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Rev. bras. entomol ; 68(3): e20240016, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569699


ABSTRACT Influence of Quaternary climate change on the potencial distribution of Atlantic Forest dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). The role of Cenozoic paleoclimatic changes in the distribution of dung beetles species from the Atlantic Forest (AF) remains poorly understood. We used ecological niche modeling under different scenarios (present, 6 ka, 21 ka, and 120 ka) to investigate how climatic oscillations during the Quaternary might have influenced the distribution of species endemic to this region. Models were built for five of the nine dung beetle species of the Dichotomius sericeus group: D. iannuzziae, D. irinus, D. laevicollis, D. schiffleri, and D. sericeus. The models of climatic suitability for D. irinus and D. laevicollis show a similar historical pattern in response to climate change but were divergent from D. iannuzziae, D. schiffleri, and D. sericeus. Dichotomius schiffleri is the species with the smallest area of ​​potencial occurrence. Over time, the species probably remained limited to lowland AF areas on the Brazilian coast and, it is currently found preferentially in Restinga ecosystems along the coast. Regarding the potential distribution models at the present, D. iannuzziae, D. schiffleri, and D. sericeus have potential distributions similar to their realized distribution. This study shows that the historical distribution of the D. sericeus species group has been influenced by paleoclimatic changes that occurred in the AF over the last 120 ka.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-812130


As an important herbaceous plant, Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (Chinese skullcap) is geographically widespread and commonly used throughout the world. In the Chinese medicine market, S. baicalensis has been divided into two primary types, "Ku Qin" (WXR) and "Tiao Qin" (TST). Moreover, TST is also divided into different grades according to the diameter of roots. To explore the distribution patterns of the contents of five biologically activate ingredients (FBAI), we used six-year-old cultivated S. baicalensis and analyzed its growth characteristics as well as the quality difference among different types and diameters in roots. Throughout the entire root, we discovered that contents of the FBAI all initially increased and subsequently decreased from the top to the bottom of the roots. The baicalin content of WXR was less than that of TST. On the contrary, the contents of baicalein, wogonin, and oroxylin A in WXR were up to about two times higher than that in TST. We also found that the 0 to 40 cm part of the S. baicalensis root possessed about 87% of the root biomass and about 92% of the contents of the active ingredients.

Medicamentos Herbarios Chinos , Química , Flavanonas , Flavonoides , Raíces de Plantas , Química , Scutellaria baicalensis , Química
Rev. biol. trop ; 64(4): 1537-1551, oct.-dic. 2016. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-958233


Resumen:Los estudios sobre gradientes altitudinales han permitido examinar cambios en la riqueza y composición de los ensamblajes de aves, lo que hace posible obtener información sobre las variables ambientales que determinan su distribución y factores que definen la estructura. En este trabajo se describe la variación en la riqueza y composición de los ensamblajes de aves a través de un gradiente altitudinal al sur de Nayarit. Para analizar el comportamiento de la riqueza en el gradiente se obtuvo información mediante puntos de conteo en nueve intervalos altitudinales (separados cada 300 m de altitud) desde el nivel del mar hasta los 2 700 msnm. Se estandarizó el esfuerzo de muestreo y se realizaron curvas de rarefacción, y los cambios en la composición de especies se analizaron mediante análisis de clasificación jerárquica utilizando la técnica TWINSPAN. Para identificar las variables asociadas con los cambios en riqueza se analizó el efecto de la precipitación y de la estructura del hábitat mediante árboles de regresión. Para determinar si los cambios en composición responden a cambios en los tipos de vegetación se realizó un análisis de escalamiento multidimensional no métrico (NMDS). La riqueza de especies varió de forma significativa a través del gradiente: fue alta en las partes bajas del gradiente, alcanzó su valor máximo en la parte media y disminuyó monotónicamente con la elevación. Las especies respondieron a cambios en el gradiente y se agruparon en tres pisos altitudinales. Los análisis sugieren que los cambios en la riqueza y composición de las especies están influenciados por la vegetación, su estructura y precipitación, así como por diversos aspectos relacionados con características del hábitat y la perturbación. Estos aspectos deberán ser tomados en cuenta con el fin de diseñar estrategias adecuadas para la conservación de las aves de Nayarit.

Abstract:Elevation gradient studies have strengthened the evaluation of changes in richness and composition of bird assemblages. They also provide information on environmental variables that determine bird distribution, and the variables that define their population structure. Our aim was to describe their variation through an elevational cline in Southern Nayarit, Mexico. To analyze the behavior of richness across the gradient, we gathered information through point counts in nine elevational intervals (300 m from each other) from sea level to 2 700 m of elevation. With a standardized sampling effort, we produced rarefaction curves and analyzed changes in species composition by hierarchical classification using the TWINSPAN technique. In order to identify variables associated with richness changes, we examined the effect of precipitation and habitat structure via regression trees. An analysis of nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was implemented with the purpose to determine if the changes in composition correspond to changes in vegetation types. Species richness varied significantly across the gradient: high in the lower parts of the gradient, reached its peak in the middle, and decreased monotonically with elevation. Species responded to changes in the cline and were grouped in three elevational zones. Analyses suggest that changes in richness and species composition are influenced by vegetation, its structure and precipitation regime, as well as various aspects related to habitat features and disturbance. These aspects should be taken into account in order to design appropriate strategies for the conservation of the birds of Nayarit. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (4): 1537-1551. Epub 2016 December 01.

Animales , Aves/clasificación , Altitud , Distribución Animal , Especificidad de la Especie , Aves/fisiología , Bosques , Dinámica Poblacional , Clima , Biodiversidad , México
Braz. j. biol ; 75(4)Nov. 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468331


Abstract Here we examine assemblage structure of coprophagous Scarabaeidae (dung beetles) in the Pantanal of the state of Mato Grosso with respect to flooding regimes, soil texture, leaf litter volume and tree dominance in native and exotic pastures. Samples were collected along 30 transects of 250 m in length in a 5×5 km grid (25 km2). Five pitfalls baited with human feces were placed in each transect. A total of 1692 individuals in 19 species were captured, the majority in the subfamily Scarabaeinae and Aphodiinae. Assemblages were influenced by the duration of flooding and leaf litter volume. None of the other habitat variables was correlated with species richness. Cultivated pastures with exotic grasses were unimportant for composition of the assemblages of beetles. These results indicate that duration of flooding is the most important regulating force in this community.

Resumo Esse estudo avaliou a estrutura espacial de assembleias de Scarabaeidae coprófagos no Pantanal de Mato Grosso, em função do tempo de inundação, textura do solo, volume da serapilheira, dominância de arbóreas, pastagens nativa e exótica. As coletas foram realizadas em 30 transectos de 250 m cada distribuídos sistematicamente em uma área de 25 km2. Cinco armadilhas pitfall iscadas com fezes humanas foram instaladas em cada transecto, e obtidos 1.692 indivíduos distribuídos em 19 espécies pertencentes às subfamílias Scarabaeinae e Aphodiinae. A estrutura e composição das assembleias foram afetadas pelo tempo de inundação e o volume da serapilheira. Todas as variáveis explanatórias foram fracamente correlacionadas e de forma não significativa com a riqueza de espécies. A existência de pastagem exótica não afetou a composição das assembleias de besouros. Esses resultados indicam que o tempo de inundação é a principal força reguladora dessa comunidade no ambiente pantaneiro.

Braz. j. biol ; 75(4,supl.1): 136-142, Nov. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-768218


Abstract Here we examine assemblage structure of coprophagous Scarabaeidae (dung beetles) in the Pantanal of the state of Mato Grosso with respect to flooding regimes, soil texture, leaf litter volume and tree dominance in native and exotic pastures. Samples were collected along 30 transects of 250 m in length in a 5×5 km grid (25 km2). Five pitfalls baited with human feces were placed in each transect. A total of 1692 individuals in 19 species were captured, the majority in the subfamily Scarabaeinae and Aphodiinae. Assemblages were influenced by the duration of flooding and leaf litter volume. None of the other habitat variables was correlated with species richness. Cultivated pastures with exotic grasses were unimportant for composition of the assemblages of beetles. These results indicate that duration of flooding is the most important regulating force in this community.

Resumo Esse estudo avaliou a estrutura espacial de assembleias de Scarabaeidae coprófagos no Pantanal de Mato Grosso, em função do tempo de inundação, textura do solo, volume da serapilheira, dominância de arbóreas, pastagens nativa e exótica. As coletas foram realizadas em 30 transectos de 250 m cada distribuídos sistematicamente em uma área de 25 km2. Cinco armadilhas pitfall iscadas com fezes humanas foram instaladas em cada transecto, e obtidos 1.692 indivíduos distribuídos em 19 espécies pertencentes às subfamílias Scarabaeinae e Aphodiinae. A estrutura e composição das assembleias foram afetadas pelo tempo de inundação e o volume da serapilheira. Todas as variáveis explanatórias foram fracamente correlacionadas e de forma não significativa com a riqueza de espécies. A existência de pastagem exótica não afetou a composição das assembleias de besouros. Esses resultados indicam que o tempo de inundação é a principal força reguladora dessa comunidade no ambiente pantaneiro.

Animales , Biodiversidad , Escarabajos/fisiología , Humedales , Inundaciones , Pradera , Especies Introducidas , Hojas de la Planta/química , Suelo/química
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 32(1): 7-15, ene.-abr. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-712524


Las enfermedades tropicales son infecciones provocadaspor mosquitos y moscas que transmiten parßsitos, bacteriaso virus a individuos, una de ellas es el dengue, el cual atacaespecialmente a personas en condiciones de pobreza ymarginalidad, proliferando en lugares con saneamiento bßsicodeficiente, lo cual ha aumentado significativamente el númerode casos. Objetivo: en el presente artÝculo se usan los Sistemasde Informaci¾n Geogrßfica (SIG) para el modelamiento depatrones de distribuci¾n espacial de enfermedades tropicales.Se toma como caso de estudio los reportes del dengue mes ames de los a±os 2008, 2009 y 2011 en el Valle de Aburrß en lajurisdicci¾n de MedellÝn, Colombia. MetodologÝa: se ubicaronespacialmente los casos de dengue notificados a la SecretarÝa deSalud de MedellÝn a travÚs de las direcciones de las viviendasde los pacientes. Se ubicaron geoespacialmente utilizando elsoftware ArcGis 10, y las herramientas de anßlisis espacial IDWy Slope para demostrar que el fen¾meno del dengue cumplecon el principio de autocorrelaci¾n espacial. Resultados ydiscusi¾n: la enfermedad muestra patrones espaciales en elsector suroccidental de MedellÝn; Corregimiento de Altavistay en las Comunas de BelÚn y Guayabal; sin embargo, serÝa degran interÚs estudiar este fen¾meno con variables ambientalesy poder tener mßs herramientas para la toma de decisiones enlas actividades de prevenciónn del dengue...

Tropical diseases are infections caused by mosquitoes and flieswhich transmit parasites, bacteria or viruses of people. One ofthese diseases is dengue, which particularly attacks those livingin poor or marginalized conditions, proliferating in placeslacking basic sanitation, which has significantly increased thenumber of cases. Objective: Geographic Information Systems(gis) were used in this paper for the purpose of modeling thespatial distribution patterns of tropical diseases. Monthlyreports on dengue from the years 2008, 2009 and 2011 in theAburrß valley, under the jurisdiction of MedellÝn, Colombia,were taken as a case study. Methodology: Dengue cases ofwhich the MedellÝn Health Secretary was notified were spatiallylocated using the addresses of the patients' homes. ArcGis 10software was used to geo-spatially locate the cases, while IDWand Slope spatial analysis tools were employed to demonstratethat the dengue phenomenon complies with the principle ofspatial auto-correlation. Results and discussion: The diseaseshows spatial patterns in the south-west sector of MedellÝn; theAltavista township and the BelÚn and Guayabal municipalities,and it would be of great interest to study this phenomenon withenvironmental variables and to have more tools available fordecision-making in activities for preventing dengue...

Humanos , Dengue , Sistemas de Información Geográfica
Rev. bras. entomol ; 57(3): 329-334, July-Sept. 2013. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-691396


What is the importance of open habitat in a predominantly closed forest to the dung beetle assemblage? The Atlantic Forest in Brazil is one of the most highly disturbed ecosystems and is mainly represented by fragmented areas. However, in places where human disturbances have ceased, certain areas are showing a natural regeneration pattern. The aim of the present study was to determine how the dung beetle assemblage responds to distinct habitat structures in a fragment of Atlantic Forest. For such, open and closed forest areas were sampled in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in the northeastern region of Brazil. Pitfall traps baited with excrement and carrion were used to collect the beetles. A total of 7,267 individuals belonging to 35 species were captured. Canthon chalybaeus and C. mutabilis were restricted to open areas. Nearly 90% of the individuals of C. aff. simulans and Deltochilum aff. irroratum were identified in these areas. A higher percentage (> 50%) of Canthon staigi, Dichotomius aff. depressicolis and D. aff. sericeus occurred in closed areas. Abundance differed between areas, with higher values in closed areas. Richness was not influenced by the habitat structure. NMDS ordination exhibited the segregation of areas and ANOSIM confirmed that this variable explained the assemblage of dung beetle species. The findings of the present study validate that open areas are associated to more restrictive conditions, limiting a higher abundance of dung beetle. Although situated near preserved fragments, the studied open areas increase the heterogeneity of the general landscape.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 12(1): 241-249, Jan.-Mar. 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-643005


Na floresta Ombrófila Densa do Parque Estadual de Carlos Botelho - PECB (ca. 37.000 ha) foi avaliada a composição, riqueza e distribuição geográfica das espécies vasculares nativas. A análise de 1143 espécies pertencentes a 140 famílias (sensu APG III) confirmaram o padrão encontrado para outras florestas do Leste do Brasil, com altas riquezas de Myrtaceae (85 espécies), Orchidaceae (81), Fabaceae (57), Asteraceae, Melastomataceae (54), Lauraceae (53), Rubiaceae (51), Bromeliaceae (43), Piperaceae (30) e Solanaceae (25), além de pteridófitas (123). Os gêneros mais ricos do Parque foram: Eugenia (34), Ocotea (26), Leandra, Myrcia, Vriesea (18), Piper (16), Solanum (15), Miconia (14), Mollinedia (13) e Peperomia (12). Houve grande variação na riqueza e composição de espécies entre hábitos, bem como no número de famílias representadas nos hábitos considerados (apenas Rubiaceae teve espécies em todos os hábitos, exceto parasitas). As árvores obtiveram a maior contribuição na riqueza total (39,1%), valor que representou mais de 20% das espécies de árvores citadas para toda a Floresta Atlântica do Sudeste do Brasil. Em seguida, foram os epífitos (22,4%), ervas (18,4%), arbustos (10,1%), lianas (9,1%) e parasitas (0,9%). De maneira geral, a riqueza e a composição por hábitos foram bastante similares ao encontrado nas demais florestas neotropicais (e.g. alta contribuição de pteridófitas ente os epífitos), apesar de alguns dos hábitos permanecerem subamostrados no PECB (principalmente ervas, lianas e epífitos). A ocorrência de espécies endêmicas da Floresta Atlântica foi elevada (65%), com predominância de espécies de ocorrência no Sul da Floresta Atlântica (43%). Espécies pantropicais foram raras (2%), sendo mais comuns entre as pteridófitas e entre as herbáceas. Myrtaceae e Melastomataceae foram as famílias com maior número e proporção de espécies endêmicas.

In the Montane and Submontane Rain Forest of the Carlos Botelho State Park - PECB (ca. 37,000 ha) the composition, richness and geographical distribution of native, vascular forest species was evaluated. The analysis of 1143 species of 140 families supported the pattern found for other forests of Eastern Brazil, showing high species richness of Myrtaceae (85 species), Orchidaceae (81), Fabaceae (57), Asteraceae, Melastomataceae (54), Lauraceae (53), Rubiaceae (51), Bromeliaceae (43), Piperaceae (30) and Solanaceae (25), besides ferns (123). The most species-rich genera were Eugenia (34), Ocotea (26), Leandra, Myrcia, Vriesea (18), Piper, Solanum (16), Miconia (14), Mollinedia (13), and Peperomia (12). The richness and composition varied greatly among life forms, as well as the number of families represented in each one of them (only Rubiaceae had species in all life forms, except parasites). Trees had the largest contribution of total richness (39.1%), a value that represented more than 20% of the species listed for the whole Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil. Trees were followed by epiphytes (22.4%), herbs (18.4%), shrubs (10.1%), lianas (9.1%), and parasites (0.9%). The overall richness and composition of life forms was quite close to other neotropical forests (e.g. high contribution of ferns among epiphytes), although some life forms remain undersampled in the PECB (mainly herbs, lianas and epiphytes). The occurrence of species endemic to the Atlantic Forest was pronounced (65%), with a predominance of species restricted to the Southern Atlantic Forest (43%). Pantropical species were rare (2%), being more common among ferns. Myrtaceae and Melastomataceae were the families with greater number and proportion of endemic species.

Rev. biol. trop ; 60(1): 233-252, Mar. 2012. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-657775


Hermit crabs (Anomura: Paguroidea) distribution patterns in the Colombian Caribbean Sea. Hermit crabs represent the marine life in the Colombian Caribbean, and are important for the dynamic equilibrium maintenance in ecosystems, the ecological interactions and their impact on food web stability. Generally, in order to come up with some conservation strategies, strong bio-geographical information is needed for policies definition. With this aim, this study analyzed the distribution patterns of hermit crabs in the Colombian Caribbean Sea, through classification and spatial ordination multivariate analyses, using historical records from years 1916 to 2006. Besides, the world distribution of Colombian species and their geographic affinity in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic were identified. The results show deep differences between coastal and continental slope faunas, and latitudinal differences in the assemblages, with the identification of three groups: Northeast, Center and Southwest. The differences in faunal composition that support these three groups were determined. Based on maps of the Colombian marine ecosystems, it was found that the main factors affecting the distribution of hermit crabs were the Caribaná slope (depth), water-mass temperature, Guajira sea-grass beds, and particular conditions of “Coralline Archipelagos” and “Darién” eco-regions. Colombian hermit crab fauna is more related to the North Atlantic and the Antilles, than to the South Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, geographical sub-provinces in which Colombia is included, these were found as transition zones among Northern and Austral subprovinces of the Greater Caribbean.

Los cangrejos ermitaños son un grupo representativo de la fauna marina del Caribe colombiano, además, son importantes en el mantenimiento del equilibrio dinámico, en los ecosistemas por sus interacciones ecológicas y también por el impacto en la estabilidad de las redes tróficas. Sus patrones de distribución se identificaron mediante análisis multivariados de clasificación y ordenación espacial, se usaron registros históricos desde 1916 hasta el 2006. Los resultados indican diferencias por profundidad entre la fauna costera y la del talud continental y diferencias en la distribución latitudinal, en donde se encontraron tres grupos: Noreste, Centro y Suroeste, sustentados por diferencias en la composición faunística. Con base en los mapas de ecosistemas marinos de Colombia, se determinó que los principales factores que afectan su distribución son la influencia del talud Caribaná (profundidad), la temperatura de las masas de agua, las praderas de pastos marinos de la Guajira y las condiciones particulares de las ecorregiones Archipiélagos coralinos y Darién. Se identificó la distribución mundial de las especies colombianas y su afinidad geográfica, y se encontró mayor afinidad con el Atlántico norte y las Antillas que con el Atlántico sur y el Golfo de México, asimismo, las subprovincias geográficas que incluyen a Colombia son zonas de transición dentro de la subprovincias septentrionales y australes del Gran Caribe.

Animales , Anomuros/clasificación , Ecosistema , Región del Caribe , Colombia , Geografía , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 7(2): 117-140, Apr.-June 2009. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-520406


Hoplias lacerdae was originally described from the rio Ribeira de Iguape, Iporanga, São Paulo State. The Hoplias lacerdae group is defined as containing generally large trahiras with the medial margins of dentaries running parallel to each other and lacking teeth on the basihyal compared to the H. malabaricus group in which the medial margins of the dentaries converge towards the mandibular symphysis and which have teeth on the basihyal. A taxonomic revision of the group based on meristic and morphometric data identified five distinct species: H. lacerdae distributed in the rio Ribeira de Iguape and rio Uruguai; H. intermedius from the rio São Francisco, upper rio Paraná basin, and rio Doce; H. brasiliensis from rivers of the Atlantic Coastal drainage from the rio Paraguaçu to the rio Jequitinhonha; H. australis new species, endemic to the rio Uruguai; and H. curupira new species present in northern South America, including the rios Negro, Trombetas, Tapajós, Xingu, Tocantins and Capim in the Amazon basin, upper rio Orinoco near the rio Casiquiare (Venezuela), and coastal rivers of Guyana and Suriname. A lectotype for Hoplias intermedius and a neotype for H. brasiliensis are designated.

Hoplias lacerdae foi descrita originalmente do rio Ribeira de Iguape, Iporanga, São Paulo. O grupo Hoplias lacerdae foi definido como um conjunto de espécies para abrigar as traíras geralmente de grande porte, com as margens mediais dos dentários dispostas paralelamente e sem dentes no basi-hial, em oposição às traíras do grupo Hoplias malabaricus, cujas margens mediais dos dentários convergem em direção à sínfise mandibular e possuem dentes no basi-hial. A revisão taxonômica do grupo baseada em dados merísticos e morfométricos identificou cinco espécies distintas: Hoplias lacerdae distribuída nos rios Ribeira de Iguape e Uruguai; H. intermedius no rio São Francisco, alto rio Paraná e rio Doce; H. brasiliensis nos rios costeiros da drenagem Atlântica, desde o rio Paraguaçu até o rio Jequitinhonha; H. australis espécie nova, endêmica ao rio Uruguai; e H. curupira espécie nova no norte da América do Sul, incluindo os rios Negro, Trombetas, Tapajós, Xingu, Tocantins e Capim na bacia Amazônica; alto rio Orinoco próximo ao rio Casiquiare (Venezuela) e rios costeiros da Guiana e Suriname. São designados um lectótipo para Hoplias intermedius e um neótipo para H. brasiliensis.

Animales , Biodiversidad , Peces/anatomía & histología , Peces/clasificación , Peces/fisiología , América del Sur
Braz. j. biol ; 66(1)2006.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467775


The Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity (PAE) is a method of historical biogeography that is used for detecting and connecting areas of endemism. Based on data on the distribution of Neotropical primates, we constructed matrices using quadrats, interfluvial regions and pre-determinated areas of endemism described for avians as Operative Geographic Units (OGUs). We codified the absence of a species from an OGU as 0 (zero) and its presence as 1 (one). A hypothetical area with a complete absence of primate species was used as outgroup to root the trees. All three analyses resulted in similar groupings of areas of endemism, which match the distribution of biomes in the Neotropical region. One area includes Central America and the extreme Northwest of South America, other the Amazon basin, and another the Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, Cerrado and Chaco.

A Análise de Parcimônia de Endemismo (PAE) é um método da biogeografia histórica que é usado para detectar e conectar áreas de endemismo. Baseando-se em dados de distribuição de primatas Neotropicais, construíram-se matrizes de dados utilizando-se quadrículas, regiões entre rios e áreas de endemismo pré-determinadas para aves como Unidades Geográficas Operacionais (OGUs). Codificou-se a ausência da espécie na OGU como 0 (zero) e a presença como 1 (um). Uma área hipotética com ausência total de espécies de primatas foi usada como grupo externo para polarização. Todas as três análises resultaram em grupos similares de áreas de endemismo, coincidindo com a distribuição de biomas na região Neotropical: uma área incluindo a América Central e o extremo Noroeste da América do Sul; outra, a Bacia Amazônica; e, uma terceira, a Mata Atlântica, Caatinga, Cerrado e Chaco.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 12(1)ene. 2005.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1522121


Se presenta la distribución geográfica de 24 especies de escorpiones (cinco géneros y tres familias) para el corredor andino en el sur del Perú. Se discuten algunos aspectos zoogeográficos de las especies involucradas (19 exclusivas del área de estudio), las que pueden reunirse en siete áreas escorpiológicas: Desierto costero, Lomas, Serranía esteparia, Puna, Queswa, Valles interandinos cálidos y Yungas. Las Lomas, Serranía esteparia y Queswa, presentan la mayor riqueza específica. Se analizan los patrones de distribución de las especies, que sugieren la presencia de tres componentes faunísticos en el sur del Perú: andino patagónico, amazónico y caribeño.

The geographical distribution of 24 scorpion species (five genera and three families) from the Andean corridor in southern Peru is provided. Some zoogeographic details of the implicated species are discussed (19 are exclusive from the area); these species are grouped into seven scorpiological areas: Desierto costero, Serranía esteparia, Puna, Queswa, Valles interandinos cálidos, and Yungas. The Lomas, Serranía esteparia and Queswa areas, are the areas with the most richness of species. The distribution patterns of species, which suggests the presence of three faunistic components in southern Peru: andean-patagonian, amazonian and caribbean, are analysed.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 84(supl.4): 1-6, 1989. graf, mapas
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-623839


One hundred senventy-five species of marine mollusks have been identified in the Expedition Espírito Santo I. Standing out the species Margarites olivaceus (Brown, 1827); Cyclostremiscus caraboboensis Weishord, 1962; Balcis gibba Folin, 1867; Triphora compsa (Dall, 1927); Henrya af. goldmani Bartsh, 1947 and Limaea subovata Jeffreys, 1876 as they have not been previously assigned to Brazil. The analysis of the geographical distribution patterns points out the dominance of the species with thermophiles affinities. This situation evidences the importance of the Brazilian Current in the maintanance of the biogeographical structure of the studied region. However, it is the analysis of the cryophiles species that shows the Cabo Frio region as an ecological filter quite more permeable to the species with thermophile affinities than to the cryophiles ones. The existence of this barrier and the endemism rate (4.27%) characterize the region that extends from the south of Cabo Frio as a transition between the two patterns cited above. Therefore they do not corroborate in malacological parameters the proposition made by Palacio (1982) for the individualization of the Paulista Province.

Animales , Zoología , Oceanografía , Moluscos , Brasil