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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(8): e05442023, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569049


Resumo Analisaram-se indicadores de vigilância da qualidade da água para consumo humano no Amazonas, de 2016 a 2020, utilizando 185.528 amostras provenientes de 11 microrregiões. Das amostras analisadas, 93,20% são da área urbana, 66,65% provinham do sistema público (SAA), 31,02% da Solução Alternativa Coletiva (SAC) e 2,33% da Solução de Alternativa Individual (SAI). Observou-se aumento do número de registros pelo SAA, com tendência de queda e oscilações de registros para a SAC e a SAI. Os indicadores de qualidade dos parâmetros químicos e físicos da área urbana foram superiores aos das áreas rurais e de comunidades tradicionais. A maior parte das amostras apresentou valores de pH abaixo do recomendado. Na quantificação dos parâmetros microbiológicos, identificou-se maior presença de coliformes totais e E.coli na área rural e em comunidades tradicionais. Em conclusão, verificaram-se inadequações nos parâmetros químicos, físicos e microbiológicos, assim como problemas relativos ao abastecimento, armazenamento e à vigilância da água distribuída para consumo humano. Tais achados indicam a necessidade de construir uma agenda, pela gestão pública, para o enfrentamento da insegurança hídrica e seus prováveis efeitos sobre a insegurança alimentar existente na região.

Abstract Surveillance indicators of the quality of water for human consumption in the Amazon were analysed from 2016 to 2020 using 185,528 samples from 11 microregions. Of the samples analysed, 93.20% were from urban areas, 66.65% were from the public water supply system (WSS), 31.02% were from the Collective Alternative Solution-CAS, and 2.33% from the Individual Alternative Solution-IAS. There was an increase in the number of records by the WSS, with a downwards trend and fluctuations in records for the CAS and the IAS. The quality indicators of chemical and physical parameters for urban areas were higher than those for rural areas and traditional communities. Most of the samples presented pH values below the recommended level. In the quantification of microbiological parameters, a higher presence of total coliforms and E. coli was identified in samples from rural areas and in traditional communities. In conclusion, there were inadequacies in the chemical, physical and microbiological parameters as well as problems related to the supply, storage and surveillance of water distributed for human consumption. These findings indicate the need to build an agenda for public management to address water insecurity and its likely effects on food insecurity in the region.

Espaç. saúde (Online) ; 25: 1-11, 02 abr. 2024.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551525


O consumo de bebidas alcoólicas representa um dos principais fatores de risco de envolvimento em acidentes de trânsito. Objetivou-se analisar o panorama geral de consumo de bebida alcoólica por estudantes de medicina e as implicações nos acidentes de trânsito. Foram consultadas as bases de dados SciELO, PubMed e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e incluídos dez artigos completos disponíveis entre 2010 e 2022, em língua portuguesa e inglesa. Resultou que o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas pelos estudantes variou de 76,6% a 81,2%, e que ingerir bebidas alcoólicas expõe os motoristas ao envolvimento em acidentes de trânsito 68% maior do que os que não estão expostos a tal fator. Concluiu-se que os estudantes de medicina, população jovem, apresentam um alto índice de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, e os motivos envolvidos apontam para o nível de pressão do curso, alta carga horária, períodos do curso mais avançados, festas acadêmicas e morar sem os pais.

The consumption of alcoholic drinks represents one of the main risk factors for the involvement in traffic accidents. The objective of this study was to analyze the general panorama of alcohol consumption by medical students and the implications for traffic accidents. SciELO, PubMed and Virtual Health Library databases were consulted, and ten full articles available between 2010 and 2022, in Portuguese and English, were included. The results obtained were that the consumption of alcoholic drinks by students ranged from 76.6% to 81.2%, and that alcohol drinking exposes drivers to involvement in 68% more traffic accidents than those who are not exposed to such factor. It was concluded that medical students, a young population, have a high rate of consumption of alcoholic beverages, and the reasons involved point to the level of pressure of the medical school, high workload, seniority in the program, academic parties, and living without the parents

El consumo de bebidas alcohólicas representa uno de los principales factores de riesgo de implicación en accidentes de tráfico. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el panorama del consumo de alcohol por los estudiantes de medicina y las implicaciones en los accidentes de tránsito. Se consultaron las bases de datos SciELO, PubMed y Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y se incluyeron diez artículos completos disponibles entre 2010 y 2022, en portugués e inglés. Los resultados obtenidos fueran que el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas osciló entre 76,6% y 81,2%, y que el expone a los conductores a involucrarse en accidentes de tráfico un 68% más que aquellos que non están expuestos a tal factor. Se concluyó que los estudiantes de medicina, una población joven, tienen un alto índice de consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, y los motivos involucrados apuntan para el nivel de presión del curso, alta carga horaria, períodos más avanzados del curso, fiestas académicas y morar sin los padres

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 74(1): 33-41, mar. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1555085


Introducción. La obesidad abdominal es considerada un factor de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular y diabetes. El consumo excesivo episódico de alcohol y la inactividad física también son factores de riesgo comportamentales asociados a enfermedades no transmisibles. Objetivo: Analizar la asociación entre la obesidad abdominal, el consumo de alcohol y la inactividad física en universitarios panameños. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal analítico realizado en 374 estudiantes universitarios panameños en el periodo abril ­ diciembre de 2021. Se implementó el cuestionario para la vigilancia de factores de riesgo de enfermedades no transmisibles de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y se evaluó la circunferencia de cintura. La obesidad abdominal se estableció con una circunferencia de cintura ≥80 cm en mujeres y ≥90 cm en hombres. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos, bivariados y múltiples usando modelos de regresión logística para determinar la asociación entre las variables del estudio. Las pruebas U Mann-Whitney y Chi cuadrado fueron utilizadas para analizar diferencias por sexo. Resultados: Una tercera parte de los universitarios participantes presentaron obesidad abdominal. Las mujeres reportaron mayores niveles de inactividad física (<0,0001) y conducta sedentaria (p=0,0010) que los hombres. Después de ajustar por sexo, edad y nivel socioeconómico, la obesidad abdominal estuvo asociada con la inactividad física (OR: 1,762, IC 95%: 1,040 ­ 2,985, p=0,035) y el consumo excesivo episódico de alcohol (OR 1,114, IC: 1,015 ­ 1,223, p=0,023). Conclusiones: Los universitarios panameños que reportaron bajos niveles de actividad física y consumo excesivo episódico de alcohol tuvieron una mayor probabilidad de registrar obesidad abdominal(AU)

Introduction. Abdominal obesity is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Episodic excessive consumption of alcohol and physical inactivity are behavioral risk factors associated with non-communicable diseases. Objective: To analyze the association between abdominal obesity, alcohol consumption and physical inactivity in Panamanian university students. Materials and methods: Analytical cross-sectional study conducted on 374 Panamanian university students in the period April ­ December 2021. The questionnaire for the surveillance of risk factors for non-communicable diseases of the World Health Organization was implemented and waist circumference was evaluated. Abdominal obesity was established with a waist circumference ≥80 cm in women and ≥90 cm in men. Descriptive, bivariate, and multiple analyzes were performed using logistic regression models to determine the association between the study variables. The Mann-Whitney U and Chi square tests were used to analyze differences by sex. Results: A third of the participating university students had abdominal obesity. Women reported higher levels of physical inactivity (<0,0001) and sedentary behavior (p=0,0010) than men. After adjusting for sex, age and socioeconomic status, abdominal obesity was associated with physical inactivity (OR: 1,762, 95% CI: 1,040 ­ 2,985, p=0,035) and episodic heavy alcohol consumption (OR 1,114, CI: 1,015 ­ 1,223, p=0,023). Conclusions: Students who reported low levels of physical inactivity and binge drinking were more likely to have abdominal obesity(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Universidades , Consumo de Bebidas Alcohólicas , Conducta Alimentaria , Obesidad Abdominal/complicaciones , Conducta Sedentaria , Factores Socioeconómicos , Estudiantes , Índice de Masa Corporal , Circunferencia de la Cintura , Enfermedades no Transmisibles , Factores de Riesgo de Enfermedad Cardiaca
Rev. méd. Urug ; 40(1): e204, mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1560246


El suicidio es un fenómeno que además de las pérdidas humanas que involucra, repercute negativamente en familiares y allegados, produciendo a su vez enormes gastos en el sistema sanitario. En Uruguay, la tasa de suicidio no solo ha experimentado un aumento sostenido, representando una preocupación constante para las autoridades, sino que suele ser una de la más altas de Latinoamérica, en 2022 fue de 23,08 cada 100.000 habitantes. Reconociendo que el suicidio es un fenómeno multifactorial grave, diversos estudios han indagado sobre la posible correlación entre la presencia de litio en agua corriente y tasas de suicidio, habiéndose observado una relación inversa, lo que permitiría considerar el litio como eventualmente protector de la conducta suicida. El presente estudio pretende abordar dicha correlación en los departamentos de Rocha y Montevideo, de Uruguay. Los resultados obtenidos no son concluyentes. En cuanto a las concentraciones de litio presentes en agua corriente, en general son menores a las señaladas en otros estudios como protectoras (30 µ/L). Es necesario profundizar en este eje de discusión, como en otros, para obtener un diagnóstico más detallado de este complejo y sentido fenómeno.

Suicide is a phenomenon that, in addition to the human losses it involves, has a negative impact on family members and acquaintances, leading to enormous costs in the healthcare system. In Uruguay, the suicide rate has not only experienced a sustained increase, representing a constant concern for authorities, but it also tends to be one of the highest in Latin America, reaching 23.08 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2022. Recognizing that suicide is a serious multifactorial phenomenon, several studies have investigated the possible correlation between the presence of lithium in tap water and suicide rates, noting an inverse relationship. This suggests that lithium could potentially be considered protective against suicidal behavior. This study aims to address this correlation in the departments of Rocha and Montevideo, Uruguay. The results obtained are inconclusive. Regarding the concentrations of lithium present in tap water, they are generally lower than those indicated in other studies as protective (30 µg/L). It is necessary to delve deeper into this axis of discussion, as in others, to obtain a more detailed diagnosis of this complex and profound phenomenon.

O suicídio é um fenómeno que, além das perdas humanas que envolve, tem um impacto negativo nos familiares e amigos, produzindo enormes gastos no sistema de saúde. No Uruguai, a taxa de suicídio não só tem registado um aumento sustentado, representando uma preocupação constante para as autoridades, mas geralmente é uma das mais altas da América Latina, sendo de 23,08 por 100.000 habitantes em 2022. Reconhecendo que o suicídio é um fenómeno multifatorial grave, vários estudos têm investigado a possível correlação entre a presença de lítio na água encanada e as taxas de suicídio; observa-se uma relação inversa, o que permitiria considerá-lo como um possível protetor do comportamento suicida. O presente estudo visa abordar esta correlação nos departamentos de Rocha e Montevidéu no Uruguai. Os resultados obtidos não são conclusivos. Quanto às concentrações de litio presentes na água corrente, são geralmente inferiores às indicadas em outros estudos como protetoras (30 µ/L). É necessário aprofundar esta área de discussão como em outras linhas de pesquisa, e obter um diagnóstico mais detalhado deste fenômeno complexo e significativo.

Suicidio , Agua Potable , Litio/uso terapéutico , Uruguay/epidemiología
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005907


Objective To investigate the radioactivity levels of total α and total β in drinking water in nine districts of Chongqing City from 2019 to 2021, and to provide reference for the risk monitoring of drinking water in the metropolitan areas of Chongqing. Methods The total α and total β radioactivity levels in water samples were determined by the comparative measurement method and the thin source deposit method in GB/T5750.13-2006 “Standard Examination Methods for Drinking Water-Radiological Parameters”. The monitoring results were assessed according to GB5749-2006 “Standards for Drinking Water Quality” and the fourth edition of the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. Results From 2019 to 2021, the total α activity concentration of the water samples measured in the nine districts of metropolitan Chongqing ranged from 0.002 to 0.039 Bq /L, and the total β activity concentration ranged from 0.015 to 0.190 Bq /L. There was no significant difference in the activity concentration (tα=0.545, Pα=0.591; tβ=-1.438, Pβ=0.163>0.05). From 2019 to 2021, the average value of total α radioactivity decreased year by year and its activity value was relatively low, indicating a low health risk. However, the average value of total β radioactivity increased year by year, which should be paid attention to. Conclusion The total α and total β radioactivity in water samples measured in the present study are lower than the standard recommended limits. The estimated annual average effective dose of radiation caused by drinking water is 0.005-0.010 mSv, which is lower than the limit of 0.1 mSv recommended by WHO, and this radioactivity level will not have an impact on the health of residents. However, the total β radioactivity level of the monitoring points in Banan and Shapingba is relatively high compared to other jurisdictions, and further tracking and monitoring should be carried out.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016767


Background The Qingcaosha Reservoir is facing issues of algal blooms and eutrophication, and the resulting increase in the level of chlorination disinfection by-products in the water has been a major concern. Objective To evaluate the impact of "Algae Monitoring and Control Program in Qingcaosha Reservoir" (hereinafter referred to as the program) on the control of trihalomethanes (THMs) in conventional finished water. Methods From 2011 to 2019, water samples were collected from the Lujiazui Water Plant once per season, one sample each time, and the concentrations of four THMs (trichloromethane, dichlorobromomethane, monochlorodibromomethane, and tribromomethane) were measured in the samples. Using 2014 when the program was implemented as a cut-off point, the entire study period was divided into two phases: pre-implementation (2011–2013) and post-implementation(2014–2019). Segmented linear regression with interrupted time series analysis was applied to assess the concentrations and trends of THMs in the finished water before and after the program launch. Results The concentration of total THMs in finished water increased by 1.561 µg·L−1 (P=0.010) for each season of time extension before launching the program. The change in the concentration of total THMs in finished water was not statistically significant after the program launch, but the THMs concentration showed a decreasing trend as the slope was −0.626 (P=0.001). From 2017 until the end of 2019, the average concentration of THMs in finished water of Lujiazui Water Plant dropped to 10 μg·L−1 or less. Conclusions The algae and eutrophication control measures in Qingcaosha Reservoir have achieved good results, controlling THMs in finished water at a low level, and the trend of THMs has changed from a yearly increase pattern before the program to a yearly decrease pattern after the program.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018274


Objective:To explore the prescription ideas of treating phlegm-drinking disease in Wang Xugao Lin Zheng Yi An; To analyze the medication law of Wang Xugao's clinical treatment of phlegm-drinking disease. Methods:The database was established based on the medical records of the chapter of phlegm, fluid retention and liver wind and phlegm fire contained in Wang Xugao Lin Zheng Yi An. Excel 2017 software was used to analyze the frequency, taste and meridian tropism of all Chinese materia medica. For Chinese materia medica with frequency≥10, IBM SPSS Modeler 18 software was used to analyze the association rules based on Apriori algorithm, and SPSS 25.0 software was used for cluster analysis based on Ochiai algorithm. Results:A total of 80 medical cases were included, involving 114 prescriptions, including 191 flavors of Chinese materia medica . High-frequency Chinese materia medica mainly included Poria, Pinelliae Rhizoma, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma and Armeniacae Semen Amarum, etc. The main properties in Wang Xugao's medication for the treatment of phlegm-drink disease were warm, followed by cold and mild. The main tastes were sweet, bitter and pungent. Drugs mainly belong to the lung meridian and spleen, stomach, liver, kidney meridians; several core medicinal pairs were obtained, such as Farfarae Flos - Armeniacae Semen Amarum, Pinelliae Rhizoma - Zingiberis Rhizoma, Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis - Haliotidis Concha, etc. Eight groups of core drug combinations could be sorted out by clustering analysis.Conclusions:In the treatment of phlegm-drinking disease, Wang Xugao paid attention to the simultaneous treatment of multiple viscera to coordinate the balance between the viscera, emphasized the complex etiology of phlegm-drinking disease combined with cold, fire and dampness, attached importance to the treatment of healthy qi to retreat pathogens, the regulation of three-energizer to regulate qi flow. The treatment of three-energizer, promoting yang and reducing phlegm, clearing liver and dispelling wind are the main methods. Medication mainly chooses properties of sweet and warm, with bitter and pungent.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023983


Objective:To investigate the iodine nutritional status of children and the consumption condition of non-iodized salt in Henan Province after implementation of the new standard of "Definition and demarcation of water-borne iodine-excess areas and iodine-excess endemial areas" (GB/T 19380-2016, hereinafter referred to as new standard) for four years (2021), and to provide a basis for scientific adjustment of intervention strategies.Methods:In 2021, according to the requirements of the new standard and based on the results of the water iodine survey in Henan Province from 2017 to 2020, a survey was conducted on the iodine nutrition status of children in water-borne high iodine areas in 47 counties (cities, districts, hereinafter referred to as counties) with high iodine administrative village (neighborhood committee, hereinafter referred to as administrative village). In each county, 5 administrative villages with median water iodine > 100 μg/L were selected as the investigation villages, and water samples were collected to determine the water iodine value. Forty non-boarding students aged 8 - 10 (age balanced, half male and half female, age increased to 6 - 12 when less than 40) were selected from each village as investigation subjects. Salt samples from their homes and urine samples were collected to detect salt iodine and urine iodine content, and thyroid volume of children was measured. And the monitoring results of areas where the supply of iodized salt had been suspended for less than 4 years (in newly high iodine areas) and more than 10 years (in previously high iodine areas) were further compared and analyzed.Results:A total of 257 administrative villages in the province were monitored, and the range of water iodine was 1.6 - 609.5 μg/L, with a median of 132.5 μg/L. A total of 8 611 children were tested for salt iodine, urine iodine and thyroid volume. The non-iodized salt rate was 58.3% (5 017/8 611), and the median urine iodine was 342.2 μg/L, thyroid enlargement rate was 2.9% (250/8 611). The median water iodine (153.0 vs 118.4 μg/L), the median urine iodine in children (371.6 vs 287.7 μg/L) and the goiter rate [3.8% (211/5 537) vs 1.3% (39/3 074)] in the newly high iodine areas were higher than those in the previously high iodine areas, and the differences were statistically significant ( Z = 583.12, - 14.09, P < 0.001; χ 2 = 44.40, P < 0.001); the non-iodized salt rate was lower than that of the previously high iodine areas [37.2% (2 057/5 537) vs 96.3% (2 960/3 074)], and the difference was statistically significant (χ 2 = 2 841.37, P < 0.001). Conclusions:The iodine nutrition level of children in water-borne high iodine areas of Henan Province in 2021 is at an excess level, but the non-iodized salt rate in residential households is low. We should make every effort to ensure the precise supply of non-iodized salt in high iodine areas after implementation of the new standard, and strengthen iodine nutrition monitoring and health education for key populations to prevent the occurrence of high iodine hazards.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 207-211, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024011


Objective:To investigate the prevalence of adult skeletal fluorosis caused by drinking tea-type endemic fluorosis in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (hereinafter referred to as Yushu Prefecture), Qinghai Province, and provide scientific basis for prevention and control of the disease.Methods:In August 2021, one village was selected as a survey site in six counties (cities) in Yushu Prefecture, including Nangqian, Chindu, Yushu, Zadoi, Qumarlêb, and Zhiduo. Drinking water samples and 10 brick tea samples were collected from each village to determine the fluoride content in water and brick tea; at least 100 permanent residents aged ≥ 25, who had a habit of drinking brick tea and had lived in the local area for more than 5 years, were selected for X-ray imaging to examine the prevalence of adult skeletal fluorosis.Results:A total of 75 samples of residential drinking water were collected, with a fluoride content of (0.21 ± 0.05) mg/L, ranging from 0.11 to 0.34 mg/L; 60 samples of brick tea, with a fluoride content of (626.70 ± 157.27) mg/kg, ranging from 324.00 to 2 102.00 mg/kg. A total of 1 136 adults were examined, and 318 cases of skeletal fluorosis were diagnosed, with a detection rate of 27.99%. Among them, the detection rates of mild, moderate, and severe skeletal fluorosis were 20.95% (238/1 136), 6.07% (69/1 136), and 0.97% (11/1 136), respectively, with mild symptoms being the main. The detection rates of skeletal fluorosis in males and females were 29.09% (121/416) and 27.36% (197/720), respectively, with no statistically significant difference between the gender (χ 2 = 0.39, P = 0.533). Comparison of the skeletal fluorosis in different gender, the differences were statistically significant (χ 2 = 22.31, P < 0.001). The detection rates of skeletal fluorosis in the age groups of 25 - 35, 36 - 45, 46 - 55, 56 - 65, 66 - 75, and ≥76 years old were 6.86% (7/102), 22.37% (51/228), 24.02% (92/383), 37.44% (73/195), 43.48% (70/161), and 37.31% (25/67), respectively. The differences between the groups were statistically significant (χ 2 = 59.84, P < 0.001). Moreover, there was a statistically significant difference in the composition of skeletal fluorosis among different age groups ( H = 37.66, P < 0.001). The Spearman correlation analysis results showed that the severity of adult skeletal fluorosis was positively correlated with age ( r = 0.34, P < 0.001). Conclusions:There is a certain degree of prevalence of adult skeletal fluorosis in Yushu Prefecture. And as age increases, the condition of skeletal fluorosis becomes more severe.

Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 559-565, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030876


@#Objective To analyze the expression profiles of long non-coding RNAs(lncRNA)in hippocampus of alcoholdependent mice induced by double-bottle selective drinking.Methods The alcohol-dependent mouse model was established by double-bottle selective drinking method,and the control group was set up(drinking water). Three male mice with alcohol preference more than 60% and alcohol consumption more than 10 g/(kg·24 h)in alcohol group and random three male mice in control group were selected,of which bilateral hippocampal brain tissues were isolated and stored in liquid nitrogen. LncRNA and mRNA of mouse hippocampal brain tissue RNA samples were sequenced by using Agilent-084388 microarray,and the differential expression of lncRNA in samples was detected by using ncRNA microarray. The biological processes and signaling pathways involved in differential expression of lncRNA were clustered and enriched by Gene Ontology(GO)and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG)analysis. Pearson correlation analysis was used to predict the coding genes co-expressed by each differentially expressed lncRNA. Hypergeometric distribution test was used to calculate the significance of differential gene enrichment in each corresponding transcription factor item,and Cytoscape software was used to draw a visual network diagram.Results Compared with the control group,totally 855 lncRNAs(FC ≥ 2. 0,P < 0. 05)were differentially expressed in the hippocampus of mice in alcohol group,of which 337 lncRNAs were up-regulated significantly,with NONMMUT025786.2 and NONMMUT072246.2 being the most up-regulated,and 518 significant downward adjustments were observed,with the largest downward adjustments being NONMMUT113098.1 and NONMMUT076455.1. There were 361 mRNAs differentially expressed in the two groups(FC ≥ 2. 0,P < 0. 05)with 271 mRNAs up-regulated significantly and 90 significant downward adjustments,among which,the most obvious up-regulated were Upf3b and Zfp943,and Adamts 13 and Ift 27 showed the largest downward adjustments. The differential expression of lncRNAs was most obvious in the positive regulation of cell surface,GTPase activity and cell vesicle transport;The main signaling pathways involved were propanoate metabolism,taurine metabolism,extracellular matrix receptor interaction and AMPK signaling pathway. The most abundant transcription factors were FOXL1 and LHX3,with 25 and 21 corresponding co-expressed genes,respectively.Conclusion Through high-throughput gene expression profile microarray analysis,the possible key regulatory sites of lncRNAs and mRNAs were obtained,which provided experimental basis for research of the molecular mechanism of alcohol dependence in the hippocampus.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031604


【Objective】 To examine risk factors for acute pancreatitis (AP) in individuals with chronic alcohol consumption habits. 【Methods】 The study incorporated participants from the initial survey (2006-2010) and subsequent follow-ups (2014+) taken from the UK Biobank database, with the observation period ending on November 30, 2022. During this period, 176 individuals were newly diagnosed with AP, while 59,512 remained unaffected. Vital characteristics of the target population, such as their medical histories, surgical experiences and dietary patterns, were collected during the enrolment phase (2006-2010). The Cox proportional hazard model was employed to ascertain whether these characteristics were potent risk factors for AP. Concurrently, a subgroup from the target population with documented drinking behavior was selected. The multivariate Cox proportional hazard model was utilized to analyze the relationship of the established factors, variances in alcohol consumption, and increased alcohol intake (Δ) with the onset of AP, and whether the additional alcohol intake served as a risk factor. 【Results】 Multivariate analysis revealed that consumption quantity of cooked vegetables inversely correlated with AP risk (HR=0.44, 0.39, 0.42 and 0.41 for one, two, three and four+ tablespoons per day, respectively, as compared to non-consumers). Coffee consumption (2-3 cups per day) also reduced AP risk (HR=0.45 for 2 cups/day; HR=0.39 for 3 cups/day as compared to non-coffee drinkers). However, those with biliary disease without cholecystectomy exhibited a marked increase in AP risk (HR=7.82), which reduced albeit remained elevated for those with biliary disease post-cholecystectomy (HR=2.15). Subgroup analysis showed minimal impact of alcohol intake levels on AP incidence. Yet, increased alcohol consumption (Δ of 1 bottle/week) was linked to a heightened AP risk (HR=1.05, 95% CI:1.02-1.09, P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 Among longstanding alcohol consumers, a diet rich in cooked vegetables and moderate coffee consumption offers protective effects against AP. Conversely, biliary disease (particularly without cholecystectomy) and elevated alcohol intake present considerable risk factors for the development of this condition.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 784-787, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036309


Objective@#To evaluate the distribution characteristics and health risk of trichloromethane (TCM) in the drinking water supply of primary and middle schools in rural areas of Tianjin, so as to provide a scientific basis for improving drinking water safety in rural schools.@*Methods@#A total of 60 water samples from 30 rural primary and middle schools in 10 agricultural districts of Tianjin were collected from April to June (dry season) and July to October (wet season) in 2023 with direct selection method. The content of TCM was detected according to the Standard Methods for the Examination of Drinking Water, and a risk assessment method recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency was used to evaluate the health risk of TCM through oral exposure.@*Results@#The concentration of TCM in drinking water was no detection to 54.00 μg/L, with an average of (13.44±14.88) μg/L, and the value was higher during the wet season [12.90(1.40,32.28)μg/L] than the dry season [2.40(1.40,18.13)μg/L] (Z=-2.09, P<0.05). The concentration of TCM for primary and middle schools were [3.38(1.40,20.75) μg/L] and [5.30(1.40,28.23)μg/L] respectively, and there was no statistically significant difference between different types of schools (Z=0.50, P>0.05). The carcinogenic risk through oral exposure ranged from 3.84×10-7 to 2.05×10-5, while the noncarcinogenic risk ranged from (0.00-0.16), all within the acceptable range. Children aged 6 to 9 years old were at the highest risk.@*Conclusions@#TCM has been detected in the drinking water of rural primary and middle schools to a certain extent in Tianjin, and attention should be paid to the potential health risks of oral exposure. The monitoring and management of disinfection byproducts in drinking water should be strengthened to further reduce the risk of exposure to children.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036498


Objective @#To investigate the risk factors associated with the presence of multiple Lugol-voiding lesions (LVLs ) in patients with early esophageal cancer and the correlation with alcohol dehy-drogenase 1B(ADH1B) and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 ( ALDH2) polymorphisms .@*Methods @#Patients who underwent endoscopic submucosal dissection due to early esophageal cancer were divided into group with multiple LVLs and group without multiple LVLs based on their endoscopic features . Their clinical data and the genotype of ADH1B and ALDH2 were collect- ed and SPSS 27 . 0 was used to statistically analyze the above data.@*Results @#A total of 83 subjects were included in the study , 23 had multiple LVLs , most of them were seen in males , alcohol drinkers , and smokers with smoking index≥1 000 , and multivariate analysis showed that alcohol consumption was an independent risk factor for it (OR = 6. 215 , P = 0. 008) . The gene polymorphism of ADH1B and ALDH2 and their interactions did not have any sig- nificant correlation with multiple LVLs . However , among alcohol drinkers , there was a 12 -fold increased risk of multiple LVLs in patients carrying the ALDH2 A allele and drinking ≥50 g per day compared to those carrying the ALDH2 GG genotype and drinking < 50 g per day ( P = 0. 045) .@*Conclusion @#Alcohol consumption is an inde- pendent risk factor of multiple LVLs of the esophageal mucosa in patients with early esophageal cancer , and heavy alcohol consumption in carriers of the ALDH2 A allele will significantly increase the risk of multiple LVLs , and such patients should be closely followed up with endoscopy .

Tropical Biomedicine ; : 45-51, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036533


@#Water pollution in developing countries continues to be a major health problem due to various anthropological activities that contribute to the spread of many parasitic diseases, including those caused by helminths. The aim of this study is to explore the ability of ozone and peroxone to disinfect drinking water contaminated samples with Toxocara canis eggs. The oxidants used were ozone and ozone-hydrogen peroxide combination. The treatment of Toxocara canis eggs was carried out in a 50 ml reactor with an operating volume of 10 ml. The pH conditions (5, 7 and 10) were varied for each treatment. The treatment effect was calculated by counting eggs and examining the condition of the larvae larval condition (whole, broken and hatched larvae) using an optical microscope. The experiment was carried out by exposing the eggs for 60 and 120 minutes to ozone and peroxone. The best results were obtained for helminths treated with the ozone/hydrogen peroxide combination at pH 10, with an inactivation of 79.2%. The synergistic effect of ozone combined with hydrogen peroxide allows higher helminth egg inactivation rates, demonstrating that advanced oxidation processes are a real alternative to apply in the inactivation of Toxocara canis eggs. The results obtained in this study show that the ozone and peroxone treatment could be a useful disinfection process to destroy or inactivate Toxocara canis eggs in processes commonly applied in water treatment.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 283-285, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012521


Objective@#To investigate the quality and influencing factors of direct drinking water in schools in Nanjing City, so as to provide basis for management of school drinking water.@*Methods@#From April to July 2023, direct drinking water equipment from 146 primary and secondary schools were selected from Nanjing City using a stratified random sampling method and tested for colony forming units (CFU) and permanganate index. Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the differences between groups, and multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors.@*Results@#The CFU and permanganate levels of school direct drinking water in Nanjing City were 1.00(0.00,15.50)CFU/mL and 0.47(0.26, 0.75)mg/L, respectively. The CFU level increased when the filter replacement time exceeded 3 months and when the water source was piped, while the permanganate index increased when the filter replacement time exceeded 3 months and using activated carbon technology ( Z =-2.21, -3.92, -2.31, -8.45 , P <0.05). The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the replacement time of filter element exceeding 3 months was positively correlated with the CFU level, and the process type involving activated carbon, a laid pipe network and a filter replacement time exceeding 3 months were positively correlated with the permanganate index( β =167.08, 0.32, 0.35, 0.11, P <0.05).@*Conclusions@#There are certain problems with the water quality of primary and secondary school direct drinking water in Nanjing City. Schools should promptly replace the filter and maintain the drinking water equipment to ensure the hygiene and safety of campus water quality.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012770


Objective To explore the uranium concentration in surface water and drinking water in Beijing, China and the relationship between uranium concentration and gross α activity concentration. Methods Water samples were collected from 16 districts in Beijing. Uranium concentration and gross α activity concentration were measured with WGJ-III trace uranium analyzer and LB6008 six-channel α/β counter using the ultraviolet fluorescence and thick source methods. Results The uranium concentrations in surface water and drinking water were 1.131 and 1.572 μg/L, respectively. The gross α activity concentrations in surface water and drinking water were 0.059 and 0.074 Bq/L, respectively. There were no significant differences in uranium concentration and gross α activity concentration between surface water and drinking water (P > 0.05). The uranium concentration was positively correlated with the gross α activity concentration, with a correlation coefficient of 0.700 (P < 0.05). The gross α activity concentration was determined by the uranium concentration with a determination coefficient of 48%. The committed effective dose of 238U in drinking water was between 3.284 × 10−5 and 1.640 × 10−3 mSv, with an average value of 5.400 × 10−4 mSv. Conclusion The uranium concentration and gross α activity in the surface water and drinking water in Beijing fluctuate and remain in the background range. These values are much lower than the recommended limits of 0.03 mg/L and 0.5 Bq/L stipulated in the GB 5749-2021 Standard for Drinking Water Quality. The annual committed effective dose of 238U through drinking water ingestion is very small.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025094


Objective To explore the effects of different types of drinking water on the growth and fecal flora of mice.Methods Specific pathogen-free NIH mice were randomly divided into five groups,32 mice each group,with half males and half females in each group.The group were given either purified water(control group),acidified water,alkalized water,weakly acidic water or solid water.Diet and body weight were monitored continuously for 20 days.After the experiment,animal fecal samples were collected,and the V3-V4 region was amplified with bacterial 16S rDNA universal primers.An Illumina Miseq high-throughput sequencing platform was used for high-throughput sequencing,and microbial community,α diversity and β diversity were analyzed by bioinformatics method.Results The body weight of female mice given different pH values of weakly acidic water was higher,while the weight of the other groups was lower,than that of the control group(P>0.05).The body weight of male mice in the acidified water group was higher,while that of other groups was lower,than that of control group,but there was no statistical difference between the groups(P>0.05).The body weights of male and female mice in the solid water group were lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).The food and water intake of the female animals in the alkaline water group and the water intake of female animals in the solid water group were lower than those of the other groups.OTU clustering analysis showed that the data volume of the sequencing was reasonable,and the fecal flora species of NIH mice were divided into five phyla,among which Bacteroides and Firmicutes were dominant.Unclassified Pseudopurpuromonas,Lactobacillus and Alistipes were the main genera.There were differences in fecal flora abundance and diversity among the mice given the five drinking water types.α analysis showed that the acidified water group had the highest flora abundance and diversity,while the solid water group had the lowest flora diversity.β analysis showed that the fecal flora composition in the solid water group was the closest to that of the control group,followed by the alkalized water group,acidified water group and weakly acidic water group.Conclusions Through an exploration of the effects of consuming different forms of water,this study revealed that solid water consumption had the greatest effects on body weight,feed intake,water consumption,and fecal flora of mice.The abundance and diversity of fecal flora in mice were affected by different pH values of drinking water,especially acidified water.

Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 193-199, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025511


Objective:To investigate the association of risky drinking and decision-making ability among off-spring of fathers with alcohol dependence(OFAD).Methods:A case-control study was conducted according to the cutoff of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test(AUDIT)(delimited as 7).OFAD were divided into"risky drinking group"(n=29)and"non-risky drinking group"(n=43).The Iowa Gambling Task(IGT)was used to e-valuate the decision-making ability.Covariance analysis was used to compare differences of IGT between the two groups,and multivariate logistic regression was used to explore the association between risky drinking and decision making ability.Results:There was no significant difference in total scores of IGT between the risky drinking group and the non-risky drinking group(P>0.05).Risky drinking group had less Selection 2 in block 5 of IGT[(3.8± 2.5)v.s.(5.7±3.1),P<0.05]than non-risky drinking group.Selection 2 in block 5 was still associated with risky drinking after controlling the covariates(OR=0.72,95%CI:0.57~0.90,P<0.05).Conclusion:This study indicates that risky drinking group in offspring of parents with alcohol dependence may have better decision-making ability.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 333-337, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038924


Objective@#To evaluate the health risk of drinking water in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province from 2021 to 2022, so as to provide insights into ensuring the safety of drinking water.@*Methods@#The monitoring data of drinking water from 2021 to 2022 in Ningbo City were collected from the Chinese Disease Prevention and Control Information System. The routine indicators and disinfectant indicators (radioactivity indicators were excluded) of drinking water were evaluated according to the reference limits issued by Standards for Drinking Water Quality (GB 5749-2006), and the qualification rates were calculated. The indicators with detection rate higher than 50% were selected, and assessed the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks via drinking water using the risk assessment model recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.@*Results@#A total of 1 678 samples were monitored in Ningbo City from 2021 to 2022. Sodium hypochlorite was the main disinfectant among 1 558 samples from centralized water supply (1 079 samples, 64.30%), and none of the 120 samples from decentralized water supply underwent disinfection treatment. The qualification rate of 88.38%, and the pollutants with a detection rate higher than 50% were nitrate, fluoride, trichloromethane and aluminum. The median carcinogenic risk value of trichloromethane was 2.964×10-6 (interquartile range, 3.909×10-6), and the median hazard quotient values of nitrate, fluoride, trichloromethane and aluminum were 1.631×10-2 (interquartile range, 1.361×10-2), 3.955×10-2 (3.164×10-2), 2.231×10-2 (2.942×10-2) and 2.136×10-4 (6.573×10-4), respectively.@*Conclusion@#The carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks through drinking water for 17 pollutants in drinking water of Ningbo City from 2021 to 2022 were at low levels.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(2): e2022493, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509218


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Medical students demonstrate higher rates of substance use than other university students and the general population. The challenges imposed by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic raised significant concerns about mental health and substance use. OBJECTIVES: Assess the current prevalence of substance use among medical students at the University of São Paulo and evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on drug consumption. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 275 medical students from the University of São Paulo Medical School (São Paulo, Brazil) in August 2020. METHODS: Substance use (lifetime, previous 12 months, and frequency of use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic) and socioeconomic data were assessed using an online self-administered questionnaire. Symptoms of depression were assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. RESULTS: Alcohol was the most consumed substance in their lifetime (95.6%), followed by illicit drugs (61.1%), marijuana (60%), and tobacco (57.5%). The most commonly consumed substances in the previous year were alcohol (82.9%), illicit drugs (44.7%), marijuana (42.5%), and tobacco (36%). Students in the first two academic years consumed fewer substances than those from higher years. There was a decreasing trend in the prevalence of most substances used after the COVID-19 pandemic among sporadic users. However, frequent users maintained their drug use patterns. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of substance use was high in this population and increased from the basic to the clinical cycle. The COVID-19 pandemic may have affected the frequency of drug use and prevalence estimates.