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Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436696


Introduction: Psychiatric disorders have become a global problem that leads millions of people to use psychotropic medications, especially benzodiazepines. The effects of these substances are widely known regarding tolerance and chemical dependence, however, from epigenetics perspective, there are still little known.Objective: To evaluate the association between psychotropic drug use, NR3C1 gene methylation and its relation with symptoms suggestive of depression in adult individuals assisted in the public health system.Methods: 385 adult volunteers (20-59 years) users of the Brazilian Unified Health System were recruited to evaluate socioeconomic, health, lifestyle conditions in a cross sectional study. BDI-II evaluated symptoms suggestive of depression and pyrosequencing evaluated NR3C1 DNA methylation. Bivariate and multivariate Poisson regression model with robust variance (p < 0.05) evaluated the association between psychotropic drug use and NR3C1 gene methylation.Results: Specific depressive symptoms such as irritability, insomnia and fatigability were associated with psychotropic drug use. Symptoms of past failure, indecision and loss of appetite were associated with hypermethylation patterns in CpGs 40 to 47 of NR3C1 gene. Moreover, psychotropic drug use is associated with 50% reduction in NR3C1 gene methylation, through model adjusted with socioeconomic, health and lifestyle confounding variables.Conclusions: Psychotropic drug use and depressive symptoms was associated with changes in NR3C1 DNA methylation. In this context, epigenetic modification resulting from psychotropic drug use and depressive symptoms could be considered, mainly in population studies with epigenetic evaluation, where these factors may be influencing the findings of future studies.

Introdução: os distúrbios psiquiátricos tornaram-se um problema global que leva milhões de pessoas ao uso de medicamentos psicotrópicos. Os efeitos dessas substâncias são amplamente conhecidos quanto à tolerância e dependência química, porém, do ponto de vista epigenético, ainda são pouco conhecidos.Objetivos: avaliar a associação entre o uso de drogas psicotrópicas, metilação do gene NR3C1 e sua relação com sintomas sugestivos de depressão em indivíduos entre 20 a 59 anos usuários da rede pública de saúde.Método: 385 voluntários de 20-59 anos, usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro foram recrutados para avaliação das condições socioeconômicas, de saúde e de estilo de vida em estudo transversal. O BDI-II avaliou sintomas sugestivos de depressão e o pirosequenciamento avaliou a metilação do DNA de NR3C1. Modelo de regressão de Poisson bivariado e multivariado com variância robusta (p < 0,05) avaliou a associação entre o uso de drogas psicotrópicas e metilação do gene NR3C1.Resultados: sintomas depressivos específicos como irritabilidade, insônia e fadiga foram associados ao uso de medicamentos psicotrópicos. Sintomas de fracasso passado, indecisão e perda de apetite foram associados a padrões de hipermetilação nos CpGs 40 a 47 do gene NR3C1. Além disso, o uso de psicofármacos está associado à redução de 50% na metilação do gene NR3C1, por meio de modelo ajustado com variáveis de confusão socioeconômicas, de saúde e estilo de vida.Conclusão: o uso de drogas psicotrópicas e sintomas específicos depressivos foram associados a alterações na metilação do DNA de NR3C1.

Humanidad. med ; 21(1): 109-123, ene.-abr. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154350


RESUMEN Las drogas por sus graves consecuencias están consideradas como un problema social. Los adolescentes son uno de los grupos vulnerables ante su consumo. El trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar los patrones de consumo de drogas en adolescentes ingresados en la Unidad de Intervención en Crisis del Hospital Pediátrico Provincial de Camagüey durante el periodo 2015-2019. Se utilizó la metodología cuanticualitativa mediante métodos teóricos y empíricos. Para la recolección de los datos fue preciso la revisión de las Historias Clínicas. La investigación comprendió una muestra de 83 adolescentes. El estudio posibilitó determinar el aumento del número de ingresos por consumo de sustancias desde el año 2016 hasta 2019 y el grupo de edades más numeroso estuvo conformado entre 16 y 18 años. La curiosidad, el placer y la influencia del grupo de amigos resultaron los principales motivos para las adicciones.

ABSTRACT The objective of the work was to characterize the consumption patterns of drugs in adolescents admitted to the Intervention Unit in Crisis of the Provincial Pediatric Hospital of Camagüey. It was used the quantitative methodology through theoretical and empirical methods. To collect the data, the medical records were reviewed. The research comprised a sample of 83 adolescents. The study made possible to determine the increase in the number of income from consumption of substances from 2016 to 2019 and the most numerous age group was conformed between 16 and 18 years. Curiosity, pleasure and the influence of the group of friends were the main reasons for addictions.

Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 33: e227932, 2021. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1279589


Resumo O estudo teve como objetivo descrever características relacionadas ao fenômeno da porta giratória em uma Unidade de Acolhimento infantojuvenil e analisar o modo como o serviço maneja este fenômeno. Foi realizado estudo de caso qualitativo com análise de: entrevistas semiestruturadas; observação participante com registro em caderno de campo; documentos e grupo focal. A partir da análise, foram construídos três temas: Vínculos rompidos: "Se a família não se cuidar a gente não consegue" (questões geracionais, vínculo familiar, adesão ao tratamento); Subfinanciamento: "Eles fazem milagre com os recursos que têm" (subfinanciamento estatal, preconceito e investimento privado); Políticas públicas: "Esse problema não é meu" (segmentação do cuidado, falta de apoio comunitário e informação/preparo das instituições). Esses pontos constituem entraves no tratamento de crianças e adolescentes usuários de drogas e remetem ao fenômeno da porta giratória.

