〔Abstract〕 Based on various visual softwares, the paper mines the data of SCI papers and published patents on Eastern Equine En-cephalitis ( EEE) during 1995-2015.2, analyzes the overall development, patent technology life circle, research area, cooperation and competition among countries/districts, basic information of institutes or outstanding individuals.The characteristics of various visual soft-wares are showed, the libraries should master data mining and information visualization technology, so as to provide consulting service to satisfy the deep level and personalized demands of users.
El grupo de las encefalitis Equina Venezolana, del Este, del Oeste y del Nilo Occidental (EEV, EEE, EEO y ENO respectivamente) son zoonosis transmitidas por mosquitos a humanos y equinos. Este grupo de enfermedades se mantienen en la naturaleza en ciclos enzoóticos de transmisión entre mosquitos y roedores silvestres o aves que son sus hospedadores naturales. La circulación de estos virus es enzoótica y ocurre en áreas geográficas definidas y tienen capacidad de causar epidemias/epizootias con morbilidad y mortalidad que puede ser de importancia significativa. Este artículo describe detalladamente todas las encefalitis virales que afectan a los équidos y sus aspectos clínicos, patológicos y diagnósticos.
The encephalitis of Venezuelan Equine, Eastern, Western and West Nile (VEE, EEE, WEE and ENO respectively) are zoonotic encephalitis transmitted by mosquitoes to humans and horses. This group of diseases is maintained in nature in cycles enzootic transmission between mosquitoes and wild rodents or birds are their natural hosts. The circulation of this virus is enzootic and occurs in defined geographical areas but is capable of causing epidemics / epizootics with morbidity and mortality can be significant importance. This article describes all viral encephalitis affecting equines and their clinical, pathological and diagnostic aspects.