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Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996093


Bacterial infection is the main cause of infectious diseases in children. Antibacterials play an important role in anti infection treatment of children. At present, the treatment of antimicrobial drugs in children is facing a severe situation of bacterial resistance. In January 2020, a children′s specialized hospital carried out the practice of precise management of antibiotics in combination with key performance indicators. Through the multi sectoral linkage of management and technology, eight key performance indicators and assessment methods were set up from three levels of antibiotic use, bacterial resistance and hospital infection, to standardize the clinical application of antibiotics and continue to promote the rational use of antibiotics. This practice had improved the performance indicators of antibacterial management. Among them, the use intensity of antibacterial drugs for inpatients decreased from 40.07 DDD in 2019 to 29.00 DDD in 2021, the use rate of antibacterial drugs for inpatients decreased from 81.32% to 64.40%, the percentage of antibacterial drug expenses in total drug expenses decreased from 35.41% to 26.82%, the use proportion of non restricted antibacterial drugs in antibacterial drugs increased from 71.30% to 82.21%, and the drug resistance rate of Salmonella to β-Lactam/enzyme inhibitors decreased from 4.84% to 0.03%, and the incidence of hospital infection decreased from 1.16% to 0.96%. The precise management of antibiotics in combination with key performance indicators improved the level of rational use of antibiotics, effectively curbed bacterial resistance, achieved phased results, so as to provide a reference for the scientific management of antibiotics in children′s hospitals.

Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto, Online) ; 31: e3134, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1351179


Abstract The consumption of alcohol and illicit substances has shown alarming levels among young university students, and its use may be associated with the coping strategy of academic burnout. This review aimed to synthesize the scientific evidence related to the consumption of alcohol and illicit substances associated with burnout syndrome in university students. Searches were carried out in: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, PubMed, Web of Science, PsycNet and Scopus databases, with no year limitation and based on the PRISMA guideline. Among the 2.269 articles identified, 16 met the inclusion criteria. All studies evaluated students in the health area, 12 studies found an association between the variables, with alcohol and illicit substances consumption strongly related to burnout syndrome. It was concluded that there is an association between the studied variables, indicating that the presence of burnout syndrome in university students can result in the use of negative strategies as a coping measure.

Resumo O consumo de álcool e substâncias ilícita tem apresentado níveis alarmantes entre jovens universitários, e seu uso pode estar associado à estratégia de enfrentamento do burnout acadêmico. Esta revisão teve por objetivo sintetizar as evidências científicas relacionadas ao consumo de álcool e substâncias ilícitas associadas a síndrome de burnout em estudantes universitários. Foram realizadas buscas nas bases: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, PubMed, Web of Science, PsycNet e Scopus, sem limitação de ano e baseado na guia PRISMA. Entre os 2.269 artigos identificados, 16 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Todos os estudos avaliaram estudantes da área da saúde, 12 estudos encontraram associação entre as variáveis, sendo o consumo de álcool e substâncias ilícitas fortemente relacionado à sindrome de burnout. Concluiu-se que há associação entre as variáveis estudadas, indicando que a presença da síndrome de burnout em universitários pode resultar no uso de estratégias negativas como medida de enfrentamento.

Resumen El consumo de alcohol y de sustancias ilícitas ha mostrado niveles alarmantes entre los jóvenes universitarios, y su uso puede estar asociado con estrategias de enfrentamiento del burnout académico. Esta revisión tuvo como objetivo sintetizar la evidencia científica relacionada con el consumo de alcohol y de sustancias ilícitas asociadas al síndrome de burnout en estudiantes universitarios. Las búsquedas se realizaron en las bases Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, PubMed, Web of Science, PsycNet y Scopus, sin limitación de año y basándose en la guía PRISMA. De los 2.269 artículos encontrados, 16 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Todos los estudios evaluaron estudiantes del área de salud y 12 estudios encontraron asociación entre las variables, entre los que el consumo de alcohol y de sustancias ilícitas estuvo fuertemente relacionado con el síndrome de burnout. Se concluyó que existe asociación entre las variables estudiadas, indicando que la presencia de síndrome de burnout en estudiantes universitarios puede resultar en el uso de estrategias negativas como medida de enfrentamiento.

Humanos , Estudiantes , Consumo de Bebidas Alcohólicas , Adaptación Psicológica , Estrategias de Salud , Estrés Laboral , Agotamiento Psicológico
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 40: e191670, jan.-maio 2020. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1147196


O consumo de substâncias psicoativas (SPAs) cresce em escala global, especialmente entre universitários. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o padrão de uso de álcool e outras SPAs em estudantes universitários. A amostra foi composta por 180 graduandos de Psicologia que preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico e instrumentos de rastreamento do uso de SPAs validados para o contexto brasileiro. Os resultados evidenciaram maior prevalência do uso de álcool: 81,7% na vida, 67,6% nos últimos três meses e 55% no padrão binge. Dentre os motivos endossados para o consumo destaca-se o convívio universitário, porém o fator mais valorizado foi o álcool como potencializador do desejo de fumar, seguido de sua percepção como fator gregário em festas/reuniões sociais e como facilitador do enfrentamento de estresse. As pressões da vida universitária geram insegurança e instabilidade que deixam os jovens universitários mais suscetíveis à influência dos pares e à busca de diversão e descontração em ambientes de festas, nas quais o consumo é estimulado e facilitado, o que pode favorecer o beber em quantidade excessiva. Esse padrão de consumo pode se associar a outros comportamentos de risco, como dirigir sob efeito do álcool, manter relações sexuais sem proteção ou envolver-se em distúrbios da ordem pública e infrações à lei. Considerando que os jovens fazem uso em excesso de SPAs sem um suporte social comunitário adequado, é necessário investir em programas de prevenção e políticas públicas guiadas pelas noções de autocuidado, protagonismo e participação ativa na própria reabilitação...(AU)

The consumption of psychoactive substances (SPAs) grows worldwide, especially among university students. This study evaluated the pattern of alcohol use and other SPAs in psychology students. The sample consisted of 180 Psychology undergraduates who filled out a sociodemographic questionnaire and instruments for tracking the use of SPAs validated for the Brazilian context. The results showed a higher prevalence of alcohol use: 81.7% in life, 67.6% in the last three months and 55% following a binge pattern. Among the reasons endorsed for the consumption stand out university conviviality, but the most valued factor was alcohol as a potentiator of the desire to smoke, followed by its perception as a gregarious factor in parties/social gatherings and as a facilitator to cope with stress situations. The pressures of university life create insecurity and instability, which make university students more susceptible to peer influence and the search for fun and relaxation in party environments where drinking is stimulated and facilitated, which may favor binge drinking. This pattern of consumption may be associated to other risk behaviors, such as driving under the influence of alcohol, having unprotected sex, or engaging in public order disturbances and infractions of the law. Considering that these young people make excessive use of SPAs without adequate social and community support, it is necessary to invest in prevention programs and public policies guided by the notions of self-care, protagonism and active participation in self rehabilitation...(AU)

El consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA) crece a escala global, especialmente entre universitarios. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el patrón de uso de alcohol y otras SPA por estudiantes universitarios. Compusieron la muestra 180 estudiantes de graduación en Psicología, que respondieron a un cuestionario sociodemográfico e instrumentos de rastreo del uso de SPA validados para el contexto nacional. Los resultados evidenciaron mayor prevalencia del uso de alcohol: el 81,7% en la vida, el 67,6% en los últimos tres meses y el 55% en el patrón binge. Entre los motivos endosados para el consumo se destaca la convivencia universitaria, pero el factor más valorado fue el alcohol como potenciador del deseo de fumar, seguido de su percepción como factor gregario en fiestas/reuniones sociales y como facilitador del enfrentamiento de situaciones de estrés. Las presiones de la vida universitaria generan inseguridad e inestabilidad que dejan a los jóvenes universitarios más susceptibles a la influencia de los pares y a la búsqueda de diversión y relajación en fiestas y discotecas donde se estimula y facilita el consumo de alcohol, lo que puede favorecer la costumbre de beber en cantidad excesiva. Ese patrón de consumo puede asociarse a otros comportamientos de riesgo, como conducir bajo el efecto del alcohol, mantener relaciones sexuales sin protección o involucrarse en disturbios del orden público e infracciones a la ley. Considerando que estos jóvenes hacen uso excesivo de SPA sin un soporte social-comunitario adecuado, son necesarios programas de prevención y políticas públicas guiadas por las nociones de autocuidado, protagonismo y participación activa en la propia rehabilitación...(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Presión , Psicología , Estudiantes , Universidades , Adaptación Psicológica , Fumar , Prevalencia , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias , Consumo Excesivo de Bebidas Alcohólicas , Consumo de Alcohol en la Universidad , Relajación , Asunción de Riesgos , Autocuidado , Apoyo Social , Nicotiana , Riesgo , Vida , Bebidas Alcohólicas , Prevención de Enfermedades , Fumar Cigarrillos
Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-199945


Background: To study the prescribing patterns, rationale of drug usage and use of anatomical, therapeutic, chemical (ATC) and defined daily dosage (DDD) classification for the monitoring of drug utilization in the dermatology department of a tertiary care hospital.Methods: A retrospective, observational study was conducted in out-patients department of dermatology at RIMS, Ranchi over a period of two months. Rationale of drug usage was assessed by analysing the prescriptions. Defined daily dosage/1000 patients/day of the commonly used medications was compared to the defined daily dosage by World Health Organization in 2016. Data was analysed by statistical tools. Most of the results were expressed in percentages.Results: The prescriptions were rational in most of the cases. Emphasis was more towards the branded drugs. Polypharmacy was evident in many of the prescriptions. The number of DDD/1000 patients/day in cases of antifungals was more than the WHO DDD and less than the WHO DDD in case of antihistaminics.Conclusions: The number of drugs per prescription must be rationalized so as to avoid polypharmacy. The drugs should be prescribed by their generic names also along with the brand names. Generic medicines should be available in the hospital pharmacy so that a more cost-effective treatment can be assured. CMEs and stewardship programs for health care professionals regarding rational drug usage should be organized.

Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 22(2): 160-171, June 2017. ilus, map, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-891928


O presente estudo realizou um levantamento e análise da rede de atenção aos usuários de drogas de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. Os procedimentos utilizados foram: 36 entrevistas e coleta de informações sobre os serviços junto a gestores/profissionais e em bases de dados. Foram identificados 184 serviços assistenciais, sendo 114 do setor saúde, 16 da assistência social e 54 recursos comunitários. Apesar da heterogeneidade de dispositivos e abordagens, existe uma hegemonia de oferta de serviços não governamentais na assistência aos usuários de drogas. As seguintes conclusões são feitas: necessidade de ampliação da rede de atenção básica; implantação de mais Centros de Atenção Psicossocial em álcool e drogas; expansão da rede atenção psicossocial; reestruturação da atenção a mulheres, crianças e adolescentes; ampliação da rede de urgência e emergência; e maior distribuição dos serviços, principalmente os governamentais especializados.

The study surveyed and analyzed the care network for drug users of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. The proceedings were: 36 interviews and data collection about services with managers/professionals and on databases. One hundred eighty four care services were identified, with 114 of the health sector, 16 from social care and 54 community resources. Despite the heterogeneity of devices and approaches, there was a hegemony of non-governmental service provision in the care of drug users. The following conclusions are made: need of expanding primary care network; deployment of more Psychosocial Care Centers for alcohol and drugs; expansion of psychosocial care network; rearrangement of care to women, children and adolescents; expansion of the emergency and urgent care network; and greater distribution of services, especially the governmental ones that are specialized for drug users.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la red de atención a los usuarios de drogas de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. Los procedimientos utilizados fueron: 36 entrevistas y recopilación de informaciones con los gerentes/profesionales y em las bases de datos. Fueran identificados 184 servicios de atención, siendo 114 de la salud, 16 de la asistencia social y 54 recursos comunitarios. A pesar de la heterogeneidad de los dispositivos y enfoques, hay una hegemonía en la prestación de servicios no gubernamentales a los usuarios de drogas. Las siguientes conclusiones son realizadas: necesidad de expansión de la atención primaria; más Centros de Atención Psicosocial - alcohol y drogas; expansión de la red de atención psicosocial; reestructuración de la atención a las mujeres, niños y adolescentes; ampliación de la red de atención de emergencia y urgencia; y una mayor distribución de los servicios, especialmente los especializado gubernamentales.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Política de Salud , Consumidores de Drogas/psicología , /políticas , Servicios de Salud Mental , Narcóticos , Brasil , Estudios Transversales/métodos , Entrevista
Rev. CES psicol ; 10(1): 63-82, ene.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-896557


Resumen Con el propósito de evaluar los efectos de la Exposición Prenatal de Cocaína -EPC- (25 y 50 mg/kg/día) desde el 8 hasta el 21 día de gestación, en el consumo de cocaína oral en ratones hembras y machos en la adultez temprana (7ª semana de edad), se realizó un estudio experimental factorial mediante el modelo de "elección libre de dos botellas" que mide el consumo en mililitros. Se evaluó el consumo durante 14 días consecutivos a partir de la 7ª semana de edad. Para el análisis del consumo se utilizó el MANOVA de medidas repetidas y se encontró que la EPC 50mg/kg/día incrementó el consumo de cocaína oral en ratones hembras y machos adultos-jóvenes tanto en la fase de adquisición como la de mantenimiento. Y la EPC 25mg/kg/día aumentó el consumo únicamente en los machos en la fase de mantenimiento, mostrando la mayor susceptibilidad de estos a la EPC, en cambio el alto consumo de cocaína observado en las hembras no fue dosis-relacionado, por lo que se puede atribuir a factores situacionales. De esta forma se ve como la EPC en las dos dosis evaluadas incrementa el consumo de cocaína oral en la adultez temprana en los ratones; la dosis alta (50mg/kg) el consumo de hembras y machos y la dosis baja (25mg/kg) incrementa el consumo únicamente en los machos. Se observa que los efectos están relacionados a la dosis y que los machos son más vulnerables a los efectos de la EPC.

Abstract To evaluate the effects of Prenatal Exposure of Cocaine-EPC- (25 or 50 mg / kg / day) from 8-21 day of gestation, on oral cocaine use in female and male mice in early adulthood, was used the test of "free choice of two bottles" that measures the oral cocaine consumption in milliliters. This was evaluated for 14 consecutive days from the 7th week of age. Repeated measures MANOVA was used for the analysis of consumption. It was found that EPC 50mg/kg/day increased oral cocaine consumption in female and young adult male mice both in the acquisition and maintenance phases. And the EPC 25mg/kg/day increased the consumption only in the males in the maintenance phase, showing the greater susceptibility of these to the EPC, whereas the high cocaine consumption observed in the females was not dose-related, which can be attributed to situational factors. In this way, it is seen how the EPC in the two doses evaluated increases oral cocaine consumption in early adulthood in mice; the high dose (50mg / kg) the consumption of females and males and the low dose (25mg / kg) increases the consumption only in males. It is observed that the effects are related to the dose, and that males are more vulnerable to the EPC effects.

Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 32(1): 143-150, jan.-mar. 2016. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-782088


RESUMO Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as percepções dos profissionais da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) em relação às práticas de prevenção e à abordagem ao usuário de álcool e outras drogas, levantando desafios e possibilidades da APS. Através de grupos focais, participaram 18 profissionais da APS de um município de pequeno/médio porte do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os resultados sugerem que há um discurso a favor das práticas preventivas, mas enfoque no curativismo; limitada participação dos usuários nas atividades preventivas; dificuldade na abordagem aos usuários de drogas; sobrecarga de trabalho; ausência de engajamento dos médicos; cobertura assistencial insuficiente; falta de suporte da gestão, entre outros fatores que obstaculizam o desenvolvimento das ações preventivas e interferem na abordagem aos usuários de drogas.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the perceptions of the professionals of Primary Health Care (PHC) in relation to prevention practices and the approach to users of alcohol and other drugs, raising challenges and possibilities of PHC. Through focus groups, 18 PHC practitioners of a city of small / medium-sized state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, participated. The results suggest that there is a general opinion in favor of preventive practices, but the focus is on curative practices; limited user participation in preventive activities; difficulties in approaching drug users; work overload, lack of engagement of doctors; insufficient health care coverage; lack of support management, among other factors that hinder the development of preventive actions and the approach of drug users.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-790635


Objective To analyze the use of hypoglycemic agents of diabetic adult patients who were managed in the Community Health Service Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan .Methods By analyzing of fol-low-up record of 647 adults with diabetes of the Community Health Service Center outpatient in 2014 to understand about their drug use .Results The ages of prevalence of adult diabetes were 50 to 79 years old (79 .29% ) ,of which the majority of pa-tients aged 60 or older (73 .11% ) ,men are more than women ;the using of antidiabetic monotherapy accounted for 61 .36% , the two drugs together accounted for 34 .93% ,and three or more drugs accounted for 3 .71% ;α-glucosidase inhibitors ,met-formin ,insulin secretagogues are the highest frequency of use ;outpatient diabetics administered orally based .Conclusion The medication use of diabetes in this community was consisted with the requirement of ChinaGuideline for Type 2 Diabetes (2013 edition) .

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-853795


The range of highly toxic Chinese medicinal materials was summarized according to the Appendix of Measures for the Management of Toxic Drugs and the records in Quality Standards of Chinese Medicinal Materials. As a result, there are 51 kinds of highly toxic Chinese medicinal materials in all. The significance of determining the list of highly toxic medicinal materials is as follows: providing reference to the amendments of the appendix of Measures for the Management of Toxic Drugs, to the management of highly toxic Chinese medicinal materials and promoting the safety of drug usage in our hospitals, and to the research of new traditional Chinese medicine containing highly toxic Chinese medicinal materials.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-790414


Objective To investigate the utility of antibiotics in elderly patients of respiratory department in No. 210 Hospital of PLA, and to understand the rational use of antibiotics in respiratory department. Methods A total of 534 patients >60 in respiratory department of our hospital from September to December in 2011 were randomly selected. The usage rate of antibiotics, the types that used, dosing routes and so on were recorded and analyzed. Some rational suggestions were dis‐cussed put forward. Results ① The usage rate of antibiotics was 97%. ② A total of 21 kinds of antibiotics had been used. The types of drugs are Amp C, levofloxacin, β‐lactamase inhibitors, nitromidazoles, aminoglycoside, antifungals, MALS, lincomycin. The percentage rate of the top three antibiotics were 59. 97%, 17. 30% and 7. 58%. ③ There were some problems in the usage of antibiotics, such as no indication of medicine, high use rate of antibiotics, improper variety selection, dosing routes and drug intervals, irrational use of drugs combinations. Conclusion The application rate of antibiotics was 97%, there was some illegiti‐mate phenomenon in the use of antibiotics. Some attentions should be paid to the rational use of antibiotics in elderly patients, and to raise the rational use rate of antibiotics.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 18(1): 27-34, jan.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-709955


A relação entre problemas escolares e o uso de álcool, tabaco e drogas ilícitas em 965 adolescentes dos municípios de Jacareí e Diadema (SP) foi avaliada pelo instrumento de autopreenchimento Drug Use Screening Inventory. Este instrumento avalia o consumo de drogas e problemas a ele relacionados. O uso de substâncias foi associado a repetências, falta de concentração, notas baixas, desejo de abandonar a escola, sentir-se entediado no ambiente escolar, não fazer os deveres, faltar/chegar atrasado e prejuízos acadêmicos decorrentes do uso de drogas. A combinação do uso de álcool e tabaco foi associada a mais problemas escolares do que os encontrados em usuários exclusivos de álcool. Os problemas associados a esta combinação foram semelhantes aos observados em usuários de drogas ilícitas. Gostar da escola foi um fator protetor contra o uso de substâncias. Os resultados mostram a importância de se atentar para o relato de consumo das drogas lícitas combinadas.

The relationship between school problems and the use of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs in 965 adolescents in the towns of Jacareí and Diadema (SP) was assessed by us through the self-administered questionnaire DUSI - Drug Use Screening Inventory. This instrument helps assess drug use and related problems. Substance use was associated with , lack of concentration, poor performance, desire to drop out of school, feeling bored at school, ignoring homework, missing/ arriving late at school, and academic impairments resulting from the use of drugs. The combination of alcohol and tobacco was associated with more problems in school than those found in exclusive users of alcohol. The problems associated with this combination were similar to those observed in illicit drug users. Enjoying the school was a protective factor against substance use. The results show the importance of paying attention to the combined consumption of licit drugs.

Se evaluó la relación entre problemas escolares y el uso de alcohol, tabaco y drogas ilícitas en 965 adolescentes de las ciudades de Jacareí y Diadema (SP) con el instrumento de auto-reporte Drug Use Screening Inventor. Este instrumento evalúa el consumo de drogas y problemas que se relacionan con el mismo. El uso de sustancias se asoció a reprobación de cursos, falta de concentración, notas bajas, deseo de abandonar la escuela, sentir tedio en ambiente escolar, no hacer los deberes, faltar/llegar retrasado e perjuicios académicos resultados del uso de drogas. La combinación del uso de alcohol y tabaco se asoció a más problemas escolares de los encontrados en usuarios exclusivos de alcohol. Los problemas asociados a esa combinación fueron semejantes a los observados en usuarios de drogas ilícitas. Gustar de la escuela fue un factor protector contra el uso de sustancias. Los resultados muestran la importancia de prestarse atención al relato de consumo de drogas lícitas combinadas.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias , Rendimiento Escolar Bajo
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-459141


Objective To provide the basis for making reasonable purchase plan, reserving TCM decoction pieces and guaranteeing clinical medication by analyzing the usage condition of the TCM decoction pieces from 2010 to 2012 in Jishuitan hospital. Methods Through analysis of the defined daily dose system (DDDs), defined daily dose and defined daily cost, the sales quantity, sales amount of the TCM decoction pieces and the top 10 ones in annual consumption amount from 2010 to 2012 were counted. Results The annual sales quantity and sales amount of the TCM decoction pieces had been growing from 2010 to 2012. During the three years, 7 of the top 10 decoction pieces were the same ones, and the DDDs had been growing and daily dose cost was stable. Conclusion Basically the usage of the TCM decoction pieces is reasonable. The annual analysis is important for the storage management of TCM decoction pieces.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-790389


Objective To offer suggestions for how to administrate irregular usage of drug prescriptions in clinic .Methods The objective reasons and the hidden danger of irregular usage of drug prescriptions were analyzed .The existing international administration experience was searched and descriptive analysis was conducted .Results The existence of off-label use was rational because the drug in-struction had its loophole , and the information usually was lagged updated .However , off-label use could increase risks for both patients and doctors, which should be administrated by the government .International experience includes:set up clinical evidence references , en-courage drug companies to update instructions in time;establish independent drug information organization .Conclusion Irregular usage of drug prescriptions had its rationality and necessity .Relative regulations should be formulated in China as soon as possible .Irregular usage of drug prescriptions should follow certain principles .Active information support should be offered from related organization .Media administration and public education should be focused .

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975750


IntroductionStructure and Function of the digestive organ diseases in that commonly occurred Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) is becoming one of the majority diseases in the population furthermore it is tending to increase and peptic ulcer malignity is in the fourth leading tumor which causes to death. Mongolian statistics data estimates that there are totally 355256 structures and function of the digestive organ diseases were registered in 2011. 25.2 % of stationary disease, 74.8% of is ambulatory diseases from them stationary disease of PUD are 3.74 %, ambulatory disease of PUD are 4.84%.PurposeTo define the types and needs of drugs which are used in the stationary and ambulatory treatment of patients who are suffering from peptic ulcerMaterial and MethodDiagnosis of PUD 2010-2012, The retrospective study has been done on the history of 393 stationary patients in the Gastroenterlogy Unit of Orkhon, Uvur-Khangai, Khovd, Dornod’s regional center for diagnosis and, State Central Clinical Hospital, Clinical Hospital-2, Hospital-3 named after Mr. Shastin, Hospitals in Songino-Khairkhan District and Nalaikh District but also 107 ambulatory patient’s substantial usage of prescribed drug treatments were compiled by cross sectional studies which is specifically developed study card. “The consumption method and morbidity method” by Hogerzell H.V., Jonathan D.Quick., James R.Rakin,(2005) was used due to identify drug needs as WHO advised.ResultsIn the study 500 people were above 20 and average age is 48.36±14.44. As a tertiary Level hospital 27, As a secondary Level hospital 18,Regional Center for Diagnosis 21, ambulatory treatment 22 kinds of drugs were used in PUD’s treatment. Omeprazolum 380, Metronidazolum 242, Sylcoseryl 227 were used. Peptic ulcer disease stationary treatment drug needs are not enough.Conclusions:1. As a tertiary Level hospital27, As a secondary Level hospital18 and Regional Center for Diagnosis used 21 kinds of drugs for PUD. 22 kinds of drugs were used for Peptic Ulcer Disease in an ambulatory2. Peptic ulcer disease stationary treatment drug needs are not enough.

Artículo en Japonés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374811


<b>Objective: </b>In Japan, beta 2 agonist (BA) has an indication for acute bronchitis with airway obstruction. To investigate BA prescribing practices for children whose diagnosis were acute bronchitis without asthma in Japan, a database study and interviews with pediatricians were conducted.<br><b>Design: </b>Database study<br><b>Methods: </b>We conducted a database study. Using the Japan Medical Data Center database, medical receipts of about 100,000 children younger than 18 years old were obtained between 2005 and 2008. First we identified all the new incidences (362,287 cases) of upper respiratory tract infection, influenza, or acute bronchitis. Outcome measure was prescription of BA within 21 days of the incidence. We calculated the prescription proportions of BA for the asthma group (41,064 cases) and the non-asthma group (321,223 cases). We then interviewed 10 pediatricians to elucidate the reason why they prescribe BA for patients.<br><b>Results: </b>The proportion of children prescribed BA at least once a year in 3-5 years old was 49.9 %. Among 3-5 year olds with acute bronchitis, the BA prescription proportions in the asthma group (58.6%) was nearly as high as that in the non-asthma group (56.6%). Although BA prescription proportions in the asthma group decreased annually with the exception of 0-2 years old, those in the non-asthma group remain unchanged. Based on the interview study, we found interpretations of airway obstruction for acute bronchitis without asthma were broadly-divided into 2 types: the effect of inducing bronchospasm and the effect of producing large amounts of secretions in the airways.<br><b>Conclusion: </b>In this study, it was revealed that pediatric patients with acute bronchitis were commonly prescribed BA in Japan. To promote an appropriate use of BA, prescriptions of BA to non-asthma pediatric patients should be carefully watched. (Jpn J Pharmacoepidemiol 2012; 17(1): 1-12)

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631072


INTRODUCTION: One of the main issues on the National drug policies in countries of the world and in Mongolia is the proper usage of the drug. In this frame, we need to study and to implement the methodical basis to use drug market drug marketing theoretical principles . They are: to improve and to follow new standard in diagnostics and diseases treatments prevailing in our country, to stop inappropriate usage of drugs, to implement the drug program of national necessity, to determine the drug usage in the proper way, and to organize the control properly. According to the statistic report of 2002 through 2008, the rate of skin disease was ranked as 8 (4.5%) among common diseases, and as 7th (4.07%) among aimag level, but on the other hand the skin disease rate has increased by 59213 cases compared between 2002 and 2008. GOAL AND OBJECTIVES: The main goal of the study was to determine the drug needs used in dermatological diseases where the results were compared with the current standard and to develop future recommendations to improve the proper usage of medicines. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In order to calculate the drug cost and demands, the main marketing methods were used such as calculation of past, current and future prognosis of drug demands. For example: ∎ The calculation of drug expenditure ∎ Calculation of drug demands by number of registered disease cases ∎ Development of the future prognosis of the disease based on the assessment of experts RESULTS: 1092 patients who were hospitalized in 2007 and 2008 in National Center of Dermatology, 464 patients who were hospitalized in the epidermis department of the general hospital of 12 provinces, totally 1725 patient’s medical histories were chosen for drug usage in this research work. Average, patient day 12,7, males 867(50,3%) females 858(49,7%) children 283 (16,4%), adults 1442 (83,6%) participated in the research work. From all patients who are hospitalized are: patients who are in the hospital for the first time 1090 (63,2%), patients hospitalized for the second time 635 (36,8%). About patients who discharged from the hospital: 1055(61,2%) patients were recovered, and 670 (38,8%) patient’s health conditions were improved. Here is the approved diagnosis in the frame of the research work: dermatitis 605 (35.1%), Psoriasis 355 (20,5%), eczema 266 (15.4%) is leading the list. DISCUSSION: According to research on the drug proper usage, each drug used for patients treatment was calculated upon the drug type, quantity, and patients percentage and it is concluded by its classification of analogical quantification. They are: Patient percentage who treated and recovered with preparations against Gistamin 62.8, Patient percentage who treated and recovered with antibiotics and preparations against bacterium 72.8, Patient percentage who treated and recovered with drugs of Corticosteroid group 87.4, Patient percentage who treated and recovered with viricide 16.9, Patient percentage who treated and recovered with antidote and sorbent 21, Patient percentage who treated and recovered with drugs promoting the body organs, organ system functions 81.7, Patient percentage who treated and recovered with Preparation for skin casting 51, Patient percentage who treated and recovered with disinfection preparations 45.

Psicol. estud ; 13(3): 457-465, jul.-set. 2008.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-600895


Este artigo analisa a internação psiquiátrica compulsória destinada a adolescentes usuários de drogas que vivem em situação de marginalidade social, a partir de uma pesquisa de mestrado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social e Institucional/UFRGS, realizada em um hospital psiquiátrico público na cidade de Porto Alegre/Brasil. O objetivo do estudo é investigar como a internação psiquiátrica, nesses moldes, é produzida, levando em conta as trajetórias sociais dos adolescentes. A discussão reside em debater a internação psiquiátrica compulsória no encaminhamento de adolescentes aos serviços de saúde, pondo em questão seus efeitos no campo das políticas públicas e nos processos de subjetivação. Conclui-se que a ordem judicial nos encaminhamentos à internação psiquiátrica pode funcionar tanto como uma forma de punição aos adolescentes quanto como um meio de acesso aos serviços de saúde.

Judicial orders for compulsory psychiatric internment of adolescents in drug abuse situations experiencing social marginality conditions are analyzed. Essay is based on a Master's research in the Post-graduation Program of Social and Institutional Psychology of UFRGS, carried out in a public psychiatric hospital in Porto Alegre RS Brazil. Current study investigates how this kind of psychiatric internment is produced, taking into account the adolescent's social trajectories. The essay discusses judicial orders for psychiatric internment in guiding the adolescents to the health services and questions their effects in public politics and in subjectivity processes. Results show judicial orders with regard to psychiatric internment may be a form of punishment for young people and an access to health services.

Este artículo analiza la internación psiquiátrica por determinación judicial direccionada a adolescentes usuarios de drogas ilícitas, que viven en situación de marginalidad social, desde una investigación de Maestría en "Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social e Institucional/UFRGS", realizada en un Hospital Psiquiátrico público en la ciudad de Porto Alegre/Brasil. El objetivo de este estudio es investigar como la internación psiquiátrica es producida de esa manera, llevando en cuenta las trayectorias sociales de los adolescentes internos. La discusión reside en debatir la internación psiquiátrica por determinación judicial en encaminamiento de adolescentes a los servicios de salud, cuestionando sus efectos en el campo de las políticas públicas y en los procesos de subjetivación que afectan la vida de esos pacientes. Se concluye que la determinación judicial en los encaminamientos a la internación psiquiátrica puede funcionar tanto como una manera de punición a los adolescentes como también es un medio de ingreso a los servicios de salud.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Hospitalización , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias
Psicol. soc. (Impr.) ; 20(1): 91-101, jan.-abr. 2008.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-485315


Este artigo apresenta os resultados da dissertação de mestrado que teve como proposta a investigação do sentido da oficina terapêutica de teatro para uma pessoa acompanhada no ambulatório de tratamento da dependência química do município de Diadema, SP. Para isso partiu-se da Psicologia Social e do conceito de identidade como categoria central de análise, propondo entender o fenômeno não apenas no seu aspecto instrumental, mas sim em todo o contexto no qual o indivíduo usuário de substâncias psicoativas está inserido, nos conflitos da tradição versus modernidade, do mercado de consumo, dos diagnósticos e tratamentos. Com tal abordagem, pretende-se apresentar uma contribuição tanto teórica, quanto política. A pesquisa foi realizada a partir da narrativa da história de vida da participante, que foi gravada e transcrita com o consentimento da entrevistada. Finalmente, o presente trabalho tece algumas reflexões sobre a questão das drogas e da possibilidade de metamorfose por meio da oficina terapêutica de teatro, assim como oferece subsídios para discutir as identidades pós-convencionais e as possibilidades de emancipação.

This paper presents the results of a Master's dissertation that investigated the meaningof the therapeutic theater workshop for a person who has been treated at the ambulatory of drug dependency in the city of Diadema, SP. To do so, our analysis is centered on categories of Social Psychology and the concept of Identityn considering to understand the phenomenon not only in its instrumental aspect, but, the context as a whole, in which the individual that uses psychoactive substances is inserted, in the conflicts between tradition vs. modernity, in the consumer market of diagnosis and treatments; with such an approach, proposing a theoretical as much as a political contribution. The research was carried out from the narrative of the participant's life history, which was recorded and transcripted with the consent of the interviewed. Finally, this work weaves some reflections on the question of drug usage and the possibility of change through the therapeutic theater workshop, as well offering subsidy to discuss post-conventional Identities and the possibilities of emancipation.

Humanos , Femenino , Individualidad , Psicología Social , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias , Terapéutica
Rev. bras. anal. clin ; 40(1): 57-60, 2008. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-510677


O objetivo deste estudo foi traçar um panorama da infecção por hepatite C no Estado de Santa Catarina e na cidade deFlorianópolis, no período entre 2002 e 2004, considerando aspectos epidemiológicos como: número notificado de casos de hepatite C, faixa etária, sexo e provável fonte de infecção. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de levantamento bibliográfico e consulta à Secretaria de Vigilância Epidemiológica do Estado de Santa Catarina. No período de 2002 a 2004, foram notificados 1667 casos no Estado de Santa Catarina e 348 casos de infecção por hepatite C na cidade de Florianópolis. A faixa etária mais acometida por esta infecção tantoem Santa Catarina como em Florianópolis foi de 35 a 44 anos (36,17%) e (42,82%), respectivamente, no período avaliado. O sexo masculino foi o mais atingido tanto no Estado (69,59%) quanto no Município (69,54%) no respectivo período. As principais vias de infecçãopelo vírus verificadas em Santa Catarina e em Florianópolis nos anos de 2002 a 2004 foram o uso de drogas injetáveis (22,25%) e (21,55%), o contato sexual (15,24%) e (14,37%) e a via transfusional (10,92%) e (11,78%), respectivamente. A realidade epidemiológica da hepatite C é bastante similar tanto em Santa Catarina quanto em Florianópolis, entretanto, fornecem apenas um panorama da situação da hepatite C e sugerem que ainda é crescente o número de casos dessa doença em Santa Catarina, sendo que a subnotificação ainda constitui-se em um problema que pode comprometer os números apresentados.

The aim of this study was provide an overview of hepatitis C infection in the state of Santa Catarina and in the city ofFlorianopolis, for the period of 2002 through 2004, taking into consideration such epidemiological aspects as: notified number of cases of hepatitis C, age, sex and probable source of infection. Data were obtained through a literature review and by consulting with Secretaria de Vigilância Epidemiológica do Estado de Santa Catarina. From 2002 through 2004, 1667 cases of infection for hepatitis C in the state Santa Catarina and 348 cases in the city Florianopolis had been notified. In terms of age, the highest incidence was foundamong those 35 to 44 years old in Santa Catarina (36,17%) and in Florianopolis (42,82%). In both state (69,59%) and city (69,54%) there was a larger number of cases among males than among females. The main source of infection for the virus verified in Santa Catarina and Florianopolis from 2002 through 2004 had been the use of injectable drugs (22,25%) and (21,55%), sexual contact (15,24%)and (14,37%) and transfusional source (10,92%) and (11,78%), respectively. The reality epidemiological of hepatitis C is sufficiently similar such in Santa Catarina as in Florianopolis, however, they supply only an overview of the situation of hepatitis C and suggestthat still the number of cases of this illness in Santa Catarina is increasing, being that underreporting still consists in a problem that can compromise the presented numbers.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Hepatitis C/epidemiología , Factores de Riesgo , Abuso de Sustancias por Vía Intravenosa , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-591646


OBJECTIVE To understand the antibacterial usage among outpatients in our hospital and provide reference for their rational use in clinic treatment.METHODS Totally 18 232 prescriptions in 2007 were investigated and analyzed.RESULTS The rate of antibacterial usage was 21.9% which took up 6.25% of total cost.As for active treatment single drug consisted of 91.21%,two-drugs 9.09%,and three-drugs of 0.55%.CONCLUSIONS The antibiotic service is basically rational.