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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 197-214, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448490


Resumen La agresión entre pares, sea un caso aislado o recurrente, se ha convertido en un problema cada vez más frecuente que socava el desarrollo psicoafectivo saludable en adolescentes y universitarios. Como en el caso de otras conductas de riesgo, la investigación sugiere que los aspectos emocionales son relevantes para su prevención. El objetivo de este trabajo fue explorar la posible relación entre la agresión entre pares, la agresión frecuente como potencial conducta de bullying, y la diferenciación del self, un constructo procedente de la perspectiva sistémica, vinculado con la autorregulación emocional y la madurez afectiva. Universitarios de entre 17 y 20 años (. = 365), completaron sendos cuestionarios autoadministrados sobre estilos de vida (Carlos et al., 2016) y diferenciación del self (Duch-Ceballos et al., 2022). En esta muestra, los análisis realizados indican que menores niveles de diferenciación del self en los varones se asocian con mayor probabilidad de agresión entre pares, tanto sufrida como ejercida. Además, uno de los componentes de la diferenciación del self, la reactividad emocional, predijo también las probabilidades de agresión (sufrida y ejercida) entre las mujeres. La diferenciación del self está recibiendo una creciente atención como variable relevante para explicar la conducta de los adolescentes y jóvenes emergentes, especialmente en lo que refiere a conductas de riesgo. Este sería el primer estudio sobre la relación entre diferenciación del self, agresión entre pares y agresión frecuente como potencial conducta de buylling. Finalmente, a partir de los resultados encontrados, se plantean futuras líneas de investigación y aplicaciones prácticas.

Abstract The socio-emotional well-being of children and adolescents is a subject of interest, both for academics and researchers, as well as for parents, teachers, and educators. Initiatives on this subject promoted from the scientific and social fields are constantly increasing, and tend to have multiple objectives, among which one is to understand the dynamics of violence and aggression (which can lead to harassment situations), in order to design more effective prevention and intervention programs. Research suggests that emotional aspects are relevant to the prevention of aggression. Within this realm, we have focused on Differentiation of self (DoS). The Differentiation of Self is the central construct of Bowen's (1978) systemic family theory, considered from the systemic perspective as one of the most comprehensive theories of human behavior. With multiple applications in various fields, DoS is a multidimensional construct, defined as the ability to balance emotional and intellectual functioning -intrapsychic dimension-, and intimacy and autonomy in personal relationships -interpersonal dimension-. Based on previous studies in which associations between bullying and socio-emotional competencies were found, the objective of this study was to find relationships between differentiation of self and peer aggression. The sample of this study was comprised of university students between 17 and 20 years old (. = 365; . = 18.3, SD = .7), who were studying the first or second year of different careers at a private university in Argentina. Participants completed self-administered questionnaires on lifestyles (Carlos et al., 2016) and the Spanish version of the Differentiation of Self Inventory-Revised (S-DSI; Rodríguez-González et al., 2015). Considering that peer aggression does not represent bullying in all cases, the association between self-differentiation and peer aggression was first analyzed and, second, this same association was analyzed, but considering frequent aggression. Peer aggression was perpetrated by 54 % of women and 63 % of men (. = .043) and suffered by 72 % of women and 61 % of men (. = .124). Frequent peer aggression was perpetrated by 15 % of women and 21 % of men (. = .001) and suffered by 41 % of women and 24 % of men (. = .146). Both measures of DoS (Emotional reactivity and Emotional cutoff) were associated with a lower prevalence of both aggression and frequent aggression. This work offers two main findings. First, given the high incidence of peer aggression, the results of this study confirm the relevance of the research on peer aggression and, specifically, on frequent aggression associated with bullying. Second, present data suggests the existence of a relationship between differentiation of self and aggression. Since the idea and perceptions about aggression could be changing, new research is suggested, based around the cultural context and social changes that identify how the concept of bullying evolves should be promoted. Moreover, it would be positive to develop new research that can delve into the role played by the differentiation of self, since it is a factor that impacts the development and health of adolescents. The significant relationship between peer aggression and DoS found in this study contributes to the empirical corpus that affirms the relevance of the emotional factor in aggressive and bullying behaviors. In this sense, this study joins others that support the idea of intervening in aggression and buylling through the development of school intervention programs aimed at developing emotional competencies, involving students and also parents and educators.

