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Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 44(3): e1363, Sep.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560176


Resumen: La evaluación de la fuerza en la mano es utilizada en ámbitos de salud y laborales, está compuesta por la fuerza de agarre y la fuerza de pellizco o fuerza pinch (Palmar Pinch - PP y Key Pinch - KP). La fuerza pinch ha sido poco estudiada y relacionada con variables antropométricas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la relación entre la fuerza PP y KP con el género, la dominancia, la edad y variables antropométricas. Haciendo uso de un dinamómetro Jamar y con la participación de 681 sujetos (48,9 % F y 51.1 % M) aparentemente sanos de la Ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia), quienes desempeñaban diferentes actividades ocupacionales, se encontró que las fuerzas PP y KP fueron significativamente más altas en los hombres que en las mujeres tanto en la mano no dominante (8.27 Kgf Vs 6.0 Kgf) como en la mano dominante (8.57 Kgf Vs 6.27 Kgf). Se propusieron modelos predictivos que definieron como variables principales la edad, espesor, circunferencia y circunferencia máxima de la mano. En el género femenino se estableció como variable primordial la edad, mientras que en el masculino en dos modelos se define la circunferencia de la mano y en otros dos la circunferencia máxima de la mano.

Abstract: The evaluation of the force in the hand is used in health and labor fields; it is composed of the grip force and the pinch force (Palmar Pinch - PP and Key Pinch - KP). The pinch force has not had significant amount of studies and connections with anthropometric variables. This work aimed to determine the relationship between the PP and KP strength with gender, dominance, age, and anthropometric variables. Using a Jamar dynamometer and with the participation of 681 subjects apparently healthy (48.9 % F and 51.1 % M) from the City of Bogotá (Colombia), who performed different occupational activities, it was found that the PP and KP forces were significantly higher in men than in women both in the non-dominant hand (8.27 Kgf Vs. 6.0 Kgf) and in the dominant hand (8.57 Kgf Vs 6.27 Kgf). The predictive models proposed in this study defined age, thickness, circumference, and maximum circumference of the hand as the main variables. In the female gender, age was established as the primary variable. At the same time, in the male, the circumference of the hand was defined in two models, and the maximum circumference of the hand in another two.

Artículo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218056


Background: Hand preference is perhaps the most obvious behavioral asymmetry observed in humans and is related to cerebral dominance. Animal and human studies have shown that cerebral cortex has a definite role in regulation of cardiovascular autonomic activity. Each hemisphere exhibits differential control over dynamics of heart especially the sympathetic activity is controlled by right hemisphere insula in particular. Hence, the present study was conducted to evaluate influence of cerebral dominance (handedness) on cardiovascular responses such as heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) indices to autonomic stressor tests in the left and right hander adolescents. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the differences in cardiovascular responses in the left and right handers to autonomic stressor tests. Materials and Methods: The present cross-sectional study was conducted in 35 right and 35 left hander students of age group 16–20 years. Autonomic stressor tests used in the study were handgrip dynamometry and cold pressor test (CPT). Results: The right and left handers had similar baseline values of BP and HR. All the subjects responded to Autonomic function tests by increased BP and HR from baseline. The absolute BP values and change in BP from baseline were significantly higher in the left than right handers both during and after the tests. HR values showed significant differences in peak values during both the tests. Visual analog score was similar during CPT in both groups. Conclusion: The HR and BP responses to autonomic stressor tests are higher in the left handers than right handers supports the fact that the right hemisphere has more influence on sympathetic activity of heart.

Vive (El Alto) ; 4(12)dic. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390552


Resumen El cáncer infantil comprende diferentes y numerosos tipos de tumores que se desarrollan en niños y adolescentes de 0 a 19 años, cuyos efectos secundarios en su mayoría, derivan de los tratamientos recibidos y pueden persistir durante el tiempo. Objetivo. Determinar el impacto del cáncer en la condición física y calidad de vida en niños, niñas y adolescentes. Materiales y métodos. De enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, con alcance descriptivo y relacional, posee un diseño no experimental de corte transversal, una muestra poblacional de 104 pacientes de ambos sexos y en edades de 5 a 18 años. Resultados. Predomina el sexo masculino y la edad promedio del grupo está entre los 9 y 12 años, siendo la Leucemia linfoblástica aguda la de mayor incidencia; se muestra déficit en la fuerza muscular, flexibilidad, predominio de fatiga y escasa o nula actividad física. Conclusión. El análisis de este estudio y sus conclusiones, se puede evidenciar que existen diferentes estados de bienestar y que su condición física se puede ver influenciada por el tipo cáncer, duración y tratamiento recibido, lo cual trae como consecuencia en ellos, una marcada baja en su funcionabilidad y por ende impacto en la ejecución e integración de sus actividades de la vida diaria y calidad de vida.

Abstract Childhood cancer comprises different and numerous types of tumors that develop in children and adolescents from 0 to 19 years of age, the majority of which side effects derive from the treatments received and can persist over time. Objective: To determine the impact of cancer on the physical condition and quality of life in children and adolescents. Materials and methods: With a qualitative-quantitative approach, with a descriptive and relational scope, it has a non-experimental cross-sectional design, a population sample of 104 patients of both sexes and ages 5 to 18 years. Results: males predominate and the average age of the group is between 9 and 12 years old, with acute lymphoblastic leukemia the one with the highest incidence; It shows a deficit in muscular strength, flexibility, a predominance of fatigue and little or no physical activity. Conclusion: The analysis of this study and its conclusions, it can be evidenced that there are different states of well-being and that their physical condition can be influenced by the type of cancer, duration and treatment received, which results in a marked decrease in its functionality and therefore impact on the execution and integration of its activities of daily life and quality of life.

Resumo O câncer infantil compreende diferentes e numerosos tipos de tumores que se desenvolvem em crianças e adolescentes de 0 a 19 anos, a maioria dos quais efeitos colaterais são decorrentes dos tratamentos recebidos e podem persistir ao longo do tempo. Objetivo. Determinar o impacto do câncer na condição física e na qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes. Materiais e métodos. Com abordagem qualitativo-quantitativa, com abrangência descritiva e relacional, tem desenho transversal não experimental, amostra populacional de 104 pacientes de ambos os sexos e idades de 5 a 18 anos. Resultados. o sexo masculino predomina e a idade média do grupo está entre 9 e 12 anos, sendo a leucemia linfoblástica aguda a de maior incidência; Apresenta déficit de força muscular, flexibilidade, predomínio de fadiga e pouca ou nenhuma atividade física. Conclusão. A análise deste estudo e suas conclusões, pode ser evidenciado que existem diferentes estados de bem-estar e que sua condição física pode ser influenciada pelo tipo de câncer, duração e tratamento recebido, o que resulta em uma diminuição acentuada do sua funcionalidade e, portanto, impactam na execução e integração de suas atividades de vida diária e na qualidade de vida.

Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 39(176): 24-31, ago. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1375255


Introducción: en la Fibrosis Quística (FQ) el compromiso pancreático, la malabsorción, la inflamación crónica de bajo grado, el aumento del gasto energético por el trabajo respiratorio y el desarrollo de diabetes relacionada con FQ (DRFQ) predisponen a la desnutrición, siendo el seguimiento nutricional parte fundamental del tratamiento. Objetivos: evaluar el estado nutricional de pacientes con FQ en un centro de adultos en la primera consulta del 2019. Evaluar asociación entre la fuerza muscular (FM) con otros parámetros nutricionales y con la función pulmonar. Materiales y método: estudio transversal, observacional, en 30 pacientes. La FM se evaluó con dinamómetro digital. Para determinar masa grasa y masa muscular se utilizó pliegue tricipital y circunferencia muscular braquial. Para función pulmonar: volumen espiratorio forzado (VEF1). Análisis estadístico con programa SPSS 20.0: Chi-cuadrado y T-Student (p<0.05). Resultados: mediana de edad 22 años (RIQ = 19,75; 27,25), 36,7% mujeres. El 76,7% tenía insuficiencia pancreática exocrina (IPE), de ellos 39,1% DRFQ. Del total, 30% presentó FM disminuida. Si bien el 80% tenía índice de masa corporal (IMC) ≥18,5 kg/m2, sólo el 20% alcanzó un IMC deseable. 50% presentó masa muscular disminuida y 46,7% masa grasa disminuida. Se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la FM y las siguientes variables: masa muscular (p=0,001); bajo peso (p=0,001); DRFQ (p=0,008) (OR:12, IC 95% 1,89 - 76,15) y masa grasa (p=0,046) (OR:7, IC 95% 1,14-42,96). Menor VEF1 (p=0,017) y menor IMC (p=0,002) se asociaron con FM. No se halló asociación estadísticamente significativa entre FM e IPE. Conclusión: la FM disminuida en pacientes con FQ es frecuente y se relacionó con masa muscular y adiposa disminuidas, bajo peso, DRFQ y función pulmonar. Hacen falta más estudios, obteniendo datos comparables del estado nutricional en centros de atención especializados. La evaluación nutricional es parte del seguimiento integral, realizarla de manera exhaustiva y protocolizada, incluyendo análisis de composición corporal y FM resulta de gran importancia para la toma de decisiones.

Introduction: in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) the pancreatic involvement, malabsorption, chronic inflammation, increased energy expenditure due to respiratory work, and the development of CF-Related Diabetes (CFRD) predispose to malnutrition, thus nutritional monitoring is essential. Objectives: to assess the nutritional status of CF patients in an adult center at the first medical appointment in 2019. To evaluate the association between muscular strength (MS) and other nutritional parameters and pulmonary function. Materials and method: cross-sectional, observational, in 30 patients. MS was evaluated with digital dynamometer. Triceps skinfold and arm muscle circumference were used to determine adipose mass and muscle mass. For pulmonary function: forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1). Statistical analysis with SPSS 20.0 program: Chi-square and T-Student (p <0.05). Results: median age of 22 years old (IQR= 19,75; 27,25), 36,7% women. 76,7% had exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), of which 39,1% CFRD. Of the total, 30% presented decreased MS. Although 80% had body mass index (BMI) ≥18,5kg/m2, only 20% reached a desirable BMI. 50% presented decreased muscle mass and 46,7% decreased adipose mass. A statistically significant association was found between MS and the following variables: muscle mass (p=0,001); low weight (p=0,001); CFRD (p=0,008) (OR:12, CI 95% 1,89; 76,15) and adipose mass (p=0,046) (OR:7, CI 95% 1,14; 42,96). Lower FEV1 (p=0.017) and lower BMI (p=0.002) were associated with MS. No statistically significant association was found between decreased MS and EPI. Conclusion: decreased MS in CF patients is common and was associated with decreased muscle and adipose mass, low weight, CFRD, and pulmonary function. More studies are needed, so as to obtain comparable data on the nutritional status in specialized care centers. Nutritional assessment is an integral part of monitoring; carrying it out exhaustively and protocolized, including body composition analysis and MS is of great importance for decision making.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Fibrosis Quística , Pacientes , Evaluación Nutricional , Fuerza Muscular
Rev. bras. ortop ; 55(6): 681-686, Nov.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156186


Abstract Objective The present study aims to measure the incidence of overload injuries in training soldiers, who are subjected to intense physical exercise, and to compare it with a control group. Next, it intends to verify whether there is any relationship between overload injuries and some neuromuscular function parameters. Methods Analytical, prospective observational study. Both the observational and the control group consisted of soldiers from the Portuguese Army. Clinical evaluation was performed by medical interview in the week prior to the beginning of a military parachuting course and in the week immediately after its completion. The neuromuscular performance was assessed by isokinetic dynamometry during the medical interview. Results With 44 of the 57 military personnel in training complaining of pain, the observational group had significantly more injuries than the control group (p< 0.001). Five complaints had traumatic origin and 39 were overload injuries. Of the 39 military personnel with overload injuries, 21 reported limited sports performance. However, isokinetic dynamometry showed no statistically significant differences in neuromuscular performance (p = 0.223 and p = 0.229). Conclusion Military personnel in training are prone to overload injuries, with an incidence rate > 70%. The implementation of strategies for injury monitoring and prevention is critical to promote health and physical capacity.

