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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960877


Objective @# To investigate the outcomes of a novel direct pulp capping agent containing platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). @*Methods @# A total of 32 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups, namely, the PRF+MTA group (P+M group), PRF group (P group), MTA group (M group) and blank control group (BC group), with 8 rabbits per group. Dental pulp exposure and direct pulp capping were performed, and complete crown square sealing was performed on 2 mandibular central incisor teeth of each rabbit. Four rabbits from each group were euthanized after each observation period (7 and 28 days). The experimental teeth were subjected to HE staining. Inflammatory cell infiltration, calcified bridge formation and pulp tissue disorganization were observed and graded. @*Results@#Inflammatory cell infiltration: on the 7th day, group P+M and group M were lighter than group BC (P<0.05); on the 28th day, group P+M was lighter than group P and group BC (P<0.05); group P+M and group M did not significantly differ (P>0.05). Calcified bridge formation: on the 7th and 28th days, group P+M was lighter than group P, group M and group BC (P<0.05); on the 28th day, group M was higher than group BC (P<0.05). Under microscope, the calcified bridge contained cellular components and was surrounded by odontoblast-like cells, sharing a structure resembled osteodentin; dentin tubule-like structure could not be observed in calcified bridge, and the calcified bridge resembled certain points of osteodentin. Pulp tissue disorganization: on the 7th day, group P+M and group M were lighter than group BC (P<0.05); on the 28th day, group P+M was lighter than group P and group BC (P<0.05). group P+M and group M did not significantly differ (P>0.05). @*Conclusion @# The combination of PRF and MTA for direct pulp capping provided light inflammatory cell infiltration, stable pulp status and a strong ability of pulp tissue to form calcified bridge, and the calcified bridge resembled certain points of osteodentin.

CienciaUAT ; 16(2): 126-140, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374905


Resumen La violencia familiar es el principal delito cometido a nivel nacional en México. Tamaulipas tiene una tasa de denuncias que se encuentra por encima de la media nacional desde el año 2016 hasta el 2018, destacando el municipio de Vitoria con la tasa más alta en ese período. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar la concentración espacial de las denuncias por violencia familiar en Ciudad Victoria y especificar la relación entre las desventajas del vecindario y la ubicación en un hot spot (punto caliente). El estudio se basa en la teoría de la desorganización social y tiene como soporte los datos de la Fiscalía General del Estado de Tamaulipas en el periodo 2016-2018. Para ello, se desarrolló el análisis exploratorio de datos espaciales mediante las técnicas de estimación de densidad de kernel, promedio del vecino más cercano, análisis de hot spot Gi* de Getis-Ord y un análisis confirmatorio mediante una regresión logística binaria, procesamientos desarrollados en el software ArcMap 10.8.1 y en el paquete estadístico R. Los hallazgos indicaron que las denuncias se producen desde un número reducido de unidades geográficas. La prueba del promedio del vecino más cercano mostró que existe agrupamiento estadísticamente significativo (z = - 10.825, P = 0.000). En el análisis Gi* de Getis-Ord se detectó que 602 manzanas (9.8 % del total) son hot spots (al 95 % y 99 % de confianza) de alta incidencia, mientras que la regresión logística confirmó que la cantidad de ocupantes por vivienda y los hogares con jefatura femenina están asociados positivamente con la probabilidad de estar dentro de un hot spot de violencia familiar. El patrón de denuncias mostró poca dispersión geográfica y asociación estadística relevante con las variables de desorganización social.

Abstract The main crime committed in Mexico is domestic violence. Tamaulipas had a reporting rate above the national average from 2016 to 2018, with Ciudad Victoria having the highest rate during that period. The objective of this work is to identify the spatial concentration of complaints on family violence and to specify the relationship between the neighborhood characteristics and its location in a hot spot. To that aim, the study uses the social disorganization theory and data of complaints taken from the Fiscalia General del Estado de Tamaulipas during the 2016-2018 period. The exploratory analysis of spatial data was developed by using kernel density estimation techniques, nearest neighbor average, Getis-Ord Gi* hot spot analysis and confirmatory analysis through binary logistic regression, with the help of the ArcMap 10.8.1 software and R statistical package. The findings indicated that complaints of domestic violence are produced from a small number of geographic units. The nearest neighbor mean test showed that there is a statistically significant grouping of complaints (z = - 10.825, P = 0.000). In the Gi * analysis of Getis-Ord, 602 blocks (9.8 % of the total) were identified as hot spots (at 95 % and 99 % confidence), while the logistic regression confirmed that the number of occupants per dwelling and households headed by women are positively associated with the probability of being in a hot spot of family violence. The pattern of the complaints showed little geographic dispersion and relevant statistical associations with the social disorganization variables.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Mar; 70(3): 788-793
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224201


Purpose: To analyze the postoperative visual and surgical outcomes following surgery for pediatric?absorbed cataracts and intraoperative difficulties. Methods: This prospective longitudinal study included 43 eyes (30 children) with absorbed cataracts aged between 6 months and 18 years (either sex). All children underwent best?corrected visual acuity (BCVA), anterior and posterior segment evaluation, rubella titer estimation, intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation, superior small incision cataract surgery with or without posterior capsulotomy/anterior vitrectomy/IOL implantation under general anesthesia, visual rehabilitation, and were followed up for 1 year. Results: The mean age was 7.89 ± 4.84 years. Preoperative BCVA distance: 39 eyes had either perception of light (PL) or counting finger close to face (CFCF); near BCVA: all eyes had either PL or N36. Postoperative (12 months) distant BCVA: a majority of the eyes (27) had 6/60–1/60, 11 eyes had 6/18–6/36; near: N18 in 19 eyes, N6 in 7 eyes. Anterior continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis (ACCC) was possible in eight eyes. Cortical aspiration was difficult in 16 eyes (peripheral calcified ring). A majority (32 eyes) underwent in the sulcus implantation (in?the?bag: eight eyes); two eyes: no IOL, one eye: secondary IOL. Eleven eyes had early postoperative inflammation. At 12 months, one eye underwent membranectomy for visual axis opacification and 38 eyes had well?centered IOLs. Conclusion: Surgery in absorbed cataracts is challenging because of the anatomic disorganization of the absorbed lens. By adopting appropriate surgical methods and good visual rehabilitation, one can achieve satisfactory surgical and visual outcomes, highlighting the need for surgical intervention

Vínculo ; 18(1): 63-71, jan.-abr. 2021. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1280713


RESUMO Esse artigo aborda a complexidade que é construir linha de trabalho entre equipamentos públicos de territorios diferentes, onde situações de desamparos predominam. Descreve o que foi possível alinhar entre os equipamentos e profissionais de diferentes formações para dar o suporte básico a uma dupla de mãe e filha para seguirem em frente. O Atendimento da dupla realizou-se em Unidade Básica de Saúde por solicitação da Pediatra da criança, que aos quatro anos apresenta recusa em se alimentar e em aceitar os cuidados básicos que a mãe propicia, confrontando-a, o que aumenta as desorganizações psíquicas e incertezas da mãe diante dos próprios fantasmas. A história pregressa desta, são de perdas significativas precocemente, em 2004 é diagnosticada como esquizofrênica, engravida em 2013, o pai da criança a rejeita. Nada exige deste, cria sua filha fazendo todos os tipos de sacrifícios. Constata-se deterioração dos vínculos familiares, e, em tempos de vínculos incertos, a vulnerabilidade parece rondar como um fantasma aqueles cujo desamparo os condenou. Utilizamos o aporte teórico será da Psicanálise Clássica e dos que se dedicam ao estudo da Psicanálise das Configurações Vinculares.

ABSTRACT This article addresses the complexity of building a line of work between public facilities in different territories, where situations of helplessness predominate. It describes what it was possible to align between equipment and professionals from different backgrounds to provide the basic support for a mother and daughter to move on. Their care took place in the Basic Health Unit at the request of the child's pediatrician. At four years of age, the child refused to eat and accept the basic care that the mother provided, confronting her. That increased the mother's psychic disorganization and uncertainties while facing her own demons. The mother's history shows significant losses at early age. In 2004, she was diagnosed as schizophrenic, then she got pregnant in 2013 and the child's father rejected it. No one demanded anything from him, and the mother raised her daughter making all kinds of sacrifices. Family bonds were deteriorating and, in times of uncertain bonds, vulnerability seemed to prowl around those whose helplessness had condemned them. The theoretical contribution used is from Classical Psychoanalysis and those dedicated to the study of Psychoanalysis of Bonding Configurations.

RESUMEN Este articulo aborda la complejidad que es construir una línea de trabajo entre los diversos equipos públicos de territorios diferentes, donde situaciones de desamparados predominan. Describe aquello que fue posible alinear entre los equipos de profesionales de diferentes formaciones para dar un soporte básico a una dupla de madre e hija para seguir adelante. La atención a la dupla se realizado en una Unidad Básica de Salud a pedido del Pediatra del niño, que a los cuatro años presenta un rechazo a se alimentar y aceptar los cuidados básicos que la madre le provee, confrontándola, lo que aumenta la desorganización psíquica e incertezas de la madre frente a sus propios fantasmas. La historia anterior de la misma estaba teñida de perdidas significativas precoces, en 2004 es diagnosticada de esquizofrénica, en 2013 ella queda encinta y el padre rechaza el embarazo. Ella nada le exige y cría su hija haciendo una serie de sacrificios. Se constata un deterioro dos vínculos familiares, e, em tempos de incertezas nos vínculos, la vulnerabilidad parece rondar como un fantasma aquellos cuya desamparo los condeno. Utilizamos la contribución teórica del Psicoanálisis Clásico y los que se dedican al Psicoanálisis de las configuraciones vinculares.

Esquizofrenia , Redes Comunitarias , Servicios de Salud Materno-Infantil , Distrés Psicológico , Relaciones Madre-Hijo , Apego a Objetos
Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 21(spe): 39-61, jul.-dez. 2019.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1430963


A proposta deste artigo é analisar a ideia de natureza na obra clandestina de Sade, mais especificamente, nas histórias de "Justine" (1787/1999) e de "Juliette" (1801). O exame recairá sobre a fala de dois narradores (dos "Infortúnios da virtude" e da "Nova Justine") e de cinco personagens (Dubois, Noirceuil, Rodin, Braschi e Juliette). Pretende-se estudar quatro noções diferentes de natureza (a compensadora, a criadora, a estúpida e a inexistente) a fim de demonstrar que tais noções formam, na verdade, um único raciocínio, desenvolvido em uma gradação regressiva. Tudo começa em uma natureza onipotente e amoral. Esta se transforma em noção imoral, menos poderosa e que necessita do libertino para desorganizar a matéria, mas passa a se mostrar impotente e inconsequente, até revelar-se uma força tão misteriosa e incompreensível quanto a divindade.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the idea of nature in Sade's clandestine work, more specifically, in the stories of "Justine" (1787/1999) and "Juliette" (1801). The discussion will be based on the speech of two storytellers (from "The Misfortunes of Virtue" and "The New Justine") and five characters (Dubois, Noirceuil, Rodin, Braschi and Juliette). It is intended to study four different notions of nature (the compensator, the creator, the stupid and the nonexistent) in order to show that these notions actually form a single reasoning, developed in a regressive gradation. Everything begins in an omnipotent and amoral nature, which develops in an immoral, less powerful one that requires the libertine to disorganize matter, but it becomes impotent and inconsequential until it reveals itself to be as mysterious and incomprehensible as divinity.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766288


OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to re-validate the clinical efficacy of the Korean Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Rating Scale (K-AARS), which is a self-report scale for ADHD in adults, and to determine the clinical utility and cut-off scores of K-AARS. METHODS: The participants were 135 drug naïve adults with ADHD and 144 healthy controls. To diagnose ADHD based on the diagnostic criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, two board-certified pediatric psychiatrists interviewed the participants and completed the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. K-AARS was applied to all participants. K-AARS comprises six clinical subscales, one impairment subscale, and one driving behavior subscale. The receiver operating characteristic analysis was conducted to calculate the cut-off scores of K-AARS. RESULTS: All subscale scores, including six clinical subscale, impairment subscale, and driving behavior subscale scores, were found to be significant in distinguishing adults with ADHD from healthy controls. The sensitivity and specificity of the six clinical subscales were 63.0–77.0% and 66.7–79.9%, respectively. The combined total score of the six clinical subscales, had a sensitivity of 80.0% and specificity of 79.9%. CONCLUSION: The discriminative power of K-AARS for the diagnosis of ADHD in adults was excellent, and K-AARS and the empirical diagnosis of adults can be useful in diagnosing ADHD in adulthood.

Adulto , Humanos , Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad , Diagnóstico , Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales , Psiquiatría , Curva ROC , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Resultado del Tratamiento
Artículo en Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766851


PURPOSE: To examine whether disorganization of retinal inner layers (DRILs) at baseline and after treatment was associated with visual acuity in patients with macular edema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) who were treated with intravitreal dexamethasone implants. METHODS: A retrospective review of records of 22 patients with treatment-naive CRVO with centrally involved macular edema treated with intravitreal dexamethasone implants. Spectral domain-optical coherence tomography images were obtained during each visit. The DRIL extent and additional parameters were evaluated in a 2,000 µm-wide foveal centered area. RESULTS: In the 22 patients (74.5 ± 8.92 years), baseline DRIL was observed in 21 eyes (94.5%). Using univariate analysis, baseline best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was significantly associated with the extent of baseline DRIL (p = 0.005, r = −0.58), and the extent of external limiting membrane disruption and ellipsoid zone (p = 0.015, r = −0.51; p = 0.011, r = −0.533, respectively). The final BCVA was significantly correlated with the baseline BCVA (p < 0.001, r = 0.74) and extent of DRIL (p = 0.04, r = −0.35). Changes in the BCVA were correlated with changes of DRIL between baseline and the final visit (p = 0.041, r = 0.439). CONCLUSIONS: The extents of baseline DRIL and DRIL changes after treatment with intravitreal dexamethasone implants for macular edema secondary to CRVO may be useful parameter for visual acuity improvement.

Humanos , Dexametasona , Edema Macular , Membranas , Pronóstico , Oclusión de la Vena Retiniana , Vena Retiniana , Retinaldehído , Estudios Retrospectivos , Agudeza Visual
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2018 Sep; 66(9): 1291-1294
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-196865


Purpose: To determine the predictive values of baseline optical coherence tomography (OCT) abnormalities on 12-month visual acuity changes in eyes with macular edema (ME) caused by branch retinal vein occlusions (BRVO). Methods: We performed a post hoc analysis of data from 75 participants in the 12-month MARVEL trial. OCT abnormalities at baseline, including ganglion cell layer cystoid spaces (GCL), intraretinal hyper-reflective dots, and central subfield thickness (CST), were correlated with improvements in visual acuity and the number of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injections required using a multivariate regression model. Results: Eyes with baseline CST > 500 ?m had greater visual gains compared to those with CST <500 ?m (+21.09 vs +16.08 letters, P = 0.04). Eyes with hyper-reflective dots (+13.97 vs +19.93 letters, P = 0.02), and GCL cysts (+9.8 vs +18.9, P = 0.003) had inferior gains in visual acuity. Neurosensory macular detachments at the baseline did not affect gains in visual acuity. Ninety percent of the gain in visual acuity was recorded after two injections and was maintained until month 12. Conclusion: Baseline OCT of <500 ?m, hyper-reflective dots, and GCL cystoid spaces are associated with poorer gains in visual acuity. Most of the visual gain occurs after two injections.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 14(2): 1523-1535, July-Dec. 2016. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-836156


Este artigo discute a reintegração de uma adolescente à sua mãe e os motivos que resultaram em múltiplas medidas de acolhimento institucional, a partir da abordagem sistêmica e da teoria das redes sociais. Os instrumentos foram mapa de rede, entrevistas análise documental. A análise das informações baseou-se na abordagem construtiva-interpretativa que resultou em duas zonas de sentido: “A repetição do abandono e as dificuldades no processo de reintegração familiar” e “Eu não tinha ninguém para contar” versus “Tem muita gente, mas de nada adianta”. Conclui-se que as múltiplas medidas de acolhimento institucional da adolescente se devem a fragilidade de seus vínculos familiares e a falta de um trabalho integrado com as redes sociais.

This article discusses the reintegration of a teenager to living with his mother and the reasons that required multiple residential care measures, based on the systemic approach and the theory of social networks. The instruments used were interviews, network maps and document analysis. The analysis of the information was based on the constructive-interpretative approach that covered two zones of meaning: “The repetition of abandonment and difficulties in family reintegration processes” and “I had no one to tell” versus “A lot of people, but they were useless”. We conclude that the reasons for an adolescent’s multiple residential care periods is due to the fragility of his his family ties and the lack of integrated work by social networks.

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Adolescente Institucionalizado/psicología , Relaciones Madre-Hijo/psicología , Red Social , Acogimiento
Health Sciences Journal ; : 40-45, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998337


Introduction @#The increasing prevalence of children in conflict with the law is a problem in Metro Manila. This study aimed to understand the factors, specifically parental discipline, peer delinquency, and neighborhood disorganization that predispose a child to engage in delinquent acts.@*Methods@#This was a correlational study in which children in conflict with the law who were institutionalized at the Manila Youth Reception Center were surveyed. The subjects were given three sets of questionnaires which measured parental discipline, peer delinquency, and neighborhood disorganization, respectively. Spearman's rho correlation coefficient was computed using SPSS.@*Results@#Delinquent behavior is very weakly and positively correlated with peer delinquency (r = 0.18) and neighborhood status (r = 0.10), and is very weakly and inversely correlated with parental discipline (r - -0.10. These correlations were not statistically significant. @*Conclusion @#The study showed that parental discipline, peer delinquency, and neighborhood disorganization may influence a child's delinquent behavior.

Niño Institucionalizado , Padres
J. psicanal ; 46(85): 141-157, jun. 2013.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-717580


Inerentes à vida, em todas as espécies, as dinâmicas de integração e desintegração assumem no humano formas inesperadas e surpreendentes. Desde os primeiros momentos da concepção, na vida intrauterina, durante todo o desenvolvimento e até a morte, essas dinâmicas forjam a existência de cada um, marcando o corpo e a subjetividade. Vivemos e nos desenvolvemos em meio a tais dinâmicas. Em nós convivem e interagem, permanentemente, processos de organização, que promovem a vida, e de desorganização, que tendem a conduzir à morte. Na multiplicação celular e na apoptose, na diferenciação das funções corporais e nos processos neoplásicos de indiferenciação, na complexificação do aparelho em funções psíquicas e na pulverização e dissolução do pensamento e do desejo, entre muitas outras. Dessa perspectiva, sugerida por Freud, na segunda forma de sua teoria das pulsões ("a nossa mitologia", segundo ele), vislumbramos as experiências de prazer e de sofrimento, as manifestações sintomáticas orgânicas, psíquicas, motoras e, mesmo, sociais, no âmbito coletivo. A clínica oferece não apenas um lugar privilegiado para a observação dos processos de integração e desintegração, mas também um recurso relacional para lidar e transformar muitos dos efeitos de suas manifestações. Também ali, no par terapêutico ou na solidão dos momentos de relação impossível, vida e morte manifestam-se por meio de diferentes matizes transferenciais e contratransferenciais, que buscaremos reconhecer e compreender neste trabalho...

the integration and disintegration dynamics are inherent to all forms of life. In the human being, they assume unexpected and surprising manifestations. From the first moments of conception, during the intrauterine life, throughout the development and even in the death process, these dynamics fake the existence of each one, shaping the body and the subjectivity. We live and we develop throughout those dynamics, in which interact in a permanent way organization processes, promoting life, and disorganization ones, which lead to death, for example in cell proliferation and apoptosis, in neoplastic processes of indifference, in the complexity of the psychic functions and the dissolution of thought and desire, among many others. From this perspective - suggested by Freud in his second theory of drives ("our mythology", as he said), we glimpse the experiences of pleasure and pain, the physical, psychological, motor and even social symptomatic manifestations. The clinic offers us not only a privileged place for the observation of integration and disintegration processes, but also a relational tool to handle and transform many of the effects of those manifestations. Between the therapeutic pair or in the loneliness moments of impossible relationship, life and death manifest themselves through different shades of transference and counter transfers, which we'll seek to recognize and understand in this work...

En todas las especies, las dinámicas de la integración y la desintegración son inherentes a la vida. En el ser humano, pueden asumir formas inesperadas y sorprendentes. Desde los primeros momentos de la concepción, durante la vida intrauterina, a través del desarrollo e incluso hasta la muerte, estas dinámicas forjan la existencia de cada uno, marcando el cuerpo y la subjetividad. Vivimos y nos desarrollamos en medio a esas dinámicas. En nosotros, conviven et inter ajen (interactúan) de forma permanente, los procesos de organización, que promueven la vida, y los de desorganización, que tienden a provocar la muerte: en la proliferación celular y en la apoptosis, en la diferenciación de las funciones corporales y en los procesos neoplásicos de des diferenciación, en la complejidad de las funciones psíquicas, y en la dispersión y disolución del pensamiento y del deseo, entre muchos otros. Desde esta perspectiva, propuesta por Freud, en su segunda teoría de las pulsiones ("nuestra mitología", dice él), vislumbramos las experiencias de placer y de dolor, las manifestaciones sintomáticas físicas, psicológicas, motoras e incluso sociales. La clínica nos ofrece no sólo un sitio privilegiado para la observación de los procesos de integración y desintegración, sino también un recurso para manejar esas relaciones y transformar muchos de los efectos de sus manifestaciones. También allí, en la pareja terapéutica o en los momentos de soledad de una relación imposible, la vida y la muerte se manifiestan a través de diferentes modulaciones de la transferencia y de la contra transferencia, que trataremos de reconocer y comprender en este trabajo...

Depresión/psicología , Mitología/psicología , Psicoanálisis , Medicina Psicosomática , Trastornos de Estrés Traumático/psicología
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-128739


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to explore the factor structure of a novel, 10-item rating scale, the Targeted Inventory on Problems in Schizophrenia (TIP-Sz). Determining the factor structure will be useful in the brief evaluation of medication and non-medication treatment of the disease. METHODS: An exploratory factor analysis was performed on TIP-Sz scores obtained from 100 patients who met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) criteria for schizophrenia. RESULTS: The factor analysis extracted four factors that were deemed clinically pertinent, which we labeled: disorganization, social cooperativeness, functional capacity, and emotional state. The items exhibited cross-loadings on the first three factors (i.e., some items loaded on more than one factor). In particular, the 'behavioral dyscontrol and disorganization,' 'insight and reality testing,' and 'overall prognostic impression' items had comparable cross-loadings on all of the first three factors. The emotional state factor was distinct from the other factors in that the items loading on it did not cross-load on other factors. CONCLUSION: The TIP-Sz scale comprises factors that are associated with the psychosocial functioning and emotional state of patients, which are important outcome parameters for successful treatment of the disease.

Humanos , Anomia (Social) , Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales , Esquizofrenia
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-335046


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To evaluate the consequence of oral administration of Calliandra portoricensis (C. portoricensis) leaf extract on the stomach and pancreas in Swiss albino mice.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Three groups of mice (B, C and D) were treated with 4 mg/kg of C. portoricensis extract. Group A was the control and received an equivalent volume of distilled water. Group B received C. portoricensis leaf extract for 7 days, Group C received C. portoricensis leaf extract for 14 days, and Group D received C. portoricensis leaf extract for 28 days. At different stages in the study, the mice were sacrificed and the stomach and pancreas were excised and fixed in 10% formol saline for histological analysis.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The result showed a normal microstructural outline in groups B and C as compared with the control. However, animals in group D showed disorganization of the mucosa and discontinuation of epithelial lining of the stomach while the islets of Langerans in the pancreas were at various degree of degeneration as compared with the control mice.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>The present finding suggests that chronic administration (28 days as seen in this study) of C. portoricensis leaf extract may inhibit the proper function of the stomach and pancreas.</p>

Animales , Ratones , Fabaceae , Química , Tamaño de los Órganos , Páncreas , Patología , Extractos Vegetales , Farmacología , Hojas de la Planta , Química , Estómago , Patología
Rev. adm. pública ; 43(5): 1117-1146, set.-out. 2009. tab, mapas, ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-536293


Neste artigo demonstramos, a partir de uma replicação qualitativa de um estudo quantitativo, que os sistemas fechados de interação - aqui denominados capital social - e os abertos - laços fracos - são fenômenos de natureza distinta e, consequentemente, desempenham funções distintas na determinação da capacidade de articulação coletiva de indivíduos e no grau de eficácia de ações coletivas. A hipótese principal do artigo é que, enquanto capital social tem a ver com maior capacidade dos membros da comunidade para articular mobilização social, os laços fracos dizem respeito à capacidade de a comunidade conseguir benefícios, como saneamento básico, segurança pública, transporte coletivo, saúde e lazer - aqui denominada eficácia coletiva. A metodologia adotada baseia-se na replicação qualitativa de um survey, com três estudos de caso em comunidades periféricas da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, sobre a importância dos laços fracos para a ação eficaz da comunidade diante do poder público.

Anomia (Social) , Organización Comunitaria , Redes Comunitarias , Eficacia , Organización Social
Rev. chil. reumatol ; 25(3): 115-118, 2009.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-563797


Glándulas salivales de pacientes con síndrome de Sjõgren presentan un aumento en la degradación de componentes de la lámina basal (LB, laminina y colágeno IV) y estroma (colágenos I y III y fibronectina). Estos cambios se correlacionan con un desbalance en la expresión y actividad de metaloproteinasas y sus inhibidores titulares (MMP/TIMP) que desorganiza la LB de acinos y ductos. Esta desorganización es concomitante a una sobreexpresión de lamininas -1 y -5 y a la degradación de nidógenos 1 y -2, que tienen como función establecer puentes de conexión entre laminina y colágeno IV. Cambios post-transcripcionales de la integrina alfa 6 beta 4 están correlacionados con una drástica redistribución de beta 4 en acinos con LB desorganizadas. Estos resultados sugieren que alteraciones en la adhesión célula-matriz y en la formación de contactos célula-célula pueden modificar la señalización de la integrina alfa 6 beta 4 induciendo muerte celular cuando hay una severa interrupción de la célula acinar con la LB.

Increased degradation of basal lamina (BL, laminin and type IV collagen) and stroma (type I and III collagens, and fibronectin) proteins have been observed in salivary glands of patients with Sjõgren’s syndrome. Such changes are associated with imbalanced expression and activity of extracellular matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors (MMPs/TIMPs), which contribute to disorganization of the parenchyma basal lamina. Disorganization of the basal lamina is paralleled by an overexpression of laminin-1and -5 and the degradation of nidogens 1 and -2: linker proteins that help maintain the integrity of type IV collagen and laminin networks.Additionally, post-transcriptional changes in alpha 6 beta 4 integrin are associated with a dramatic redistribution of beta 4 in acini, particularly where perturbations in BL organization were apparent. These findings are taken to suggest that changes in acinar cell-matrix adhesion and cell-cell contact formation may alter alpha 6beta 4 integrin signaling, triggering cell death only when severe disruption of cell-BL attachment occurs.

Humanos , Matriz Extracelular , Glándulas Salivales/patología , Laminina/fisiología , Membrana Basal/patología , Síndrome de Sjögren/patología , Glándulas Salivales/inmunología , Metaloproteinasas de la Matriz , Membrana Basal/inmunología , Síndrome de Sjögren/inmunología , Síndrome de Sjögren/metabolismo