Ter. psicol ; 40(3): 347-365, dic. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424678


Antecedentes La diferenciación del self es la capacidad intrapsíquica de distinguir las emociones de las cogniciones, y la capacidad interpersonal de mantener vínculos significativos y ser autónomos. Objetivo Analizar la relación entre la diferenciación y las habilidades sociales, y las diferencias en la diferenciación en función de la asistencia a psicoterapia en una muestra española. Método La muestra está formada por 126 sujetos españoles, 78 mujeres y 48 hombres, de entre 18 y 65 años, que contestaron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, la Escala de Diferenciación del Self y la Escala de Habilidades Sociales. Resultados Se observaron relaciones entre la diferenciación y las habilidades sociales. Además, la fusión con los otros y el corte emocional predecían las habilidades sociales. Por otro lado, los sujetos que habían realizado una terapia anteriormente y aquellos que nunca habían acudido a terapia tenían unos niveles de diferenciación más altos que aquellos que acudían a terapia en el momento del estudio. Conclusiones Existen asociaciones entre la diferenciación del self, las habilidades sociales y la asistencia a terapia. Se discuten los resultados y se sugieren futuras líneas de investigación.

Background Differentiation of self is the intrapsychic capacity to distinguish emotions from cognitions and the interpersonal capacity to maintain significant bonds and to be autonomous. Objetive To analyze the relationship between differentiation and social skills, and the differences in differentiation according to therapy attendance in a Spanish sample. Method The sample consisted of 126 Spanish subjects, 78 women and 48 men, aged between 18 and 65 years, who answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Differentiation of Self Scale and the Social Skills Scale. Results Significant relationships between differentiation of self and social skills were observed. Furthermore, fusion with others and emotional cutoff predicted social skills. On the other hand, subjects who had previously undergone therapy and those who had never attended therapy had higher levels of differentiation than those who were attending therapy at the time of the study. Conclusion There are associations between differentiation of self, social skills, and therapy attendance. Results are discussed and future lines of research are suggested.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Adulto Joven , Autoimagen , Teoría de Sistemas
Pensando fam ; 24(1): 96-112, jan.-jun. 2020. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1135464


Teorias da parentalidade associam esse subsistema ao desenvolvimento saudável ou disfuncional das crianças. Na abordagem sistêmica, Bowen teoriza sobre o funcionamento e o surgimento de sintomas na família. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi compreender as relações parentais a partir da teoria do autor em famílias de crianças com problemas emocionais e/ou comportamentais. O estudo de casos múltiplos foi realizado com três famílias de meninas entre seis e 11 anos. Foram utilizados Child Behaviour Check-List, Genograma e três entrevistas semi-estruturadas com cada família. Entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas para análise temática de conteúdo com categorias a priori de conceitos Bowenianos. Reatividade e rompimento emocionais impactaram na diversidade de práticas de controle e disciplina. A teoria do autor contribuiu para a compreensão do surgimento de sintomas internalizantes, apesar da presença de estratégias parentais consistentes. Destaca-se a relevância clínica do estudo, contribuindo para discussão da aplicabilidade da teoria Boweniana na área.

Parenting theories associate this subsystem with healthy or dysfunctional development of children. In the systemic approach, Bowen theorizes about functioning and appearance of symptoms in the family. Thus, this study aimed to understand parental relations from the author's perspective in families of children with emotional and/or behavioral problems. The multiple case study was carried out with three families of girls between six and 11 years old. Child Behavior Check-List, Genogram and three semi-structured interviews were used with each family. The interviews were recorded and transcribed for thematic content analysis with a priori categories from Bowenian concepts. Emotional reactivity and emotional cut-off impacted on diversity of control and discipline practices. The author's theory contributed to the understanding of the emergence of internalizing symptoms, despite the presence of consistent parenting strategies. The clinical relevance of the study is highlighted, contributing to the discussion of the applicability of the Bowenian theory in the field.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 28(1): 65-80, ene.-jun. 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013945


Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación fue explicar la estabilidad marital a partir de la diferenciación del yo y el ajuste diádico. Se contó con 262 participantes colombianos, hombres y mujeres con matrimonio civil o religioso, a quienes se les informaron las consideraciones éticas del estudio. Se aplicaron los instrumentos de Diferenciación del Sí Mismo, la escala de Ajuste Diádico e Inestabilidad Marital. Se corrieron ANOVAS, análisis de correlación y dos modelos de análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. Los resultados indicaron que los hombres muestran mayor reactividad emocional que las mujeres y que las personas con matrimonio civil se fusionan más y presentan menor nivel de consenso que las de matrimonio religioso. De acuerdo con los resultados de las correlaciones, en cuanto al sexo y tipo de unión, se encontró que a mayor ajuste diádico, mayor estabilidad marital. La cohesión es la dimensión que mejor explica la estabilidad marital, seguida de la satisfacción diádica.

Abstract The objective of this research project was to explain marital stability on the basis of differentiation of self and dyadic adjustment. Participants were 262 Colombian men and women with civil or religious marriage, who were informed of the ethical aspects of the study. Differentiation of Self Inventory and the Dyadic Adjustment and Marital Instability Scale were applied. anova tests were run, as well as correlation analyses and two multiple linear regression models. Results indicated that men show a greater emotional reactivity than women, and that persons who had a civil marriage bonded more and presented a lower level of consensus than those with religious marriages. According to the results regarding correlations related to sex and type of union, a greater dyadic adjustment led to greater marital stability. Cohesion is the dimension that best explains marital stability, followed by dyadic satisfaction.

Resumo O objetivo desta pesquisa foi explicar a estabilidade conjugal a partir da diferenciação do eu e do ajuste diádico. O estudo contou com a participação de 262 colombianos, homens e mulheres, com casamento civil ou religioso, que foram informados das considerações éticas do estudo. Instrumentos de Diferenciação do Eu, a Escala de Ajuste Diádico e a Instabilidade Marital foram aplicados. anovas, análise de correlação e dois modelos de análise de regressão linear múltipla foram executados. Os resultados indicaram que os homens mostram maior reatividade emocional do que as mulheres e que as pessoas com casamento civil estão mais unidas e têm um nível de consenso mais baixo do que as do casamento religioso. De acordo com os resultados das correlações, em termos de sexo e tipo de união, constatou-se que quanto maior o ajuste diádico, maior a estabilidade conjugal. A coesão é a dimensão que melhor explica a estabilidade conjugal, seguida pela satisfação diádica.

Pensando fam ; 22(1): 146-162, jan.-jun. 2018.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-955238


A diferenciação do self refere-se à capacidade para adquirir equilíbrio entre funcionamento emocional, intelectual, intimidade e autonomia nas relações. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e analisar as variáveis associadas ao processo de diferenciação do self em pesquisas empíricas internacionais, publicadas nos últimos cinco anos. Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura, a partir da busca na base de dados Wef of Science, que resultou em 22 artigos científicos. As publicações foram analisadas em relação ao ano, ao método, à amostra e ao país onde foram produzidas. Efetuou-se, ainda, uma categorização temática, com base na similaridade dos conteúdos abordados pelas pesquisas. Os resultados indicaram associações positivas da diferenciação do self com variáveis ligadas ao bem-estar psicológico e à capacidade de relacionamento interpessoal, e negativas com fenômenos que apresentam relação com sofrimento psicológico e transtornos mentais. Esses achados reforçam a importância da diferenciação do self em intervenções psicoterapêuticas individuais, conjugais e familiares.(AU)

The differentiation of self refers to the capacity to obtain balance between the functioning of emotional, intellectual, intimacy and autonomy in relations. The objective of this study was to identify and to analyze the variables associated to the process of differentiation of self in international empirical researches, published in the last five years. It was made an integrative literature review, starting from the search in the data base Wef of Science, which resulted in 22 scientific articles. The publications were analyzed in relation to the year, method, sample and country where they were performed. It was done, yet, a thematic categorization, based in the similarity of the contents covered for the researches. The results indicated positive associations of the differentiation of self with variables related to the psychological welfare and to the capacity of interpersonal relationship, and negative associations with phenomenon that have relation with psychological suffering and mental disorders. These findings reinforce the importance of differentiation of self in individual, marital and family psychotherapeutic interventions.(AU)

Familia/psicología , Autopsicología , Relaciones Interpersonales
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-85746


PURPOSE: this study was to develop and test the structural model that explains husband and wife compatibility and family health of married middle-aged. A hypothetical model explaining husband and wife compatibility and family health based on literature reviews. There were three theoretical variables and twelve observed variables in hypothetical model. METHODS: Data collection was carried out May through July 2005. Data were collected by self-reporting questionnaires from 854 married middle-aged who lived in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Kyungnam, Kyungpook. Collected data was analyzed using SPSS/WIN 12.0 for descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation coefficient, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis. RESULTS: LISREL program was used to find the best fit normal which assumes causal relationship among variables. This model was to be good fitting and parsimonious to measure husband and wife compatibility and family health of married middle-aged. CONCLUSION: Differentiation of self and husband and wife compatibility predicted level of family health. Therefore, a family health improvement program needs to include these two variables.

Humanos , Recolección de Datos , Salud de la Familia , Modelos Estructurales , Esposos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios