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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 88(1): e2023, 2025. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568855


ABSTRACT Purpose: To develop a simple, subjective, and reliable grading scale for isotretinoin-induced meibography changes. Methods: After analyzing meibography images obtained from systemic isotretinoin users, a grading scale was proposed and named "meibography health score." The score ranged from 1 to 3, with decreasing gland reflectivity and identifiable margins. A total of 11 medical professionals were asked to grade 10 meibography images obtained from isotretinoin users using the proposed scale and were divided into three groups: (A) ophthalmologists with experience with meibography, (B) ophthalmologists with no experience with meibography, and (C) radiologists. The kappa statistic was determined to test interrater reliability. Results: The overall kappa was approximately 0.64. The kappa scores for Groups A, B, and C were 0.78, 0.59, and 0.90, respectively. Grade 2 had the lowest kappa scores (0.62, 0.35, and 0.82 for A, B, and C, respectively) and grade 3 the highest (0.78, 0.90, and 1.0 for A, B and C, respectively). Furthermore, Group C had the highest kappa scores and Group B the lowest. Conclusion: The meibography health score exhibited good interrater reliability, particularly in severe cases.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569590


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Introduction: High blood pressure (HBP) is the leading cause of death from cardiovascular disease. Despite the advances, the percentage of undiagnosed and untreated hypertensive patients is 58.4%. The evaluation of cognitive damage in HBP focuses on preventing stroke, while functional damage is ignored. This inadequate management may be multifactorial. The objective was to analyze the opinions that doctors have about the relationship between high blood pressure and cognitive damage. Methodology: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study developed in the period between August 2020 and August 2023. Analysis of data obtained from a self-administered, anonymous and voluntary questionnaire. Revealing information on the professional profile, knowledge of HBP, its link with cognitive impairment (CD), diagnosis and treatment. Results: 222 professionals were included, 215 (96.8%) agree with the existence of a link between HBP and other cardiovascular risk factors in CD, and 218 (98.1%) acknowledge assisting patients at risk of suffering from CD. The CD evaluation is carried out in selected cases by 132 (59.4%) participants and 59 (26.7%) always do it. Of those who perform evaluation, 103 (54%) use the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), 10 (5.2%) use the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and 9 (4.7%) use the Clock Drawing Test. Regarding the decrease in blood pressure in elderly patients and the link with risk of CD: 54 (24.3%) do not recognize risk and 65 (29.2%) recognize a moderate-high risk. In reference to the implication of the treatment of cardiovascular disease and CD: 217 (97.7%) recognized a beneficial effect. Discussion: Given the recognition of the link between HBP and CD, it would be expected that CD would be investigated in the vast majority, however only 26.7% always evaluate it. There is no consensus on the method, the MMSE being the most used, with a low application of the MoCA test and/or Clock Drawing Test, the latter being the ones that evaluate executive function, mostly altered in CD linked to HBP. Although the treatment of cardiovascular disease is recognized as beneficial with respect to CD, the control of HBP in older adults is considered risky. A diagnosis is made of a situation where a disparity is evident between what one recognizes as knowing and what one claims to do. Conclusions: The role of vascular disease in functional brain damage is recognized, considering it necessary to know the cognitive status of patients, however there is a low application of screening tests that evaluate executive function. In this context, a gap between medical knowledge and practice is shown.

Introdução: A hipertensão arterial (HA) é a principal causa de morte por doenças cardiovasculares. Apesar dos avanços, o percentual de hipertensos não diagnosticados e não tratados é de 58,4%. A avaliação do dano cognitivo na hipertensão concentra-se na prevenção do acidente vascular cerebral, enquanto o dano funcional é ignorado. Esse manejo inadequado pode ser multifatorial. É objetivo fue analisar a opinião dos médicos sobre a relação entre hipertensão arterial e danos cognitivos. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal desenvolvido no período entre agosto de 2020 e agosto de 2023. Análise de dados obtidos a partir de questionário autoaplicável, anônimo e voluntário. Revelar informações sobre o perfil profissional, conhecimento sobre a HA, sua ligação com o comprometimento cognitivo (DC), diagnóstico e tratamento. Resultados: Foram incluídos 222 profissionais, 215 (96,8%) concordam com a existência de ligação entre hipertensão e outros fatores de risco cardiovascular na DC e 218 (98,1%) reconhecem ajudar pacientes com risco de sofrer de D.C. A avaliação da DC é realizada em casos selecionados por 132 (59,4%) participantes e 59 (26,7%) a fazem sempre. Dos que realizam avaliação, 103 (54%) utilizam o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), 10 (5,2%) utilizam a Avaliação Cognitiva de Montreal (MoCA) e 9 (4,7%) utilizam o Clock Drawing Test. Em relação à diminuição da pressão arterial em pacientes idosos e a ligação com o risco de DC: 54 (24,3%) não reconhecem risco e 65 (29,2%) reconhecem risco moderado-alto. Em referência à implicação do tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares e DC: 217 (97,7%) reconheceram o efeito benéfico. Discussão: Dado o reconhecimento da ligação entre hipertensão e DC, seria de esperar que a DC fosse investigada na grande maioria, no entanto apenas 26,7% sempre a avaliam. Não há consenso sobre o método, sendo o MEEM o mais utilizado, com baixa aplicação do teste MoCA e/ou Clock Drawing Test, sendo estes últimos os que avaliam a função executiva, majoritariamente alterada nos DC vinculados à HA. Embora o tratamento das doenças cardiovasculares seja reconhecido como benéfico em relação à DC, o controle da HA em idosos é considerado arriscado. É feito um diagnóstico de uma situação em que é evidente uma disparidade entre o que se reconhece como saber e o que se afirma fazer. Conclusões: O papel da doença vascular no dano cerebral funcional é reconhecido, considerando-se necessário conhecer o estado cognitivo dos pacientes, porém há baixa aplicação de testes de triagem que avaliam a função executiva. Nesse contexto, evidencia-se uma lacuna entre o conhecimento e a prática médica.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(4): 386-397, July-Aug. 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569221


ABSTRACT Erectile dysfunction is observed in about 50% of men. It has been found that diabetes mellitus increases its prevalence to 19-86.3%, necessitating attention to a therapeutic strategy. Among the available treatment methods, intracavernosal injections of mesenchymal stem cells have proven to be particularly effective. Objective The purpose of study is to assess and analyse the effectiveness of their use in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients with diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods The literature search was conducted using systematic methods and analysis in databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Elsevier, and Springer, with 41 sources included for further review. Results The study highlights microangiopathic and neuropathic links as key factors in erectile dysfunction development in diabetic patients, stemming from endothelial dysfunction and conductivity disturbances. Mesenchymal stem cell therapy from bone marrow, adipose tissue, and umbilical cord mitigates pathogenic impact through regenerative and anti-apoptotic effects. Due to this, most studies indicate high efficacy of the treatment and rapid therapeutic action through intracavernosal administration. Some studies suggest an increase in the body's receptor sensitivity to other drugs, such as sildenafil. Conclusion From the perspective of further research on this issue, standardising the preparation of stem cells and the treatment method using a large sample size is essential to introduce such a method as an extremely promising therapy for this delicate issue in men into practical medicine. The practical value of the study lies in the systematisation of information on different sources of mesenchymal stem cells for treating erectile dysfunction.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(2): 36106, 29 ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570453


Introdução:Disfunções temporomandibularessão um termo coletivopara uma série de sinais e sintomas clínicos que envolvem os músculos mastigatórios, a articulação temporomandibular e estruturas associadas. O tratamento de pacientes deverá envolver uma equipe multidisciplinareparaquehajauma intervenção eficaz notratamento da disfunção é necessário que os profissionais envolvidos atuem emconjuntoetenhamplenoconhecimento das funções estomatognáticas.Objetivo:revisar aliteratura sobreas formas terapêuticas das disfunções temporomandibulares e sua eficácia.Metodologia:Trata-se de um estudosobre o panorama atual das terapêuticas utilizadas para o tratamento de disfunções temporomandibulares.Para compor o presente trabalho foi consultado o banco de dados da PubMed utilizando as palavras-chave "temporomandibular disorder" e "therapy" associados ao operador booleano AND. Os critérios de inclusão foram os artigos publicados, limitando-se ao período de 2020 a 2024 no idioma inglês. A busca computou um total de 545 artigos, dos quais foram excluídos os artigos que desviavam do tema proposto, artigos que abordavam técnicas com pouco embasamento científico e os artigos que não estavam disponíveis por completo.Resultados:os achados na literatura corroboram com a escolhaem primeiro plano de um tratamentoconservador, reversível e não invasivo. Dentre as opções destacam-se orientações de autocuidado, confecção de placa oclusal, terapias manuais, exercícios musculares, biofeedback e manejo farmacológico em casos de sintomas somáticos. A toxina botulínica tem sido sugerida para tratamento em casos de disfunções temporomandibularesmusculares, no entanto, com baixa evidência científicaquanto aos efeitos adversos. Técnicas cirúrgicas são indicadas em casos de não resolução com terapias conservadoras.Conclusões:Apesar dagrande diversidade nos protocolos,o tratamento conservador demonstra resolução do problema na maioria dos casos de disfunções temporomandibularese aquelestratamentos que combinam várias técnicasevidenciam melhores resultados do que tratamentos isolados (AU).

Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders are a collectiveterm for a range of clinical signs and symptoms involving the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint, and associated structures. Treating patients with disorder temporomandibularshould involve a multidisciplinary team, and for effective intervention in dysfunction treatment, it is necessary for the involved professionals to work together and have a comprehensive understanding of stomatognathic functions. Objective: review the literature on therapeutic modalities for temporomandibular disorders and their effectiveness. Methodology:This is a study on the current landscape of therapies used for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders. To compose this work, the PubMed database was consulted using the keywords "temporomandibular disorder" and "therapy" associated with the boolean operator AND. Inclusion criteria were articles published in English from 2020 to 2024. The search yielded a total of 545 articles, from which articles deviating from the proposed theme, articles discussing techniques with little scientific basis, and articles not fully available were excluded. Results:Literature findings support the prioritization of conservative, reversible, and non-invasive treatment. Among the options, self-care guidance, occlusal splint fabrication, manual therapies, muscle exercises, biofeedback, and pharmacological management for somatic symptoms stand out. Botulinum toxin has been suggested for treatment in cases of muscular disordertemporomandibular, however, with low scientific evidence regarding adverse effects. Surgical techniques are indicated in cases where conservative therapies fail to resolve the issue. Conclusions:Despite the diversity in protocols, conservative treatment demonstrates resolution of the problem in most cases of disorder temporomandibular,and treatments combining multiple techniques show better results than isolated treatments (AU).

Introducción:Las disfunciones temporomandibulares son un término colectivopara una serie de signos y síntomas clínicos que afectan a los músculos masticatorios, la articulación temporomandibular y estructuras asociadas. El tratamiento de pacientes con disfunciones temporomandibularesdebe involucrar a un equipo multidisciplinario para una intervención efectiva, requiriendo que los profesionales actúen conjuntamente y conozcan bien las funciones estomatognáticas. Objetivo:revisar la literatura sobre las terapias paradisfunciones temporomandibularesy su eficacia. Metodología:Estudio comparativo de las terapias actuales para disfunciones temporomandibulares, utilizando la base de datos PubMed con las palabrasclaves "temporomandibular disorder" y "therapy" y el operador booleano AND, limitado a 2020-2024 en inglés. La búsqueda obtuvo un total de 545 artículos de los cuales fueron excluidos los que no abordaban el tema propuesto. Resultados:Los hallazgos respaldan un tratamiento conservador, reversible y no invasivo, destacando el autocuidado, placas oclusales, terapias manuales, ejercicios, biofeedback y manejo farmacológico. La toxina botulínica se sugiere para disfunciones temporomandibulares musculares, pero con poca evidencia científica de sus efectos adversos. Las técnicas quirúrgicas se reservan para casos sin resolución.Conclusiones: A pesar de la diversidad de protocolos, el tratamiento conservador resolveula mayoría de los casos de disfunciones temporomandibulares, y los tratamientos combinados muestran mejores resultados que los aislados (AU).

Trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular/terapia , Oclusión Dental , Manejo del Dolor , Tratamiento Conservador
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 48(2): 163-180, 20240726.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565994


As disfunções temporomandibulares são uma série de alterações que afetam os músculos mastigatórios, a articulação temporomandibular e as estruturas associadas. Sua etiologia é multifatorial e inclui fatores como hábitos parafuncionais desencadeados ou intensificados por condições psicológicas como o estresse emocional. Este artigo tem como objetivo investigar a frequência de sintomas de disfunções temporomandibulares e de hábitos parafuncionais e sua associação com estresse percebido em estudantes de uma universidade pública da cidade de Salvador. Os dados primários foram coletados por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico, do questionário anamnésico de Fonseca, da Lista de Verificação dos Comportamentos Orais e da Escala de estresse Percebido. Os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva e a análise estatística realizada por meio do teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e do teste exato de Fisher. Participaram do estudo 149 estudantes de Fisioterapia. A frequência de sintomas de disfunções temporomandibulares foi elevada (83,9%), como também uma maior prática de hábitos parafuncionais (55%). Observou-se associação positiva entre os hábitos parafuncionais e os sintomas temporomandibulares. Um alto nível de estresse foi encontrado em 92,8% dos estudantes com a presença de disfunção e em 71% dos alunos com maior prática de hábitos parafuncionais, sendo ambas as associações estatisticamente significativas. Assim, as frequências de sintomas de disfunções temporomandibulares e de hábitos parafuncionais foram elevadas e estão associadas ao estresse percebido em estudantes universitários. Sugere-se a realização de estudos com amostras mais robustas que busquem estabelecer relações de causalidade entre as variáveis estudadas.

Temporomandibular disorders constitute a series of changes that affect the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint, and their associated structures. Its multifactorial etiology includes factors such as parafunctional habits triggered or intensified by psychological conditions such as emotional stress. The purpose is to investigate the frequency of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders and parafunctional habits and their association with perceived stress in students at a public university in the municipality of Salvador. Primary data collected by a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Fonseca anamnestic questionnaire, the Oral Behaviors Checklist, and the Perceived Stress Scale. Data were descriptively analyzed, and a statistical analysis was performed using the Pearson's chi-squared and Fisher's exact tests. Overall, 149 physical therapy students participated in this study. They showed a high frequency of temporomandibular disorder symptoms (83.9%) and more frequent parafunctional habits (55.0%). This study found a positive association between parafunctional habits and temporomandibular symptoms. It also observed a high level of stress in 92.8% of students with the dysfunction and in 71.0% of students with more common practice of parafunctional habits, statistically significant associations. This study found a high frequency of temporomandibular disorder and parafunctional habit symptoms, which are associated with perceived stress in college students. It is suggested to carry out studies with more robust samples that seek to establish causal relationships between the studied variables.

Los trastornos temporomandibulares son una serie de cambios que afectan a los músculos masticatorios, la articulación temporomandibular y estructuras asociadas. Su etiología es multifactorial e incluye factores como hábitos parafuncionales desencadenados o intensificados por condiciones psicológicas como el estrés emocional. el objetivo es determinar la frecuencia de los síntomas de trastornos temporomandibulares y de hábitos parafuncionales y su asociación con el estrés percibido en estudiantes de una universidad pública de la ciudad de Salvador (Brasil). Los datos primarios se recolectaron de un cuestionario sociodemográfico, del cuestionario anamnésico de Fonseca, de la Lista de Comportamientos Orales y de la Escala de Estrés Percibido. Los datos se analizaron de forma descriptiva, y el análisis estadístico se realizó mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado de Pearson y la prueba exacta de Fisher. Participaron en el estudio 149 estudiantes de fisioterapia. La frecuencia de los síntomas de trastornos temporomandibulares fue alta (83,9%), así como una mayor práctica de hábitos parafuncionales (55,0%). Se observó una asociación positiva entre hábitos parafuncionales y síntomas temporomandibulares. Se encontró un alto nivel de estrés en el 92,8% de los estudiantes con presencia de disfunción y en el 71,0% de los estudiantes con mayor práctica de hábitos parafuncionales, y ambas asociaciones fueron estadísticamente significativas. La frecuencia de los síntomas de trastornos temporomandibulares y de los hábitos parafuncionales fue alta, y estuvo asociada con el estrés percibido en estudiantes universitarios. Se sugiere realizar estudios con muestras más robustas para establecer relaciones causales entre las variables estudiadas.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(2): e20230014, Apr.-June 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550499


ABSTRACT Introduction: Anemia is frequent in patients undergoing replacement therapy for kidney failure. Anemia in the pre- and post-transplantation period might be related to kidney transplant outcomes. The current study therefore sought to assess the relationship between anemia, delayed allograft function (DGF), chronic kidney allograft dysfunction (CAD), and death from any cause following kidney transplantation from a deceased donor. Methods: This was a retrospective study with 206 kidney transplant patients of deceased donors. We analyzed deceased donors' and kidney transplant patients' demographic data. Moreover, we compared biochemical parameters, anemia status, and medicines between DGF and non-DGF groups. Afterward, we performed a multivariate analysis. We also evaluated outcomes, such as CAD within one year and death in ten years. Results: We observed a lower frequency of pre-transplant hemoglobin concentration (Hb) but higher frequency of donor-serum creatinine and red blood transfusion within one week after transplantation in the group with DGF. In addition, there was an independent association between Hb concentration before transplantation and DGF [OR 0.252, 95%CI: 0.159-0.401; p < 0.001]. There was also an association between Hb concentration after six months of kidney transplantation and both CAD [OR 0.798, 95% CI: 0.687-0.926; p = 0.003] and death from any cause. Conclusion: An association was found between pre-transplantation anemia and DGF and between anemia six months after transplantation and both CAD and death by any cause. Thus, anemia before or after transplantation affects the outcomes for patients who have undergone kidney transplantation from a deceased donor.