Resumen El objetivo del estudio fue describir características relacionadas con el fenómeno de la puerta giratoria en una Unidad de Acogida de Niños y Adolescentes y analizar la forma en que el servicio maneja este fenómeno. Se realizó un estudio de caso cualitativo con el análisis de: entrevistas semiestructuradas; observación participante registrada en cuaderno de campo; documentos y grupos focales. A partir del análisis se construyeron tres temas: Vínculos rotos: "Si la familia no se cuida, no podemos hacerlo" (cuestiones generacionales, vínculo familiar, adherencia al tratamiento); Falta de financiación: "Hacen milagros con los recursos que tienen" (falta de financiación estatal, prejuicios e inversión privada); Políticas públicas: "Este no es mi problema" (segmentación de la atención, falta de apoyo comunitario e información/preparación de las instituciones). Estos puntos constituyen barreras en el tratamiento de los niños, niñas e adolescentes consumidores de drogas y se refieren al fenómeno de la puerta giratoria.

Abstract The study aimed to describe characteristics related to the revolving door phenomenon in a Child and Adolescent Shelter Unit and to analyze the way in which the service manages this phenomenon. A qualitative case study was carried out with the analysis of: semi-structured interviews; participant observation recorded in a field notebook; documents and a focus group. From the analysis, three themes were constructed: Broken bonds: "If the family does not take care of itself, we can't" (generational issues, family bonds, adherence to treatment); Underfunding: "They work miracles with the resources they have" (state underfunding, prejudice and private investment); Public policies: "This is not my problem" (segmentation of care, lack of community support and information/preparation of the institutions). These points constitute barriers in the treatment of children and adolescents that use drugs and highlight the revolving door phenomenon.

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Política Pública , Terapéutica , Drogas Ilícitas , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias/rehabilitación , Menores , Consumidores de Drogas , Familia , Niño Institucionalizado , Salud Mental , Grupos Focales , Acogimiento
Hacia promoc. salud ; 25(2): 124-139, julio 01, 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121887


Objetivo: determinar la relación entre sexualidad, consumo de alcohol, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y embarazo no deseado en estudiantes universitarios Métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con intención analítica. Se aplicó una encuesta sobre salud sexual y reproductiva y bienestar basada en el cuestionario Reig-Ferrer. Las variables cualitativas se analizaron mediante frecuencias y porcentajes y las cuantitativas mediante medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Se calcularon razones de prevalencia utilizando la prueba chi cuadrado que evaluó relación entre embarazo no deseado y algunas conductas de riesgo. Resultados: participaron 2767 estudiantes con edad promedio de 21 (RIC: 19-23) años. La mediana de edad de inicio las relaciones sexuales fueron de 16 (RIC: 15-18) años. El 56,1% refirió consumir alcohol y el 12,7% sustancias psicoactivas (SPA), con alguna frecuencia. Respecto a las mujeres; el 18,9 % ha estado embarazada, y de éstas, el 61,4% ha tenido un embarazo no deseado. El análisis bivariado mostró relación estadísticamente significativa entre el embarazo no deseado y variables como la edad de inicio de las relaciones sexuales, el consumo de SPA y el mantener o no relaciones sexuales bajo el efecto del alcohol y SPA. Conclusiones: el estudio mostró condiciones que pueden favorecer los problemas relacionados con la salud sexual y reproductiva de jóvenes universitarios. Se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de estudiar algunas conductas de riesgo de manera particular, mediante un abordaje integral que permita posteriormente reorientar las actividades de la promoción de la salud sexual en pro de re-conocer conductas de cuidado y de riesgo.

Objective: To determine the relationship between sexuality, alcohol consumption, psychoactive substance consumption and unwanted pregnancy in university students. Methods: Cross sectional study with analytical intention. A sexual and reproductive health and wellness survey based on the Reig-Ferrer questionnaire was applied. The qualitative variables were analyzed using frequencies and percentages, and the quantitative variables using measures of central tendency and dispersion. Prevalence ratios were calculated using the chi square test that evaluated the relationship between unwanted pregnancy and some risk behaviors. Results: A total of 2767 students with an average age of 21 (RIC: 19-23) years participated. The median age of onset of sexual intercourse was 16 (RIC: 15-18) years. Overall, 56.1% reported consuming alcohol and 12.7% psychoactive substances (PS), with some frequency. Regarding women, 18.9% have been pregnant, and of these, 61.4% have had an unwanted pregnancy. The bivariate analysis showed a statistically significant relationship between unwanted pregnancy and variables such as the age of onset of sexual intercourse, the consumption of PS and whether or not to have sexual intercourse under the influence of alcohol and PS. Conclusions: The study showed conditions that can favor the problems related to the sexual and reproductive health of young university students. The need to study some risk behaviors in a particular way through a comprehensive approach that allows reorienting the activities of sexual health promotion in order to re-know care and risk behaviors, is highlighted.

Objetivo: determinar a relação entre sexualidade, consumo de álcool, consumo de substâncias psicoativas e gravidez não desejado em estudantes universitários Métodos: estudo descritivo de corte transversal com intenção analítica. Aplicou-se uma enquete sobre saúde sexual e reprodutiva e bem-estar baseada no questionario Reig-Ferrer. As variáveis qualitativas se analisaram mediante frequências e porcentagens e as quantitativas mediante medidas de tendência central e dispersão. Calcularam-se razões de prevalência utilizando a prova chi quadrado que avaliou relação entre gravidez não desejado e algumas condutas de risco. Resultados: participaram 2767 estudantes com idade média de 21 (RIC: 19-23) anos. A mediana de idade de início as relações sexuais foram de 16 (RIC: 15-18) anos. O 56,1% referiu consumir álcool e o 12,7% substancias psicoativas (SPA), com alguma frequência. Respeito às mulheres; o 18,9 % tem estado gravidas, e destas, o 61,4% tem tido uma gravidez não desejado. O analise bivariado amostrou relação estatisticamente significativa entre uma gravidez não desejado e variáveis como a idade de início das relações sexuais, o consumo de SPA e o manter ou não relações sexuais baixo o efeito do álcool e SPA. Conclusões: O estudo amostrou condições que podem favorecer os problemas relacionados com a saúde sexual e reprodutiva de jovens universitários. É preciso criar a necessidade de estudar algumas condutas de risco de maneira particular, mediante uma abordagem integral que permita posteriormente reorientar as atividades da promoção da saúde sexual em pro de reconhecer condutas de cuidado e de risco.

