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Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 53-56, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025266


The digital transformation of China's community health management is a key step in the high-quality development of medical and health services,and is of great significance in enhancing the health and well-being of all residents.Using literature analysis,logical analysis and other research methods,it analyzes the practical foundation and constraints of the digital transformation of China's community health management,and proposes optimization strategies.It concludes that national policy,infrastructure development and social demand provide a realistic foundation for the digital transformation of community health management in China,but it also faces the problems of insufficient transformation of thinking,the concept of digital management has not sufficiently replaced the traditional concepts;the technical foundation is weak,and the construction and operation of the digital application platform started late;the structural barriers are prominent,and the lack of sound system construction leads to insufficient cooperation among the main bodies;the lack of digital standards,and the lagging operation of digital standardization of community health management;and the lack of digital standards.Management digital standardized operation lagging behind the constraints.Accordingly,it is proposed to promote the identity of the digital transformation of community health management,to build an operational space for digital community health management,to improve the digital system to regulate the activation of synergistic governance of the main body,and to optimize the supervision and guarantee of technology in digital management.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026902


The increasing number of TCM standards brings challenges to the practice of standards development,revision and comprehensive management.Therefore,empowering standards with digital technology has significant strategic significance.This article proposed a modeling method for inter standard relationships based on entity-relation model by deeply mining and interpreting the information of TCM standard titles,constructed a relationship model containing 7 relationship patterns,and demonstrated the application scenarios of the model using standard retrieval as an example,with the purpose to provide support for machine reading and using standards,improving the efficiency of TCM standard retrieval,mastering target standard related resources,and promoting the digital transformation of TCM standards.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023211


Objective:To compare research hotspots in digital transformation of higher education in China and abroad and analyze the research trends through the bibliometric method and text analysis method, and to offer advice and suggestions for digital transformation of higher education in China.Methods:The relevant literature in Web of Science and China National Knowledge Infrastructure from the establishment of the databases to April 1, 2023 were retrieved. Citespace and VOSviewer were used to visually compare the research hotspots and trends in digital transformation of higher education in China and abroad from the perspectives of number of published papers, journal, author, country, cooperation network, keyword co-occurrence and clustering, and keyword burst.Results:The results showed that both international and domestic researchers paid attention to the practical significance and development model of digital transformation of higher education in the context of rapid development of science and technology and the post-pandemic era. International researchers emphasized the advantages and disadvantages of digital transformation from the aspects of connotation, practice logic, and theoretical framework, while Chinese researchers focused on clarifying the principles related to digital transformation, summarizing the experience of other countries, and exploring the development path. The application of educational technology and the digital literacy of teachers and students had become research hotspots in China and abroad.Conclusion:The research on digital transformation of higher education has gradually shifted from theoretical system to practice effect. In the future, with the continuous deepening of theoretical research, how to improve the effectiveness of digital transformation of higher education is a research direction worthy of attention.

Medical Education ; : 149-156, 2023.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006945


Due to the importance of developing physicians' competencies to utilize information, science, and technology, the 2022 revision of the Model Core Curriculum for Medical Education newly established guidelines for qualities and competencies, which it refers to as "Competencies to utilize information, science, and technology." The Model Core Curriculum outlines these qualities as "understanding the ever-developing information society and practicing medical research and treatment while utilizing information, science and technology such as artificial intelligence." The guidelines are organized by the three perspectives of "ethical viewpoints and rules for dealing with information, science and technology," "principles of information, science and technology necessary for medicine and its surrounding society," and "utilization of information, science and technology in the medical field." The objectives of the course were set from the three perspectives of "ethics and rules for dealing with information, science and technology," "principles of information, science and technology necessary for medicine and the society surrounding it," and "utilization of information, science and technology in medical practice." We looked back on the process of formulating these qualities and competencies, which will become increasingly important, and discussed their future prospects.

Medical Education ; : 187-193, 2023.
Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006951


The Model Core Curriculum (Core Curriculum) is a "model" that systematically organizes the "core" parts of a university "curriculum," which all universities should work on in common. This section describes the part of the Core Curriculum revision that is related to digital transformation (DX). In order to disseminate the Core Curriculum, prepare for future changes, and support the collaborative work of many experts, the DX of the Core Curriculum included the introduction of data and the digitalization of the Core Curriculum work process. The digitization of the core curricula has made it possible to search for and browse through them on a website, distribute them in multiple formats such as Excel files and csv files, and link them to various software such as electronic syllabi and data analysis software. The digitalization of the work process has enabled multiple members to revise the core curricula in parallel. In the future, more personnel will need to support the introduction of such digital technology and a wider range of data.

RECIIS (Online) ; 16(2): 461-472, abr.-jun. 2022. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378884


Com o fim de propiciar um ambiente que possibilite decisões ágeis, criativas e efetivas no sistema de saúde, o Laboratório de Inovações no SUS do Ceará (FeliciLab) tem adotado o uso de métodos inovadores de gestão de projetos. Este relato de experiência tem como objetivo apresentar como a Escola de Saúde Pública do Ceará (ESP/CE) conseguiu, através do FeliciLab, orquestrar um conjunto de pessoas, métodos e tecnologias capazes de provocar uma quebra em padrões até então apresentados no mercado de tecnologias direcionadas para o sistema de saúde, diante da crise sanitária ocasionada pela pandemia de covid-19. Com adoção de metodologias mais ágeis de condução de trabalho e gerenciamento de crises, ampliou-se a percepção de valor da tecnologia da informação (TI) da ESP/CE, nutrida pela compreensão de que inovar é mais do que produzir e implantar tecnologias: trata-se de transformar os modos de criar e consumir soluções, de forma a impactar os contextos e as experiências das pessoas.

In order to provide an environment with agile, creative, and effective decisions in the health system, the Felicilab laboratory has been adopting the use of innovative project management methods. This experience report aims to present how the Escola de Saúde Pública do Ceará (ESP/CE), Brazil, had managed to orchestrate, through FeliciLab, a set of people, methods, and technologies from a disruptive perspective of standards hitherto presented in the market of technologies directed to the health system, in face of the health crisis caused by the covid-19 pandemic. With the adoption of more agile methodologies for conducting work and managing crisis, the perception of the value of the Information technology (IT) used at ESP/CE was expanded, understanding that innovating is more than producing and implementing technologies: it means transforming the ways of creating and consume solutions in order to impact on personal experiences and their context.

A fin de propiciar un ambiente con decisiones ágiles, creativas y efectivas en el sistema de salud, el Laboratório de Inovações no SUS do Ceará (FeliciLab) tiene adoptado el uso de métodos innovadores de gestión de proyectos. Este relato de experiencia tiene como objetivo presentar cómo la Escola de Saúde Pública do Ceará (ESP/CE), a través del FeliciLab, ha conseguido orquestar un conjunto de personas,nmétodos y tecnologías capaces para quebrar estándares hasta entonces presentados en el mercado de tecnologías dirigidas al sistema de salud, frente a la crisis de salud provocada por la pandemia de Covid-19. Con la adopción de metodologías más ágiles para la realización del trabajo y la gestión de crisis, se amplió la percepción del valor de la tecnología de la información (TI) ESP/CE, alimentada por el entendimiento de que innovar es más que producir e implementar tecnologías: se trata de transformar formas de crear y consumir soluciones para impactar los contextos y las experiencias de las personas.

Sistemas de Salud , Creatividad , Proyectos , Sistema Único de Salud , Tecnología de la Información , COVID-19 , Política de Salud , Laboratorios
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958772


Technical framework is centered on top-level design of smart hospitals. Guangdong Second Provincial General Hospital adopted hospital intelligent twins as its technical framework of the all-scenario intelligent construction. Its construction practices covered four layers of intelligent interaction, intelligent connection, intelligent hub and intelligent application. These practices can advance the construction of smart hospitals into the all-scenario intelligent stage, featuring intelligent medical treatment, intelligent service and intelligent management, thus providing reference for promoting the construction of smart hospitals and realizing the digital transformation of medical industry.

Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(5): 1101-1109, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1434704


La Transformación Digital (TD) es todo un proceso que busca optimizar la relación usuario­organización, mejorando así los procesos y el desempeño. Con la llegada de la pandemia COVID-19 a principios del año 2020, cuando fue necesario acelerar la inclusión de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) para continuar ofreciendo los servicios sanitarios, se constituye el sistema peruano de TD como un sistema funcional; con normas, principios y procedimientos; y con técnicas e instrumentos para ordenar las actividades del sector público y con miras a su optimización. Se planteó una investigación de carácter descriptivo para conocer el impacto de la transformación digital en la salud tropical del Perú. Para ello se determinaron el impacto en la gestión de datos, gobernanza, e intercambio de conocimiento e innovación digital de 4 enfermedades metaxénicas y 3 zoonóticas seleccionadas a partir del análisis de los distintos componentes de la sala virtual de situación de salud del Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, Prevención y Control de Enfermedades del Perú. Los datos fueron analizados bajo el Sistema de Información para la Salud (IS4H) de la OPS que permitió valorar la interoperabilidad de los procesos relacionados con la categorización de estas nosologías. Para todos los factores evaluados: gestión de datos, innovación, gestión y gobernanza y gestión e intercambio de conocimiento, los resultados, en general, estuvieron alrededor de la media (3 puntos, en una escala del 1 al 5), siendo el valor más alto (3,3 puntos) para la gestión y gobernanza, y el valor más bajo (2,7 puntos) para la innovación. Se necesita un enfoque más holístico en la salud pública para asegurarse de que se proporcione una respuesta eficaz frente a las enfermedades tropicales. Si los sistemas de salud se colocan en el medio de la acción, esto permitiría tener mayores posibilidades de hacer frente a estas enfermedades mediante el uso adecuado de las herramientas modernas que logren complementar el enfoque tradiciona(AU)

Digital Transformation (TD) is a whole process that seeks to optimize the user-organization relationship, thus improving processes and performance. With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020, when it was necessary to accelerate the inclusion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to continue offering health services, the Peruvian DT system was established as a functional system; with norms, principles and procedures; and with techniques and instruments to order the activities of the public sector and with a view to their optimization. A descriptive investigation was proposed to know the impact of digital transformation on tropical health in Peru. For this, the impact on data management, governance, and exchange of knowledge and digital innovation of 4 metaxenic and 3 zoonotic diseases selected from the analysis of the different components of the virtual health situation room of Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, Prevención y Control de Enfermedades of Peru. The data were analyzed under PAHO's Information System for Health (IS4H), which made it possible to assess the interoperability of the processes related to the categorization of these nosologies. For all the factors evaluated: data management, innovation, management and governance, and knowledge management and exchange, the results, in general, were around the average (3 points, on a scale from 1 to 5), with the highest value being highest (3.3 points) for management and governance, and the lowest value (2.7 points) for innovation. A more holistic approach to public health is needed to ensure that an effective response to tropical diseases is provided. If health systems are placed in the middle of the action, this would allow them to have greater possibilities of dealing with these diseases through the appropriate use of modern tools that manage to complement the traditional approach(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Medicina Tropical , Sistemas de Salud , Telemedicina , Tecnología de la Información , Zoonosis , Epidemiología , Difusión de la Información , Acceso a Internet
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 41(2): 90-96, jun. 2021. graf, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254575


El 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaró el COVID-19 como pandemia, afectando drásticamente la atención de la salud. A nivel global se adoptaron medidas como el distanciamiento social y la cuarentena. Ello representó un enorme desafío para los Sistemas de Información en Salud (SIS), que rápidamente debieron adaptarse, frente a una razón ineludible para abrazar por completo la transformación digital. Surge la necesidad de explorar las tecnologías digitales utilizadas durante la pandemia y considerarlas para su uso continuado en el tiempo o cíclicamente en caso de brotes recurrentes. Las herramientas informáticas se han utilizado para la prestación de servicios de telemedicina, monitorización remota de pacientes, comunicación digital entre líderes políticos y autoridades científicas, monitorización de datos para analizar la propagación y evolución del COVID-19, etc. Los países y organizaciones han impulsado el uso de soluciones tecnológicas con distintas limitaciones. El Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires posee una trayectoria de más de 20 años en implementaciones e innovaciones tecnológicas; sin embargo, la pandemia impulsó una serie de adaptaciones en su SIS. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir dicho proceso de adaptación digital desde marzo a diciembre de 2020, e identificar los principales resultados utilizando un modelo sociotécnico. Se empleó el modelo de Sittig que incluye 8 dimensiones: Infraestructura, Contenido clínico, Interfaz Humano-computadora, Personas, Comunicación y procesos, Regulaciones, Características organizacionales y Políticas internas y Medición y monitorización. (AU)

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic, dramatically affecting health care. Measures such as social distancing and quarantine were adopted globally. This new context represented a huge challenge for Health Information Systems (HIS) that had to adapt quickly, facing an inescapable reason to fully embrace the digital transformation. There is a need to explore the digital technologies used during the pandemic and consider them for continued use over time or cyclically in the event of recurring outbreaks. Digital tools have been used for the provision of telemedicine services, remote patient monitoring, digital communication between political leaders and scientific authorities, data monitoring to analyze the spread and evolution of COVID-19, etc. Countries and organizations have promoted the use of technological solutions with different limitations. The Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires has a history of more than 20 years in technological implementations and innovations, however, the pandemic prompted a series of adaptations in its SIS. The objective of this work was to describe said digital adaptation process from March to December 2020, and to identify the main results using a sociotechnical model. Sittig´model was used, which includes 8 dimensions: Infrastructure, Clinical Content, Human-Computer Interface, People, Communication and Processes, Regulations, Organizational Characteristics and Internal Policies, and Measurement and Monitoring. (AU)

Humanos , Informática Médica/tendencias , Sistemas de Información en Salud/tendencias , Argentina , Aislamiento Social , Aplicaciones de la Informática Médica , Cuarentena , Telemedicina/instrumentación , Pandemias , Telemonitorización , COVID-19 , Modelos Teóricos