RESUMO Introdução: A anemia é frequente em pacientes submetidos à terapia substitutiva para insuficiência renal. A anemia nos períodos pré e pós-transplante pode estar relacionada aos desfechos do transplante renal. Portanto, o presente estudo buscou avaliar a relação entre anemia, função retardada do enxerto (FRE), disfunção crônica do enxerto renal (DCE) e óbito por qualquer causa após transplante renal de doador falecido. Métodos: Este foi um estudo retrospectivo com 206 pacientes transplantados renais de doadores falecidos. Analisamos dados demográficos de doadores falecidos e pacientes transplantados renais. Além disso, comparamos parâmetros bioquímicos, status de anemia e medicamentos entre os grupos FRE e não-FRE. Posteriormente, realizamos uma análise multivariada. Também avaliamos desfechos, como DCE em um ano e óbito em dez anos. Resultados: Observamos menor frequência de concentração de hemoglobina (Hb) pré-transplante, mas maior frequência de creatinina sérica do doador e transfusão de hemácias no período de uma semana após o transplante no grupo FRE. Além disso, houve associação independente entre a concentração de Hb antes do transplante e a FRE [OR 0,252; IC 95%: 0,159-0,401; p < 0,001]. Houve também associação entre a concentração de Hb após seis meses de transplante renal e ambos, DCE [OR 0,798; IC95%: 0,687-0,926; p = 0,003] e óbito por qualquer causa. Conclusão: Encontrou-se uma associação entre anemia pré-transplante e FRE e entre anemia seis meses após o transplante e ambos, DCE e óbito por qualquer causa. Assim, a anemia antes ou após o transplante afeta os desfechos de pacientes que foram submetidos a transplante renal de doador falecido.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 89(3): 139-145, jun. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569779


Antecedentes: En las mujeres con endometriosis, son frecuentes las disfunciones sexuales, particularmente el dolor/dispareunia. Objetivo: Evaluar y caracterizar la prevalencia de disfunciones sexuales en las mujeres con endometriosis en Armenia (Quindío), Colombia. Método: Estudio de corte transversal, en 137 mujeres mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico de endometriosis confirmada histológicamente, atendidas en tres clínicas de alta complejidad entre 2017 y 2022. Se utilizó como instrumento el Índice de Función Sexual Femenina (IFSF). Resultados: La edad promedio de las participantes fue de 34,68 ± 7,32 años. La prevalencia de disfunciones sexuales fue del 75,91%, caracterizando en primer lugar el dolor/dispareunia (75,91%), seguido de disminución del deseo sexual (56,93%) y en tercer lugar problemas de lubricación (54,01%). El promedio en la puntuación del IFSF fue de 20,82 ± 7,22 y la proporción de mujeres con puntuación ≥ 26,55 fue del 24,08%. La mediana en el número de disfunciones sexuales fue 3 (rango: 1 y 6). Conclusiones: En las mujeres con endometriosis se evidencia una alta prevalencia de disfunciones sexuales, equivalente a tres cuartas partes de las afectadas. Al momento de atender una mujer con este padecimiento se requiere evaluar sus efectos en la función sexual para poder implementar intervenciones terapéuticas oportunas.

Background: Sexual dysfunctions, particularly pain/dyspareunia, are common in women with endometriosis. Objective: To evaluate and characterize the prevalence of sexual dysfunctions in women with endometriosis in Armenia (Quindío), Colombia. Method: Cross-sectional study in 137 sexually active women older than 18 years with a diagnosis of histologically confirmed endometriosis, attended in three highly complex clinics between 2017 and 2022. The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) was used as an instrument. Results: The average age of the participants was 34.68 ± 7.32 years. The prevalence of sexual dysfunctions reported 75.91%, characterizing pain/dyspareunia in the first place (75.91%), followed by decreased sexual desire (56.93%) and thirdly problems of lubrication (54.01%). The average score of the FSFI was 20.82 ± 7.22; the proportion of women with a score ≥ 26.55 was 24.08%. The median in the number of sexual dysfunctions reached 3 (range: 1 and 6). Conclusions: In women with endometriosis there is evidence of a high prevalence of sexual dysfunctions, equivalent to three-quarters of the affected women. When caring for a woman with this condition, it is necessary to evaluate its effects on sexual function in order to implement timely and effective therapeutic interventions.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(3)jun. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565489


Objetivo: Describir un caso de disfunción glótica post tiroidectomía, hecho infrecuente asociado a esta cirugía. Material y Método: Revisión de caso clínico y de la literatura. Caso clínico: Mujer con cáncer de tiroides que evoluciona post tiroidectomía, con disfunción de cuerdas vocales. Se decide su intubación e ingreso a UCI. Luego de 48 horas evoluciona favorablemente y logra ser extubada. Discusión: Se discuten las causas, formas de presentación y manejo de esta condición. Conclusión: El diagnóstico de disfunción glótica debe sospecharse ante disnea y estridor inspiratorio en el postoperatorio de una tiroidectomía.

Objective: To describe a case of post thyroidectomy glottic dysfunction, an infrequent event associated with this surgery. Material and Method: review of clinical case and literature Clinical Case: Woman with thyroid cancer that evolves after thyroidectomy with vocal cord dysfunction. Her intubation and admission to the ICU is decided. After 48 hours, the patient evolved favorably and was extubated. Discussion the causes, forms of presentation and management of this condition are discussed. Conclusion: The diagnosis of glottic dysfunction should be suspected in the presence of dyspnea and inspiratory stridor in the postoperative period of a thyroidectomy.

Rev. invest. clín ; 76(2): 116-131, Mar.-Apr. 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569953


ABSTRACT Background: Since to the prognosis of lung squamous cell carcinoma is generally poor, there is an urgent need to innovate new prognostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets to improve patient outcomes. Objectives: Our goal was to develop a novel multi-gene prognostic model linked to neutrophils for predicting lung squamous cell carcinoma prognosis. Methods: We utilized messenger RNA expression profiles and relevant clinical data of lung squamous cell carcinoma patients from the Cancer Genome Atlas database. Through K-means clustering, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression, and univariate/multivariate Cox regression analyses, we identified 12 neutrophil-related genes strongly related to patient survival and constructed a prognostic model. We verified the stability of the model in the Cancer Genome Atlas database and gene expression omnibus validation set, demonstrating the robust predictive performance of the model. Results: Immunoinfiltration analysis revealed remarkably elevated levels of infiltration for natural killer cells resting and monocytes in the high-risk group compared to the low-risk group, while macrophages had considerably lower infiltration in the high risk group. Most immune checkpoint genes, including programmed cell death protein 1 and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4, exhibited high expression levels in the high risk group. Tumor immune dysfunction and exclusion scores and immunophenoscore results suggested a potential inclination toward immunotherapy in the "RIC" version V2 revised high risk group. Moreover, prediction results from the CellMiner database revealed great correlations between drug sensitivity (e.g., Vinorelbine and PKI-587) and prognostic genes. Conclusion: Overall, our study established a reliable prognostic risk model that possessed significant value in predicting the overall survival of lung squamous cell carcinoma patients and may guide personalized treatment strategies. (Rev Invest Clin. 2024;76(2):116-31)

J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 26(1): 29-33, 20240329.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563083


Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) encompasses several conditions affecting the temporomandibular joint and jaw muscles, leading to orofacial pain and other symptoms. Botulinum toxin is a potential therapy for relieving pain, improving jaw function, and reducing the use of analgesics. This study aims to systematically illustrate the application of botulinum toxin in the therapeutic context of TMD. This study took the form of a literature review, in which an analysis of knowledge repositories was conducted, including Medline (U.S. National Library of Medicine), accessed via PubMed, as well as Lilacs (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences), Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online), and Google Scholar. The selection involved the inclusion of studies published from 2015 to 2023. The literature review identified botulinum toxin as an effective and safe therapeutic alternative for TMD patients. The manifestation of side effects, when reported, was predominantly mild and transient in nature, granting botulinum toxin the prospect of establishing itself as a promising therapeutic option in refractory cases to conventional approaches. However, it is important to emphasize the need for further studies and clinical trials to further consolidate the efficacy and safety associated with the use of botulinum toxin as a treatment for TMD. (AU)

A disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) engloba várias condições que acometem a articulação e os músculos da mandíbula, causando dor orofacial e outros sintomas. A toxina botulínica é uma potencial terapia para aliviar a dor, melhorar a função mandibular e reduzir o uso de analgésicos. Este estudo visa ilustrar de forma sistemática a aplicação da toxina botulínica no contexto terapêutico da DTM. Este estudo assumiu a forma de uma revisão bibliográfica, na qual foi realziado uma análise de repositórios de conhecimento, incluindo o Medline (Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina dos Estados Unidos), acessado por meio do PubMed, assim como o Lilacs (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde), o SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) e o Google Scholar. A seleção envolveu a inclusão de estudos publicados no período de 2015 a 2023. A revisão bibliográfica identificou a toxina botulínica como uma alternativa terapêutica eficaz e segura para pacientes com DTM. A manifestação de efeitos colaterais, quando relatados, revelou-se predominantemente de natureza branda e transitória, outorgando à toxina botulínica a perspectiva de se consagrar como um recurso terapêutico promissor em situações refratárias às abordagens convencionais. No entanto, é importante enfatizar a necessidade de estudos prévios e ensaios clínicos para uma maior consolidação da eficácia e segurança associadas à utilização da toxina botulínica como tratamento para a DTM. (AU)

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(3): e20230514, Mar.2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557019


Resumo Fundamento: Sabe-se que a rigidez aórtica (RA) aumenta em pacientes com disfunção erétil (DE). Os inibidores da enzima fosfodiesterase tipo 5 (PDE-5) são usados no tratamento da DE, e as respostas dos pacientes a esse tratamento podem variar. Objetivos: Nosso objetivo foi investigar o papel da RA na previsão da resposta de pacientes planejados para tomar inibidores da enzima PDE-5 devido à DE. Métodos: Um total de 96 pacientes do sexo masculino com DE foram incluídos no estudo. O questionário do Índice Internacional de Função Erétil (IIEF) foi utilizado para avaliar a presença e gravidade da DE e a resposta ao tratamento. A ecocardiografia transtorácica foi utilizada para avaliar RA. Resultados: Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os valores de deformação aórtica e distensibilidade aórtica dos grupos de estudo (p<0,001). O escore delta IIEF apresentou alto nível de correlação positiva com a deformação aórtica (p<0,01, r=0,758) e um nível moderado de correlação positiva com a distensibilidade aórtica (p<0,01, r=0,574). Conclusão: Determinamos que em pacientes com DE, a deformação aórtica e a distensibilidade aórtica medidas de forma não invasiva por meio de ecocardiografia transtorácica são parâmetros importantes na previsão da resposta dos pacientes à terapia com inibidores da PDE-5.

Abstract Background: It is known that aortic stiffness (AS) increases in patients with erectile dysfunction (ED). Phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE-5) enzyme inhibitors are used in the treatment of ED, and patients' responses to this treatment may vary. Objectives: We aimed to investigate the role of AS in predicting the response of patients planned to take PDE-5 enzyme inhibitors due to ED. Methods: A total of 96 male patients with ED were included in the study. The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) questionnaire was used to evaluate the presence and severity of ED and the response to treatment. Transthoracic echocardiography was used to evaluate AS. Results: There was a statistically significant difference between the aortic strain and aortic distensibility values of the study groups (p<0.001). The delta IIEF score had a high level of positive correlation with aortic strain (p<0.01, r=0.758) and a moderate level of positive correlation with aortic distensibility (p<0.01, r=0.574). Conclusion: We determined that in patients with ED, aortic strain and aortic distensibility measured non-invasively using transthoracic echocardiography are important parameters in predicting patients' response to PDE-5 inhibitor therapy.

Rev. argent. cardiol ; 92(1): 15-20, mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559228


RESUMEN Introducción: El estudio gatillado de perfusión miocárdica con tomografía computarizada por emisión de fotón único, o gated-SPECT (por su denominación en inglés) es un método apropiado para cuantificar la magnitud de la escara necrótica y establecer su territorio. El análisis de pacientes con infartos de pequeña y mediana extensión que evolucionan con deterioro de la fracción de eyección ventricular izquierda (FEVI), podría arrojar luz acerca de los factores que influyen en la presencia de remodelado adverso y la consiguiente evolución a disfunción ventricular. Objetivos: a) evaluar la prevalencia de FEVI disminuida y factores asociados en una población de pacientes derivados para estudios de gated-SPECT, y b) definir la prevalencia de remodelado adverso y factores asociados en el subgrupo de pacientes con carga necrótica intermedia a baja. Material y métodos: Realizamos un análisis retrospectivo de pacientes consecutivos que se realizaron gated-SPECT durante el año 2017. Se excluyeron los pacientes con enfermedad valvular significativa o arritmias que produjeran alteración del gatillado. Se consideró remodelado adverso a la conjunción de FEVI disminuida (FEVI < 50%) y porcentaje de miocardio necrótico menor que 20 %. Resultados: Se incluyeron 1902 pacientes. La prevalencia de FEVI disminuida fue del 8 % (n =148). En el análisis multivariado, las variables independientes asociadas a disfunción ventricular fueron el género masculino (OR 2,50; IC 95% 1,30-4,90, p = 0,005), la diabetes (OR 1,83; IC 95% 1,12-3, p = 0,01), y compromiso necrótico mayor que 6,6 % (OR 39 IC 95% 25-61,28, p = 0,00001). En el subgrupo de pacientes con carga necrótica menor que 20% (n =197), la prevalencia de remodelado adverso fue del 25% (n =50). El análisis multivariado arrojó que la diabetes (OR 2,83; IC 95% 1,31 - 6,10 p = 0,007) y el género masculino (OR 5; IC 95% 1,10 - 22,9 p = 0,007) presentaron asociación independiente con el remodelado adverso. Conclusión: La gated-SPECT podría utilizarse en la valoración del remodelado adverso y factores asociados. Dicha valoración surge de la combinación de variables que no requieren un software adicional y se usan en la práctica diaria.

ABSTRACT Background: Gated single-photon emission computed tomography (gated-SPECT) myocardial perfusion imaging is a suitable technique for measuring the infarct scar size and defining its territory. Analyzing patients with small and medium myocardial infarctions that develop reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) could provide additional information of the factors that contribute to adverse remodeling and its outcome. Objectives: a) To evaluate the prevalence of reduced LVEF and associated factors in a population of patients referred for gated-SPECT imaging, and b) to define the prevalence of adverse remodeling and associated factors in the subgroup of patients with intermediate to low necrotic burden. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of consecutive patients undergoing gated-SPECT imaging during 2017. Patients with significant valvular heart disease or arrhythmias that could difficult adequate ECG gating were excluded from the study. Adverse remodeling was considered as the combination of reduced LVEF (LVEF < 50%) with percent myocardium scar < 20%. Results: A total of 1902 patients were included. The prevalence of reduced LVEF was 8% (n = 148). On multivariate analysis, the variables with independent association with ventricular dysfunction were male sex (OR 2.50; 95% CI 1.30-4.90, p = 0.005), diabetes (OR 1.83; 95% CI 1.12-3, p = 0.01), and percent myocardium scar > 6.6 % (OR 39; 95% CI 25-61.28, p = 0.00001). In the subgroup of patients with scar burden < 20 % (n = 197), the prevalence of adverse remodeling was 25 % (n = 50). On multivariate analysis, diabetes (OR 2.83; 95% CI 1.31 - 6.1 p = 0.007) and male sex (OR 5; 95% CI 1.1 - 22.9, p = 0.007) showed an independent association with adverse remodeling. Conclusion: Gated-SPECT could be used to assess adverse remodeling and its associated factors. This assessment is the result of combining variables used in daily practice which do not require any additional software.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 1-8, feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528813


SUMMARY: Temporomandibular joint dysfunction interferes with the quality of life and activities of daily living among patients. The symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction, including pain and clicking and popping sounds, are worsened during stressful events, and patients report increased pain around the temporomandibular joint. Stress-related behaviors, such as teeth clenching and teeth grinding, are commonly reported as increasing during stress. The prevalence of temporomandibular dysfunction and stress-related behaviors is reported differently in the literature. Stress in higher education is common. The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the prevalence of temporomandibular joint dysfunction and stress-related behaviors among staff members at a local University. The study also sought to explore pain patterns described by people experiencing temporomandibular joint dysfunction and the relationship between stress-related behaviors and pain symptoms experienced. Further, the impact of stress on symptoms experienced by people with temporomandibular dysfunction was investigated in this pilot study.

La disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular interfiere con la calidad de vida y las actividades de la vida diaria entre los pacientes. Los síntomas de la disfunción temporomandibular, incluidos el dolor y los chasquidos, empeoran durante los eventos estresantes, y los pacientes informan un aumento del dolor alrededor de la articulación temporomandibular. Los comportamientos relacionados con el estrés, como apretar y rechinar los dientes, suelen aumentar durante el estrés. La prevalencia de la disfunción temporomandibular y los comportamientos relacionados con el estrés se informa de manera diferente en la literatura. El estrés en la educación superior es común. El propósito de este estudio piloto fue investigar la prevalencia de la disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular y los comportamientos relacionados con el estrés entre los miembros del personal de una universidad local. El objetivo del estudio además fue explorar los patrones de dolor descritos por personas que experimentan disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular y la relación entre los comportamientos relacionados con el estrés y los síntomas de dolor experimentados. Además, en este estudio piloto se investigó el impacto del estrés en los síntomas que experimentan las personas con disfunción temporomandibular.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Estrés Psicológico/epidemiología , Trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular/psicología , Trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular/epidemiología , Dolor/psicología , Dolor/epidemiología , Universidades , Proyectos Piloto , Prevalencia , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 84-93, ene.-jun. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531514


El diagnóstico de enfermedad de Parkinson (ED) se basa en las principales manifestaciones motoras: bradicinesia en combinación con temblor en reposo, rigidez o ambos. Cuando se realiza el diagnóstico basado en la sintomatología motora clínica típica ya se han perdido hasta el 60 % de las neuronas dopaminérgicas de la sustancia negra pars compacta mesencefálica. La identificación de los síntomas premotores son un marcador temprano para sospechar la aparición futura de la enfermedad, así como su progresión y gravedad. La hipótesis sobre la patogénesis que mejor expone la progresión de la enfermedad es la teoría de Braak. Esta se basa en la aparición y presencia de cuerpos de Lewy en diferentes estructuras anatómicas, las cuales representadas en cada uno de sus seis estadios y podrían ser la explicación biológica de los síntomas premotores, motores y no motores. La detección temprana de los síntomas premotores puede tener repercusiones positivas en el enfoque, seguimiento, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la EP. El propósito de este artículo es identificar las aproximaciones neurológicas descritas por la teoría de Braak para los síntomas premotores de la enfermedad de Parkinson de acuerdo con la literatura publicada en los últimos 20 años.

The diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) is based on the main motor manifestations: bradykinesia in combination with tremor at rest, rigidity, or both. When the diagnosis is made based on typical clinical motor symptoms, up to 60 % of the dopaminergic neurons of the mesencephalic substantia nigra pars compacta have already been lost. The identification of premotor symptoms is an early marker to suspect the future appearance of the disease, as well as its progression and severity. The hypothesis about the pathogenesis that best exposes the progression of the disease is Braak's theory. It is based on the appearance and presence of Lewy bodies in different anatomical structures, which are represented in each of its six stages and could be the biological explanation biological of premotor, motor, and non-motor symptoms. Early detection of premotor symptoms can have positive repercussions in the approach, follow-up, diagnosis and treatment of PD. The purpose of this article is to identify the neurological approaches described by Braak's theory for the premotor symptoms of Parkinson's disease according to the literature published in the last 20 years.

O diagnóstico da doença de Parkinson (DP) baseia-se nas principais manifestações motoras: bradicinesia combinada com tremor de repouso, rigidez ou ambos. Quando o diagnóstico é feito com base em sintomas clínicos motores típicos, até 60% dos neurônios dopaminérgicos da substância negra pars compacta mesencefálica já foram perdidos. A identificação de sintomas pré-motores é um marcador precoce para suspeitar do futuro aparecimento da doença, bem como da sua progressão e gravidade. A hipótese sobre a patogênese que melhor expõe a progressão da doença é a teoria de Braak. Isto se baseia no aparecimento e presença de corpos de Lewy em diferentes estruturas anatômicas, que estão representados em cada uma de suas seis etapas e podem ser a explicação biológica dos sintomas pré-motores, motores e não motores. A detecção precoce de sintomas pré-motores pode repercutir positivamente na abordagem, acompanhamento, diagnóstico e tratamento da DP. O objetivo deste artigo é identificar as abordagens neurológicas descritas pela teoria de Braak para os sintomas pré-motores da doença de Parkinson de acordo com a literatura publicada nos últimos 20 anos.

Humanos , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años
Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2447, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557944


RESUMEN Los inhibidores de la bomba de protones (IBP) son los medicamentos más potentes para inhibir la secreción gástrica ácida, y se utilizan en el tratamiento de la mayor parte de las afecciones inflamatorias de la mucosa gástrica. Forman parte de los fármacos más recetados y sobreprescritos en todo el mundo; por ejemplo, en los Estados Unidos, según la Encuesta nacional de salud y nutrición, casi duplicaron su uso en los adultos de 40 años de un 4,9 % hasta un 8,3 %, entre los años 1999 a 2012. Aunque, en general, se consideran bien tolerados, algunos estudios epidemiológicos ―que extraen información a partir de grandes bases de datos― han reportado una serie de efectos adversos asociados con su uso prolongado, entre los cuales están el deterioro cognitivo, la enfermedad renal crónica, el infarto de miocardio, el accidente cerebrovascular, las fracturas óseas e incluso la muerte, entre otros. El objetivo fue realizar una revisión narrativa de la literatura acerca de los efectos del uso crónico de los IBP sobre el deterioro cognitivo en los adultos mayores. Se revisaron artículos a partir de una búsqueda en las bases de datos Pudmed, Scopus y Scielo con las palabras clave y términos Mesh/DeCS relacionados tanto en inglés como en español. Los efectos secundarios a nivel neurológico inducidos por el uso crónico de los IBP pueden estar relacionados indirectamente con la presencia de alteraciones sistémicas secundarias (deficiencia de magnesio y vitamina B12) o con efectos directos sobre el funcionamiento neuronal después de pasar a través de la barrera hematoencefálica. Si bien se han descrito varios mecanismos neurobiológicos por medio de los cuales los IBP podrían favorecer el desarrollo de la demencia ―que comprenden el funcionamiento de la proteína tau, la acumulación de beta amiloide (βA) y la deficiencia de cobalamina, entre otros―, la mayor parte de la evidencia clínica disponible no ha encontrado una asociación significativa entre el uso de los IBP y el riesgo de demencia o el deterioro cognitivo. Para establecer de una manera más clara los efectos clínicos adversos del uso crónico de los IBP, en especial, en el funcionamiento cerebral, se necesitan estudios de cohorte bien diseñados, con tamaños de muestra grandes y periodos de seguimiento prolongados, con un método confiable para ajustar los factores de confusión estandarizados y, además, realizar análisis por subgrupos.

ABSTRACT Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the most potent drugs to inhibit gastric acid secretion, being used in the treatment of most inflammatory conditions of the gastric mucosa. They are among the most prescribed and overprescribed medications worldwide; for example, in the United States, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, they almost doubled their use in adults aged 40 years and older from 4.9 % to 8.3 % between 1999 and 2012. Although they are generally considered well tolerated, some epidemiological studies extracting information from large databases have reported a number of adverse effects associated with their prolonged use, including cognitive impairment, chronic kidney disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, bone fractures and even death, among others. The objective was to conduct a narrative review of the literature on the effects of chronic use of PPIs on cognitive impairment in older adults. Articles were reviewed based on a search in the PubMed, Scopus and SciELO databases using both English and Spanish keywords and related MeSH/DeCS terms. Neurological side effects induced by chronic PPI use may be indirectly related to secondary systemic disorders (magnesium and vitamin B12 deficiency) or to direct effects on neuronal functioning after passing through the blood-brain barrier. Although several neurobiological mechanisms by which PPIs could favor the development of dementia-which involve Tau protein function, beta-amyloid [βA] accumulation and cobalamin deficiency, among others-have been described, most of the available clinical evidence has not shown a significant association between PPI use and the risk of dementia or cognitive impairment. To establish the adverse clinical effects of chronic PPI use more clearly, especially on brain functioning, well-designed cohort studies with large sample sizes and long follow-up periods, with a reliable method to adjust for standardized confounders, as well as subgroup analyses are needed.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 367-376, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016900


Liver transplantation is the optimal treatment for end-stage liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma, which can significantly improve clinical prognosis and quality of life of patients. However, multiple challenges, such as rejection, immune tolerance, shortage of donor liver, preservation of donor liver, ischemia-reperfusion injury and postoperative complications, <i>etc.</i>, limit the efficacy of liver transplantation in clinical practice. Research teams in China have made significant contributions to the basic research related to liver transplantation by making continuous efforts and combining the development of emerging technologies, interdisciplinary integration and other emerging fields. In this article, the frontier progress in the basic research of liver transplantation in 2023 was reviewed, highlighting the progress made by Chinese research teams in the basic research of liver transplantation, aiming to provide reference for promoting the integration of Chinese characteristics into the research of liver transplantation, accelerate the integration of Chinese liver transplantation research with international community, and promote further advancement of liver transplantation in China.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 383-389, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016902


Kidney transplantation has achieved significant success in treating end-stage renal disease. Nevertheless, it still faces a series of complex and significant challenges after surgery, such as infection, rejection, ischemia-reperfusion injury and chronic renal allograft dysfunction, <i>etc.</i> With the development of science and technology, including biomaterials, gene sequencing and other emerging technologies, Chinese researchers have launched a series of remarkable research in the field of kidney transplantation, aiming to solve these thorny issues. In 2023, relevant research of kidney transplantation in China not only focused on resolving the above challenges, but also highlighting on expanding novel technologies and concepts to build a brighter future of kidney transplantation. In this article, academic achievements of Chinese research teams in the field of kidney transplantation in 2023 were systematically reviewed, covering the frontiers of basic and clinical research and the application of emerging technologies, aiming to provide novel ideas and strategies for major clinical problems in the field of kidney transplantation from the local perspective and accelerate the advancement of kidney transplantation in China to a higher peak.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016931


Near-surface ozone is a profoundly reactive and highly oxidizing gas and one of the critical respiratory toxicants. Numerous epidemiological investigations have indicated that asthmatic individuals are the vulnerable group of ozone exposure, and there is a strong correlation between ozone exposure and asthma morbidity and mortality rates. The potential mechanisms include oxidative stress, inflammatory response, autonomic nerve impairment, and immune dysfunction. The present study summarized and discussed the effect of ozone exposure on asthma and its underlying biological mechanisms in order to galvanize public cognizance concerning the perils of ozone pollution and serve as a reference for future research on ozone exposure and asthma.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 198-203, 2024.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017464


Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics,drug resistance and risk factors for poor prognosis in children patients with carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae(CRKP)infection.Methods The samples of CRKP isolated from the children inpatients in this hospital from August 5,2016 to December 31,2020 were collected.The clinical data and drug resistance of CRKP in the patients with CRKP positive were analyzed.The risk factors in the poor prognosis group and good prognosis group of children pa-tients with CRKP infection conducted the correlation analysis.Results A total of 106 strains of non-repeti-tive CRKP were collected,which were mainly isolated from the patients ≤ 1 year old.The department distri-bution was dominated by the neonatal ICU and comprehensive ICU.CRKP showed the high resistance to mul-tiple antibacterial drugs,and its resistance rates to amikacin,levofloxacin,gentamicin,ciprofloxacin,minocy-cline and chloramphenicol were less than 30%.The poor prognosis rate in the children patients with CRKP in-fection reached 27.4%.The logistic multivariate regression analysis results showed that the multiple organ dysfunction and anemia were the independent risk factors for poor prognosis in the children patients with CRKP infection(P<0.05).Conclusion The children CRKP infection is mainly the infants ≤1 years old,and CRKP shows the high resistance to multiple antibacterial drugs,the independent risk factors of poor prognosis include the multiple organ dysfunction and anemia