Resumo Objetivo Os autores pretendem medir a incidência de lesões de sobrecarga em militares em formação, que são submetidos a exercício físico intenso, e compará-la com um grupo controle. Posteriormente, pretende-se verificar se existe alguma relação entre a ocorrência de lesões de sobrecarga e alguns parâmetros da função neuromuscular. Métodos Estudo observacional prospectivo analítico. Grupo de observação e grupo controle constituídos por militares do Exército Português. A avaliação clínica foi feita por entrevista médica na semana que antecede o início do curso de paraquedismo militar e na semana imediatamente após o final do curso. Em simultâneo com a entrevista médica, foi realizada a avaliação da performance neuromuscular através da dinamometria isocinética. Resultados Com 44 dos 57 militares em formação a referir queixas álgicas, o grupo de observação apresentou significativamente mais lesões que o grupo controle (p < 0.001). Cinco queixas foram de origem traumática e 39 foram lesões de sobrecarga. Dos 39 militares com lesões de sobrecarga, 21 referiram limitação do rendimento esportivo. No entanto, na avaliação por dinamometria isocinética, não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas na evolução da performance neuromuscular (p = 0.223 e p = 0.229). Conclusão Os militares em formação são indivíduos propensos a sofrerem lesões de sobrecarga, tendo-se obtido uma taxa de incidência de lesões de sobrecarga na ordem dos 70%. A implementação de estratégias de monitoração e prevenção das lesões são fundamentais na promoção da saúde e da capacidade física.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Dolor , Aviación , Pesos y Medidas , Heridas y Lesiones , Grupos Control , Incidencia , Prevención de Enfermedades , Rendimiento Atlético , Promoción de la Salud , Personal Militar , Actividad Motora
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 18(3): 367-371, dez 20, 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359172


Introdução: cerca de 5% da população brasileira pratica corrida de rua, e a falta de preparo físico das pessoas para esse esporte contribui para o aumento no índice de lesões, sendo o joelho uma das articulações mais acometidas. Sabendo que os parâmetros musculares interferem diretamente no desempenho e que a destreza de membros pode suscitar inferências relativas ao aumento de força no membro dominante, torna-se importante avaliar a força e a relação de equilíbrio muscular do joelho destes atletas tanto no membro dominante quanto no contralateral. Objetivo: verificar o equilíbrio muscular dos extensores e flexores de joelho dominante e não dominante em corredores recreacionais. Metodologia: foram incluídos 111 indivíduos com idade entre 18 e 65 anos, de ambos os sexos, praticantes de corrida há pelo menos 4 meses contínuos, sem histórico de lesão nos últimos 3 meses. Os participantes foram entrevistados e encaminhados para a coleta da força muscular isocinética dos grupos extensor e flexor do joelho com protocolo de 60°/s, 180°/s e 300°/s. As variáveis de interesse estudadas foram: membro dominante, tempo de prática de corrida, torque máximo, trabalho total e potência. Foram calculados os Índices de Deficiência Muscular (IDM) sendo admitido como referencial de equilíbrio até 10% na diferença entre os membros. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal da Bahia, sob parecer de nº 2.621.166. Resultados: o IDM indicou que 54,1% dos extensores de joelho estavam equilibrados e que 55,9% dos flexores de joelho encontravam-se numa relação de desequilíbrio muscular. Conclusão: a dominância de membros não é um fator ligado ao desequilíbrio de forças no membro inferior. Este achado de desequilíbrio de força entre joelhos pode estar ligado à predisposição de lesão e deve orientar as equipes multiprofissionais de saúde a definir um trabalho preventivo de treinamento muscular e esportivo.

Introduction: about 5% of the Brazilian population practices street running and the lack of physical fitness for this sport contributes to the increase in the injury rate, with the knee being one of the most affected joints. Knowing that muscle parameters directly interfere performance and that limb dexterity may lead to inferences regarding strength increase in the dominant limb, it is important to evaluate the strength and balance ratio of these athletes' knee in both dominant and contralateral limbs. Objective: to verify muscle balance of dominant and non-dominant knee extensors and flexors in recreational runners. Methodology: 111 individuals aged between 18 and 65 years old, male and female, who have been running for at least 4 continuous months, with no history of injury in the last 3 months, were included. Participants were interviewed and referred for the collection of isokinetic muscle strength of the knee extensor and flexor groups with a protocol of 60°/s, 180°/s and 300°/s. The variables of interest studied were: dominant limb, running practice time, maximum torque, total work and power. Muscle deficiency indices (MDI) were calculated and accepted as a balance reference up to 10% in the difference between the limbs. The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Institute of Health Sciences of the Federal University of Bahia, under technical advice no 2.621.166. Results: the MDI indicated that 54.1% of the knee extensors were balanced and 55.9% of the knee flexors were in a muscular imbalance ratio. Conclusion: limb dominance is not a factor related to lower limb imbalance of forces. This finding of strength imbalance between knees may be associated to injury predisposition and should guide multidisciplinary health teams to define preventive work on muscle and sports training

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Fuerza Muscular , Rodilla
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 27(1): 11-17, jan.-mar.2019. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-997640


A Força de Preensão Manual (FPM) é uma medida bastante utilizada na prática clínica como um indicador de saúde, por representar a força muscular global. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os coeficientes de concordância entre dinamometria e diferentes equações antropométricas preditoras da força de preensão manual em idosos. Trata-se de um estudo transversal baseado nos dados da pesquisa epidemiológica de base populacional e domiciliar. Participaram do estudo 283 (85,8%) idosos, residentes na zona urbana do município de Lafaiete Coutinho, com idade > 60 anos. A força de preensão manual foi mensurada por meio da dinamometria e estimada por diferentes equações antropométricas: Tveter et al., Novaes et al., e Fortes et al. As medidas antropométricas utilizadas no estudo foram: peso e estatura. O coeficiente de Lin e os gráficos de Bland Altman foram usados para observar concordância da FPM entre as equações. A média de idade dos idosos foi de 73,8±8,9 anos, peso corporal 60,11 ± 12,54 Kg, estatura média foi 154,83 ± 9,1 cm e IMC 25,05 ± 4,7 kg/m2 . Para os coeficientes houve moderada concordância nas equações antropométricas de Fortes 0,62 (0,55 ­ 0,68), Novaes 0,60 (0,53 ­ 0,66) e Tveter 0,60 (0,53 ­ 0,65) comparada a dinamometria, respectivamente. As equações antropométricas utilizadas para estimar a força de preensão manual apresentaram moderada concordância com o método padrão ouro (dinamometria)....(AU)