Humanos , Adulto Joven , Embarazo no Deseado , Drogas Ilícitas , Sexualidad , Alcoholismo
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 45(1)ene.-mar. 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-991122


Introducción: El uso irracional de antimicrobianos es un problema de salud. En el Cardiocentro Pediátrico William Soler existe una amplia utilización de ellos, sin embargo, no se conoce el comportamiento del consumo de este grupo farmacológico en la institución. Objetivo: Describir el consumo de antimicrobianos seleccionados en la institución en el periodo 2011-2015. Método: Estudio descriptivo, longitudinal del tipo estudio de utilización de medicamentos de consumo de 11 antimicrobianos, de uso restringido y elevado costo (cefepime, meropenem, levofloxacina oral y parenteral, linezolida, teicoplanina, vancomicina, colistina, aztreonam y amoxicilina/sulbactam oral y parenteral). El consumo en unidades físicas se obtuvo a partir de las tarjetas de estiba del almacén de medicamentos de la farmacia intrahospitalaria. Para el cálculo se utilizó la fórmula establecida por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, expresado en dosis diaria definida/100 camas/día (DDD/100 camas/día). Resultados: Se observó un incremento de 7,28 DDD/100 camas/día, los años 2013 y 2015 se mostraron como los de mayor consumo. Los fármacos más consumidos fueron el meropenem con un incremento de 2,71 DDD/100 camas/día; el cefepime con un incremento de 1,68 DDD/100 camas/día y la linezolida con un aumento de 1,15 DDD/100 camas/día. La terapia 1 y la sala 1A mostraron los mayores valores de consumo. Conclusiones: Los antimicrobianos han reducido de manera importante la amenaza de enfermedades infecciosas y son una herramienta indispensable en el tratamiento de los pacientes en los hospitales. El consumo de antimicrobianos seleccionados en el Cardiocentro Pediátrico William Soler, considerados de alto costo y utilización restringida, evidencia una tendencia al incremento, lo cual muestra la necesidad de desarrollar un programa de optimización de uso de estos medicamentos en la institución(AU)

Introduction: The irrational use of antimicrobials is a health problem. In William Soler Pediatric Cardiocenter there is a wide use of them; however, the behavior of the consumption of this pharmacological group in the institution is not known. Objective: To describe the consumption of selected antimicrobials in the institution in the period 2011-2015. Method: Descriptive, longitudinal study of the use of medicines for the consumption of 11 antimicrobials, of restricted use and high cost (cefepime, meropenem, oral and parenteral levofloxacin, linezolid, teicoplanin, vancomycin, colistin, aztreonam and amoxicillin / oral and parenteral sulbactam). The average consumption in physical units was obtained from the stowage cards of the drug store of the in-hospital pharmacy. For the calculation, the formula established by the World Health Organization was used and this is expressed in a defined daily dose / 100 beds / day (DDD / 100 beds / day). Results: An increase of 7.28 DDD / 100 beds / day was observed; the years 2013 and 2015 were shown as those with the highest consumption. The most consumed drugs were meropenem with an increase of 2.71 DD / 100 beds / day; cefepime with an increase of 1.68 DD / 100 beds / day; and linezolid with an increase of 1.15 DDD / 100 beds / day. Therapy room 1 and room 1A showed the highest consumption values. Conclusions: Antimicrobials have reduced in a crucial way the threat that infectious diseases represent, and they are also an indispensable tool in the treatment of patients in hospitals. The consumption of selected antimicrobials considered of high cost and restricted use in William Soler Pediatric Cardiocenter shows a tendency to increase, which shows the need to develop a program to optimize the use of antimicrobials in the institution(AU)

Humanos , Niño , Abuso de Sustancias por Vía Intravenosa , Hospitales Pediátricos , Antiinfecciosos/uso terapéutico , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Longitudinales , Cuba
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 23: e170566, 2019. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002348


As políticas públicas baseadas em evidências precisam responder às vulnerabilidades sociais na superação das iniquidades. A presente revisão de literatura, do tipo narrativa, analisa os desafios de adaptação na difusão de práticas de prevenção ao uso de álcool e outras drogas baseadas em evidências no Brasil. As teorias de Difusão de Inovações (Rogers) e de Implementação de práticas baseadas em evidências (Aarons et al.) embasaram a crítica aos modelos existentes. Conclui-se que a implantação de uma ação preventiva baseada em evidências, mas que não é culturalmente relevante, corre o risco de não incidir nas vulnerabilidades. Ao mesmo tempo, as adaptações, mesmo que promovam altos níveis de aceitabilidade, podem comprometer a efetividade do programa caso sejam realizadas sem o embasamento em evidências e podem descaracterizar a inovação, passando a servir na reprodução de iniquidades, as quais a inovação compromete-se a mudar.(AU)

Las políticas públicas basadas en evidencias necesitan responder a las vulnerabilidades sociales en la superación de las iniquidades. La presente revisión de la literatura, del tipo narrativa, analiza los desafíos de adaptación en la difusión de prácticas de prevención al uso del alcohol y otras drogas basadas en evidencias en Brasil. Las teorías de "Difusión de innovaciones" (Rogers) y de "Implementación de práctica basada en evidencia" (Aarons et al.) sirvieron de base a la crítica a los modelos existentes. Se concluye que la implantación de una acción preventiva con base en evidencias, pero que no es culturalmente relevante, corre el riesgo de no incidir en las vulnerabilidades. Al mismo tiempo, las adaptaciones, aunque promueven altos niveles de aceptabilidad, pueden comprometer la efectividad del programa caso se realicen sin base en evidencias y pueden desvirtuar la innovación pasando a servir en la reproducción de iniquidades que la innovación se compromete a cambiar.(AU)

The evidence-based public policies need to address the social vulnerabilities in order to overcome the inequities. This narrative literature review analyzes the challenges of adaptation in the dissemination of the evidence-based alcohol and drugs prevention practices within the context of the Brazilian public policies. The critique of existing models is based on the theories of "Diffusion of Innovations" (Rogers) and "Implementation of the evidence-based practices" (Aarons et al). We concluded that the implantation of an evidence-based preventive action, if culturally not relevant, risks not impacting on the vulnerabilities. The adaptations may promote higher levels of acceptance and adhesion. In spite of that, if those adaptations are performed without the evidence base, they may reduce the effectiveness, as well as de-characterize the innovation, ending up in the reproduction of the inequities it aimed to reduce.(AU)

Política Pública , Medicina Basada en la Evidencia/métodos , Alcoholismo/prevención & control , Brasil
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 54(4): e18008, 2018. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001592


The objective of the study was to evaluate the use of human albumin in a Brazilian university hospital, in compliance with the institutional protocol and other clinical guidelines, taking into account the therapeutic indications and the dosage regimens. Data was obtained from the pharmacy dispensing records of human albumin, the requests for use it and, when available, the patient's records between January and October 2017. After evaluation the therapeutic indications and the dosage regimens were classified as "appropriate" and "inappropriate". The analysis of 98 requests showed that, when compared to the institutional protocol, 54 (55.1%) requests had an inappropriate therapeutic indication. However, when a comparison was made between 25 medical records (54 requests) and other clinical guidelines, it was observed that the therapeutic indication had none classified as inappropriate. In addition, 16 (29.7%) requests were considered inappropriate in relation to dosage regimens. From these results, it was possible to conclude that although the use of human albumin in the hospital was associated to a clinical protocol, it was outdated. Thus, it is possible to affirm that not only the adoption of a clinical protocol, but its periodical updating is an important strategy to promote the rational use of drugs.

Posología Homeopática/farmacología , Usos Terapéuticos , Albúmina Sérica Humana/administración & dosificación , Hospitales Universitarios/clasificación , Brasil , Preparaciones Farmacéuticas , Dosificación/análisis , Servicios de Salud/normas
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020146


RESUMO Foi estudada a compreensão de seis socioeducadores sobre a relação entre o uso de drogas e a prática infracional de adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa em meio aberto. O método qualitativo descritivo foi instrumentalizado por entrevistas semiestruturadas, e a análise se deu a partir das interpretações por eles atribuídas para o uso de drogas. Para os socioeducadores, tal uso está relacionado às condições históricas de exclusão social, ressaltando a dificuldade de acesso ao lazer e aos serviços de tratamento. A relação com a prática infracional foi constatada para um pequeno grupo poliusuário de drogas. Uma política para estes adolescentes deve atentar para além do ato infracional e da relação com as drogas, reconhecendo o sofrimento social na origem de tais eventos.

ABSTRACT We investigated the knowledge of six social educators about the connection between the use of drugs and the offence practice of adolescents serving a social-educational measure in an open environment. The descriptive qualitative method was instrumented through semi-structured interviews, and the analysis was based on the interpretations that the social educators attributed to the use of drugs. To them, drug use is related to the historical conditions of social exclusion, emphasizing the difficulty of access to leisure and treatment services. The relation between drug use and the offence practice was observed in a little group of poly-drug users. A policy for these adolescents should not only take into account the infraction and the connection with drugs, but also the social suffering that has these events as an origin.

Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 461-465, 2017.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-609111


Objective:To explore the relation of new-type drug using intention,self-efficacy,and perceived stress in secondary vocational school students.Methods:A total of 2692 secondary vocational school students in Zhaoqing,Guangdong Province were selected.The questionnaire of new-type drugs using intention,General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES),and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) were respectively used to assess the secondary vocational school students'new-type drugs using intention,self-efficacy,and perceived stress.Path analysis model was used to analyze the relationship of new-type drugs using intention,self-efficacy,and perceived stress among secondary vocational school students.Results:There were 13.6% (295/2165) of the secondary vocational school students reported an intention to use new-type drugs.The total scores of GSES and PSS were (2.4 ±0.5) and (18.8 ±5.0),respectively.The results of path analysis showed that,after controlling for age,gender,and residence,the scores of GSES were negatively correlated with the scores of PSS (γ =-0.21,P <0.001),and the scores of PSS were positively correlated with the scores of questionnaire of new-type drugs using intention (γ =0.05,P < 0.05).However,the scores of GSES showed no significant direct correlation with the scores of questionnaire of new-type drugs using intention (γ =0.04,P > 0.05).Conclusion:The secondary vocational school students' level of perceived stress are positively correlated with their intention to use new-type drugs.Self-efficacy might moderate the individual's level of perceived stress,thus to show indirect correlation to the secondary vocational school students' intention.

Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 53(3): e00252, 2017. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-889405


ABSTRACT This study was designed to investigate the use of off-label and unlicensed drugs in a Neonatal Care Unit (NCU) and to compare the frequency of use of off-label drugs according to the drug regulatory agencies in Brazil (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária-ANVISA) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A prospective observational study was carried out in the NCU. Prescriptions were classified as off-label and unlicensed using both ANVISA and FDA criteria. A total of 157 newborns and 1187 prescriptions were analyzed. The most prescribed drug was fentanyl (9.3%), followed by multivitamin (8.4%) and gentamicin (7.9%). According to ANVISA criteria, there were 665 (56.0%) off-label prescriptions and 86 (7.2%) unlicensed prescriptions and 95.5% of newborns received at least one drug off-label. By contrast, according to FDA criteria, there were 592 (49.9%) off-label prescriptions and 84 (7.1%) unlicensed prescriptions, and 72.0% of newborns received at least one drug off-label. The off-label use of drugs registered by ANVISA differed significantly from that of drugs registered by the FDA. There was a high frequency of off-label and unlicensed drug use in the investigated NCU, and there was an inverse relationship between off-label and unlicensed usage and the gestational age of the newborns.

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Preparaciones Farmacéuticas/análisis , Uso Fuera de lo Indicado/normas , Hospitales Universitarios/estadística & datos numéricos , Brasil/etnología , Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal/provisión & distribución , Drogas Ilícitas , Quimioterapia , Neonatología
Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 52(4): 801-812, Oct.-Dec. 2016. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-951880


ABSTRACT Many factors can interfere with glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and this patient group has an increased risk of experiencing drug-related negative outcomes (DNO). The aim of this study was to identify the predictive factors of unsatisfactory glycemic control and DNO in this group of patients. A cross-sectional study was conducted collecting data from prescriptions and interviews with 100 patients of the Endocrinology Clinic of the Hospital Complex of Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil. Variables associated with unsatisfactory glycemic control were determined and the DNO associated with antidiabetic drugs identified. Age (<65 years) (OR=4.09), family history of diabetes (OR=3.24), use of combined therapy to treat diabetes (2-4 antidiabetic drugs) (OR=5.13) and presence of DNO (OR=5.92) were found to be predictive factors for poor patient glycemic control. DNO were observed in 49% of the patients and were caused predominantly by ineffectiveness in patients with poor glycemic control (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between groups (satisfactory and unsatisfactory glycemic control) for DNO caused by safety issues (p>0.05). Characterization of the profile of patients with uncontrolled diabetes and of aspects associated with drug treatment can contribute to the planning of interventions to improve patient care

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Hipoglucemiantes/efectos adversos , Pacientes/clasificación , Glucemia/efectos de los fármacos , Índice Glucémico , Complicaciones de la Diabetes/clasificación , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/clasificación , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/complicaciones , Reacciones Falso Negativas
Rev. Investig. Salud. Univ. Boyacá ; 3(1): 16-33, 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-910663


Introducción. El consumo de drogas legales se ha elevado en México debido a un conjunto de razones, entre las que destaca la baja percepción de riesgo; por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la prevalencia de consumo de alcohol y tabaco en los estudiantes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Veracruzana y su relación con la percepción de riesgo. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal, observacional y analítico, en el cual se utilizó un muestreo aleatorio estratificado probabilístico, y un instrumento que midió la prevalen-cia de consumo y la percepción de riesgo mediante tres indicadores: percepción sobre el riesgo del consumo, gravedad del problema en la universidad y posibles respuestas de las autoridades de la Facultad de Psicología ante el problema. Resultados. Participaron 92 estudiantes (73 % mujeres y 27 % hombres), con una edad promedio de 22 años. El fumar una cajetilla de cigarrillos al día fue considerado "muy peligroso" por el 96 %, mientras que 4 % dijo que es "medianamente peligroso". En cuanto a la intoxicación alcohólica (emborracharse), 75 % lo consideró "muy peligroso", 22 %, que era "medianamente peligroso" y 3 % afirmó que es "poco peligroso". Conclusiones. El estudio no logró demostrar una relación significativa entre el consumo de alcohol y tabaco, y la percepción de riesgo de los estudiantes.

Introduction: The use of legal drugs has risen in Mexico due to a number of reasons among which, low perception of risk stands out. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of alcohol and tobacco in students of the faculty of Psychology in the Universidad Veracruzana and its relation to risk perception. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, observational, and analytic study using probability strati-fied random sampling was carried out, and an instrument that measured the prevalence of use and risk perception through the following three indicators was used: the indicators were perception of use risk, seriousness of the problem in the university, possible responses from the authorities of the School of Psychology to this problem. Results: Ninety two students participated (73% women and 27% men) average age 22 years. To smoke a pack of cigarettes a day was considered «very dangerous¼ by 96%, while 4% considered it to be «moderately dangerous¼; in regards to alcohol intoxication (drunkenness), 75% consider it «very dangerous¼, 22% "moderately dangerous" and only 3% declared it to be "slightly dangerous". Conclusions: This study was unable to demonstrate a significant relation between the use of alcohol and tobacco and the risk perception among students.

Humanos , Sustancias de Abuso por Vía Oral , Universidades , Percepción , Riesgo
Texto & contexto enferm ; 24(spe): 97-105, 2015. tab
Artículo en Español | BDENF, LILACS | ID: lil-751516


Se evaluó la prevalencia del uso y abuso de sustancias psicoactivas en los estudiantes y su relación con las experiencias adversas durante la infancia y la adolescencia en una investigación de tipo exploratorio, transversal, observacional, basada en el autoreporte de 280 estudiantes universitarios. El consumo reportado de sustancias psicoactivas fue del 72.1%. Las tres sustancias psicoactivas más frecuentemente utilizadas en el último año fueron el alcohol (24.3%), la marihuana (19.3%) y el tabaco (16.4%). Un 33.9% de los estudiantes refirieron que sus pares abusaban de sustancias. El maltrato físico y el psicológico fueron las categorías más frecuentemente reportadas. Los estudiantes que afirmaron tener pares que abusaban de sustancias psicoactivas presentaron una probabilidad siete veces mayor de abusar de drogas que el resto de los encuestados. No se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas (< 0.005) entre el reporte de maltrato en ninguna de sus categorías, y el uso o abuso de drogas.

Avaliar a prevalência do uso e abuso de substâncias psicoativas entre estudantes e sua relação com experiências adversas na infância e na adolescência em uma investigação de tipo exploratório, transversal, observacional, com base na autoavaliação en 280 estudantes universitários. A porcentagem de estudantes que relatou o uso de substâncias foi de 72,1%. As três substâncias psicoativas mais utilizados no último ano foram álcool (24,3%), maconha (19,3%) e fumo (16,4%). 33,9% dos alunos relataram que seus colegas estavam abusando substâncias. O abuso físico e psicológico foram as categorias mais frequentemente relatados. Os estudantes que relataram ter colegas que abusaram de substâncias psicoativas apresentaram uma probabilidade sete vezes maior para o abuso de drogas do que outros entrevistados. Nenhuma associação estatisticamente significativa (<0,005) entre o abuso de autorrelatado em qualquer de suas categorias e o uso ou abuso de drogas foram encontrados.

This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of the use and abuse of psychoactive substances among students and its relationship to adverse experiences during childhood and adolescence. This exploratory and observational, research was based on the self-report. The sample consisted of 280 college students. The reported lifetime prevalence of psychoactive substance use was 72.1%. The three most commonly used psychoactive substances in the last year were alcohol (66.4%), marijuana (25.0%) and tobacco (32.1%). Peer drug abuse was reported in 33.9% of the students. The physical and psychological maltreatment were the most frequently reported categories. Students who reported having peers who abuse psychoactive substances have a 7-fold increased likelihood to abusing drugs than other respondents. There were no statistically significant associations (<0.005) between maltreatment self-reported in any of its categories and the use or abuse.

Humanos , Estudiantes , Violencia Doméstica , Trastornos Relacionados con Sustancias
Univ. psychol ; 12(3): 887-898, jul.-sep. 2013. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-712582


En este artículo se analizan las actitudes cognitivas y los factores psicosociales relacionados con las prácticas sexuales bajo el efecto de alcohol y drogas en adolescentes de la ciudad de Medellín. El tipo de estudio fue no experimental, de nivel descriptivo y correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 955 estudiantes de grados 9.°, 10.° y 11.° de colegios públicos y privados de la ciudad de Medellín. La edad, el sexo, el tipo de familia, las personas encargadas de la crianza, las normas al interior de la familia, la influencia del grupo de pares y las actitudes cognitivas y afectivas juegan un rol importante en la realización de prácticas sexuales riesgosas bajo el consumo del alcohol y las drogas durante la adolescencia.

In this article we examined some psychosocial factors and cognitive attitudes related to sexual practices under the influence of alcohol and drugs among adolescents in the city of Medellín in 2011. The type of study was non-experimental with a descriptive and correlational level. The sample consisted of 955 students in grades 9, 10 and 11 public and private colleges. Age, sex, type of family, persons responsible for raising, group influence and cognitive and affective attitudes; play an important role in the performance of risky sexual practices on the use of alcohol and drugs during adolescence.

Psicotrópicos , Impacto Psicosocial
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 39(Supl): 36S-45S, 2010. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-620224


Objectives: To compare lifetime and past year prevalence estimates of cocaine use among secondary school students in six South American countries. Methods: Data are from the 2009 Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) and United Nations Office on Drug Control Policy (UNODC) collaborative study on drug use; with national representative samples of over 170,286 secondary school students in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay. Results: Cocaine was the second most commonly reported illicit substance used following marijuana in Argentina and Uruguay, and was the most common illicit substance following marijuana and inhalants in the other four countries surveyed. Past year use ranged from a high of 3.5% in Uruguay to a low of 1.1% in Peru. Conclusions: Cocaine prevalence shows a worrisome pattern among high school students in South America. Rates in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay are close to the United States and Canada. This analysis provides evidence to support the notion that cocaine use is a problem in South American countries, particularly among those that have no known history of cocaine production. Implications for drug policy, health among teenagers and education in Latin America are discussed...

Objetivos: Comparar la prevalencia de vida y el último año del consumo de cocaína entre estudiantes de secundaria en seis países de Suramérica. Métodos: Los datos son del 2009 y fueron recogidos en el Estudio Colaborativo de Uso de Drogas de la Agencia Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas (CICAD) y la Oficina de Naciones Unidas de Control de Drogas (ONUDD). Las muestras fueron representativas de más de 170.286 estudiantes de secundaria en Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Perú y Uruguay. Resultados: La cocaína fue la segunda droga más utilizada después de la marihuana en Argentina y Uruguay, y fue la sustancia ilegal más común después de la marihuana y los inhalantes en los otros cuatro países estudiados. La prevalencia del uso de cocaína en el último año osciló entre un máximo del 3,5% en Uruguay a un mínimo del 1,1% en el Perú. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de uso de cocaína presenta un patrón preocupante entre los estudiantes de secundaria en América del Sur. Las prevalencias en Argentina, Chile y Uruguay están cerca de la de Estados Unidos y Canadá. Este análisis proporciona pruebas que apoyan la idea de que el consumo de cocaína es un problema en los países suramericanos, especialmente en los que no tienen antecedentes conocidos de la producción de esta droga. Se discuten las implicaciones para la política de drogas, la salud entre los adolescentes y la educación en América Latina...

Cocaína , Drogas Ilícitas , Adolescente , América del Sur
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-641781


El objetivo del trabajo es establecer articulaciones entre la estigmatización, los derechos ciudadanos, el uso de drogas y la drogadependencia, como un caso particular de exclusión en salud. La estigmatización produce grupos de personas que ven condicionado su ejercicio de ciudadanía al negárseles el cumplimiento de derechos tales como el derecho a la salud. Uno de estos grupos, lo configuran los usuarios de drogas y los drogadependientes. Es relevante estudiar los procesos de estigma como barrera de accesibilidad a la atención en salud, para identificar componentes que disminuyan dicha exclusión (OPS/OMS, 2005). La reducción de la estigmatización y la discriminación del uso de drogas y la drogadependencia, es fundamental para la elaboración de políticas de inclusión desde una lógica de respeto por los derechos humanos.

The aim of the work is to establish joints between the stigmatization, the civil rights, drugs use and dependence of drug, as a particular case of exclusion in health. The stigmatization produces groups of persons who have problems for the exercise of citizenship. These persons are refused in the fulfillment of rights such as the right to the health. One of these groups, it is formed by the users of drugs and the dependents of drugs. It´s relevant to study the processes of stigma as accessibility barrier to the attention in health, to identify components that diminish the above mentioned exclusion. (OPS/OMS,2005). The reduction of the stigmatization and the discrimination of the use of drugs and dependence of drug, it's fundamental for the elaboration of policies of incorporation from logic of respect for the human rights.

Salud ment ; 31(5): 351-359, sep.-oct. 2008. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632669


Introduction There is plenty information about drug consumption in Mexico which examines from an epidemiological perspective several social groups such as: general population, student population, treatment centers, non-governmental organisms, homeless children, social re-adaption centers and even rural areas. However, these studies report drug consumption by gender and do not allow a precise analysis about specific characteristics in women, as the proportions of drug use are divergent and in some cases extremely different from those shown by men. This study analyses, specifically, women that received treatment according to age when admitted to a specialized institution, since it has been shown that age can influence drug use as well as treatment required. Also, it allows the introduction of prevention and treatment programs specifically for women. Methodology The objective of this study is to determine if there are significant differences in certain socio-demographic characteristics as weel as in factors related to the demand of drug treatment and consumption, according to female drug users age when admitted to treatment in CIJ. The study was based on information from the System of Epidemiological Information on Drug Consumption of CIJ. The design was exploratory, transversal and with a bi-varied analysis. The sample was non probabilistic and intentional, consisting of 754 drug users that arrived for the first time to CIJ between July and December 2004 in Mexico City. Furthermore, the sample was divided into three groups, according to admission age, as follows: Group 1. Women between 12 and 20 years old (n = 242); group 2. Women between 21 and 39 years old (n = 277), and group 3. Women 40 years old and older (n = 231). Results The sample showed a 31 years old average (DE=14.8) upon being admitted to CIJ: 51.2% were single, 32.6% were married or lived in cohabitation, 30.1% have studied high school; 32.8% stated that they had remunerated employment, 25.4% were homemakers and 23.8% were students. On average tobacco consumption starting age was 16.5 years old (DE = 5.3), alcoholic drinks 17 years old (DE = 5.9) and illegal drugs 18.5 years old (DE = 9.2). Tobacco (71.6%) was the main substance with which these women started drug use, followed by alcoholic drinks (19.9%). The most frecuently used illegal drugs as <> substances were: marijuana (43.5%), solvents/removers (14.8%) and cocaine hydrochloride (11.8%). The most frecuently consumed drugs once in a lifetime were: tobacco (89.3%), alcoholic drinks (77.3%), marijuana (30.4%), crack (18.4%), cocaine hydrochloride (17.0%) and solvents and removers (15.4%). During the last year of use they were: tobacco (82.9%), alcoholic drinks (65.6%), marijuana (19.4%), crack (15.3%), cocaine hydrochloride (10.9%) and solvents and removers (10.1%). During the last month of use they were: tobacco (77.2%), alcoholic drinks (47.3%), marijuana (10.7%), crack (9.5%). In these three stages they consumed on average, including tobacco and alcoholic drinks, 2.9, 2.3 and 1.7 drugs respectively. Additionally, the sample shows that drugs prefered by women as well as those drugs that were harmful and damaging to their family, work or social life in the last year of use were: tobacco (48.9% vs 46.0%), alcohol drinks (20.0%) and crack (10.1% vs 10.7%). Furthermore, when comparing age groups it was observed that there were differences (p≤0.05) regarding marital status, education and occupation; finding, as could be expected according to the cycle of life, a larger proportion of women without partners in group 1 and 2; while the larger proportion of women that have at least 10 years of education (high school or more) were found in groups 2 and 3. The larger number of employed and unemployed women were found in group 1 while the largest percentage of homemakers were found in group 3. Likewise relevant differences were found (p≤0.05)regarding the following events: seeking treatment for tobacco use, alcohol and/or illegal drugs; seeking treatment by own initiative or conditioned by their family or due to medical guidance; interrupting consumption voluntarily without support and participating in self help groups; and current health, family, work, as well as psychological problems caused by drug consumption. The larger cases that were admitted because of illegal drugs or alcohol consumption were found in group 1, followed by group 2; while those admitted due to tobacco consumption were found in group 3. In the group 3, there was largest percentage of women seeking profesional help by their own will or following medical guidance, while those attending conditioned by their family were found in group 1. Additionally the largest proportion of women who attended support groups or that interrupted drug consumption at one time or another without support were found in group 2. The highest percentage of family problems associated to drug consumption was found in group 1; while health problems were found in group 3 and psychological or labor problems in group 2. Regarding drug consumption there were some relevant differences (p≤0.05) in the categories of <> drugs, such as: drugs consumed once in a lifetime, consumption in the last year, consumption in the last month, drug of preference during the last year, drug of greatest impact during the last year of consumption and consumption of two or more substances in the same day during the last year. According to once in a lifetime consumption, there were relevant differences (p≤0.05) between groups mainly in the use of: tobacco, alcoholic drinks, marijuana, cocaine, depressors and stimulants. However, between group 1 and 2 there were also differences (p≤0.05) in the consumption of inhalants. In the last year and in the last month at consumption, all groups differ from each other (p≤0.05) in tobacco and alcohol use. Also, in the last year of consumption differences were observed in the use of depressors. Also, when comparing groups 1 and 2 (p≤0.05) there were also found relevant differences in tobacco, marijuana, cocaine and inhalants consumption during the last year and the last months of consumption. Regarding consumption of alcoholic drinks, marijuana and inhalants once in a lifetime-in the last year and in the last month of consumption-, the highest proportion was found in group 1, as that found in cocaine in group 2 and that of tobacco in group 3. Even though tobacco, alcoholic drinks and illegal drugs were drugs of preference and of greatest impact during the last year of consumption, they showed different proportions between groups as follows (p≤0.5): group one reported the highest percentage of illegal drugs and alcohol while in group three the higher percentage was found in tobacco; and in group 2 tobacco and illegal drugs also yielded high percentages. Lastly, most cases where two or more drugs were consumed in the same day during the last year of consumption were found in group one, differing (p≤0.05) to those of group 2. Discussion Consequently it is very important to study drug users taking into account characteristics that allow us to provide information about their specific needs. This study offers evidence of relevant differences between women who seeked treatment at CIJ as well as differences related to age when admitted for treatment and that contributes useful elements to make progress in the development of differentiated preventative care and treatment for women in specialized institutes. Despite their limits, the results obtained offer a useful parameter for developing health care alternatives that will take into account factors such as drug users age, family, as well as social and health problems, substances that they have used in the past and those that they are consuming.

Introducción En los estudios del consumo de drogas en México existe información principalmente de tipo epidemiológico, la cual ha tomado en cuenta diversos sectores de la población abierta, por ejemplo la estudiantil, los centros de tratamiento, los organismos no gubernamentales, los niños en condición de calle, los centros de readaptación social e incluso la población rural. Dichos estudios dan cuenta del consumo de drogas por género y no permiten observar las características específicas de éste únicamente en mujeres, ya que las proporciones del uso de drogas son divergentes y en algunos casos extremas a las presentadas por hombres. Metodología El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la existencia de diferencias significativas en las características sociodemográficas, así como en los factores asociados con la demanda de tratamiento y con el consumo de drogas de acuerdo con la edad de ingreso al tratamiento. El estudio se realizó mediante un análisis bivariado y se basó en mujeres usuarias de drogas que solicitaron atención en Centros de Integración Juvenil (CIJ). Igualmente, se utilizó información del consumo de drogas de CIJ. Además, se extrajo una muestra no probabilística intencional de 754 mujeres que acudieron entre julio y diciembre de 2004 a las unidades de la Ciudad de México y se dividió en tres grupos de edad: 1) de 12 a 20 años; 2) de 21 a 39 años y 3) de 40 años y más. Resultados En promedio, al momento de ingresar a los CIJ las mujeres contaban con 31 años. La edad de inicio del consumo de tabaco fue a los 16.4 años, la de bebidas alcohólicas a los 17 años y la de drogas ilícitas a los 18.5 años. El tabaco (71.6%) fue la principal sustancia con la que iniciaron el consumo de drogas. Sin embargo, la droga ilícita de inicio más utilizada fue la mariguana (43.5%). Las drogas más consumidas alguna vez en la vida -durante el último año y el último mes-, así como las de preferencia y de mayor impacto fueron: tabaco, bebidas alcohólicas y mariguana. Al comparar los tres grupos de edad se observó que en el grupo 1 la mayoría no cuentan con pareja, se dedican a estudiar o trabajar y acuden condicionadas por la familia o por la escuela debido, principalmente, al consumo de drogas ilícitas y de bebidas alcohólicas. En este grupo los problemas asociados con su consumo son de tipo familiar y escolar, y las drogas más usadas fueron: tabaco, alcohol, mariguana, inhalables y cocaína. El segundo grupo se caracteriza porque en su mayoría son solteras, se dedican a estudiar o trabajar, acuden principalmente por iniciativa propia debido al consumo de tabaco y drogas ilícitas. Las acciones realizadas contra el consumo han sido principalmente la interrupción voluntaria sin apoyo y el acudir a grupos de autoayuda. En este grupo, los principales problemas asociados con el consumo fueron los familiares, de salud y psicológicos, y las principales drogas consumidas fueron: tabaco, alcohol, cocaína, mariguana, depresores e inhalables. Por último, el tercer grupo se caracteriza porque tienen pareja, se dedican a trabajar o al hogar; acuden principalmente por iniciativa propia en busca de un tratamiento para el consumo de tabaco. La acción predominante de este grupo contra el consumo de drogas ha sido la interrupción voluntaria sin apoyo y los problemas asociados a su consumo son de salud y familiares. Las sustancias que predominan en este rango de edad fueron el tabaco y el alcohol. Discusión Los resultados obtenidos ofrecen un parámetro útil para desarrollar alternativas de atención que tomen en cuenta distintos factores. Por ejemplo: la edad de las usuarias, así como los problemas familiares, sociales y de salud que enfrentan, las sustancias que han utilizado y las que están consumiendo en ese momento. Esto permitirá dar un mejor trato a toda usuaria que decida acudir a algún centro de tratamiento especializado, y así propiciar una mejor utilización de recursos económicos y humanos, pues se proporcionaría una atención específica de acuerdo a sus necesidades. Por ejemplo, en el tercer grupo los programas de atención podrían estar enfocados al uso de tabaco, mientras que en el segundo grupo podrían considerar tratamientos donde también se tome en cuenta el consumo de tabaco y de drogas ilícitas.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-578733


Objective:To analyze the clinical drug consultation to summarize the characteristics of drug consulting services and improve clinical pharmacy service quality.Method:756 complete cases of clinical drug consulting materials were analyzed and summarized in our hospital emergency in the past three years.Result:The major consulters were patients, accounting for 59.92 percent.The most often consulted anti-infective drugs accounted for 35.85 percent.The primary attention was given to usage and dosage of drugs,accounting for 12.96 percent.Conclusion:The drug consultation lets us fully understand the issues most concerned about by medical personnel and patients,makes pharmacists improve their professional level and makes sure that patients are given reasonable,safe and effective medication.

China Pharmacy ; (12)2001.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-533582


OBJECTIVE:To analyze and summery the characteristics and clinical guiding significance of National Formulary?The Part of Chemicals and Biological Products(2010 version).METHODS:Literatures at home and abroad were retrieved and literature review method was applied for analysis.RESULTS&CONCLUTION:National Formulary?The Part of Chemicals and Biological Products(2010 version) includes four parts,i.e.general part,special part,national appendix and index.It represents as authority,guideline and Chinese characteristics as well as cultural and distribution characteristics professionally.Comprehensive and typical National Formulary is also characterized with timeliness because it is revised regularly.It had been written scientifically and freely and serves as standard for clinical drug use to improve diagnostic and therapeutic level,safety and development of drug use.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-533182


Currently,a variety of measures used to control the medicine expenditure were focused on the clinicians.Although medical students mastered the theoretical knowledge of pharmacology before intership,but the lack of clinical awareness of rational drug use.In order to enable medical students have a deeper understanding of it before graduation,Over the past three years Problem-based Learning(PBL) method was used to discuss the issue of controlling medicine expenditure for medical students during internship period.The results showed that rational drug use is a complicated matter related to social,medical,ethics,morality and the physician-patient is necessary to mention a rational dealing with the ratio of medicine expenditure and rational use of drugs in medical clinical practice.