)used as the positive control and phos-phate buffer saline(PBS)as the solvent control.Cell viability was detected by CCK-8 assay to calculate the 50%inhibitory concentration(IC50)of the test substance for different cells.Additionally,Cry1 Ab protein was tested in five dose groups(125.00,250.00,320.00,1 000.00,and 2 000.00 μg/L)on ES-D3 cells,with PBS as the solvent control and 5-FU used for model validation.After cell treatment,cardiac differentiation was induced using the embryonic bodies(EBs)culture method.The growth of EBs was observed under a microscope,and their diameters on the third and fifth days were measured.The proportion of EBs differentiating into beating cardiomyocytes was recorded,and the 50%inhibition con-centration of differentiation(ID50)was calculated.Based on a developmental toxicity discrimination func-tion,the developmental toxicity of the test substances was classified.Furthermore,at the end of the cul-ture period,mRNA expression levels of cardiac differentiation-related markers(Oct3/4,GATAA-4,Nkx2.5,and β-MHC)were quantitatively detected using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(qPCR)in the collected EBs samples.Results:The IC50 of 5-FU was determined as 46.37 μg/L in 3T3 cells and 32.67 μg/L in ES-D3 cells,while the ID50 in ES-D3 cells was 21.28 μg/L.According to the discrimination function results,5-FU was classified as a strong embryotoxic substance.There were no sta-tistically significant differences in cell viability between different concentrations of Cry 1 Ab protein treat-ment groups and the control group in both 3T3 cells and ES-D3 cells(P>0.05).Moreover,there were no statistically significant differences in the diameter of EBs on the third and fifth days,as well as their morphology,between the Cry1Ab protein treatment groups and the control group(P>0.05).The cardi-ac differentiation rate showed no statistically significant differences between different concentrations of Cry1Ab protein treatment groups and the control group(P>0.05).5-FU significantly reduced the mRNA expression levels of β-MHC,Nkx2.5,and GATA-4(P<0.05),showing a dose-dependent trend(P<0.05),while the mRNA expression levels of the pluripotency-associated marker Oct3/4 exhibited an increasing trend(P<0.05).However,there were no statistically significant differences in the mRNA expression levels of mature cardiac marker β-MHC,early cardiac differentiation marker Nkx2.5 and GATA-4,and pluripotency-associated marker Oct3/4 between the Cry1Ab protein treatment groups and the control group(P>0.05).Conclusion:No developmental toxicity of Cry1Ab protein at concen-trations ranging from 31.25 to 2 000.00 μg/L was observed in this experimental model.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 443-446, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020234


Objective To measure and compare the cerebral blood flow(CBF)of children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD),global developmental delay(GDD),and ASD with GDD groups via arterial spin labeling(ASL)technique,and to evaluate the diag-nostic value of CBF values.Methods ASL images of ASD,GDD,and ASD with GDD groups of children were firstly acquired,and the CBF values of frontal lobe,temporal lobe,parietal lobe,occipital lobe,striatum and thalamus region of interest(ROI)were fur-ther measured,respectively.One-way analysis of variance or Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to compare the differences in CBF values among these three groups,and the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to analyze the efficacy of CBF values in distinguishing ASD with GDD from without GDD.Results ASD with GDD had significantly lower CBF values in the left and right frontal lobes than those with ASD or GDD alone,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).The CBF values in the left and right frontal lobes effectively distinguished ASD with GDD from without GDD[area under the curve(AUC)>0.7].Conclusion ASL technique can noninvasively assess CBF in children with or without GDD,helping to understand the pathophysiology of ASD with GDD and improving diagnostic accuracy.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020848


Objective To investigate the protective effects of melatonin(MT)on early embryo in vitro development of mice after exposure to benzophenone-3(BP-3).Methods Fertilized mouse oocytes at the synge-neic stage were cultured in KSOM culture medium,0.8 μmol/L BP-3 culture medium,and 1×10-7 mol/L MT + 0.8 μmol/L BP-3 mixed culture medium,respectively.The rescue effect of MT on the early embryos developmental potential of BP-3-exposed mice in vitro was explored by detecting the blastocyst rate,gene transcription level,protein expression level,and the degree of DNA damage in the three groups of embryos.Results MT improved the developmental potential of mouse embryos exposed to BP-3 in vitro.Compared with the control group,MT treatment significantly increased the protein expression of ATP5A and ATP5B and decreased the DNA damage(P<0.05).Furthermore,the transcription levels of antioxidant gene Gpx1 and pluripotency related genes Pou5f1 and Cdx2 were significantly up-regulated in MT-treated blastocysts,and the expression of pro-apoptotic gene Bax was decreased.Compared with the control group,BP-3 treatment enhanced the signal intensity of γ-H2AX in blastocysts(P<0.05),while adding MT could effectively alleviate DSBs(P<0.05).Conclusion The physiological concentration of BP-3 exposure has reproductive toxicity,but the addition of appropriate con-centration of MT could significantly improve the in vitro developmental potential and quality of BP-3-exposed early embryos.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021318


BACKGROUND:The majority of studies on developmental dysplasia of the hip focus on hip malformations,but there are few reports on the effects of acetabular dysplasia on the spine. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the compensation of spinopelvic parameters in coronal and sagittal views in patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip,and to explore the correlation between acetabular development and spinopelvic parameters. METHODS:A total of 101 patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip admitted to the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine from January 2018 to June 2022 were selected as the trial group,and 114 healthy subjects were selected as the control group during the same period.The spinopelvic parameters of the subjects were measured through the full-length X-ray films of the coronal and sagittal spines:lumbar lordosis,anterior pelvic tilt,thoracolumbar kyphosis,Cobb angle,and the distance between the C7 plumb line and the center sacral vertical line,sacral slope,pelvic incidence,and thoracic kyphosis.The differences in spinopelvic parameters were compared between the two groups.In addition,the differences in spinopelvic parameters in patients with unilateral,bilateral and different Crowe classifications of developmental dysplasia of the hip were compared.Pearson correlation analysis was used to explore the correlation between Sharp angle and spinopelvic parameters. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)In the sagittal view,the lumbar lordosis in the trial group was significantly lower than that in the control group(P<0.05).The pelvic tilt and kyphosis angle of the thoracolumbar segment in the trial group were significantly greater than those in the control group(P<0.05).In the coronary position,the Cobb angle and the distance between the C7 plumb line and center sacral vertical line in the trial group were significantly greater than those in the control group(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the remaining spinopelvic parameters between the two groups(P>0.05).(2)The lumbar lordosis of patients with bilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip was significantly lower than that of patients with unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip(P<0.05).The pelvic tilt,thoracolumbar kyphosis,Cobb angle and the distance between the C7 plumb line and center sacral vertical line in bilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip patients were significantly greater than those in unilateral developmental dysplasia of the hip patients(P<0.05).(3)The lumbar lordosis decreased with the increase of Crowe classification severity(P<0.05).The pelvic tilt increased with the severity of the Crowe classification(P<0.05).(4)Pearson correlation analysis showed that Sharp angle was negatively correlated with lumbar lordosis(P<0.05),while Sharp angle was positively correlated with anterior pelvic tilt,Cobb angle,C7 plumb line and center sacral vertical line(P<0.05).(5)It is concluded that the pelvic tilt,thoracolumbar kyphosis,Cobb angle and the distance between the C7 plumb line and center sacral vertical line increase,while lumbar lordosis decreases in developmental dysplasia of the hip patients.The degree of acetabular dysplasia was significantly correlated with lumbar lordosis,pelvic tilt,Cobb angle,C7 plumb line and center sacral vertical line.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021450


BACKGROUND:Previous studies have found that qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome is the main syndrome among various TCM syndromes of cervical spondylotic myelopathy.However,there is no report on proteomic markers as early diagnosis indicators for the transformation of developmental cervical spinal stenosis with qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome to cervical spondylotic myelopathy. OBJECTIVE:To explore serum proteomics difference between developmental cervical spinal stenosis and cervical spondylotic myelopathy and to find and identify the potential serum biomarkers between them. METHODS:Serum samples of nine patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy of qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome(experimental group)and nine patients with developmental cervical spinal stenosis of qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome(control group)were collected.The proteomic analysis was carried out by Tandem Mass Tag combined with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry,so as to find and identify differentially expressed proteins. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:A total of 1027 significantly differential proteins were initially screened by TMT technology and 89 significantly differential proteins were finally identified(P<0.05).Compared with the control group,there were 45 up-regulated proteins in the experimental group,such as α-actinin-4,α-actinin-1,cell division control protein 42 homolog,integrin-linked protein kinase and B-actin.Conversely,there were 44 down-regulated proteins in the experimental group compared with the control group,such as fibronectin,fibrinogen γ chain,fibrinogen α chain,fibrinogen β chain.Gene ontology enrichment analysis indicated that these differential proteins were involved in signal receptor binding,kinase binding,protein kinase activity,integrin binding,actin filament binding and other molecular functions.Based on the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathway analysis,20 common differential signal/metabolic pathways were identified,including Rap1 signaling pathway,adherens junction,tight junction,platelet activation,and regulation of actin cytoskeleton.Protein-protein interaction analysis showed that ILK,FGA,FGB,FGG,FN1,Cdc42,ACTN1,ACTN4 and ACTB were located at the nodes of protein-protein interaction network and were closely related to bone formation and destruction system,nervous system,coagulation system,cellular inflammation and other systems.To conclude,the serum differentially expressed proteins between developmental cervical spinal stenosis and cervical spondylotic myelopathy can be successfully screened by Tandem Mass Tag combined with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.ILK,FN1,CDC42 and ACTN 4 are identified as specific markers for the transformation of developmental cervical spinal stenosis with qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome into cervical spondylotic myelopathy.These findings provide a basis for further clarifying the transformation mechanism.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021454


BACKGROUND:Previous brain studies have mostly focused on adults and fetuses,and the developmental characteristics of young children's brainstems have rarely been studied. OBJECTIVE:To observe the brainstem development characteristics of healthy young children and to explore the age-related differences and their correlation with sex. METHODS:From January 2019 to April 2022,a retrospective study of 3.0T MRI images of 174 children aged 2 to 6 years in the Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University was conducted,and the median sagittal diameter,area and angle of the brainstem(including midbrain,pons and medulla oblongata)were measured. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:There is an age-related increase in the anterior and posterior diameters of the midbrain,pons and medulla oblongata in the 2-5 years old group as well as in the longitudinal diameter and area of the midbrain,pons and medulla oblongata in the 2-6 years old group.Except for the longitudinal diameter of the medulla oblongata,all others show a positive correlation with age(r>0,P<0.05).In the 2-3 years old group and 4-5 years old group,the children are in the rapid growth and development stage,and these two age groups can be used as the key observation indicators for the development of young children.The anterior-posterior diameter,longitudinal diameter,area of the pons and total brainstem area are strongly correlated with age,which can be used as the key observation indicators for the brainstem development in young children.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021650


BACKGROUND:Superovulation is a common therapy in assisted reproductive technology.In clinical practice,some patients experience repeated superovulation to get pregnant. OBJECTIVE:To explore the effect of repeated superovulation on the developmental potential of oocytes in mice and humans. METHODS:Both animal experiments and retrospective clinical research were conducted.The animal study involved 90 SPF grade ICR 8-week-old female mice,who were randomly divided into three groups for 1,3,and 5 superovulations,respectively.The clinical study involved 306 patients who had undergone three consecutive in vitro fertilization cycles.The number of ovules obtained and embryonic development in different cycles were compared. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The animal study indicated that repeated superovulation did not affect the embryonic development or developmental speed of mouse embryos.Similarly,there was no significant difference in the mouse blastocyst apoptosis,DNA damage,or the formation of inner cell mass and trophectoderm(P>0.05).(2)The clinical study also revealed no significant differences in the number of retrieved oocytes(8.60±5.04,8.58±4.87,and 8.38±4.63,P=0.81)and transferable embryos(2.42±1.99,2.40±1.92,and 2.64±2.00,P=0.26)over the three cycles.(3)In both the young group(<35 years)and the old group(≥35 years),the embryo quality was not affected by repeated superovulation(P>0.05).(4)These findings show that repeated superovulation does not affect the developmental potential of oocytes in mice and humans.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022021


BACKGROUND:Serum-specific biomarkers between normal healthy individuals and populations with developmental cervical canal stenosis(Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome)have not been fully defined. OBJECTIVE:To screen and identify the potential biomarkers of developmental cervical canal stenosis with Qi deficiency and blood stasis. METHODS:Serum samples were collected from nine patients with developmental cervical canal stenosis with Qi deficiency and blood stasis and eight healthy people.Differentially expressed proteins in serum were screened and identified using isotope relative labeling and absolute quantification combined with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.Western blot was used to verify some significant differentially expressed proteins. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:A total of 61 differentially expressed proteins(P<0.05)were identified using tandem mass spectrometry techniques.Compared with the healthy normal population group,14 differentially expressed proteins such as complement component C1q receptor,apolipoprotein A4,and C-C motif chemokine ligand 18 were significantly upregulated,while 47 differentially expressed proteins such as myosin light chain 3,mitochondrial translation elongation factor,and nucleolar phosphoprotein 1 were significantly downregulated.The results of gene ontology enrichment analysis indicated that these differentially expressed proteins might participate in molecular functions such as regulation of chromosomal tissue,mitochondrial membrane tissue,and muscle system processes.Protein-protein interaction network analysis showed that 38 common differential proteins,including complement component C1q receptor,apolipoprotein A4,C-C motif chemokine ligand 18,myosin light chain 3,mitochondrial translation elongation factor,and nucleolar phosphoprotein 1,were located at functional network nodes between healthy normal individuals and those with developmental cervical canal stenosis(Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome),and were closely related to the local energy metabolism of the cervical spine,the production of cervical vertebral osteocytes,and the formation of osteoclasts.The main differentially expressed protein myosin light chain 3 was validated using western blot assay,and the validation results were consistent with the proteomic results.To conclude,the preliminary discovery of differentially expressed proteins in serum between healthy normal individuals and those with developmental cervical canal stenosis(Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome)through absolute quantitative technology combined with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry technology suggests that myosin light chain 3 may be a specific serum marker for developmental cervical canal stenosis(Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome).

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023410


The United States has established a perfect specialist training system for developmental and behavioral pediatrics (DBP), while the DBP specialist training system in China is still in the early stage of development and has been constantly improved. This article analyzes and compares the current status of DBP specialist training system between the United States and China from the aspects of training pattern, eligibility criteria, training plans and contents, assessment and evaluation, and certification. With reference to the training system in the United States, we can further improve the DBP specialist training system in China by perfecting the training system and related documents, constructing reasonable eligibility criteria, establishing a training pattern guided by post competency, improving the DBP assessment and evaluation system based on competency, and enhancing the certification of DBP physicians.

Journal of Medical Research ; (12): 81-85, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023630


Objective To investigate the effect of anti-Mullerian hormone(AMH)levels on the development potential of oocytes in patients with polycystic ovarian morphology(PCOM)complicated with infertility during in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer.Methods A total of 480 infertile patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected(160 cases in control group,104 cases in PCOM group and 216 cases in PCOS group),AMH levels were compared among different groups.According to the serum AMH level(4.7ng/ml as normal value,>4.7ng/ml as high value),both PCOM and PCOS patients were divided into normal AMH group and high AMH group.The differences of oocyte indexes and their correlation between different AMH levels in PCOM and PCOS patients were ana-lyzed.Results The basal androgen level in PCOS group was significantly higher than that in PCOM group(P<0.01).The comparison of serum AMH value showed that the control group<PCOM group<PCOS group(P<0.001).Laboratory indexes showed that the num-ber of mature oocytes,2PN,fertilization,D3 cleavage and total embryos in the high AMH group were significantly higher than those in the normal AMH group in PCOM and PCOS patients(P<0.05).The AMH levels was positively correlated with the number of mature oo-cytes,2PN,fertilization,D3 cleavage and total embryos(P<0.05).In the PCOS group,the number of dominant follicles,oocytes,high-quality embryos and available embryos in the high AMH group were significantly higher than those in the normal AMH group(P<0.05),and the AMH levels was positively correlated with the number of dominant follicles,oocytes,high-quality embryos and available embryos(P<0.05).However,there was no significant difference in the above indicators among different AMH levels in PCOM group(P>0.05).Conclusion The serum AMH level of PCOM patients with infertility is higher than that of the control group,but lower than that of PCOS patients.PCOM patients with high AMH level can obtain better quality oocytes and more embryos,and increase the number of transplantation in patients with repeated transplantation failure,thereby improving the clinical pregnancy rate.

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics ; (12): 329-335, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027725


Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a developmental disease with abnormal position and morphology of the acetabulum and femoral head. DDH ranges from mild dysplasia to complete dislocation, including simple acetabular dysplasia, subluxation, and total dislocation. DDH is one of the most common hip diseases in children, and its onset begins in infancy. The anatomical structure of the hip joint is complex, and there are some practical problems in the large -scale clinical diagnosis and screening work, such as heavy workload, high misdiagnosis rate and missed diagnosis rate, and a long learning period of surgery. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an emerging technology science used to research and develop theories, methods, technologies and application systems that can simulate human intelligence. The main goal is to enable machines to complete complex tasks that require human intelligence. At present, artificial intelligence is mainly used in the diagnosis and treatment of DDH. Artificial intelligence combined with X-ray or ultrasound is used to diagnose and screen DDH, which avoids subjectivity to a certain extent and improves the accuracy of diagnosis and screening. In the preoperative planning of periacetabular osteotomy and total hip arthroplasty, it can more accurately track the position of the bone block and design the size of the prosthesis, which makes the surgical planning more accurate to a certain extent. Artificial intelligence technologies such as 3D navigation system, surgical robot and robotic arm are helpful to improve the accuracy and safety of surgery. Artificial intelligence has the characteristics of simplicity, speed, high repeatability and deep learning ability, which to a certain extent saves manpower, material resources and time costs for DDH diagnosis and treatment, facilitates medical workers to share DDH diagnosis and treatment experience and reduces the burden of patients, families, society and the country. The application of artificial intelligence in DDH diagnosis and treatment is becoming more and more extensive, but at present, artificial intelligence in DDH screening is still in its preliminary stage. There are few reports on artificial intelligence technology in DDH hip preservation treatment and other surgical methods, and there is insufficient research on artificial intelligence in DDH conservative treatment, postoperative complications and prognosis prediction. It is worth exploring new ideas by researchers. At present, the application of artificial intelligence in DDH still has certain limitations, including problems such as difficult to control the quality of image data, difficult to develop and promote technology, and lack of laws and regulations. Based on the literature database and relevant data sharing network, this paper reviews the application of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and treatment of DDH at home and abroad in recent years, summarizes the current application status of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and treatment of DDH, and provides new ideas for the future application of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and treatment of DDH.

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics ; (12): 345-353, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027727


Objective:To analyze the feasibility and clinical efficacy of mirror reconstruction in total hip arthroplasty (THA) assisted by visual treatment solution (VTS) for patients with Crowe type II-III developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH).Methods:Included in this study were 67 patients (67 hips) with unilateral Crowe type II-III DDH undergoing primary THA from June 2022 to August 2023. According to the reconstruction position of the rotation center, the patients were divided into mirror group and high group. There were 37 patients (37 hips) in the mirror group, reconstructed by referring to the rotation center of contralateral normal hip, with 8 males and 27 females, aged 40.9±16.7 years old and 30 patients (30 hips) in the high group, reconstructed by the "high hip center" strategy, with 7 males and 23 females, aged 38.3±11.1 years old. The radiographic results between the affected hip and the normal hip in 12 months postoperatively and the clinical results before and after the operation were compared.Results:All the operations for patients with Crowe type II-III DDH were completed successfully. The operation time, intraoperative blood loss and the follow-up time in the mirror group were 113.9±22.9 min, 287.8 ±181.6 ml and 12.8±1.8 months, respectively, while those in the high group were 118.0±26.2 min, 293.3±125.8 ml and 13.7±2.3 months respectively without significant difference between the two groups. In 12 months postoperatively the rotation center height, greater trochanter height and femoral offset of 37 hips in the mirror group were 16.1±3.8 mm, 17.7±5.2 mm and 34.4 ±5.1 mm, respectively, which were not significantly different from those of the normal side, while the HHS and WOMAC osteoarthritis index were significantly improved compared to those before operation from 32.3±5.3 and 76.9±5.4 points to 84.3±6.3 and 9.4±2.5 points ( t=-34.222, P<0.001; t=64.486, P<0.001). In the high group, the rotational center height, greater trochanter height and femoral offset of 30 hips were 27.9±3.7 mm, 25.4 ±7.9 mm and 35.4 ±6.2 mm, respectively, which were significantly higher than those in the normal side ( t=-15.706, P<0.001; t=-6.494, P<0.001; t=-2.555, P=0.016), and the HHS and WOMAC osteoarthritis index were significantly improved compared to those before operation from 30.9±4.8 and 78.7±5.3 points to 79.5±4.9 and 13.9±3.3 points ( t=-37.339, P<0.001; t=64.375, P<0.001). The HHS and WOMAC osteoarthritis index in the mirror group significantly improved compared with the high group in 12 months postoperatively ( t=3.404, P=0.001; t=-6.315, P<0.001). The X-ray at last follow-up showed that all prostheses were in a stable position. Conclusion:Compared with the high hip center reconstruction, satisfactory outcomes in terms of functional recovery and radiographic evaluation could be achieved in patients with Crowe type II-III DDH undergoing VTS-assisted THA of mirror reconstruction. The application of mirror reconstruction is expected to achieve the goal of restoring the anatomical structure and function of the primary hip after THA.

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics ; (12): 388-394, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027732


Objective:To investigate the mid-and long-term clinical efficacy of modified Colonna arthroplasty in the treatment of unilateral dislocation type developmental dysplasia of hip (DDH) in adolescents.Methods:A total of 28 adolescent DDH patients with unilateral dislocation who underwent modified Colonna capsular arthroplasty from January 2016 to January 2018 in the 920th Hospital of Joint Logistics Support Force of People's Liberation Army were retrospectively analyzed. There were 4 males and 24 females, aged 16.5±5.0 years (range, 10-25 years). The mean body mass index was 21.2±1.1 kg/m 2 (range, 18.7-24.1 kg/m 2). According to DDH classification, 10 cases were Tonnis type III and 18 cases were Tonnis type IV. The postoperative lateral center-edge angle, acetabular coverage, femoral anteversion angle and leg length discrepancy were measured. The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, visual analogue scale (VAS) of hip pain, Harris hip score (HHS) and congenital dislocation of the hip score were recorded. Results:All patients successfully completed the operation and were followed up for 72.1±5.2 months (range, 60-84 months). The operation time was 81.6±4.3 min (range, 70-90 min), the intraoperative blood loss was 177.5±12.6 ml (range, 160-200 ml), and the hospital stay was 6.8±0.7 days (range, 6-9 days). The VAS score of the hip joint was 1.8±0.6 before operation and 2.3±0.6 at the last follow-up, and the difference was not statistically significant ( t=2.845, P=0.224). The preoperative HHS score was 57.1±5.9, and it increased to 87.3±4.0 at the last follow-up, and the difference was statistically significant ( t=-22.141, P=0.001). At the last follow-up, the femoral anteversion angle was 17.0°±1.5°, which was lower than that before operation 41.6°±2.4°, with a statistically significant difference ( t=-44.868, P=0.008). The leg length discrepancy was 10.2±2.3 mm, which was lower than that before operation (26.4±6.1 mm), with a statistically significant difference ( t=-12.892, P<0.001). The lateral center-edge angle was 28° (26°, 30°), and the acetabular coverage rate was 78% (76%, 79%). The curative effect evaluation standard score of congenital dislocation of the hip was 24 (16.7, 25.7) points, including 7 excellent cases, 14 good cases, 4 fair cases, and 3 poor cases. The excellent and good rate was 75% (21/28). Conclusion:The modified Colonna arthroplasty for the treatment of unilateral dislocation DDH in adolescents has good mid-and long-term hip function recovery and radiographic improvement.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 133-140, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029183


Objective:To investigate the clinical phenotype and genetic characteristics of developmental epileptic encephalopathy 18 (DEE18) caused by SZT2 gene variants. Methods:Clinical data of 2 children with SZT2 related DEE18 who visited the Department of Pediatric Neurology, Linyi People′s Hospital in March 2020 and July 2023 were collected. The whole exome sequencing (WES) and Sanger sequencing were applied to verify the child and their parents. SWISS-MODEL software was used to perform protein 3D modeling for the selected SZT2 gene variants. Results:Both of the 2 cases showed severe global developmental delay, epileptic seizures, autism, megacephaly, facial deformity, hypotonia, corpus callosum malformation, persistent cavum septum pellucidum, and slow background activity and focal discharge in video electroencephalography. Case 1 was easy to startle and thin in stature; case 2 had immune deficiency and clustered seizures. WES results showed that case 1 carried a compound heterozygous variant of c.5811G>A (p.W1937X) (paternal) and c.9269delG (p.S3090Ifs *94) (maternal), while case 2 carried a compound heterozygous variant of c.6302A>C(p.H2101P) (paternal) and c.7584dupA (p.E2529Rfs *20) (maternal), the parents of both patients with normal clinical phenotypes. The 4 mutations mentioned above were novel variations that had not yet been reported domestically or internationally. According to the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics variant classification criteria and guidelines, the p.S3090Ifs *94 variant was interpreted as pathogenic; p.W1937X variant was interpreted as pathogenic; p.E2529Rfs *20 variant was interpreted as likely pathogenic; p.H2101P variant was interpreted as uncertain significance. 3D modeling showed that the variant of p.H2101P resulted in a significant change in the hydrogen bond around the 2 101st amino acid encoded, leading to a decrease in protein stability. The other 3 variants led to early truncation of peptide chain and obvious changes in protein structure. Conclusions:DEE18 caused by SZT2 gene mutation is mainly an autosome recessive genetic disease, and its clinical manifestations include global developmental delay, epileptic seizures, autism, craniofacial malformation, hypotonia, epileptic discharge, corpus callosum malformation, persistent cavum septum pellucidum, shock, small and thin stature, and immune deficiency. Four novel variants related to the SZT2 gene may be the genetic etiology of DEE18 patients in this study.

Chinese Journal of Neurology ; (12): 341-350, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029209


Objective:To summarize the clinical phenotype and genetic characteristics of children with neurodegeneration caused by UBTF gene mutations in childhood. Methods:The clinical and genetic data of 3 children with neurodegeneration in childhood diagnosed in the Department of Neurology, Children′s Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University from February 2020 to January 2023 were retrospectively analyzed. All the 3 probands were found having UBTF gene mutations through the whole exome gene sequencing, and the first generation Sanger sequencing method was used to verify the UBTF gene in their family members. The variation characteristics of the UBTF gene were analyzed, and the treatment and follow-up results of the 3 children were summarized. Results:Among the 3 children with childhood onset neurodegeneration, 2 were male and 1 female, aged 9 months, 4 years and 6 months after birth, respectively. The clinical phenotypes mainly included motor retardation, speech and mental retardation, and dystonia. Among them, case 1 and case 2 had seizures, case 1 had dysphagia, feeding problems, no weight gain and ataxia. Brain MRI plain scan showed that case 1 and case 2 had different degrees of cerebral atrophy, case 1 had hypoplasia of corpus callosum, ventricle expansion and softening focus, and case 3 showed non-specific widening of the subarachnoid space. There were no abnormalities in the chromosome copy number variation and mitochondrial ring gene testing in the 3 children; the whole exon gene testing suggested the de novo missense variant in the UBTF gene [NM_014233.4: c.1414(exon14) G>A (p.Gly472Ser), c.1392(exon14)G>T(p.Lys464Asn)] and the maternal nonsense variant [NM_014233.4:c.520C>T(p.Arg174 *)], which were unreported site variants. In terms of treatment, the 3 children received comprehensive rehabilitation function training, and achieved a certain degree of language and intelligence improvement. Seizure control was effectively managed in case 1 with a single antiepileptic drug. Epileptic seizures were effectively treated and controlled in case 2 using more than 4 types of antiepileptic drugs. Conclusions:Neurodegenerative changes caused by UBTF gene mutations in childhood are relatively rare, and some cases may be accompanied with brain atrophy. De novo missense variation and maternal nonsense variation of the UBTF gene are the genetic etiology of the 3 probands.