The handgrip strength (HGS) is a measure widely used in clinical practice as a health indicator, to represent the overall muscle strength. The aim this study was to analyze the concordance coefficients between dynamometry and different anthropometric equations predictor handgrip strength of elderly. This is a cross-sectional study that analyzed data from epidemiological research of a home and population-based epidemiological survey. Participated in the study 283 (85,8%) elderly people, living in the urban área of the municipality of Lafaiete Coutinho, aged > 60 years. Handgrip strength was measured using dynamometry and different anthropometric equations: Tveter et al., Novaes et al., and Fortes et al. Anthropometric measurements used in the study were: weight and height. The Lin coefficient and the Bland Altman graphics were used to observe the HGS concordance between the different equations. The mean age of the elderly was 73.8 ± 8.9 years, mean body weight was 60.11 ± 12.54 kg, mean height was 154.83 ± 9.1 cm and BMI 25.05 ± 4.7 kg/m2 . For the coefficients there was moderate concordance in the anthropometric equations of Fortes 0,62 (0,55 ­ 0,68), Novaes 0,60 (0,53 ­ 0,66) e Tveter 0,60 (0,53 ­ 0,65) compared to dynamometry, respectively. The anthropometric equations used to estimate the handgrip strength showed moderate concordance with the gold standard test (dynamometry)....(AU)

Humanos , Anciano , Antropometría , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico
Actual. osteol ; 14(3): 178-183, sept. - dic. 2018. graf.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049692


Para analizar el impacto directo de la musculatura sobre la estructura ósea se determinaron el área (CtA), la densidad mineral ósea volumétrica (vDMOc) y los momentos de inercia corticales para flexión anteroposterior y lateral (MIap, MIlat) ajustados a CtA, y las relaciones entre MI y vDMOc (de Ê»distribución/calidadʼ, d/c, que describen la eficiencia de la optimización biomecánica del diseño cortical por el mecanostato) en 18 cortes seriados a lo largo de todo el peroné del lado hábil (pQCT), y la fuerza de salto y de rotación externa del pie (dinamometría computarizada) de 22 hombres sanos de 18 a 33 años entrenados en fútbol competitivo por más de 4 años, y de 9 controles etarios no entrenados. Los entrenados tuvieron valores más altos de MI en función de la fuerza de rotación del pie (no de salto), con un ajuste homogéneo para MIap pero variable (más pobre distalmente y más alto proximalmente, en la región de inserción de los peroneos) para MIlat, coincidiendo este último con pobres ajustes de las relaciones d/c (efecto arquitectónico independiente de la rigidez del tejido). Esto evidencia la influencia directa de la tracción de la musculatura peronea sobre la estructura cortical proximal subyacente del hueso y también sugiere que el mecanostato procedería, en este caso, fuera de su conocida concepción como mecanismo regulatorio de la resistencia ósea. (AU)

To analyze the direct impact of muscle contractions on the structure of bones, we determined the cortical cross-sectional area (CtA), volumetric mineral density (vBMDc) and the CtA-adjusted moments of inertia for anterior-posterior and lateral bending (MIap, MIlat), and the ʻdistribution/qualityʼ (d/c) relationships between MIs and vBMDc (which describe the efficiency of the biomechanical optimization of cortical design by bone mechanostat) in 18 serial scans taken throughout the fibula of the dominant side (pQCT), and the jump and the foot-lateral-rotation forces (computed dynamometry) of 22 healthy men aged 18-33 years, who had been trained in competitive soccer for more than 4 years, and of 9 untrained, agematched controls. Trained individuals showed higher MI values as a function of the rotative force of the foot (not the jumping force). The adjustment of these relationships was homogeneous for MIap throughout the bone, but variable (poorer distally and higher proximally, at the insertion area of peroneus muscles) for MIlat, this latter being paralleled by poor adjustments of the corresponding, d/c relationships (architectural effect independent of tissue stiffness). These findings,1. Show the direct influence of the traction force of peroneal muscles on proximal fibula structure close to the insertion area, and 2. Suggest that, in the studied conditions, the bone mechanostat would proceed beyond its known conception as a regulatory mechanism of structural bone strength. (AU)

Peroné/fisiopatología , Sistema Musculoesquelético/diagnóstico por imagen , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Musculoesqueléticos , Fútbol , Fenómenos Biomecánicos/fisiología , Huesos/fisiopatología , Ejercicio Físico , Fracturas Óseas/prevención & control , Peroné/anatomía & histología , Pie/diagnóstico por imagen , Músculos/fisiopatología
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 17(3): 350-353, nov 19, 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1247798


Objetivo: avaliar a precisão de medidas de força muscular isométrica máxima, realizadas através da dinamometria manual isométrica dos músculos responsáveis por movimentos do quadril. Metodologia: foi realizado um teste de força da musculatura do quadril em 10 voluntários saudáveis. Todos eles realizaram três repetições de força isométrica máxima, com intervalo de 15 segundos entre elas. A análise dos dados foi feita através do Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI) oneway, tipo consistência. Resultados: o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI), para todos os grupos musculares, ficou acima de 0,9, o que significa resultados excelentes de concordância entre as medidas. Conclusão: para o teste de dinamometria manual descrito, resultados similares foram encontrados entre a primeira, a segunda e a terceira medida realizada. Dessa forma, podemos dizer que o avaliador é capacitado para a realização dessa avaliação. Além disso, a presença de resultados consistentes em todas as três medidas significa que qualquer uma delas poderá ser utilizada para análises estatísticas posteriores.

Objective: evaluate the accuracy of maximum isometric muscle strength measurements carried out by isometric manual dynamometry of muscles responsible for movement of the hip. Methodology: a test of strength of the muscles of the hip was conducted in 10 healthy volunteers. All of them performed 3 repetitions of maximum isometric strength, with an interval of 15 seconds between them. Data analysis was made by using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) one-way type consistency. Results: the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for all muscle groups stayed above 0.9, which means excellent results of concordance between measures. Conclusion: for the described manual dynamometry test, similar results have been found among the first, second and third measure. In this way, we can say that the evaluator is able to carry out this evaluation. In addition, the presence of consistent results on all three measures means that any one of them could be used for subsequent statistical analyses

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Fuerza Muscular/fisiología , Dinamómetro de Fuerza Muscular
Actual. osteol ; 14(2): 125-147, Mayo - Ago. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116310


En consonancia con la orientación tradicional de nuestras investigaciones, la Osteología está incorporando progresivamente el análisis estructural-biomecánico óseo y las interacciones músculo-esqueléticas. En este artículo se sintetizan los aportes originales del CEMFoC a la Osteología moderna en el terreno biomecánico en forma didáctica, para que el lector aprecie sus posibles aplicaciones clínicas. Los hallazgos aportaron evidencias sucesivas en apoyo de dos proposiciones fundamentales: a) los huesos deben interpretarse como estructuras resistivas, biológicamente servocontroladas ("Los huesos tienden siempre a mantener un factor de seguridad que permite al cuerpo trabajar normalmente sin fracturarse" ­ Paradigma de Utah) y b) los huesos interactúan con su entorno mecánico, determinado principalmente por las contracciones musculares, en forma subordinada al entorno metabólico ("Los huesos son lo que los músculos quieren que sean, siempre que las hormonas lo permitan"). Los avances producidos se refieren, tanto cronológica como didácticamente, al conocimiento osteológico en general y al desarrollo de recursos novedosos para el diagnóstico no invasivo de fragilidad ósea, para distinguir entre osteopenias y osteoporosis, y para discriminar entre sus etiologías 'mecánica' y 'sistémica'. Finalmente, el nuevo conocimiento se integra en la proposición de un algoritmo diagnóstico para osteopenias y osteoporosis. El espíritu general de la presentación destaca que la evaluación osteomuscular dinámicamente integrada genera un nuevo espacio de análisis personalizado de los pacientes para la atención de cualquier osteopatía fragilizante con criterio biomecánico. (AU)

In consonance with the traditional spirit of our studies, skeletal research is being progressively focused on the structural-biomechanical analysis of bone and the muscle-bone interactions. In this article, the CEMFoC's members summarize their original findings in bone biomechanics and their potential clinical applications. These findings provided evidence supporting two fundamental hypotheses, namely, A. bones constitute resistive structures, which are biologically servo-controlled ('Bones tend to maintain a safety factor which allows the body to function normally avoiding fractures' ­ the 'Utah paradigm'), and B. the interactions of bones with their mechanical environment mainly are determined by the contraction of local muscles - 'bone-muscle units'), and are subordinated to the control of the metabolic environment ('Bones are what muscles wish them to be, provided that hormones allow for it'). The achievements in the field are presented in a chronological and didactical sequence concerning the general knowledge in Osteology and the development of novel resources for non-invasive diagnosis of bone fragility, aiming to distinguish between osteopenias and osteoporosis and the 'mechanical' and 'metabolic' etiology of these conditions. Finally, the integrated new knowledge is presented as supporting for a proposed diagnostic algorithm for osteopenias and osteoporosis. In general terms, the article highlights the dynamic evaluation of the musculoskeletal system as a whole, opening a new diagnostic field for a personalized evaluation of the patients affected by a boneweakening disease, based on functional and biomechanical criteria. (AU)

Humanos , Animales , Ratas , Huesos/diagnóstico por imagen , Osteología/tendencias , Sistema Musculoesquelético/diagnóstico por imagen , Osteogénesis Imperfecta/diagnóstico por imagen , Osteoporosis/etiología , Osteoporosis/diagnóstico por imagen , Hormona Paratiroidea/administración & dosificación , Hormona Paratiroidea/uso terapéutico , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Huesos/anatomía & histología , Huesos/metabolismo , Enfermedades Óseas Metabólicas/etiología , Enfermedades Óseas Metabólicas/diagnóstico por imagen , Algoritmos , Calcitonina/uso terapéutico , Colecalciferol/farmacología , Hormona de Crecimiento Humana/uso terapéutico , Difosfonatos/farmacología , Glucocorticoides/efectos adversos , Glucocorticoides/farmacología , Sistema Musculoesquelético/anatomía & histología , Sistema Musculoesquelético/metabolismo
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 29: e2925, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-954483


ABSTRACT Joint shoulder injuries are quite common in volleyball athletes. Studies suggest that muscle imbalance between the internal and external rotator muscles of the shoulder may be related to such lesions. The objective of this study was to compare the concentric torque peaks (PT) of external and internal rotators of the shoulder in volleyball players with (HL) and without history of injuries in joint shoulder (SH). Participated of present study 21 male volleyball players (age: 17.2 ± 1.96 years, height: 183.6 ± 6.63 cm, weight: 75.1 ± 11.50 kg, fat: 13.4 ± 2, 77%) divided into 2 groups: HL (n = 8); SH (n = 13). Two series of 5 maximal concentric repetitions of internal (RI) and external rotation (RE) of the shoulder were performed at speeds of 60 and 180 °·s for later calculation of the conventional ratio PT concentric for RE at both velocities evaluated (60 and 180 °·s) were significantly higher for the HL group. PT concentric in RI was higher compared to RE in both groups. Only the conventional rate at 60°·s was significantly higher for HL players. It is concluded that athletes with a history of shoulder injury present muscular imbalance, and this factor can be considered an aspect that has led to the appearance of the injury event.

RESUMO Lesões articulares no ombro são bastante comuns em atletas de voleibol. Estudos sugerem que o desequilíbrio muscular entre os músculos rotadores internos e externos do ombro podem estar relacionados a tais lesões. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os picos de torque (PT) concêntricos de rotadores externos e internos do ombro em jogadores de voleibol com (HL) e sem histórico (SH). Participaram 21 jogadores de voleibol do sexo masculino (idade: 17,2±1,96 anos; estatura: 183,6±6,63 cm; peso: 75,1±11,50 kg; gordura: 13,4±2,77%) divididos em 2 grupos: HL (n=8); SH (n=13). Foram realizadas duas séries de 5 repetições concêntricas de rotação interna (RI) e externa (RE) do ombro nas velocidades de 60 e 180°·s para posterior cálculo das razões convencionais. O PT concêntrico para RE em ambas velocidades avaliadas (60 e 180°·s) foram significativamente superiores para o grupo HL. O PT concêntrico na RI foi maior comparado a RE em ambos os grupos. Apenas a razão convencional à 60º/s, foi significativamente maior para jogadores HL. Conclui-se que os atletas com histórico de lesão de ombro apresentam desequilíbrio muscular, podendo este fator ser considerado um aspecto que tenha levado ao aparecimento do evento lesivo.

Humanos , Rehabilitación , Hombro , Deportes , Dinamómetro de Fuerza Muscular , Voleibol
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 48(4): e20170532, 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045110


ABSTRACT: The objective of this research was to predict, from dynamometric tests, the traction performance of agricultural tractors, without the need to employ the standard official tests carried out on concrete tracks. The evaluations were conducted at the experimental area of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, where an instrumented agricultural tractor was subjected to dynamic field traction tests and static tests in the laboratory, using an eddy currents dynamometer. It can be verified through the correlation analysis between the values obtained and the estimated values that, based on the prediction equations, a high correlation (r² = 0.99) was obtained between the power observed in the field and the estimated power obtained using dynamometric tests. Based on the analysis of the results obtained in this study, it can be stated that the traction performance of an agricultural tractor can be estimated from dynamometric tests. We concluded that the dynamic field tests can be replaced by static tests carried out in laboratories, which are generally less expensive.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi prever, a partir de testes dinamométricos, o desempenho em tração de tratores agrícolas, sem a necessidade de recorrer aos ensaios oficiais normalizados realizados em pistas de concreto. As avaliações foram conduzidas em área experimental, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, onde um trator agrícola instrumentado foi submetido a testes dinâmicos de tração, em superfície de campo e testes estáticos, em laboratório, utilizando-se freio dinamométrico elétrico, de correntes de Foucault. Pode-se verificar por meio da análise de correlação entre os valores obtidos e os valores estimados que, com base nas equações de predição, obteve-se alta correlação (r² = 0,99) entre a potência observada em campo e a potência estimada, a partir dos testes dinamométricos. Com base nas análises dos resultados obtidos neste estudo, pode-se afirmar que o desempenho em tração de um trator agrícola pode ser estimado a partir de testes dinamométricos. Conclui-se que, os ensaios dinâmicos em campo podem ser substituídos por ensaios estáticos, realizados em laboratórios, que em geral são menos onerosos.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-658182


Objective To quantitatively assess the lower extremity muscle strength of the elderly. Methods From December, 2016 to March, 2017, 50 old subjects were enrolled. The evaluation indexes of lower extremity muscle strength of the elderly were determined as hip abductors, hip adductors, hip extensors, hip flexors, knee extensors, knee flexors, ankle dorsiflexors and ankle plantarflexors with the hand-held dynamometry. The data of 50 subjects were collected and the grey relational analysis model was used to make the decision and evaluation. The grading criteria for lower limb muscle strength of the elderly were given by Manual Muscle Test. Results Totally, 13 elderly subjects were well-matched, and the other 37 subjects were mildly disordered. Conclusion Based on the need for quantitative assessment of muscle strength of the lower limbs in the elderly, an objective evaluation model of the lower extremity muscle strength of the elderly was es-tablished, which facilitated to grade the elderly lower extremity muscle strength and then to carry out different rehabilitation guidance.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-616547


As the manual muscle testing is not sensitive enough to reflect the change of muscle strength, more and more people begin to use isokinetic dynamometry and handheld dynamometer for quantitative tests of muscle strength measurement. This paper briefly introduced the history of clinical approaches of muscle strength measurement, compared the advantages and disadvantages of various quantitative mus-cle strength testing, on which the specific techniques of clinical muscle strength measurement were discussed.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-660997


Objective To quantitatively assess the lower extremity muscle strength of the elderly. Methods From December, 2016 to March, 2017, 50 old subjects were enrolled. The evaluation indexes of lower extremity muscle strength of the elderly were determined as hip abductors, hip adductors, hip extensors, hip flexors, knee extensors, knee flexors, ankle dorsiflexors and ankle plantarflexors with the hand-held dynamometry. The data of 50 subjects were collected and the grey relational analysis model was used to make the decision and evaluation. The grading criteria for lower limb muscle strength of the elderly were given by Manual Muscle Test. Results Totally, 13 elderly subjects were well-matched, and the other 37 subjects were mildly disordered. Conclusion Based on the need for quantitative assessment of muscle strength of the lower limbs in the elderly, an objective evaluation model of the lower extremity muscle strength of the elderly was es-tablished, which facilitated to grade the elderly lower extremity muscle strength and then to carry out different rehabilitation guidance.

Rev. nefrol. diál. traspl ; 36(3): 163-169, jul.-sept. 2016. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1006175


INTRODUCCIÓN: La dinamometría es un método de evaluación de la fuerza muscular (FM) reproducible, barato y sencillo, que en conjunto con otras determinaciones presenta alta sensibilidad y especificidad en la detección precoz de variaciones en el estado nutricional. OBJETIVOS: Evaluar factores relacionados con disminución de la FM en pacientes en hemodiálisis (HD).MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, unicéntrico. Se analizaron variables clínicas: sexo, edad, tensión arterial, peso, pérdida de peso significativa a los 3 y 6 meses previos, índice de masa corporal (IMC), ganancia interdialítica, tiempo en HD, condición de diabético, ingesta energética y proteica, de laboratorio (hemoglobina, hepatograma, ionograma, calcio, fósforo, lipidograma, proteinograma, transferrina) y fuerza prensil (pre y posdiálisis y en ambos brazos) medida por dinamometría. Se compararon los valores de FM con los de una población sana, considerando como alterados aquellos por debajo del percentilo 10. Se consideró promedio, mediana, desvío estándar y análisis mediante test de Student y Chi cuadrado según correspondiera. Se consideró significativo una p<0.05. RESULTADOS: Participaron 73 pacientes. Un 47.95% presentó baja FM con una significativa disminución de fuerza entre el brazo del acceso vascular y el contralateral (p 0,00019). De las variables estudiadas, el mayor tiempo en HD (p 0,026), menor IMC (p 0,046) tuvieron diferencia significativa entre los que tuvieron FM normal vs disminuida. Conclusiones: La disminución de la FM en pacientes en HD es muy frecuente y se relacionó con mayor tiempo en HD y menor IMC

INTRODUCTION: Dynamometry is a cheap, simple and easily reproduced method to assess muscle strength (MS), which, like other processes of obtaining measurements, displays high sensitivity and specificity for the early detection of any change in the nutritional status. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate factors concerning the reduction in MS in patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD). METHODS: A single center, cross-sectional study was carried out. The following clinical variables were analyzed: sex, age, blood pressure, weight, significant weight loss within the last 3 6 months, body mass index (BMI), weight gain in between dialysis sessions, hemodialysis treatment time, diabetes, energy and protein intake. Other factors taken into account were: laboratory findings (hemoglobin, hepatogram, electrolyte panel, calcium test, phosphate test, lipid profile, protein analysis, transferrin saturation) and hand grip strength (before and after dialysis, on both arms) measured through dynamometry. The patients' muscle strength values were compared to those of healthy subjects. Values below the 10th percentile were regarded as abnormal. Mean, median, standard deviation as well as the X2 and the Student's t tests were considered where applicable. A p<0.05 constituted a significant value. RESULTS: There were 73 patients included in this study and 47.95% of them showed low MS with significant strength loss on the arm having the vascular access when compared to the other arm (p 0.00019). A longer hemodialysis treatment time (p 0.026) and a lower BMI (p 0.046) were found to be the two variables with the highest impact on MS. CONCLUSIONS: Muscle strength loss in patients undergoing hemodialysis is very common and is associated with a longer HD treatment time and a lower BMI

Humanos , Evaluación Nutricional , Dinamización Mecánica , Pronóstico Clínico Dinámico Homeopático , Fuerza Muscular , Dinamómetro de Fuerza Muscular , Diálisis Renal
MedicalExpress (São Paulo, Online) ; 2(2)Mar.-Apr. 2015. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-776664


OBJECTIVE: In this study, we compare muscular strength of the internal rotators and adductors of the shoulder between asymmetrical (backstroke and freestyle) and symmetrical (breaststroke and butterfly) swimming strokes. METHOD: We evaluated: shoulders of (a) asymmetrical swimmers (aged 21.8 ± 3.8 years), (b) symmetrical swimmers (aged 20.3 ± 4.5 years), (c) recreational swimmers (aged 24.5 ± 4.5 years), and (d) control individuals (aged 25.8 ± 3.5 years). All evaluations were performed on a Biodex® isokinetic dynamometer at velocities of 60° and 300°/second. Adduction and internal rotation movements were evaluated. The variables studied were peak torque corrected for body weight (PTQ/BW), total work (TW) and the agonist/antagonist relationship. RESULTS: There were no differences in adductor strength between the symmetrical and asymmetrical swimmers regarding PTQ/BW (symmetrical: 114.4 Newto-meter vs. asymmetrical: 109.4 Newton-meter) and TW (symmetrical: 642.9 Joules; asymmetrical: 641.5 Joules). There was no difference in the abduction/adduction relationship between the symmetrical (67.4%) and asymmetrical (68.3%) swimmers. There was no difference in the internal rotator musculature between the symmetrical and asymmetrical swimmers regarding the variables PTQ/BW (symmetrical = 66.4 Newton-meter and asymmetrical = 63.4 Newton-meterm) and TW (symmetrical = 517.4 J and asymmetrical 526.7 J). There was no difference in the ratio of external to internal rotation of the shoulder between the symmetrical (65.7%) and asymmetrical (61.5%) swimmers. CONCLUSIONS: There were no differences in muscular strength in the adductor and internal rotator muscles of the shoulder between symmetrical and asymmetrical swimming strokes.

RESUMO OBJETIVO: Neste estudo, comparamos a força muscular dos músculos rotadores internos e dos adutores do ombro entre nadadores especializados em estilos assimétricos (costas e nado livre) e simétricos (nado peito e borboleta). MÉTODO: Foram avaliados: ombros de (a) nadadores assimétricos (com idade 21,8 ± 3,8 anos), (b) nadadores simétricas (com idade de 20,3 ± 4,5 anos), (c) nadadores recreativos (com idade de 24,5 ± 4,5 anos), e (d) indivíduos do grupo controle (idade 25,8 ± 3,5 anos). As avaliações foram realizadas em um dinamômetro isocinético Biodex® nas velocidades de 60° e 300° / segundo. Foram avaliados adução e movimentos de rotação interna. As variáveis estudadas foram o pico de torque corrigido para peso corporal (PTQ/BW), trabalho total (TT) e a relação agonista/antagonista. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças na força adutora entre os nadadores simétricos e assimétricos em relação PTQ/BW (simétricos: 114,4 newton-metro vs. assimétricos: 109,4 newton-metro) e TW (simétrica: 642,9 Joules; assimétrica: 641,5 Joules). Não houve diferença na relação abdução/adução entre nadadores simétricos (67,4%) e assimétricos (68,3%). Não houve diferença na musculatura rotadora interna entre o nadadores simétricos vs. assimétricos em relação às variáveis PTQ/BW (simétricos = 66,4 Newton-metro e assimétricos = 63,4 Newton-metro) e TW (simétricos = 517,4 J e assimétricos 526,7 J). Não houve diferença na relação de rotação externo para interno do ombro entre nadadores simétricos (65,7%) e assimétricos (61,5%). CONCLUSÕES: Não houve diferenças na força muscular dos músculos adutores e rotadores internos do ombro entre estilos de natação simétricos e assimétricos.

Humanos , Hombro , Natación , Torque , Fuerza Muscular , Dinamómetro de Fuerza Muscular
Rev. bras. eng. biomed ; 30(4): 312-321, Oct.-Dec. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-732830


INTRODUCTION: In the study of human biomechanics, it is often desirable to evaluate fatigue in the muscles that are involved in performing a particular task. Identifying the phenomena responsible for this condition is a problem that in most cases is complex and requires appropriate research mechanisms. Isokinetic dynamometry (ID) and surface electromyography (SEMG) are two techniques widely used in studies on strength and muscle fatigue. Their effectiveness is conditioned upon a good understanding of their limitations and the adoption of procedures to fully exploit the potential of each one. The main goal of the present study is to verify whether the electromyographic parameters, especially the conduction velocity (CV), are sensitive to the fatigue instauration process within sets of maximal isokinetic contractions. CV is a basic physiological parameter directly related to muscle activity and still little explored in experiments combining ID and SEMG. METHODS: Instrumentation architecture that combines ID and SEMG was used to estimate electromyographic and biomechanical parameters in protocols of maximum intensity isokinetic knee extension exercises. This architecture allows for limiting the parameter estimates to a specific region of isokinetic exercise, called the isokinetic load range (ILR), where one can consider that the angular velocity is constant and the SEMG signals are cyclo-stationary. Electromyographic signals were acquired using an array of electrodes. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that CV and the other SEMG parameters, including amplitude and frequency descriptors, are sensitive to detect a fatigue process only in protocols that restrict the analysis to ILR and that also bring the subject to a state of fatigue quickly.

Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 20(3): 317-324, Jul-Sep/2014. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-724007


Vastus lateralis (VL) and vastus medialis (VM) are frequently targeted in conditioning/rehabilitation programs due to their role in patellar stabilization during knee extension. This study assessed neural and muscular adaptations in these two muscles after an isokinetic eccentric training program. Twenty healthy men underwent a four-week control period followed by a 12-week period of isokinetic eccentric training. Ultrasound evaluations of VL and VM muscle thickness at rest and electromyographic evaluations during maximal isometric tests were used to assess the morphological and neural properties, respectively. No morphological and neural changes were found throughout the control period, whereas both muscles showed significant increases in thickness (VL = 6.9%; p < .001 and VM = 15.8%; p < .001) post-training. Significant increases in muscle activity were observed in VM (47.8%; p = .003), but not in VL (19.8%; p > .05) post-training. Isokinetic eccentric training produces neural and greater morphological adaptations in VM compared to VL, which shows that synergistic muscles respond differently to an eccentric isokinetic strength training program...

"Adaptações neurais e morfológicas dos músculos vasto lateral e vasto medial para treinamento isocinético excêntrico." Vasto lateral (VL) e vasto medial (VM) são comumente visados em programas de condicionamento/reabilitação devido ao seu papel na estabilização patelar durante a extensão do joelho. Este estudo avaliou as adaptações neurais e musculares nesses dois músculos após um programa de treinamento excêntrico em dinamômetro isocinético. Vinte homens saudáveis foram submetidos a um período controle de quatro semanas seguido de um período de 12 semanas de treinamento excêntrico isocinético. Avaliações de ultrassom da espessura muscular do VL e VM em repouso e avaliações eletromiográficas durante testes isométricos máximos foram utilizadas para acessar as propriedades morfológicas e neurais, respectivamente. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas no período controle para adaptações morfológicas e neurais, enquanto ambos os músculos mostraram incrementos significativos (VL = 6,9%; p < 0,001 e VM = 15,8%; p < 0,001) no pós-treino. Incrementos significativos na atividade muscular foram observados no VM (47,8%; p = 0,003), mas não no VL (19,8%; p > 0,05) no pós-treino. O treinamento excêntrico isocinético produziu adaptações neurais e maiores adaptações morfológicas no VM comparado ao VL, o que mostra que músculos sinergistas respondem de foram distinta a um programa de treinamento de força isocinético excêntrico...

"Adaptaciones neurales y morfológicas de los músculos vasto externo y vasto medial a entrenamiento isocinético excéntrico." Vasto lateral (VL) y vasto medial (VM) son señalados en los programas de acondicionamiento/rehabilitación debido a su papel en la estabilización de la rótula durante la extensión de la rodilla. Este estudio evaluó adaptaciones neurales y musculares en estos dos músculos después de un programa de entrenamiento excéntrico isocinético. Veinte hombres saludables fueron sometidos a un período de control de cuatro semanas, seguido de un período de 12 semanas de entrenamiento excéntrico isocinético. Se han usado las evaluaciones de ultrasonido de la espesor del músculo VL y VM en reposo y las evaluaciones electromiográficas durante las pruebas isométricas máximas para evaluar las propiedades morfológicas y neurales, respectivamente. No se observaron diferencias morfológicos y neurales significativas a lo del período de control, mientras que los dos músculos mostraron incrementos significativos en la espesor del músculo (VL = 6,9%, p < 0,001 y VM = 15,8%, p < 0,001) después de lo entrenamiento. Aumentos significativos en la actividad muscular se observaron en VM (47,8%, p = 0,003), pero no en VL (19,8 %, p > 0,05) después de lo entrenamiento. Entrenamiento excéntrico isocinético produce adaptaciones neurales y mayores adaptaciones morfológicas en VM en comparación con VL, lo que demuestra que los músculos sinérgicos responden de manera diferente a un programa de entrenamiento de fuerza isocinético excéntrico...

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Electromiografía , Articulación de la Rodilla , Músculos , Ultrasonido
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 21(2): 70-75, abr. 2014. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-717042


Propósito: El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la fiabilidad del pico torque obtenido conun protocolo de valoración de la fuerza isométrica de flexores y extensores de rodilla.Material y método: Un total de 16 mujeres con fibromialgia (FM) (edad 54,9 ± 12,1) participaronen este estudio. El diseño consistió en un test-retest de 12 semanas de duración y laevaluación del pico torque isométrico se realizó con un dinamómetro isocinético (Biodexsystem 3). La evaluación consistió en 3 acciones máximas de contracción isométrica de losmúsculos extensores y flexores de rodilla. Se calcularon los índices de fiabilidad relativa(mediante coeficiente de correlación intraclase o CCI) y absoluta (mediante error estándarde medida o SEM y mínima diferencia real o SRD).Resultados y conclusión: El pico torque isométrico evaluado a través del dinamómetro isocinéticoes replicable tanto para los flexores como para los extensores de la rodilla. Este estudio muestradatos sobre el mínimo cambio real del pico torque en acciones isométricas de los extensoresy flexores de rodilla, que pueden ayudar en la interpretación de los resultados obtenidos enterapias basadas en actividad física, en personas con FM, de varias semanas de duración.

Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the reliability of peak torque assessed using an isometric strength protocol of knee flexor and extensor muscles.Material and methods: A total of 16 women with Fibromyalgia (FM) (aged 54.9 ± 12.1) participated in this study. The design consisted of a 12-week test-retest, and isometric peak torque was assessed using an isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex system 3). The evaluation consisted of 3 maximal isometric contractions of knee extensor and flexor muscles. Relative intraclass correlation coefficient ICC) and absolute (standard error of measurement SEM and smallest real difference SRD) reliability indices were calculated.Result and conclusions: Isometric peak torque assessed using isokinetic dynamometer is reliable in knee flexor and extensor muscles. This study presents data on the smallest real difference of peak torque in isometric actions of knee flexor and extensor muscles, which can help interpreting results obtained in physical activity based therapies in individuals with FM of several weeks duration.

Humanos , Fibromialgia , Fuerza Muscular , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados